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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1969, p. 7

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ennlversary et her aunt and Iuncle, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmen, at the home af Mr. ScSoil& /P oa and Mrs. Murray Laniner. Bon- Phone 623-3303 College and has now returned ____________IMn. and Mrs. Owen Scott Lieut. Michael Leddy spent mother, Mia. Annie Wright, ýhave just retunned ta their Nev., '-ýàr's wlth his parents, Church Street. honeyming in thae Barba- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leddy and Mr. L. B. NichaIs, Carlisle. doser they wn terbusa Shawn. Ave., has returned home !doser at T he Clay .ub rm er Mr. and Mrs. Don Wright, spendlng Christmas holidays Prime Minister John. Diefen- Pat. icia and Jeffery, London,lwith his son and daughter-ln- baker and Mrs. Diefenbaker spcnr a recent weekend wlth law, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas wene also holidaylng at The Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers. Nichais, Kingston, Mn. and Colony Club, and during their Mr. and Mrs. Gea. CarteriMna. Douglas NichaIs spent stay Mr. and Mrs. Scott were John and Judy, Lamba LaneINew Yea's Day here wlth hls'prIvileged to have dinner with soent the Christmas holiday fathen. 'them on two occasions. wIth relatives at Cleerwater, The Johns family held thelir M. and Mrs. Gordon C.1 Florida. annuel Christmazs party In Martin celebnated their 4Mth Misa Marynuth Cawker, Trinity Sunday School Hall on' wedding annlvensary et home, Elizabethvllle, spent the Christ- Christmas Day wlth 40 in et- December 26th., with their mnat holidays with hiem grand- tendance. Mn. and Mrs. Chas.1 iamily, Mn.. Joyce Bingham, mather, Mn.. S. McAllisten, Johns had New Year's dinner Colleen, Deenne and David, Wellington Street. with their daughten and son- Toranto; Mr. end Mn.. Alec Miss Janice Beech spent the ln-law, Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mantin, Tom, Dan and Grog, holidays with Mn. and Mns. Munday, Oshawa,. Newcastle; Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ronald Macklin, Roseneath, Christmas guesta af Mn. and;Mantin, David, Shelley and and wlth Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Mrs. Leonard Dodds, Orchard-ijLianne, Dorval. Miss Doris Armstrong, Beeton. vlew Blvd. wene Mr. and Mrs. Martin was nat present as she M-r.andMrs.Frak MounJohn Clarke and Linda, Port had matored ta Florida fan the Bill, Leslie and Scott set; oe Mr. and Mrs. George jholidays. Several fiends ceil- fivedày atChrstmsPwitiLeverington, Dauphin. Man.,ed in the evening. liedaeys, et.Chndstmas. Wm.This was the flnst Christmasi Misses Sheila and Launie HearetM.ln n.m the three sisters had been ta-lVenstane of Vancouver, B.C., Hrall, dh brnes. p Mcn gether in 23 yeans. jare vlsiting their gnandmother Myen and r ap hace-Cangratulations and bestýand aunt, Mns. Morley Van- lyre Jae ad Dene avewishes ta Mn. and Mrs. Walter stone and Miss Barbare Van- rtuedChomeas i seigt *Pingle wha celebrated theinistone, Beech Avenue. Their the hnltma holday et55th wedding annlversary onparents, Mn. and Mns, Fred Pompeno Beach, Flonida. Decemben 18, 1968. Among Vanstone, are in Toronta, Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Justice,1 those attending the famllyiguests at the Royal York Hatel Sharon, David and Melanie, gathering wene Mrs. Florence 1while Mn. Vanstone is attend- Richmond Hill, wene New Glanville, Mrs. Reta Glanvlle Ing the Annuel Meeting af the Yee's guesta with her parents, and Mrs. Edith Brooks. ýToronto-Dominion Bank being Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alldread. New Year's Day guests with iheld in Toronfo all oai tus Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey, Mns. Bert Colwell and Irwin Iweek. The famlly will return Liberty St. North, were New wene Mn. and Mrs. Edwend ta themr Vancouver home this Year's guests oi Mrs. Fainey'siFaley, Mn. Donald Foley andirweekend. sister and brother-in-law, Mn.1 Mrs. Pearl Hockin, Base Line, Mn. and Mns. Walter T. Pin- and Mns. A. Dolan, WlllOW-iMn. and Mns. Paul Mclntyreilgle and son, Mn. and Mrs. dale. iand Brenda, Miss Virginia'Oscar Pinglle and family, held Mr. and Mns. Ward Hoffman Smith, Oshawa, Mn. and M ns, Christ mas at their home, R.R. and familv, Lesley. Sally and Ernest Foley and Miss Bannie 1, Hampton wlth 35 af the Jimmy, Elwood City, Penn., Poldey, Town. family being present. Mn. and visited Mns. Hoffman's mothpr. Mr. and Mrs. Onville Os- Mrs. Thomas Goudy, Peter- Mns. Gea. W. James, King St. borne, R.R. 4, spent Christmas borough, Miss Audrey Kemp. East. ýwith their daughten, son-mn- Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Miss Kathy Osborne, Highilaw and famlly, Mn. and Mrs.!McRobbie and Todd, Mn. and Street, hais just returned home Alex Wght, Edmonton, Alta Mrs. Jack Raîston and famlly efter spendine her New Year's Also visiting thene were Mnr joined them in the evenIng ion vication in Nassau, Bahamas, and Mns. Harvey Wight, Czar, Santa Claus' annival. Mr. and where she enjoyed the Jun- Alta., and on Christmas Da Mrs. Alex McRobbie wene pre- kpnoo Festival. Mn. and Mns. John Wigýht: sented with an oul painting, it Mn. and Mrs. L. J. C. Langs, Hughenden, Alta. ýalso bein« the occasion ai their l{ieh Street, returned home Mn. Ron Webb ai Chatham 13th wedding annivensary. lest Seturday after a delightfuliJr. A hockey club visîted with 1 Spending Christmas Day holiday aver the Festive Sea- his parents, Mn. and Mrs.:with their parents, Mn. and son at the St. Petersburg Gulf! lton Webb, Liberty St. South, Mrs. Les Coombes, et Mem- Coast, Flonide. laven the Christmas holidays. anal Park Club House wverel Mn. and Mrs. George Rich-1Other guests Included Mn. Stan Mn. and Mns. Rowland Coomnr- ards, High St., spent Christ- Prokazko, Mn. Dave Rams- 'eWye ayadDny nat; with thein son. daughter-1den o! Chatham Maroons and Mn. and MÏrs. John Coombes,ý In-law and gnandchildren, Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Webb and Randy, Rod, Chnis and Terry,î and Mrs. Glenn Richards, Dale, fam!Iy of Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. James Coombes,i Danny and Anne, Oshawa. iMn. and Mrs. W. MacDou- PetrcenCoombe, Bo.anllle, Mr. Leonard Player has ne- gaîl, Oshawa, spent Christmas ;rc omeBwavle turned home after snending with her parents, Mn. and Mns. ýMn. and Mrs. Peter Auch and Noran uxonQuen tret.Cheryl, Belle River, and a sevenal days In Elmvale, Ont., omnLxoQnSre. brother of Mn. Coombes, Mn. whére he attended the funeral Also with her parents for New Cobso Wtb.Ms of bis fathen. the late Mn. Lion- Year's week were Mn. and Mrs.irl omeofW tb.Ms el James Player, on Friday, G. Sartoretto, Margaret andi Auc and Cheryl nemained for iTersa f Otawa an Misiaweek's holiday. Januery 3rd. Trs iOtwadMs1Mn. and Mns. Blain Elliott Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey, iBetty Luxton, nurse et Welles- ýand daughten Nancy o! Bridge, accampenled bv thein grandsonjIcy Hospital, Toronto. Egad omnyo omn Brent, were Sunday lunchci Miss Yvonne Anonichuk hasvîîEni w, fere guostsaiMand 1gests oi Mn. and Mrs. W. L. returned ta Lexington, Mass., Mvsllew MacTaishf ramnn Hooey and JilI. and dinnenjaiten spending fnom ChristmasiMon SundcTviay Deembn guss !M. n Ms . ayto New Yean's with hen parIn on n Sndy D7ebe usnd ofMisr.l oey U sanndbrotherMmCarnd Mns. During their stay hene andMIs Lia ooe, aq f ets ndbroher M. ad Ms.they renewed acquaintances Toronto. Alex Anonîchuk and Wayne. with old fnlends. Mn. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Davis Honsey Street. Miss Anonichuk'larersnav o nwd -and faanily, Bill Jr., Andy and who has resigned fnom the Ice aCoeprseate n n Knd u .Annmay Otawa Mm B.Follies Is a professional skating trav.els extensiveîy thnough- JLIdsten and dau«hters Beven- Mteacheret LxingoknSitout the ScandinaviRn countnies lev and Carol'. Oshawa, spent M.adMs Hse mtfan the company. The Elliotts Christmuas with thein grand-' Hamypton, attended the funenallhave been visiting relatives > an Saturday ai his bnothen,I1and iniends In Arnpriom and j Mn. Jack G. Smith, et Bob-1 Toronto. and leit eanly thisi caygeon. A]so attendlng were week for Bridge. England,, REHO OTHMn. and Mns. Allyn Taylor, whlch is situated betweeni REHOBOTHSecond St., Town, Mn. and Mns. ýLondon and Doyen. Christian Reformned Glenn Smith, Hampton, Mn. Mr. and Mns. Hanny Hughes and Mns. Donald Pnescott, En- fe oDatotNS. and Church field, and Mn. and Mns. Ray spent Christmas week with Seugog Street Smith, Milton. their son, daughten-in-law and Miss Bannie Beech was at family, Mn. and Mns. Doug home with her parents, Mn. Hughes. Douglas, Chnistophen, Eev. A. VandenBerg, and Mns. Gardon Beech for Brian. Debbie and Angle. On V-A., B.D., M.Th. the holidays. While et home Saturday, December 28th they Phone 623-7407 she attended the 40th weddlng janived back at Malton where i hvweme met by thein son .çt. po lISeen. lng i er inn dauhtn Worship Services S. .i... that eei wf eirdinergutest 10:00 a.m. * *, issEleen Hughes, Cooks- 7:30p.m ~ n eieu~.u rcu ville. Laten the same night, Mr. and Mns. Hughes, John TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mn. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1969 11:00 a.m. "UNFINISHED BUSINESS" Rev. Geo. K. Werd Reception of New Members end Sacrement of The Lord's Supper CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 arn. - Junior, Intermediete and Senior 1:00 e.m. - Beginners 8:00 p.m. - Discussion meetings at the homeq s WEEK 0F PRAYER SERVICES ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH JANUARY 7th«8th-9th.lOth 1969 - 7:50 p.m. SPONSORED BY BOWMANVILLE MINISTERIAL ASSOC. GUEST SPEAKER 9ev. ÇOr. flariano Ci(Qangt North American Dfrector, Bible & Medical Mlssloary Fellowsbip J PONTYPOOL Our hockey team won over Bethany 4-3 on Sunday at Port Penny. These two teams are currently tled for flnst place. We understand Mns. Sidney Powers Is slightly improved ln Civie Hospital. She had sev- eral X-rays recently. Miss Li1n da Youngman,j nurse-in-tralnlng In Oshawa Hospital, enjoyed the Holiday Seasan wlth her parents, Mn. and Mns. Fred Youngman. Mr. and Mns. Jimmy Rich- ardson have neturned home from their honeymoon and willl be taklng up residence ln their new home, Lindsay. About 30 guests were unable ta at- tend this wedding and recep- tIon due ta adverse weathen conditions. Bethany and Mlllbrook had ail thein tickets sold prior ta their New Year's Eve dances. Very enjoyable evenlngs were reponted et bath these affaira. The U.C.W. had another suc- cessful euchre an Saturday evening. Pnize winners were: I ladies, Mrs. Gardon Strongi and Miss June Hyland; gents, Mn. Allie Fallas and Mr. Donny Brown. We extend aur sympathy ta Mr. Curtis McKay whose brother passed away ln Lind- say Hospital recently. We hear af twa local yaung ladies wha recelved dlamonds et Christmas. A grand couple living on the Fallis Line, Cavan. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Belch, celebrat. ed thein Golden Wedding at New Year's. Parents af six children, three sans ail doctans anîd three daughters, one af wham la a nurse. iolned with nelghbouns and frienda tô cele-* brate th. event. A prosperous fermer Mr. Belch (better known as Natty) still carnies on farnilng. He Is a Presby- terlan, ardent Tory, staunch Orangeman, has been L.O.L. Caunty Se'y for 53 years. We slncerely hope they live for many more years. Mrs. Earl Emmorey la cur- rently in Oshawa Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tay- lor and son Normie of Cavan, were Sunday dinner guests at the Paynes. The busiest men in the area are those xvho have the prob- lem af keeping homes supplied with fuel. It has been real cold but everyane says we have less snow in the last stonm than Oshawa and Toronto. B ETHAN On New Year's Day the I1er lsEort TeCalubn taeean owanlle,3a. . 90 Guests wlth Mr. and Mrs. with his parents. Mr. and poriate ceremonies for the varylng diffiiulty, also a be- sociation sponsored a gala holda wek :;;Rihar te h]riys ,'pZL?1 Club el; 1930,A ::700:foot New Y:ar's Eve dance in St Frank White through the Mrs. William Philli Ps d grand opening of a third T T-Bar serves the six trails. Paul's Parish Hall, with The hitdy e, kw ihr the hoj s.Baoetin up an entirely; Novices can make use of tht~ Legionaire's Band provlig WhtTrenton; Mrs. Frank Syxnpathy ofteaiuiinwscino the three-hill Stiso, -obur; r. ndtyis extendedt r.Er.ra oaed in thewetr Mrs HaryRyly ad amiyArgue in the daho e part o h Club poet h'hl.Ti lbfuddi uy da ikt o Mr p r.HaodWiefather, the late Sidney Fair- new T-Bar can accoma te13,teods nt part prizes were held by William adfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Haig bairn, on Christmas Day. iup ta 5000 skiers uphili peri a h rvne o a odn r.JmsKope Bothwell and family o! Peter- Scotty Wakeford is a pa- hour. Devil's Elbow is one of1l 0 0.ebrhp apaiae S.adEr cui.Ms borough; Mr. and Mri. How- tient in Civic Hospital, Peter- the two major clubsiithe y70.Ted Buxtan won the lucky ard Hodgins, Miss Sylvia borough, suffening from a immediate district.b'i h Skiers from the Peterbor- door prize. Hodgins a nd Christopher broken leg in an accident at Night ski-ing under the augh-Bethany club will bel Spot dance prizes went to Hodgins, London: Mr. and the Bethany Ski His on Fni- lights at the Peterborough- entered in bath the SouthernIMr. and Mrs. Frank Mari1. Mns. Kenneth Syer, Cavan. day. Bethany Ski Club (formerly teni a ine ontetsad hnk, elFieAln David and Lynda Carn, Skl-ing at Bethany known as O'Brian Heights) tenwN cyGeelague. Smith, Mrs. Levi McGill and Pictan, spent the past week Huge crowds wene present began an New Year's day. Both clubs have modern Mr. and Mrs. James Kloepfer. with their grandparents, Mn. at the Bethany Ski His dur- This club adventises his with Chalet-, ith cafeteria stylel The Athletic Association and Mrs. Rass Carr. ing the holidays, xvîth special a vertical drap of 350 feet restaurants. lare grateful ta Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mns. Harold Phil- bus service provided far sloped dawn a run of 2509 New Year's Eve Dance IReynolds who donated the. lips. Peterborough, visited.those interested in this win--feet. There are six trails of The Bethany Athletic As- spot dance prites. qu 2 rree Irrial Blades VAP-AIR s Packs of 12 VAPORIZER -* SLAI SCHICKI thr l*l AQUDIIfeJE uDu I ist~g. f Sun. ist 2 for 63c Sylvania Lightbulbs 40, 60 or 100 Watt ALE X McGREGOR PRESCRIPTIONS SWORD 3 nuuuanu ïwol. fui Sugg. 1 M (200 2-PPA FIX-A-PLATE 5c Instant f lrst id f 011 2 foi 69'c 'g' 101, or broken dIntules il, 7 39C S st 2 boxes fu 55c R Sugg list 1.98 I. D.A. REMEDIES DRUGS PHONE 623-5 792 Il' il il j' p 'i I Il 5 KING STREET WEST

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