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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1969, p. 2

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- -. v -r 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanv-ffe, JTan. 22, 1969 IchIldren have been teught~ regarding caution and how ta cross a street without danger. bare ab Sites'Cours Chie! Kitney's reporteml- Larg Bab Siters se sized that parents should ýteah teirchildren ta cross ýKing Street, flot nt Silver, but 'Jr uu Tln east of there.b Ho Ids GraduJanet Jan 23 d ' Johntrfidllgbte, est 'oessfully compfeted the Baby Wilson, Leah Woodward, Pa- tion. Assistants were mem: i aakta tepiaern Sitters' Training Course held1 tricia Woodward, Mary Milen bers of the Kinette Club, Ita the West Beach be plowed tJ this winter ln Bowmanvilie: Wreggitt, Nancy Wright. Graduation exercises willi out by the town. He explained Janet Bate, Carrai Bedford, The course was under the be heid on Thursday, January that hie had to rush a very Debbie Bickle, Tilda Bouma, direction of Mrs. Jas. McDon-123rd, and Invitations have1 sick chiid ta the hospital on rl Helen Bramble, Helen Bridges. aid and sponsored by the!Ibeen sent ta ail students and the previous night, and it had MryBridges, Mlanna Brook- Northumberland-Durham Tu- parents. j been difficuit to get through tI IngSentra Byson Joa - - the snow there. 'Isn't there t Cascagnette, Linda Caverley,* was down near the end of!somnethlng that could be done ti Linda Chipman, Gloria Chis- I I f~ * Centre Street. ýabout this road?" lhe inquired. c holm, JIUi Coivilie, Caleen i h l On a motion by CouncilI1r Mavor Hobbs informed hlm C Donna Cowie, Ruth Prout, secanded by D p:hat the ok eateta Crag, Saro K OSy, nsa Reeve Rundie, this matter andj!does flot piow prIvate roads. Davy, nn Derie, ose ~ail correspondence pertaining It Is the custom of residents ai ianle Dvbbs, TJany et rper, Po AG ) ta l were referred ta the PUC.,on such roads ta clear them al Dian 'DobsJane Drper, (FRM PGE OE) On the recommendation ofj a! snow. "You shouid get the Linde Ferriil, Heather Ford, who was ane of the many can- the Planning Board councli graup together there, and pay nc Lynda Graham, Yvonne Groen, didates who ran for ane af the tlook action regarding two re- ta have it snow Plowed. Don't em Sharon Hammond, Do nn alfive positions of councillor ifllquests ta subdivide. It approv waît faer an emergency," hie w *Haynes, Nancy Heavysage ýthe last municipal election'ed the application o! A. Agar advised. It, Carolyn Heydens, Teresa Hey- here, received the next highest ta subdivide approximateiy Mr. Killingbeck said that den, ona uiithChi number of votes ta thase who 'seven acres of land between soeawh eol iîgc - Une Jones, Susan Janes, Bettywere then eiected. ýHigh and Liberty Streets, there did flot want ta wait for *Kepteyn, Marilyn King, Sandra 1 on~md w hreyanrha use od hswsa emergency. "A few of us f Knigt, hrisine Llnday.appointments, A. J. Cale to'maved hy Deputy-Reeve Run- tried ta shovei the snow away. Jureda Mfeaso, eny Moloy the Planning Board and Tho- dle, seconded by Reeve AnnieA lot of people cannot afford w~ WedyMunjyJueMurmas Rehder ta the CommItteeýOke. tpyantigahveheIf WendyMounjoy, une uirof Adjustment, bath for 1969-J The draft plan for the sub- re t sow plwed, and some Nancyl d, aryoann Macal70-71. Four appointments were division pan pyM.A ay e or evenI $10 gld Doadarbaacaiso1 made ta the Public Lib-ia plan ed by Mr. Aghws ar iazry. w10 ou gards a! M~F~ln~gma Cath- rary Board for 1969. ý total af 38 lots varyighaing I t on, utsoe a erIne Pasgant, Judy Patersn Thase appointed ta the Lib-SIze from 53 feet minimum tanrt afordttat p a thin e Cathy Patterson, T er es a rary Board were George Vice,[160 feet maximum. A raad pass- gradethoulg taterhaps the ff *Payne, Catherine Porter, Jen- wha has served as chairman inig thraugh ibis subdivision rde audgoerur road niiter Rehder, Irene Rietmulîer, of this board for a number of wIil be an extension of Sunset Just once. Last night I was e Linda Ritchie, Catherine Riv-1 years, Len Lucas, Miss Mari- ýRaad, and there will be an- very îucky and gat my child en mr, Wendy Rivers, Deanna ance Couch, and Gary oih.ther connection ta High Street ta the hospitai, but it cauld$1 Robnso, Bnni Rndei, I teseapainmens wrewhere a park and a schoai are be a niatter of life or death," $1 Joan Sarneils, Dariene Sellick, made on a mtotion by Counicililicatd.M.Klnbekdcaed. fai Darla Stackaruk, Kay Terps-ilor Glenn Fry, seconded by; In agreement with the Plan- 'Ree'e Oke' stated that she be tra, Judy Thickson, Cathy Councillor Shackelton that the!ning Board's recommendation and her neighbars had got ta- th, TIghe, Teresa Tighe, Rose- repart on this matter be!council did not approve the gether and had the snow re- $ *mary Tice, Ingrid Vanden- adopted. japplication tram R. Kennedy moved from a lane ln back e berg, Fàizabeth Vnebl Liz A letter fram Mrs. Mrlnto subdivide 38 acres o! land of lher property. Mayor Hobbs e, Vemue, Donna Virtue, 'N.Cl, epnCar a o Scugag Street and said that the municipaiity can- un Hele Weseiis. LndaWh .t- Calce, cuncilgfor permin south of the Third Concession not remnove snaw from private crE Ree esll id Wh ta h oi o îgh Mrch so! Road. These lands are not ser- roads, and ihat after a severe T I Dimes anas hre on Mo- viced with water or sanitary snaw' storm people residing en ,Counicii concurred ta this r-plans for asubdivision therel h ae. atfrcernet quO AG N)eon a motion by Cauncili were premnature. bE'mad Threwa atw cr olio sco -e On a motion by Reeve Oke,ý The West Beach nesident agg Councilin Proutseconded by Councillor Robert pointed outtathepit h lision on Friday at 3:10 p.m<.by Cuclo Glenn Fry. ýDykstra, oicldcddt e odteeI ut ogoe lnfront of 56 Church Street.'Counilor Coombes. secon d- ew cauncsil eid tetakne-rOdterpeopsqie o aveong ne The drivers -involved wereýed by Councillor Prout, moved metrio espion heLo nakeSome peoplie inhorhvont neM -Jôsephine P. Doxtater, 40ithat counicil endorse a resolu-EOnn Regonl evio !ethtaesiteresaive in or otil Mill Lane. and Christopherjtion ofiBAighton Township Counci Ie ne aw cudntV - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Birighton ,HaptnConila neetd h ., Alte esrbddnaecollect money tram theni for Mr Minonms d R1.Haage was ci e rquete y itto a long and winding gravel this," Mn. Killingbeck stated. anc Mino daagewassustainedýwhjch asks that the problemsiroad, the private driveway ta Maycr Hobbs said that people w by bath vehicles. Constableiot the bee Industry be deat1j P. Vibert's house, which isishou'ld oniy live at the West -Don Anderson investigated. 11with under the Dog Tax, Lîve- iocated between High Street Beach during the summen. firE There was a collision be- ýstock, and Paultry Protection and Me-adowview Boulevard. Counclior Dykstra stated be *tween a car and a truck on ýAct. This was carried. iThe communication explained that he cid not think It 15 and 115 Highway near Kirby oný A letter tram R. Stephen that ail public traffic, includ- council's nesponsibility ta have St] Priday at 9:30 p-r.. anceýJeffery, owner o! an Aibertt mg trucks, had used this Snow cleaned tram private Jar Allen, age 46, Orono, was the Street prapertv, asked court- 1driveway ta travel ta and tram roads. "I understand this gen- driver o! the car. and theýcil that a proposed sanitary1Meadowview and High Street tleman's concern, but 1 strong- slo driver ci the truck was Mari- isewer and also a watermainiduring the months when a iy advise him ta try and ongan- aw mus Vonk, age 26, Scarbar-ifor this street be Included wlthi'long section o! Liberty Street Ize a group there ta have PI!a o ugh. Mr. Vank who sufferedithose scheduled ta be done in' N'orth was closed ta traffic due something done," hie said. e a hip fracture and chest in- the curent yean. Councilior ta road construction work. Deputy-Reeve RudP ae *juries is a patient in Oshawa Prout, seconded by Councillori Mayor Hobbs painted out hie beiieved anc o! the town'sPa General Hospital, He was'Coombes, moved that this ne-Ithat this problem was created emplloyees, the Dog Contrai taken there by the Bowman-1quest be granted and the in-jby Counties Council. Council- Officer, had been told ta get ville Area Ambulance. Bath 'staliations be carried nut in1 lar Coombes agreed and add- Off the West Beach private the car and truck sustainedthe 1969 Local Impravements.led that the counties had the road. "The Dog Contrai Offi- extensive damage. 'This motion wag carried. 1 fence at the top of Meadow- cen oniy goes thene If hie has Two car cllided an Kingý Miss Ruby Lane ln a ietter1view removpd. This aiiowedireceived a caîl. He does not Street west in front af No. 79'camplained ta council that sheltrafic through the Vibert pro- pto rvt od, aa on Saturday at four p.m. Thehad been bilied by the PU C penty ta High Street. Hobbs pointed out. *drivers involved were George ' for a new watermain up ta hcr, "I move that Reeve Oke and ý Deput y-Reeve Rundie, sec- *S. Hoekstra. R.R. 5. Bowman- home on Grant's Lane. She!DePuty-Reeve Rundie take this'onded by Councilior Dykstra. ville, and Rager F. Mo1a1 pointed out that she consIder- mnatter ta Cobourg and sec if moved that no action be taken, -Hampton. ýed this unfair as the break'Jthey can get same action tramn and this motion was carnied. - Counties Council ta remedy -________ the damage. This was second - ed by Councilior Shackelton., CORPRATIN 0FTHEand carried. wr asd Ele£àc ts CORPORATION OF THE Two By-Laws wr asd TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE by counicil. No. 69-3 authoniz-1P es d n es the purchase a! the Smith P s d n -Beverage Propenty at the cor-1 J FO AEOE ner of Church and Divisionl FO AEOE Streets fan $30,000, and the were alsa eiected by acclama- payment o! $1.740 for the tian. They are W. Maîndonald, demolition o! the building on Mrs. Lyle McMahon, Mrs. this land subi ect ta the ne- Robert Dykstra, Frank Samis, moval o! ahl mateniais and the and Chanies Downey. The five levelling of the lot. dinectors elected for aon L..~ E .ABy-Law No. 69-4, which was yean terni are John Cruick- .i eualso given three neadings and shankG1rs. A. uMs tax reistration ta be requined son, and Mrs. Barney Dilling. by the town. These lands are' The Secretary - Treasurer * Applications wiIl be received by the under. located at Crystai Beach, which an sisatwilbe appoint- - signed for the position of Fire Chief. ville West Beach. ing. The auditors appointed The Anea Refuse Disposai are Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., Suitbleapplcans wiI hve asoud knwl- Study was discussed, and then [and A. L. Hooey. Jiu . ý~secanded by Councillor IJyk- 'On behal! o! the -M-mmbers stra. Mns. Garson expnessed appre- Police Chie! Bennard R., ciation o! the work o! Mns. Kitneys report an bis Investi-1 Fletchenr during her two years gation o! a nced for a cross- in office as president. Past I waik at King and Silver' President Fletcher thanked j Streets for school-childenwas 1 ail for the o-aperation she V olun eer F rem enreceîved. Chie! Kitnev statedi had received. and she promis- V oluntee fi rem eniJebhie Lynne Panker, agelcd that she will continue ta 11,hdbeen In collision withltake a vital interest in the Appictinsar ivitd ro iteesed a car at that crnrPal 'nSociety and its wonk. Appictios re nvtedfrm iteestd Decem-ber, and was xmnd She then cailed on the new persons desirous of evn their cm by a doctor. She had recelved president, Mrs. Meeks, ta take muit i te a sery fvlng c!aomieonhr et rst"techair. President Meeks muniy inthe apaity f vounter a"Th-re was sanie evidence expressed her gratitude ta the f firemnan. that she had waiked into the memnbers Mor their election of side o! a moving vehicie, the hon as president. She con- Firenien receive an annual remnuneration of repart stated. It added that ducted ic draw, and -the. win- $625 and are paid for attendance at f ires ini the. Township of Darlington. DFICOITTE DIPLEN D Any person 21 years ot age or over, can provide l, Ub L.IN1 a amedical certificat. of physical fituess, and HASKINS & SELLS ahie to respond to a fire alarm is requested te submit their application te tthe undersigned jhree conat as soon as possible. OFFICES 13< MAOR CANADI CITnS A. L IBYRON, OSHAWA BHOPPING CENT OSHAWA TOwi Clrk PARTNER8 : GOMMO fW. IJEULV. A.. L 40 TipernoeStreet HURT 3. WA4 s, O.A. BbWmanville, Ontario PHONE '728 --527 'Id chlld wouid be In.o0p u1etgovornment doeg not put MM 8th, 7th and Mthln the Tcw F~uh I* ' 23,0> a total o! $31.oJeJa ite recommendatIons o! the Hal uitrim Rotary An,) fore, the exemption uer 21: Carter Report Into effect. We tomes Jean Biliett played the piano Syears was $15,000. are lmplementing the gaod accompaniment for th ei r M e t n Tere are good Ideas In' ot ' Iýreot btaiN I* htnumt>crs. M eetinl behnd 'Th ewiaw. section,; are not as good. The ig ih After dinner, dancing to (FROM PAGE ONEý let us keep the goad pninciples government wants ta impie- (RMPG N)temsco ilMla n ilswieora i!etaho bs-and philosophy, and try to ment an entirely new tait (FOM PAhiONEchstausio!ih iarandw hiswieora if t hr us hvedeais orecedtht'teni so the burden will be, duced by Vice-President Tom 1s oceta saa a band, wiih be exempt tram tax- j have detlis co rtd h at ped oefaryamong Cowan Girace was said byenjao'ed. ation. Previousiy under the they should have been", Mn. Canadians". Ai!. Allun. President Richards President Thiesburger in- existing legisiation a husband Honey* said. Mn. Honey expiained that jof Branch 178, R.C.L., on be- troduced a speciai guest, a couid give a once ln a life-.c mm gf nt xeein îoo 4 A large exemption for de- the pninciple af Inheritance liaI! o! ail the service club, former Rotary Ann, Jean o ie iftn ee iute.$ enen0c,0re00ve tetaxes bas long been accepted presidents. thanked the Ro- Vanstone, whose late husband "Oneof he iffculies widow a break when she may by ail western nations Inciud- tary Club fan invitingL then'i Morley Vanstone was a past "Oe ! hedifiuliesOf have severai smaîî child ren to ing Canada, It also bas an t~o the most enjoyable Ladies: president o! the club. recent years was, that any rean and educate. Under the effect on equaiity a! oppor. Night dinner and dance. h te usswr n stteaenth asc xmpi- new legisiation the burden of tunity. Over the years before President Thiesburger in-, troduced by Harny Cook as tn amount of $60.000 ie!t taxes is shifted froni the widow It, huge vested fortunes were tnoduced a new Rotanian, Bill !ollows: Dr. and Mrs. E. L. th widow subject ta estate and dependent children ta built up bath ln England and Wilson, who, had joined the. Ewent, Mn. and Mrs. Douglas axe. Hghnea etat vlue, eope utsdetheimeditethe United States, bu t estate, club durmng the last year, and! Kemp, Mn. and Mns. Perey tany. igplesn p lan s, theoley. Where the are sev-e taxation for many years has his Rotar-y Anin, Elsie. Cowling, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- Canada Pension Plan, Insun- eral chiidren tihe exemptions prevented that sort a! thing, Secretarv Hub Hooper pro-,las Rackham, Dr. and Mrs. Ence, and othen benefits often mount up quîckîy, but thene he explained. posed thc Toast ta Rotary In- Charles Cattran, Mr. and Mrs. uilt an estate up ta an is a problim whene there Is IMn. Honey spoke o! high land ternational. The reply was' Alan H. Osborne, Mn. and 5mount that put It ln a tex- aniy one chihd or two. vaus de t ugiion n by District 707 Gaover- Mrs. George White, Mn. and ber race wlgilto "Before, If bath parents planning and hobby frig. o Miller. 'Mrs. Rabert Kent, Mn. and io matter what' the size o! en were killed ln an accident at " A farmer who dias today' ne Toast ta the Ladies;Mns. Jack Lowry, Oshawa, atate going ta a widow there the saine tume leaving three! leaves a substantially langer was eloquently proposed by' Mr. and Mrs. Byron Vanstone, ,li be no Inheritance tax on children of three, six and nîne;'estate than did his fathen who Stewart McTavish. A charni-'Mr. and Mrs. Anthur Creigh- ,": Mn. Honey pointed out. years, the basic exemption was died 20 on 30 years aga. When îng and witty response was: ton, Mn. and Mrs. Don Sta- "Anothen neason for the $4 0,000, plus $15,000 for each Ilflrst stanted pnacîîsîng y ien by Rotary Ann Mvadge' pies Orona, Mn. and Mn:. ,anges î satlîsain chiid, a total o! $85.000. ýthere were few $1o00,000es- h iesbungen, wife o! the pre-' Douglas White, Mn. and Mrs. ra htpeostel it s n "Under the new legîsiation I tates. sident o! thc club. Don Krain, Mn. and Mn:. Wn ta . smali businesses and the basic exemption is $20,000! "Now with la'nd values Tewinso!tedoRaphMnyen.adM. un. Often a wife would and there Is an additionaî Jgreatly increased a fanmer's. Vizes wl e n Rotay Ann aRnt CorsJane, Tat, Mn. 'onk ta build up a fan on $10.000 exemption for each estate is aiso pnaportionaîely Vic, oly .Maken, Rotaryn and Mrs. Jack Mundaly, Mn. naîl business for years. but child, plus the diffenence forihlghen. As the fariner wanîsDrty McezRoaynd rsDnGihiyMn fshe lnherited the fan ,on each $1,000 a year fon cverylta turn bis faniaven intact Ann Marilyn McMechan, and and Mrs. John Carnie, Toron- )usiness that for 20, 30 or 40 yean between their age and 26 ta his affspning so do the Jean Siaples, Orono. Presi- ta, Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ayre-, rars she had help build up yeans. Sa ln such a case ihrre, ownens O! smail !amily bus- dent Thieshurgen presented a', Mn. and Mns. William J. ind Its value exceeded $60.000, would be the following 'id- ess"M.HaeIadadbinthday gift from the club tai Bragg, Mn. and Mns. T. C. Lwas subject ta tax. ditionai exemptions: $2.1000 lie added that provision tô,Hotany Ann Evelyn McTavish. GatchelI, and Mn. and Mrs. "The exemption previousîy for the three yean aId, $20.000 'as,,sist these people should be A group of a dozen on so: Murray Wood. as $60,000, now l would be for the six year aid. and inciuded ln the new hegîsia-1froni the cast of "The Boyý President and Mns. Thies. educd t $2,00 asa baic 1700 fr te nie yar Id.tio. Fiend", with their dinector,iburger after the dance enter- xemptian. Among athen cx- A total exemption ln all af Roy Higgins, prcsented excel-'l tained District Govennon and nptians there would be $11,o000.Ile also stated that ln his lent entertainmens. 'hey gavei'Mrs. Miller, the head table 0,000 for ea'ch child aven 26 "In tahking o! the value o!f'~ nhwai ewset x fine sample of the solos, guests, and the club executive ears a! age. For example estates 1 mean the net value.'I tetu loedfrI- duets, and ensembles from ýand their guests in anc o! the un children aven 26 would This Is the total value less the Jhrtne ta amns the musical which wîii be' Flying Dutchman Motor Inn'ç ean exemption of $40.000 .nl liabilities. If a farm îs wrt about five yeans and d uningiprcsenîed an February 5th,' suites. warththis period interesi shouid be, _________________________________ is plus a basic exemption of $70.000, but has a mortgage o!pian the balance. Foliaw- 0,000 wouid make a total $20.000 and there Is a bank 1pigd fcncuio !Mn.' remption o! $60.000. boan against It of $10,000 the Haney's addness thene was a "The, exemption for childnen net value Is $40.000., question pernod. and Mn. nden 26 yeans bas been In- Under the previaus legisIa- Honey answered the many ln- j reased very suhstantiaily-. ton a husband cauld nike a quîiries pentaining ta the new G . I.C .'s ue formula is a $10,00ex- once in a lifetime gi!t ta his legisiation. i cVAl iption fon each chiid plus an wife not exceedeing $10,000.; 35 5 J iAMIS ditianal exemption o! $1.000land a farmer couid makea, Harrv Jase, Neurastle, mov- 10 yean for every yean o! the once in a lifetime gtft ta aonc rd a vote of thanks ta Mr !d 6 !ference between a child's son or daughter o! up ta 1J Iloney. "He has given us:m ie anmpio 2yar.for nsthr yace $10,000. Bath these gifts mnuch useful Information ta-, e eempiontona treeyea jwould bie exempt tram the nlight, and we wiil ail bene fiti gift tax. hb' it," Mn. Jase said. Presi- ýr a! the door pnizes were , "A persan could also gîve dent Kennedy an behal! o! the' rs. Charles Johns, Mrs. 4 anc $4.000 gtft a year toa an ID unrham Countv Federation ofr rtue, Mns. M. Mannison,'other persan without gift tax Agitr ls hne n -T1-2 YEARS 71/% Xs L. Johnston, Ostbawa,~ This was nice for the wealthv. j Honey for his cnlîghtening __________________________ id Mn:. F. Stephens, Han- 'The new legisiatian wiîî cuit jpresentation. and assured hlm od. ~out provision fan $4,000 gifts t""Pt the fedenation would sup'kIADC It was annuounced that thel 1free o! tax. part his efforts ta abtain a' CENTRALON A I TRUST rst executive meeting will "Now a husband or wtfe <'an, $100.000 basic exemption ne-& Sa ng hehd ai the home of Mn. make any gifts during their garding Inheritance taxes. &Ja ig Corporation id Mrs. Merle Slute. Liberty lifetime or after death ta each ' _ _- ,etNorth, on Thunsday, other and ail wouhd lbe ex- ý CTCS OA iuary 23rd. empt fnom taxes. Aill hev jFORET CAH TOAY 23 K9 ing oSt. W. 62-521BOsawahl Following the business ses- have ta do Is sign a deed or FO L APINCS1 Smo S.N 75521 Ohw :nMn. Slute ohowed the write a cheque. The provision THROUGH' Mon. ta Thurs. 9 ta 5:30 vard winning movie "A for a once in a lifetirne gift o! S TAT ES M AN rOMIAHEAD Fnl. 9 ta 8 Sut. 9 te 4 ace Ta Stand", which had up ta $10.000 tram a farmer CLA S SI FI E D S0F SERVICE Bowmanville Closed Wednesdays me prescnted ai the Ontario ta his son on daughten remains. Poe6330 Lvilion at Expo. "We have been asked why- Phn 62-33____________________________ JURY & 2 KING STREET EAST Corner of TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE LOVELL 613m3361 REXALL DRUGS t Mil 4 1d 1 IL à REXALL DRUGS

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