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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1969, p. 11

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t iat bu cal ~u~wP~hf/4j/~d 1thi lm, I Mrs., Bruce Tilison, Edtor Committees Appoînted a! 1sf Council Meeting in '69 Newcastle - The reguhar council meeting was helti ln the Coumcil Chambers on Mon- day. All present except Miss Joan FnIth. The minutes of the last reg- ular anti special meetings were read by the Clerk. Glenholme Hughes. Councillor Alfredi Gray asketi ta bave the minutes of the regular meet- Ing correcteti, to read that a PtUtion protesting the pro- Poasd cost of sewers was pre- sented ant i wthdrawn by Jack Adamj. This being the only error thé minutes were adopt- ed. A spectal meeting was beld December 301h with Reeve Douglas Cunningham a n d Councillors Alfred Gray, Fred Coucb anti Frank Hoar attend- Ing. At Ibis time tex arreers for 1961, '62 anti '63 on the Rani Weyrich propecty was dIscusseti, also they agreedti t purchase a six foot strip of ]andi fnom the Durham Grow- ers Co-Op. On Jaauary 6th. the Reeve, anti Couacillors Gray, Couch anti Hoar attendeti a special meeting at which time tbey met with officiais from the O.W.R.C. anti Tom Messeager Of the Newcastle P.U.C. ta c7iscuss sanitary sewers. At the regular meeting, E. R. Lovekia preseateti council with an application ta separate a piece of landi owned by Harry Jase on No. 2 Highway for sale to the Bell Telephone years on the Memorial Hos- Co.. pital Board. Bowmanville, The commilîtees for the. e under the hospitel by-law, year were appointed by tbe Harry Jose steps tiown and reeve, as follows: Roadi and Murray Paterson bas been ap- Brldge..-Reve Cunningham. potnted ln bis place. Sidewalks-Councilller Gray; TIhe correspondence was Fine anti Police-Councillons then presenteti by the Clerk, Hoar and Gray; Pnoperty- wlth Invitations for the Nw- Reeve Cunninghami and Coun- castle Council ta again min the cillor Hoar; Welfare-Coun- Mayors anti Reeves Associa- cillors Couch andi Gray; Ia- tion at a fee of $20.00. Pine duelaial-Counellors Gray and Ridge Tourist Council at a fee Hoar. of $10.00 anti Gond Roatis As-1 The appointaientu for the sociation at a fee of $15.00. following board.s were matie Each of these was accepteti. by council: An appeal was matie by the Library Boardi, C. R. Car- Muscular Dystrophy. As the veth (Chairman), Jacob De Newcastle ficefighters bad al- Jong, Mns. Jusy Mikios andti ready canvasseti the entine Jack Nesitt. Ivillage eaclier. It was feit Commuaity Hall Board, AI- they need't give twice. bert Peacce (Chairman), Mrs.1 Mental Health appeals areI Maeeine Williams (Secretary), looked after by the county antid Council Represeatatives, Reeve Ibis too was fileti. Cunninghamrna nti__Councillor Couch. One other woman i ta be appointedti t complet Ibis board. Arena Management Board. Alfreti Gray (Chairman), Mrs. Margaret Breretan (Treasur- er). John Rickarti, Charles Carruthens anti Bill Caîl. Recreation Committee, Earl Foster (Chirman), Mrm. Cathy Rutta (Secretary), Mrs. Ev- elyn Northrup (Treasurer). Gordon Garnoti, Jr., Jack Pruner. with Reeve Cunning- ham anti Councillor Frak Hoar, Council Representatives. This year, havlng serveti 12 77 ewcasti!e andi [Prs o na! Newcastle - There Is a cor-icharter bus paintet inl a venyl tuai invitation extendedt tasmant maroon anti silver. See residents of Newcastle anti1the atvertisement elsewbere fnientis in the surrauading on Ibis page for the officiai urea ta attend the Newcastle ime of the Lakeshore tun, anti Lions Club Project's Officialadd itional Information. Opening, the addition anti Back b anena news. As wel renovation matie ta the New- as hockey. chiltinen anti adults catle Memoniel Anena. This alike ane enjoying Public Skat- Improvement atits great'iy ta ing every Suntay afternoan, the erena anti the village It- anti for the pre-schoolens, thene self, with the accommodation are two houns every Tuesday anti heateti space area above anti Thursday from one p.m. the ink in the refresbment untiî three p.m. for the luttle baoth anti dowastairs in theiones ta learnata skate. Why standing area bebinti the Icelnot take your skates anti enjoy surface. Now. residents andt Iis ice time with tbem? Watch visitons atteading the hockey foc ennouncements af Public games neeti 11111e encourage- Skating Satuctiay evenîags for ment knowing of the modern the aider ageti group, aine ta faciities available. This wiil 10:30 p.m. M %ea big evening anti agreat Senior citizenu of tbe village1 kIent.' As weIl as the Officia el esdee o er fte 7'eremanies Ibere wilh be two pwesn sfttieeir tola f he hockey games presenteti for passn o tein ubchoolteu your pleasure anti enjoyment. ofmey easbcWte Thefirt amefltislaiesi~Raymondi Douglas, wha pass- ahemaa'stgame givd isin a-eti away in Toronto ut the uge akmynbettaer thang mothoc- .of 89. His funerul was in Bow- tkmTey atr the ladit esimenville anti many from New- the Cobourg Pinettes against1castiepatthrreecs the Newcastle Lions Club. In' Frientis anti neiglibors la ttie second geme, separating Bawmanville Memorial Hospi- the men from the boys, the tal are: Albert Clark, Miss Newcastle Mitigets will play Michelle Dion, Mns. Maria De- the Newcastle Town League Vries, Mns. Margaret Farrow,1 Ail Stars. It will be e gamne Miss Tena Ferguson, Mrs. wbich coulti go either way. Mary Fauter Sr., Mrs. Rhea The Mitigets bave been enjoy- Gray, Milton Kimbaîl, Mru.i ing a winning streak anti may Menthe Lennox, Bill McCrac- well give thein a reel wock- ken, Master Joey Peeters, Mrs. out. Win or lose, tbey play Maudie Smith, Master Chris- the game. You are asketi toltopher Tait anti Mns. Aiva corne along anti cheer them!VOutt. al. ,Cubu returnedti tatheir negu- The Don Deremo Bus Service ilac meeting on Montiuy even- has begun ltg first rua, ant iîng afler holiday absence. announce that they look for- Boys la "B" Peck were wel- wardti taserving Ibis ereaicmt ak b bi e elîher, by the regular rua IOIAkela, Mrs. Coanie DeJaag, anti tram Port Hope from n'who officially toak aven fol- Newcastle or under their char- lawing the resignation of form- ter service. Mr. Deremo's 78le klMs oenNsit passenger school bus is better orAkelaMof. oreelin nd bat equippeti than ihe general1 card signeti by the Cubs in school bus. He reports that lie ler pack were presentedti ta ca ccommadate 52 adults IMns. Neubitt. Ia "A" Pack, the1 anti guarantee a very comfort- best Six for the moatha of able ride. Seat s in the reguler November anti December met schoQI buses are spaceti quiteiat six p .m. in the Newcastle close together andi prove un-bolnle, notntl cohartable on anyodistanceone of them, Seconder Calvin chater hoeve, fr yurAllia wuu unable ta attend canvenience Ibis was takeni because of illness. The othen Int coasitieratian anti the seats boys, Sixer Tommy Coucli, are spaceti apant atiequetely Tommy Allia, Marty Lowry, enough for comfort. Getting Ronald Cauvien anti Watie awuy tram the colon of school Silsejydtefno bue.M.-rmo,-a-' bowling whicb was later fol- Iowed up by a treat. The top bowler, Tom Couch, tlhe" Pla\'-1 SEE . . . eti agalaut 'the leaders, who mn- rIIRII- tot they might bave a better1 TH BOY FRlî'IEN chance of sbowing goot torm1 atter tining out their Cub. Bute FEB. 5 - 6- 7 - 8 was a tua spent evening,t ufter whicb Cubs wece belti1 Bowmanville anti the next eomP~etition is Town Hall nôw underwuy for points. Tickes atOaa Bnownie peck is in des- Tickes atpermIs neeti of a leader, If you Recreatlon Office anhep le econtact Paul- ine tôrs hinetlately. -ANNOUNCING- NEW BUS SERVICE AND CHARTER DON DEREMO BUS SERVICE, FROM PORT HOPE TO NEWCASTLE TWO TRIPS EVERY THURSDAY, ALONG LAKESHORE ROUTE. Bus leaves Port Hope for Newcastle at 9:15 and 1:30 p.m. Leaves Newcastle for Port Hope at 10:10 a.m. and 2:25 p.m. ÇUARTE SERVICE~, OFFERING THE BEST FOR INFORtMATION TELEPHONE PORtT HOPE 182568 (maidnts) An appeal from the St. John Ambulance was reati anti a motion to senti them $10 was m ade. A letter was receiveti from the Ontario Municipal Associa- lion with notes on legislation of council. A letter fram Mrs. Gortion Gray was receiveti, asking that with the beevy work hoati, Council increase ber selary as of the first of Jaauany. Mcs. Gray was highly praiseti by the Clerk, who reparteti thati she tioes have extra duties anti does them weil. "She naw ne- ceives $1.75 an bouc. warks tbree 7-bouc tiays, Tuestiay, Thurstiay anti Friday. As well as secretary anti e goati one. she does book work too, anti aIl jobs ln that office", stated Mr. Hughes. Other members of Council agreedteta er work being done well anti aIl are satisfied, anti egreedti ta er receiving a raise to two tial- lacs per bouc. Mc. Hughes asked permission ta, atteand the seminar et Ca- bourg, January 16th when the DepI. of Municipal Mffaics will be discussiag budgets. Mr. Hughes feit tbe needti t keep up witb the ever-changing sys- tems anti councîl granteti bis nequest to attend, anti will pay bis mileage and meai. nPle accaunts were epproveti anti authonizeti to be paiti. Cauncil received an applica- lion fcom Frank Mace ta add an six naoms ta the South Haven ResI Home. This was belti avec in abeyance untIl the sewage system was decided. The Fine Report was givea by Coundillor Hoar. One fice was neporteti on December lst, [anti somne of the Newcastle men attendeti ln assistance along with O roano untier mutuel aid et the fine ln New- tanville. The report for the year was 13 fines ln ail la 1968, 24 practices, il mutuel aid meetings anti one Fine Pre- veation Week. Tenders for ail for three buildings, Memarial Ai-ena, Commualty Hall anti Fine Hall were submitteti by Im- perli 0, witb no driver sub- mitteti; Texaco, tielivereti by Skelding of Newtanville, anti Gulf Oul, delivereti by R. B. Rickard, Newcastle. Tbey were apeneti anti discusseti during this meeting wtth the tender going ta Gulf Oil. Councillar Coucb a s kedt about the Crossing Guanti. There Is no neeti for one et the Mill anti Robert Street corner since tbe Installation ofi a crosswaik, anti Councilloný Couch woatieret iIf there sboultin't again be one et the Beaver anti King Street corn- ers, on as be proposeti, a cross- welk. Hawever, with no corn- plaints about Ihis corner be- Ing raiseti. athers feit Il caulti b. left as such, as It titi seem that many of' the chiltiren are now walking witb the light as they bat hopeti they wauld. The meeting liben atjaurnet. Hockey Activities Phone 9874213 l1provideg ,j! neensai Boyd. Nickle Wllems nd Tommny Martin. nhe Bantams playeti next, against Bowmnanvllle, winnlng their first game of the season wlth a score of 3-1. Robin Rickard scoreti 2 with 1 for Darrell Barrett. The Mldgets took ta the te next. with a victocy for New- castle over Stuffville who were beaten 7-4. Goals wece scoced for Newcastle by Bnian And- erson wlth 4 anti 1 each for Rlck Stephenson, Bill McCul- lough andi Mike MaeGregor. Saturday mornlng the Ban- tams weat ta Orono, winning their second game avec Orono 4 to 1. Goals wene scored by Ron Lowry, Mark Tilison, Robin Rlckard andi Keith Mil- beach. That same eveniag la the Newcasthe Anena the Pee Wees playeti Bowmnanville, staying out la front the entire geme with a vict.ory of 8 goals over Bowmanville's 1. Scoring for the homne team were Tom Martin, Ken Boyd andi Jimn Barchard each with two goals and one each for Perry Meadows andi Don Martin. On Sunday afternoon, the Bentams showed they were silîl la the winners' cirche with three straigbt wins la three days. This tme tbey won over Oshawa's "Mr. Do- nut" team, la qulte a close game. 2-1, with goals being scoreti by Keitb Mllhench anti Robin Rickarti. Community Bowling Monday Ladies- 200 and ow'ift D. Langstaff 272 M. Taylor 261 F. Wright 257 R. Coucb h _____251 A. Langsteff 242 I. Brown ---_______ 240 H. Couroux _____236 C. Pickering 23,5 B, Lake ------ 226 R. Kelly ______22-2 T. Laagstaf _____220 K. Mercer ___- 212 E. Meatiows 208 ID. Neal --------- 207 B. Partner 204 V. Blight ------- 202 Tuesday Men- 225 and over B. Glenville -... -285 G. Simpson -____284 W. Flintoff ____ .263 J. Bruton ._____257 i G. Kimbel ________251 R. Gooti-------24.5 B. Bucley .-- . --- 233 Newtonville Ladies 175 and ever L. Willems - .259 M. Turk _______241 J. Hall ___- 2,30 A. Vogels- 227 W. Rahme - -221 M. Vogels ________198 H. Willems _______191 G. Hughes -____ 188 M. Maybe 187 A. Hollen . . 179 Thursday Mlxed- 200& over B. Lewis 331 M. Couch ______248 E. Perrin -_____242 R. Powell _______24i) F. McLean 227 J. Chant .________226 B. Glenville _______222 M. Lewis .______217 D. Robinson -___209 J. Myles -----20.5 M. MacGregor --------- 200 Friday Mixed - 200 and over M. Henry...... ----- 306 R. Gootd. ____-7.9 K. Powell -_______268 G. Zwier . _______26.1 H. M. Munro -____254 E. Nesbitt. 243 J. Rickarti-. --240 S. Powell .______228 A. Peance ___ 221 B. Hoogkamp -____214 G. Kupery -____213 G. Gray - _____-206 M. Burley ___.206 B.' Bifflt .206 D. Halsey ------205 D. Creckle . - 205 R. Nicholson . ____203 G. Henry -------- 202 M. W inter --- ------- 200 Saturday Boys- 175 and over A. Dubeau . ...24,5 D. Rickard 23Q D. Huber -____.213 G. Murphy 210 G. Forget 197 W. Forget 189 P. Smith ...185 Newcastle - Saturday, Jan. 4thi aur local Pee Wee Iearn W S IL taeldta Port Hope in the, WE 7L7TT IL early evening for a hockey game. This victory went ta (Ithentiet for lest week) Port Hope, who wvon with a l Holidays are over anti the score of 6 ta .3. Scoring for weaher, thougli colti, was the Newcastle teamn were Tom ýda o itrsot n Martin with two anti Nickiethealre winet e prsantifo Willems witb one. snowmobuhes anti other vehic- On Montiay eveniag ut the ls o h ai auebtdt Newcastle Arena, Oshawa anti tes ftesm auebtd port Hope were to play, but ceent nome. Saow blutes t6o many players of the Port were another item mnuch neet- Hope team, were unavallable, ed for clearing mnô'w fromn eo Newcastle Pee Wees fillet lanfes too long for a hanti Ia anti they lost ta Oshawa shovel. 6 to 2. Tom Martin ot New- On Fritey uftaritoon Mary- castle over Stautfville teem,l lin Nichols entertuinet ber Ho e ucoreti the two goals. ýSunzlay school cdue t a tobog- Newaut1eay evening the lganing party. their tern pro- NewcstleMitgets trevelled vidiag a perfect bull for the ta Uxbritige. playlng bard anti purpose rigbî la front of the weil, but losiag to, Uxhritige bouse. After the elitiing anti 6 ta 4. Scoring for Newcastle other games. ell enjoyeti a were Mike MacGregoc, Bruce treat of holiday refreehaients. Alîdreati, Rick Stephenson anti Those preseat were Stanley Bill McCullougii. anti Nancy Tisnavsky, Mark Friday nigbt the action wes anti Petti Bee, Lance Payne on again .-In the borne arena anti Paul Hoskin. Donald wbere home games begin at Nichols ussistet with the 6 p.m. on tbrougli until Il p.m. gamnes anti Jennifer Payne This is hockey at ils hast. Win gave a helping 'hand to Uic or loue the boys play hart, hosteau. At six p.m. Port Hope anti On Friday eveaing, a crokia-] Newcastle 'Atama playet an1 oie Party was helt in thei exciting gumne wlth great cburch Sunday scbool room. teain-work on the Part of bath Sarne of the eltiers who playati teams. The game endet Inlain make up table numbers, exbuustIng effort wlth no tounti themielves nutchassati score for elîber teern. by stralght vision anti eteady Next on the Ice were New- hantis of the youngsters. castle andi Oshiawa Pee Wees. There wera six tables p(ayed Thtis tèatm frein Oaawn ware wlth Garfield Payne and Barry Lake Vista. andi the game end- Best wianing top pnizes. Cd la a tie, 5-5. Scorin;c for On the atternoan befone Newcastle were Jim Barchard New Yeur's Day, Barry Best wlth two and anseuah for Ken entertained sorna ofIùhi friends ri success. meAnn Page Powdered, Wh"t or Blue Crystale Reg. Pr"c $1.19 - SAV£ 4o SAIt DETERGENT SB1.1 Mom's, Parcliment Wr" MARGARINE FEATURE PRICE 3 1-lb pkgs 49< v a SAUCE EATJRE PRICE! M n5-ZbW op APPLE S UE4100-Ze89< A&P Brand, Porc or Drip Grind Reg. Price $1.85 - SAVE 16o COFFEE VAc PAC ati.n69fo stokely'm MX R MATrCH _VEGETABLES 7i~~ns99< Honey Pod Pont - Style Corn - Cut Greent Beanm e rc 2bl 3 Cut Wax Be.ns - Lima Beans Reg. SAE e 2i 3 A 4stP NIAS THE MEA T BU9YS- CHECK THESE PIES! FEATURE PRICEI PORK LOIN QUARTER CTO nI APouc z79< PORK SHOULDER ROAST 'r h49< PORK LOINS RIB PORTION 7MBS - COUNTTH r 59 PORK BUTT ROAST Rfl U 39 MINCED PORK FRESH m69< PORK LOIN TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 TO 3%48 3L69< SIDE PORK FRESH, BONELESS DY THE PIECI ts59< PORK TENDERLOIN ROZEN,SOD MEAT Ls99< PORK LOIN CHOPS - rR Cf 89< SIDE PORK- SPARE RIBS FRZENLE5 9< PORK LOIN COMBINATION et L Vaue-Piced 2 ROASTSÇ & CHOP TOTAL WEIG14T 10 TO 12-LBS m79< SAVING PER POUND 10<î 20,é 20,é 20,é 20,é 20,e 101 20< 20o 20,e 10<é 4 ALL PRICES IN 1115 AD GJARANTEED THROtJGI SATURDAY, JANUA-RY 1M, i.1969 cSocal Jiane Parkcer'Re., PS ncecchi 56o - BUY Z SAVE 21. APPLE PIE 2 M8'24-ozpes 89< Jan Parker 811»de BUV 2 LOAVES, SAVE %e RAISN BEAD 2I6-Zbà49< JANE PARIKER,, DAILY DATED, SUC n, WHITE tM. 24-OZ BREAD 6c OA2L OfLGWown, Fancy Gre, MdsIoh, Red Dericious or Spy ÂPPLES_ y 4 9< nida S~'eq EasY 10 PeOlNo, 1 Grade, e TAGELOS 1!*00 1 Grocery Va thffday party. The blrth- Tte Conadla Statmman, Bowmnnle, Jan. 15,. o athe vos aui S TA RK VIL LE ofth torm. Gamnes Ini (!ntended for last week) Dean and Marilyn. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch, îw, toboganning and a! In spite of the cold weather were dinner guests with her Mr. and Mms. Brian Caswell. O IU R Lbile ride provided lots1nearly everyone enjoyed their parents, Mr. ànd MI-U. Warrn Mr. and Mrs. Orme Fall. Mr. an h hs' mtel ln ortehoia sao.Carson. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and $IDNET FAIDAJIN ad the od f other pans M r. te oidy1es.Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson. dr th e gond fnd y Mr and Mrs. C h arlies Mr. and Mrs. Harold SouchWtMran s.Hb The funeral service for the ry o akea art aMurphy and Tony, Paris, were entertalned their family dur- Wt r n r.Hr late Sidney Falrbairn.wh Guests were: Stephen get ihhs aet.M.ln h oia.Reid were Mr. and Mrs. Clif- whdo enedy e oo Nei Goeevld Dn-and Mrs. John Murphy and 1 Mrs. Ehwell. Orono; Mr. and fr edadtrfy nw 25, 1968, was held from The ichls Bll Bekealso Mr. and Mrs. AndyiMrs. Raymond Trim, Mr. and Re'id e, sud dMrnd Mi Comtock Funeral Home in, Dey, Brian Jeffries,lMurphy, Bowmanville, werei'Mr. Ed. Rowe and Tiffany, Reiden ioye Wednsaylastor Peterborough on Saturdey Clarke and of course jdinner guests with them. Newtonvllle. and Mr. and Mrs. aned witm their owmnvIlifrdwlth h e.T B. ,bf rWesle.1 Mr.and Ms.Grant SlCharie TiBowmanvlle, md fally. owmanllAe.L.O.L. Ms.ý aThorndyke left on vester, Julie and David, Sarnia, were dinner guests at Mr. Bert I morl Service was aeao held yfor Kingston where and Mr. George MooreCastle-, Trim's. the previnus evenlng. il1 be taking ber four ton. enjoyed festivities withl Mrs. Victor Farrow enteriNe U o t~ M. arar a w work course before re- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim ý tained'varinus members of her years ago on Christmas Day to Waterloo. Sharon Stark and also Mr. and Mrs.1 family dunlng the holiday and * December 25, 1876. Ho wiu 1home on Sunday from Maurice Hallowell and fam- also Mis Donna BaineS. ~o eaifOawy amrwt o~ llday in the sun. She Ily joinlng them later, Hampton, was a guest wIth i for halwas land.farst on theaNlove- 10 day-s ln Puerto Rico Wltb Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd her. i.CareTlm The flrst bus on the Port'Une of Smith Township and ys It rained just a littie were Mr. and Mrs. Cliaton Mr. and Mr.CaleT imHoe-Nwaterueet trna Sinvl n Jay but the immediate Fr ,M.Ge arw r omnilwr usi ihPort Hope hast Thursday morn- way No. 28. For many yearg. ince of the sun prevent- and Mrs. Larry Sinclair, New- her parents. Mr. a.nd Mrs. ing. he was also a gainiaboyer for inconvenience. She vis- toaville; Mr. S. Bowen. New-,i Murray Curtis, Toronto, and Dnl eeo prtro ye isa~~rJh e ýday with Mrs. Antonia castle. and Mrs. L. Todd. ! Mr. and Mrs. Watson, Fenelon the service, said the buses ho- wart. Some years ago ho re. at Barranquitas. Mrs. With Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Falls, vlsited et the Falls' tween the two towns would t.ired to live in Peterborough._ is a sister nf Mrs. A Farrow were Mr. and Mrs.1homne. run only on Thursdays. In- Fo r a time he llved at Anson 'ding of BowmaavIlle. Atu Farro n o.Nw r n r.Hre a- csreased service would ho pro. House and had been a resideinI isays she felt the res- castle. and Mn. and Mrs. A.î row spent New Year's wlth vided If the number of pas-i of Victoria Manor. Li.ndsay. lity of being what every Langstaff and family. i Mr. aad Mrs. Arthur Farrow, sengers Increased. i for the past four rnonths. r is, an ambassador of Mr. and Mrs. Len Falls; Newcastle. M.Drm ditdta Lntry when she feit the were Christmas dInner guests With Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hal- M.Drm ditdtaiHe was a taithful memnber ef ofth wlcmereei-, witlh Mr. andi Mrs. A. Stewart' lnwell were Mr. and Mrs.h aSth rpse naOpringville United Chut-ah and en she saiti she was a andi Mrs. M. Falls, Peter- Brian Caswell and family and Hydro Plant at Wesleyville ln Chairman of the Session of ian. Il was 93 degrees borough. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallo- mmnd whea he applled for the Mark Street Uniited Churell ffeletter tfive p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Robinson well and family. franchise to openate buses on Ia Peterborough. Ho was an,, ay, Jan. 4. and Cheryl spent Chrlstmasý Mrs. Carson and Wilson en-throe.onay mb fFazr iin Mr. Crrll ichlswith ber parents Mr. and Mrs. joyeti dinner at the McNeill "I don't think the delay In ville L. 01. No. 46. Tliy iste wthre M~r. anti Mrs. Howard Fer- home, Oshawa, New Yeer's'. the construction of the plant, Mr. Fairbairn was aise wel7- nml iie Mount Plea ant L. Peck, Newtonvllle. Mr. Frank Stapleton, Tor-on- will affect the service in any known as an entertainer. HUt iMon laat row entertaineti the niembers to0 was a guest artist with bis way. If Ontario Hydro doeseîctnay alts wee and Mrs. Haroldi Austin of their family andi their accordion et the lovely Christ- proceeti with the project we lmuhionayd ents et socia mily anti Mrs. Wm. Tuf- children Christmas Day. mas concert at Shiloh. The will provide a better service," fucton and a scalv iat a birthday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Totitichildren with their leaders he saiti. uconbue adhe Chs t ae aadaugte Dan ar-andSctt er gustswlh gve a delightful eveaing Mr. Deremo's application for concert at Victoria Manor. 1hec family on Jaauary her parents, Mr. andi Mrs.!which was climaxeti by the the franchise was opposeti bywfeth fomrSs Cobourg. Scott, Oshawa. lhappy arrivai of Santa with Burley Bus Lines andi Colonial His iethfomrSs ch service was in Wes- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk, many things distributeti from Coach Lines. anna Atchison pretieceased hlmn Son Suntiay morning Tenyo and Peter were holiday' the tree. He saiti that a number of ln August, 1961. He Is surviv- id by Sunday school. In visitors with her parents aI Eveniag guests on Boxiag persons ln Port Hope, Hamil- eti by his son Keith Fairbairn ence of Marilyn Nich- Burk's eFls. oa tM.Le alwl' o onhp oeTwsi f Pe terborough anti hie py teachers were la Mr. Bruce Trim, Toronto, were Mr. anti Mrs. Harold anti Newcastle had appeared ag~ r.En ru of ber class andi Philip and Mrs. Clougbcliff. Scar- Little anti Laurie. Campbell- ta support bis application at (Jean) of Betbany. and Garfleld Payne boroough, were guests with fard, and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie the recent Ontario Departmentj Burial was la Lakefield the junior boys. Philip Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Trim Tcim, Bowmenville. of Transport bearlng. Cemetecy. tplayeti the opening andi Marilyn. Mcs. A.* Dobson spent Christ- The bus will rua fromdon- Palîbeacers were Clare Fair- Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robin- mas with Mr. andi Mrs. town Port Hope to Nwcste baira of Taylor, Mich.; Allen; Thomas Wilson anti son entectaineti for Christmas Mackie, Toronto. via the Lakeshore Roati. He McCamus, Stanley Exeil. Allait4 rrived home on SuntiayfestivIties et their home. Attending the New Year's has elso been gnanted charter Burdett, Clark Armnstrong and tntrp ta Scotland. Mr. and Ms. Barton MeNeill. Eve party at Newtonville were pnivileges.-Port lope Guide. Earl Argue. ==4 1 Produce! 1 .. ý ý a.

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