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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1969, p. 3

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,Novice Ail -Stars Win Troo)hv at Brockville Tkôucanrl IcklAr4Te Mi. anti Mrs. Lennox Vaseyi in Port Hope, a week ago last -- a %W- -- yBo aa erg'a-- .aI a Ne Of Port MeNicol were recent Sunday. ~ oswith ber parents, Me Me anti Mrs. Roy Bruce anti Mca. Wm. Stapleton. anti Douglas of Bancroft. wece re-, hgtthemn weee dinner guest-, cent visitors with Mr. R. r istmnas Day. with Mr. anti Bruce. üees. Bert Stapeton anti fam- Mr. Davidi Imlach bas hW' Ys. Bowmanvlle. as were also leg in a cast. the cesuit of a n.and Mes. Don Stapleton break, whlle out skating a, and family. week or so ago. Me. anti Mes. S. J. Lancaster, Me. anti Mrs. Ross Brown. spent ah evening recently %vith Marty anti Shelly were at, Miss Mildreet Moise, Port Brujcefielti over the weekend,ý Hnpe. recently. Misc. Wm. Milligan met wlth Mes. George Stapleton visit- an' unfortunate accident a short eti in Kingston last weekenti time ago, cesultlng In a brok- with Me. anti Mes. Harcy Stew-' en leg, anti Is a patiprnt In Me- art, ant Iinfant daughter,! mnai Hospital, Mr. Davidi Tracy Victoria.r Denault la stillInb Bowman- The annual New Year's Ex'e1 Ville H o snoi t a undergoîng party was attentiet this year' fuether tests. by some 47 couples who en-r Mi. anti Mes. Jimn Adams ,ioyeti a sumptuous eepast secv- spent several dax's In Toronto. ed In the Suntiay School hall.: 7t the Christmas seasoln. with; going on to the Communlty: their son Geralti bis wife anti Hall. later. for dancing. Music i famnily. While there. the" xis- was prox'iteti by Lew Wood's, lteti bY telenhone -with their'Orchestra. daughter, Mes. L. Aigos-tinone' Me. anti Mes. F. Gilmer were anti famnihv at Vancouv'er, as, guects of Mc. anti Mes. Alfredti well as witb their son John Bcdknap. Oshawa, on New anti family at Haiifsx. Year's Eve. Me. anti Mes. Situe v Laiu- j. M. ant i-Me. Trueman Caster with Me. anti Mes. Jack Hentierson anti' family weree Chard ant I ohnna-Lynti of supper guests. Sîintay. with1 Newcastle. were qunner gussMe. anti Mes. Moreton Hender-; wvith Mr. anti Mes. Wm. Tozer. son anti family, Mocrish. Miss Pat Varma spent the' Announe Newloidays with frientis In Mont-' Hea~n~ Sustace: Me. anti Mes. George Rend-' Be afingSbtne erson. Port Hope, were with, * Me. anti Mes. Fred Hentierson, Shriks Ples New Year's Day. weprvenWith Mr. anti Mes. Don ~~~ohfi Stapleton anti family on New,,...~~~ b@mmytbo4ds and repair damaged fisme. Yeac's Day were Mr. anti Mes. A rnowedresarh isttut h n WT. Stapleton. Mes. L. Totit, ' Me' ~ A rnowed effarc intitte anSt.aekvil Miss Elva Kinnear,: found a unique healing substance MVr. Dave Green, Mr. anti Mes. wtih the ahility to shcink hemnor-BetSaeon GlrPu- - " " rhoids painlessly. 1It rel ieves ici~m niDnaat blPRaul- anti dicomfort in minutes angineadDnaadPii an @peeds up healing of the injured, ess, al of Bowmanville: Me., Whiie the Pee Wees were in Coilingwood during the Christmas lnfilmeti tissue. anti Mes. Bruce Donnelly. Dar- ýhoiidays, the Bowmanvile Novice Ail-Stars, sponsored hy Peeston Iiicas afe. cae, hie gntî ecl anti Dennis of Port Hope.'the Mover, headed east to participate in the Brockville Invitational lraseîi, cs, hiinen Gloria anti Pauline cemaineti Thoîîsand Island Tournament where thev waiked off with a trophy. g pÏM n ain, actuai reduction for a few tays visit. (hr*kgo)ýtook place. Me. anti Mes. Jim casweli They aiso piayed here on Sunday and defeated Port Perry 3-I. The Moet import.ant of al restilta anti family were wlth Mr. ant i five Ail-Star teams from town xviii take part in a big Minor Hockey were enthorough that this improve- Mes. Bill Watie anti boys. 1 Day heee on January 2.5th when teams, possibly from as far away Mentlwaa maintaineti over a period Me. anti Mes. Ray Tompkins This was accomplished with a M. anti Mes. Phil Gilmer antýi redGaa n aiy new healing substance ÇBio-I)yne) family witb Me. anti Mrs. L. î Newcastle. which %uickly helps heai injureti Clystiahe. :Me. andi Mes. Clirîtoiî Brown elsRstimulates growth of new Mr ad --s Carl Totitianti ,with Me. anti,'MsBLTAema tissue. family with Mr. and Mrs, C.R. 1-enderson and family. N'nw Bio-Dyne is offére in Ont Farrow and Glen. Mr. Jim Westcott of Udney mtent and suppository form ca lied Mr. Milton Kimbail. Mr. and \with Mr. andi Mrs. Arnoldi PreParation H. AskfMr it a t a 1d rug Mr,-. F. Gilmer, Mr. anti Mrs.:Wade andi Grant,. etoes.satsfatin o yor oeyG. Kimbail and Joan. Mr. andi Women's Institute xii inepf mRefe.Statio rJOIIlOYMrs. Vance Cooper andi Doug, Ion Wednesday, ,Jan. 15 at the gefmdd. IOshawa, with Mr. andi Mrs. home ef Mrs. Wilfred Paedeii CH ILDS'LADIES' WEAR CHILDSKING ST. W, BOWMANVILLE CLEARING ½1/ PRICE_ COATS AND car. Coats UP TO 40,OF SWE AT ERS CARDIGANS - PULLOVERS FSERMAN KNIT 3O0ooOFF ONE RACK ODDS 'N ENDS SDrastically Reduced ALL DRESSES Clearing at Reduced Prices AIL SALES CASH* ALL SALES FINAL QUICK m CLEAN CENTRE ,59 KING ST. W.' - BOWMAN VILLE Self - Service Coin Operated Laundromat 12 LBS. - COMPLETE WASHING CYCLE INCLUDES SPIN DRY - 18 MINS. -Frigidaire Equpent OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY AMPLE PARKING OFF QUEEN STREET a %%0% l** ma E àI % * IJIC21 [%À I NE WTON VILLE as Quebec, wili be visiting here. Membhers of the Novices are, fronti row, lef t to right, Joe Burns, Steven Tamblyn, Bill Leaman, Tommyl Fowier, Barry Brunt and Ian Wiicox; hack row, Ted Puk, Brianj Martin, Garry Nemnisz, Jim Hutton, Geraid Brunt, Kirk Kemp, Barry , Livingstone, Barry Shackeiton and Daryl Knox; absent, Raiph Cry-! deeman, and Steven Howard; back row, Coach Don Wiicox and! Manager John Fowler. STOCK Services were quith well,rmot.her in Oshawa Hospita],'weeks with relatives irn or: attended Sndy moirîg Sunday. near Stratford. i1-lîx Communion was admin- Guests of Mr. andi Mes. John! Mr. andi Mr5. W a I t er istereti in both chinrches. Ir Archer and family New \'eRr',z Wright. Elennor andi Elainpe 1the Unri the choir sang aDay ,vere Mrs. ,John Wottnn,iwere Satiirtiay evening din-' loel nihpm " MY FIth Mr. and Mrs. Willie Johoston ner guests of Mr. andi M-s.I r Looks Up IoThe.ý'wlth Mes.;and chiltiren, Miss Lintia,1;Floyd Stinson andi familIy, Harold Kyte taking the solo .,Tnhnstoii Mr. andi Mrs. Henryf Yelverton. parts. Rex'. P. Bomeril gave Wotten and finiy.Me. andi New Year'sg giiets of Mr.' a veory m pressive sermon Mes.lyl Milîson and Chris, atid Mrs. Ralph Larmer aid from the text. "As thv daiy ýo of Tyrone, Mrs. Ray Brati-.boys were Miss Sharon Lar-ý shail thy' vstrc(nglh be." He h'um and Bonalci. Miss Mary mer, Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs.ý stressed thal aPil look at l9FH9 Bea(tiuen, Toronto. andTVIîMiss Eber Snowden, Courtire. Mr.' and he încrtan ftur wih, eit Bratiburn, Peterborougi.ý anti Mes. Harvey Yellowleesý ur dednev.R >Rs Ion'me. and Mrs. Ernest Mc- 'anti family, Solina, Mrs. Mae-1 Rev B.C.Ros alo avean ean and family, North Bay, Dougald. St. Mary's, Mes. Er- inspiring sermon on 'Jesu ( hsnstLameMrad 1r Christ the Light. of the spent. a rew da 'vs wit inc rs World".parents. Mr. andi Mrs. D. Mc- Glenn Larmer and boys. Levan. Suntiay cahiers with .Me)1 On New Year's, Mrs. Ruth. Mr. Paul Bahim, Toronto, anti Mrs. H-arold McLaughlinl Wilson was hosless for 201 of setafwdy thm. adgrswr r niMs the Wilson connection. Sun-, pn e iy t oe n il eeM.adMs day supper puests were Mr' Approximately 65 tiescen- Ted McLaughlin and Paul, anti Mrs. Gco. Cole, Mr. .ia tiants of the late Mr. anti Mis.1 Fenelon Falls, Mr. aond Mrs. Ar-cher andi Ms Roxveni Robert Ferguson gatheret in'~Ross Ashton, Beth and Grant. Sherry. Port Hlope, Mr. and th' Recreation Centre Ne.,! Haydoan, Me. and Mrs. Harold! Mrs. Richard Archer, CLJ- Yeae's Day and hiat a mosi Portier, Port Perrv. bouirg. anti Mr. Lloyd Wilson, enjoyable time. The youogerý His rnany frientis will be Scarborough. ones spent part of the after- glad to hear Mr. Lloyd Bea- To pit ofth strnionnoon on snowmobiles, still cock is ahle to sit up in al FIna ,2piesonhestînout ynouiiger on toboggans and> wheel chair a, littie xwhiie each Foridv t 1he ro oucre te 'on-,slihs, while those some olti- day in Toronto General. s.hip Hlall Fritiay night, Dec. er hati a reai gond visit. Others in hospital appeari 27th. Prize winners were Mrs., Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar- to be progressing slowly --i Wilbert Werry, Mrs. Merv'vni cher vith Mr. anti Mrs. Elmeri Me. Ernest Larmer in Osi-ý Graham, Me. Dalton Eng s, Achr f.hibyviited herlawa, Mrs. A. McQiade and' Mr. Mervyri Graham; luckv sister and brother-in-law, MVIr. l Mrs. Leightoni in Port Perry. clra w, Mr. Roy Wtrr.v. :andi Mrs. F. Cook, Beaverton, A group of eight married,' Mvr. andi Mrs. J. H-amilton' Mondav. couples en.ioyet a sniowmobileý spet te Critma Woitivs Mr. and Mesg. Wilf. Brown party Thursday night. Thevi lxith M r. ad Ms eat anti girls, Courtice, Mr. and toured the south anti weS'tý Warne and family, Kingston. Mr. Bob Faieey and girls. pat ftetwnhpat e Mrs J.A. ohntonspet a Bowmanville, s p e n t New tui'ne t t the Ivan Thomp-! few days with Mr. and Mrs 'Year's Day with Mr. andi Mrs. son s for a delicîous hot lunch.! Keith Johnston and girls Boh Bryans and family. Deb- Mr. andi Mes. Marwood Mc-1 Belleville. " ie rernaineti for a few days. rKewr mn h lei of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lawson, Tweny-n enebrs of Ihn r niMs Ani a Yelverton, on New Year's. Pegg family spent Christmas'loe, Dianne andi Betty Jane, MisBt unmo pn with their parents anti grand-* Me. anti Mes. Anson Taylor. a fess days wit.h ber speste. parents, Me1 . anti Mrs. Geo.iMe. anti Mrs. Roy Taylor!aMr ant Ms. B. DlerlTr Peg.spent New Year's Day wdth oMr nt'o. .Dalý o- Sundy, Dc. 2ih, 0 p rMe anti Mrs. Garnet Murra,r. Mr. andi Mrs. Brian Do- sons gatÏhereti at the HaroldiKthrne wo aihm moor anti babe, .Toronto,! Maetyn's farni near Bethany' rm WtrooUiest o visi ted the Ken Dunsmoors,ý for a snowmohile party. There th oiias ni aoy. Suniay. were 15 snowmobiles; -nine <'fi Mes. L. Thoropson spenti Most of the gtiidenf5 are' the more venituresomneprsn eita anti New Yeai-'s awaY back to their different' frav'elled- across countrx',,onih lher mother andi othfr!colleges; anti places of work.l their machines; the others !relatives in Orono. .Joey anti;also te-achers andi pupils ho bhroiight, thero on trailers he- Ls oaic, saa pn the lcl 1srhools. except for, hinti cars from Blackstock. a frw days w'ilh their grand-!a few who are ill. A jolly afierrnon of fun in motheir. anti Mes. Thompson'j the fresh snow with many entertaineti the Thompson thrilîs anti spilîs was spe,1jf. amilies Fridiay evening, Jan.! Zion (Hope Tiw shp Lunch was sereetin h rins! house anti ail trax'elled homeý Guests of Mes, W. W. Van' again after tiark. Camp on New Year's DaY' Itne o ,it ek Sympathy is etueiM,,. were Me. anti Mes. Stepheni Mes. George Walkey. Port1 anti Mes. Keith Jolunston anti Sa* well, Miss Margaret Sa77-' Hope. hati Cheistmas dinner at family on the ticath of bis xvcl Iani fiance, Oshawaivi" 'ber dtighters, Mr. and Mes.l anti Mes. Paul Ritiing andi'Roy Best. anti Heather. at :30pxn Al laiesareTracy, Toronto, Mr. anti Mes.iMes. Ralph Gerow is spenti- at 2:1) p. Allde r Ronald Drinkwater and fani- lng the Christmas holila 'vs' welcm e.ily, OttawaMr. anti Mr, with bier son Donald anti wife Mr. Allan Martin of PoltBa ut erad fml'in Toronto. Credit was a calIcerwith Me. Bisses Gunteranti fenaijMe. anti Mes. Chai-les Rahy anti Mes. George Stapleton on, Mr. Jack Van Camp. Ispent Christmoas with Mes. Fritiay. r Raby's relativ'es in Fenwick. Me. anti Mis. C. M. Jones Mi. anti Mes. Grant Fergu- - Mr. Stanley Jonces anti Ross; antiMes Be Jous rturecison anti family, Toronto, bati hat inîner Christmas Dayvaa by 'lan. Sturiayaftrrîon New Year's dinner with Me.: Mes. Ethel Pax'ne's, Port Hope from Edmonton, where thev atiMes. Lloyd Wrigh t andi andi on Thurstiay were guesîstr spent Christmas anti Ne' familv. Me. George Dunbar,, of Me. anti Mes. Haroldi Best,; Year's with Me. anti Mes. But iiDese ntKah. cao-jWsyil. Jones anti familv. Mes. Giti- ough, Me. and Mes. Noei Me. Daviti Gerow. student atj dus Jones. who kept Mes. Alice! Morton anti boys bati tinneri Waterloo, also Miss.ý Heather Jones company xvhile the oth- wîth Boy anti Bill Fergusons, Best, Waterloo. are spending ers were axvay. returneti to bier anti al] joineti at the oldi Christmas holidays with their home In Bowmianx'ille. Sundiav. homesteati for supper and the! parents. Incitientalx' she celebeateti evening.I Miss Bessie Hamilton. To- lier birthdiay, whihe bere, on! r M. anti Mes. Gien Vanj ronto. Is with her sister Laura 1 New Year's Day, Camp anti boys anti Me. andi.for Christmas anti the New; Local people, among thoseiMes. Arthur Van Camp, Port Year. attentiing the Stîta even-l Pery. spent New Year's with Mes. Norman Gerow anti ing part\,'a4 the home of Me. Me. and Mes. Haery Van' son Davidi. weee guests of cela-1 anti Mrs. How,%ard Farrow in- Camp.1 tives In Wellington over the clutietiMe. Willis Farrow, Me. Mes. Geo. Fowler has ce-1 Christmas week. atMe.L. turnei home from a visit with' r ae ay telg Ms. Siti Brown. Mr. anti Ms. 'Me. anti Ms. G. Rutherford, 1was VîSîtîng relatives at Rose-. Ray Tompkins anti famlly, Me.j Seagrave. berry Hill last week. anti Mes. T. Henierson, Me. Sincere svmpthy of the! M. anti Mes. Arthur e andMr. P Glmr. comuntyi".'xtendiediM. r neilley anti family. Port HpeM antiMes.P. Glmer comunit SMe. anti Mes. John Meneillex' There wee1) tables In pla 'v Arthur Bailey anti ail the re-' n 'fmiv Belleville, iati at the cari pai'ty in Commun- latives on the tieath of Mes. Christmas dînner with Mc. antid ity Hall. Fritiay night, with!Baiiey in Florida. Thurstiay.'MsCa.Mniey winners being: high lady, Leta Me. Leslie Bushfield of Mr. anti Mes. Chas. MeneI.- Samis; low lady, Joyce Stacey; Guelph spent the weekend i1vwr n saarcnly high gent, R. Bruce; 10w gent with the Murray Byers'. 11visîting relatives. anti door prize, Mr. Zealani.. Cheryl anti Rickie Rah M,! 'Miss Elaine Caswel, withI Mr. anti Mes. Harry Wade Pr ery pni fwhu:her parents, motorei to North were dinner guests. Sundav tiays with their grantiparentF. Bay. Tuêsday. to spenti the i night. with Me. anti Mes. BIiIMe. anti Mes. Jack Rahm. Ch'ristmas xveek wvith Carol Wade anti boys, having retuen- 1Me. anti Mes. Rov Cordein. r(Me. anti Mes. Jos. Segar anti eti from their trip to the West, Me. anti Mes. Rov Turner anti: famîily) on Saturday. They spent1jgirls, Mes, J. A. McArthurý1 Mrs. Len Titterington has i Chiristmas with their aunt, anti family have returnei returnei home from the Port Mis. E. Holdaway at Brandon, from spending the holidays in' Hope anti District Hospital. visitingc also Me. anti Mes. R. Flocida. where she was under thP5 K. Holdaway at Flin Flon anti Miss Ida Dempsey returneti tor.tor's care for nearly a, Mr. Bill Glover at Souris. îSunday after apending two' week. -ý A father trying in advlse à difl¶eult son en choosing a career, finally asked In despari "Isn't there anythlng on earth youd like io be ?" "Why, ves," the yeung man drawled, 'I'd like to, be a retlred businessman." CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Home Cleanlng Is Dangereus. Cleanlng flulds should te handled b, experts only. Brdng them to your local dry cleaner for special attention. WEEK 0F PRAYER SERVICES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH - JAN. 7 - 8 - 9 - 1 ftBOWMAN VILLE CLEANERS \jJ UoIT' 84 KING ST. W 623-5520 CLEANER "We Specialize In Shirt Laundering" KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LLE our ame t e Cradi kn Staternan, E<owmanv!fe. Jan. 8. 193 3urnmentLONG SAULT . Bernard. Mr. and Mrs. Mre Gallagher and famiAly and (Intended for last week) I illiard, Norwood, were Fil- Ail the members of the j 1day dinner guests of the G. Johnston famltly were homej Bernards. for Christmas Day and enjoy-1 Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellett ed a lox'ely Christmas dnner, and family, Janetville; Mis. wlth their parents. Mr. and: W. Penwarden and Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. Mrs. Earl Penwarden and fam- Sorry to say that Mrs. J. lIy were Christmas Day guests Johnston' s sister. Mrs. Hall, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- Toronto. passed away the day: eron. after Christmas. Mr. and Mrs.! On Saturday the R. Cam- J. Johnston and David attend- erons were supper guests of ed the funeral ln Toronto on Mr. and Mis. Chas. Penward- Saturday. Mrs. McLaughlln.! en and family. Haley's, returned home with 1Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson the Johnstons and is staving ihad Christmas dinner wlth until New Year's Eve. Mr. and Mis. Glen Pugsley jM r andi Mrs. Richard Ren-and familyy et Colborne. On ard and famlly. Toronto; Rev.1 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nor.- and Mis, Art Gallagher. Mac- man Davls and famlly, Orono, tier. were Christmas Daylh ad dinrier w1th their parents, guests of Mr and Mrs. G. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Ozre Cleners C/ nuc#Ue 4 b~i KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE

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