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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1969, p. 6

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r '-~' ..- t.-. -. . v c- ...... * The Canadian Stateurman, Bowmanville, Jan. 22, 1969 Awards were recelved as foi- la a 4 to 3 scor. Th'ne rs ____________________________lows: Gotlleb Astor for the goalsNU ADr - 'IOBITUAR Largest Attendance Ever Hr o evrLumber, JckRu'icio Rview s ro oegaladtoasstCH(BDPEHK Br3rson for Brysan's Smake (Intended for last week) Strike one and Don Prout one Hawks and Wings played to Bern Johnson onean Ero Shop, Mr. Canant for Honey- Trimble one goal adoe Tedaho .H Bd well, Jack Locke for L and L Tyke Hockey goal and one asslst, while Mark a two-ali tic. The Hawks goals assist. Bob Harnesapce ehcagd6 er.ocr Ts e duoorvi c ue Stton, Rus theRoyals dfatd picked Up ofle assigt each. ter and John Johnson while oeass.TeCnca ol e tMmra optl T hree N ew Industries P rovide e fSuooSrvc tornRu- I the gar esp aednjtih aran a imgnwr crewySeeSl es.wre escored by Hrywî-B1-vllO Mr.D hlsfrSrtae oby rs ad 2 G odfry 0it to, fet ed thme lyersbya ancoed by BiPce d toLex yWestlae lket p o aladilesoffuvots M a n S e k r t A n a eNursing Home, Douglas James The Rayais' goals wore scored The first game the Barons sit.TeWn'golwr etakpcedu Bob Sinclair for the Highway- whIie Tlm Taylor plcked up 1 count. The Barons were led tosiwe Petand B an heîam and Rick Morrisoneah ad ndMyPtic.tedea- M a n S e k r t A n a i n rmen Restaurant. St. Mary's ans assist. by John Canboy with to two sssadBynHlanone assist. c a ani omnil Cement Company was aisa the The second game the Steel. goals while Paul Passant and one. YugCnd recipient of an award. ers defeated the Indians by a Joseph White picked up singles The second game the Atom YugCnd a n eevdhseuainI President'a Report 5 ta 1 score. The Steelers and Ray Dallas anc assist. The AU Stars defeatcd the Leafs This year YoungCndromnll col.H a B ow m anvillle (ham uber of Com m erce In hi- report for 1968 Presi.. goals were scored by Allan Flyors goal was scored by Ken b a 4 tao, score. The Stars' Day will be held on detLawton stated that there Brunt with tour and Tom MaeGregor, assisted by Pete goals wero scorod by Gerald January 25th with fi: gms r otikwswt h The annuai dinner meeting Insula. "We aima haul cucum- Canada In 1931 with a sales had been anc general dînner Eyman ans whîle Steve Sand- Wiloughby. Butwt wBl Leaman The. opposition this orwi oaçako aaafr4 of the Bowmanvllle Chamber bers to Bicks of Canada, the agency. Larger promises wore meeting and nine directors erson picked up two assite. In the second game the Po- anc and Brian Martin anc be toams from Guelh h cr n a otdi ay bf Commerce was hcld at the pickle makers", Mr. Wood said. obtained ti LeasIde In 1945. meetings, which Included six The Indians' ions goal was cock Real Estate Raiders and while Ian Wilcax, Ted Puk proceedin wilgtudrlcalis jin h at1 Flylng Dutchman Motor Inn Ho spoke of the property ho and the manufacturing plant luncheon and three evoning scored by Daug Ptckell. the North Stars fought ta a and Kirk Kemp had ane asaist way at 2 p.m. andcniu yer fsvcewtthbak Li" Wednosday evening, with had bought In tawn which la was moved fram Leasî te ta meecings. He seaidta te In the tliird game the Am- -aluntil ilh hoiders'ngaToronto. and r11tir- the làrgeat attendance ta date located north of the Base Lino Scarborough In 1957. Haney- luncheon meetings are hcld at enicans defeated the Cardinais were scorod by Don Childs with BantamThdcasdwsam be ~'We1COMe to New Industries" acroua the road from the woli now has 400,000 square the Flyirig Dutchman an the 1»' a 5 ta 1 caunt. Th'le Ameni. two and Gerald Morrisan one In the flrst game the PeeOBT RYfStJonsA liaChrh wau the theme for the even- Honeywell Controls plant. Ho foot af faonr space in Scar- third Tuesday of each month, cans' goals were scored by The North Stars goals were Wee All Stars dofeated, the Bowanllo. lxig. discussed his plans for con- borough, alsa 15 branches for and that membens of thc C. of Trent Masters wlth tihree, scorod by Jim Sarginson with Panthers by a 3 tao0 score.WaIlhseedooesfr PedetR. G. Lawtan, who structing a suitable building sales and Installations in oth- C. are wolcome ta attend. Wayne Whitenan ans goal: two and Eddy Gruytors one. The Stars' goals were scorcd Mm. Elizabeth B. adn fu er ihteane .presided, cordially welcomed thons for the finm's office, er parts af Canada. In 1968 the C. af C. here had and ans assist. Ken Cowie on The third game the Clippers by Grant Luxton, Peanco Wil- ail présent and said that the stanago requiremênts, main- "The latcst expansion of this 72 member finms and 162 In- goal and one asalut, whiie shut out the Kings by a 6 ta cax and Rab Simpson, whilc On Januany 10, 199,I l l-focs large turnout was exceedingly tenance and equipment. exciting company lu here In dividual membens. Ho pro- Peter Whyte hed twoasists ldb o scrore. The C hip r eneaNck Wid ondoy bsigasssb ns nWnitn]Ptiki uvvd gratfyin. H expesHdepa- Mr Wod thnkepthrBoMmnv.lWoohdr we ow icte athrke inceas in nd Tm Bttanhaw and ed b Do Farow ithahre eac hadancassît. egIns.alizbeth(Benie)anc istr, Ms.n.dE.Mac ticular pleasure that so many Chamber of Commerce for In- have 20,000 square foot Of membership for 1969. John Fnank picked up ans goals and anc assist, Berry In the second gamo the B. Gardon passedawy ShNugtn(a)oBom - wamen had shown their Inter- viting him ta the annual din- floor space. The Honeywell ,There wero 60 lettens ask- assist each. The Cardinals' Glaspoli two goals, and Marty WasGar w don fWnn-E Te)0thc1fSt lt est tIthe C. of C. by attend- nor meeting and asking him plant Is situated nonth of the Ing for Information in 1968. goal was scored by Doug Eîd- Preston anc while Bob Bickle Pirates defcated the Bravos by wsthe Widona h aeviladoebrteM. lng. ta speak. H e added that ho is Base Lino. These roquests for lsts af In- nîdge. hathnreegasss oRn He a t alswee con.ed Pirates ShoresserMich. .Also at the head table were happy ta be a prapenty owner "This Is a dopature far dustnies. Information regard- The fourth game the Har- even Greengran anc assîs goals aerd scored by Daug peg 1%s Worship Mayor Ivaninthe town ad id tht he . Henninghe withplat tt- goalsBwmaandl ZounnesraleaserviceadesbwasInhheldurh naeThe tfuneral, Dogserviceo ardnar uneald Hobbs. Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Law- bas good plans for the future. side of Toronto. The corn- service clubs' executives, bous- 4 tao0 score. The Hornots were Binsthedfunh m the twns y a asstdon s, Dou EMartino ndayg, D. ttefo h otct t tan, Rager G. Conant, Q.C., Honeyweil Contrais panyy has met witlh such a îng available, woreth mstldb Anrw JvswthBosegd the Giants by a gw avs ih ioals and nesss, Martnrdineuea oe i-Fuca oe omnf Howard L. Wood, Donald Mn. Conant, Secrctary - gaod nesponse and assistance I roquent. These were answer- two goals and ans assist , Stan 4 t 3 score. The Bisons wene eadWind n a l an Moi ng r.w.lJ.hpne o-o audy aur l n Krain, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Treasurer of Hone"well Con.-oal that It Is thinking Of ed b aur able Secretary- led by Glen Martin with threc adss obJanc sn goal wfcing wIt hainermn o-wscnuce yRv .C Brysan, Vice-Presidont Donald trois, Limited, tald the gather- daing much more here. Treasurer, Mrs. Peggy Frank. in progress, for example a while David Payne picked up wvhile assists went ta Dennis maorial Gardens. wsi amnil eeey A.MacGregor, D. J. Gilhooly Ing that ho Is keenly Intenest- Great Assistance "The long existing prablemn Snowmobile Qucon Contest, a single. Assists went ta Bil mlTmCnhn on M odnw a.d KnNcs himno dIth hmeofC Birkett, David Donian, ToddSmlTm C aan Jon MsGrdnwsbn n Aogto eutfllrl and en Ncks Charmanof d inthe hamer o Co- "Great assistance was given oif Christmas decorative street which wo are conducting for Wilcox and Eric Burns anc Whiternan anc each and Bob Clarke Township, Dna nbtswsacta h the Special Committee In morc's work, and had been an by Mayor Hobbs, Town Caun- lighting was solved. The C. the Kinsmon, who will unden- each. The Giants wcrc led Luxtan anc assist. The Braves' County, Ontario, Inr 89adMngmntadSafo h éharge of arrangements for active memben of the Ajax cil and the Clerk-Contrallen," 0of C. asked Town Council ta write any expenses. Thiscogal e srd byPuwntoli I an saaC. of C.'s. Mn. Canant stated Ho also e take oe the ownership Of test Is ta tie In with the Kins. bDWynillnon with two golann cr d by eauln ot yt ive i Mntb RoaBnkfCnd. Three Guest Speakers "It la a pleasure to be a ferned ta fînancli incentîves these îîghts for the tawn and mon's Internatioals Snow'mo. while Kevin Gibson had anc Dnoxlone w i wo ndBDeanshatyatrhnmnae ooayplbaeswn Conlttee Ohairmnan Nickq. small part of Honeywell Con- by bath gavcrnments. wc agreed to pay $200 annuaîîy bile Meet at Mosp><wt Park, and Rabert McDonald pickcd Kxan W hil Reim Brookesuriigaet gtdrcosaid that as the trois now located Ini this tawn Ho tald the meeting that tawards maintenance . February 2nd. up two assists and Randy and illa Ri hdac viigar s t e fOthdaug-Msn.CalsCtrn .L themfe Of the meeting was and It will be sure ta play a the firm's represontativos had "The P.U.C. doos all the "The C. of C. was repre- Irw n e.ffhgm h iad n te tid gm Mrs. S. N. McEI'elntn aîeaes wr eas wa9 arIdnha tthudehabr f omereboe, bt hy îkd hathhesw îgt R rpîcîgbubsetItenra nthen Gac (m.G E Wigtmn Hrr Hmbe TratheGe elcmeto ewInustie",part in the work of the examined other sites before physical wark of puttlng the sented at several meetings in Real Estate Rams and Penquins Dykstna'sFo aktFyr of Winnipeg mdegand- atn rc crW.S aproniateta bae spo es-h stated. here and the hclp given themi This was accepted by Town the new Composite High faught ta, a 2-aIl tic. The Rams defeated the Cubs by a 4 ta ovlooy Lne n Counil nd headrecarsfehtachelAnea Chaben gogals werc scorcd by Gerry count The Flyers were led ToontWlimoW.Sun Cnlr fan throc new industries, "Many. people whsn they by local municipal officiais Cueladtedrc afetShoAe hme f Leddy with two, while Don by Steve Davcy with two, Trna ward L. Wood af Wood hear the name Honeywell persuadcd them ta locate in it was a very satisfactary an- Commerce, Oshawa; Grnea t Ricard picked up two assists. Doug Tamblyn anc goal and nupont, Limited: Rager G. think of Its thermostats, wbich Bowmanville. rangement. Pine Ridgo Festival of o h egis ol eo cr n sit hi u neac n o ua anat QC. SerearyTras-tby hvesee o th wllsof "Honeywcll's plant bore Is "We distnibuted 250 Infor- Arts. and thase concenning cdabylKevin Purdy and Bill goalandThRaCidvsBaker ac A A N Nere 5 D .. turer of Honeywell Controls, hauses and large buildings," manufacturing keytape In-put matiaon booklets on aspects of convention promotion In Osha- hcetn sit h usgaswr W UM ~ . W 1E M Unilted, and Donald Krain, Mn. Canant remarked. machineny fan computer com- Canada's eccnomic way af lite wa and the area. scored by Steve Parker and WMU W -- hieàd of Canadcc. Limitcd, as 15,000 Products plexes. This keytape cuimin- ta, the graduates of Bowman- President Lawtan tbanked F00 Wee"l B" Larry Brunt while Richard the guest speakers. 'ît lu true that Honoywell a tes the need of punch cards ville, Courtice and Clarke High Speciai Cammittos Chairman In the game played on Jan. Nemisz bad anc assist. AUTHORZDSLS EVC :"This wil give themn an ap. makes millios of thermostats. by transfenring tram source Schools. Malcolm MacKenzie Nicks and this committee's lOth the Maroons defeatcd the portunity ta outline their but It also manufactures 15,000 documents ta magnetic tape. of the Public Relations and members, Don Gilhooly, Don Rangers by a 3 ta 0 score. The Midget _________________ Go eeto Initiai reaction ta the tawn, different praducts Including I For Worid Markets Publicity Cammittee bandled MacGregar, and Jack Bryson. Maroons goals werc acored by In the first game the Ban- 41H Yo e n ~nd to speak of their plans for variaus types of valves and I Bowmanville we are pro- this praiect and a letter fnom for their excellent arrange- Dan Leamnan anc and twa tam Ail Stars defeated the40 the next tew years," Mn. cquipment for satellites. ducing for the world's mark- the President was enclosed ments fan the meeting, assista, John Wood anc goal P.R.S. by an 8 tao0 score. The Nicks, who Introduced tbcm "Haneywell is highly di_ ets, exclusive af the U.S., and with cach booklet. Offnconu for 1969 and anc assist, Craig Cneghton Stars were led by Glen Rîce mid. versified and nearly aIl its cxpect shartly ta 'carry coals "The Retail Mercbants Com- R. G. Lawton was re-eîect- anc goal and anc assiat, and with thrce goals and twa as- >~ Wood Transport producta are associated with to Newcastle' by exportlng ta mittce represented by Arthur cd President for 1969 by ac- Merlin Brown anc assiat. siats, Max Johnson two goalas , Mr. Wood af Wood Trans- automation. Our company Japan. This year $ 10,000,000 Hoapen and Mrs, Fred Kramp clamation. The Immediate In the second gamne tho and two assista, Donald SmithI pont, the finst speaker, told the makes beat contral equîpmolnt worth of machinery will be mailcd questionnaires ta the Past President la Wiltrcd Mc- Boars defeatcd the Bruina bv a nc goal and anc assiat, Bob Sieeting that bis company la for space vohicles, precîsion produccd. two thîrds of whicb retail mnerchants suggcstlng alI Mechan. Others elccted for a 4 ta 1 score. The Bears Spickcr anc goal and one as- Involved in the transporta- switches, anti-submarine ton- will be sald outaido of Canada, day Wednesday clasing and the corning year, also by mc- wene led by Richard Sweet- sist. Other assista went taO tie c feshprdue nd aiy edçaan ude-sos qup-a boost for aur country's cx- Saturdays at tive p.m. from clmtowr iePe i mn with two and Tom Wool- Paul Martin with two and t>nducts ta, chain stores tram ment", machinery for bospitals, ternal trade. June 19th ta Auguat 29th. The dent Donald A. MacGregor, iier andGayRion galDv b nec Knston on the eat and and many ather things. "The ground for the new replies tram merchants wene Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. cach GaleTrroEdwoga Dsa Thvecnd anc. th Mt. < Uiroughout Western Ontanlo,! "AIl this began In 1885 with plant bore was brokeri Iat favorable In a major1ty sothsPcggy Frank, and Directars Steve Jackson had anc assiat RayaIs defeated the Cornets by ~> ½ML .- 1. ei sth iaaaPe-;th nvnin fa apr aand the builder turncd was put Into ettcct with the Arthur Hooper, George Steph- each. The Bruina' goal waa a 5 ta 2 count. The Mt. Roy- -- ___________________ wlth chain tan coal furnacos lie plant over ta us on Labar acceptanco by thase already oný Malcolm MacKenzle, Ken acored by Dennîs Bamber with ais' goals were scored by Bill BASELN D -and this was manufactured by Day. Production started in obscrving Wcdnesday after- Nicks, D. J. Gilhooly, H.B. John Adair picklng up the Euwes with two and ance___________________ _ Ithe MinneapDolîs Regulatlng October," Mn. Canant said. Ho noon closing. This committee McGee, Mrs. Freda Kramp asalat. assist, Keni Holmes anc and iCompany. This flrm mergod predicted that as the sales of also set up and publishod the and Maurice Prestan. Coun- The third gamo the- Cari- twa assista. Ken Roweoanceik ri( n r wIth Honeywll Heatîng products mount there will be Christmas store hours. a cillor Keth Shackeltn, who adians defeated the Aces by goal and nc assit, Scott sorno tîme the amalgamated that possibly this year there Golf Tounnamont at Einli Town Cauncil an the board, is goals were scorcd by Gond Cblsholm and Don Lorussa one 942-1881 AELNAA om ny ws nwr aswiîî ho a considerable addition Gold and Country Club. Thi so ietr Kowalski, Mike Bayer and assiat. The Carnets goals were 4'- onew~llMineapola. ta the plant and personnel at was very succestul ton the ImdaePs rsdn Tom Dillon while Bnian Head, scored by Carman Smith and Mn. Canant explaincd that T hsplan t the tin cvellows ptmers. W pand McMechan preaerited the sîato Mat Dillon had anc assiat eacb. Davc Ormîstan while DaveOpnti9p .Frdy atten a few yoans when the oi ajs h bgnigcvndis xess epa f officers tram the Nomin- Pes Wee A Deeley picked up anc assiat. a *y tiOpm cornpany became more and and eventually the plant bere another for this yean. atin Committee. Wrhen there In the firat game played an In the third gamo the Gen- moa butte tre gautte onldarktngaf lor a o.0000sqaew e a ane sVan opetitongatwere no furthen nominations Monday, January 6th, theenais defeated the Canucks by -bU h hogactte inmrkenf loohae 0,00 suewfoot "Rang sansCoe a ong atrg tefaon Mn. McGo t omnv l eIA od i e namqws hoteedtaHoey a major supplier of cquipment Bowrnanville Higli Schooi wth roe htnmntosb naw assoîî. t oey t the data pracessing mar- prizes: lat $50. 2nd $25 and claaed. Tha oi n aton ey things you take "oe'wllCotol.l kwet", Mn. Canant statcd, and 3nd $15. Paul Bridges won Frsd Ti ank, a ndedb a large International cornpany h spokeo f the tlrm's design the top pnize." President Law-Mn. McMechan then moved, with you? makîng praducta for eveseg work for Its pnoducts In Cana- tan said, and ho sbowed the scnddby Mr. eeta *ment oif lndustry with a. meeting the effective wirining the Naminations Commlttee'e l G1 Moët people concenr them-. that have lncreased troa "Honcywoll Is happy ta be design. Cd siate of otticers as pnesented Bwav selves with valuables that S60.000.000 ta mare thari a in Bawmariville and the ne- "The C. of C. sponsarod an- him be adapted. and thîs was might bc stolen from homne billion dollars. The number sponse tram al ides bas beon othen veny succosaful Santa canied unanimausly. s a m'hle awy vaatioing. of Honeywell omployeca bas gnatifying. It bopes ta, grow Claus Panade unden the cap- OnbaîofalpeciM. xIeIncrcased from 2.500 ta 75 000 an aeawnhbl o-al ieto tGoge Stcpb- Nicks thanked President Law-I 4, 0. . the greater danger This is a twenty tîmes' In- tribution ta the community. en, and this delightod ail chlld- tntnbsottnigwr *aight wel b. valuables that crease In a score of years. Honeywell's expont of keytape ren, local residents. and visit-to for h C. 0f C. uing 196. - ydu akealon, L, gof SientfieReserch will mean that Bowmanville "Several athor pnjects are "The numbers bore tanight are dlubè, jewelry, camp equip- lHe toid bis listeers that will be Identitied as a world the proof ot Is succossful yme inaurance would caver are constantly engaged In Cariant pnedicted. Business FR EE P A R K INGapreiaio fr ec 4q" " acatin? us scientIfIc work probing for Canadec eayTasr Fnk wk mt-APERE os actin? ai ~ technlcal breakthrouglis. He Donald Knain, head 0f A CC O Unitan c Y one C.tofmucb apause . wecas armwer ati youg added that one In ovèry eight Canadcc, Limited, stated that re ihmc plue himâc quetions. of Honeywell's 75.000 cm- bis campany la praud ta be RAY J. ILLING Finanelal Statement ployeca la an erigincer. located In Bowmanviîle, and Chartered Accountant The Bowmanville Chamben m Mn. Cariant d.scusscd Honey- that ho personally la glad ta 93 Churcli Street of Commerce's arinual fin- well's marketing and trade be bere. 623-3861 ancial statement for 1968 asLB divisions, the manufacture of "Canadec Is a new Industny WM. . H. COGGINS audited by James A. Bell. was 4c ers, cameras and scientific company. We have gane 115 Liberty St. S., Bowrnrilllefols. Bane nhnd equipmerit. Samne of the equip- tbrough our firat full year and Poo6331 January lat, 1968, $1,10().52. l STUIar &ýw ep.t. n Ani n e nowned I tir dhoe..Canadcc-.wil ii LPhon C.23-A6L2Recoipta: membership dues. SO IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE considerable success which Pin 2-49 cvrd 20 nzsfrLn L will enable us ta make a goad DR. E. W. SISSON Range Van Competition, $50-, a C L R Y- 29C ontribution ta the econamyý L.D.S., D.D.S. total expendIture of $2,660.60..-1 List W ith v T l:l:: Mr. Krain Office in bis homne Balance on hand December FOOD FRICES AND BONUS BOOSTER ITEMS EFFECTIVE said In conclusion. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville 31st, 1908. $142.67. JAN. 22, 23, 24, 25. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT To Lls ihTetresekr ee Poe623-5604 T LIMIT QUANTITIES. fenred ta tic advantages their Ciosed Wednesday - Saturday (entrai Ontario Trust I taies veb ougc, h o ne- 9 n.tANLE pmdail TBTARY 9 MAA tw.Ho alsa spake of the 67 King St. E., Bowmanville A frme emlaysDS Cap " ' Bcuew haeteImportance ta Bowmanvllle of Office Hor:A omrUElyeofCm- Beoue e av te heindustries longer establisi- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. bell's Photographic Studio ehere such as Goodyear, Van- Manday tlinougli Thunsday Oshiawa, Evenett Eari Almnan P stane's MU,. Holingshead, tic 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Friday 305 Trent St. W.. Wbltbv dIed ML KI1IC F N S Bowmanville Fou ndry, Glen Closd Saturday and Sunday suddenly January 14, 1969, at' 41 O, -o M O T A E F N S Ras and L and L Toals. Phone 623-7662 the Oshawa Genenai Hospital.. U M_ _ President Lawton also c-__________ The deceased who was In is'242 to sel or roerypnessed bis personal apprecîa- Insu711i yean, had been alck foran" to el yurprpe yI tian to the three guest speak- sr a n ce a short time. dm ors. Ho misa told the gathen- A son af the late Mn. andi- - -a to your advantageIng that It is hoped ta have DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Mrs. James Ailman, the deceas- nu-$ to ouradantgeofficiais tram the aider tI- Lift, Aut. Hoe ed was barri, Oct. 15, 1899 :t MALOWWq L whn ut ie osmlneetings othe Cof C. u2 King stkW.. Bowmanville fis ilfeIn the Whitby area. In »M Citatons f Mert phlle623-5962 recent yeans lie had served as M AO CalN elEStwere then presnt.ed by Mayor H DUNCAN HINESmta1 89 U (ail Our Real Estate D~~~~~~~offet iaincfMn wrsOpto melirY He a scha ived astter, ~iREc~ 2L9F N OFSSI 4 Habbs, and announced by ______________Mns. A. Hagel (Else) f 1761 BO MA VI LE BR NC 6 25 1reidntLa to . hTH arsA. DILLETT, OB.Nestietan and a brother, Arth- RED.ROSEM*u - - 5 if. BOWMANVILLEareRANCH 623-25Z all 143nOptometnit ur. of Oshawa. 1. twa OMLUUOBLAÎI à%&IN&SHMAL ENEDeOG -R.:6 50 businesses large and srmll 13Kn St. E. - Bowmanvilie The memorial service COINMUMUFFIN TOS1ES j JENI DJNG - e.:6 i iha av mdesgnfiat ffc Hur:By appaintment lield at 2 p.m., Jan. 1,a the MOA..-D LAC cagsIn thbe extenlar and Tels hns 623-3252 Armstrong Funoral Hoam e,___ CENTRALONTASlOTRUST I1n ai ftbafr prernises thui Mon. -1s- T in. n0 Ohaw.Itrotwsi IEXk . $ ~19 mia m ous -.45,cr AK 9 SAVNO COPOATIN ungli- more trade to Bow- 9 a.m. ta 5 pin, Oshmwa non Cermetery. Bey. WUI manvire. Wed ,-and Stt. - -12 R. G, bite canducted the ThCittion of Mer Iè *hursaeventag e MmÊfýý- - 2ý it- 1 ýl

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