i __________________________________________ _ MUNICIPAL OOVERNNT 1The Canadian ,aemnBwnnvîeJn 516 IN THE UNITED COUNTIESF ____i____1 aVIm -1a 9 7! 1TOWNS 9I Ma oran Hille ors. Mrs. Lorne aaly n _ A.Ok; euy Reeve, P oi c a o tLayette ConvenoMs Ru lEtt o aeRa tt o aeR clFM yrA.e, van obiyReeve. rv ic a CutMrs. Lawrence C ao;'<J e r Roal ~- forSal R al Estte fo Sa eReal state for Sale Edward Rundie;CunilrBrresCarnM. J a c k e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R o y W . N i c h O l s1, H eob enr tw m aB .l l d e l e s t e nr r . E o a et JakW. Frank Real Esiate EVL METDykstra, Glenn Fry. Leslie Ped i o mavled$5 a ttCuneresn;anravFaor REALOR 0 ARES- lvelvacnt lnd arY13 nd 4, 969the letttrand ssaw the nrt-itv of illegal possession of: datfl; n IR I C A R D LIEW&ffD P50 AC RES-lve SaAntLnd ShacesCamprbcîîforduJ K e JeRa.natnpe - htM.MDoadhd ýcosts, or three days. Constable'ders.unH lBH REALOR ithfrotageon hre sies. Mayor, Morley W. Tanner ed on Monday with Assistant recourse but to take to the'K. C. Lat.on, OPP, laid the! At the concsin fth 21 King St. W., Bewmanvle Two miles North of Port Hope Reeve, Ralph J. Locke; Deputy Crown K. Stubington, Judge s h o ulder a sMheD had dd one. hagnfllwog heck ot! reports and folwn th Opn ouefraetso an 'ml atof Dale Reeve. Harold Dunk; Council- R. B. Bx . .n ueda itetrnheonay Sho 623-2503 0333iCorners In the Township oflors, iWim. G. Carter, Wm. W. Crown Attorney G. F. Bonny-, Ad iea osscaeso f to-W ayrnClaen T12onaip esidentMOf s TOso Oshawa Bvd. Memer Oshaa and Ditrict Hmilton.Machesney. William A. Mur- castie in the morning and e goods followed many hoursStreet, was fined $10 and!took thechi.Imae ntaumnwlbeed.j Ra saeBad 32 ACRES - vacant land with: aA .NwaDouglas Assistantille HlKh School neen Four bedroom storey and, Ra Ett Bad close to 1'2 mile frontage onayA. apaC.amn sst-nisteatronK. Stuin-of police work and led to thei costs, or three days. alter, Past PresidentAretnpe-Tsdyccngs.rng* haî brck ome Inluds to 2 Ace, Boma le Hwy. No. 28, some bush. lAk. Sap rKare esllyto inthedasftenoon. Mervyn cvictiohn sme tea ag on0 aiengt o rnotof he earg entdMs hmsn ih70cok Ti 11b bedood aarmet enin frpa ilrfomtennîmt oneak.toburnKll afeoarLgajAdut mVeilJe n cLanan Hn-met f rasprtofchng br rosnet' Pnar PrePtîr OenI-us o ase1s $85. Nice condition through- paved road. Old atucco house Caîl or write Mac. Irwîn a one orbt as Id McLean, Enniskillen, Ro-lof address, $15 and costs or sident Thompsonarne yC .Kney cu.$490-Trs npell ty ed ear x Welcome 753-2370 or Mayor, John A. Heenan;1 Ronald Butt, Scarborough,lbin Forbes, Edward Foskett1 an additional three days forý Past President'PitoM.Hado heGdneDea± out. 24,90 . Tems. o proprtyneds reairs.Ex. CbourgReeve, W. I. Thomas; Deput y s.fined $50 and costs, or 1land Darryl Osmond, Bowman-, failing to notify the Depart-. Ayre. Imn.O usa fti Hunt St., Bowmanvllle full pe. Bowes &ta 2000 Cocrg37-22 Reeve, Lenah F. Fisher;Con days for failing to produce ville, and Thomas Cullen,irment of purchase of a motorý President Thonpo xrs ekoewshl o h Attrctie 3 edrom un- 50ces Nwcote elos,& 97A Limited, cillors. Frank Powers,-W. E.Iproof of insurance, $10 and Oshawa. On Tuesday thev vehicle and $50 and costs or sed her appreiato ote aet fGae1 n rd galow with nice basementl 0Ars-Nwasl elos 7 King St. W. Huskilson. Charles Johnston,lcosts, or two days consecu- appeared for sentence. These1 an additional seven days, for members forth cofdne1sudt.adterwson apatmet entng or$7 Frnaeo N.40 ad Cobourg, Ont. IJ. M. Lees, J. H. McCaig, R.Itive, for failing to notify the charges included theft of; failing to produce proofofteyhdswnihrinlswekortepetso aprmn etn o 5 Fotg nN.41ad3-1i Love. Department of Transport of1 three go-carts and breaking, 1 insurance. Constable R. J. electing her toe prsenvGad 0ndrdelpui. Got.$850-Trs onso v dLve alud$.0 Port Hope change of ownership and five entering and theft from two iKouhi laid the charges De- o h uiir.Sespk f et usa Bwmanvllle Split dw.$500-~i , Mayor, M. Wladyyka; Reeve, dollars and costs, or two days local service stations. Ail the'cember 20. the fine work 0 meit xelgpr Lovely 3 bedroom brick spîît -1 ref er .'.owal, Jr. E. Ruth Clarke; Deputy Reeve, consecutive, for failing toiyouths were remanded uintilý Ivan Hawes, Blackstock,.past President Ar n htet fGaeRppl l levl hmewlt ataced ar 70 Acres- Mosport LO C. Hewson; Counicillors, D. have the required number ofl March Il for pre-sentencelwas convicted of careles, of her predeq sr n aeteoprul. ol~ age.. aveddriv. Feciven.Godegraed-dpos,, 35000 ENERL IN RANCpDucesen,3G.ReddcksV A.oinhtabCo leab C.C.Step4eenrepots.r hey.erehrdereI drvingOctoer 5and ined romied t do er astdfr ferd Grde 9studntstuchd rear yard. Good neighborhood 1 Scotch pine planted In 1964.: lGNEmdNURNEVobrh George Phillips, Opp, laid these charges No- to stay separate and apartl$50 and costs, or seven days. the auxiliary anfothhs-I-oeEcoms.Idtr? Close to separate and public! corner property. Only $16,000. .5 ng t.W Bwmnietn. Brooker, Phlllip Clay- vember 16. and observe an Il o'clock cur- Constable L. R. James, OPP, pital. She als hane h r..adMsr t xet schools. $26,000 - Terms. Ternis. VILLAGES Emma Powell, Newcastle, few on Friday, Saturday andifound the Hav.es eil nCrsm T 1 not guilty f cChri'tmasndTreenCoheieattiee.d1thaditcstof ntgogInoeachu. Oroo 33Ace.-1roo3 63-45cArersle -ede fotgultoo 6ree3-Suda4i5te3eatie. th dtc otScgo Radjut1harmn rs LrneMaau te- dpatren, ll b o Verv modemn brick bunga- Terrific view. Good gravel:Scuzog St.!! Administrator - B or den driving, the charge laid by Gregory Brooking and Mi- north of the 8th Concession lay, and the nebr fti adt eintaesm low with carport. Large liv- deposits. Rolling land on' n Crowe: Chief, Ken Marsden; Constable G. Brunton October chael Donoghue made a brieflof Darlington. Constable G. committee, MrsRdelMr.thr ok Ing room i wth cathedral cedl-!-Highway 115 and 35. $40,000 -ý Brand new 3 bedrooni bun Councillors, D an Simipson» llth. Eastbound on Highwav appearance again on assaulti Brunton was investigating Ayre, Mrs. . R. Cla n galowollnwod knearingth comple-wn Mrs. James Bigwin; Sec'y, Mrs.ý 2 just west of the village, she charges and were remanded officer. Mr. Uawes admitted Mr.. Je. se Van etfrtiTeewl esotdsu ing.Holl~woo kithen ith $10000 own.tien. Corne and see this hoeeE. Marsden.1 applied hem bmakes but was te January 2. Brooking and lthat he had been working a beautiful decortocftesosaddaou eadn built-In stove, lunch, bar, etc. 10$4Ac0es - Wiimot gnereek today!deReotuores only $4.500 ader This home Is exceptionally well 10Ars-Wlo re oa!Rqie nyBiho ual eaodrnigihsia' hi env wih 60'.ace.1i,90t age at812%.Reeve. Ho w ar dSharp;ithe rear of a car driven b nte eko h rgltl le.Mrs. Rudellonbhî0ftunerlv rcmuit Preston Rd. - l11/9Acresi Creek trout stream flOws West Beach ! Deut.eeve, .FRonkbears ali;lliur a ZeiHe a ltotre ackrges. Juveniui-1fllo e dFa ~TCutthuxiliry hExpesdgai olgs Ih ifrne wltih 3 bedrooni bungalow. Al through property. Near vil- eû-Councllo,N.aRm e rsn.alcor t h add slmpn oa fiattire Jc ara peddg -folwdtdor the g indtgb.ItenteFv n orYar conveniences. Short distance lage of Leskard. $55.000 3 taedwîthah funtre SIpColborne garage with two wheels off ~I r vePeietTO~~h uiesadCmec 3 edroom al]uniterurot- nPowalJms ipon rE*snAnd ifthPr Caraorswllo eepand from bus stop. $13,900. Ternis. at $6.000 - Only $1.500 down. Reeve, Delbert McLaughlin; on South shoulder. Miss Powlil sn ndwf Hobby Farm 195 Acres Councillors, H-. Jensen, A. explained that her attentionB R K EO Hooey. Aea Badminton Hall ! ! Dne .Ta n .Hr-wsmmnaiydvre y Mn. Frank Pomery attend- day, Dec. 29th, by Rev. Lighit-ý President Toisn r- [ ih 36 a Arsoolevelx 0 arnd.S KoendlHousreal Look into this building and den., a car in front of her which, ed the circuit meeting in En- foot. minded the MEmestt hIN QULT Drie sed.Gaage God onvnieces Brns30 0,the manv monevniaking uses Hastings ;in passing M. egl mostlniskilldfl Sunday evening. Mr. K. Sinclair spent Fni-1a1 a etn fMmoil OUET N stoey ndhaî hmeal co- 0 x24,2 ilo. errfi vlw.for xvhich it is adaptable.' Reeve, Carl Heath; Council-:collided with a westbounid Mns. J. Smith spent a few day in Lindsay. Hsia oprto iîb venince. 2 miute toOsh- Srins. ricd mglh atReasonably priced wlth easy, lors, Mrs. Margaret Walton, one. Judge Batten resemved' days in Bowmanville Hospi-; Sorry to report Mrs. Ted, heId o Wednedyeeig, AKR wa. $30,000 - Ternis.1 $60,000 - Ternis, ternis. Albert Nelson, George Mart- judgment until January 27. ta.IFitzgerald is a patient iJanuary 22nd.i naio 1. in, Henry Taschereau. .Allen Ivan HdiRR 2 r'n is .CoeAjax Hlospital. W ih hr tetSlol'tegtocok .u~eIumuo 10 Acres - Creek 160 Acres - Oshawa Area Building Lot! ! Hd, Mi.. , M. ndbr. oCopek owshe'Sret1Kh Nic wody lt.Idal or Exellntstck ndhose Centrally located near alI evLven Gl On;shawa, pleaded guilty ofispent Sun-day with Mrs. W. a speedy recovery. and she urged î uiîayI U shpig evncl re.impaired drîving and faiIinigBryan. M.ad rslowdD-officers and mmbr to a ' SAFR - weekend retreat. Good access. fam. 9 rooni brick home In sopn.Vr ncl re.Counicillors, Robert RidgehRv Dao a getvy omnileetranetd r ~ BO.LD $8.500. Ternis. excellent condition. Large Buy now for Sping building. Percy Hamilton, Roy Colwl, Iýo reminan at the scene of an; e.Dd h * ustvy Bwavilenetin tend.I accden. seakr a Buketn UiteýedwChrtma D y Guitnnotic- Harwae toeOrno barns, silo. Corner fanm on First Street!! Clifford Northey. Hn and Sone ,2 bro o ni- R a o y 6 o n u g l wNew castle I Constable M . Joynt, PP !Church, Sunday. Chr istmaene M . anàMr. K RE UR FR M U S. iDi.f paved road. $85.000- Terms.: elco'6 ombnglwMr. and Mrs. Douglas Cu-MISSION.ad r. . RTRNFO apartment. AIl stock and 200 Acres - Orono Area on a lovely lot. Home In eal Reeve, D. J. Cunninghami; received information froni cîil i spent a few days in!Moxon, Oshawa, and Mrs. R.'M.adMs.E .Sme al oneiecslrg am.immedliate sale at $14,500.,FedCoch, Frank Hoar, A. ibhis vehicle had been struck. on M Sir. nd Ma eqimetInlde. Oly 8romsoi rikhos, rdCo trc n'Ms. T Caliwa ges fomUnid aswethyrpealOL ro e S5,0.andy oanienslaGodgeraelTrn isarne.R. Gray. I Highway 7A by a haîf-ton (Intended for hast week) 1M.adMs .Peigo sne uvl odPout 40 Acre Parcel Go.grve1POLICE VILLAGES truick which proceeded oO .an MMrA.G.St-' ndMasDa.J.Peigo Weil treed. Good ski or ski-,dpsts 5.00-Tens Jane Street ! ! Bewdley without stopping. The officen phenson hehd Christmas for Mrs. W. Bryant spent a few of Orono at a 1Omme ae zanmet doo hll. lew 0 Lak On-Newcastlei Immaculate 6 rooni home' Trustees: Mms. N. Klint- obtained paint and debris their famuly who returned lori as ihMr. and Mms C mission froniOtmom.A IIE tano. 10.00 4 earoldbrck unglo, wth ec.moni nd arge.i woth, Paul Miller, Gordon from the scene and alerted the holiday, including Mr. and1 Cooper, Orono, ox-er the holi- Ducker, Marketn Ofieof Fihln SatonBuinss large lot, garage, waîl-to-wal lHas large living ooni and Cane. loa ocstowthfraMrs. John Stephenson. Mm.! day. the Trade and eeomnio 3 broadloom. many extras.1dining rooni. Modemn forced Ooolt oe genvhcewt and Mrs. Wayne Weston, Mr.' Mrs. M. Marshall, Bowman- Dp. e h iso.38Dna t .-Wib Buy po hoIn go! 2350 Trm.air olI beatlng. Well kepti Trustees: E. R. Woodyard, heavy damage to the front and M-ms. K. Vickery, Mr. and: ville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. of her ldply woo prd- Buisy speotumewang god$2350 eris grounds. Asking $22.500.1 Floyd A. Nicholson, Douglas end. When a citizen eported Mrs. J. Stephenson, Mr. andI Avery, Christnias Day.oftermld gasines vsolu eyn rckHeato 1TWarkwoui.rSmpon that he was holding the dri- Mrs. Larry Riddelh and theirI Mrs. R. Davey spent New xv . home wlth alI conveniences.! 2 bedrôoon aluminuni sidin gife9 .: ver the amest was made. thmee sons who are at home. Vears Day with Mm. and Mrs. Located In village near Bow- home near school. Large lot,,Atr8pm Trustees: Doug Laver, John Breathalizer tests confirmed Mr. Stanley Taylor was Sami Grant, Oshawa. mnanville. Full price $23.500. 1001 x l"5'. Good value at D. A. MacG;regor - 987-4267 Bowen, Bob Edgar. the officer's opinion of the Christmas dinner guest of Mr. and Mms. FredTab Terms. '$15,900. PtrKwlJ.-6356 TOWNSHIPS owner's condition. Each charge nieghbors M,~ and Mrs. John celebrated their first wecdding4, ____ _____J_ u62-568tthickMr 10 Acres - Streami Orono 1lwc brought a fine of $100 an-d Archer. anniversary quictly at theli, vu # Wes ege0f owanihl. wnm ranfcre. 2strc i_______2-1 Reeve, Flex McMlllan; Coun- costs, or 15 days consecutive. Miss Bemnice Grace, Osh- home. Thev eceived severali Excelent vcw ovrlookng brck 9 ooni ome, ot 13 x F.cillors, J. P. Hansen, Fre Theme was an automatic sus- awa, with Mr. and Mms. H. cards and gifts.no I IIUI Riey WllamRbisChrlspension of license. Grace and family over the& Mr. and Mrs. AI Swain f the town. 30' x 40' streani. 200, treed lot on main street. John F.uDeWii Knox. : Dalton VanCoughnett, 320 holiday. 1ado hdasthi Good swimming amea. $19.000. Garage, new oil furnace. Ex- Brighton i yo ada hi guests1 Terrns. icelIent buy at $20.400 - $4.500ý REAL ESTATE LIMITED Reeve, Roy Chatten; Deputy Qucen Street, E., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Sami Grant Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tabb for Comrca Lt down. REALTOR iReeve, ArnolId Boem; Council- pleaded guilty of impaimed and boys spent Friday even- Christmas dinner. On. Christ- WELL TRF MD AT Commeracial aea L thotwa1vlderLlertnSt S.14uranySt.12Bwand lwasloriFankGeogeMauicedrîmngJanary 2 ad wsas wih Ms RDavy nasdve m. nd rs.Tab In Bowmnville rea witl Bowmaville, iberty t. S. 1 Frankna.ld McCannill conscraed aordeinuric$75nvandidaService $m5 Burkeerone in tcdetcallededonllMd onMr ndaMdrs..Z. lrepaved l deally s Bu bdombic eid- avy egnl can. cst o 0dy large ot suied i bedroni brik sem-de--311eyCartwright css r 0dy.This meantiChumch was rond ucted Sun- Pniauskas. InoresaurtbieSales orie ah ed. L Comlet ne enoat-,hoe063-311Reeve, Lawrence S. mal- an automatic loss of license ________________________________ netaurbayso nt.Slesofceded. Likanel nider$1.90. 2½/ ACRE LOT suitable for colin: Deputy Reeve, Gordon but the accused admitted thati ~or details..Cocsin* 1,200 sq. ft. home. Price $7.500. Gettins: Counicillors, Donald he had neyer had one.A :Ik . MIîS. Nwate Bowmanville, brnsick on90t. Terrnis. Ask for George Van- Frew, Vernon Asselstine, Nor- Constable T. Holdaway fol-liP r condition. Aluminuni sidIng, 1$27.000 - Terms. rooni home. 011 heated with Reeve, Donald Lang: Deputy Newcastle to Highway 35. I Theewsatocrcliinsal .A .Shlz pSmI SSPE AU carport. H-andy teroorso 3-pce. bath. Asking $16,900. Reeve, Luther Olan: Council- was travelling 30 miles ani Sndyat405p.onte was atocrcliin te JinveW.Stigating offier. ( $1t4,900dmo. bic Ask for George VanDyk. lors, Sherman Morrîson, Don- hour, weaving froni side to'nh Cneso odo'O odya iea i1otg oi 10aiE AM wto d athat amncWn-sd n wc adrdot Clarke Township, just east of car driven by Robent Arthur 1 Mao Mcflonald-- 623-3911 1 bungalow, lot 75 x 200. This 100 arE FRom: hom.good 10ow. I the north shoulder. The dniv- Mospot h drivers lnvoIved'Bisset. age 41, 7 Moore Drive,ý WyeMrhn 2291home Is only 3 years old and Cîebm.l on hm a arke c's condition was confirmed pr. h ayeMrhn -62-95In excellent condition. Ask- age. Henhouse. Asig $3,0. Reeve, Roy A. Foster ,*~ by two breathalizer rcadings. were Bruce Clyde 01ev, age'Port Hope, went out of con-;6 Lloydet Rird 762979 Ing $18.900 - Ternis. Ternis. Ask for George Van- Deputy Reeve. H. E. Walkey;î 36, Scarborough, and Charles trol and rolled over on 401' Grt cir 62....1Dyk. Councillors, R o d Carvcth, Charles Garrant, 414 Mont- William Mellon, age 31, R.R. 4. Hlighway east of Tunnbull'às Wilf Hawke - Orono 983-5274 Caîl 623-3393 COBOURG: Wc have about Frank A. Gray. John W. Stone. ros Avenue, Toronto, and Oshawa. There was extensive Esso Station. There was exten-i l6l f elen McDonald - 623-3911 alter 9 p.m. 8 lots for sale. Priced froni Cramahe Travis Sugdcn, 50 Alexander damage to both cars. Constablelsive damage to Mr. Bisset's ________________-~ Rsi Glbart Oron 983-533 $,500 o $4.00. Cîl Gerge Reve. . F. ochrae: De- Sttrte orontrwontchared K.H. Rutan, PPK.Ivesti carbut lckilyhenveastii-icSristutoiceNave - Rss llart- ron 93-533VanDyk. uty Reeve, Harold Bedford*, January 10th in the townsîhip gated. jury in the accident. Constableý Paul Peterson 72-32-1 CELO:Loc i Counicillors, L -e 1 e Chatten, of Cavan with illegal posses- Mr. Mellon and his three G. L. Kozak, OPP, investigat- Conul aMebercf4h Pt Yo - . 23-8377 10 AskE fOr:Georg e VanAlex McConib, Howard Oliver. s'on Of ten cheques over the young sons, Dale, age eight, cd. UA 1 fE ]RESULTS COIYNTI Jo. Barnoski - 723-5787 north of Bowmanville. Onlyl Darlington value of $50. Counsel for Mark, five, and Tmavis a year At noon on Tuesday theme' Cosut emerofte atYÉ 23307$7.500. s o ereVn v. Carl Down: Dcputy Sugden, stated that bis client and a half, werc taken by the was a two car collision on No.ý R Ken Hockin- . 623-5055 Dyk. ýReeve, Richard Gibbs, Coun- was 24, mamicd and father Bowmanville Area Ambulance 2 Highway at the Gravel Pit, Mander Rafuse - 623-3605 2 ACRES: wlth barn. Locat- 1 cillons, Thomas Baker, Bruce :of one, a CBC actor and had te Memonial Hospital. Mm. Mel-i Rnad. The drivers of the cars FiEHFE RS Roy Fauter Orono 983-5801 ed noth 0f Orono. Priced Tink, Allan Werry. been chosen as sparring part- Ion was treated in the oui.-linvolved were Peter Guttin, Ad ue rn98919Dyk. Reeve. Ed Roddy: Deputy appeared in Toronto to meet injuries. His cight ycar old'Whitby, and George Howard' re POI 8RT OPnEdhoelyw2th two cillors, Don Campbell. Gordon that his client's parents werc for scalp lacerations. and five Crescent. Both cars ecelved: MULTPL LITIG 1EIORT OPne: hoe wi er evGrntasyhCu-GogeCuao H de o, ae eeie rametWgt ge3.5warwy 1 GET CASH TODAY01hetd Broomficld. Neil Masterson. lin court and ready and will- yeam old Mark was tmeatcd in considerable damage, Constableý MUTPELSIGSRIEbathrooms.Olae. Gar-I Hamilton ing te upybi o hi the out-p)atient department for R. A, Whiteley, . ivsi FORD 1 2 YAPL INCSI e Dul_ lt_ kfr1a;Rev.GrdnD -muh-sn ospybi frtei iorijrist bssoudr Ild ivsi j rced aC2.9.As o a otinLilioni. NellM IVI I F ge[LetMi.LlydArc heshp Ms.A L ooy;Br-SAE13 Oudshoonn ýMorris Brunton, Carl et on November 21. This was the meig a pee i h ? aresMrs ArL. one m' _________________SAV 6 Rowc.nght of a heavy snow storni Auxiliary Prayer and th e, Mrs . Rudel ; inance r S 7 ROOMED HOME: all mod-' South Monaghan Iwhen two tractor trailers col- Lord's Prayer said in unsônR.Jms wh miteS~ET AT ern convenlences with small Reeve. .1. Wblttlngton: Coun- lided on Highway 15b. PresidentAr toe te mmer M.Ar.Mr.eSh k 'n B e ý1barn on 41/2 acres In Bethany. clos Lloyd Jackson, Russell tween Trickey"s Corner and es Softener Prlced nt $15.000. Ternis. Cruse. Maclntosb Bradsbaw. Highway. 401. Constable L. F. meeting that she considered1 George Stephenson, NewcaS- a rc G ota p obllbi a high honor to have been tle, and Mrs. C. G. Morris; -__ G ot a probler'n ~Caîl Boss Davidson. bc Donald James, Lloyd Armn- Dryden, OPP, was investigat- eetdt ev w ensa oiaigCmile m. l 6-: u7-s BO'ANVLE strong. ____ing officci'. e osid etwot7 Pkgs.ntngCmmtee rs' roW"MAbnal Ltb 2 bath- TtahMfoadadi e r esbbc of the Women'si Duncan Sniihand Mrs. Ru- (Bti for ToroutoaPewerboro2ghafor Hospital Au xilla ry. She.dell; Buving Committee CO-' cf xpets valatetheîatstrooros. 011 heated. Recreation, 28ryearo ndoPtrog for th Tan ked bbc officers and mcm- Chainnien, Mrs. O. N. P1luni- iSVE1 AE50 Le u emrooni. Garage. Paved drive-_berfor_____________ ______merad______Dunan_______ ddvlome nsondmecmmnds cursndy.raîeOfic.mriv-doràfo ecouyrse efmeber fr ther ufahiOffp-meren.Mspornan mfor _________________________________ ithat, was proceeding south port and ro-operation, and Tea Co-Convenors, Mrs. R.i efl of action. We pay attention to special' DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT &bout seven o'clock when said that she was sure that Cramp and Mrs. E. E. Patter-ý situations and high performance stocks. wlth lovely modern living gLO throu.gh the snow he obscrved they will extcnd the sanie son; Libmary Cart Co-Conven-! Why no giveus a alf ?quarters. Excellent turnover. another tractor tra.iier north- support and friendlincss to, ors, Mms. William Wallis andl C hy flot giveus a cal!?1 Priced at $65.000. Cali: office. OBW rii bound partîy over the centre thc eeu executîve.i MrF. Fred Griffin: and Mara- I __________________________ (Ur aim is t o ake your money make mofley. RICE LAKE: 40 acrme farm, S U tU§ jI L %T154330 ne. Mr. McDonald, to avoid, Mrs. J. O'Neill, a past pre.,ithon Bridge Co-Convenors,i 1N31bRIE LIE ________brick home. 011 heated. 4-pce. ». à5, collision, drove onto bbc sident, was called on by Pre- 1 Mms. Lomne Macaulay andi bt. Trii aeve.right shoulder as far as he sident Ayre to preside during1 Mis. asn M ARCA I E R A BARCLA I b ath . Te nlfi la eviw. dared. The northbound vehi- bhc annual meeting. The No-1 The treastirer. Mrs. R. G.1 Pàvd rad.Anxousto eil Direct Toronto Line 922-7970 cle jack-knifcd wlth the trail- minating Commlttee was rom-; Cowic presentedl a satisfac- A BA CL Y C AW OR 1AferHoriPlae al: isinrsnede b aFim rskidding sidewise right in'- osed of Mrs. R. G. Cowie,' tory finanrial statement cov-I E Is *1 4r LMTDPhYlUs MeRobbie -62-19wt a piroven Record of a . Mmthe Moonto ld w aog,-s . W. M. Rudel], the lin-' eing the last vear. and shei M Lobe. LIIE a . M. Dnad wsmediate Past President, and;announced that $1,400 hadi 100% PureVetae01 Business Estabhished 1902, Ross Davidaon - Bethany 3012 Cali for cotirteous service. tbrown through the wind- Mrs. Duncan Smnith. been turncd over to thbb aux-!, Ie Anderson 349-2669 'Local Representativez: i shield and was taken to 9sh.1Ofcr o h oigiir yteGf hp 37 Kn Street East Osawaaura Gencral Hospital serious-; ycar are: Past President. Mrs. I Encoumaging and satisfar-1 Gat saaeorge VanDyk -623-7437, e alBowmanvihi. 623-5211 ly njured. Offe; rsidfor thE . . omiiiry aby th epGfiopt.or li Telohon: R. 3342 Hael. CotteFred Beaucage, Bowmanvhhe Glen Fothcrby, R.R. 4, Pet-IThompson; I st Vice-President, presented by the Recording 623-3711 erborough, was drivn taM. S. R. James; Treasurer, Secrctary. Mms. L. Hurson; Y ,Oshwa reaOffce:Tornto sln bb trnsprt rs.R. G. Cowie; Recording Corrcsponding Secrctary, Mrs. W LitPooML. !North 401 Park Rd. Cioverleaf' as a shield freni thc wretch- Secretary, Mrs. William Wil- Jose: Finance Chaimman, Mrs.i an xluieManager - Frank Smith, ed weatber. To avoid slush son: Corrcsponding Secretary, L. J1. C. Langs; Glft Shopý FOOD [ ~u~ . OMNIL - Lut Photo M.L.8.Osbawa 576-0330.jtrw p1 tetanpreMr.HmyJose, Newcastle.' Chairnin, Mrs. Hooey; and 3-1 jhs Was driving out a litti. toi The Executive C o mmnii tt e e M*athon Bridge Co.Cne-