.......................................................................-~. Q *.. '.- '.....r Attention, Tyrone Citizens tClbats9r Brha Only Six Attend Meeting! Another Ca lied for Sunday! ) liv a Hall Board Member. lhall board members and it iï Atitude. No work or no in-ý Six members of Tyrone Hall ired out bo orchestras, ban- ,olvements' Board gaîhered at Tyrone quets, xedding receptions, ld Ascn etn a en Community Hall for our An- ges, teen groups and vu - '26ali e for Sunday, J ury nulMeeting Sunday e'Jeniiig. gnoups and yetnont one corn- appeeciate members of theý Tegun t i e rydicour- munity citizen attends one boards, both boards, a CouncilI agn stemeeting was an-anu1metn.Rpsnaiv ad nounced in the Statesman ,'s ana etn.Rpeett n a few in- Comning Events column and il' People of Ty rone seoxn toiterested members of the areaiJ Is a yearly meeting that eveex'- like to be able to use the sec- of Tyrone! il .J ane aI al l nterested in their viccs of these two centres1 lt's flot a barn-raising community sbould attend. when they need them. use JusI a plea for belp for theý There was one member of themn and leave them is the survival of these two centres the Park Board present and riol ane Council representative T V B e% Ki C at the meeting. Not even oneI E I E lnterested parent of the com- nunity. Many younger child- Long Sault LOL. '464 held from 10 arn. to 4 p.m. Appli-' ren use our hall and nark and their regular meeting Janu- cations for a leader and as-' s lot misuse them! Thcy sc'nd ai-Y 7th at Tyrone Hall. There sistant leadci, must be in byl their children to the youth was a very good turnout ofFeb. 14th. Il anybody is in-' groups and If the leader can't members and one new memn-,terested please phone Mrs. A. control them, it's too bad.i ber initiated. Visiting mrm-1 Knowlton 263-2764 for more Trhey are not interested enough: bers were present from Ken-, information. to corne to our meetings to da] and Bowmanvilie. There, Friday evening the Euchre see if we have any remarký,wil be a Past Masters meet- party was not very weîî at- about the misuse of the hall ing February l4tb. tended owing to fog. There or pari-. r guess they feel it's LOB.A. No. 1244 met on were 10 tables. Prizes were aur business. not theirs! Wednesday evening, Jan. 15,'a olos r.Cr wGmlt It seeynq no one is interested with the new officers. W.M., Mrs. Ella Morden, Mrs. John as long as the hall Is open to Sister F. Moffatt; D.M., Sister1 d Mr lodCao get their children out of their L.' Taylor; Jr. D.M., Sister K., Mr. F L. Byam and Ruth,. way one night a week, and Davex'; Corr. Sec.. Sister A. An Cmrn.5-0da the arkis her tou:exvhn- hilips Finance Sec., Sisterî was xvon by Mr. Otto Madsen. ever their chiidren want to use Reta McRoberts; Treas., Sis- Fîowers int'he church Sun- It, but help out on the boards te, Ruth Bradley; Chlap., Sis-~ day morning were in memory tha ru thse wo entes.ter J. Vaneyk; Guardian. Bro.,of Mr. Fred Holroyd who N'%EVER! L Brooks; Director of Cereipse wyltwek You dont have to be a board MiterG.Biad:lstpa Rowbyeatrwek rnembr tohelp Ius attn ereSister GVerln ChatM- .Raiph Maynard, Osh - M.NrsRbes ne meetnga ear, iustaIltedhectria in; e ha-awa. visited on Sunday with 1 Congratulations and best wishes t Mr'. Norris oemeigayasa"w eli 2nd Lecturer, Sisterhis brother, Mr. and Mrs. Royx oetarsdn fSot aeNwate h ask! Is this too much for what 7M. Milison; Inner Guard. Sis- Mavoard. Rbrs eieto ot aeNwate h we provide'? ter G. Smith; Outer Guard, - peyrcoeyt i À' eertehs9r1irha rdyJn 4 r Maybe if the hall and pari, Sister D. Patton. The Degree 1th, ek i te communto i Ro brwates r nearrnnt., F in 17, Jand haMr were closed trom anyone's use' Team with the ebr ikith comn t"oet abr erTetnO .,n186adhs we'd hear from a few "Inter- drse nterfimlmberse Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Griffinl three children, Earl of Durhamn, Ont., Cecil of London,l ested" cîtizens. dress e in thiifoid hiter- and Robert. Oshawa, Misses 1 Ont., and Reita of Mission Citv, B.C., 15 grandchildren, Alsoownshexcmplifiedethe Or-LaUra Griffin and Hula of our hall board have served, ange Degree and two ne'x ns y1 36 great-rncide n n ra-ra-rncid Aiso.the pesentmembes mebers e r wclcmed, ,,Toronto, were Sunday tgadhlrnadoe ra-ra-rncid forthrefou ad fve easi emers w er we('rrid.evening SUpper guests of Mr. Because of weather conditions Mr. Roberts had birth- forthee for ndOveyersCaroli Farrow and Vivian and Mrs. W. Rahm. . day dinners at Christmas, first at the home of his and there are surely many as Hut. The lodge received a, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park grandson, Robert Goodfellow, Oshawa, and then a late abl ad s re t hlpou letter from Mr. and Mrs. boards, in and around our Marc Balvh red ere Sunday vîsitors of Mi community. There are many Marc.rdeywoaed and Mrs. Robert Lax, Wel-ý afternoon dinner at the home of his granddaughter, around and in the village who ing missionary xvork in Afri- corne Corners. Mrs. Don Adcock, Hlampton. Mr. Roberts' daughter, have older children who coud~takn h og o Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar. Mrs. Reita Clark, and granddaughteî- Susy were pres-, do their part and even if they their Christmnas gifts, telling and Tom were in Malton on, ent from British Columbia for the celebration. do have smaller cbildren. do some of the work they are, Monday to see John Hoar be- you think tlhe hall board mnm- doiflg in Afri'a. At the close fore he left for a few days bers get free babysittIng? of lodge, lunch was served holiday in New York prior o We feel our hall and park and a social time enjoyed. leaviing for Thule, Greenlan d.I are very wortbwhile orga, a eas f oratnac Mr. Earl Prescott returnedT e O o o N w fions to keep our village and at the Annual Meeting of Ty- home on Sunday from hospi1 T e O o N w area together, don't you? rone Community Hall. there tal and Mr. Lloyd Alldread1 Mrs. Charles Gray and Mrs. at Simcoe. We know many young* par-' will be another meeting on rtredhm Mna ' ohBob Lewis attended a famiiy Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale ents are complaining becauseý Stnday, January 26th at 8 feeling mnuch improved. blrthday party in Newcastle of Newtonville and Mr. and there Is no Ice on our rink pm r t ted Mi'. and Mrs. Jack Oliver on Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Mrs. Everett Stapieton areý but no one wiil pitch 10 toi Mrs. Rov Maynard visited andJon Fenelon Falîs, visit- Toni Spencer at the home of sI din two weeks holiday In hel soot, lea ad fooýSauray veingwih ltteý, ler mother, Mrs. Percy Mrs. Ross Cobbledick. 'the Southern States. the rink. Everyonelie to' Lorie H unt at Sick Children 'sMcCo0v. on Sunday. Mr. and Mes. Julien DePaepc 1 Mrs. Leo Hadder, Michelle, use the ice, bail field, swings.; Hospital, Toronto. Mvr. and Mrs. H. Hardy.! recently visited Mr. and Mes.!iMichael, Brian and bis chum, etc., but no one will belp work A Training School for the Bowrnanville, Mr. R u qs el Il Lawrence De Poorter and farn- Haywaed off Scarborough, for our park. ý enior projeci "Focîîs on Fin- Hardy, Toronto, Mrs. Earl 1ily at Delbi and Mr. and Mes., spent Sunday witb Mr. and Also. our hall sponsoesli'shes" is being organized by PrscL'tt were Satueday even- Paul Groeneveld and famiiy Mrs. Jim Middleton. weekly cuchees run by the the 4-11 on Feh. 27th and 28th: n visitors of Mr. and Mrs, - Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper G. .Alldrcad. i and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter Mrs. W. Stewart, St. Lam- , were overnig'ht guests, Fni- bert, Quebec, ber mother Mrs. day. of Me. and Mrs. Norman M. Gaskin, Moncton, N.B., S. McNally at Coîborne. aerived this Tuesday to visit W en 'ls .Mr. isnd -Mrs. Horace Best JUSeYOUR PHARMACIST ber sser and daughter, Mr. 7 attended the funerlof bis Stewrt etunedhom Wed fomerIrm MuielDearborn) ýnesdpY and Mrs. Gaskin îs at the Town Funeral Chapel. planning on staying witb ber j" ~Wbltby. o hrdyalr daughter for a period of time onJaur16h FOR YOUR FAMILY'S Mw.eek n W oo îit nhenJanuary 6th Murhy f Mrs. Tvrone visited Mr. and Mri » PRESCRIPTION NEEDS ýHarold Tivett Toronto, andi BOWMANVILLE John Hancock on Sunday, .1ie r Tieta Pi-ýJ1ur 2h Whenever you need a prescription cess Mrae Hospital. ii Mrs. Norman Winter of filled. see your local pharmacist for C) aiut es 'Oshawn' vlsited Mr. and M.Vrs.1 prompt service at reasonable prices, F. O. Cooper on Sunday after-! or .' I UtITUAIIY Ie Cà'enoon. Mr.Dv C7h e C i f*lVlr. and r.Dv Ferrier~ Your doctor may phone your DR. WESLEY .1. LANGMAID n of Nobleton spent the week- prescription to the local pharmacy i1' ,(? end wit.h ber parents. Mr. and of vour eholee. A d entai practitioner inr Mes. Orville Challice andI \" Oshawa for more than 40!" 1i> family. yeaes and active in many, /1nh Mr. and Mes. Frank Mal- 1 phases of the life of the corn- rolm or Oshawa were dinneri %IN munity. Dr. Wesley J. Lang- _ guest.s or Mr. and Mrs. Eugene FREDERICK'S PHARMACY A. D. JACKSON DRUGS JURY & LOVELL LTD. ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS J(0~~ cSci/e ?Io i<i f* ÇI) ~'amon ci? la your diaxnond Pecurp' ."Are the. claws worn thin' ý5-77Are. the shoulder diamondu loee la the hase nf the setting worr ls the band worn thin ? YOUR OLD STYLE DJAMOND RING CAN BE MADlE BEA UTIFUL AN)D NEW xmew4&YOUR OLD JEWELRY J(opers -e/eY BOWMANVILLE main. Taunton Rxoad East. R.R. 2. Oshawa, who had been seeiously sick for two months. died Monday, January 20, 1969. at the Oshawa General Hospital. He was in bis 69th rests Born Mar. 6. 1900, in Dar- iington Township, the deceas- ed was ;i son of the laIe Ar-, thur ind Loretta Langmaid. He wau rnarried June 15, 1923,ý af Bowmanville and had lived in Oshawva for 46 yeaes. A geaduate of the Royal Coilege of Dental Surgeon si of Ontario, he was a fellow -.)f the American Coliege of ýDental Surgeons and was pre-ý r sidc'nt-ec',ct of the Canadian ;Dental Association, an bonor he hadt to decline due to bis illness. He was also a mcm- her of the Board of Govennors of the Royal Canadian Dental Society. A member of the Rotary' Club of Oshawa since 1926, Dr. Langmaid served as pre- sident of the club durinz the 1934-35 Rotaey Year and was an honoearv member of tbei club when he died. He was, aiso a past president of tbe IOshawa Chamber of Com-I mnerce and of the Oshawa; Lawn Bowling Club. As a young man he was ac- tive in the Rover Scout Move-1 ment and was alszo prominenti in sailinii. tennis and base-ý bail circles. Hie was a past' nresident of the Oshawa, Beagle Club and showed witb! considerable success in trials in Canada and the Unitedi States. being the owner of a Snumber of champions. A member of Northminster' United Cburch, Dr. Langmaid: >served for many yeaes on tbeý board of stewards and wasý very much involved in the! building campaigo xvhich ce-' sulted in the building of Ihel present church. He is survîved by his wife. the former Louise Morris.! three s;ons. Dr. D)ouglas Lang-, maid. Dr. Jack Langmaid andU Dr. Ross Langrnaîd. ail of! Oýshawn-. and nine grandcbild-' rdn. lHe uwas predeceased by two brothers. Fred and Percy. The mnemorial service wasl held at 2 p.m., Jan. 22. at the, Armnstrong Funeral H om e.' -'a 'a Interiei* %'as in Mounit Law-i Cemetery. Rex. Dr. H. A. Mellow conductedî the service.1 Touchburn on Saturday, Jan.~q~ Mrs. Lornt Thompson of Blackqtock haq been with her mnother Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick f~or the past two weeks. Mr,;. Robert, McHoim of Port: Hope is staying with Mr. and, Mrs. Cecil Jones and family. I9 Mr. Milton Tam blyn lisa' patient ln Memorial Hospital., Bow,,manville. Mrs. Mort, Stewart (the, ' (b former Mary Reid of Clarke' Township) and Mr. and Mrs. SlanSk twareistiofg relatien Sask.an eSitart elfaodivand friends ln the Orono - Kendal 'district. Dorothv' and Bruce Mercer of Kendl w'ere recent dinnerI auesqts -of Mr. and Mrs. M. L., Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowers of Nestieton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton on Saturday evenilng;, IJanUary llth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter spent Sun day with M r. and IMrs. J. Harvey Winter of'; 'Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Renne Clap-: dorp. Ronnie. G ar y a nd! Cherylanne, recently of Osha- wa, re ayin wit Mr.and ,Mrs. Julien DePaepe. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey of Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and. Mro. Lorne Bowins. Mr. John li. M. (Jack) ji Coupar. age 61, of Scarbo-I.ll ough. formnerly of Orono, bu1 band of Mrs. Mabel Coupar, and son of Mrs. Annie Coupar of Dundee, Scotland, passed away on Tuesday, January l4th. Funer4l was on Fr1- day morning from the Jerrett Funeral Chape]. Kennedy Rd., Scarborough. Interment Pine Hill Cemetery, Scarborough.E The teachers of Clarke 'Township School Area and Newcastle held their January meeting at the Newt.onville school on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper xisited lier sister Mrs. W. Brvan Of BUrketon. GTCASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATE SNIAýN CILAS SI FIE I Phone 623-330.' 0 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmaanville, Jani. 22, 1969 5 e: ASSORTED PEAS 5 for $1.00 »C Domino Choice - 19-nz. Tin SAVE c9 Co TOMATOES .. 4 for 89c <' Domino Choice- 28-nz. Tin SAVE 4c TOMATOES 29C FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES No. 1 Grade Size 12's U.S.A. CAULIFLOWER 3 9c; U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Crisp - Size 24's CELERY STALKS2 Mexican Grown - Ideal for Salads CHERRY ~ 15 A 1 <f,-r$ U Domnio'sOwn Bakery Feature 1Richmello White - Pony Tail Z, 4 -c BRADLof19 Carnation No. 1 Grade RUMAUTTER068u, Florida Sweet and Juicy - Size 125's flHELHADAD TANGELOS 75dz Kieenex Assorted Shades BEUT SAVE 40 Ont. No. 1 Gd. Lgc. Size 10-1b. Mesh FACIAL TIS SUES 2 for 69c Cooin o uos6 c Gillette Double Edge Super Stainless SAVE 6it FoZENgFOnO ETRS6 RAZOR BLADES 6 9 __ New Super Dry Ban - 4-os. Size DoioCtWxor - 1O-oz. Pkg. SAVE 6 DEODORANT SPRAY $1.17- ~n rii Regular or Spearmint Famlly Sz GRKEN BEANS 4 for $1.00O MacIeansTOOTHPA&STE 99c King St. and Si F - 1 Congratulations... and a Glft Certificate for $10.00 this month goes to : Mr. Stan Dunn In recognition of the time and effort be spends on he- haif of local clubs and organizatin in our com- rnunity, and especially hiç rerent efforts on behaif of the Bowmanville Branc7n Royal Canadian Leizion. Trhis is a series of monthly awards to citizens whom we believe have contributed to the betterment of the corn- munity; normally their ef- forts, too often go unrecog- nized, so as a publie service we offer this sertes to be known as *'Citizen of the Month." Ken's Meni's Wear will send each citizen of the month a gift certificate for $10.00) as tangible recog- nition of their efforts. At the end of each vear a committee xiii choose a "Citizen of the Year" from those previously seiected as "Citiz.en of the Month'. and he or she wiil be duly rec- ognized, and a gift certifi- cate for $25.00 wîIl be pre- sented to this winner. During this series differ- ent local groups xiii be asked t.o send in their choice for "Citizen of the Moilthi FREE PARKING Ail Mercbandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Jan. 25, '68, in Bownsanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. )M!iliON DOMINON SORSLIMITED impson Ave. (Hgr yN.2 ct je& 1 0M. wo Specialsavings on DOMINION'S OWN0'" BRANDS' OFCANNED OODS!