w---... -. -. - -.... The Orono News FrtBrha Mr and Mrs. Ken Tamblyn! Auditorium at 2 p.m.; Unit 7! Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Elvlss of Of Los Angeles, California, at the home of Mrs. Harry Brock. Sask., with Mr. and spent a week during the holi- 'Mercer at 2 p.m. and three, Mrs Harvey Aikens and son days visiting with his mother! meetings in the evening, Unit1 Tom of Millbrook visited Mr. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn at Sunset: 1 in the Main Hall, Unit 3 at land Mrs. Orville Challice and Lodge Nursing Home, Bow- the home of Mrs. Donald Long! famlly on Thursday of last manville. While he was here: and Unit 4 at the home of Mrs. week. he was entertained at his sist-j Orville Chatterton. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne G. ers' homes. The Van Hornesý Mrs. Robt. McHolm, Mr. Helson and children moved or, of Whi tby and the Millersiand Mrs. Ethan Jones of Port'Saturday to the Sanderson were sorne of his former'Hope spent overnight. Monday 1 house on Mill Street North. fr"ends and school chums and ,of last week with Mr. and Mrs.i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, renewed old times. After'Cecil Jones and family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cowan spending Christmas at broth- Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. Mr. and children spent Sunday fer Carlos' he was reunited, and Mrs. Don Welsh, Miss ,with Mrs. Robt. McHolm, Mr. Ivith the Canadian winters he[ Jean Baker and Mr. LarrY and MTs. Ethan Jones at Prt remembered, with a ski-doo WeIsh of Salern were recent Hope. rtde, the only transportation supper guests of Mrs. Flor-ý Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton Vossible from the fa-m out to ence Goddard and Mr. and'visited Miss Eva Patterson at the main highway enroute to Mrs. Ted Boricic, R.R. Orono. thv odnPouhLde o cath teir'plne or he np Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas- bourg. on Sunday. ]home. This was Leata's firstibergen of Yelverton are resid- Miss Gerry De Dajohn Visit to Canada and they ing in the house they recently and Mr. Michael Fagan of thoroughly enjoyed their White purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Kingston. Miss Karen Fagan Christmas. Robt. Beacock on Division St. o! Markham, Mr. John Wlnter Congratulations to Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Glasbergcn llved of 'Toronto visited Mr. and G.Hooper who Is at the Marni-'at Kimby before they moved Mrs. F. 0. Cooper on Thurs- Wood Nursing Home, Bow- i ta the YÇelverton district. day flatwek. rnanville, and was 87 on Tues- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. ' Jetnnie Richardson e- day, Jan. 7th. 'Mrs. Clarence Haitsma, thelturned home on New Year's .**. . . . ..yy.. The Oono United Church: former Margaret Middleton, on Eve aftem spending 10 days in ~ ~ Womnen held six meetings on their niarriage. Satumday aftcr-1 Toronto. Truesday, Jan. 7th: Unit 5. noon. January 4th at Orono! Mrs. Orley Chapman vislted .. luuancheon, 1 p.m., meeting at United Church. Mr. and Mrs.lover the holidays with Mr. the home o! Mrs. Carl Bill-' Haitsma will reside In Port' and Mrs. Roy Cornish, Port ings; Unit 2. 'n the Lowcm Hope. Permy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Joncs and .~ ~~ family, Mr. Fred Wood of Bowmanville spent Monday of last week with Mr. and .~ Mrs. Cecil Joncs and fam.ily. rM. and Mrs. Camman Corn- ~.~ J a n ur y Iish, Cheryl and John, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hutton and sons were pre-Christmas dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Mc- Nally of Coîbomne. Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Down and sons have returned home after Cagflndiadvtin elatioves hradoelti elw' h bv ht ! Christmas and New Ycar'sspnigIwncesoe A .uur. andl..a, V.. (Ij Piper and Colin Andrew McKay who will celebrate his firs Annual nce-a- ear Clarance ciIrno Bowmanville spent birthday on Wednesday, January l5th. He is the soi Sunay ithMr.and Mrs. i1 of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McKay (nee Tanya Goddard BUY i hristm aughstms. of Niagara Falls, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Laur' H A- S 1Mm. and Mrs. Doug Hird off ence Goddard of Bowmanville and Mr. Nelson McKa) CLEARING AT NOW 1 Scarboraugh, Mr. and Mrs. Sr. of Fort William. Photo by WayneFarrai Biil Sears of TorontoMs___ Geo. Morton and Miss Julie /2PIEHawke with Mr. and Mrs. HAYDO Lawrence Harris and sons on AI.TeWetfml hl hirbAliChristmas Day.A CommLînity Meeting wîll son, Oshawa, Mr. and Mr,;.3 TheWes fail hed teirbeheld this Sunday at four Abbott, B u r k e t on, wer Annuai Get-to-gether at the o'clock at the church. A num- Christmas week callersa I.O. O.F. Hall on Christmas ber of items will corne up for1 Mrs. A. Thompson's. Mr.E Eve. to n discussion. Thompson, Hampton, Mr. i Mm n d r..HuhM Congregational Meeting wili Thomnpson of Bowmanvill ALL 'E me sont Christmas wt i. and Mrs. Carman Cornish, be held Sunday, Jan. l9thj weme Sunday cailers at Mrs n e r Cheryl and John. ýafter the church service. A. Thompson's. SA EDRESES Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackle- Sunday school session atý Mr. and Mrs. John Sc.hoon iton and Danny of Salemi with 2:45 o'clock and church ser- dembeek, Enniskillen, wr r~iIIhem parents Mm. and Mrs. Wm. !vice at 3 p.rn. during the New Year's guests with Mr $$ $ Drs ica Allun, Kirb3ý, for Christmas. xvwinter. land Mrs. Johni Bertrim an( Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gray' Mm. and Mrs. C. W. Downey!Mrs. M. Betrim. Reduced ta Clear land dýiughters. Mr. and Mrs. of Bowmanville were New Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ai Ted Lane and son spent Year's guests of Mm.an Mrs. derson and Bîllie, Port Hope ALL SALES FiNAL !Christmas with Mr. and Mmc. D. J. Cameron. were New Yeam's guests o NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS C. H. Lane and son Barry, Mms. Jean Rice, Hamptan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin Newtonville. w as Thumsday afternoon visi- William and Paul Mm. and Mrs. Emil Schmid, tor with the Camerons. Mm. and Mis. Stan Cowlini Elaine, Julie, Laurie and Heidi, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Webb, weme recent visitors off Mms C S h ýpj, Mr. and Mrs. RosLewis, Mr. Cheryl and Darrin, Mr. and Irene Tabb and ai Christmas Day with Mm. and were Sunday cupper guests of Mm. Doug Blackburn ané Mms. Hamry Lewis and Fac. M.adMs aea a Ne il Blackburn were Fridaý 48 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Mm1em ye n r Rev. and Mrs. David Nor-'unhngutsofM.a Bmyon Myles o! Sceley's Bay they' 'ymone, were Newv Mrs. G e r a 1 d Shackleton _____ with their parents, Mr. and rYr'suergsto!M.Saem. and Mms. Tom Patts. Mm. and Mis .Bicbr Linda and Janet Sharp, En- Neil and Dale were Satumday niskiilen, and Barbara Ashton supper guests off Mm. and Mm:, 1JARYwere holidaying with the Gemald Shackleton, Salem. AJAN ARydAhtnYaiy Mm. and Mms. W. Blackburn Mm. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Camai, Doug, Dale and Nei Mm. and Mrs. Keith McG'hI, weme 'Sunday supper guests of Dale and Brian, Mm. and Mrs.j Mm. and Mrs. Wayne Black- J. Kinsmen, Lisa and Robyn, burn, Newcastle. R Mm. Russell Ormistan, Ennis- Mmc. D. Malcolmn returned AT FREDERICKS PH~ARMACY killen, weme Sunday dinner home an Sunday, having guests of Mm. and Mms. Lloyd spent three weeks with hrr Ashton, Ronald and Ray. family at Toronto and Sutton. Mm. and Mrs. Ross Ashton Mm. and Mmm. Lloyd Slemon, Hali.f Price Specials CHRISTMAS Miniature and famiiy and Mr. Russell Susan and Fmeddie weme Nev BxdDECORATIONS Ormistan weme New Yeam's Year's dinner guests off Mr. BxdTREE LITES guests o! Mm. and Mmc. Lloyd and Mms. Wilbur Toms, Christmas Cards SAVE 1:x Ashton. Blackstock, and New Year's Icicles 29c - OnIy 19e Rg .9Mm. and Mmc. Alfred Gar- cupper guests of Miss Nancy To clear at Spiral Garlands 79e - 530 e.33 rard, Bamry and Lori Ann, Johns and Mmm. Wii Whitc, j eTo namnsMms. L. Gif!in weme New Hampton. 1/2 PTop O 59ent ONLY $2.79 Year's Day guests of Mm. andi Mm. Russeli Tabb, Miss Lii' 1/2PRIE 8e -59eMmc. C. Gamard. T1abb and Mmc H. Crossman Miss Patsy Garrard and Mmr. aiIed on Mms. Mabel Cowi- REE HOLI DA GIFT ! ! ob Townsend, Keswick, ing, Salemn. Baku m r Mm andMms1C.Marrad, Lxr-tumed t Kemi-_1e o-Mo Reg 161I or CodsYear's Day guests o! M . and hi day They l had lots of SPECIAL $1.38 $1.44 SPECIAL $1.19 Mmc. Kennedy Gray and son fun, theme being lots o! no David. fam sleighiding, and roai Mm. and Mrs. Len Pears and wifter weathem. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFERS BY NOXZEMA Alan spent New Year's Day~ NEW NOXZEMA HAIR GROOM PERSONNA OswaM.anMr.rinsh, SALEM CLEAR or CREAM RAZOR BLADES 1 Mr and Mmc. R., W. Lund.î 5/75c SPECIAL 39c i Wavitb, issead Knanp of Sacrament o! communion $1 .78 Value for 90c -1UATIIE LMIED -bwanll Miss G w cp f was hcld at the church servicel Smith, Mm. Termy Myles and Ion Sunday. Mm. Bryon Myles of Seeley's 1 Our annual congregational PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WHILE YOU WAIT Bay with Mr. and Mmc. How- meeting will be hedd on Mon-! orW EIVRFE ard Myles for New Year's Day. day, Jan. 20th. ______ r W DLIERFRE O CLLMm. and Mrs. Tom Hardy. Glad ta, repart Mm. Ken Precrptonsaceped orBle Cos, Mm. Temry Hardy were New Shackleton able ta be home orkesCtopns aeteond frBle Cs, DV A TRHO Year's Day dinner guests o! again alter being a patient i ~ W rkm n's Com enstio , W lfae, .V. ., e RVC Miss Darene Hartwig, M . and Memoial Uospital folaow ngj and other Insurance Plans. Mmc. Nelson Zoschke and an opemation. famlly. Mm. and Mmc. Fareweli Mms. A. Harmis, Mm. and Mrs. Blackburn weme Monday even-i Ted Willhiams, Mrs. Vince Van- ing visitors with Mrs. Bemniece E E1 Cstone and chlldren o! Bowman- Cole, Bowmanvllle and enjay- F R EE R C KS 1ville, Miss Julie Hawke. Mr. cd seeîng the pictures she had P RE PT O N cand Mmc. Jack Williams and taken whilc holdaying n ON CLS. . C TIPINSB.S.Phm / off Mr. and Mmc. Lawrence Mm. and Mmc. Matthew Mar- FRDay. Year's guests of Mr. and Mmc. .ý F OR 67 KING ST. EAST, BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ceccl Jones. Mark Marchant, Maple Grove. SERVIC qu iîaul, Julie and friends weme Mm. and Mrs. E. Twist and! SVCETELEPHONrd 623-2546 !Nevi Year's Day gucsts o! Mm. famiiy were New Yeam's guestsý and Mrs. Fred Stosbergen o! Mm. and Mmc. Fred Twist,' - and sons. iWhitby. i The Camadian Statesman. Bowman fiUe, Jan. 8, 1989 Maiple Leaf - 16-ot. BOLOGNA 49C w DOMINION Country Style SPARERIBS lb. 69c Maple Leaf Brand - 6-oz. COOKED HAM 59c Presswoods Applewood Rindiess BACON IL.75C I oR0' WITHCONFIDENCEII àMdmout maau emmisne 1 GOVERNMIENT-INSPECTEDII Mapie Leaf Pork & Beef BREAKFAST SAUSAGES lb. 59c Blttners POLISH SAUSAGE Vae Pack IL 99C m Icl 1 :1 CHIE MORE LM LG FROZEN NEW ZEALAND Whole or Haifc Lamb Legs 531b TENDERLOIN END - 3 - 3%/z l. Avg. PORK 69 LOIN ROASI 9i LOIN CENTRE CUT Pork (hops89C'l Fresh GROUND CHUCK69 l Maple Leaf - 6-oz. COOKED MEATS MACARONI &CHEESE CHICKEN -OLIVE PICKLE & PIMENTO DUTCH LOAF - BOLOGNA F Blttners Smokecl H lb. 69c C Presswoods s45,d WIENERS Large 69c Sf bs.IL49c SwfsPremlum New Oven Roastlng ~ Corned Be rse IL.99C Produce of USA Garden Fresh - Green B ROC COLI m e39C eifi **ei A AwLIÀ i Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade Netted Gem DATA TA~C 25-lb. P VIMIVLJ Bag Chery TOMATOES 3 Size 176s TANGERINE, Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade Mesh Bag Cooking ONIOI HEALTH AND BEAUTY AID FEATURES Crest - Family Size TOOTHPASTE $125 Scope - 12-oz. Bottie MO UT HWASH $1.29 Secret - 5-oz. Spray or i ozRoll-On DEODORANT $1.45 GROCERY F EATU RES Libby's Deep - 12-oz. Tin Buttered SAVE 6c Vegetables 4 for $1 Domino - 16-oz. Pkg. SAVE 8c Cof fee Beans 65c Domino - 8-oz. Jar SAVE 6c Instant Coff ee 89C liz Pure Tornato SAVE 5c 15-oz. Bottie KETCHUP 3for$1 Nora1 -- 128-oz. SAVE 10c Liquid Bîeach 69c Royal - 3-oz. Pkg. SAVE 7c JeIIy Dessert 10c ALL ADVERTISED DOMINION STORE ITEMS IN TORONTO AND OSHAWA DAILY PAPERS EFFECTIVE AT THIS STORE. Red GRAPEFRUIT 6'49C GROCERY Brights Fancy - 48-oz. SAVE 17o TOMATO JUICE 3for$1.OO Primo 2-b Bag SAVE 8o MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 39c Spanish Golden Grain - 8-oz. Pkg. SAVE 17o RICE-A-RONI *-3for$1.OO DOMINION'S OWN BAKERY Riclimello - 24-oz. Loaf SAVE 6c Cracked Wheat Pn 609'oWhoîe Wheat Tai L White Bread Rielinmello - Pkg. of 6s JELLY DONUTS -39C Richmello - 12-oz. SAVE 10e CHERRY CAKE 39C Richmello Apple or - 24-oz. SAVE 13e RAISIN PIE 21'85c FREE PARKING Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Jan. 11, '69, in Bowmanville' AIl Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ah. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. DOMINON STORES LIMITED -King St. and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, East) I. 79C Pints :1k Florida Marsh Seedless Size 483 : %TÀ 1 k, rt- FEATURES