Anrirew Street. Newcatle, Ont.. January 213t-, 1969 Dear EdiVor: Upon reading "The States- rnan" of the week of 12th January. I would like t,o clarify t-wo statements madeý bv some mem ber or members of the village cmunrll. 1Firstly it- was stated that 1 bad submit-ted a petition against t-be cost of sewers and had then withdrawn same. It- appears t-bat-t-be couneillor \vas not listening at t-be meeting, and be does not rend this newspaper. I stated not once, but twice, at t-be meeting of December i lth that the petit-ion was for viewlng only. and would be present.ed to council at a later date. In no way was thbe petition withdrawn. and it will be in the hands of thbe council in thbe very neer future. Secondly. In regard o the scbool at Beaver and King Streets. It has been my understanding. and the und- erstanding of many other people. that as soon as the crosswalk was Installed at Mill and Robert Street.s that the guard would be moved back ta King and Beaver. and it was only on account of t-is understanding t-bat no further complaints have been laid before Council. Whoever made the staternent that the children are cross- ing at know about, good e see tha crossin as the3 I wc before further do feel ot cou] to, the made ii who al I do sentati, listen. wlshes main. -~ ;w~. ~Jku WM_____4uk Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987.4213 t the llght does not what they are talking as anyone wlth two vyes ln their head <an Community Bowling MONDAY LADIE9 200 and Over at- ail t-he children are D. Neal ---------- g at King and Beaver A. Chard y have always done. C. Pickering uld be glad to appear A. Langstaff counicil t-o elaborate D. Langstaff r on these subjects. 1 M. Henderson ___ 1 t-bat some members !M. Taylor ncil are fot listeningI T. Langstaff -statements that are E. Mercer in cou neil or the people R. Kelly ppear before council. D. Mercer -___ ohope thait the repre- M. West-___ ives ot the village will J. Ard - ----- and will abide by the F. Lunn of lt-s electors, I re- J. Allen ___ respectfully, " L. Farrow ---------- J. (Jack) A. Adains. TUESDAY MEN -225 and Over first few minutes. It- was bard R. Good and dirt-y, a blood and thujn- B. GlanviIle der game fromn start to finish.: G. Kimbal ___ At most times of the game, E alr-__ lewcas t/e 'neither team had more thaniM. Henry - four on the tce, and the crowd B. Burley C) i I < 7 \ I ,vent- wild trying t-o keep theirR. Munco- _ J lii eye on the players both in and1 L. Taylor ------ S O c ï a nfdu , ( ona out- of t-be penalty box, withiG. Simpson their tempers mounting a ETNIL AI bligh as they could go. Taking' 175 and Over Newcast-le - Congratulations; onably cheaper t-o have them no back seat to anyone, t-be, H. Willems ------------ are much In order o Martin i made up, t-be Auxillary will be !Newcastle Midgets were out L, Willems - - Stel. of R.R. 2, Newcastle, i approached about this as well.1to prove that with a fulll une'A. Vogels- who on Saturday evening won Paper seems to again be pil- lor othecwise. it would be! W. Rahme the mont-hly Bowmanville Ing up and no sign of a paper' their garne, and it- was Just! M. Turk__ Leglon 50-50 Draw. Mr. Stel:collectlon Is being offered byltbat as the whistle sounded&M. Harris--- %vas made $1,109 richer be-,:the High-C Group. Tbey are the last of t-be game and a J. Welt-er cause of the draw. and the!1t-o be approached and asked final score of 8-3 for them.' THURSDAY MIXED seller of t-he ticket, Edmund';whetber or not- they are toiScoring for their home teamý 200 and Over Major. Newcastle, was also, continue wlth this project, and ýwere Brian Anderson. t-wo, .Pe1 î pret-ty pleased and $109.00 if not, Scouts are wllling toBilI McCullough, tbree. and.1. Chard richer. Thiss Mr. Majers take it over. A pop bottleone each for Mike MarGregor, . Gln% ll fourlh 50-50 winner. plus hav- ,drive wlll be beld t-is Satur- iDouig Rlckard and Glen Mur-, M. Lewis --- ---- Ing been the seller of t-be day starting at 9:30 a.m. iphy. B. Lewis Legion Car draw winning ,Scouts oniy are asked to help.1 On Satucday afternoon, Port M. MacGregor- ticket a few yea rs ago. He 'Permission was grant-ed t-be Hope visited Newcastle Pee M. Ibbot-son .-- stfouId bave no trouble seliing Cub Leaders o write for res- WýÀees. This game was won 5-2S. Powell ticket-s with luck sucb as that. 1, ervat-lon of Cub Land over' Lao1Dy Wekn. Bils Port Hope. Scoring for G. McNaIm .Post- Master Jack Wade h as xere turned In and aut-horîzed :Nan le weare rcyEby FRIDAY, MIXED recent-lv returned to the vilfad IiAdir 200 and Over l~~ flloin avist-w't i-be pald. The meeting then Sunday atternoon another M. Henry - frlends In t-be Halifax area. aore. Pee Wee game was piayed on E. Embîey Mrs Cnni D .Jng Mis'Keep In mmid t-be Lions home tce against Oshawa. This.B. Hoogkamp - Cat-hyonBleker an Mrs or dance is just days away. The ýended as a loss for Newcaslle, R. Good enc Tiîso at-enedtheadut Igoo tie njoed n '8 a5 2, with both goals scored by S. Powell- enc Tilso atendd te aulti promise or even better times l training clas-, field In Port!I planned for '69. Tickets are . Kenny Nesbitt. L. Peare Hope on Satîîrda 'y for Cub'available now anîd w-l stîll be' On Sunday evefig Action B. Madili ___ Leaders. These Courses offer available at- the door. Just Vo cati regularly be located be- H. M. Munro - excellent Idens on new ways be sure, speak for yoiîrs n weenth1fur-o--L----S-Aîî of Irnproving programis deal- The official openîng of t-be'teams. Newcastle Garage wonA. Pearce___ lng wlth boys of Cub age. Aena IS Wednesday, aur lover Fred's BA In a tight game R. Nicholson ___ Topis ofdisussin dalt!9th nd nothr Jnuarlle14-3.Scoring for the xinnngG.Grayv ---- Toics "fheiNcusion doý-ýea i 29t-h a panrfn-fed I leanwere D. Rickard with G. Kupery --------.... and "Wbat. Phd They Look for! evetrvone's enjoyment. Plav- t-h B. RoeadW ar lDCace in a Leader". As further îng the Cobourg Ladies again stilt one eacb. S<orlng for, SATURDAY Boy9 tmanlg, coic 0 Hadi te Lons Cubwîth he ow IFred's Garage wece G. Rowe,' 175 and Over cruft-, Games, Ceremonies an d1 League Ail Stars against the J.Tnda n.C1renwt T. Walton ------ --- Record Keeping were also Mîdget-s Seeîng these Mîdgletsone ea<'b. A. Dubeau given some Instruction. inato1n rdyngbtby Tbe second game was b-D.Saer-- -- Foiloing MndaynIght's can bold their own and mnay tween Johnson', rgStr ~ ue Cub meeting, Cub and Scout well give t-be men a run for and Partner's Plumbing, an- p. Smith ___ Leaders met with nmembers of their money. other exciting gamne with play- -1 Wright- the group commit-tee. During, Our fiends and neighbors ers of Jobnson's Drug Store D. Rickard----- the course of t-be meeting. t-beiin Mvemorlal Hospital t-isicoming out t-be better In an'G. Murphy------------ - need for scarves again aose, week are: Albert Clark. Master 8-5 finish. Scoring were M. ________ and also t-be Fat-ler and Son Stephen Crockett-. Mrs. Mar-iMacGregor with tbree, D. Fac-j Banquet. The commit-tee will garet Faî-row, Missq Tina Fer- ow, two, and one each for! NESTLT O~NT contact- members of t-be Mot-- guson. Mcs. Mary Foster Smr., A. Alldread., B Portsmithî anid LLU1 às' Auxilliar t-o ask wiiet-beriMrs. Rbea Gray;. Mrs. IreneJ. Cunninghiam. On t-be losing tenot t-bey might- take on an- : IHamilton, Milton Kimbail, Mrs. enld, but trying bard and scor- Frieiîds are pleased t-bat ot-ber banquet-. Atter somnelViolet Landry, Mrs. Martba ing were McBride wit-h three,'Lloyd Beacock, In Torc searching on prices for t-be Lennox. Mrs. Mae Robinson and one eacb for E. Foster andi General Hospital, tsa ma new scarves, shouid It bie reas- l and Fred Wind. S. Simms. slow but- steady progress. ________________ is now able ta, feed and sI Receive McLean Schc 323 309 291 263 246 240 At the recent Awards Night at Kemptville Collej 236! ology, three Durham County students received MeLe 232 1 228'ý presented by Associate principal J. A. Dalryrnple, sho, S8 from left to right, Ronald Blackburn, son of Mr. ani 249 Haydon; Gerry Cornish, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidne 228 and Scott Robinson of Port Hope. 222 198 194 WESLEYVILLE 290 273 253, 221 217 216 206 ,126 276' 264, 249 241 240, 2,39 228 212i 207,I 207 294 280 247 244 236. 221 208I 178 tMr.' ront-o king ;.He' 5have r h imslf._For__t-bhe ad B usinesses owekhe bas been p I At- te ceakend t-be ead rest-1 I Hockey >Activities A Deonateth ha rs 1 D o ate Tirne ve removed..Lloyd is alwaysý Newcrast-le - Once again ourý The Pee Wees found them-! deligbted to recelve cards andý local boyns took to the home selves up against- somne tough k letters. He bas been transfer-1 ice on Fîiday evening. welcom- gong I hi game. Piaying CIock ta Arenared t-o t-be t-ird floor in tbeý ing uit a argecrod o:evey agletheykne, teyitherapy depactment and bis ad-1 parents and fans t-o cbeer were un able t-o get abead, but, Newcastle - A much need- dress is Third Floor, Gerrard I themn on. These boýys play wit- t-bey played bard and welf'i. ed and most- appceciated itemSt-. Wing, Roomn 9-303, Torontoý lîeart and soul in t-eir gamnes. .witb t-be winning team, from was added t-o the improve- General Hospital. knoxing thbe importance of Bowmanville. way out- In front ment-s made recently t-o t-be: Reeve Lawrence Maicorni, stopping thbe other team from by nine goals, a 10-1 score. Newcastle Memoriai Arcna, and Deput-y-Reeve Gordoni FCring 13 equiall%- as import-- The one goal was made by Jimn when a time dlock was pur-,Gettins are att-ending Coun-' Ant as thoir own 'team scoring. Barchard. cbased and installed. Theýties Courîcil t-is wek ia. No man alone, is a star, lU*s The Bantamns played a close dlock was used for t-be flrst-:21-24.) ek(a. team work to prove a good Liamc, losing t-o Oshawa 3-1. time at- t-le st-art- of t-be Ban-, Stephanle Rohmer underwent: pame. and winning or losing Scoring foc Newcast-le were.tam game Friday evening. and a tonsilectomny in Port Perryl il !s bow t-bey play the game. Robin Rickard and Darreli wlll be used tbmougbout- al Hospital oei Monday. More and more parents corne Barett. During t-bis game, t-be games piayed in t-bis Mr. Eami Bowers spent-t-be: out- t-o watcb on Fridav ev-en- Davld Shcarcr of t-be New- aena from now on.~ weekend In North Bay visit-lngý lng and if vou Ihavent- as yet castle t-ram was Injured i one The gift xvas donated hy t-be Cbapman famiiy. seen youc boy plaN,, wxv not of those accidient-ai happenings Glen Rae Dairy . Bowman%,ille; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davi-î mnake it- t-is Friday. Corne of t-is sport and required doc-,Partner's Plumbing and Heat- son visited Sat-urday wit-b hemý eariy and staY late to see aIl tors attention and tbree st-lt- ng, Orono: Donald A. Mac- .mot-ber. Mrs. Charles Gist, t-be neigbborbood boys in ches t-o bis hip, Gregor Insurance, Johnson's Peterborough. action. The Midgets were t-be Iast Drug Store, Newcastle Garage Mc. and Mms. John McMillen,i The Atoms pla 'v firsi. This se-en on Fridaqv e\-eniing against and Elmburst- -lot-eh. Thîrir Cacsarea: Mr and Mrs. Jini paçt- week theiir gamne endied in Brooklin. This game proved t-o names will be painted on t-b" McKee and family. Pontypool, ia tie wi1th Bonwman\vhhle. 2-2, be moiîgh thbe entire game wbIt-e border along t-be out-side *were Saturday visit-ors witbý ýiitb bofli goals scored by through. wi!h ccfemee and of t-be rock Ii apprecialion for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee.1 Cordon Blaker. linesmen losing controi in t-be t-is iiseful gift. Mr. and Mrs, Calvin McKé ftRGRIN BUGGIES ,qq the U4'Sk»,// 1966 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8, utomat-le. power steerlng, power brakes, radio. Lic. L2666. WNas $2195$1 9 NOIV ONLY----------$ 8 5 1966 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-DR. SEDAN V-9, autnmatic. pom-er steering, power brakes, radio. Local, one owner car. Lie. L1452. Wus $1995. NWONLY -------$1895 1965 RAMBLER "990" 2-DR. HARDTOP *cyl.. automatie. white wahls and wheel dises. Lic. K72559. was $$1395 1966 CHEV. INIPALA CONVERTIBLE V-S, automatic. power steerîng, power brakes, radio. Lie. K806845, a $2195.$1 9 NOW ONLY -------$1 9 1965 DODGE CUSTONi "980" 2-DR. HARDTOP V-8. automat-ic. power steerîng. power brakes, radio.,niany other option%. Lie. K68775. Wa-- $1595. 1965 FORD F-500 CAB & CHASSIS Factory rebuilt V-8 engine. 5-spetd transmission, eustom cab with radio, excellent tires. LIe. 42151B. IVas $1495,$ 29 NOW ONLY$19 CHRYSLER Maclntosh *PLYMOUTH -2 LOCATIONS - KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE 623-7231 321 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA 728-4638 I Stinday supper guests. Friends are pleased Todd: McKee was able to return from Port Perry Hospital on Thursday atter his recent ap- pendectorny. Mrs. Annie McQuade re- turned from Port Perry Hos-, pitai on Wednesda, and Is con-, v'aescing at ber homne. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wi1-ý so.Oshawa, were weekendl visitors with Mr. and MVrs., Cecil Hamilton and Mrs. Aima: Fowler, Blackstock, was Sat-I urdav evening dinner guest.' Mr, and Mrs. George Sellers,ý Collingwood, were Sunday'; mid-day dinner visitors with' her father, Mr. Elh Mairs. Mr. Allan Mairs. Staynor,. enjoyed Sunday with his par-ý ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman; mr. and Mrs. Malcolm EIf- ord, Port Pprry,, wère Frlday, evrning visitors wlth Mr. andý Mrs. George Bowers and Mr.t and Mrs. Bert Bbwers, Osh- awa, were Sunday evening, dinner guests.1 mr. and Mrs. Frank Wbite,' Bethanv. and Mr. and Mrs'i Clark WliIianis, enjoved Weld-1 nesday evenlng dinner with!, Mr, and Mrs. Ken Syer. Fras-i erville. On Friday evening, Mr.! ,nd Mrs. Williams attended àj l-irthday dinner at Mr. and, Mrs. Arnold Williams' ln honorl nf Arnold's birthday and on! Saturciav evenine tbeyvlsited wvth Mr. and Mrq. Bert Me- Mullen. Janetvllle. Mr. end r Frank White, Bethany,'; spent Monday with the Clarkeý Williams.i Sincere sympathy of the! communityv is extended to IMrs'. Frank Bailey and Mrs, Hector! S:hôrtridste and thir famnIlles'I on the death of their mothAr, TMrs, Arthur Leighton in Pr Perry Hospital. ot On Saturday evening, Jan-jHope last fail. uary 18Vh, about 50 formeri Progressive euchre provid- neighbours gathered at the pd entertainment for the tirst home of Mr. aud Mrs. Fred p art of the evening when Mrs. Hoskin to offer delayed good!Iioy Austin and Mr. J. Fraser wishes to Mr. and Mrs. John1won first prizes. After thiq, Fraser who moved to Portlthe guests of honour wer<. Jane Parker DAILY DATED - SLICED 6Ocy/o Whole Wheat (racked WheatI White Bread LOF19< SAVE 8c M, -ae-yB i.£etters to thee 8cIt or VlueW W W I Reg.. Pra 410 - SAVE 40. 16lOz dn 7< FEATruRE P"IOK. 8Soz *g 3 9< Jane Parker, Englmsh Reg. Price eaoh 39o - BUY 3, SAVE 179 Detergent Reg. Price 45o -. SAVE Lse FRUIT CAKE 3 25-oz caeslOO0 SAIL LIQUID 24foz plaskbd 39< Jane Parker FEATURE PRICEI Premium (14 Verieties) FEATURE PRICEI D OId Fashioned Loaf 24-oz BREAD or Sliced tàlien Style 2 baves 49< CLARK'S SOUPS 5 1-0ozlis89i Grade TURKEYS 6 -10 LB. AVERAGE CUTS m mm m -ib. 23C m m m m-lb1Sc WHOLE BREASTS WHOLE LEGS a - Mlb.b69c WINGS m m- - I. 4 9c NECKS & BA(KS WHOLE, FROZEN S.P. VAC-PAK-i' LAMB LEGS - 481b COTTAGE ROLLS- 69~ SUPER R1GHT SMOKED RINDLESS SIDE BACON - 69 69 Florida Morsli, Seedless, White or Pink, Fuit of Juice, No. 1 Grade GRAPEFRUIT PERCH FILLETS la-Oz- PKG. 39 c" l 1 Ontario Grown, Melntesh, Talmen Swests & Court-tond, Fancy Grade, or Spys, Comm. Grade Your Choice 10.59< IRrrLDIYÉ la r hiPs The Canadian Stateazi, Bowmanvlle, JTan. 22, 1089 IL unbl o ore Acadwal HAYD ON signed by everyone and Pr- sentd. M. ad Mr. Faser Congregational meeting wus thanked their friends and in-, held on Sunday afternosm vited ail ta visit tbemn in their nhe reports of S.S. and church new home in Port Hope. were given, also session reý- Communi on service was Ob- port. Several items were dis- served at this church on Su-i cussed. day morning. followed by ad hu hservc at :5 Sundav scbool In charge of I curc sricay. pm Mr. George Tufford. Alain Sudy Wilson brought a very inter- IMr. aand Mrnetvan Shap esting accounit of bis recent Lidln ae,2n1kutn trip to Scotland te visàt hisl were Sunday dinner guettaà reltivs. y tainto on1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Amhton.. reltivs. y tainto on-Rona;ld and Ray. treal and jet to Prestwick'-radMs l rhM was the beginning of a won-i M.adMs i rhm derful holiday when Alain and Gregory, of Valleyfield, met o may cosinsandQue., Mrs. R. Scott, Bowman- other family members and;vill were Frlday evening besides was privileged to seeiv~isitors of Mr. and Mrs. Les- the meniorials to many of the lie Grahami. famous men of the land of bis, Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackbunno forefathers, including Rob1 Mr. and Ma-s. Gerald Shiekie- Roy, Wm. Wallace and Robert ton and Ruth. Salem, were, Burs. undy shoo me-:Sa turday supper guesta of Bers.apprecaed haring thi Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn. bers apreciae Ofering isand family. first hand accounit. Mran Ms.Waye lak- was received by Donald Nicb - hMr.adMs an lr ols and Barry Best and the bun Newcastle, were Satur. junor oy clsa edin heday evening <allers at the- junir bys las le intheBlarkburn home. closing prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potta There bas been consider-I were Suinday supper guesta Of' able sickness in the district Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts and- and son-e of it causing recur-l family. ring trouble. Wesley Best has Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemmn, more than bis sh-are of inter- Susain and Fred visited Mirs. ge of Agricultural Tecnn- rupted school days. F. Tomns, Enniskillen, on Sun- an Scholarships. They were1 The mild weather of lhe1 day afternoon. )wn here. The recipients are weekend did much to seutle1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Pot-ta and the banks of snow and startlBil] called on Mr. and Mm- id Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, water rtînning in thie creeks.lArthu r Trewin on F'iday y Cornish, R.R. 1, Tyrone If it spreads a little more Rnd!evenÎlfg. freezes withoiit snow the»reî Mrs. A. Thompson vlslted ___________-will be splendid skating rinks Mr. and Mms. F. OsmOnd,' even if the snowmobiling is~ Bowmanville. on Monday. seated together and a corsage not quite as good. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thompsmn. I was pinned on Mrs. Fraser'sI Another music milestoneè and Cntî. ow nvi, dress by Mrs. F. Hoskin and wvas passed for Marylin Nich- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry, Abbôtt Mr. Hoskin addressed them ols and Barbara Dinner wheM SteA.en. Brkon iie - briefly to express best wishes they received the results of~MsA hrtsn ýt for their happiness in theirj their examination in grade ;new home. Roy Austin and threî- history written recently GET CASH TODAY Jl.ohn Tufford presented them ýin Cohourg. Maryhin received THROUGH ; with a gold and turquoise c honours and Barbara miso a S TA T ES MA N ecasional chair on behaif of al good mark. CLA S SIF IED S SI' MIX OR MATCH AMI BRAND, CHOICE QUALITV CREAM STYLE COR 14 fl-oz-i CHOICE QUALITV A&P KERNEL CORN 12 fi-oz-tin CHOICE QUALITY A&P SWEET PEAS 14 fi-or-tin Jane Parker, SouthernReg. Pria. 69e - SAVE "0Oc Dily 5e9 No. 1 Grade PECAN PIE fun +pe 5 9< CREAMED HONEY Jane Parker Reg. Prie* ea M5e - BUV 2 SAVE 21c Kraft, Canadian, Pimento or 0Wd Englieh RAISIN PIE 2full S'2"~z pes 89< CHEESE SUICES - Fresh - Eviscerated FRESH TURKEY Kil HAI r Il ALL PRICES IN TIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 25th, 1969 I i ilàtir