a ~Carol Anne liamel. both of T morial Church on Saturday,E (Dfo a December 21 st. There is something in life eSo ia!~ ??' 4ilerS Il! Guests of the A. E. Masters We aIl have flot enough of, i on Christmas Day were Mr. Altho' there are 24 hours a day; Phone 623-3303 ~~~and Mrs. Don Masters, John ehryadw scr, Phoe 6 3-3 03and David, Collingwond;KM~r. We frad we worr, Geoffrey and Ch-istopher. Wishlng more could be on its way. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Baars, i St. East, has returned home Lindsay, and Mr. Michael Now we cannot assess it, Nelson St.. sper.t Christmas ln after spending Christmas week Varcoe of Toronto.Antetrulishs IVontreai. Que. with her son, Mr Wm. G.I The folaowing students who Anthtrul shi- Don't. forcet ta let us have James and !amlly, Montreal. are attending Sir Sandford It's the great question of time:. the names of your holiday Que. . Fleming Coilege, Peterborough, Wc wlsh we had more visitars. Just dial 3-3303. Miss Karlyn McDonaid of'are with their parents for the To do things by the score Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riddel, Montreal, Que., spent theiholidays: We n dy Steohen, Thlnking ail then would be very fine. Hespeler, attended the funeral weekend before Christmas I Lynn Fair, Wayne 'Hunt, Arth- Oto triyanwdyi on o! Mrs. Riddell's grandfather,1.wlth her parents, Mr. andiur Kooey, Jane Verbeek and Oto triyanwdyi oi Nir. Ai!. Bickeili. Mrs. Hugh McDonaid, Brown George Saunders. Thcy say it is ours to do as we wili; Mrs. L. W. Dippeil spent the Street, I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil- As we accept it as such at its dawn Christmias holidays at Water-. Mi-s Anne Werry, Labora-iliarnson and Gien, Toronto; It may be bad and be sad, Ioo with Mr. and Mrs. John tory Technician student at'. Mrs. Isobeil Johns and Mr. and We may be gay and be giad, Dippeil and Robbie. IPeterborougb Cîvie Haspital, Mrs. Fred Johns and family, Miss Mabel Brooks is spend- ýis spendlng the holldays with Osbawa; Mr. Dean Biekeil andic And we cannot fathom its worth when it's gane. Ing two weeks' holidays at. her mother, Mrs. John Werry,lfamuly, Oshawa, spent Christ- An allotment o! tume is given ail people Teikwa. B.C.. where she is Kmg t.Eat mas wlth their mother and And regret cannot make up for goodness undane visiting with relatives. ! Mr. and Mrs. Gary B. Mac- grandmother. Mrs. Ai! Biekeil. Or appease for time we -i11 spend. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker, Dougai, Oshawa, and Mr. and Christmas Day guests ai the Belleville. visited his mother. Mrs. Loweil D. MacDougai. home of the Frank Jamiesons Mvrs. T. Wesley Cawker over' town, were Christmias guests were Mrs. D. H. Jamieson, We may whine and repine the Christmas holîdays. of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. tawn; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Cami- As we go ta and fro. Mr.DanBiceii WinipgL. A. MacDougal. !cran, Mr. and Mrs. C. Williamis, But if's bcst aur duties ta cheerfully attend. Mn.,Dans homefor CWisniag Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore, Mr. Man, ws omeforChistasMr. and Mrs. Bob Smith. tisa3 and Mrs. H. L. Jamieson and Perhaps a thought Is prevailing and attended the funeral o! ýand Kart were Christmas Miss J. Andison, ah o! Osha- That sanie o! us waste it, bis grandfather, Mr. Ai! Bick- ýguests of the former's daugh-,wa. Tho' we count that is not truc; cl".1 ter and famlly, Mr. and Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, We mumble and grumbie Mr. Dour'ias Nichois, Corn- Rov Boudreau and Dawna,,Owen Sound, were Christmas Asw dotsan doha wall..,-"1iri the Christmas1 Nevmarket. visitors with their daughter hoiidays th his parents, Mr.! Mr. and Mrs. Sid West, and son-in-law, Constable and With more than we feel we can do. and Mrs. Lloyd Nichols, DukeBasii;M.ancr.Hw"r.Rchr ahKn t In this great life we are living, 'gtreet. ard McFarland, Oakvilie, and W.. and their son and daugh- Ail of us people have visions % hn Hooper, University Of Mr. Bill West, Grimsby, were, ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant O! things we'd like greatly ta do Guelph, ls with his parents, vistors with Mrs. A. 'Bickel Wright and son Robbie, W a aei rtk t Mr. and Mrs. Hubert M. Hoop- and attended the funeral ofEdsall Ave. ecnmkAortei, er. Concession St. East, for the Mr. AI! Biekeli. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best We can share it or spare il, holiays Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, and Ron. Orona; Mr. and Mrs. For friendships s0 good and so truc. Mr. and Mrs. A. Greig, Miss Nancy Hall, Mr. Jini Hall, W. L. Hoaey and Jili and Miss Sanie can find time for an extra Third St., were Christmas Day !Chathami; Miss Dorothy Tay- Lila Hooey, Toronto; Mr. and As in one's life samething arises - guests o! the fvrmer's parents, lor, Toronto; Miss Marjorie Mrs. L. Bate. Mr. and Mrs. ehpter'akids ob hwn Mr. and Mrs. A. Grelg Sr., Blakely, Weliîngton, s p ent Neil Haoey and Brent, town, Pehp tersakidsstbehan Toronto. Christmas with Mrs. Jamnes iwere Chrlstnas Day guests o! As they need it, thcy beed it, M rs. T. Wesley Caxvker, Hall, Liberty St. North. ! Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, They use it - not abuse it, town: Mr. and Mrs. M. J * Liberty St. North. Tamblyn, Orono. spent Christ- Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King Street'M.ad rsPey on, And the goodness they do may ne-er be known. nias with Mrs. J. E. Leish- East, has returned home after Mrl n r.PryBue Sometimes it so happens spending Christmas and Box- Toronto, spent Christmias week man Osaw. ýngDaywit hr sndauh-with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Theme's special work ta be dore, Mrs. Don Masters and fani- , ter-in-iaw and grandeilîdren, aidlanms. Prince Street. Lt. But ask not a man who ls idie, they say; ily. Coilingwood. visited bher ýMr. and Mrs. C. V . Hoar, n Mrs. Robert Oliver, Cath- A favor he'il abhor, mather, Mrs. E. Varcoe, i abr n Tom, Wiliow- c-eadKmcrv rno, He'il make excuses galore Oshawa General Hospital dur- dalle. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lang- ton, Belleville, spent Christ- And lt's the nian who ie busy gîves time ln the day. ing the holiday. Mr. and Mms. Fard White. mas Day with Mr. and Mms. Now a New Year is at hand Haward Mutton, student nt Deep River, are visiting with Wiiiiams. And lts full specd ahead the University a! Guelph, is!Mrs. White's parents. Mr. andý Miss Marie Hendmy, a stu- With 365 days; visiting bis parents, Mr. and! Mrs. C. J. Eiston and Brian, dent nurse at North York Frec !teedv Mrs. Bruce Muttan. Concession! Concession St. East, before Mr. Hospital, is visiting ber par- St. East. over the holidays. !and Mrs. White and Brian ents, Dr. and Mrs. John Give God glory aud praLlle Mrs. Geo. W. James, KlngjElstoîî leave for a holiday ln Henîdry, King St. East for the Thankful for eunrip,,nts of biessiîigs we've had. Florida. hoiidays. The Misses Shamia ntiyerhtusoin, iChristmas visitai-s with Mr. 'and Salis Rahania o! Trini- I hsya hti oiz and rs.Keneth aduniersty sudetsar May Peace camne for ail peoplps an r.Kneh Fletcher , uies Msuens r REHOBOTH i were Mr. and Mrs. David A. guests of Miss Hendry and And the watchward be PEACE for al l ime Fletcher. Chicago', Mr. and her parents. With each second and enc-b minut.e Chiristian Reformed Mms. Donald Fletcher and Christmas Day vditai- wit.h Filîed with gaodness in it, hrhfamiiy, Kingston, and Misses Mr. and Mrs. Sam Adanis,1 For nineteen hundred and sixCv ninie. ChrhBarbai-a and Cathy Fletcher, Elgin St., w'ere Mr. and Mrs. 1__________________ Scugog Street, Oshawa. Gardon Yen, Miss Mariene Mii«r r n r.Kennetb Curran, Mr. Neil Yeo. Miss 0 L N Fletceh r. aw r lnDetroit for! Mary Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. Del- SL N Rev. A. Vandenflerg, thledn ! hi obei-t Yea and Loi-na, ail of! B.A., B.D., M.Th. David A. Fletcher. and Mrs.'Osha wa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice 1 Starkvulle, on Chrstmas. ----ward Yeo, Whitby, and Mr.,were Christmas Day guestsi Mr. and Mrs. John Knox Phone 623-7407 and Mrs. Han-y Collacutt, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Gis-and family attende the Mal- Services of WorshipSt town. spell and on Friday were din- colm family get-together in Is . P ui's Spering Christmas with ner guests o! Mrs. Greta Mc_~ Brougbam Hall, on Christmas NEW YEAR'S EVE m u .~eltheir parents Mi-. and Mrs. Cormick, Columbus. Day. 7:30 p.m. United churcI1 Robert Gi. King Street, wcrc:I Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor Mr. Jini Philiips, Toronto, Minister :Miss Pat Gi, Kingston; Mr. and tsniuiy attended the Mont-1 was a Christmas visitor with NEW YEAR'S DAY Miiser:H.A.Trnruad Mrs. J. B. Steven, Wiilow- gomery Christmas gathcring ati Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mili- 10:00 a.ni. B.H.A. re, dalle; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gi Hampton Hall. son and family. BA., B.D. and grandcbhiidrcn, C a r r ile Crsswt 1 Chr:Lihan aer ae, i ! istmas guest ihM, Chri stmas guests witb Mrs. Sunday Service,% Ogns:Lihad oetJms l f and Mrs. E. Hockaday, Eileen Wesley Werry and famîiy 100 ..-73 ..Mr. B. Metcaîf, Bawmanviile. Mr. Derek Mai-t- eeM.adM .NbeMt flEIN ND N'~-.A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. l.Hso, eaws als nd JoanweeM.ad r. were Mr. and Mrs.NbeMt resentAD NI Frank Wright, Owen Sound: caif, Os~hawa, and Mr. snd T.I{. Y FAR 94 r.-Sna coI~Mr. and Mns. Ivan Ellicott,1 Mrs. Monty Emerson, Belle. WITIR GOD ,1:0am Mr. and Mrs. Donald Su-ý Peterborough; Mr. and Mrqs:ville. <'Eeran Wleme"Puli Wrslpnions o! Woodstock. spentlDonald Yeîîowlees, Greg, Cmn- On Saturdsy, Mr. and Mrs. "Eveyon Wecom" pulieworhipChristmas with their parents, , dy Lou and Michelle, Ottawa:1 Wesley Yeliowlees entertained Infant car@ durlng Service lMr. and Mrs. Russell Balson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wrighît at a famuily Christmas party. - ________________Bowmanvilie. aud Mr. sud and Robbip. Mr. aud Mns. At teuding were Mr. and Mrs. ýM.rs. Ceeul Sîimauns, Courtice. Richard Kouhi, Bowmanviile;j Harvey Yel]owlees and fam- Mi-. and Mrs. Ted Lie ffers of Mr. aud Mrs. Barry Browesl iiy, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Davie, Osbawa were also guests Of and Lisa. IMr. and Mrs. Rosa Kossatz, TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Russheir ansoMr and Mi-. iud .t wishes frai the SoliusI1Shelley and Kevin, Mr. and tusel paen. Mr. and Mr.1e Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.*A., B.D. Mrs. John Lieffers, Oshawa. Commuuity ta Mrs. Frank Mrs. Walter Short, Mr. and Visiai- wih Mr. J C.Westiake Sr-., whio eelebratediMrs. Harold Yellowlees. On! Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.. Woswt r.J -her P2nd birthday on Dec.lChrstias Day Mr. and Mrs.1 A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. Cairuis durlng the holidavs 26, nt the home of ber daugh-liWesiey Yellowleeg aud Mur-1 were: Frai Port Perry, Mrs. l ter. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice,l ray were guests of! Miss Nan! SUNDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1969 W. H. Harris, Misses E.aRnd! Tauntosn. - Allun in Toronto, and on Mou-; M. Harris, Mr. Dick MclIs1 Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Broomr 1 day they, were dinner gucsts 11:00 a.ni. ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gardon'sud famiy and Miss Doreeniwith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reesor; Mr. and Mns. J. Earle Hamer werp dinner guests Yelowlees, Bowma n v i il e. "jSPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT Cunningham frai Port Carl- on Christmas Eve with Mr. They also have visited Mr. Rev.Geoge . Wrd ng; Capt. David Ingrani, and Mrs. Rou Broome, Bow- and Mrs. Clame Allun, Bow- R.C.U. aud Mns. Ingrani. A- anvilie, and on Christmas nianville, receutly. CHURH SHOO dre an ShilaLanauOn-Day they attended a John's' Christmas guêsts with Mr. CU C COLtarin. !aiy party in Tinity Su n- and Mns. T. Baker were Miss 9:30 an Junior, Intermediate and Senior i Christmas Day guests wltb day School Hall, Bownianvliile. Helen Baker. Toronto; Mn. North Arnerican Director, Bible & Medical ýfan several year'ms --,-ýr. L'd""i'l'ennan markand Mrs. Morley Gilroy, Col- Missonay FelowhipSon o! the late Carl and , Mr Lynn. town. sud Mr. a odl Misonr FlowhpAloisia (Brenner) Misch. the M. Ra an sule ad Linda, uiihusn deeaedwa brnntWen.:-RalE.vr anGdie Mns. Charles Lan- Tee--"ADVENTUROUS PRAYING" deesd1sbina ens n aiywiegeî Thredon!. Sudeteniaud. Czechoslo- On Boxing Day Mr. and on Christmas a! Mr. sud Mrs. vakia, and received his educa-,Mi-s. C. R. Bickle were hasts Rov MeGili. FEnniskillpn. TusdyJNuarOFy 7th - tion at Wernsdorf and Kaadt ie . s Aamly dinner held at the!Mi. and Mrs. Je Snowdpn " SNSE0F EVEENC "He is survlved hy bis wlfe, t.he 1Fling flutchîsu Matai- Inn." had as their Christmas guestr Sooit MssV.Sadier former Maria Schac!fler. j Their guests were Mr. and'ýr n r.JmsPnel Soloist: Miss V. The dceased had livcd lu Mms. C. L. Upper. PeteMr- n Ms Jms egei Wednesday, January 8th ~Hampton for 12 yeams sud be- boi-augh; Mr. and Mrs. G. F.,n hlrnadM.adM.; WedesdyJanar 8t -fore noiavng thene rcsldcd lu Jamieson and Don, town: Mn. Foster Suowdeu of Bi-ooklin; "SECRET 0F FORGIVENESS" Toronto for thi-ce years. Mr.Iand Mrs. J. W. Moore, Mr. sud Mr. sud Mrs. Bill Suowden Mish etidluTiauoouMs.H Liaieo sdMissd !amily. Kedron; Mr. sud Soos:Mrs. L. Ayre MMms Tam Plineasancen lMrs H.andamisohindMis Slithis arrivai froi Germny. He J. Audison, al a! Oshawa; Mr. r.TmPesn adcid Tbursday, January 9th -wais an automotive Instructor, sud Mrs. C. L. Biekle, Char- . , yrane: Mi-. Isaac Hardy "HOW TO PROSPER Apprentice Division. w i tii Icue and David, towu; Mi-. sud sud Stanley, Salins. Solis: r.J. huchliVolkswagen Caaa1dAi5 . .BeiDbi.,Mi-. sud Mrs. Bruce Tiuk Solist: M. J Chrchll Toronutotîntil Illncss foi-ccd Joh n. David, Temry sud Brian, Neil aud Hcmb sud Mr. anc bhis retîrment fîve ycams ago. town. ýMrs. Lai-ne Tink attended Friday, January lUth - YOUTH PROGRAM Survlviug. besides bis wl!e, Amoîîg students home for the Ommiston family Christ- are a son, Juergen o! Toron- baiidays are.Jili Aies, Quccu's nimas gathering in Raglan C.E. "The Family That Prays Together" ta, sud a daughter, Mrs. Otto University, Kingston; JiIi Nicb- Hall, on Christmas Day, sud Jast. (Elfiede) o! Hampton. ois, Teachers' Coilege, Tori-n on Thursday tbey were the Special Music hy Salvation Arrny Mr. Mlrscb rested at the ta; Bill Dcpcw, Queen's Uni- guests of Mr. sud Mrs. Percy and Pentecostal Church Northcutt Ellott Funeral ver-sity, Bill Mi-rison and Bob Deweil, Hampton. Home, Bowmauville. wit4h James, Univer-sity a! Southi Mr. and Mrs. E. Browps. Organist for the Week : Mr. C. Evans Requiem Mass lu St. Joseph's Carolina, Columbia, S.C.; Bil, Bowianvilc, and Mr. and Roman CathalilcCburch. Bow- Ci-omble. St. Lawrence Uni- jMrs. Barry Browcs and Lis QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD mauvilie, ou Monda,', Dec. 2rid vei-sity; Barbai-a Ci-omble . were Suuday eveniug dinuci _____________________________________ at 10 s.m. Rev. Father Ma- Univeisty o! Windsor; Eliza- guests with Mr-. sud Mrs. E. 'louey officlated, sud inter- beth Braden. University o! Hoekaday, Eiiecn snd Jean. iftec evcD. iag ilase ment was lu Bawmanvilie iWa terloo; Jeaune Hubbardý The Vice families gatbered questions frorn the audience on the Bible and Ceîetery. sund Mary Jane Walters,liin Salins Community Hall or the practical application of the Christian faith Palîbeariens were Messrs. Guelph University: David sud IBaxing Day for thei- custom-1 to modern living, "spontaneous and unrehearsed." Ger dKIar. Hinz Pet-toI. John Denuis McFeetcrs sud Karen ai -v Chrstmas get-together. Loeffler. Thilo Flste Ernst Kramp. University o!f Western Mr .and Mrs. Everett Ci- Batic and Peter Petzoid. Ontario. derman were hasts for a fam.- fIy party on Christmas Dav. 'hF Mr. and Mrs. Frank WMest- The Canadian Statemran, Bowmanville, Jan. 1, 1969 Attending were. Mr. and Mrs. fake, Gordon, Shirley and Ke- _______ _____ Keith Cryderman and girls. vin %vere Christmas Day guestsl1 Mr. and Mrs. Ken McMinn with Mr. and Mrs. R. B3mrne and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hel- and have visited her mother,i O B IT U A R Y mer Freitag and family, Mr. Mrs. F. R. Cook, Bowmanville. and Mrs. George Bittncr anci and Frank's mother, Mrs. F.1 FRED LEWVIS iby' his parents and a son. family, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Westlake Sr., at the home ofi The death of Fred Lecwis, Arthur. Leger and family, ail of Osh-ý Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ficeed 84 years, occurred sud-. The funeral service was held awa.1 Taunton, for her birthday. idenly at his residence, 201½ on Saturday, Decemnber 21@t.,' Christmas guests vt rIRcn iios with Mr.IODl t. omnvle ifrom the Morris Funeral Cha- and Mrs. Ross Cryderman ýand Mrs. Frank Westlake havel Thursday, December 19, 1968.; pel, Bwavle n a wereMr.andMrs Jakson ben M. Jck iddry, ornin owmnvile, conducted by Rev. H. A. Tur- MaxinMr. an d D Jck'br mnviMre;JMr. Nid y o- oni omnilthe'ner. Interment was in Bow. Wray, aieadDba!avle Mran Mrs. L.Ideccased lived In Port Hopeýmanville Cemctery. Oshawa; Mr. Allan Young- Johnston, Lindsay; Mr. and 'for a number of years. and had ' Palîbearers were grand man, Tyrone, and Miss Jean Mrs. R. Blackburn. Oshaw,ýa;resided in Bowmanville for 411Rbr o Rundie, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. R. Broome and .years. He attendcd Pine GrovelSaîY oket On Saturday. Dec. 21, the Kelly, Bowmanville. Scol nDcme *îIodon: a great-grandso.. -M family of Mr. and Ms r Mrs.rs. RchardHow-h al.O e tefmber 1 91,Hockett: and MeMrEnver-ihadHw' h aridte omrMiss Jon.es, David Vanson ett Crydeman gathered at thel croft, London, are spendingiMary Ann Greer who survives. Gohllsch. U.K. Restaurant to ce1ebrate-, a week's holiday with her Asainr egnete ther fthe's irtday Oter parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ever- deceased was a former cm- gucsts werc Mr. and Mrs. ett Spires. On Christmas Day p]oyee of the Goodyear Tire &ý JOHN F. Harold Pascoe, Solina; Mr* they were joined by Mrs. Ruýbbr Company plant here, and Mrs. Charles Smith, Osh- Elaine Wotten, Donna and Da- and also of the Training School g awa, and Mrs. Florence Pear- vid, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. for Boys, Bowmanville, now M ce. Wiilowdale. Following the Larry Spires, Robert and Pine Ridge School. He retired M tainedatythe wehome r-1John. on Boxing Day the fam- 20 years ago. tand Mrs. Jhn ee, o hly group wcre al cntertain-1 énd rs.Joh Leere Os- cd at the home of Mrs. El.- Mr. Lewis was a member of awa.aineWoten, amptn. the Presbytcrian Church, andi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parr-1 amto. was also a member of L.OL.l General Insura inder were Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey,i 2384 Bowmanville, and Victory ALL CLASSES O of their daughter, Mr. and Mr. Roy Hooey and Mr. Char- L.O.B.A. 583, Oshawa. PERSONAL and Mrs. Jack Large and family, les Scott enjoyed Christmas' uvvnbsie i ie COMMERCIAL LIN Bowma nviii c.' dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Sringbedshswi, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- Larry Spires and family. are two daughtcrs, Mrs. Art- Contact: hur Hockett (Louise) and; JOHN McMILLA lake, Gordon, Shirley and Ke-ý Mrs. Elaine Wotten, Donna Mrs. Glen Gordon (Annie),j 623-3111 or 623-3950 vin attcndcd the Cook family and David, wcre Christmas bath of Oshawa; seven grand-! 14 FRANK STREET, gathcring at Memorial Park callers on Mrs. N. C. Wottenchildren; and 19 great-grand-1 BOWMANVILLE Club House, Bowmanvillc. land farnily. childrcn. He was predcceased' NM Chef BoyArDee with Mushrooms or Met 1 OZ. SPAGHETTI SAUCE 2 TINS Elbow Macaroni or 1601 IGA SPAGHETTI 4 PG, IGA - 5 Varieties FRUIT DRINKS Pure Blueberry or Strawberry EnDu SM.ITH JAMS F.D. Smithi TOMATO KETCHUP ' 28 oz. 94 IAR oz 394: 29* Planter's Chocolats 34 PEANUT CLUSTERS K3* Dulicious IGA DONUTS 2.49* illl SWIFT'S EVERSWEET RINDLESS SLICED SIDE BACON Triangle or Primro,. BEEF STEAKETTES .FRESH GROUNO BEI tean Menuly SIDE SPARE RIBS hra.. - Tuucy, Chié. w Wo MORTON PIES belona STILLMEADOW COOKED Boa par Fra69 ONION RINGS 3 69 MARGARINEMOR Kraft Cracker Barrot MILD CHEESE .O. 55* :171111E~ EF VAC6 PAK 6 1550 1551 3'*69$7 CIIICKEN 7 qy UR & sCm ID Smawfudt SHORTENING t 7. M 1"t 1LO h SWEET & JUICY NAVEL T, ORANGES DO9. BRUSSEL SPROUTS GARDIN FRE N 29c CEILO GARROTS NADA cm2 3 AGB*39e N GAD CELLO ONIONS CANAA 3. 25c TUB VICK'S COUR SYRUP msaOL5l VICK'S MAORUSBCLm SCOPE ORAL MOUTHWASH 12OLUM DRISTAN TABLETS m'n'9 4 FAB BORAX DETERGENT qua au, OEMPSTER ONION ROLLS IGA DUTCH APPLE PIE FOOD PRICES AND BONUS BOOSTER FEATURES EFFECTIVE JAN. 2, 3, 4 ONLY Wl RESERVE THE RIG.HT TO timrr QIJANTTIAIL 3c ORf FAMI 1 Sm EYS Bowmanvillle IGA Foodliner 10 WMAN VILLE /4 . I, - -1 - 1 - L. . . arfI1 .> 1> ~ t k 16 f Ili, 1 *' '