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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1969, p. 5

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trnferdbalk te Orthepae- fl Y1Th'e Canaian s di Athite ositl oe:Celebrate 65th AnniversaryI omto, for firle treainent., ( Reports from %Orne four nnths sao. We VA. LIL-R1 ail ish er aspeey reov-Following an illness Of two ery. week, the deatb of Mr. A. e r v . e r a s e e y r e o -E . G a yAae d 3 0 y e r s E I: W omen s Institutes Communion next Sunda Gaygu3 .d~ c Y... etigonTcr- urred nt Orillia on Friday, a M ~ U I U.C.W. mht)eeing ntlbuSiDecember 13, 1968. MAPLE GROVE W.I. !January meeting and we wîîî day (intnhtC.EeniHa8ll. Sidney Hallowell of Crooked te C.E. Hll.Daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Th omn Isitt adbe asking another Institute to Cnrgtoa etn will 'Creek, the former Helen Anne United Cburch Womnen met ioin tu rs h metiger a e *held on Tuesday evening, Hloelwsbrr nPr j5I then urnedthe eetin .ove Jan. 2]st, at 7:45 p.m. in the'Hp.Sercevdhreu Dec. 4th t 6:30 pm. for a to Mrs. W. Brown, UC W * E. H l. H pHt e alowel a Po r op inhPore " FluY M.Ho rd rdean Mrs. C. Russell, Mrs. S- On New Year's Eve, Mr. ýSehoolan o arilBu- oitm eetingowar ing with a Prsien.etu-uussSchol.On September W A A O ) W..Prsdet eloedteJeffery and Mrs. P. Flintoff and Mrs. Neil Brownell weHA owanvll Bsi mnembers and guests. The Rol were in charge of the worship 'host and hostess to a numbl,191 hemri1 r . Try flot to1 tci Cal AChitms eor'service. Carols 62 and 53 were fBaeLn ygpope Andrew E. Gray who survive S. 2 vi otc i Cal" hita enr"used along with the Medita- f at s ew Ynear' Ev epey,*92Mrs Gra ha Iiv i revealed a varbous numniber of Lin Mrs. Art Burgess and ataNe er" v pry Orillia for the past one and 3. Eat a good( aln imemories, mostly from child- Mrs. Wes Down of Ebenezer Mr. and Mrn. Fred Wr1t hood. A special collection in wihMS. ly n h Base Line, accompanied byý afyasadbfr o- W RIG aid of the Salvation Arm pitnMsngLloydDo t thelher sister Mr. and Mrs. MeU a g hi yersiadef toe v ANNG ai wa.s received, amounting to $13. Shiels Oshawa, were recentlCek Tont, ilsbug afvrht Mrs. L. C. Snowden remind- Mrs. W. Brown introducedt visitois with thir sister, Mr.! ..... ~ X Kingston and B a r r i e. A, pains, earacho se ed the members that a speak- Mrs. Clarencê Tink of Hamp-j and Mrs. Keith Bickle, Na-!. housewife and mother, lier er fromi Hydro wili be at our ton who gave a demnonstration parie Ii' nterests centred around hier Your doctor aih __ - of Christmas de c orations. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wright, ý home and family. The deccas-, vour pharmaîto e.', .Many of the varlous items Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wright, dwsarebro hlo Inthe tditors M used were froni articles from 4.wsamme fSio filled at thep ra our homes which would other-, and son, Oshawa, were Sun-; United Churoh and was alsoý 600 King Street East, wseed pinhegra. dayv vstors with their par-I member of the Kinette SosrdI Oshawa, Ontario, This dmntrtio was very Mr.Fe1Cu.BettrCm ]II.anuary, 1969 practical and Mrs. Tink an- Wri.ght, Base Line Sriig esdsbrbs Isedmayqetosrgr- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cryder- band and parents. are a son,FRD IC Dear Sir: the, King, were Sunday visî-, Michael Andrew; a brother, A .JC We wiqh to corwey ou r 1itors with bis parents, Mr. aA. rprcainfrtepit eea tm fUCW, n Gerald, end a sister, Nancy. apprf eaio fr hee print-'bsiesw eral it f U.C.WMrs. Howard Cryderman, bro- Te1nrlsevc'wsi in f es eese urn usnssws el wt atrthers and sister. held on Tuesday, Decemnberý the Year 1968 as a Public 1which the ladies viewed Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. SwalloQv 7hfoteMri uea;'L sericeprsenatin y yurTinks handiwork. A hearty fo h ori uea newspaper. vote of thanks was given Mrs. wer Su d y iitr wihC a e, B m n il , d Onmayocaios or ik ndte aie fo E-ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank was conducted by Rev. Basil On mny ccaionsyou Tik an th laies romEb-Cruickshank. Ajax.Logaste yRv T. niedia bas fiiled us in on ýenezer wbo sang. Mr n r.LodSo-Ln sitd b e. T1 community affairs. a r ea den, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brow- Orono Cemetery. trends, various reports and n r neli, Diana and Roy wrlPlbaes wr ess other useful information. rIL R V Thursday last luncheon guests, amodbeas ere Mesnr May we add, that your of the former's sister, Mrs.] Lemaich, J a c k HalIowell, newspaper is always Linder On SaturdaY, evening, Jan. Roy Van Camp, Base Line. Lorne Haley, Garland McCoy consideration w h e n our Ath ' between 5o and 60 Base' Watch for date of paper, and Jess Zeck. budget allow us to adver- ý Line folks under the capable :di-ive in the near future. Fur- an tise. !leadership of Mr. and Mrs.!ther particulars next week.ý The staff of the Canada iNeil Brownell, presidients, as-lPlease save your papers. Manpower Centre wishfe. sisted by Mc. and Mrs. Doný Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van SALEM - y n u o n tin u e d su c c e ss a n d M e tc a lf a n d o th e r d ire c to rs, C a m p , a n d fa m ily , B a se L in e ,! M . a d M s e l e A d r o u n u l c n r g t o a once again, thanks. i'got the Base Line school- attended the wedding f lber meig j.behl a h Your sicerly houe i redin s so otn Hopelast ehm, in Port On Saturday, Jan Ilth. 1969,1 Mr. and Mrs. Anderson re-Igifts, cards and messages.,, church on Monday,Jaur Yours M nager. aflnr ('Iri!7tmas lt was decor- ývho were not invite tofthe 9 Centre St. celebrated their' from Her Majesty eýjeen!was tastefully decorated fori2~. C îîhî hi n u lO c- Yourq sicerelyated for the festive occasion.! reception were entertajned at 65th wedding anniversary at 'Elizabeth II which exéddthe occasion. The perfectlyIjale~ymeeting atho the hrhn u iiýn.r ail had cilne ample jus- the homne of Mrs. Van Camp's Trinity United Church Sun-l best wishes to them on their' appointedi table was centred thiaurdyetJgan. th Mhrs. ticleto te e ere mandtesse nPr oe The re- day Schooi Roomn. Mrs. An-i 65th wedding anniversary. with two dozen Talisman W Craig and e 'tbeswr cere n a ception was helël at the Golf derson received in a gown of 1 The Prime Min ister, Rt. Hon, roses and lighted by tall g01- in charge.gru aeA very enjoyabie evening was & Country Club, Port Hope. turquoise blue silk shantung; Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Lead-! den tapers in erystal candela- M.adMs ogRyod spet n ams o vrius Misses Kathy and Kelly with a corsage of pink and er of the opposition Rt. Hon.' bra. In the afternoon, family spent the weekend' CLEARING A THE BOY FRIEND kinds. AIl departed for James, Master Charles James white carnations. Robert L. Stan' ed o. osWlimo fPtrbr-a r n r.BueLh R C hoe syngwata;p ent Sunday with their The family were ahl pre-lJohn Robarts, Mr. Russelli ough, Mrs. Wilbert Irwin ofiman's, Ashburn. FEB. 5.6 - 7- 8 able time they had spent to-i1 grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. sent, Clio (Mrs. Harry Crv-1HoeMP o otubr'OhwMs lyo ero ae Bowmanville done again next year. b Ayer, Oshawa. dra) Zetta (Mrs. Rayl land-Durham Countv, and Mr.ïBobcaygeon, and Mrs. M. L.!CwlThealy ofNe Mrs. ' The many frîends of Miss -~ Dîllîng), Keitha (Mrs. Cecî1l Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. foriRoeniigk, Bowmanville, Pu-ahrn tMmra lb Ver S. Pere wo asbee N~mTymN Aildread), Mo rl and andiDurliam, ail sent their con- ed tea. Miss Velma Bick,lhouse. Those attending were, Tickets a a pat. ient rnremwoiaspi-eenU Thornton Anderson, ail ofigratulations. Mrs. Murry Brown, Oshawa, Mrs. Mabel Cowling, Messrs. Re ere tsntOfficeatie Bwntille, wiJl Hbein- N S L , Bownianville, Mr. Oswaldi, Mr. Alex Carruthers mrade, Miss Josephine Moore, R-N.,Murray and Clair Cowling,ý Rreto Ofie teaes, d o earo shle as be i M n sMtn 'iserAnderson of Peterborougil apersonal caîl at the house j Toronto, and Mrs. Bert Kerr, r.KyTnansadgrs teetc olan h a en . antd M evnitng ihmOny Anderson of Newmar- during the week adpee -Bobcaygeon, servedi. Mr. Ky and M s anBihrls Mr aned Lrdyeeigwt ket, and George Dentzil of ed hem with a haiîdsonîe i In the evening Mrs. Austini Mr. and Mrs. Llyd Sowdng, Mr dMrs. Roy Corner, Port 1f Jndon Messrs. Joseph and scroll frorn the Province ofl Wood, Mrs. Garnet Rickard,! Miss Betty Snowden, Mr. Terry Perr%. Mr. and Mrs. Morley iWiîbert Anderson of Bobca\TJ Ontario marking the memor.» Mrs. George K. Ward andf Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne OBR 4 Fsher, Scarborough, enjoyed geon, brothers of Mr. Lesl'ielable event. They also re- M'rs. Ken Sumersford poured Pickard and daughter, Mr. and Di Sunday evening dînner with Anderson, and Mrs. Ross Wil-J ceived a beautiful floral ar-'tea. Mrs. Morland Anderson, Mrs. Gary Pettit and daugb- Ds ned bis bothe andsistr-inaw îamson, sîster of Mrs. Leslie' rangement of chrysanthemums Mrs. Tbornton Anderson, Mrs. ters, Mr. and Mrs Elton Brock Ln ~' the Miton Fiher's.Anderson, as well as other re a d carnations from the townIJoe Flett and M rs. Carson El- an f mi , Mr a d M s. G o e $ 5 Mr. and Mrs. Cecl Wilson latives and friends from. Pet-of Bowmanville with a per-Iliott served. Cowling and girls, Mr. and were entertained for Sunday e o o g ,Bo 1 5 dinner in bonor of Mrs. Wi_ rboogh ocaygeon, Lind-. sonal noie froin His Worshipl Miss Wendy Anderson, dau-IMrs. Lloyd Smith and Neil,$15 son's birthday at the home of Say, Oshawa, Newmarket and' Mayor Ivan Hobbs. They werei ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn-IM1ss Linda Smith, Mr. Tom Mr n r.NomnLosLondon were also in attend-ialso reclofients of mnany othc'rlton Anderson, was in charge Hoar, Mr. Rickie Smith. Mi ss ALS Mr. and Ms. NormanLye>ns __________________ lovelyfloiral bouquets, plants, 0f the guiest book. Randy r.NO ECAc and familyl UxbridgforOthe iy p r a c . _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ dread, grandson of M r. and M ervin Sm ith and Elaine, M r.' gueîsfo th fmiy prt AMrs. C. Aldread, assisted in and Mrs. Lorne Crago and Rodmn, are an Wison the evening. Over 250 rela- daughters, Mrs. Nina oln, Rodman, Karen ande Lttlilson, L, La dies A ux, tives and friends calied to Miss Brenda Cowling, Messrs."c'~ LMtl r. Goge I extend best uishes. U...Jeif Baker, Ken Cowling and 51'-' i Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- -R Unit No. 3 of theleCwigMradN-. ers were Saturday evening Udie.C.W. r diner uess ithMr.and I sta l O fic rscatered for the occasion withlRon Cutcliffe and sons, Mr. 48 KING ST.] Mrs. Reg Sutton, Orono. Mr. radMs odn oln n: Amte»as onen and Mrs. Ralph Bowers, lanî Offîcers for the coin ing year rnittee, Conîrd Marýtilidalc: 0f the tea table. son. and Todd visited for Sunday were installed in office at the Bereavement, Com.-ade Spen- - _____ Are hp mukk- &MN kxm1ýpevening dinner with bis par- meeting of the Bowmanville cer and Comirade Richard, past h Uba<~he etù~wrn ens.Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal president; Kitchen, Secretary Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs Canadian Legion held in the Knight; Canteen, 2nd Vice-ý viitd atrdy it tei ~ Legion Hall last week. Coin- President Butr ton; Cloak! Mr. Allan Mairs, Staynor and radle Audrey Bate, a past Room, Comrade Hellen Little;, 5 1 O R E l ID E with Mr. and Mrs. George, president, officiated for the Birthdlay Box and Tips, Com- Selliers, Collingwood. installation of President Rena rade Hendron; Anniversaryý FOR 1,>,~yL DA'OD 1N~Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mairs and Bathgate, lst Vice-President Book, Coniradie Spencer; In-!' CA.N BE MAflE BEAUVTWUL A.ND YMEW Jim, Clarkson, and Mr. and Hilda Humphrey, 2nd Vice- vestigating Committee and, Mrs. Bud Virtue, Bowmanville President Jeani Burton, Secre- Membership, Coniradle Hen-' were recent visitors with their, tary Florence Knight, Ser- dron, Treasurer Bate, and, y o O JU..Y father, Mr. Ehi Mairs. i geant-at-Armis Dorothy Rich- Comrade Grey. Sunday callers with Mr. and1 ards, and the E*iecutive, Coni- S Mrs. Bruice Heaslip were Mrs.1 rades Lois Spencer, Mar' I Rahph Robinson, St. John's Grey, May Martindahe, Ada BLACKSTOCK Newfoundland; Mr. A. W. Irv- Butier, Helen Little, Trixie (0o/ ) s e )letmIe, Janet and Bilîl, Bowman-ý Brown, and Leah Hendron. Te ana.meig o ~O M NVLEville; Mrs. Robert Burn and i Following the completinofBackstock United C hu rc b' t1 ertr tended on January 8th. Treas-r otvisited Saturday with Knight, a past president, offi- iurerTs reports weegratifv- r Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glasber- catng1igpeopere bave ben1 o ungh ILgen. 1President Rena RBatpepercvdinocuc We NwrlcO-rne MiGs Susa Arenai s finished, read.y for-6"W D or Drop Into Store and Look Over Our ri Sutherand to the coin in eray hets;a ing mN FA NESC Wensday and Saturdav rmýn Master Shawn Miehe cele- r . *-. UeneKnîs brated bis third birthday lasî' nîghts. and Saturday after-' Wednesdav,. A party was beld:noon for children.' 45)9 W!DI $1.5U E A V iln the afternoon with nine tots Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van $ 5 d $A VI G $ M. n rs aiCAzachmp AthrBaîey abe re- 54" WID $2025 yd. 5yd nf Samail, East Africa, were turned Thursdiay. ON ,rs.C.edi. gnmry, Hampton, viqited, COMBE» The Newcastle Recreation!Mrs.A. Johnston, Satur-l rne1oln A I O T N L Department'ç Dancing and ' da. PitdC tos.A I O T N Twiling Section hpld a reci-ý Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- W inter Jackets e Topcoatsia on Saturday, Jan. lltb at che.r,RPowrnanvilip, were Suri- Suit * S ortooctal S eates ladies tak-l Mrse. Wilbert Archer. 9 8 C d.e 1 d 9 ar wreCindy andi Mr. Maurice Sarnells. ee- great job witb Iheir batons Mr-. and Mrs. Tennys;on Samn- and Miss Karine Hayman who e115, Sunday. Sport Shirts e Etc. mseion. MtisAnte andMls enningandreprtMehle rr mde ber deuMisAnte an ls et Sory o reortMels ri Orr umported Laces SILKS Sara Miehe also. were taken to Bowmanvilhel 1Mrs, Hannab Albîn traveljedî Hospital during the week. to Toronto together wth Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. Rav Larmer1 ý6 d 1 3 d y. ad Mrs, Ariel Langstaffe oniand babP, Pirkerirîg, were: l 3 5 d (Iirtans en' W ar Lt. av nstftewasde rfre r.SFowlser get o r. Cha trn" M n' W ar Lt e lLndsaffmorningdue rfreMr. SnasPper get fMs IX rays at tbe Western Hos-: Sincere sympathy iç ex- 17 ING ST;E.pital. 'tended to Mrs. Frank Baiieyý 17 KIG S .r.1 Beïsted congratulations to 'and Mrs. Hector Shortridgei Yvonne Marie Selzer whose and their husbands and fami-' R P R L A A C BOWMAN VILLE ~Yvonne entertained eight ofi mother. Mrs. A. Leighton, this A E Y ( E R N E6 iher young friends on that day. (Monday, mornig. - cal Pharmacist! season is herel1 0)? led or over tired hpeople wvith coins ,ed diet. tir doctor if you develop re than 2 or 3 days; chesl vere coughing speils. ne vour prescriptions tc have your prescription iy of your own choice. [the Intcrcsts of unity Healthbhy 'S PHARMACY KSON DRUGS OVELL LTD. s i t I ~EGOR DRUGS la-Year Clearance ýLES FINAL iES OR REFUNOS ÇLopp BOWMANVILLE CRICS MOOLLENS i .98 d. 5"- 60" WIDE :ORDUROY SHEERS ,IN and PRINTED COTTON > pand C yd. u h. ..h~ 1. ýOwmànviIIe, Jan. 15, loge 4ý 'f 1/1% Éli

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