CL SSFID DS* *Wins Trip tbFlorida pea Death IReal Estate for Sale!Recil Estate for ae ea Estate frSIItre CARRUTHERS, Wilfrid D.- S leRecoorSaera t Stret7BoScvile o d George Blyleveit W. Frank Real Estate' John F. DeWiih 46. nesday. January 22nd. 1969, RALORLIMITED REAL ESTATE LUMED was Wilfrid D. Carruthers, ln hi s REALTOR REALTOR Mal' 64th year, behoved husband of Phone 623-5300 or 623-5265:2KigS.WBwavle1FrnSt- oamle ch ar Margaret Hughes. dear fathe r Highway property between, 623-3393 Phone 623-3111 b of Elizabeth (Mrs. Keith Ohw n owavle Smih),Gaî, ad obet Ohaw ad Bwmavlhe.Member Oshawa and District' BLACKSTOCK: 100 acre Bowmanville: dear brother of 1.500 squnarewfeet o bick Rel stteBord farm. 8 roomed brick home.ý Ralph. New York, N.Y.: Doug- vne unao lt ml 193 Acres - Kendal His Area Good size barn. Garage. etc.! jV las Dunvhle an Esie(Mr.'basement apartment, 5,000 las. unnley. Bon mllle s1 square feet hot water heated Scenic farm with springs. Paved rond. Ask for Jan Oud- - Ro Restn tte N othuttEli glass GEEHOSEm 8 room home, large barn. Good shoorn. 'ueaHm.Fnrlsr-2 i acres ot land and smaîîsokfr n ob am DEVELOPMENT LAND: 33 I Ir 2o'lok riayaferoo.barn. Asking price $45.000. Ol 4.0 ens acres on No. 2 Hlghway, east -Interment Bowman%-ille Cerne 165 Acres - Oshawa Area o ecsh.ZndR1 al tery. 4-1 Oshawa, n e ar Shopping, 9 room brick bouse, haro office. aj Centre: 5 room frame bouse 40 x 80, good stream. gond: 70ACRE CORNER FARM: podie Rteal Estate for Sale with private drive and work- stock farm. Nice rollng ln nCak w.Ecletsi.tV _________ _shop. Low tax. Ideal retire-jutofpvdra.Trii Large modern 12 roomed home, __________________ment home. Priced at $12.500 value at $49.500 - Terms. j 2 barns. Ask for Jan Oud- s un.d -Give us n offer.100 Acre Tobacco Farm sor.uE liDirectly north of Bowman-: 34 acres Marketing Board 10AR LO:o AHg- .[ ~ I ~ J ill on ave rod, 7 aces igts,7 room home. barn way wlth excellent pond site,.e of land wlth large barn. Ask- 90 x 46, 5 kilos. Ahi equip-IAsklIng $6,500. Caîl: Harry ral ________ing price$13.900._ __, ___4-1l- ment inchuded. Greenhouse Coutts. mn ____________24 x 130. Priced right at îz'2 ACRE LOT suitable for Jant NETNIIFKeith $75.000 - $25,000 down. :1,200 sq. ft. home. Prire $7.500. then Large 10 roomed home, ho- P ET E RS 100 Acres - Cavan Township Terms. Ask for George Van- let cat.d b tovn acr o!Goad stream, terrifir view, Dyk.Ce praerv Aklg $9 (1REALTY LTD. 2600 ft. road frontage. $27.500.: COURTICE AREA: 3 bHol 728-7328i Terms. room home. 011 beated wlth Cali F. Beaucage 623-3711 10 îgSretEsOhawa 200 Acres - Orono Area 3-pce. bath. Asking $16,900. disci 4-1 13Kn tetEsO s o g - i- REALTOR 8 room solid brick 2 storey As o Gog Vny.shou home, ail furnace. bathroom.j 1oo ACRE FARM: with good but Peter rKowal, Jr. 1 BRUCE STREET - Brick In- Barn, steel drive shed. Good size barn. 8 roam home. Gar- year racme home, 2 baths. 2 kitch- gravel deposits. This farm Is age. Henhouse. Asking $35.000. poli( REALTOR ens. fridges and stoves, Income priced for quick sale at only Termis. Ask for George Van- Depi sud GENERAL INSURANCEj $270.00. Walk downtown Osha- $50.000 - Terms. Dyk. 52 King St. W. Bowmanvilii wa. 96 Acres - Newtonvllle COBOURG: We have about rny 623-2453 S1 6,500 - 5 roo Bungalow 4 bedraom home, barn 40 xe8 lots for sale. Priced from, mea, irnd w !22it t. . aae lt6 140, 2 silos 18 x 45 with auto- $1.500 to $4,000. Caîl George' whi Brand ew!! 24 ft.matic feeding systemn. Over- VanDyk. wi Lovely h r i c,k bungalow, $16.500 - 2 bedroom bungalow, flowing sprlng. Asking $60.000 10 ACRE LOT: Lac a ted fia. nearlng completion. an Scugag garage. lot 178 x 135,, carnies Terms. nrhofBwbvll.OI er St., just a couple of doars for $75900 per month and In- 110 Scenic Arreli, 1$7.500. Ask for George Van away f rom a store. Consists terest only 7 W.iîlmot Creekj Dyk. M. of 3 bedrooms, spaciaus living cour roo, lrgemodrn itcen'COUNTRY PROPERTY - Picturesque parklîke prop-' 2 ACRES: with barn. Locat- e L and tiled bath. Prlced at 3 hedraom home, furnace. bath- erty near Leskard wit~h Wil- , d north of Orono. Priced h- r $22.500. $4.500 down. , roam. barn and approximately mot Creek trout stream flOw-1 $3.500. Ask for George Vanth 2 acres. ing through praperty. 60' face Dyk. Building Lot 1 CE ihxelAk open gravel pit on propertv.1 f ire Closeta soppigACRES 6'. DO. tstedanciapprved. PORT HOPE: Lovely 2 year On-ly$5.500.hActin,7'w . ' ng$8,50 0.Eclln îvs'it tan oldg8raoomed home with two nly$5,00.Actnow-Exe e rvsm a oI age.ouble 011 beated. Gar- 6 Rom unglow tPleaqe Cal: $55000 lotTAsrfo Ja Gamnet Ricard, salesman for! ma leave for Miami Feb. lst. North Ward location. A real D[orothy Vivian - 263-2138i'n 5Acres - Oshawa Area Oudshoorn. JakRcr t. ei o bt~antng the nbest uby rozy home for a growing 1 Audrey Plain - 623-3563 ;he'Road, off Simcoe St. I BOWMANVILLE: 4 ero th e îucky wînner of a trip for ob tingstherlestanumber famuly or retired couple. 001' Howard Wight - 623-2524 N. Wooded parcels. good brick home. Oul heated. Bath- i two anywhere in North Amer-, the months of Nov. and Dec. $14.500. Terms aranged. TcCafr 723-1021 hm ie.$5.0 em.raom. Centrally located. Ask- 1Ira. Garnet and bis wife Thel- 1968. Jane Street!! ! Bob Johnson - 7Z8-2548 ScuKog St-. Bownianville ing $1 8,500 with $4.000 dawn. Truly one of the mast lm- Morley Burgess - 72.1-0049: Large lot, .1 bedroom hun- Balance at 6 %. Caîl: office. mnaculate homes on the market!BhRtîfe - 5-47glw Immediate possession. BRIGHTON: Two new 3 bed- P toda. 12 same wih treeGerald VaScepn- 7,7 $i17.000. Terms arranged. room brick bungalows. Electrir c bedrooms. living room, dining I EmerFrdin7-273"ilopSt, o"'vi heat, 4-pce. bath. with love- roani kitchen. 4-piece bath, 1l ]Fei 2525 ilo t. omnhi y firepiace In living room. I...I in B;wm nvil re.ronadgrg l hsi41 New exerutive brick splitlAsking $17,800 each. Ask for"~' ferro n d gar50.age lAi ti _ - level, 3 bedrooms. 2 babhrooms. Jan Oudsboamn. oon $2.0.Cala GET CASH TODAY stone fireplace, family room. aur 1 99 !a rie yHnesnoe- After 8 -.j FOR OLD APPLIANCES lot 63 x 170. This is a real ANXIOUS TO SELL:7 jnat21w99crdîvnbHnesn or i THROUGH ~~~~beauty. Only $31.400 - Terms. acres rolling land with stream. JdeR .Bxerper Iokhm n n fU w ID. A. MacGrecor 987-42671 Partly wooded. Hydra and cd with Crown Attorney G. math i poan e lied, "Pwll J. Van Nest - - 623-3230 ST T S A omnilCneso i telephone. Available. Ask for, Bonnycastie, Mervyn Kelly as over. 1 want t0 taik to youj." P. Kowl - - 623-58681 C L A S S 1 F 1 E D s 4 bedroom brick, lot 90 xi George VanDyk. LgiDt one.We ai eto an 4-1 I Phone 623-3303 10 aveta.Ol'$700 UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Paul Sauinier, 256 Ritsol' the Henderson car passed' ______ I Trms14 bedroom, brick bungalow. Roaci, South, Oshawa, pleadedcirhî andi turned rrosswiseý I Onem Orono Completeci ln a few weeks. guilty o! impaireci dniving.iblocking tbe roand. D a vi s twerransferred. 2 stomey Priced at $24.490. Ask for Janý Conviction brought a fine of~ turneci down a side street and: brc1 omhmlo 3 usor.$75 and costs, or 10 days, and out onto Higbway 115 where, Ga, rge ot nemai urnaet. 7x ~ROOMED HOME: al mod-' automnatir license suspension be beadeci south. The Hcnder- Gre e at 20.40 - $.500 cm ronveniences witb small for six months. I!son car followed, part wayý dowln. h t$2,0 $,0 arnoan 411ý acres ln Bethany.' Constable j. Schultz, opp,iwith the headlights off. On i down.Priced at $15.000. Ternis. on the eveniog o! Decemrr the ramp leading ta Higbwayl i ~ ~~~~Orono1 Cali Ross DavIdsan. 71mvsiaeda ciet401 the Henderson vehicle' Jîîst llsted, 3 hediroom brick BOWMAN VILLE, 4 bed- an Higbway 2 rîcar Courticel pulleci alangside andi "nudg- bungalow, lot 75 x 200. This room bungalow with 2 bath- Road. He found a pick-upý ed" Davis off enta the north, g NO ALITY FODOS home is only .1 years aid and roomi. Oul heated. Recreation truck in the ditcb. witb a shoulder.*1 ln excelleot condition. Ask- roani. Garage. Pavcd drive- fiend trying ta push it auti Davis kept going andi again FR~FEHing $18,900. Terms. way. Gall Office. while the driver was behind1 the left side of bis cr was FENFEHCali 623-3393 RC AE 0ar am the wheel. There was damage1 bumpeci by the igbt side of After 9 P.m.brick home. 01beated, 4-pro. wbere it bad struck a rock in' an boum the bumpers locked!l Sliced or InStIsP iece Ken Hockin - - 623-5053 bath. Terrifie ake vlew. the ditrb. TPle officer laid the andi the rear one on the Davis' Pst Yeo -charge after observing the1car was pulleci almost off.ý Mander Ratase - 623-3605 After Houri Plese Cali: 'driver's condition. iHendenson drove off onto the! JeBarnoski- - 723-5787 Phyll. MeRobble - 623-7159ý James Mockler, 31 Empire north shoulder andi Davis blbPau! Peterson 723-8322e Roma Davidon - Bethany 3êRZ Avenue, Toronto, pI1 c a dle d' passed it and at Bowmanville 2 b55 bRoss Glbart -Orono 983-5533 Wesley Anderson -349-2669 guity of illegal possession of:polinedsoffiand dr oe ta t Geore VnDyk 623743 was$50andcosts, or seven there s0 he proceedeci back ta1 GOLDEN YELLOW Andy Suteh- Orono 983-9119 Harold Couttu 725-2649 days. Nwate ad rpneit Jan OushoJ< 623-39501 Constable L. F. Dryden, oetPP. y asegr We ~~~~~~~~OPP, stoppeci the car west-jRbn alyapsegr B N N2 7i' PONTYPOOL .LS. bounci on Highway 401 be-i10 the Davis car, confirmed and Exclusivecase a! excessive speed. Theij this story. The only ex plana- A ool nm ngathered. __ 4 1ca andi bis passenger got j tion he could give for Ueo-, FRESH outumbof dr e vh1l.Mckederson's behaviaur was that c Sunday evening ta enjoy a get- the passengen, had a pint ofihe must have been jealousi together and pot luck supper.' nc r en ben in bis hand and thene aven the affections o! anc of LE T l E - * 3 a t h ntdCur ee Announ er en e Aftcn a very sumptuous re-! was a quantity o! beer in tbe the girls. Harvey Partner, a L E T C 3past most o! the group ad- car. passengen in the HendersonI joumncd ta thechrch wbere itcelcr who wan,,SI a lso caled as Ourhoke tam oninedas a saiesmari. Jesse oas oper- Stmeet, Ottawa, cmargea witfiI brie! ape-amanCE. and w_;eme SAEKELLOGU'S SU GARjf Lag thein wiiinig ways on Sun-,tdbsoora saebs-rrîs mxm uut1 remandeci in custody until1 SV day bv defeating an Oshawa n ess ai 118, n t . o-wsnt rsn.Antgit et week. They were Geu-ý 1e i r i. I j7 C'< team In Port Permv 8-4. Tie avle o Yas laws tee nitetilard Bennett and Ronald Cupît,' rrosteu Flakes 4o9 the 19r17 Championship M.VnNs ondOci edi beta no fixed address, Glen La- and 1 understand thev will Ine-'denital Life Insunanre ('on-, Edward Lucas, Minden, wasivemne Burgess, Cburrb Street,ý reive their new jackets on pany in 1967 and will continue, poceeding west on Highway Wayne Wright, 3 Durha PILLSBUR 1 Saturday neht, Jin. 25 at ta repmesent this fimm sPecial- 401 en bis way ta Hamilton:Sret n Jms amhu SA ~ a i m u ~~P thpir dance hpre. Izing in low cost terni insur- ivery carly an an cxtrcmely1 Burgess, Third Concession of S3 c K If vou knom, an.\ nexvs phease ance. foggy momning. lic was't S10e '" CAKE M IXESbell us about It.- -R. J. P. .Wc e fethat Jesse IS ex- about ta pull off enta bbAcht ie enttwl 3 9 Gte FiiouÏ.,- -tremely wcll qualificd ta handle ight shoulder because o! fat aha t idBcnbtowil %sre lvusy aur real estate necds and bis wcathcm conditions wben his fc hreli ytw lon ex perience will1 be o! vebicle was struck fmom the. police o! illegal possession of WHITE SLICED DINETTE bnftot you. Jesse is also ear and he wcnt ta hospitalan offensive weapon, a fime Snotcd for his honest opinlisi with head injuries. A passen- hymant wencb converted inita BRE DinRGA INroperty appmaisai and gem ini the second veîîîrîe, an akie-oal ui n 24o~ I s. 1frmrclet adne rs-rdeeurICisIet aba-Sof !a Goodyar battemy; OSI~AW~ ~~fIC ~ We trust that bis fiends,, Ottawa taxi dmiventb M.tayeOnihtilegl ases Los os ~ILiIDEnew fic whc buyng a lnv stii g ofi age an Glng avemn stuges LW.. 5. OFFI prtmeirlnhmd at bprs, pibal with smlar injuries,. hre nwogi a tl kt ne offie whe buyi g oConstable L. F. Dryden , OPP , bhe!b of iwo snow times. A ; ___OF____441_____*sclling property. and conviction brought 'a fine1 charge o! car theft laid. Directf $50 and $41.40 rasts, or 10, against Road uptnLn- SUMMIi Drc Toronto Line 922-1910, RESILTS CO T I days. The eason for the higbý say. wihl alsa be beard lier@, costs was that Mr. Lucas hadi transfenreci by Judge Ian' i~Ga IListings needed hy a Firm Consuit a Member of thse md totnp fo MnnMnrù. IC E CRE& M 7 9 c witi a proven Record of Sales. _made__t wJl trkip indesnLntyedecwahar ssorted Flavours tcoivrteousce Ilservice ______as ear Local Representatives : r. i a17, R.R. North Orono,'iawa anea youths chargedi Fed eaaeowmanville 2-6 I i pcembennot guilty a! a danger- jaintly with the!t o! a cash LesHalBomavlle62-51 oJus driving charge laid De- registen fram Grenadier Res-. Y K ST 62-371 oeber13 by Constable W. tau.rant August 8th. Anthonyý (HOE 0 QULIT) 63-311I MLTIPLE LISTING EVC Helmer, OPP. ' Russell Harrison, Courtice, 1 (HMY OFK S TR A ' Oshawa Area Office:1 Thomas Davis tolci the court'Robent Kenneth Roberts, 436! North 401 Park Rd. Cloverlcaf Oshaw'a & District 'lie was driving anoundi Orono Fairley Avenue, Oshawa, Ken-! 1!00ý M R E .swmanager - Fra~nk Smith, , a bout midnight ir, bis mn-' neth 'Thomas Druzduk. 731 Oshawa 576-0330. Rieail sIate Board tbcm's car wilh thmee maie Cedar Stieet, Oshawa, andi f k _____________________ .passengers and two girl.s, A' Stanley Anthony Kurianowicz,I Glbb Street, Oshawa. The Conadian Stat"1 an, Bgown anville, Jan. 22, 1989 1 ýdeci not guilty. 1 _ ',bert Draper, manager of,0 ony "Mr. Taylor then Ifire chief are both emnployed Shel SericeStaton. explained that rnoney was not 'by Goodyear. ;ction of Courtice RoadIthe sole factor in the com- "Goodyear has provlded Highay 41, old he~pany's decisi>n, that the lossj this support for the town's rt he went off duty at tof production was most im-' fire brigade for more than 50 ).m. and was called in at portant," the Mayor said. vyears. We must not overlook .m. when the cash register Itefc f h opn' smissing. Constable L. J. "I asked if I could have the itefc ftecrpn' honey, OPP, laid the opportunity to discuss the' generosity in this regard. A xge. Further evidenoe will company's decision with cou-:letter should go to Mr. Tay. heard February 4th. cil before the matter became lor thanking the firm for Ci~e public, but Mr. Taylor said he; help it bas given the town in foln#& also fet obligated to inforîn this way," Mayor Hobbs sa"d~ t1,he firemen and would bave. Councillnr Robert Dykstr4 to caIl them up and tell themn moved .t.hft council estab1lsie immediately. This is why asj the position of a full timne fici *soon as the letter was receiv- chief as soon as possible. an c Fir m en ed we had copies sent to, that the Clerk-Controller be every member of council. instructed to advertise for, (FROMPAGEONE)applicants for this positiMTt, 1woAldecmonet approxbiaevand also to advertise for rol- jusmensourchagein wold c 0s taproxmatlyunteer, firemen who are not istments ourchane $n100,000 a year. On this basisj oderepoes lota cy wifl not become effec- it is extremely desirable to Goodett e 0f tha sbe sentht euntil April 1, 1969. We get volunteer personnel out- aooer ofor ansit psenti-u cerely hope tihat YOu will1 side of Goodyear. I think we assistace. al t rvin .erstand the reasons ac-1 are obligated to the ratepay- epty eev .J.Rni npanying Our decision." erg to try to do this if lt s eonedth ee motion. Cuti-0 Mayor Hobbs told councilý at ail possi'ble," Mayor Hobbs cillor Leslie Coombes spok.ý nbers that he had been stated. in support of it, and Mayor edint te fier,0f palo, antý Beeause of ths notice, and Hobbs expressed the hopoe ~aer Jc Tylro the shortness of the time we that members of councfý iuary 9th. "Mr. Taylorlhave. these volunteers should would encourage men te vol- mx gave me a copy of the be tained within the next unteer for the brigade. T-h. ter e ha set tothesix weeks. I strongly recom- motion was carried. ýrk - Controller," M a y o r! mend also that authority beH ,bsstaed.given to have the Clerk-Cqn.l FINE QUALITY 'He did not call me In ta troller advertise for the posi-! OUET N cuss this matter or for m1etion of a full time Fire ChieU OUENSA give reasons why the firniýso he wil be able tomake EaMARKERS )ld flot take this action,; recommendation to us if pos- t p tto inform me of Good- sible at the next council l of"'.'uoem r's definite decision on its meeting. i TFOD. C, cytm inead the f itre Mayor Hobbs aso advised! k BROS. LTD. >artent n th futre. that tîhe Clerk - Controler1 ý F~ 'To clarify the matter in1 should advertise in the Fown mind 1 asked if this Statesman for volunteers. not uhm rnt that volunteers would employed by Goodyear, for DM-W. tbe paid by Goodyear the Fire Department. di aaya fre.Hesad Mayor Hobbs emphasized Safod ro es ,he meant that they would the need of quickly making Stfod]r hes. Lbe able ta go to fires af- arrangements to obtain volun- April lst. teers and ta obtamn a perma- Monuments Mayor Hobbs also iniýormed nent Fire Chief as only runeLI TE uncil that he hiad mention-1to 10 weeks remain before thel Box 133 to Mr. Taylor that if it change in Goodyear's olicyBo13 uld become necessary foriconcerning volunteer firemen . 318 Duiidas St. E. - Whltbj-.. ?town ta have a permanent He also pointed out that the hn Wbty 6835 ebrigade it rould cost a lot present lire chief and deputy- rhn Wbty6835 Wl WILL GIVE You w A LIA4 k T ST!l FOR YOUR CAR IF YOU DRIVE IT IN! SAFETY CHECKED USED CARS 1964 RAMBLER CLASSIC 660 STATION WAGON $19 Lie. X17531 -$1195_____ 1964 FORD V8 SEDAN$19 Lie. L8360 . . - -- -- 1964 METEOR CLUB SEDAN ..$19 Lie. L6401 ..-...-- ----- 1 9 1964 CORVAIR AUTOMATIC$19 Lie. 40775H - --- ----- 1963 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN__$19 Lie. K57334 $119-----5__ 1963 STUDEBAKER AUTOMATIC $9 Lie. L3136 $895 .____ 1963 PONTIAC SEDAN -$9 Lic. 31385H ---------- 9 9 1963 RAMBLER CLASSIC CLUB SEDAN Lic. 29096H --- --------- -------- $ 9 1963 ACADIAN BEAUMONT HARDTOP$19 Lic. K92061*$2- 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN $9 Lic. L5903 -$595--- 1961 AMBASSADOR V8 SEDAN $9 Lic. L6378 -$69-5---------- - 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN Lie. L4213- $595 SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL 1966 AMBASSADOR V8, Automatic, Ex OPP car, fully reconditioned, painted, etc. s4 UNTESTED CARS (No Pla 1963 CHEVROLET SEDAN Lic. K73002 --- ---- -------------- 1963 FAIRLANE SEDAN Lie. K85852----- ------ 1961 AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITE Lic. L4513-------------- ---- 1961 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON Lic. X19384 - - ------ 1960 AUSTIN A 55 SEDAN Lic. L1070 - --- ------ - ------- 1960 RAMBLER CLASSIC Lic. K99609 - -_ _ 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Lic. K88155 ------------------- 1956 PONTIAC HARDTOP Lic. K76842 --- - - YOUR TRADE-IN IS YOUR DOWN PAYi IF YOUR TRADE ALLOWANCE EXCEEDS THE NECI DOWN PAYMENT TRENT WILL REFUND YOt THE DIFFERENCE IN CASH.. If Vour Trade-In Is Worth $200 Trent WiII AIIow You NOBODY UNDERSELLS TRENT (No Matter How ilard Thi -AMBASSAI 219 KING ST. 623-3305 BOWMANVII .....5.... tes) $595 $495 $495 $395 $395 $395 $395 $395 MENT ESSARY V îey Try) )OR E. LLI n. .1