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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1969, p. 12

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Orono Pee Wees Win1 Ste phens Defeafs Hoo pers" Coronation CafP and Whv-te's back tii go in front ?2-20. bitisdging inb a 23-21 margZinl Upholstering met in the bat- the Cafe crev. turned on q'ht-ading mto the final stanza. tie for lu-st p1acç, I the open- fourth quarter spurt te -in John James was the nghts irig game of TuesdlaY nmght'zbv the singzle poi nt on a bas- big shooter, firng in 19 twin-bill, with Stephen Fuels ket hbRick Belinski. iust as points, while the usually low- and Hoopers Jewellers clash- the fi nal buzzer soYundrd. scormrug guards, Frank Mohun ing with the loser dropping Belinski was c he games top and Ted Dadson collected ten into the cellar in the other srorer xw th 16 points. while and seven points respective- contest. Don Degazio hit for eight. .Y. Bob Trew rounded ont tiheý Whem the smoke had cipar-, Bil HaY ro >nted ten points winners' total wth five, ed, at the High School gy m- for the Uphoisteryv club. noint- Don MacDonald hooped, nasium, Coronation had edgedi, leader Jd Hanewich adding nine poninis n the losing' Whyte's 29~-28 to break the nine and Don Martin four. caus e, Tom Pearqon and Beami Town Basketball Leaguje lead-' The ngehtcap was R nip and each adding qeven and "Morti ership deadlock. and Stephens tuck affair until Jim Beamn Richards five poinits. had downed Hoolper's to take fouled out in the fourth quar- Team Standin.* vver third place. 1e n hp Finis went on triW . i.o Coronation jumnpied Into a pour in 18 points tri six hv oroation R 5 1m ~ ,~ . big 11-4 first quarter lead andHoes The -Jwer-1 ld1hy 44 4 ý1 were in front 18-12 nt the 6-4 ai the quiart,-r andi 15-11 Stephen Fuels 6 12 Ti e e emfo rn ilhl h o haîf Wbt&~cam rorîn aihai tîe, ithSiehen Hoper 5 10Stephenson trophv for one year after winning it in Junio Tow Pla offsNewcastle recentlv during 'thetr Annual Pee \Vee Iournament. Mernibers of the teamn include, front ro\v, left to right, Richard Roberfis, .John Gi]bart, Robert ÈlII à% 01 ne ~ Henderson, Rod Car voth, Mark Mericer, Doug Black, 0111 5IUW Fl> UIUSI J iNewcastle Pee Wees Who Thev Blunk Nichols Mo tors 3-O MMHW,1-E The Canadian Satesman, BowxnvUe.IC Teb. 10, 109 horn annual meeting and the ILas;.ie annual meeting a! and Mr-. Robert Kerr, Artoni. There was a gnond atiendajîce from Eldad Il C.W. at Cihp Oshawa Ditrict Pre-hvteriil -- i~~~~~~ ~~~ ~Mr. and Mrs. Re.g. utnrieighl nKnst by A Col To tie hirdperîd thre ssis, Hoenmu wit a gal ~, ît , nd teir ousegues MranMd- llitedChîcch lsi Wdnesa'1 byAICoeInth tid ern terýarst Hmniikwiha oa ton Gray were dinnergetswe r. Vle og a OnSuda, eb 6th, the was o nly rime goal scorprd, as and One iIssisi. o ud,,Yh:of Mr. and Mrs. Chas alragetsekr Junior Town League openprd Donoghlîie madie it 3-fl for Garth Liriton played his best .f as their semi-finals7. Only one BilI*s. To thîsperindi tempers game in goal til year as he'o ensa fIs ek eyetyhecr at gm a lyddet ohwere hinh as the bocly check-!rcame up with the first. shut- Mrs. Walter Tonge. ag-~shi nStra vnn comnmitment5. Bis Blliardg 'mg coitlnîîed riîgged. with out of the season and i meUfRe.JhnKt drew first blood a-r they took sOMe henavv check s beingcouildnt. have heen at a better: the speaker at both themm-BueTylradMWse the game 3-0l fromni o~h~î~ ul. time. Gar-rh showed why h t~he Ohada Peresyera btescrs n Ms mgvn Motors. To the game there xpre six wono the- goal-tender trophy, $4iigsie nie Io the first period Nichoh mmor d îwo ors for as he marie somne great moves',. . igve nte hccmi n iiTvo eevr sorIBill's net in the first fizhfing called, with Buils rne-'that looked like sure goals. F-1 Oshawa. on WednesdaF.cosltnawrs.M.rue rinut fpa bc eeheld-eivýing fourminons and onoe Hockey fans, if this is whai fro the Orono aherea woa-frhlig i iew h off. Then a! 1:50, Baker. major, and Nîchols receiving hs- playoffs are going tobeV1> beo h Oooae Homeqiiuk and Barrabal ruFh- îwov minnrs anddone majorcikeble sure fri attend the' tenderi were: Mrs.M.1.dhson \antns . eddwnti îhoser ith IlîeFdmnonsbýon pliyved his game on Sund,~ ib e Tamblyn. Mrs. Orville hî-.~ ls rdra o B3aker Mailîno mistake asl fine5t game of hockev for tween 7 p.m. and 10 p. m_. as 'Ire, Mrs M. H. StapesMr.ri fruigbrhunn u s o k - 0 ] e d . A t t h e N i r h o l s, in a l o s î ni g c a u e , H e l e a c h e a m w ila y ngl e r . r s . R C a m a , P r r o e r r c e v r a p i z o 17:50 mark Homeniik maids playedi a s:trong rdefenis i veP their besiti win. Next weekl ecr r.R It20,tien hepth hving Bil-, Ike on Nholsintb Mrs. Wm. irwin. Mis hsteaI wi itdynae In the second period there: great scoring chances,;but was first game and Keýq's ,take on' ayorMrs e . Pn n ere bueivYloîesrcie o o uras no scriog. These periods sl.topped cold liv Linton of Egion in the second, their. ge Mrs. M utin rnofdecbl wth th 1eî~ provided some excellent hoc-- Rilî's. Howesoe h frsfrigm o hi ei...... am Mrs. MltornceHr mtdy key, bad bd rhsckîng. ta era plaY hockey andi finalsý. The plavoffs shouiri rian Ms.Lod anbrv nadMr Ro Mei, along with somte excellent d- stay mmli of the penialty box prorncessome great exciting , frirbnd Mrs. odE. .Mlsn nikle.wr îna al fensive plays. BillEs control- as; he ofly receivire one minor,:game, with some excellentl Ms.R ilat.T -s . hp led the game throughnt the'a record for Howvie. scoring chances and close,, k ýmaMrs. .Geo. Ca Mrson r.eso rs ab agad firs! two periods breaking up The big men for Bill's wpre bard cekn.Sseyt,' <s r.F ag r &Il Nichols attempts tb score.']aker t n oland an ter.I__S. zM~E aleII, Mrs. Cec. nes M vrq. Ivan Farrow. 5 0 P ' no ...,..~ ~ ~ . ~ ..~ .~ Mr. and Mrq. Ernes!Boe Momhcrs of Netvcastles Pre Wee team I h n took Robbie Lowry, Net! Vanderstoop and Bob Landry; ýMr. and Mrs. Chaies ra Recreat ion Reviews adp; n Mrt~.. *?.....oCI. nd Orno ere aogttBi ~ip ýpat n rceittornmet n hevillage and won hack now, Craig W inyBinFor-gel. Rick.y PMr a'tndf rs. EeretSa pl-I ecn o The Bowomanville Depart- The Golf Pnofes inali i Mr. rangement% for the judges n the comnolation sre.Te arc, front row, lef t to Bill WagarTm ri, Perry Meadlows, Donaldgusswo rele Ment of Recreation Conntrv Dave Zink of the Bowman-:tii Mrs. Tennant if Orono wbo ýright. Aif Adair, Dannv Store, Jim Barchard, Donald Mart in, Rickv Hatrirs and Mickey Williams. At rear i5 buSes to0 TV Station FT gnd Western Jamboree \wýili ville Counn-v Club. plidthe sandwichesforiîo Ti Blk, et-Nibtt Kn* î' i Bd îrî feature a; til- Gei FgArt-ain ess the evening. ___Y '0 .- ng andi Itwiii ne on Pgar ~a't'ei nonCanadian Thcomnil iue PoorpyLeîr~irheon meeting of Onono lîniteni evening was sponsored yte hsae noe ap PecrdngArtatF1xd lod katiýnE Club tests soonsoredi The Bowmanv:ille Depar!. __ Ch irch Womeo, Tbuirsclay,. Atron Bar f S.eX'igls cdva et the Town Hall Auditorium,'b.hv the Department iof Recrea- mnent Of ereaton Phot.g- j Fe aA 1. erog s n glcan C buc. Los C nte iot H p Bowinanvilie, tiono were belni at. the Bow- raphy Lecture beid at the eorgICngauaiostiMc n e'si.AhngheatlnicanRr-p The show ýwlll start at 8:0m. vll reao Mondav, Town Hall on Monday evening. IT h rooN esMrFhe.n Pears, (the former Orono Home andi S(ho sto ie yteNrbm e.rm.. with Jamboree regulrs Februjarv lth. The follow-iFebricary 10th. att.ractedi 30, Rena Rail) on ibein 25th Wed- sociation held a Vlniebran îra .C so Gerald Eiliotit and bis Hoe- lng memtbers bave suiccessfiliy, people to bear professional Mr. and Mr-s. Vance AllUn. painl their respects or attend- tur-neri to bis home last Sun- i Anniversany on Wedines-CadPrvi th 10F aon downers. Ted Hailman, Jban pssduthe vin s dnes. pto rphr rNer ew-M e nd rs ams1ifei dte Fel. 6th andibis br-oth- day-. Fehnuar i vl9th. 'Hall on February l4th. h 01gîsswn re. H4arper.'Richard Harper, Ivan utbWat:Sely Leddy, to.aeeoying a winter vara-: Mrs. Marshall Chai.t,enion, er M,. Howard R. Coatham Mns. Robiert, McHolm bas r-e- Mse oneCadrp o dh onPatadGre Wannamaker, Bob Ca;rpenter- Jtidtb 'Michelson, Dawn With- Mc. Newton gave an out-'tionoin the Southero States. Mn. and Mrs. Orville Chatterk a nr-ndt i oeo und r otHp e fMtr. an rs eneCap ieadfr-e cnidt en-d the rîew additions. Bnth- erspoon. standing taik on hiw fi takze Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Han- ton, Carnl and Davidi spenti visiting Mn. ar n.Cnl.oprtrndhm nSn and M.PPs lx amuhr well and Luxton and a few' Swinc Dance: Tessie. Brown. nigbt colored sldçes. along with 1r-is andi son Char-les, Mr. andi Sunday wiib Dr. and Mrs. , Tbnrsday, Feli. 6tb. Both e- Joe n ami o eerlda r îm Mreu elhmea optl n psî oe npwomes.along with Master Jane Cattran, .lane Noble', sbowbng a number of 'sîldes1 Mr-s.Bob Morton aod daugh- Keith Taylor. Nanricy and ýstie in Red Deer, Alherta-.dyfomMmra of Ceremonles J. C. Coyle. Bar-bar-a MeGIr-ktaken ln cîfies, bîgbways anditer Marilyn wer-e Surnday din-,Brnie, Brampton. Omono de e the subdeneath' IVIr1. LB. oewi atet M.and Mm. Hn aks-wsgv' o h a po GolfClaes tar Madi rd iesa Tngo Lyda nrg. r Expo. He expiained. and nec guests of Mr-s. Gen.- Min- 'ir.and MO.J Bama ni0fdt e i ahn the slain e M-.T 'iMeraL . Ho s pt oif rboogbvste erpewh or orte at demonstrated the varions ways ton. baby bave taken îîI residence ithoHspithiy enofoyed hy Th Bwmnvie epnt ss Cndc Mle, uandnitypes if tricks and skilis M.a u.Er icro. o ot tet ecsi. Haîsteri Coatham on Jn .tmanli.atint, Mrs. Catherine Sa n~ h ateeto n a Davey. !anni stayed tlo visit their- moth- Mr-. and Mns. W. A. Longz, Sunnay evening. men of Recreation wîîî con- !fTroesetTedv re- _ý Shol Boys Gym frîm Marc igueSktngCu b. FNewcastle weme dinnen guests M-syalbEll i ele ard agtein-aw, R ev. aond1 afternsedin asheeome ntrsi ad losn" 3dto April 2lst. EmpenW it:Rnda Ten- Fehruary 24th, 8:00 p.m., ln' MigssMerle Power, Miss nf Mu.r.andi Mrs. Reg. Sutton ýville <tRahe o-erLsofeelndr-. ailte. Lngw . n aanneMrs. Reg. Suttn m pandfrteAsca 3rd ~~~nant if the Orono Figure Skat- . Town Hall. witb Mm. Newton Hazel Power andi Mr. Har-îldlon Sa.uîr-dax- evenlng. :iman), Orono. will be guest' Mr. William Slaier recentl andi Mrs. Kennedy GCyadtOi5AnulMeigwbc The Teenis ciass wiil star-t ing Club.Ieuin on 'How in Take Pnwe," of Oshawa were Sun- Mc. Rober-t . Coathani r-e- speaker at the pot luck inn- attendri the Ontarijo Short- Davbd. wI n edsoty et 6.30 ami finish a!. 8:00fi .ni, Fxrt oid eia of Pictures that people wiil likeiday cinier guests of Mn. and -____ This ciass Is for Teenagers.2teO-miFgr ktigCu.t es Mrs. Gir-don Power. .__ to 18 years iof age. Tango: Beverley Tennant of -Mr. ani Mns. Julien Depape The Admit lass will star-f ai the Or-mo Figure Skatingl attenieri the Dexviite - Anier- 8:01 p.m. and finish at 9:30 club. snLUdin onD 1 Ia\af P.M. A great deai of thanks (O owli ng fernon in St. Agnes Roman The fee for Teenager-s is shouini go toi Mr-. Karl Benzing Ca tholie Chtir-eh. Cha th am, $5,00 for seven weeks andi for- the Bowmanville Clu -iI Fehriîarv 14, 1969 and spent the weekend in Sbm- l Aduit s-$7 no for seven weeks. fessioni who worke vemy Rom Pinock torik top linrs rie witb Mn. anr- Mrs. Eaw- Registrations wiii 'ne takenr-ni wvith ibese memibers to o temn îb 8 nd26ence De Pointer and familyv. l' ln *he Rece-ation Office. Town enable then i 0 f:ke these tesf.s. Mav Alldread rouled 7n6 foir Mn and Mrs. Pauil CGoeneveld iZ. Halon Mînday thrnugh Frl-b-, . E-veline Kennrtt, the test' lm-and famrIy and creîerated the day, Febmuanv lôth ti the 21st'chair-mun for ber fine work of Keen 25f) for hiZh sinigle. bîrthdas,. of threeeroîîi xfrom. 8.30 aM. to 5:10 p.m. preparing ahl the neeessary.r- WnyG-eeedadM.L ________Team Standing,% DePoonIer Ni Pts.. D T NNC GEEEThe Clu r-ke l'wu pSchoril j "LONGOAT'S ODETO NACY GRENE 9. Nonm McKepn -19.592 .12 Ar-sa andi Newcastle Public'ID PR TNY I've ne\er seen j Nancy, excepting in the press, 6. .Jac.k Macnab 19419 28 Sebîîl Tsar-ber-z breli iheir ButI rni.rîin nwwisin yu n arag i2. Ron Brock 19263 28' Febnuiur-y Meeting ai Np\w,- gret 1amtwrucces no5. Gord. Ritter 19354 251castie on Monday ufier-noon. great sucess. .. Clatn Mlorgan 18961 25 Mn. Milton J1. Tumblyn ne- I have Indian blond inherited, fromn my mother :10. Dick Dennis 18666 2.5 tunued home fr-om Memnorial and the Tribe, Î. Ding. Nolan 19679 24i Hospital, Bowmanviile. on And the Indians trio, have been athietes, 1 cant describe. 4. Bob Mar-shall 19401i2),lMînclay. Ytrprnsnutb ruadhpyfi o I. Geo. Marshal. 18906 1.5 erston assistrd Rex, Bil E,'I lotr arnt rLiS b pnu, nd apy ri tUrArges Long ai uhe reguiilan rSîîndul;\' greal skil. s:ervice at Ono n o United ll Te ruld iot hn humnat, if it did nuitgietm Norm McKeen 215, Ray sChurcb. [. rid an thnll.2<17, Grd Rittem- 204, Wayne mnanville is \'isiting ber- sisten. Ail my life Ivelo\'e'd, the different sports anîd Dentiy 202, Ron Brock 201. Mrs. Oscar J, Liixton of I the -armes, George Mar-shall 200, Walteî ot eikSre ~ So evenitnnw whciî Iamn really nid, the excitement Pirrsma 198, Bob Marshall Mr-s. oedikSrtAbm dle 196 M!Dain 19, acdobert rs G anet Game: stihlinflmes.Marnah 1.94, Gien Pr-oic! 194, of siigo and Kingstrin' Jim Robinson 194, Paf Potter were receni dininer-, ,ipests ofIl! Somne one raid "That ace n'Pr coons, the Douglas blond 13 a ld'a 9.Pc n niMsRgStfr. [ 1 1 Y r. or the bpds" ens19,Mro McKeen Mis. Fred Kelly is a paitienlt .nlu. 199, Il Bujma 39.5. Lois tin the Memînbul Hospital. -So I cari f ullv understand, the thrr.1l of steerinc wooden Wnîdcîck 19.5, Helepnn veni- Bowmni\ille. sleds; den 185, Carol Bitter 185., Mr and Mn; Raý.-modII To guide the skis goîng lghtning fas:t, riskingi deadly Pianne McReetis 184, FrediChapman were 'reent Siindav i1 fal î Tippin, 182, Fr-nie Robents svening guest.snof Mn unri Mr-; -Is scmething that only those who do it truly feel 10 lh'Rzma1',B Mt r.e HaîCp. es ttn , Westlake 179. Bob MeReelis M.Gax ope fPee.h the f hrahl. ~~~~~~~~Pr-nuit 176 Sheila Rr-nck 177. Mr. and Mrs. Clilf Cooper o 7,Ad osa17 li o nhvstdbsprns' i aourpmd eenDenie176RO ' test le*SELL......? .. .. For viu and the man %vuwe, is h vcu 1 f PGe sni 7.Ro oi-Weieiy verv vert- hesi. xvand 17~l5. AI PeJager 174. MnadMm JesP erY Tha un~'ir m crageeve thre,'1'u v-îl met erhCla.vtrn Morgan 174, Marg ui50 ri.Mr 'I Tha i vur ariae eenthreyo v met ac-1TIppns17..Nick Zondiervan irevin of Bowmanvile -speni t an eev es.172, Roger OvendnV u Satiriday with Mn. and Mns. Wihtecouirage and the verv fines effort your life Murshall 169, Sharont Robins Goirdon Powxer. wih he19,Alat rokMn. Clifford A.(Csit II mav hold, , AlnBik169. Shirley ye.RyiCnaii eioI Peter Bma,168 Branch 187. Colbor-ne, busband j The "mn' earthmaî dahe. r otfcroeî~0 oy18 ao ost1fMrs. Bertha May Conno:I tha an eathl god.168, Stan Carey 166, Lou AnnjMye Care 16, Ruy Wodwad' lesand brother of Mr. Cul- Cary 15,gsb Wodwad vin Myles of Onono, passerid I Ii - z hose wbo gu, their best, derlp e a l the finest t ol 6,NancyMorgan 162, Rital.,,,,- utkCn-ourg. Generai Town Basketbail Coron ation Edges Whytes To Take Over League Leadi M- To urna ment in Newcastle m ei-ayS OLINA n.@ Feruan meeting ofî by the hosJless. !E ~ ~ ~hlda .. eln at the On Monday evening. e.I home of Mrs. Bruce Tlnk. waç the second meeting of the '.~ opefied by President Mrs. Mur- Sln raieCtl~ 4H ray Vice, with the hymn Club opened with the 4-H " "FIIng Out the Banner". The iPledge. Lois Ashton readi the minutes and treasurer's report: minutes of our first, meeting. were read and Rppi-oved. Ar- The roli raIl was to d1splay the rangements were made to take, materlal and colours we hapd part In the Worid*s Day of chosen for nitr 'earning stit»ch. Prayer In the Hampton Edu-,es'; article. The leaders ex. «. cational Building on March 7. pialned how to create design An invitation to attend thisusiny texture and nî'mber We service Is extended to ail ladies' then eut out our material and In the community. ýwere' shown how int do tlie Mrs. Harvey Veliowîeesç. blankrt stitch. Thp meeting, supply convenor, asked that clo.-ed with a lunch of milk anyone havipg clothing to con- and rookics. tribute to the bale, please Sincere sympathv of the leave It with Mrs. H. Yellow- Soflna cormmunit.\. goes out to lees or Mrs. Bruce Taylor, as Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis. on soon as possible, so that it cao the passing of his brother, . Mr. be sent away. Walter Davis, Kediron. la-t The worship service, taken\. Also io Mr. andMr by Mrs. Donald Taylor, opened Randy Fraser, on the death of with a Bible reading bv Mrs. Mr-. Fraser's grandmother. E. Spires. Hymn ",Mak-e Me Mrs. Cowan. Cochrane. Mrs. a Captive. Lord" was signg and Frnser 1,; attending the funeral. the worship perlod closed with Mr. Elgin Taylor was a rr- the hymo 318 read In unison, cent dinner guest with Mr. and as a prayer. ýMr.s. Everet.t Cryderman. Mrs. Bumney Hooey present- Relatives gathered at the ~ ed the study on "Man and hiq home of Mrs. Harry Knox for . . . .. . . .. .family". She pointer! out that a bridaI shoxver In honor- of W: wages In China were low. but . M1,s Fave Harper, Utica, a Steven Allen, Keith Powell and Gary Cox; back rowfcommndîtîes were correspond-* spring bride-t'o-be. Ken eomnsJim Brenan Lary atsn, arkIngly low. No one lq starving Royd Knox spcn!. the vueek- Ken eornns, im Bennn, Lrry atso, Maký'but no one-, k fat. Machlnery end 'with his grandmnother. Carman, Ian Brennan, Joe Hartoon, John Robinson, 1 iç14111 very scarce so that anv Mrs. Hilton Tink. Ebenezer. David Brown, Bill Williamson and Gary Taylor; atlearth moving, etc.. Is done by Miss Lindla Fiett. was; an rear, 'Manager Tim Cox and Coach John Siater. hand. overnight guest with Miss Dale The meeting was brotight to Osborne, Ebene7er. a close with a daintY' lunch "iýisS Nancy Knox, Migs F;ave ~ered y rs.Camhel Hm-M\îe and Mr. Brian Knox \ AI....~. s-L (.. ,-...I ~.s.. A ~Âer and Mrs. E. Spires. assisted rnt i x*pntwiM iVVUII muthe \IeeIdIIUNIiPN Mr. j Yvon me ý.onsoiarion mwara

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