theadpfece of white floweril caughit her short white veilI etn a t oh " n lc n C u c andI ahe cerried a nosegay o!; Miss Nancy Martin was 0 maiti of honor for her sister W eddL 'ys i anti waq attired in street- len gth tiress o! blue lace anti heatitress io match. She car-' rieti e nosegay o! white 'mum! anti pink carnations. Mr. Bruce Mencpr, cousin "~ " of the groom, was best mnan <. anti the ushens were Dennîs! M. Martin. brother o! the bride. anti Donald Luxton, brother o! the groom. GODSMARK- GOODE nimatrhlng vplvet b<iw heai-ý The receptiot, was held at Stanardso! witedresses adorneti with vpi]ir.g Memorial P a rk Cliibhouiseý Stnad fwiegadioli inthe sanie color. Their td5wer hebidsmohr e andI yellow . munis fonieid ai catie bouquets %were o! yellow cwevet e in atirsso! silvpî' atrcie stig at ou-nims. blue lurex accented by pink .s!?.~ quets of neti anti white cerna- ' t, tios aionet te ata o!~t Mu. Bob Smith o! Toronto corsage. She was assisted by i « JohnsAnhica ChrchBowwas best ian anti the ushers, the grooî's mother who wone. Jh'AnlcnCuhBo-were Mu. John Goode, Mu. A. a golti. two-piece suit withI ' rnanville. when the marriegeHotee~*' cf MissPatuici Margar t e. .both o! Bownian-: corsage o! golti and white,~,~~ Goode anti Mr. Steven J.ville. and Mr. Ian Reiti of: mun...x Godmak assoenniet ~Toronto.I For their honeymoon, theý Satuday Noenier 0. 968 The reception was heltiet b ride chose a tiness o! pink' ., Thebrde s ht.tiugheu0jthe Otit Fellows Centennial!anti white wooi, anti white ""' Mn. ntiMis.Waler GodoHall, Bowmanville, wheie the! fui coet with black accessor- o! Bowmanville. anti the bride's nitheu recrîvi, wear-, ies. Following the reception, gro siesno i niing a formaI. A-line tiross in'there xvas a wetiting Mis. Frak Gtisark of chartreuse w i t h matchina ýGîests attentied fron Toronto, '~ Sceîboough.full-lengtb coat tiesigner] with Htintsville, Orono, Ennîskil- Rey. K. J. Franipton lo, a mandarin collai, anti cor,-;'In, Oshawa, Courtice andI 'X: the officiating clergyman an sage o! yellow roses anti Bowmanville. Mu. anti Mus.i the etiiin musr ws pay-white carnationz. She was as,,-,ixton aee esitiing ati 45 cd y i.C. vas.sisteti in nereiving by the ,King St. E. in Bowîanville. ' Give inmaiiag byheugroom's niother who chose a Puin to the wedding the' father. the bnidie wore a white founial-length rose tircss wtRrti a iven three showeîs fuI - engh. mpie -waitedwrist-Iength lace seves;. ailat the homes o! Mis. Metcelf,l A-ue gwn.Theuibon-arpcorsage of pink roses anti owmanville. Mis. Howarti bodice was styleti with thuce-!white carnations. Etimontison, Bowmanville, anti quarter length sleeveswhc The couple honnyrnonnti atMus. D. McMahon o! Oshawe4i were accenteti by witie ruffle oemopae i h o!, edging. A graceful train wa, rono Mouniteins. Peonsylai , cagtt h esln .Fou travelling the bride wore. lenthscaloerinetvei a bluse, olaksho pns, iflrCele brate two bows. Heu shoultier- iewo utpn tflr caught tn a heatipiece of lily- anti haiibow. A corsage o! 5t o!-the-valley anti roses high- pink carnations complement-45 hW d ig lighted by crysial beatis. Seeihuesml.Te r canuetia bidaIbouueto! esiding et 90 Eastdale Ave- A n reti sweetheaut roses antined p.84 Tnno ~ 3 I white carnations. Asceaywt ur Miss Louise Paris' o! Lon- boiough rompany., the brineMr. anti Mrs William C. don, Ont., was niaiti o! honor attentiet Vinrent Massny andti Kîpatrîck, 76 Scugog Street,, anti the bridiesmaitis weî-eCentral Public Subools, Bow-! Bowrnanville, weue honoreti MissBrena Farow.Mis.A. nanville High Scbool anti the: îerently et the FloneneNih- H-ofstede, both o! Bwmai- O,4hawa Business College. The ,ingale Centennial Hall, Queen;i ville, anti Miss Dianne Stacy'groom attenieti Secorti Puh- Street, on the occasion of their o! Cobourg. Te eeie lic Sohool, R.H ing Col- 45th Wedding Anniversary.I'$ ticaly atirti i forai-legiate, Toronto, anti Mirlianri They have livet I n Bowian- length gowns with empire Secontiary Scbnol. He is eni- ville all their maUuiet Ilives,' wvists. The b<ticie was o! ployeti with Loblaws. within a few blocks o! where' th1ey now resitin.k k-elly green velvet anti the, Present for this happy event' skfrt o! emeralti green chif-j LVXTON- MARTIN wî five generations of the , fan.~~~f Amedo hffnfi il\,, inrlutiing thei childien,M to the flooi frni earh shouil- Baskets of white 'muins andi atihlun:ni>ea-rni- ,~ ier anti a chiffon bow nestînti pi'nk gladioli wa the setting chlie,5 h.M.Kil-..... et the waistline. They wore'et St. Paul's Uniteti Chuich pat.iick's parents, Mu. anti Mis., -fou the marriage on Satuitiey, A. Kilpatrick or 25 Flett St., M n i. tvnJ odsmark are shown irn the above photo as they eut .November 30, 1968, et 2:30 who will be relebrating their M.adMs tvnJ 24 Hour n'elock o! Lintia Marie Mer- 65t.h Weddîng Anniversary In the wedding cake at the receptiori following their rnarriage in St. John's Angli- * tin, daughter of Mu. anti Mis. April o! t.his year. were also can Church, Bowmanville. on Saturday, November 30, 1968. Formerly Miss pprovals Wes. Martin of Bownian-ville. pi-esent. i ~ Patricia Margaret Goode, the' bride is the' daughter of Mr. and Mus.W tr anti Mn. Leru WaynesLunon Goode, Bowmanville, andth groom is the son of Mn. and Mrs. Frank Godismark, 2nd & 3rd Mtges. Luxton, Bowrnanville . Rev.: ceremonies anti reatia adreI Scarborough._____ __ Photo hy Astor Studio ONTARIO WIDE LOANS Haroldi Turner officiateti. ta suit the occasion. The I- ~.i.E- LOW ceni, up te 20 yrs. Yeu con Given in maîriage by hrru piesentation of glfts, inclutiîng r,___anti Mis. A. Shaip's. comliou servie.m Pryorpt heplul erthe bride woie aR floor- a set o! tîiight l pfloweus U MCr. anti Mus. A. Weîy and' meut Corp. Ltd., 62 Richmond St. length gown o! white nylIon!anti rds wvas matie by the!B & p W oeE C u faiywee Siînciay supper W.. Trontoellace ovni silk wîth a swcet-' cotiple's 'younigest son, John, gIiests o! Mi. anti Mis. Tom 366-9586, Evgs. 239-4913 heait neckline anti lotie Paul, efter which dancing anti1d LIýIAI ISobul, Taunton. ______________ oteti sîevec;.A cluster games roncludeti the evenîng 1% C hr! itm aGs D î neMi.anti Mis. Geo. Iriu weeSuntiay dinner guess o! M.anti Mis. Ted Webster, JANUAR ~ Jn the Editor's Mail HedaWS.A drws itby, JA-A R H ld at te.n re ' Mr. ati Mis. 1]itiar Wriigt, '~ N lIVING'S CONTINUES AT - rLADI ES' CHILDS WA FISHERMAN KNIT SWEATERSs.9 REG. $15.00 - CLEARING -- Winter Coats & Car Coats up 4Alo ~OFF DRESSES H A TS DRASTICALLY CLEARING REDUCED TOCLEAR ___2________ ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL ir i. le e e 1 was glati to see your editoîial re snow nenoval andi coniments on the count cil. The only trouble you titi not go feu enough. I think it is about tiie more citizens took a little more interest in town a!- feins. It is îeelly for their own gooti. The Mayor anti Council aiI get a saleuy. Then we have ail oui tiiffrent depant- mental heatis. True they de not get big pay, but are they tioing their job? I far one do not think they are. Wby shoulti people havi to waîk on the streets, in- steati o! the sîiewalk? Why shoulti people pay to park their cars, anti then get stuck trying to get out? Why is the snow not shovel- eti off in front o!f vacant lots?! These are only a few questions I would like answeind. Between getting pushec off the sitiewalks in the summer. ant iflîing on the ire in the wînteu, an oic person can haudly venture out. 1 ai sorv I am not a great scholar. PeuhepsI have matie a few nistakes. Yoit might be able to change this letter a littie. Shorten it down ou do whal You wish, but make sure that the right ones get mny point. Thanking you, The Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade Committes takes this opportunity to tIiank ail who contributed toward making this year's Santa Claus Parade the outstanding success it proved to b.. It is only through the. continuing efforts of so many people, ln so many different ways, fliat an event of this six. end calibre is successfully Iieid each year. Your Committee is already making plans to ensure the 1969 parade wiIl be of the same high quality. We'll se. you at the parade. Yours sîncerely, BOWMANVILLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE COMMITTEE UNDER AUSPICES 0F THE BOWMANVILLE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE Twenty members anti guests! o! the u.suel exrhange o! Miss Betty Wright, Mus,. Nor- o! the Bowmanville Business Christmas gifts, there was eanmd Bradforti spent Sunday andi Profession'al Women's Club Iselection o! White Elephant witb Mus. P. A. Tresise who enjoyeti a tieliclous Chistias!i gifts erounti the attractive i5 a patient et Sunnybroonk dinner et their meeting on tien, anti the money oîtiînariîy Hospital, anti were ralleirs on December 12, in St. Andiew's uîseti for Christmas gifts was Miss Florence Van Nnst et Church Sundey Srhool rooni. donateti by the members t.o a1 Futiger House, TJoronto. After dinner. Tuudy Sellows, Nigenian ouphanage. A nuni- 1 Mi. anti Mus. Jimn Muller assisteti by Gledys Brown o! j'ber of pirtures o! the ouphan- anti Danryl. Oshawa, wene Onono, led the group in a age, Ys little resitients and the Satunday suppen guests o! E. spiriteti assortient o! Christ- atteitients, was vleweti by the Wrights. mas carols. Followlng a brie! menibeis. Mi. anti Mis. John Belle. buiesmeeting, this talenteti ThIey^,also head an opportun- Philip anti Karen, Orono,i twosone presenteti several en- t to tc lhe Centennial pic- werp Sunday evening callers joyable piano anti harmonica tures creeteti by Trudy Sel- e t R. Gri!fin's.1 selections. Iows' mother, Mis. Gertrude nTe tieath of Mi. Ira Tua- The speclal guest, Mus. M. Bonathan o! Toronto, former- ve. Oshawa, occurreti on J. Hutchinson, gave a tiellght- ly o!f'Newcastle. 'Phese pic-, Mondav a fternoon in Oshawai fuI ueatiing o! "The Donkey o! turcs hati won !irst prize in General ,HospFtal. D e e p e s t Goti". a gentle story with e the Centennial Hobby Show synipatby is extentint to his Christmas message. In lieu in Toronto. - wife, the former Mendie Ash- ton. ber mother Mus. E. C. Ashton, anti ail menibers cf! ENNISKILLEN their families. t The Sundey morning ser-1 ther Ralph anti sister-in-lav,1 vvice hati a smallen congrega-1Jovce Virtue. ber sister Eve-1 etion in attentiance, due main-' lyn andI bîother-in-law Eerl ly to ilînesses andI beîeave-iMasters and their families as ment. Rev. J. Lougheedwell as other close relatives. ' bîaught his 'isuel wondc'rfuli Becent visitons with Mr.'i e essage. As Communion Siun -ni Ms .C stnw daet was observeti, he describ- Mr. anti Mis. Harry Wontien,, e dthe Sacrement of Holy Mr. Dean Woîtien, Bowman-1 Communion as a Great Festi- vleRR . i niMs val where we have the privi- Keith Woiie.n, Oshawa, Miss lege t haethe elemer1s, aet BragBownianvilleý 'andI it is Jesus' way to rcniind R .Ms on osn us He is with uis. The Lorti'sMrHuetIig avl. 'S upi ersnsJs Mis. Geo.TIrwin was a re-ý e tiuing preseneth Jeus on-cent visiton of Misses Louiseý 'Commniontabl wes and Maîjonie Melntosh, Whit- I pareti by Mesdames J. Sle-ý mon, K. McGill anti R. Ash- Mr. and Mis. Keith MeGilI 'ton. Rev. Lougheed was as- and boyvs werc Suodrayv tea - Isisteti by EIders L. Weaîn, A. guests of Mr. and Mis. Clar- J. Werry. K. McGill and C. ence Stainton. i Steinton in serving 31 meem- Mr. Russell Onmîston was bers. The choir's Mutsical, Sunday- tee guest o! Mr. anti number was "Breadi of th'e Mis. W. Bownian, Enniskil-ý World, Wiiîe of the Soi." ]en. 1During the chureh service the' Mi. and Mis. S. Lamib were ;Messengens had their bi- callers et Mi. andI Mus. Mau-!I I nonthly meeting in the S.S.I rice Polerti's, Haydon. room. 1 Mr. and Mis. Bruce Reid In the announcements the and Lintia were weekend, synipathy of tîhe congregatiinvisitors o! Mr. and Mis. Fran-; was extenieti to the families1cis Reiti et Harold, Ont., antI, relateti to the late Miss Rutoy!iStunday afteinoon visitons O! Vintue. As Mu. andi Mus. H. :Mn. anti Mis. Douglas Reiti.' IMcGill celebiateti their 4flth Caniphelîforti. wedding anniversary at thel Billie Reid spent the week-, end o! the yeaî, they recei.vedi enti with bis uncle andI aunt.! a message of congratulations; iat u.Bni et, froni the congregationi which B *manville. lait. pl Mn. and Mus. Clarence Av- Du@,tn xising circuni-euy, Linda and John, wre. Dtanes th exiting Fll SuntieY dînner guests o! Mn., stacesth Moheu' eIlWanti Mis. Canienon Oke. Osh- ship meeting is postponed one awa. weekto Jn. 2th.Mr. anti Mis. Joe Brown,! NextSundy th moîingNewcastle, were Suntiay sup-; service will be et the negulai~rl getso'n.ed 1i. 'hour with Rev. Lougheed prgesas r. guest minister.Ge.ri. Mn. anti Mis. Lloyd Ayie Regular C.G.1.T. meeting anti f a niiîy. Bowmanville,ý was held on Satuîday, Jen.' Miss Sheryl Ashton, Haytion, I lth. et the home o! Mr. R. Iwene recent guests et Mr. andi Ormiston. The election o! of- Mis. Allan Wenry's. fîcers wes completeti. Sec., M r. andI Mis. Lloyd Ashton,' i Sandra Weîry recorde t te onald andI Ray, Haydon, minutes. Pies. Heetîhen Grif-' Miss Kathy Sharp, Master! fin dunected the agenda whicb IGordon Sharp, wene Wednes-' follwedthewoiship perioti1 day tea guests o! Ivan by the leader. Next meeting Shaip'rs. Jan. l8th at 1:30 p.m. at Mis. Mr. and Mis. Milton Stain-ý 'O. C. Ashton's. Iton were Mondey eveningý It was with deepest regretidinnen guests o! Mi. and Mis. we learnétI of the untimelylC. Stainton, the occasion of~ deatîh of Mi," Ruby Vitue inIMi. M. Stainton's birthday.i Toronto, T h e ommunity, Congratulationst shares the great sornow with Mi. andi Mis. Bill Key. Paul her !emily anti extends sin- and Sentira, Agincouirt, e cerest synipathy to her bro- Sw2day luncheon guet t ila lu P(ral "zers Illusionad Walking Heels Reg. to $1695 JANUARY CLEARANCE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES Illusion and Stack Heels Reg. $7.95 to $995 CLEARING Dock and ScottMcHaIe Shoes m IOcyo OFF MANY MORE BARGAINS IN FAMILY FOOTWEAR ELLIS SHOE STORE 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE TYRONE The Canadlan Statesmnan, Bowmanvflle, :an. 13, 1989 3 The Tyrone UTC.W. met i m tSunday schoal romr on LO~NG S A ULT ,Wednesday evening. Jan. Bth,ý with a fair attendance. Pre-ý (Intended for last week) IMi. and Mrs. C. Purdy, Bow. sident Mis. Paul Vaneyk1 Mr. and Mis. Bernard spent m-anville. opened the meeting by read- e er a Mr. and Mrs. K. Gable and ing a poem 'Think It Over."' Mrs. Erie Gallagher, Nor.! Brian, Courtice, were Sunday Mrs. R. Glaspel] was secre - %vood supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. tary for the meeting. Mrs. J.1M.adMs.Rbr a G. Baker and family. Woodley, Mis. H. Stainton., r.and fmily Roert Nea m r.-c onsn saa Mrs, W. Taylor took charge'eron adfml eeNw r akJhsn saa of the worship service which I \ear's Day guests of Mr. andIvisited his parents. Mr. and was n te "ew ear .1 Mrs. M. Kellett. Janetville.lMrs. B. Johnson, on Sunday. World Day o! Prayer service' Mr. and Mis. John West were1Mr. and Mis. Gabriel Ko. is Mrch7thin yroe U iSaturday evening guests af vacs. Judy and Louise wero ed Chrch.7hi Tyrone Unt-Mr. and Mis, Robert Cameron.!Sunday supper guests of M. to -voice tihe appreciation ati Mr. and Mrs. Rye GibsonlIand Mis. Andy Sutch, Ponty- Presby era hld t King- I pet New Years Eve with!pool1. ý'iew United Church. Oshawa,! Mr. and Mis. James Parkin-' Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk Feb. l2th. There will be no!'son and family and severalwere New Year's Eve guesta meeting in February. The' friends. of Mi. and Mrs. A. Milison., March meeting will be heldl Mr, and Mis. Lloyd Har-Haydon. and New Year's Day at the home of Mis. John1 mer Beth and Ernie, Miss1 guests of Mr. and Mis. H. De RundUe, March 12. There willIKaihy Hoar andI Mr. John: Mille. Bowmanville. be a sale of -articles. each Harmer weîe Sunday suppeiý Sorry to report Mr. Wm. member ta bring something guests of the Smiths, !Malcolmson is a patient in they have made. or useful.i Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker Memorial Hospital. Bowman. The 1968 officers gave their and Michael weîe Friday din.< ville. reports which were very "en guests of thie G. Bakersi Mn. andI Mns. G. Kvc gratifying. Rev. D. Northey on thein way to thi 1e~at ail eeNwYa' conducted the Induction ser- horne et Cardiff. Ont. ýsupper guests of Mi. and Mri. vice for 1969 officens. Mn. and Mis. G. Baker were 1H. Murphy. U.C.W. officerq for 1969: Thunsdey evening visitois of Mi. Bob Cooksley and fi!. President, Mis. Paul Vaneyk; end, Leaside, wene Sunday, Recording Secretary. Mrs. eaxadfmlMnle Dec. 29th dinner guests of the Stan Hall; Cornespond ing Sec., eu n aiy ail Coînish family. Mrs. Edith Murphy: Treasur- Mn n i.Pu aiglej M rr, Mrs. Alfred Knowltoil; andI family, Mn. andI Mrs.. nIMs inyCr Manse. Mrs. Doug Southwell Raymond Massee andI child-' nish andI femily were New and Mrs. Tomn Pleasance; ren. Whitby. wene SundayYeaî's Day guesis of Mrs. Community Friendship ndi dinner guests o! Mr. and Mis ;Geo. Armour and Miss Bertha Visiting, Mis. A. Hoar and L. Belanger. Amu.Hmtn Mr". W. Rahm: Christian Edu- Mrs. Frank Genereaux andI # cation andI Missionar3', Mrs. familv, Manîlla. visited hier! AflfOBUM Ne~ !w Jirn Woodley and Mis. Robýt. parent, Mr. andI Mrs. T. C.ý Lambert: Literature and Com-,Dodd, Sunday. iHealing Substance, munication. Program and De-! You are we1come to attend: Sihh votions. Mrs. EtIna Wood:1 the Sunday mornnng service rur b es 'Material. Mrs. David Northey: at Il a.m. each Sunday. This Social Convenons. Mis. Wal- past Stinday Rfev. D. Northey lb@pi1 fepr Park. Mrs. Gordyn Brent,'spoke on "Christian Compas- bmebudmfdkdau* , tion 1Mrs. Ralph His; Catering sion" to en attentive congre- s~i. oerhiitt Cnve-nors, Mis. Jin, Wood- gatinn, Afowtm d * rh h m ley, Mis. Stan Goble, Mis r i s. W. ahm abZ* hahin shesaS Balph Bowers: Buying Com-ivisitecd Mr. andI Mrs. Cecil rhidspainlflyIt ie9î,eis mittee, Mis. George AIld read, 1Rahm, Burketon RHR. 2, Sat- and dumcmfort in àto~ Mis Athr Rchrd: urlUday. On Sunday they wiere, ipeeds up heaing of teinjSed, fors. Miss Grace Smith, Mrs. dinner guests of Miss Mary inflamied tisBue. j~ . Cok.Niddery Hampton. i In case after cae, while gentIy Mir. and Mrs. Harrv' Hath-l Mr. and Mrs. R. Allaway. reieving pain, actas! reduetim Pr].\ and Karen, Toronto, » Dartmouth, N.S., visited her jhrinkage) took plaoe. n~i ed is mthrMr. nparents, Mi. andi Mrs. T. Jan- Moe timportant Of af-eeill ni ately czyn, Donald and Fy weresothoroughtJmt"u-mpro-.w Mrs. Edna Philp. Miss Jeanimn Fay.btatd feaapef Philp, Mrs. W. Crawford ofrny months. were New Year's Day guestsi of Mr. anti Mis. Rnnald Ph ilp G el Chll ouuayThsw Snt wah andi daughtercz. Oshawa, a OIbenaucs~ ctlyhe s ia m I mJarei Mr and irMs. Lorne Phare Fr l Ap iacs'"y twmre Sunday guests o! Mr.I thrwjugh Urnnle. andi Mrs. Gilbert Wicks, Co-' 8 T A T E S M A N NowBio-DýYS euoired ioekaw boiirg. CLMi.81P D9rand Buru.Azk fiSm dm Belateri sy-mpathy inCMr.;IFJEDSnaFld.!Lx3I oefot&e oTeilt and Mrs. Trewin Scott andi' phone 623-3303 itm. a 2c m om famnilv on thej passing o! her;__________________ e.d mother and grandmotiher, Mis. _____________________________ Edwaîds of Welland, Mis. Percy McCoy spent a r. ouple of days lest week with the weekend wih hegrand-U y OfaescIuîI niother, Mrs. Edna Philp. Convlct: "How long are yon In for ?" Sympathv Is extende t t New Cellinate: «99 years. lIow long for you ?' Mr. and Mis. Ralph Virtue, Cnît Svnyfv. Enniskillen, and Mr. and Mrs. ove:"eet-ie1 Eauf Masters, Bowmanville, New Cellmate: «Then you take the bunk nearest the on the passing of their sister, door, as you're gettlng out first " Miss Ruby Virtue, Tononto. YMr. and Mrs. W. Park were 0Suniday suppen guests of Miss CLOTHES CARE HINTt kEva Johnston, Peterborough. n Mr. andi Mis. George Al-. Moth Damage wIll flot oceur to your elothes, If they are. t dreed were Satîirdey suppen drycleaned before storing. guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. rHardy, Bowmanville, end also "H O RE» ecalled at Trinity Uinited "H O REV Church to give thein best IS COMING TO BOWMANVILLE wishes tn Mr. and Mrs. Leslie FBUR Anderson on their 65th wed-< ERAY5 ding anniversaîy. 1 s Spe-dy îecovery to Mis. D 'I AI AL!I R Grenville Byem andi Mis. .1UB V V5VIN V I bE - -Toni Janczyn who undenwent! isurgery in Bownanville Me-ý amoria Hospital on Monday. W CLEANERS t Mrq. Edith Murphy visited' Mr. andi Mis. John Hancock,l n 4 KING ST. W. 623-5520 Orono, on Sunday. cru W Mr. and Mis. T. C. DotitI C EANE Specialize In Shirt Laundering ' frecently visited their diaugh- E ter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gener _____________________________ Att SKI BOOTS ,/2OFF LUGGAGE DISCONTINUE» LINES CLEARING AT REDUCED PRICES KEN WATSON CURLING BOOTS WOMEN'S - Reg. $16-95 CLEARING* $1 3.95 MEN'S - Reg. $18.95 CLEARING . $4 9 MEN'S DRESS SHOIS Reg. $8,95 Reg. $12.95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE NO EXCHANGES -NO REFUNI)S $2.99 .$5.99