,*. -., 10 Theê Canadi... Statem un, Bowmanv!lle, Jar. 22, 1969 MacDuff Ottawa Report "New Look" For Session The Cana dian, Governmen t came under heavy fire from the conibined opposition for failure to cope wlth unem- ployment. housing and fed- eral-provincial tax sha ring problems as the new age of eflciency hegan for Parlia- ment ln mid-January. Back in their seats after a 25-day Christmas recess the mem- bers are operatiog under a new set of rules adopted just before the Commons ad- journed for the Christmas and New Years holidays. The average Canadian across the country would not find the rule changes very apparent, but they are ex- tremely Important- A n obviaus change Is to be a more regular pattern ta the parliamentary year. The plan Is ta start each annual session ho September or Oc- tober and continue ta the end of June. The session wlll be broken ino three semesters. endings December 10, March 26 and June 30. In the past some sessions have dragged on for more than a year. The record ses- sion of 250 sitting days ln 1966-67 started January 18 end contInued ta May 8 of the following year. Stanley Knowles. the New Democratie Party bouse leader, who is an acknow- ledged expert an parliament- ry procedure and rules, esti- mates that the revlsed cules mnay save as many as 40 or 50 days ln a session. Other members are keeping theiri tbngers crossed and boplng that this will prove ta be the case, but they are stili nat convlnced. One main change wlll be '.the shlfting of much more ,.parliamentacy business ta ithe standing committees. On ,occasions the House may ,even adjourn ta allow the ..committees ta functian at 'tull strength and catch up 'wlth the beavy new work 'load they xvIll have assigned -ta them. ,The members will have Zebout 40 pleres of goveco- ,Ynent legislation ta bandle ln about 50 stting days until "the end of June. There are j,a total of 112 sttlng days ,left ta the end of that -month. However, unde.r the niew rules, stttings days are Zjo be devoted ta the budget, t20_ wIll beassIgned ta the opposition ta ralse whate\ve, question it wants tbdebate, and six days will be holUday periods. The new rules see the Hous.e now meeting at 2 'clock ln the afteroon, Eastern Standard T im e IFormerly It met, ai. 2:.10 p.m. When the session resuime< after the holiday perlod in Imid-.January Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was still absent tramn Ottawa. He was attending the Common- Fweaith Prime Ministers Con- ference ln bondon and was scheduled ta fly to Rame for an audience with Pope Paul. The opposition membhers had ample ammuiiotion to fire et hlm once he returned ta hîs place in the House. But even ln the wcek before he got back the memnbers in opposition were hammering at the administration. A sare point with maw' Canadians as they hecome more and more aware of its implications, is the nexs estate tax. Opposition Leader Robert Stanfield and former Con- servative Leader John Dief- enbaker warned that these new tax changes could u-ipe Fout the ramily farm 1in Cana- da and destroy small busin- esses. Mr. Diefenbaker de- scribed the tax change as "Iniquitous". Finance Minister E. J. FBenson however defended the changes lie had unveil- ed io his l~e last Octa- F ber. He sald he would be introducing the taxation bis shortly' vIn the Hou."e He also revealedi that, de- spit.e strong representations fram somne Canadians lie Iplans no major alterations to the estate tax aniend- mnents as he has already out- llned them ln his budget. FMr. Beoson said he wait- Ied to deny the allegations from the opposition that. the famlv farm and small bus- I messes were endangered. Another opposition mecm- ber demanded tai know how extensive had been the pro- tests recelved byv the Fin- ance Minister from across5 the country over the pro- posed! new estate tax. The Minister sald he had re- ceived lewer protests with regard ta, the estate tax than wlth regard to, the two per cent social security tax he Your Ontario '!Hospital Insu rance would lîke Io hear from you SWhenyou are newlywed the "family" Hospital Insurnce premnrni mnust be paid ta caver husbarid and~Q Nwife. If you belong~~ -ta a group notify iyour group without ~'t -delay orif youhboth pay premiums direct, -ý-. naotify H.I.R.B. When you moeve to -a new job you can keep insured by fol- lowing the instruc- rions on the Hospital Insurance Certifi cate of Payment Form 104" that your present employer is required ta give you on leaving. tfi o ae When you turn 21 you are n'O longer covered by yotrr parents' Hospital Irisurance. You must take out individual membership within - 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a -bank, or a hospital, or frotn H.I.R.B. - , When you have a new S address notify, yonir group. If you don't f-:belong ta a gcoup, write H.I.R.B. l-fealuli )reurnce Regr-Bard, 2195 Yon ze Street, Tomroo7. Senrg Ontarnos Health Irnsuran'ce Plam- k ~ ~ THETRN ABOUT KING OPTICAL ico. FACT ALI CLASSES ONE 10W PRICE SINGLE VISION BIFOCALS FACTs$14»95 $2Oe95 Bifocals. If Required Kryptok, Ultex or Flattop 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COURS TO CHOOSE FROM Choos. te4 Glas., Shah yota want anrd oniy you ,,.êd for- -lur spec;al r.quirements. Select fr'.m aà'ide aisortmont of fraime%, t4r one de- ;qn.d .Spec.iIly for Tourt as+,te.prsonality and facil contour. King efFen #4h Greal.st Value. ad the Heqhesh QuaIi*y et ONE 10W Pl4CE. W.a't y« compare- compér-isof proves. See King and Save! F 17 Bond SC. East Mon. - Tus Thus. 2nd Floor Friday Till 9 p.m. Oshawa, Ont. Sat. 9 amn. Till Noon Phone 728-1261 Wed. Closeti Ail Day We 811 ilHPSI, Oculistsansd Optonictrists prescriptions 1 iL smre low prie-u_________ ma r v e t I ~1 r s s I Fhad lImposc-d lo bis last budget. Jo bath cases, he added, the number of pro- tests received this year w'as smaller than the total re- ceived when the baby budget was brouight loto the House last Spring. However this (-an be proh- ablyv explained by the fact that onlyv now are mast Canadians becoming sware of the furl impact and rami- fications of the estate tax changes. It is a complicr ted taxation change and it willl takie some time for its effects ta be fullv understoad. The apposition are pre- paring ta attack the admin- istration also for Its appar- ent inabilitv ta date ta curb the inflationarY' pressures at work withîn the ecanamx- FThe rising unemployment bas alsýo resulted ln loud pratests frorn several sec- tions of the couttv \.aud the complele dssatisfaction of the provinces with Ottawa's fiat refusai tai share more of the taxation revenues with the provincial governments, w-IIl see the federal govern- ment came under attack. Meantime the opposition bas also served notice on the Governiment that. It wlll stir up a hornets nest if it at- tempts ta revive the con- troversial provision ln the rev. sed cules that would give the administration's bouse leader dictatorial authocity ta Imnpose a time table on the Houise. This difficuit question of sclieduling de- bale w-as wlt.hdrawn before Christ-mas cnd droppedi as nue of the cule changes, whnthe comiblned op- positionuindicated ih w uld filibuster the adoption of the new cules throughout the Christmas Recess. The controversial provision iws sent back ta the commlttee on praceduce and orgaul-za- tion for rc(onsider-ation. Sýnnouncement Attracîs 78,000 Vîsîtors In Ils fr-si two months of'planet.s; their relation to eaich!cets for eilidren. Yourigsteî-s operation, Toronto's newestnother; and whyv, avec the undier Pight canrnot be admit- ]1andmark. the McLauiglin!cour-se of months , the pIanetsýted ta the Star Theatre. Most Planetarium at the Royal Ont- seem nta w'andcr cmong the;of the school shows are bookedi arin Museurm. attracled an sta rs, change in brightness, ta the end of June but tickets estimated 79,000 visitors. and even stand stilt. :for virtuallY al] public shows Mure tlhan 38,000 people saw Also on Jan. 7, a ncw show are available in advance at tbc Planotarium's first Star foc schools begins. Called "1b- the Planetarium box office. Theatrepr-oductionu,"VentuLre troducing the Moon", the shnw Mtost people now are aware mmt Space". W'hich rau from!incorporates suitable material that the wonders of the uni- Nov. 2, when the buildingfrom the Apollo Eight Mooný verse are reproduccd ln the opcred. Io Jan. 5. At ]east an- flight as w'ell as from othecpaearu y aes fpo rother 20,000 people touced the space craft such as Lunar P" builing ud xhibts.lu a- Ohibe. -jectors. But there stil i s the huilingandexhiits Inad-1rhier.occasional visitor w-ho Is con- dition, 18.000 students attend- The s-ho<îl shows, adapted fused. sucb as the woman who ed the special school show, for different age groirps, are requcst.ed c refurîd on hec tic- chair. Miss Pearl Leach told i UD E about gift,- given ta Miss Be HeISe NEW Louise Baker aand Mrs. Katie Langmaid and other treats by Barry Virtue 'on Thurqday afternoon will b. given to shut-ins at Christ- shortened to allow the stu- mas. Schonol activities are hack ta dents ta grt out and support FTwo of our members are ta normal now atter a short vaca- thrir champianshlp teams. attend a training schaol for tion over the holldays. Bath Durirng the week of Jan. 13 the short course "Focus an'Intramural, Junior and Senior - 17 Bowmanville High Schaol Finishes". The Sprtng 4-H ,baskctball teams have been wili have manyv xisitors. These Club will bave R new subjeet chasen and their schedule will are the Grade 8 students fram "Needlecraft" and leaders for begin verv shortis-. the Bowmnanville Public Sehool this were arranged. Ten dol-1 On Tusdveveniug.ijz an. s,, stem. The pîîrposp of this is lacs was voted tawards the 91th, Parents Night was held ta give them an idea of what F.W.I.O. 75th Anniversaryat BHiS for Grade 10 and 1l high school is like and also Fund and also the same students. ')n Tuesdfav nielht, help them decide what they amont a te Cunt Hoe Jn 4tb. Parents Nighit w-as would like ta take when they Econoorist for 4-H Club work. heu-I at BHS for Grade 12 begin high schaol. It was agreed ta send $25 ta tdnsoTesuetsa U r the District WlJ. treasurv. Miss ,uct.Tesuet tBI r Pearl Leach and Mrs.. Eileen Beginning at tbre p.mn. on pre(-pariing for their annual Page were appainted to pur- Thuirsday\, Jan. 16tb. three Hoot-Nite. No real date bas chase new tablecioths for the basketball games lnvolving the beenf set as yet but further lower hall. Bantam. Junior and Senior iformationl cancerning this Rollcal wa ansere bytcams will play against Den- issue will be given at a inter AIl ccliwaf ansBeudgy ornis O'Connor -om Oshawa date. "Ate mdeovo . Bgy o District. Tickets for the gamesý The mid-tern exims are Cuttr Rie".went an sale in the main hiall! slowly creeping upon us and Mrs. Ada Yellowlees took on Tues-day and the periadslit wan't be long before the charge of the programme. Mrs. - _ _ _ sebool acti\'ities hibernate for Jean Taylor gave the corn- fax on the weekend and nmat- a while in order ta get thraugh ments an the motta 'Better be ored ta Shelburne, Nova Sco- the examination period. a young bopeful 70 than an'tia ta attend the wedding of The scbool welcomnes two nid and pessindstic 40". iuîcir daugbter Bannie ta Mr new teacherq at BHS. Mrs. As the 4-H- girls were aur Allan Russell in Trinitv Unit- Skinuner, oui- new librarian and guests for the evening, Miss!ed Church. Sheiburn'e. Mr. Mr. Coates, w-ho Is a Commer- Carol Watson of the Solina;Russel I s the son of Mr. and chai Assistant. Stvllsts explained the proper- Mrs. Stex'en Russell, Benjamin lies and infinite "ses Of wOOi. River-, New Brunswick. JOHN F. Miss Karen Yellnwlees acted On Wednesday evening Mc. modellerf the skirts they had th, memýbers of the Kedron 1 as commenlator as the girls and Mrs. Rass Lee entertained TH made in thrhr ]pst club. Miss choir-, together with their bus- ~Â Carol Kox presented gifts ta bands or wives, for a buffet F their leaders. Mrs. Lois Yel- - -rad oia veig lowlecs, Mrs. Doris His andineanasoilenng _____________ M rs. Doris Flet.t. e ra In u nc The 'Bakers' Bouncing Belîs Gel Cash TodayGnelInuac performed acoutple of numbers ALLCLASSES OF ruhta the dellght of their F~fM 1 n~PFRSONALan audience. Mrs. Lais Yellow- Fo fdA i Mianes~ COMMERCIAL LINES lees gave the tapie on the sub- throag Contact:- jert '1968 i0 Retcaspect". Mrs. ST AT E SM AN JOHN McMILLAN Lyvda Crvýderman braught us C L A S 8 1 F I E D 8 623-3111 or 623-3950 uip-ta-date on itemns placed ln1 RNbTET the Tweedismulr History. Phone 623-3303 14 FRAN STREE L Lunch was: served bv Bak -________________ _______________ iers grorrp ln the lowec hall,-__ -__ iand a contc'st an names was enjoyed. Goodyea r Develops New Farm Tire' éle)trul i t-ek eiut i, J ,arbuii rvcr ri rlrrnonusastrough, ~'"ket befoce the show had even With farru tractai-s ces in evie troublecifIL ekoehngJn.,aîewalronTusastruhstarled. When asked \why, she iiug lu hors-scpowcr Goodycar- ta rvv h t scinStar Thealce production foc Fridavs. The, public shows are ,r pi d a a ala e eo e e r I ~~~~~~~the public, 'Ways of the Plan- pceseuted Tuesdavs through iidCadaascvopda-ar ~-flTmTTIn~r e s'. opens arnd continues withlFridays at 1::30 and cighitp.m. Wcll. w bilei. rthome the welfr iefrteoii- UDITUAflI shows dailv. cxcept Moniday. and sever-al limes Satujrdays., suri was sbîrîing. But the sky 1ai equipment market ta capel to March '12. It Ex\piains, thre and Sundays. Public show ad- is dantdy uow and 1 dont thijjk with the highec toi-que of the IRA G~EORGE TRAVEI, historicilbackground of bbe mission is $1.00 for aduits. 50 l'Il be abie ta sce anytbing.", never, more powerful tractars.1 ln flnghat fo woCalled "Power Torque",the 'years, Ira Geor-ge Traveil of j aret- ery welcome. Member- tire features lugs af a zig-Zag1 216 Centre Si., Oshawa, died A* ship fees are alsa due et this design w'hicb have more biting Weee nCnd or uiesi oaeD Jan. l3tb. 1969, at the Oshawa cu t r ld time.ralclws-Soe edges than the straight lug.I is at your service. We make toans to smaller and General H-ospital. He was i1 g icuar l ln ar t The rl alws-S -The zig-zag pattern streng- - bis 65th year. tbing new we are goîng ta thens tbe lug in the same way mediumn-sized businesses from coast to coast. Born at bondon. Ont., thel.Iarn. 22-2.5. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.[ Day. Lindsay. ilearo î:-îs yeac. A iet.tec was carrugation strengthens steeli And we can help nearly every type of business... deceased was a son of Ira!- Ontario Sobl and Crap Im-ý March Rth-Regional Crops rcad fcam the Bradley family[and gives tbc lug more rcshst- rnanufacturing ... wholesale and retail trade ... RuIna Traveli nl b aIIrnmn AscaIn nulDy Lnsy oZambia. ancp ta oldvrin tabntourism and recreation ... construction ... agri- iMary James. Hic receix-ed bis Meeting. Calispum, Toronto.! Wernesday, Mir. 12th, 10) The warshbp serir-e wa The Power Torque is avail- culture ...- transportation and storage. married in 1Q.7 c ntskle. aray23rd ai,7.110 p.m. Adl- ,oiation Direct-ais Meeting,!and the ta)pie for the evenhng 9.5-24 ta 18,4-48. exa, o mou edernaiealausisstanere iiia I~~~~ U bc henabldn co-' vnesloftct -s o 1~ Toron to. h r'Mc. John Knîox. She ho- Canada, perhaps IDB can help you. 1tractr nd plnastet(rrin Osh- ian. 23 -Ontario ,Jersey C'llb, NOTE In ordr- that au; rodrîced thle new study onir-'r - wafo mrethn 0 eas Meeting, Talismnan Motor Inn, mailing ul s i kept iip ita date f China. On(- tbbng su e stcessed KI\EDRlUN A member af Sinmcoe Street1 Ottawa. woîild 3-ou please notbfy the iw'as Ibat, ane quarter or the, lTnlted Chncrch, Mc. Traveil' .Jan. 2ý5 Ont-aria Shntort-iiurAgricîrjlîricial Office 0f. any ;i worid's population la bu China. (Intended for lagt ,xek) N USRA ,was an elider of the Church (111 Meting. Phys;ical Ediz- change oý orficers foc the com-, The nexi. r-eeting af the Onr Mondas eseniog Epirpi-, IDN R and a menmber of the 50-50,nation Building. Universit.y of bng year. Tbank yoan. U.C.W. will be hcld at, h nswtObsrcved at Kedrn Clrrb af bbcnbucch. Actie b ~uelph.Prepqired hy tbe Ontarto De- home of Mca. Bruce Tink 00 UnedCccwhhcbnreD EL P E T AN iBey Scout wýork. he wa r a Jan. 2î7 --Drainage Con-, partment. of Agriculture cnd ýFe bruar3' 3rd. ofChristmas trees. foillowed D VLP E TB N F meberof he gaupcomit-trantorg Sebool - Ridgetowcc-Food, 14 Frank St.. Bowman- A deliciaus lunrch was -erved!bv games ho the Lawer Hall TRFNNIEOCNOABSNSE teeof he3rdOsbwaTrop otfa Agricultucal Tech- ville. Dial 623-3348. by Mc. and Mca. CressveIl, dice-cted bv the Douibles Clubý and bcd rrreis'ed a "Thbanks' -- - - - Mrs. Fred Watson and Mca.1and a lunch af bol chacalpte pin foc bis contribution toinology. 'aa ace oldubussrvdb h OOIeT:stnvesi vru-eehn:3814 Scoujtie. 1Thrîcsday. Tan. 301. 12 noan I a ace!adduhussre yteTRNOON.25UnvsiyAne-Tlpo:3814 Mr. raveîl j irvi-d b,- Diiiba;m C'oinly Coco Clubi LIASauina IV.'J Hi-C. hie, ,Nife, tbc former MýaudiieiBanquept. Ocono, with the an-ý The Jinuary meeting open- Mc. cond Mr5. Robert Pale,' Ashton; bis father wba live onement af standing and weeý ~ arvt ecd as \ksinatih aur Pre5i- Pb can Bruce, flepw ta Hall-~ Oshawa, a daughter, Mrs. generai corn discussion. Harvev.' Davidl Weldon (Beth Mary)! Wrigh t. speaker. Corn clu that Mr,-, Harold Pascoe had clbthe mlsfactune ta fail on Tues-- and a grin, Bruce George Tra- members wltl cecelve comnpli- mentry ickes. ew mm- a y morning and suiffer e dis- vell, bath oI Oshawa. Aisur- enr3ickets 3.00p mcm- I n.location of the clbow-. She h, vbving are a sister, -r- bers*tickets $30 0 ntpe r 10iLonow home again from the ho,--L lW o ii Br (In ofWnsrad tt ofA ciullurandlpilai and we wish ber a specdy I ~ L11 Bur (na idsr and vailalefnm th Ontcovpy The imeri sevice wasFood, Bowmauville. Ontacl.rio, er1 Thefijera sp-ic %vs .jan. 28 - 30 -New' York! Mr. Bruce Tai-lor attendeul beld et 2 p.m.. ;in. l6tb at Sttate 1-Irticrltiiral Sncbetylthe Ontario Conference oaI i ou th MrnasterirsnFonp- Meeting, King.ston, Agricultre InToronto for al Home, Oshawa. Intern-enb NY.ternthcee ulcays lasI. week. asin Maiol Lawo (',nemrterv .Fpb. 2 - 5 Uallial Fruit, Mc. and Mca. Rosa Kossat - Rev. Alilan Lavis, pastor of heaer Conivention. Roy-:and famllv have moved Int.olI CETO OM Simcoe Street, United Church ial Yonk ,Hotel. Toronto.' I he hanse fnrmectv occîrpieul hy I conducteul Che service. Fb 5AoiiSn(cty ýMc. cond Mca Bob FEakins and - - IConferenre. R u r a 1i Scfely, faml3, and on Stindav\ hi !oitîncil of Ontario, Univcrsly - anpper guest.s vere Mc. anul EBENEZER or clph.Ma odSmsn.Efeul M. . . Oshawa Wood Products trained Tutes.. Feb. 4.,;; p m Dc-Mc. Edgac Thoroton, Mili- Intendeul foc last wrkîhani Connnt.v Miik Prodirceca brook. wAas a Suindiayv -sbt.or personnel can help 3-ou make your basemnent the The Comminist Party- and, meeting. I1OÔ<0 F. lHall. Orono .,wllb Mc.E. rBTayýlor. Mc. 1is on nIh oeyu thc Sv-zfenI fGovernint w-a, Gra. McLaughlln, gîicst speak-! cnd Mca ,Bruce Taylor coul happietro ,ntybue at _ rthie tille Iro chapter of -study er famro ,He3- Ucalto visite s-th l book taken by Mrc- Lloyd Fb Sb 3a o fî:cbtMr. coul Mns E\eetCrdr Recreation Roomn wiIl have a great future as a -Dowo foc tbc Afternoon Unît SwineC ('nference. Rockhavenma, M pinyroorn for the children, a sewing rooni for af the UCW on Tuesda3 - Jan. Mater Hotel, Pe.e-boiougb Mr andl Mca Rusýseil Vic-e.- 14h. Es-en thoua h bcse c Feb, 10 -- On-tario Sh=p accompanbed bx- Mra Hltan Momn, a tien for Dati . andti h da i1s hard tn understand. MIr, Breccliers Annial Meeting, Roy-. Tink cond Ma7tter jeffccy: Down ,a-keri ui- trihe realiý:tic ai Yack Hotel. Tarent-o. Knox.:vIlted 'Mc.oul Mca.; place for family entertaining! It can be a special cond look at it 'A nhoiit prei- Feb. Il Ontiria svu HaroldlTbou Beavecton. on rooni for everyone in the family. Corne_ in andi dice. A brirf ceview of MansBReedera Anniiil Metg una le' w-as gîven. During a peas- Royal York Hoti. Trontin. M cndMu.irrv Kiox' check your plans with us anti w-cil get 3-ou cnt revoluitions be escaped with Feh. 19- Hoîs;tebu Friesiani apeot the iveekenulib Delhi1 bis life but mosl of bis famnily Associaition of Canadia Auinual' for ihe Pee Wcc 1-ockey started. was kjlled. Man xk-u- (,cr~in-1 Meeting. Royal York Hotel, Tournanieit. In xvhinh Boyd Id .;at,,telangitage was sm- Toronto. svas plas'ing. and oun their i-e- .n pie andli-ec.wonî the people. Feb. 12 anîd 13 Fertili-zer: tucuî trip on Suindas' thes- Cali Us For Free Estirnate On M aterials Needed Ami) the minidsiîothing is diÊ- Eq1î'iP"lent andu Trad-e Show,' stooped off ta x-sit wth Rex-. ficuit if one sets the mind ta Qucen's Park, Landau, On- anrd Mca. Charleu Catto and* it. Socialisini or imperialism'tario. falyBvRigs which la better. Who kuîows? Fe 13 ou 14Ol.ca MsCars mt Olaa Mca. Down also gave sarne'Beef Imiprovemient Associatbonivisiteul ai Monday alternoain customs ni' the Chitiese Nev A-rnîal Meeting, Bayai York I wlth lier sister, Mca. Haroluld Yecmn aegn. I e t 1ld.Toronuto.Pasnoie. IRECREATION ROOM SPECIAL! patul brfoce New Year. Hanse F:i , Freb 14. 1W30u;tut 1rin-, MaJh nnvatndu I muîst be cleancul. food impoct-- Durbiarr Courus'v Ho- Piodin-i tbr U.C.W Oaa Precb-! cntcou bc geen~ Ma' souer Assonciation Anruîail Meeting. tenda Excuîths-e meeting In prasper, rmay bath p se. ,. al rn madNwatro odý,PRE-FINISHED * TOP QUALITY * V-GROOVED Mrz Ai-chic Mucr ope-ned Nodwell . Agrbultuiral Engin- Mc.coul Mrm Donald Tavlor thc des'otuonal bs' rcading a:ccc. Lhrrd->a7.svill d is cu andoulamil-vststed M r.coul fewvereý;frori he onk Menuce Handlina and Disposai, Mca. A. F. Ahernethy, Man- few verses from Ob loa nd cuSwhne Buildfings. A sc-, 11e n in Pro\verb--. At the start of an-o!e,,-awbams w d e vii io discnîsa; minerais Mc.cond Mca Wely - M A H O G A N Y P LY W O O D tahel parbcing p - e \Vatanu feed arfis wne. Iowlec bcd as their guestr an, in ei liin pe ce 1 Feb. Il - 21. 10 cam . La 4 p ni. Sundcy. M c. coul M ca. Alfre dl shnîul we prrav foc? Courage.ý 1969 Farmer!z Wpek, O.A.C., Allun. anid fcmhlvý Mr. coul 32" x 96" PANELS moa Torae u ail ,erhugUiuvccsitv of Guelph. Mca. HacolulYeliawieeq. Bow- nedel.TriecurgexeS' Pb. 19- 20. 9 a.m. - 4 pa.mnilcn-d ail en-unyeul anrEA$ TO6HAe3 9 rarelv rer-ognizeul. Mca. Muir M T ANL gave mux exaples -Helen Ontario Association of Agri-,afternioon ofr îomhhig gaemr, xmls ilncltural Societies Annual feet- Ffollowed c ba eartv supper. Deivered AND INSTALL 2Cs n ar Keller, former president Ros--Ing. King Edwarii Sheraton - Sollua V.C.W. met. Mandav2 veit coul mentioneul that many'1HoLel. Tronta. eveniung. Janruary 1., at the afflictcd people fed L hey areý Frbdav. Pcb. 21. 10:30 c.m.- hiome af 1ev. coul Mca. Cress- diffecenît afflictions. A secondpaeetAscain Po ieoeeltemeigwt I Mui gae sver tuc tons troenicoul Asociat4iornk t. froVcî 0 Nctmbstresa w Wo dP rd ut hand artinchane th l rficet Plannuing Meeting. On-'a hvmui which bcd been wrît-i aof a lonely pensianier. Mca.: tacha Depactment of Agricul-;-ten by Rev. Dr, H. A. Mcllow,ý of gi-at courage and cioscul Bosvmaiuî\-lle. Ontario. -Cburcc. of Oshaw'a. Mcar. F. wlth prayer. Fcbb. 23 - 26-_-1969 Caniadian Joboston gave a nestime of the COURTICE SHOPPING 728-161 i igA otopeneu l IUartlcnltural Couni AnnueillIplans for the caming vear's, I 728-1617 IVU L ,meeting with a thougbt foc Meeting, Chatecu Laurier, meetings. bbce New Year. and thankeul Ottawa. Mca. Murray Vice repocteul NEV COURTICE SHOWROOM HOURS Mca Mir oropeniog berFb 6-Ma.5--Soing'tbat the Preabtralmeing1 , Mon, - Times.. Wed. - ar - 6 p.m.iua 8 a.mn. - 6 Pi.. treasurer's repart showed a' &Kecfe Centre. Toronto. view Unitedl Churcb in Osha-À total of $45620 given by Att., Feb. 28 aond March I -Col-iiwa on Fcb. 12. Donations of Unit fac 1968. The general!:Ijgp "Royal" Kemptville Col-cobngouCcsts ad---- meeingwiI b a ot ucklee of Agricultural Tecb- are to be sent ta Mn-s. Hervex Idinner et l2:i> .n r . o.<.4hRoe ars'uandwlscolMca. Bruce N ME u BU L 13thaite huc. scalMa*r th-Rgonl Ftrviayo hfoeth cdoul i* ALLONT-THE MET B L O ' bor In sed ae very Interestitig. Oas. ,insaFebrunars'. Donations tramI iand worthwhile programn. March 5th-Regional Bee. those who are not members i 7- 7 Mr. John Hancock, shown above, announces that he has purchased the business formerly owned andi operateti by Mr. Dave Alldread, Ontario Street, Bowrnanville. Mr. Hancoek is wcIl qualified to do your welding and machine repairs, and asks for your contintcd patronage. New Show Started Jan__7th McLaughlin Plane! arîum