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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1969, p. 2

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2 Trhe Cmdlan Stateanian, Bewnianvllle. Jan.1 Hon or Ma pie Gr4 On Their 5.5th / On Monday evenlig, Dec. sible for many ta attend 3th, 1968, a nuxnber of rela. DuriL the evenng, tive gaherd atMapeGrve i-la ]Dnis Plckardr tive gaherd atMape Gavesuitable address which k. Church Hiallta honor Harry very capably arranged. and Lola Freeman on the oc- Gilbank presented ber1 casion af their 55th wedding mother wlth a bouqu ànniversary. Many were not flawers and Calvin Alliz able ta, attend, but the lack sented his grandfather 4 of nuxnbers was made up ini boutonniere, both an1 enthuslasm. The weatherman of ail the grandchi caused the original plans ta Other recagnition had be changed fram Saturday given to their parent evenlng ta Monday evening their daughters an ChrJ and this alane made it impas-,Day. The evening wa. Town League Hockey McNultys Showj As They Trounce, Robsons Defeat ( .by Jhn Clarke McNulty' Sports, struggling ta escape tihe confines o! the basement, came up with a i- aOuînding 7-2 vicIai-y aven Lacke's TV, in last Thui-sday evenlng's opening gaie. The Win Moved the !aurth spot Sportsmen ta wilbin a point o! thi-d place Crystal Dmiry. Thé Dairy' crcw dnopped a 3-2 décision ta front running Rôbà6n Matons in the second eontest. McNulty's scored Uic anly 00o! Uictheopenlng peniod, et 17:ô5, wlth George Bail whlp- Pi1* a pesa !rom Andy Mur- & hy, behi'nd Locke's goalie rant Wright, !rôm close in. Tim îPi-out Iook only nine Seconds a! the second pei-iod ta tic It 1-1, on a pessafi-rn «Êueky" Hughes and Lai-iy Penns. Lai-ny Hellamn Peul McCabe nioved Mc ty'a In to a 3-1 Jead, sce at 8:59 and 10:24. L<, only other goal came at 11:40 mark o! the mi pcniad wlhon Jack Stel clicked, with Bob Helenm Penn.s drawing assists.1 pby endcd Uic scoring in period, with his first o! goal, et 15:17, as McNu led 4-2. The hard skating an-d ch ing o! thc winnens paic with thirée marc mrker! the final 20 minutes, Murphy notching a pair Irwin Colwéll picking u ing. Locke's drcw Ibree the five penalties ceilci Uic game. Ken Veitah, un Sportsmen's cage, lui-nec MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY STANDING (As of Friday, Januery 3rd) Complled by Tim Cox GP Won Lait Tied Fer AG P Robson Matai-si Locke TV ___ I Crystal Dairy-___ l MeNuity Sports - i 7 3 1 63 5 4 2 43 4 6 1 67 3 6 2 49 SCORING LEADERS &. Burns (Cryslal) G. Sainsbury (Robsons)- D. MeMurter (Crystal)- T. Fairey (Crysîal) L. Perris (Lockes TV) D. James (McNultys) 1.. urna (Rabsons) P, McCabe (McNuiîys) 'â. ifrîif f(Robsons). D. Prout (Robsons) ------- Goals 23 18 Assists 14 16 DEILQITTE, .PLEN .DER, HASKINS &SELLS Ch&rtered Accountants OPFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIERL, C.A., ELIA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 I TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE NOTICE Take notice that 1.The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville intends to construct as local improvements watermain, appurtenances and house service connections on variouu streets, described in Schedule B below and intends ta specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The estirnated cost of the work is $12,720 of which $7,680 is to be paid by the Corporation. The estimated cost per foot frontage is $5.00 plus the cost of a house service connection. The special assessment is ta be paid ini 20 equal annual instalments and the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is 49.0 cents. The estimated cost of a bouse service con- nection is $165. &. Application will be made by the Corporation to the Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the work and any owner may withîn twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice file with the clerk his objection to the work being undertaken. &. The Board may approve of the work being undertaken, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the work will be considered. SCIIEDULE B Watermain Street From -Te Size Timrd Street HiSh Street Elgin St. 6 FpouStb St. Righ Street 250' W. of Elgin 4 Jacludlns a conneotion to the exltng main on Elgin Fint Notice - January 1, 1969 Second Notice - January 8, 1969 R. L BYRON, Town Clerk. 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvifle, Ontario. 8. 1969the Canadian Imperfal Bankf o pl a econded by Councilor, ofCommerce. ra iy ro osTlnk. Ih / I ~ ~ 'Th Toronto - Dominion *A H. A. Barranon onamoin M ov i o ràeposit or six for 90 cents. ;n q : n u esav bCUUOB'a The "ent etidu Bak o!Cmmrewould O PPointed ta the Board of ____________ charge the same. Yeu must Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lar- Directars of Memoriai HaSPI-1 Three cars were ivie.ý a . , u v . . realize that this system could mer, 66 Scugog St., Bowman- tai. Mr. Barron has aerved o krud over the stage. lin an accident on Thursday ai vlleWe~fet uppr hotedseveral years as the township's~ Harry Farrow was chairman: afternoon at 4:36 a'ciock that % IIE ive rsa rIy $1.800 ta $2,700 a year. Vetiniariafl with a rufecentlye hoored representative on this board. lof the committee In charge of; happened On King Street in "Where i. the saving? by their !amily on the occa- Rusl eoan W. Har- arrangements for this succcss-; front of the Cowan Equip. i. I plyin cads nd vsitrg.Thee i no ssuanc tiereold Watson were appointed toful dance, and the other mem-! ment building due ta the d. n payig crdsandvistig. her isno ssuanc thresioei of their 4th Wedding the Committee of Adjustmentlbers Of this commlttee were! skidding condition o h *son- After lunch, ail departed would be any saving,"l Coun- Annlversary at the hoeob orrnheeea emt edMs aro n randoradaythchea read a for homne wishing Harry and cillor Dykstra explained. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Larmer. on January ist, 1972. hir. Gordon' Lamont. Atrb cth ad cclased he adliflamuc halt ad app- ounilor oobesasedThe couple were married appointments were made' neococ .. a ter by ice tha a d okn acumate Ce adola mchelt and h app t ee i- Counciayor oombeectio edon on December 29, 1928, at Ty- motion by Councillar Werry,supper o! cold ham, turkey' The drivers of two of the%& Carol nesa and hopingntariet Vdtththe Mayor for direction o grand- them in five years' timý e t ae naib h e.J eodd b euty-Reeveiand salads was served. cars Were Frank G. Gabr aet o! celebrate their 6th anniver- ti nte.- R. Trumpour. Gibbs. Th NwYers v fGlsbe, iiso Sret r. pre- sary. Mayor Ivan Habbs stated, " They have three children, BY-Law No. 2402 ta author- Te NwYa'sEefstv-gn.DvsonOoo witha Mr. Le Jacson, SI4 hat ne apectof ticsr-1at the Bowmanville Coun- James T. MacDonald, 165r beih a Mlhiss. e. Jeasn, orm thoalte anc aspcto!txe pro- Murray o! Bowmanville, Doris ize borrowings from the Bank try Club, which started wlth King Street West. and the idren. of the groom o! 55 years, was to the Bank of Montreal a!- (Mrs. Bruce Battams). R.R. 6, o! Montreal in amounts nlot tom a man fmt ollowed third was a car parked at the beentheonl on inattndace t te Jauar Is, 169 hathadBowmanville, Wallace, R.R. 2, exceed $600.000 was given by a dance ta the music of sauth side of the street and bee th oly nc n ttedane t tr Jnury st,199 tat adBowmanville, and e i g h t three readings, signed and John Fowler's orchestra, Tor- owfled by Lloyd Crago, 59 ýts by the celebration Who was aiso bothered hlm was that the - grandchildren, sealed . Councillor Baker, sec- onto, which included vocaljst,iWilson Road, Oshawa. "stmas present at the wedding on resolution calling for this tne yCuelo er oran olr eeeJ Dmg spentiDecember 29. 1913. procedure "had been adopted **,Present for this happy oc- oddb onilrWry orieFwewr njoy- Dmaeto bath Mr. Glas. withut ay piceswhatso-casion were forty-fivc rela- moved that cheques be signed ed by 190 people. Th e club bergen's car and Mr. Mac, without any prices what-so- i:tives from Toronto, Peterbor- by the Reeve, or Deputy- manager, Larry Heffering,waflnds cramutd t ever, absolutely regardless o!feee augh, Port Hope, Blackstock, thee, and countersigned by in charge of arrangements. abot$15eah untd te what the price may be," he Enniskillen and Treasurer, and this motion Aneaborat ufet175e ws pp axim a nd 75 thee UTableato attend was Erees Onwas c ori Cueilrhad been prcpared by the Crago car. Constable Ian On mtin y CunilorClub's Chef Donald Cox. The Smith investigated. "The n k to!e eoMona c 'Lrer rte !tegroom, Tirik. seconded by Councillor arrywscmoe ofol ecjI~ Ici s rrdin tatiheresluti te t Who is recovering from an Baker, Reeve Down and the rywscmae !cl collect the taxes and bill the operation in Oshawa Generaltwsi' tesrr wr roast turkeys, hung and cured Teewsacliino munîcipality for such collec- Hospital, and Bey. and Mrs uhaîzd a ham, roast pork, shrimp salad F'riday at the corner of King tion. We iaoagreemenit EgneBecTato, ro. e d s eond ssue cheque. on la variety of vegetable salads' Street and Waverley Road Euandne7teeo! eTchonasoe railshcockcoid ausag17betoeenaahfarmtractor driven E 5 with the bank. This is net Dr. Peter Johnston ther of the bride, who is re- maonth in payment o! wages eas Eglih rlle woktih by Clivýe Bron. Ra. 3aBow L cke s T V ga uies ti xrm- RcnlteOooae aeiga oehvn e and salaries as set by council, petits fours and other French mnanvîlle, and Marvin Edwin ly desirable for council ta acquired a new veterinarian in cently undergone heart sur- alisa for Welfare Accounts as Psre.Cli.Te cr rcie first check and have as much the persan a! Dr. Peter John- gery at St. Miohael's Haspital, ccrtified by the Welfare Ad- psre.Cli. Te cr rcie ou»information as p os si blIe," stan, a native o! Peterborough. Toronto.îfoRodAcut about $100 damage, but there MyrHbssi.Hsoffice i. n an k Street in The anniversary couple re- rnnîradb h Ra - torras odamageoa the farn ~ry sfa f 5 -2 M7aH:u~ ' the office formerly occupied by ceived many lvey gifts, mited for deenture aT ow n thek i Corpora Jn Bfird presented and a statement R.JThn duaofrwnetntigofcr and a solid effort and received top made it wîîîav oey h arena. torymessages. school paynients when proper- O Frîday at five p.m. IcNul- notch aid fromn the hard anus is on the persan present-EE ly authorized. I P there was a collision at the oring working farwards and de- ing the resolution ta showM * Council on a motion by o l c corner of King and Liberty ocke's fence. how this will came about. N Es I EuI N Deputy-Reeve Gibbs, seconded <FROM PAGE ONE; lStreets, believed due ta icy 1 it the Murphy, McNulty's rugged When a persan makes such a Sneesmah !ti lBwavle r n by Councillor Werry, approvedaed uus 22d nited conditions. The drivers in- iidewnehad himself a fine statement it is wrong neot ta icr yptyo hs lBwavl r n the appointment o! consultants ,O rganization olve d eeRnl .L k pesngtwith three goals and back it up,"' the Mayor point- community is extended ta Mr. Mrs. Ralph Bowers, Ian and as set out in a letter from the suoo!et. Poins ove ee:Hanipto, 3aKn glre astM.. n and an assist, while Larry Pearce ed out. Arthur Bailey on the sudden Todd, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa Area Planning andFrc"Pons oved ee:Gvy,3KigSeeEat Mu- aletd heeasit. t a Cucilr ombs saddeath o! his wife in Florida. George Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Deveiopment Study's Ca-ordin- spervision on each shift, Mr. Luke's car sustained Muhe culty's fine asts tea efrtat he had recoeivdt ida Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew, Arnold Williams and family, ating Committee. courses taken at Police Coi-aot$5 amg n hr n ! the Nlys es, a e efrtm that he cost woulvd te iabu Valerie and Alan enjoyed Nestîcton, and Constable Jer- Councillor Baker, seconded lege, use o! crosswalks, cross-t was minor dRmage to the utrý o!th cubpîke u a $00 e abou h ts Wednesday te Friday visiting ry Bowers, Dryden. Constable by Councidlor Tink, moved in orsan !plceatn oather car invoived. Corporal s!t bearta o nt. lub ocke's were corr. e kdI ta a their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bowers entertained by show- that Deputy-Reeve Gibbs and as such, and regarding a sec- IBr ie ivetgtd ti eablt a getint. Lcked, withcrrct Walter Burrage, Oakland, and ing caiored pictures o! the Clerk-Administrator W. E retary (stenographer) ta type'Br loivetgtdti doff any regularity, against the "Not ta mny knowledge," Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frew, Nor- Red Lake district, British Col- Rundle attend a planningplcreotanfrthtp-'cdn. rinvicta hngywines MayorHoblis replled. "I know wich, also other members a! umbia, Expo '67 and a nuni- meeting ta be heîd in Cobourg C eurmns ftePlclThgedProinilPic i. in y Councillor Nichais stated that the family. ber o! the ponies with the on January l3th. This was Chief. v~estiaed sx minor mcci- with Rabsan Motors, via their he understood that Darling- Miss Nancy Prew, nurse-mn- chiidren. carried. The joint meeting Instructed d ents aver the weekend. Then addecisive 5-2 win avec Crystai o spaig$00frso training at Civic Hospital, Mr. and Mrs, George Johns The offer o! Mechanical Ad- Police Chie! Kitney and Clerk- on Tuesday evening a car ip a moved thrce points in front aon arrangent. for suacb Peterborough, enjoyed FridayvstdTusayeven vertising, Limited, ta instaîl Controller Robert L. Byron ta driven by William Outrani, scor- o! Locke's in the standings. true. But we did not have a te Sunday at her home. On with Mr. and Mrs. Perey le tters on the Municipal Build- investigate requirements and age 3, Pienr0 igwntabaut f in George Sainsbury paced their price for the town. Sunday she accampanied ber Preston, Lindsay. On Mon- 'n tacs f$4.90wscsqo eodn qimn scoring ttack wth a pai of parnts, Mr.and Mrs DonaccyMp.eanasrsquWtneJoonsaccmotions Itoalson aeciioedIonlsa motdeoroa amai!omilel misetao! of aurtice tlie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oV song ttc wihapio!prns Mran Mr.Dndy r.adMr. m.Jnsby Counilîlar Tink. seconded by Cauncilar Dykstra, second- Road. This car left the tra- tgoals wîhile "Woody" Lee, Ai Councillor Dykstra said Frew, ta Toronto, for ber and family, Markham, enjav yCuclo ae.e yCuclo hcetn velled portion a! the high- d nWestlake and DaveGre that whiie he did not have eight weeks' affiliation with ed New Year's festivities with b Counill d ae r. ha tnated yCuct o! wagkondwyadcahd utiin ýS nabbed singles. Lanny Burns any direct persanal know- tihe Sick Children's Hospital. terpaet. eterr-b ne il decnodt h hae taftheqihmct fand a onrpace- aa ndoxi ae $300 ama-g. addcd three assists, while ledge o! the coat ci! tax pay- On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. mained for a vacation with vbnea.Thiswaai-c bed onot mn cusse nestiate.Th rivae a$3notdimae. Grant Flintof! picked up two. ments being made at the Clarke Williams were hasts ber grandparents and Shbaronl mto yCucilrWry ao Hbs eoddbConstable J. A. Legate, OPrP, Steve Burns, with Crystal's Bank o! Montreal as he had ta their family and friends Nesbitt visited with ber for' conded b3y Deputy-Reeve Cou nCilOr Prout, moved tbatnesiatd Sonly two goals, maintained a been unable ta sec its mana- for a pre-New Year's reunion. a fewdaS. O udyHa'lb thtaayo h he j A :5an hsmri 15 tbree point lelad vec Sains- ger, but that hie had heard Guests were Mr-. and Mrs. ther returned home with he-Ple b eerdt h i- ensaRdibRbr 15 bury in, the individual scoring that the charge i. 15 cents a Ronald Williams and !amilY, parents. Mi-. Wiibur Reynold, ance Committce with cansider-' Preston, Front Street. Hast- 12 race. deposit, or 25 cents if pey- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Janetville, was elso Sunda.y ation being given ta the pim- ings, age 40, lest control of 9 A power play goal at 15:31 ment was past due. Edgerton, Port Perry, Mr. and evening dinner gucst with, 8 o! thé opening period by Mayor Hobbs pointed out Mrs. Douglas Fallis and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Johins. 1 P i n o cipies discussed by the meet- the car he was driving oni 401 Burns, wîtb Don McMurter that council esks for tenders Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wil-1 ng, namely statutory holidayHgwyws !Hi od Wîl- ~and sevice py pnd a cia- Mia dmae s uot Roned. assisting, gave Crystel a 1-0 when making purchases and T .liams were New Vear's Day .i I L m atinservepa arbitle li-y r daage vehcle.Cstaie led.Mrry alo wsof rcivsvarlous quotes. If g f guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Art clsiiainyhi oinwsLgte msavelae d .l 31ts for interference at the time. the lowest bld is not accept- T w Duckworth, n<Pmrp(ROM PAGE ONE) classict. Ti oto accdegt nt.vsiatdti 37 miîjciîc pcrodscorîn thee sonheexput iad, T a Mi-. Norman Sarnells spent vanced studies In 'London and crie.aciet 37 midsdl' terooksor in the cdnthere must ea od ca-Thursday ta Sunday with bis Hanover. Major scholarships 29 unenswcred goals. Sainsbury 'Ohrbnswr e o-ncphews, the Harvey and WiI- she bas won include: Associat- ticd the geme at 1:36 and ."OtherG OE) frebRgenksmliswerMl-edBondoftoylcon-l o 23 Gi-cen put the winners in si1dcred whcn this resolution PO PAEOEfrdRgsfaiestMi-dBodo!oylcols! l3 rot a ta, e 334 o awas passed, and a price was of current levy, 1965 and pila ton. He aIso, visited Mr-. Lloyd Music - bighest marks in 6:25 whle rysal' Saofa Montreal. Tex payments Analysis ofa!a-i-ars is since Hospital. Canadien Council Grants. Coin- IC' L7 :5 T hompson setotal a in at a bank would make a lot 193,wbich is as fr back as! Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy en- petitive Prizes she bas won,~35 E R infatiopon, Robsouts Wtriake o!fi-unning around for Town present records will allow. joyed Christmas (Tucsdey ta include: Curtis Prize - London,3- E R infaect 3.Fion osn tlaadHl o-keh a Tax arrears as a percentage Thursday) with her brother England. */ 6 Burns di-ew assists. saîd. o! the current levy: High 1964 and sistei--in-law, Mi-. and witb 19.81 per cent, and iow Mi-s. Cecil Siemon, Hampton. Crystal's Bur-ns netted his Councillor Dykstra then (with the exception o! the Mr-. and Mrs. Howard Lee 23rd goal o! the cempeign al- esked for a rccorded vote on lowest 1968's 8.31 per cent) and Clîfford entei-tained the N ew elapsed in the final pci-iod. tion regarding tex payments Comparison o! ai-i-ars o! were the Bill Westons, Hamp- ~VÂt. 7,~ He intercepted a pess and et the Benk of Menti-cal be previaus four years as o! Dec- ton-. tbe Wayne Westons, lt 1r's2 1-2 EAR I 7/4/o streakcd in ta beet Ken Veitcb rescinded. A recarded vote ember 31st of eacb year. 1968, Burketon, the Neil Lees and (FROM PAGE ONE)___________________________ ini Robsan's cage cieanly. Lee was taken and all membes o! current 5.30 per cent, ane yeai- the Lai-ne Lees, Nesticton. arrangements, and he was as- at 1:24, and Sainsbury witih counicil answeced yen. ta pass 2.17 per cent, twa years .71 On New Year's Day, Mr. slsted by the other membersC NT LON A I TR S bis 18th o! the year, &Ï 13:31, the motion unanimously. per cent, three years and over and Mrs. Howard Lee an !Iis committec, Ralph Mc- clinched thc victary foc the .13 per cent. A total o! 8.31 Clifford visitcd witJi their Intyre. Don Begneli, Roy Tur- Motormen. -l C per cent. son and daughter-în-law, Mr. ner, George Webster, Byron& a ig Cop rt n Bath clubs drew foui- pen-E ~ 1967 arrcars, cur-ent 7.81 and Mirs. Lorne Lee and !am- Vanstone, Alex McGi-egor, 23 Kn St. W. 623-2527 Bewmanvllle alties apiece in the swi!tlv y per cent, anc year 2.47 per lly. Mcs. Kate Lee, Broaklin, Malcolm MacKenzie and How- Kn played match. Crystal bad cent, two years .94 per cent, was aIso a gucst. ard Jef ci-y. 19 Slmcoe St. N. 725-5221 Oshawa only eight men in their line. g ,e years and over .36 per Mr-. and Mrs. Richard Davi. The Lions Community Cen- HOURS : up nd pperedta tire as O f icO rs cent. A total a! 11.58 per cent. $on, accompanied' by their Ire was ettractivcly decorated Mon. te Thurs. i to 5.,30 the ame rogesse. Td (FOM AGE NE) 1966 ai-i-ars, current 10.98 per gnandchildren, David and KIMi in a seasonal Ibeme. The large VFOUN!TATINNEAD Fr1. 9 ta 9 sat. 9 te 4 thieygandprge sTd nMPAEO, cent; anc year 3.66 per cent; Eliiol, Lcaskdaie, e n j o y e d ballroom wes enhanced with 0F SERVICE Bowmanville Cloaed Wednesdays along with Brian Bradley, ducted by Dan Cayley, O.F.A. two yeers 1.57 per cent, thi-ce Tuesday ta Thursday with red, gi-cen, gold and silver -Putnamn and Tripp, hurt the fîcîdman, rcsulîed in a second years and over 1.51 per cent. Iheir son and daughter-mn-law streamers, and cvery anc of Dairymcn's chances by thei- terni as president for Russell A total o! 17.77 per cent. 1965 Mr. and Mi-.. R. Douglas De- the many tables grauped about absence. Burns and McMur- Kennedy. Other officers: lst arrears, current 10.31 per cent, vison, Blenheini. the dance flar wes cenîred ter, along with Thanipson, Vice Pi-es. and Treesurer, anc yeer 5.32 per cent, two Mi-. and Mrs. Herman Rod- witb a lovely Yuletide an- were the losecs' top perforni- Douglas Kemp; 2nd Vice years 2.01 per cent, thi-ce years man, Karen and Wilson, Lit- ragmnoraslliepiice1 i-.Pi-es., Gary Jfer;3id Vice and over 1.64 pcr cent, a total tle Britain, were New Year'sio! agwintc r asceeand c JonBecbpre'ts!1.2.e et.DydnnrgOsf ihbe al as gt d it h -e Fo oba's he etreqan Wih epesdade e eyan iicr aetMi.adMs Cciad cdter sn cysa a tFRoM PAGE ONE> 50sel s tetat th reprt sea ,4for Ipuerao esitnFi. -ti r wiu rnannuel rate per foot frontage is 63.7 cent. (FRM AG OE) spektain fr ganedtht e. "It repart spiniat~ Lion ~esters, was beld in the C O F tbe stage. Popular music fori'h siae otofabuesriecn spek, ekig fr gmntd Ial cif "I isa god ndiatin~hall. The spat dance wes woîr; dancing was supplied by the i Teetmtdcs fabuesriecn why?" Couinciilor Dyksti-a baving been in operation foc o! the fine work being dons by Mrs.DnlJnks dS lîe'Orhasbw. nection is $200. asked. avec 30 years, that everyone hy Mr. Gebocrs undpr your Mr. Fred Donamsend Mi-! âSpyieial rEventsa, Chai-an. .Apiato ilb md yto1oprto Councillor Leslie Coombe.s is familie'r wibh aur activities direction, Mr. Byron. He la tae h obre scccivd Mr 1BOb ildietws ncharge' .Aplcto ilemd yth oprto said thal Councillor DkrI and services. be congratulated. KepigU~o ragmnsfrteeet to the Ontario Municipal Board for its ba lokd nt te aler! hecoduti~ ! hebui-ths oa wrkwil egeatiyladiy door prize. As this i'wa rrneetsfrtevn sIre odctn ftebui hsgodwr ilbegetyldes' nigbl lunch was WrV- !He was assistcd hi' LIew Bun-1 approval of the undertaking of the work and and "if the resolution is net ness a! the Federation on be- taIebnfto h ois d by thle meni.!ton and Setb Hunt. The iuckyl n we a ihntet-n ry ie beneficialit il in aur intenest bal! o! its fam members bas pepl"teMyodcaed On Januar.y 111h there ilwneofteSca D w to rescind." He explained alweys been dane în quiet Councîlior Robent Dykstra, be a joint installation o! was Chai-les W. Wright, 3 1 tefrtpbiaino hsntc iewt that bis opinion bad been dgifi ane botth oe inslruted texponressMen's and Ladies' Courts. Gotutret,w o a p cni aset then erkn. ojeto o h or en that the systern wi)uld be et- benefit o! the caucous fan- ci- Mi- ucedteexresD.D .H.C.R., Mr. 0cm Yourthtepieo incbse netkn ficient as nani' large busi-1fere sometimes assaciatcd councii's appreciatlon teM.Ohwil fcatfothfledwhcer Te ee- nesses lct the banks do their! with and charmctcnizi-ng other Gebacrs for bis fine report, mew andwilloffciat fa th table bfe uper o! barbe- 4. The Board mmy approve of the work heing collections. organizations. The Fedena- the r Iut o! bis successful mnrdDD....Ms. c buffice sp dices! udetkn u eor on oi efforts.This was seconded yHelen Twining will pi-cside end bicuicshn, saeda, cees nereebureoe on-1 tna "Nw w av e o- a la. eni mds ancla anieP-utian's approach ta prablems os s sfor the ladies.I bictshdbnprp- appoint a time sud place when eny objections "Nw ebaetR cl hsalay ee n mdstCunlilr arie rut ndcd-by he c-enes, Tony's t h okwllb osdrd lectbusiesasixe m a n n ar, cnrtied unaninouaiy. Fallowing bbc installationý etewr ilb osdrd car, bsenswiîî annbe et Rcfcshment Service, LImited,ý everi' Iwo monldis. Wc have cbargcd with emotion which CuciuaapontdCun- thrîs wcl adacoe tlsa CHDL A f r300rtpyradclorLsi ome eteýwiheveryone iSCHEDULE A avn ,00 atpaer, n mai' attradt publiciîy, but cili1eleCone ateWhc There' was a large attend.1Sz posbymight be askcd tO hhmper judiciaus decision in Exc1v omtc !teac IteOdFiosCn Street Fi-r To IEnches bine extra bcip, s0 if we cen the final analysis. Osawa Ai-ca Plannin# and tennial Temple Board's Dance, --.- gel the collections nade for Deveiopment Study. This wes ~ MW m~ and everyanc bad a dcligbtfui Lovera' Lane 100' E. et Centre 250' E. of Centre 8 a rasoabe aoun i wold Delegates te the Provincial donc on a motion by Cauncil- Ina u ura lime. The specious Centennial Firot St. 111gb st. 228' W. of 111gb S ae nueapnaoeitalnteilgoutdTrann Course te be heid atlai Glenn Fi-y, seconded by0 Hall, Qucen Strcet, wes effcc-, Third St. HIgh st. 258' W. ot 111gb a the benk for paymenîs la be Genevm Park in Qi-hua cari' Councilioi- Keitb Shackeltan. I g tively adorned willi Yuletidc rw t ue t, 25 .o ue made there. 1 sec no rmason in Februeri' were namcd. A Cotinciilor Fi-y, seconded bv' oe and New Yeai-'s decorations Bons. QenS. 25 .o ue whY tRial wouid be a bed generous donation ta 4-H club Cauncîllor Coombes, moved; încluding silver and gold gar- Fourth St. 111gb st. Ise' W. ot 111gb 8 dem," Cauncillor Coombes woaik wbich was suf!ering that Reeve Annie Oke be re <FROM PAGE ONE) ',ands draped across the large Firat Notice - January 1, 1969 asserted. from leck o! finance wYas appointed council's repremenla- appoînted ta the Dailingloninoom below the celing,, and gi-ate!ully acknawiedged by tiîve on the Board of Dinectan, Township Planning Board for meny ]ovely ticred and ring- Second Notice - Janumry 8, 1969 Councillor Dykslra said O.A. Daîrympie in the cor- ! Memorial Hospital, and that a lhrec ycar' Icim ta expire cd golden and silver chandel- hatlibe feit obligated ta In.- respondence. Oui- young pea. Ic he oard's letten notifying on Jenuery Ist, 1972, and iei-a. At midnight there was a R. L. BYRON, vestigate the proposed sytemIple need ail the encorge.-1cauncli o the annuel meeting Councillon Baker and Côun- shower o! balloons, wbich bed Town Clerk. O! tax payments et aib__nk. Imnent and kfflwiedge pasgibleat MemnaI-lHouDital Comria- cifon Werry uwere aopamted ta bp,,n rgwected bclow the 40 Temperance Street, At- exrpèbnetthdi leffae n a-i f tm anticiPsie entering tien on Wedncsday evcning. Ithîs boarci fr1i- 9. These ap jcering. 'l'ie message "Happi'yw avllOtro teined information from the the ferming profession inisi isIJanuarg. 22nd. be reepived and pointmt. werc made on a [Ncw Year" wa, printed in o anieOtr. Tor'oeto-Dominlo.i Bank and competitive ci-ai iflld. This was carried. lmotion«by Deputy-B,,eeve Glbbalhuge gold Jettera on a red Il mie"

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