'4. / tu 1) Mr. Genald Purdy ofReda CailinIa, speut last m weteund wlth bis father, Mir. Fredý Put-dy, Church t Sreet. Winnens of lteLitile N.H.L. 200 dnaw Isat week, lunte mum of $25.00 cacit, wene Gien Lange and Dave Mitchell. Mra. Alec Lyle of Bneslln'a Ladies' Weaur atended lte Buyers Mart bcld lasi week at te Royal York Hotel lu Toronto. Mra. K. W. Jackson, Qucen 15îreel, bas neturned home from vlsiting ber parents, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Lockitarl, Almonte. Mr. M. L. Roenigk flew last Sunday ta Vancouvern b at- tend lte funeral o! a veny chose frieud, lte laie Col. R. J. Wililams cf Vancouver, B.C. Rev. Lorue Timble relurn- ed hast Satunday te Cardinal, Ont., afien spending a couple o! weeka with bis parents, Mr. and Mra. Evereit Trimble, Ontario Street. Mrn, sud Mrs. Stanley Ttu-n- en, Oshawa Mina. Frank Don- land, Enniskillen, aud Miss Greta Oke, town, were Sunday dinnen guests o! Misa Elsie Oke, Tempenance Street.j Mr. Owen Nicitolas, Liberty i Street Nantît, retunned on Monday from a most enjoyable 26-day holiday oven te festive esson wlth relatives sud frIends lu London, England and Southt Wales. Things arc gnadualiy getting back ta normal lu oun bornes. Chrismas rees sud decora- tions bave been dlsmnantled and stored, te ycung fry arc back at achool and the husile and bustle are gene. It's a wel- couic change c! pace. Mina. T. W. Cawker bas ne- turned borne from a deligitîful twa-week holiday at te Inn ou te Bay localed ountej golden sanda o! Indian Bayl Beach, St. Vincent, lu bbc Caribbean, which la operated by ber grandscu, Min. Stephen Cawken. Mr. and Mra. Fred Kramp, Happy Little One-Year-O-Id ler Carnpany Furniture Show- lng in Stralfourd. A rerninden b put oui food for te birds that remain lu; eut- locality ail titrough thbi bitter wlnien weaiher. Mixed seedîs, or siset, are welcorned but even bnead crumba will disappear. Thte seeds and j beiries tat nemalned ou trees snd bushes were consumed long ago, and wlbh so mucit snow It la Impossible for cur "feaihered frlends" to forage' food. Otur thanka b the rnany neadena who bock lte lime 10 'phone lu a ist c! Item Christ- mas and New Year's visitora, and aiso Information c!fteir visita away from borne. Tbe Items made titis column much more lntenesbiug lu the hast few Issues. We realize tai now lte festive season la pasi sud witit road conditions not at temr best, people do not! travel as mu ch. However, If' you do bave oub-of-town! guests, or you have been viait-i Ing away from home, ve, would greatiy appreciate hear-' ing from you. DMal 3-3303. BETHANY Scotty Wakefond suffered a broken leg aI lite Ski Hîlis last week and is now a pa- tient in Civie Hospital, Peter- borough. Sympathy of lte communi- ty la extended te Mina. Wil- liamn Piercy in the suddeni deatit c! her father, Sidney Bodney aI Victoria, B.C., oni January 4th. The body ",,ss brought home te Peterbor- ouglt sud funeral service heldý fnom lte Kaye Funeral Homej Memonlal Chapel on Satunday,1 Januaury 111h. with Rev. N. R.: Kelly officiating. Burial wvasî in Little Lake Cemeîery, I Peterbourough. Mina. Thom"s Jackson isa again a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough, Ki-ng S-t.East. spenttwo-days Unted Church IVomen t__ last week at the Furniture I At the first meeting oDr tl . The littie girl with the bright eyes and charming smile in the above photo is Show heid In the Automotive, United Churchi Women for'l\Margaret Goble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble of Tyrone, who cele- Coliseum and Queen Elizabeth 19à69 heId on Monday in the; brated her first birthday on January 7th. She is the granddaughter of Mir. and i Buildings at the Canadian Na- Sunday school hall, the pre- j Mrs. Stan Goble and Mr. and Mrs. Alfreî Milison, ail of Tyrone. tionai. Exhibition grounds, sient, Mrs. Herb Coppins ___ Photo by Astor Studio I Toronto. This week Mr. and welcomed the members and,--- Mrs. Kramp visited the Kroeh- quoted a poem "Nothing Is, Impossible." ELIZA ETH ILLE Mrs. Clarence Rowan had On Wefesa atrno with the theme "A word e d One Wen'sdansiter ivas spoken in due season - ho MAr. and à1rs. Reid Wood and! M\r. and Mrs. Don Elliott son and Carol weednner theld aImrHenr hcn's goo itis" Fayra skd fr fanifl\ were recent visitors and girls were recent visitors guests, Sundav ,with lMr. and. hel atMrs Hery hicsons goditis. Pryer ased or with Mlr. and Mrs. George Fel- wvith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry, Mrs. George Henderson, Port home. The president being guidance and t ravelli1n g gate and famiiy, at Union- Orono. Hope. absent, Mrs. Ross Beatty pre- strength for the year ahead. ville. Mir. and Mrs. Charlie Wat- Mr. and Mrs. W allac e sided. The rol cail was "A Mirs. John Neals received .hr. Wm. Stapleton met with'ers of Toronto spent the week- Boughen were supper guests,i resolution that 1 have made.- the offering.j an accident iast Monday when end here %vth bier father, Mr. Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. The minutes were read by Mrs. Carl Porteous, pro- his band was caught In the R. Bruce. Jlm Gordon, Solina. DIrs. C. Mercer. Several let- gram convenor, introduced wringer of their washing ma- Mr. D. Denauît la home Mir. and Mrs. Jim Adams ters were read concerning the mission study en China, chine. Mvrs. Stapleton tele- a gain followlng bis trip to wlth Mr. and Mrs. C. M. short courses as weil as th.e whch *111l be deait wîth phoned for help and nepbew Oshawa Hospital for tests, iast Jones, went to Toronto, Sun- J H club unit. Mmr. R. Beatty throghout the year. "The Gien came to the rescue, rush- we.dyatron Mirs. Geo. Cawkerý will gro5und work of Christian Ing tbe lnjured man ta Bow- Mees. Rs rwBl d afternoon.ond Fthe ladies for lte next living [tas been donc by Mis- manville Hospital wvhere he MtS.Rs ron i odrece esMna unit. *We plan tb make an ap- sionarles in lte past. Now we received first aid, bavlng lost and Harry Wade were among morning of the death of plique quilt and either seil should get on with lte work. a great deal of blood. Fortun- the Odd Fellows who went by former local resident, Mr. Ern- ticetsorsei te sme.A e cnnt dny urCbrs-ately no bones were broken, bus to Toronto, Saturday, for est Eiey, In Memonlal Hospital, financlal report was read. tian responsibillty." Mrs. Por_ altbough the palm of bis banddnnradtehcygaeBo anlifern ies DTz. H Tickonrea to toustakedfuthe o a e-was tomn and crushed. Mr. at Mapie Leaf Gardens. of some length. Funeral serv- arils.H. Ticksond reto teountailedInrThe oniate- and Mrs. Lennox Vasey came Mrs. Ross Brown, Marty Ice will be beld on Wednesday electrie Irons. Lunch was ser- Church Observer, "Y ou r out from Port McNicol to stay and Sheiiy with Mrs. Bill afternoon from the Morris ved. It was Mrs. H. Mul- chut-ch needs to get tough," wlth her mother, last week, Wade, Gregory, Michael and Cliapel. utand wvere able to bring ber Kevin, ivene supper guests, Severai cf our prominent d1rew's group meeting. wrltten by Robert K.- Hudnut. father home again, on Sunday. Saturday with Mira. Harny citizens have left, or lntend Mr. V. Peacock bas bee Members joined in a discus- The Vasey's expect to, return Wade, in Newcastle. Ieavlng soon, for the sunnyý In Port Hope Hospital for the sioncf titis article concerning borne. earhy this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trim South. Others are activehly last week. chut-ch standards o! today. Mr. Milton Kimbali vas ad- were dinner guests, Saturday enioylng their Snowmobiles! Mr. and Mrs. Robert West- The roll eall was answered mitted to Memorlal Hospital,* evening, wvth Mr. and Mrs. E., and Skidoos. heuser spent te weekend by payment o! fees. Thursday night, sufferlng from Sbernilt, Oshawa. wltlt Mur.randRMns. a. Thick-gave: a severe attack o! bursitis. Mr. and Mrs. HugitSape Uf..RaDaison Ou congratulations to Mrs. ton wene Saturday evening! L N SA T the reasry epor an enas Ovens, whose 88th birth- visitons with Mr. and Mirs. Church services wvere held cussed the 1969 budget in the day was observed on Friday Chas. Stapleton, OnonoWhie M.adMr.W Kn n lhene on Sunday. There wVasn't amount of $600.00 in prepara- I ast. Her famlly were all In Frank and Carol Stapleton M.a ndMs ,Kn toc big a cnowd. lion for the year's wvork. Ijtouch, by 'phone, and several visited at the home of Mr. adfMly Waterdown, Mr. and Mira. L. Muldrew bas beein The secretary, Mrs. Thornasiof ber near neighbors dropped Mirs. John Fonrester, Orono. r Ke Dnneth Baer ndam u-1 MI ail week and Mrs. Clar- Jn g edmntso r-i.Mir. Jim Westcott of Udney i1,Dnawn udysp ence Beatty bas the cold. Jenn eing , ad minte fo! pre - the weekend with Grant per guests of Mir. and Mrs. G., Mn. nd Ms. . Stven vios metin, a eltr frmi Baker. Mr.andMrs E.Steenste Victor Home expressingl OBTUAR who lived in Stec's bouse thanks forChrstms ftsMrF and Mrs. F. Hendenson 1Mrt. and Mrs. Jim Rowan.1 have moved to Newcastle. sent last month, from thel A. H. (HARRY) TH031AS with Mr. and Mrs. W. Bough- Tofyr., ene Msu onda eta Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrlil group's foster child Kwongl The dcath o! Alfred Henry en were among those baving o r n n. on a<n. aîtteded the funeral on Wed- Yuk Chun in Korea, a num-I (Harry) Thomas occurred sud- rekatt the I.O.O.F. Cen-I Mir. and Mns. H. Murphy,! nesday of their cousin, Mra, ber o! cards o! thanka from denhy at his residence, R.R 6 enniauHallrBowanvile folMMr. andTrvrwrSu- RonPuktt Toronto, wbo sick and shut-ins who had Bowvma iville. on Monday, De-: owing our Sunday morningldyspe usso r n was kllled in a car accident been remembened durin.g the cember 23, 1968. He ivas in cucisrie on Monday. holiday season, also from the is 75th year. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow;1 Mn. and Mrs. Bill Johnson Mur. W LekoGarenFail Faniuly for flowens sent Son of the laie William John of Downsview were Sundayand Linda, Janetville; Mrs.' Hill,- had te cast on ber at lte death o! thein mother and Sanah Ann Thonmaslie was atmoncheswt r.R akWte.Baktc r broen rm baned bisMrs. Thonmas Fallis.' bomn at Bristol, England, where Farrow and stipper guestsiJohn Johnson and Mirs. Flet-, bbe received bis education.with Mir. and Mrs. C. RB. Fan- cher, Oshawa, were Sunday, %veek. Announcement was made oit'OOt June 4, 1918, he married row. ýguests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert: the MWorld's Day o! Prayer, the former Gladys Maud Plmb- Mr. and Mrs. George Staple- Johnson. Marchi 7thi, a Presbyteriail ley who predeceased hlm. ton visited in Kingston, Sun- Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. meeting ini Peterborough on1 Before niovlng to R.R 6, day, with Mn. and Mrs. Harry were SuIndav, evening guests R EHOBOTIl January 29th, lte an;nual Con-IBowmanvi]le, ten and a haif Stewart, and daughter Tracy ýof Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk.! gregational meeting to bel years ago, Mn. Thomnas resided Victoria.. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Christian Reformed preceded by a Pot Luck Sup- in Toronto for 47 years. By Mr. and Mirs. Cîtarlie Trim Bowînanviîîc: Miss Grace, Chrhper on January 26th. Inade, he \vas an othopaedic O! Bowmaenville, were Sunda3r Smith and Mn. F. G. Smith ThCnhBileSudcbo appliance maker and was cm- visitons ith Mn. and Mina. R. were Sunda3' supper guests of Scugog StreetTh e Bil udbokpoe fo 15yasyteTrm Mrs. Ethel Kldd and Mr. and "ManAlie" ws dsplaed.Department cf Vetenans Af- Mr. and Mira. Bihl Lane and Mins, I. Kidd, Goodwood. Minister: Lunch waa served by Mrs. fairs. Christie St. Hospital and girls, Port Hope, with Mr. and Mir. and Mis. J. C. Cook Bey. A. Vandenflerg, Eanl Weatberihî and I\r. Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. M ns. C. H. Lane and Barry. were Saturday supper guests B.A., B.D., M.Th. Harvey Davidson. He retired 11 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- lof the Smiths. Phone 623-7407--- The deceased tvas a memberj o! Maple Grove United ChurchA Worship Services !and xvas also a memben of! L ZB E HIE Worsip ervcesst. ulS iBnanch 178 o! the Royal Can- j EL 10:00 ar. uj~adian Legion. Bowmanville; (Iîitended for last week)1 and Mrs. L. Wannamaken. 7:00 pan n olied Cnurchi War Amputations cf Canada, Church services were held' Mn. and Mirs. L. Muldrew! Nuni terToronto, and Acacia Masonie at Garden Hill on Sunday, not held New Yea's on Dec. 3lst rdlnilt.1:~~ Lodge, Toronto. He wvas a ne- too lange a cnowd. sdbdM.adMr adn 11:15 arn. BRey. H. A, Turner. cent recipient cf the Medal o! Mn. and Mrs. Elmer FowlenresLnigMnad ir Sunday School B.. BD Meritonlous Service wilh XVan held a New Year's Eve panty W. Muldrew, Mn. and Mrs. D. Organlat: 'Amputations cf Canada (Sick and turkey dinnen and had Whitbred and girls, Oshawa, Back to God Hour lb1r. IL Meteaif, Commlttee and Entertainrnent about 25 visitons, las guests. Dia 130 RdioA.X.C.T., A.C.C.1L Cormlittee). Mir. Thomas serv- Bob, Marion, and Willy Winn 1Mira. Vernon Peacock wa 9:45 a.m. - Sunday Schoolj ed overseas for about two and beld a New Yean's panty lastij taken te Port Hope Hoptal Every Sunday 10:30ar.1:0 a.m. I a bai! years. week for the young folk. over the wveekend. She is 11:0 &.. ýSurviving are a son, Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Miorley Mc- suffering fnom pleurisy. "lEveryone Welcome't Public Worshlp !daughter-in-law Florence, txvo Alisier be]d New Year's cele- Mr. and Mina. Jackson Pea- ___________________ duigSeriesgranddaughters, Sue and Lyn- brationa for the Powell fam-co _______________ nfant cars jrn Srvc da, and four gceat-grandchiid- tly and bad about 40 guests. k ave boynspuskinge ________________________________________ en. IMr. and Mrs. C. Beatty wdhoave been sLpaentsg te The funeral service wvas Mn. and Mina. Russell W hoite,,thbspaets e held on Thunsday, Decemben Newv Year's.WhtunehoenSnd. 26hfrom the Morris Funenal Mn. and Mira. C. Mencen jMr. and Mns. Alan Peacock i TRINIY UNIED CH RCH hapel, Bowmanvihle. and was were with Mn. and M1ï-. Bill and family who have juat imov-1 Minste - ev GergeK. ar, BA, D conducted by Rev. L. M. Somn- Tcrbeucb, Pont Hope. cd to Tweed, were borne with Minste Re. Gorg K ard B.., .D. erville of Miaphe Grave United Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowlen bad Mn. V. Peacock, Sunday, and! Organlst Mr. WiMim M. Findlay, B.A., Church. Interment was In Bow- Mr. and Mins. Robi. West- visited Mira. V. Peacock iu the* 'manville Cemeteny. beuseur, Bawrnanville, and Mn. hospital. A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. Pallbearers were Messrs. K. and Mrs. H. Tblckson. Mr. and Mina. Sain Moore Th'mas L. Young, bot ne- Mira. Henry Sheppard Is aand girls, and a friend, SUNDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1969 plhews: B. Young, a great- home again. Toronto, spent te pasi week- nephew: D. Gibson, A. Frank- Min. and Mrs. F. Doucette- andj end with Mr. and Mira. H. 11:00 a.ni. lin. graudsons-in-law, and a Guy entertained two nieces Thickaon. Min. and Mirs. Robi. GENUINE RELIGION" nelghbon, H. Kobes. over lte boldays and bock Westiteuser, cf Bowmanville, Among the many lovehy flan- Ilhemn home te Toronto oven wene wihtem on Sunday. Bey. Geo. K. Ward Iah tnibutes. evidence cf bbe the weekend. Miss Nancy Fowler speni a esteemn in which thc deceased Mr. and Mina. O. Mercer had few days with Miss Helen CHURCH SCROOL lwas held, were those from as guests Mr. and Mrs. Ron Sece and Eddie spent a few ranch 178 c! the Royal Can- Provosi, Belleville; Mr. and days with Phlhip. 9:30 amr. - Junior, Iutermediate and Senior ladian Legion, Bowmanvilhe; Mrs. J. Fajt, Vickl and Stev- Mrt. and Mrs. Elmer Ellilot, 11:00 a.n. - Beginners Wa Amputations. Toronto, en. Pontypool.* Oshawa, visited In the com- and Depantrnent of National Mn. aud Mira. Paul Wooia 'jmunity neceutly. 1Health & Welare Local No. 10. cott and boys wers with Mr. 1 Mr-. and M4js 1H. Quantrill M cSocial & £ersonal Phone 623-3303 Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Week of Jan. 6-12 Inclusive Admissions -______66* Birtis-3 malse__-__3 Dischanges 69 Major operations 24 M jo r o p e ra tio n s 15 Ernergency trealments - 99 Visiting bouns 3-8 p.rn. dally OBITUARY HOWARD L. JAMES 1Te Canadan Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Jan. 15, 1969 had Mr. n.d Mina. John Quan- trll and family, London, and Mr. and Murs. John Cururier, Port Hope, on New Yeaur's and John Quantili left for Lon- don afterwards as they have been speuding tbe holidays In, lte anea. News of Christmas Week Thc Sunday Scitool held ai concert Dec. 23rd. The adi- ence sat arouud lutile tables and during intermissions were served bot chocolate with marsitmallows or coffee with sandwiches and cookies. J. Muldnew. Garry FowlIerl and Sharon Trew conductedý the pcogramn wiih belp fcom the other members or the: Sunday Scbooi. A mixed pro- gram o! dialogues, songa and readings was gien The young folks are bo be congratulated on the success o! thein en- deavor. A Christmas service was held on Dec. 25th at Garden Hill1. There were no services on Dec. 29t1t due le the bad rods hristmas Visitera Mn. and Mira. F. Doucette and Guy and Murs. McNally spent Christmas in Toronto wiib ber sisters (Mrs. Dou- cettes) and brother Eric Mc- Nally. Mrs. McNally stayed ove r. Mn. and Mrs. L. Muldrew were wiih Mr. and Mra. Don Whiibred and girls, Oshawa. Mir. and Mirs. J. Fait and family. Pontypool;, Roy Beatty and Mca. C. Beatty, Toronto, wece with Mn. and Mirs. 0. IMiercer. Mr. and Mins. E. Fowhen and family, Mr. and Mira. J. De- koken, Oshawa; Min. and Mira. Howard Stoats, Brantford; Mn. and Mira. Robt. Westheuser, j BowmanvIlle, spent Chnisîmas j witi Mn. and Mns. H. Thick- son. Ail but Mr. and Mirs. E.j Fowler and famnihy siayed for the iwo-day holiday. jMr. andi Mca. K. Tnew held Christmas and had itemr family home. Mc. and Mca. H. Quantihi had Mr. and Mrs. J. Quan- icili andi family, London; Mn. and Mîrs. J. Cunnier, Port Hope: Mr. . nd Mca. Il. Holden and Clara, Guelpht and Ray Quantrili, Toronto. Mr. and Mirs. V. Peacock had Mc. and Mca. W. Honey, Milligen: Mir. and Mca. J. Pea- cock and boys, Kapuskasing. Mn. and Mca. Hon Mercer, !Mr. and Mirs. W. Terbenchi :and fsmily. Port Ilope: Mn. and Mrs. R. Cromnbie. Bo-- Imanville. xvece with Mr nc. i Mina. C. Mercer. Mn. and Mcs, Walter Lon-' year had the Christmas party for the relatives and familles.I and Enniskilen schooha. Mn. and Mina. Lloyd Asitton. Ronald and Ray wene dinnerb guests o! Mir. and ina. Ivan Sharp, Linda sud Janet, oni Wednesday, in bonour o! Lin- da's and ber gnandfather Mr. Lloyd Asitbon's birthdayya. lin, Mr. and Mina. Harold Mc-g Laughlin, Linda, Janis and Kelly, Biackstock, wene Sun-1 day dinner guests o! Mr. a-id1 Mina. Rosa Ashton and !arnily. Mur. and Mrs. John Potts. Mary and Bill wene Sunday dinuer guests o! Mn. and Mira. Rosa Clark, Bowvmauville. Min, sud Mira. Roy Paterson and famîly called on Mira. Alto Paterson, Miaple Grove,, on Satuurday. The snow plowvs have beeni kepi quite busy Ibis winter plowing the nosds early in the mronings so lte scitool' buses can make teir mips.ý Two buses pick thechcildrenl Iup in Ibis village, sorne going: ta Courtice Higit School and1 M. J. Hobbs scitool. Bunketon *Aiter a sickness of six months Howard Leslie James passed away in Mercy Hos- pital, Port Huron, Mich., on Sunday, Dec. 22. He was lIn bis 72nd year. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs John James of Columbus, Ont., the deceased had lived, *In Detroit, Mlcb.. and was an empioyee of the Chrysier Corporation for 40 years be- fore retiring in April, 1961. On bis retirement he moved to St. Clair, Mich. Mr. James Is survlved by bis wife, the former Della Stauf- fer; a brother, Harry James and two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Hayes and Mrs. Robert Moase, ail of Oshawa. He was pre- deceased by three brothers. The funeral service was held Dec. 24 at the Memorlal Chap- el Funeral Home, St. Clair, Mich. Rev. Horace Loomis conducteci the service. Inter- ment was In the Colfax Cerne- tery, Bad Axe, Mlch. HAYDON Sunday scthool, session at 1:45 o'clock; Congregational meeting at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Church service wfll be with- drawn. Sunday schoo1 and church service was well attended on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond and granddaughter. C a r o 1 Maureen Wiseman, Mýr. D. K. Thompson, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Thompson, Hampton, were Sunday vis!- tors at Mrs. A. Th-ompson's. Mr. and M%&s. Milton Pater- son, Maple Grove, were Sun- day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs,, Enniskillen, called on Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, on Sun- day evening. Mrs. Jim Jones, Scarbor- ough, spent Monday with the Jones family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeLaugh- BOWMANVILLE PRICES I ENO ABSORBINE JR. Sugg. Iist 1.25 --10 AQUA ce Blue After Shavel9 BUFFERIN GILLETTE Q-lIPS RIGNI GUARD SCORE ULTRA BRITE VASELINE 15 KING ST. E. T 7...' I OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F CHILDREN'S WEAR ,uP OFF SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE Overalis - Suits - Slacks - Dresses CLEARING AT $1 .004si.494-$.494-$.98 ALL WINTER COATS IOcVo to 5 Ocyo OFF ALL SALES CASH AND FINAL John & Judy Shoppe t ~* 1- SEE... THE BOYFRIEND FEB. 5-6-7-8 Bowmanville Town Hall Tickets at Recreation Office