.4.,- .. The Canadian Statesman, Bown anville, Jan. 8. 1969 Rick 'Waoner ucoring as heI E1p Cartwr ght-Maitvers otpr-lad ndDrm 198ev jlay flat on the ice with twvO t ~ .a.ject on Lake Scugogiide $73.7 J esPbshn Six Days ~Georgetown men standing 1 V E A nr v e veloping The Colen Me-C.$43; r.Ruy hp. PlaySi Games in 12 Dy around him. Fed rai Govrt U5wEWe orial Park.ma 7.Ofrhepca ___________In the third Bowmanville * 5 Among accounts rre WlfraconsorNv - tied the score as Steve West, . I I II I , . ~paid were the 1968 Dbnuebr$,8.3 E. couited with the assist going .T ýf ý"5I 4> 5 . JL l~pyents 'nthe anuto WhizKid Snp L sin SteualP'ta John Taylor and Don For- 1$5.43MillioCouicilors haor 'OBITUARY W hz g a D7R o ia rS r a sey. Georgetown scored againi year salary $912.50;raa- on a penalty shot which fea- count voucher No.1,$2, tures a player on the opposi- l 880.15; Keso Elecrc frMSEMN .VRU Iv TtgG oreo n4ion team agaînst the goal- 0narlo Public Ho sn otyola ry ,ftender. Ray Inglis scored the I I ',c a r tet lgt bls $92: TedahocreDc 0 goal. beating Doug Hayes onj OTTAWA, Dec. 18 - Ap- ed units.esat prcncvr9 James Willis $5.00 an 98 t Hisae Mnr byDvi oee I ta irutge nthe Bawmanville came back with pmerfec st. B ownville ai of $5,403.674 in federal, BOWMANVILLE: A lban ai per cent of the cost o! con Wilis $.00, o n Mna saa oiwn egh TisciehpsBob Howes scoring for the. inlted the cr nalasta the Ontario Housingi$105,235 will assist In the con-istruction. The Province of 4.0 i o otpo ir ikes fMs dudN giapped a three gamce losing, that Bowrnanville con be in lclteass on t uc htwihwslbelled tion af public housing projects units for senior citizens. provide the remaining 10 cnr aS200,mlge$.,yar SMike Donoghue. Donoghue! for the upper cornier. The. . .ELADA no!$0 on r1dg ieseoicr$67, ThfrmrCalteEz- zÈek by tieing Georgtown the play-offs 'n their initial:cmltdtesoigl hi sitwn oSeeWs in five municipaltes was an- WLLN: obuil59,ýe.dng lins ffct 366 y1bt ame.tedcae a 4 ~ t o i n a g a m e p i a y e l a e a s o n i i i u e J u i o ri c p e d a s h e s c o r d w i h h e p S a e deit e f r t h e e noic e a s e e b h e 6 w l a s i t l a t e o s t u c h e f d e a g v e a enti laa w e n o c e e t f î c r 5 . : a d a g t e o h e l t e W l l a QeorgtowniastSundesJn- cui t heJuio C"m G p ridav e Bennet t gamSces ofthe f t th12 onortlePaul.'1Helîyertion of 38 tînits for families ofbear onehaîî ! ny pe atîwCefr!te eaccrtfi adCalot açe.Br fCurt f5ro Grve enntte otherfthe6en-12days MnsH rsonor ble taPariia-jîow Incarne. The project wiii lasses on the senior citizens vtr it$.0 avr l ec onhp h e duntu s layd Jnuay ls. O NeaYer sDa',Bow la hemieanttafaoow-seres.mentforCenralMorgaganddonsst f 1 twobedfom164proectsand42½percen on4Ownhippubic choandord4ceedperreucenonthontm Eaowmanvilie was defeated by manillei traveiled ta Streets-Imanville came back and tied' Housing Corporation. three-bedroomn and eight four- the low-income family pro- twsi ules ,int place Streetsville 7 ta ville and were defeated 7 ta 5i the score on a goal by Larryf Provided under the Nation- bedroom housing units. jects while the municîpalities balance o! 1968 IEvy$6.0wsarsdn !tedsrc ad9ta 6 against eighth by the hard-checkilg, rough- Devitt with the assists ta Kimlai Housing Act, the loans wîllý PRESTON: A loan ai $390,- wiil provide the remaining 7% Ops township $64.0 Op alerif.MsVrumwh ary 3rd ini Oakviile. Bow- 1 lasers were led by Mike Donc- Strcetsviile wcnt ahead when~ 58 units for familles of lowltlan of 44 one-bedroomn apart- OHC wibl be responsibie fori board $131.20; VictraCe- hrh fre ihbrbs dimaville tib as three games ghuc wha scorcd twicc and Randy Johnson scored with' incarme and 458 units for senior ment units for senior citizens. the construction and admini-ity High School 1or 4, o ayvas sldigtoi nonerasse n nte ol Nwteasst aSnyMLach-1 citizens. WINDSOR: A Joan of $4,107,- stration o! ail projects. 283.10. Victoria (onyD-bn nteEnsilnae tieludin t ogto n onerssteor ntheroal Ne m uasit laanSandy M -KPUKAIN:A lanoi66wil *sit I te ontr The federa l lans and sub-bentures $6,852.60; rdcesdi 99b e ra the series which started oniof the players as they just Grave Bennett scormng, the Dear Sir: structian o! 20 units for fam- building containing 400 one- under sections of the National marial Park $1,.0 on ie "asn adno New Year's Day. When the didn't seem ta do anything! assists going ta Larry Devitt I would appreciate space iblies o! low Incarne. The pro- bedroomn unîts for senior citi- Housing Act which provide Mangan $14.50, Har Rye'saaan for autcs series js complcted on Janu-rgti h opening stanza.ý and Kim Rogers. Streetsville's In your coîumns ta ay re- ject wilî consist of two two- zens. îong-term boans and grants toa $12.00, W. Walker 50 rCaltt era ak 4ry 12th, Bowmanville willi Streetsviile was able ta score' Bill Perks srored on a pass fcrriag ta recent news re- bcdroom, 12 three-bcdroomr and! The loans, which are fraid in meeting operating replacing buibs in srtMs. ame M 1s bave played six games over its first goal as John Wylieý from John Wylie and Dave ports, that the legal action six four-bcdroom semi-detach-' terms of 50 yearswith inter- iosses.1 lights in villageso!Pny1Mata f saw. r. the "pce of 12 days. The! was set up by Sandy Mc- Tiveron. Bowmanviiîc puîîed taken by ou Association la pool, Bethany andJaevle AnHii( nd)!RR.2 remraining encounters a r e'Lachlan in front o! the net! Doug Hayes in favour o! a la no way an attempt ta ro dl iow v wa Mrs. Grace Pallia 3.0 etOooan r.CciBrc against the second place Lind- and he was able ta put the I sixth attacker. It backfired hamstring the work a! the Brok al in sw y No a C ain Porter $36.00, ChaesMr(Brh)oCotc. 9_4y team et home on Jaauary rubber disk behind Dougý as Streetsville counted again Ontario M 11 k Marketing ton $22.00, Marley Klet Peeesdb agtr I2h ih h gmesarig Hayes. w.ith John Irwin getting the Board. We hope that neith- Rl3e0 urySies850 r.NrrsWie(uh n at 1:00 at the local arena. and! In the second the two teamai clincher. Bowrnanvilie out- er the public nor the gov- for U *~ etcin, edIapcprsoanm aas srie Égainst the first place Mlon startcd ta play hockey. This abat Strectsville 51 ta 27 termont i s it rreerCac ~I M * ~t 85.0; ie r elnIy1,radhlrewn tem a ito o Jauaytu! eio faurd beego- On Friday, January 3, iBow- Islands Milk Producers ln township hall caretae 30;Inibro ra-rncid > This tic gives Bowmanvillc by each team. Streetsvillei manville played Oakville and takîng aur case ta court. ItB r t hM * w a uOtai Hyo$1671frre qoepossession of seveath opened the scoring witb goals were defeated 9 ta 6 ai Oaik- is net aur aîm ta destray F(tIIl I I street ligbts ia n tpl, Teuerlsviea hd elace with nine wins and iwo by Bill Persk with belp from ville. Bowmanville opencd the legisiation. We are not II FU IID I Btay ndJetie;acatte cnasAdro F- tis or20ponalcvig anyMcLachlan and John the scoring as Bab Howes tai- obstructionists. We seek7 Davidson $3.00, Clifr u-ca oeObwa .. them just 14 Points out o! Wylie. Ron Schott also scor- lied the apening goal o! bis onîy the way ta survive itis $20.00, EdgarBer$00Jn 2d.Itmntwsn 1irst place, with only 10 cd for Strcctsville as Sandy two for the nigbt.. The as- aad live witbIn thc structure Nursery history was made month growing season and ready ta serve Edmonton and for shecp valuatingi hmsOhw ceey games remaiaing afier Janu- McLachlan set him up in sists weni ta John Oyler and of the Marketing Board's recently when two heated vans year-round digging conditions Calgary In the sprlng.1 Stapies, water findr$.0 e.D.G .Mnelpso *t'y 121h. 0f these games front o! the net. Bowman- Joe Hircock. Oakvîlle came. milk pol pulled Inta, Brookdale-Kings- "makes ail the difference". Mucb o! the Bowmanvllle Blewctt Printiag $05;Ui- !Cnena1Uie hrh Bowmanvile muai win at ville was finally able ta pene- back with a goal by Greg Introduction of the gov- way Nurseries here wlth The lnsured wbips- are being nursery production la sold In cd Counties a orubr-cnute h1srie least bal! ai thern if they traie the Streetsville net as Post. Oakville increased their cmnment's Bill 17 ta amead $30.000 worth of trees from moved !ramn the B.C. nurseries Canada and the northern U.S. want ta be in the play-offs. Mike Donoghue scorcd witb ttali as Dennis Adams scorcd. th ikAt 95 eut the company's two British Ca-; while six ta 10 feet la height. A., but the company als hp Oakvillc aad Strectsville the assista going ta Larry Bo w ma nv i lbe camne back fothe facitat, 95,sla s -lumbia farms. l adtintate w BC sok cos heA iicto eould overtake themn as thc Devitt and Bob EUlis. Streets- again with Kim Rogers scor- cîsion la aur case Mr. Justice The shipment o! 7,000 shade growlng stations, Brookdale- France, Germany and Czecho- arc only ibree and ight ville got ibat anc back as ing and the assista going ta Lie!! found ibat the On- tree whips from Chillllwack Klngsway Nurseries purchas- siovakia and sout.h ta Ca- points respectively behind Don MacPberson scored with Larry Devitt and Harvey tario Milk Marketing Board and Rosedale, B.C., makes cd an operation et Leduc, lombia in South America- i theni. Oniy eighi teams ai the the assisi gojing ta Ron Schoil. Williams. Bob Howes' goal had iechnically cxceeded ta Brookdale-Klngsway Nurseries Alberta. this fail. It wilb be Oshawa Times. . .. witb the assîsi ta John Oyler, autbority. The pointis ci the first national nursery ciosed the openiag stanza. dental ta aur argument that chain ti Canada, dlaims pro- ---t ~ NOTICE. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Me morial Hospital Corporation will be held in the ONTARIO STREET SCHOOL on WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22nd 1969 -~ nt 8:00 p.m. for thec purpose of HEARING REPORTS and thec ELECTION 0F DIRECTORS CLUJ LARGE SIZE SHC 4 King St. E. Some Merchandise Clearing for m- COATS - JACKETS SWEATERS - BLOUSE LINGERIE - BRAS ý& PYJAMAS m NIGHT NURSES UNlFQRM,ý DRASTICALLY RED COME IN AND JLOK ARC ALL, gALES CASII & MIAL NQ' Xfl The second pcriad was al Oakvilic as Bowmanviile was uriable ta score. Tom Dabey scored two goals for tbc win- nema wiib the others going ta Doug Desmond and Paul Perras. In the third, Bowmanvillc showcd igns o! revivîng but Paul Pe-rras scored the open- ing goal. Charlie Burton alsa scored before Bowmanville waa able ta peneirate their defence. Bowmanviile's goal was scored by Dave Rafuse from centre ice on a perfect abat. Steve West assistcd Dave on his goal. Harvey Williams scored on a perfect pass !om Lary Dcvitt and Bob Howes. Oakville acorcd again as Rick Winchelb pene- trated Bowmaavilbe's defence. The final goal o! the gamp was scored by Larry Devitt! Jersey and Guernsey milk producers are in a special situation and require a special arrangement. We welcomne the govern- ment's decision ta refer Bibi 17 ta, the House Commitie on Agriculture. We hope the bearlngs will provide opporiunity for aur group af hard-warking farmers ta cx- plain nur Ideas on how the mllk pool regulations could be adjusted ta, provide the expandiag suppby o! Jersey aad Guerascy milk necded ta, mcci the demnands a! tihe Ontario consumer. Sincerely, Robert G. Wade, Presiderit. MION unasisted. (Intended for tast week) r Bowmanville played the i Christmas visitors at Gcrrys besi game o! the series as Giaspell's werc Mr. and Mrs. tbey lied the game againsi Russell Vice, Sauina: Mr. and Georgetown. Everyone was Mrs. Bill Burns, Mr. Alan skating in this game which Glaspclb and Tricia, Oshawa; ihcy xvere not daing la the Mrs. Florence Yeilowlees. previaus two. They wcre alsa Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stein- shooting the puck better and tan, Clarke and Susan were at offering Doug Hayes more George Gordon's, Oshawa, on protection. Daug also rame up Christmas Day. witih same speciacular saves Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward la hold Bowmanvillc ln the and family . Newcastle. weret game. at Wes Cameron's, Christmas' Georgetown o p en ed the Day.t scoring as Brent McMullen Mrs. F. B. Giaspeil. Mrs.( acored. A short time later Abex McMaster. Joan and Rosa Wayne Hay scored. weme guesis af George Hilts, Oshawa, on Christmas Day. Ia tbe second stariza George- Mm. and Mrs. Jim Staintan, town incrcased their lead as David and Douglas, wce Brad Johnson scorcd. Bow- Christmas Day guesti at manvilie came back as Mike Leonard Sbaw's, Oshawa. Donoghue scorcd witb the as- Mr. and Mrs. Jim StaIntan sisi going te Steve West. and sons were gucats o! Mr. Bowmanville scored again, and Mrs. Edward Romanuk, Oshawa, on Christmas Eve. Mr. Charles Naylor, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dodge and Sarah Kitchen, Mrs. Jean N i Jack, Toronto; Mrs. F. B. GlaspeIl, Mr. and Mms. Walter Haas and lamlly werc Boxing1 Day visitara at Mrs. Alex Mc-g Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Swal- low, Maple Grave, were Box- Iag Day callers at Misa Mar- gamet Perklns. Mm. and Mrs. Germy Glaspeli attended the Vice famlly gath- erlng ai Solina Hall on Boxing Day. Mrs. Florence Yellow- lees also attended the gather- lng. L Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stain- ton, Mrs. RussellI Stainton visltcd ai Roy Thomas' In oing Way Out ýScarborough on Boxing Day. Miss Susan Stainton spent January Sale! .a few days at Mrs. Clarke Oshawa. SJUNIOR SIZES Clarke Stainton apent a' few days with his cousin s8-20l Clarke Moore, Oshâwa, and iwitbhlm on Sunday ta stay )PPE for a few daya. Mrs. Carole Callaq, Oshawa, Bowmanville spent Christmas Day at R. C. Mr. and Mrq. Murray Prent- Ice, UxbmIdge, Mr. Jerry 2 0 if arsb, Courtice; Mr. Steve M efry BowmanvIllc; Miss Aanc Fisher. Guelph-, Missý l a bharon Fisher, Oshawa, were1 di mmcmguests ai Hammy Flah- er's an Christmas Da. Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout and l famlly, Mrs. Tim Brooks and! Tommy. Bowmanville; Iriez * D E S S Hermy and redHaitn D RESSES r. and Mms. Bevcrly Caer-r CiI AC on, Toronto, wereChita :S #SL MDay1 ""al l 1ay Comeron',. 'a EW>JMm. and Mrs. Hans Gelas- berger ri et Christmas Dey G URD LES t Alfred Mohl's, GormIey. MW. and Mrs. P'red Dart and familY, Woedville; Mr. and 'GO W NS MMu Artbur Dart and family. Mr. and Mis. Robert Dent and ftvllY Wee gfestso ofMr. mi Mno. Henry Dant and Ken on ALL Christmnas Day. Mr. ad Mis Willam Dart muend B111y, ttWe &it.In; Miss IU CE D JaeHUL nwr Here Jo Vop4nt eftryy )UND Biears l Chpn *haIam au th tJ U4 it id 8 bWId mli ND6 oR EXCUANWheWIS t he prietor Ian Smith. The Bowmanville nursery,]I Manvers anc af the largest la Canada!I with a total tree and shrub production exceediag 1.00 000 Tc1s etn !Mn units a year, has been located versTonhi oucl 1o la the town for the pasi hall 1968 was heid on Tuesday. century. 1 Members heard a report af It bas been operatcd bv Mr, the Fire Protection Study as Smith over the past 10 Sears. made by' the Pire Marshal's Three years ago Brookdaic- Office for the townsbip-, Nor- Klngsway purchascd the twa tbumberland and D ur ha m B.C. nurseries as growing sta- Health Unit report; a requesi tions. for aireet light in front o! This year's crop of 65,000 ncw Post Office ai Pontypool; sbade trees, the lirai produc- a letter lromn Clarke Town- tion since the purchase, la aow ship re Mosport Raccway and ready for shipment casitat proposed Raceway ai Toronto. Bowmanville and south ta the A building in Betbany vil.- U.S.A.. lage submitted to the coun- Some wiIl be replanted at the cil for a ruîiag by the Build- Bowmanvllle nu.rsery, wbile iag Inspector, doca not meet others will be sold ta, parks the spccificat.ions o! the boards across Canada and the builinfg by-law and mnuai U.S. as well as ta other aura- came under the specifications crics. Two vans a week will o! a trailer. pull Inta the Bowmanville Manvers township will con- nursery with the west coast cur with Clarke_ township__in shade trce wbips. - formerly imnported fromn Hol- - land and Belglum, can't be growa naturally ln Ontario but British Columbia with its 10- YELVERTON M The Wllbert Malcolms en- tcriained for Christmas on Tucsd'ay wih aIl their family, the Howard and Murray Mal- coima, Mrs. Dorothy Brlsiow and Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Bristow and daughter, o! Wbitby. The Clarence Pages oh- scrved the occasion on Tues- day evening witb the Floyd Stinson's and Page familles present. The Rae Malcolma accom- panicd the Harvey Malcoma on Sunday ta Don Milîs ta the Ralph Malcolms. On Christmas Day the Boon famlly Invaded Malconia 20- strong - the Hank Booms and girls o! Cooksvilc, the Roy Wermys and girls of Sudbumy, the Aida Nasataca and family o! Port Credit. Special guest of bonour Mrs. Hank Boon Sr. wha flew over from Holland, arrivlng la Malton on Friday, Dec. 201h. Sorry ta report that Master Bob Whitney was injured while ridlng la the trailer be- nind their snowmobilc. Bob suffcred a broken wmist and a slight bead concussion when he came ln contact wiih a irce. Ail jain ln wisbing Bob a speedy recovery fmom bis re- treat la the Rasa Memorial Hospital where he wili remain for nexi week or two. Mr. anîd Mrs. Norman Wil- son were hasts an Christmas Day ta members of the Jack- son Clan. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- coini and girls spent Christ- mas Day with the Bert Mc- Mullens. Murray's new home, the "Lighthause on the Hill" ai the juniction o! 7A and 35 Higbways casi o! Yebvcrton, bas progrcssed !avourably, boastIng original construction deslgned by Murray himacîf. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson wcre hasts on Christmas Day ta the Robinson !amily - Mri. Etta Robinson, Mr. and Mms. S ert Visie and !amiiy o! Cav- an, Mr. Ken Lemar o! Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray and iDavid, Mm. and Mms. Reg Sul-_ tan o! Orona werc Christmas guests a! the James Grays and' Mms. Milton Gray. Mm. and Mrs. Dale Stinsan and Danny spcnt Christmas Day with the Floyd Stinsons. Holiday visitors ai Malconia Included the Ralph Malcolms. Karen and Joy o! Don Milîs and Mrs. Hank Boon Sm. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson 1and famlby spent Christmas 1wlth the Jlm Taylors la iToronto. Speedy recuvcration ta Mms.ý Anale McQuade who bas b een tla Port Perrv Hosoital sInce iChristmasanad ta Mrs. Donald Johnson who aIsa spent a !ew <laya there. Messrs. Vaughan McGiIi. 1Terry Malcolm and Bob Ed- 1munda gecompenled Ronnipj 1 T*ek»un on Ps motor trin f0 IorIdsaraie ning the Christ- am sholidys. sCouncil ~protesting tbe Raceway for! rcars ai the Toronto Exhibi-! tingrounds. f Cot'ncil will accept the of-j sfer of Russel] Honey, M.P,, ta shave C.M.H.C. make a siudy a! of ub-standard bousing in iManvers township and sec twbat could be donc about the fmatter. A severance bill will be issued for sale o! the Lae JCurlin property in lot il, concession 12, provided Mm. -Curtin secures his required -plumbing and seplic tank per- -mita. t Severances wiil alan be is- esued for the dividing up of tthe Lerne Shea farm, lot 13, sconcession 12. Harvey Malcolm was ap- -pointed as Manvers town- Ssbip's representative on the by Jiever1Iy formerly of thp House af Flaire, Oshawa, welcomes you ta her new Beauty Salon .. . cV/le Style cShioppe 37 King St. W. Bowmanville (FORMERLY JOAN'S BEAUTY CENTRE) PHONE 623-5455 For Appointments MMM-----MM REGISTER NOW RECREATION 0 0FORI1 ROOM IM INTRUcTIO NALI DOIT AND YOURSELF CU SAVE$ $ $ TO BE HELD IN EBENEZER CHURCH HALL (DIRECTLY EAST 0F COURTICE SHOWROOM) ITWO NIGHTS-ýJAN. 13-20 ICOMMENCUNG 7:00 P.M. - DOOR-PIZW ý 1 THIS (OULD BE IYOUR BASEMENT I I Yes 1 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS can help you convert your basement into a beautiful RECREATION ROOM . . .~ You will receive in,. tion.. istructuon in ail pnases ot construc- Splus new methods of framing and appîying plywood and wallboards also you wilI be shown the newest materials avaitable 1 IREGISTER NOW - PHONE 728-1611 or PHONE 728-1617i IOshawa Wood Prodt COIJRTICE LMID SHOPPING CENTRE 728-16111 728-1617 NEW COMMI4E SHOWROOM HO URM Mn - Tueg. - Wed. - arn. - 6 p Fridzy - 8 a.rn. - 6 p.m. ' bursday - 8 a.m. - 9 P.m.. Saturday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. M-M-M-- - - --MALI 'ALLONT-THE NAME TO SUILD ONN!J ictsI À%J -ONT LARGE 14'Va - i with this KAYEy'1 SIZES 30'/à J ~u. enu----