Births Cards of Thanks- InMeinoricam In Memoriam Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Livestock For Sale AuctionSaeWrkWndI QUUfNlLY-Grlerin and Anni I wish t, Uhank relfativ-es and ALLDREAD-In lovlng me- PAEDEN-In loving memory WATER for sale and delivered. INSULATION. blowing meth- LACOMBE premiumn boars, In- Selling, Saturda.Mrh1 EIBL ohrW1 ol nounce the birth of their twin Dr. Rennie, Reverends Rom- father Hiel who passed awaY Gertrude May, who passed 63 2313 d, h grck woo. WFr exeam to 6 1 2. No-1Rbin o .m, h e furondsur daughters. Margaret Jean andier11. Hearn and Rose. nurslng Feb. 18. 1966. aa eray1, 94_ __1r-sho hl nm Mary Joan, 6 Ibs. 153/ ozs. and staff of Port Perry Hospital. Those whom we love go out of 1Wlshlng today as we wished 198Phon, 0hrs, a estmecs leH9rr -45. ade00HEaRE -oD stockercsleer Mr. Fred Kelly,ManSre,8 6, Ibs. 10 ols.Born February Lulu Graham. 8-1* Sight bf9e,87-4337._ _ ad eier. ria e sOeron.PARTSo 12, 1969. Sisters for Teresa J But never out of mind, God could have spared you __3tand hies.wiat aeek hre ed uto. FR and Bert. Special thariks toi Mrs. Ada Carson and familv'TheY are cherished in the, many years More, BABY carrnage, six months USED washer parts, motors, every Saturday. George A. ______ Dr. E. L. Ewert, Dr. J. Rundle. wish to express their thankis heartis With silent tihought anà deep 1 old, like new, $20. Telephone1 Simplicity, Thor and Moffai McGowan 778-2213, Havelock rRpist i ye f"hee aihd raternity staff. 8-1 tin relatives. neigbosa O f those they leave behind. regret. 623-2136. 7-21appliances, nationally adlr We deliver. 64 WEEKL a klbs uoo fiends for flowersadcad.--Lovingly remembered by Lovlng memorles we wlil SIDES of beef fromgri-e tised line cf furniture. Padds Engagement ldoctors, nurses and staff of wife Lillian. 841 neyer forget ser.Poe alVnv Market, Hampton, 263-224 100 WESTERN and Ontario LIVESTOCK A EI11KN IMemorial Hospital, Rev. White 1-Sadlv missed by husband 263-2,060. 8-1 I stockers, soîd p htey a-aeuraventraeyAealhoe63353 omavîe Mr ad rs Wlia Dl-~ ndte arowFuerlHoe LLN-nloving memory of, Loi-neand daughter Jean. ---h y uy MfatFE o-. I ye. rudpiTment) v an Johnsap on, -Ellvgres T lSle mage of Whitby wlsh to an- for their kindness In the loss!'a dear father S. Chai-les Allin Thursday, anyme Orono - Every Thcornailurpes.., 7:30 p.m. -) Iva nounce the engagement nif1of oui- loved one. 8-1* who passed away February 22. _ _ 1Stoves. Good condition. Telle- cob meal, high moisture or dry South Monaghan, Bailieboro Calves, Sheeec hri Ç9'lT~TXc their daughter, Karini Elspeth,; 1968, and mother, Irene E. phone 623-5697. 8-1 shelled, also silage, can be de- 939-6855, 15 miles north 01 Reid, Auctione n ro Jl. toi Roberti John Fernlund. son'ý Oui- sincere thanks ta oui- Langmaid who passed away SCOTT-In lôving memory of~DIDsele o- hn livered or picked up at Brow- Port Hope on Highway 8 reo.2-fCNTUTO lun 0 Bwmnvll. hefortlwpsradsan tle Loin ad in i al 1heROnruarSc 24t 1952. iew Farms, Newcastle. Caorn. milesy 2ast2 il-t! rco-Bok tn of Mr. and Mrs. Ernesti Fern-ýfrien .neighbors and family April Il. 1952. Rt ct hopse wyBob Carruthers, 623-5485 for 987-4474. -tf NewcPattle.s Auctonilhes. an Fireplace wedding will take place Satur- phone cails while In hospitals. ways, Mum's life is a beautiful usd pr.Giaas __SlHep V ntd -onîh.Pne6-26 day, April 5, 1969, at 4 o~l c Special thanks to Il C.W. and Upiight and just ta h end memory, STUDEBAKER Service, new tJeeu.LOrEn 2 sill ngledswit In St. Andrew's Presbytertan jWlI., aise Dr. McKenzie, Orono. of their days, IHer dahi un ref. land uCLEANrt.NG woman, part tformle eb. atrese, 2seng mcie Church, ' Clinton and Gladvs Brown, 1 hatand Sh aSîâen OGROUND ear corn, Ï37 a-ton,'Cash Seed Sales. Com P hoe62-71.39t Forthcoming 1 Newtonville. 8.1* I What a beautifijl memoiry In sunshîne of perfect peace. !In ton lots. Frank Heimstra.1 i ne of grass seeds, se grain EPERIENCED watressover'TV, chairs. chestiedheF AN B IN 1 they left. behind. We miss her, oh how much. 263-8473, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. *lnd the following brands cf21 Apply Castle Hotel. dn dishes. othe rt s Marriage 1 would like te express my i --Ever remembered by their But realize God knew best, r a - -crn Uied Snea This frniture c(msfo seed ern.Unitd. IEXPERIENCED herdsman for hous in Oshaw.Sin Mn.andMr. Omad Rb-sincere t.hanks te my neigh- family. 8-1* He let us have many years'60BLS ayf-sgr Stewart's and P.A.G. Sanedaii-y fai-m. Accommodation without reserve.Sae t rSPTC AN bread rs. r dRbos relatives and friends for Then gentlv bade lei-est. Reasonable. A. Bons, R.R. 5,.Seed flealers Phone Black-lavailable. References requîred. o'clock. Cliff Petik u-ISALTO ertson, Courtice. wish te an-!'cards, flowersý and cails whileýFARROW-In îovîng memo- Ever remembered by eie ',1Bow,%man ville, 263-8453 after 6. stoc Ic 9ý!-433l. 6-4,'Appl\, at Browview Fam tion"e'i-.8I RR.6 nounce the forthcoming mai-- rin hospital and at home; aIsoe cf a dear hushand, dad and 'Bruce and familles. ------O---ANVILLEm riage of their daughter, Carol ithose who offered their cars grandpa. Victor. who passed AYage re ovet iA Necte-RweihDal0p8-1op' soag> so n. so n cf M n.g rea n- M rn.eVictlB p u b li c a u cti o n w o r m Ann, to Robert George Robin!to mv wife. and nurses on away Feb. 20, 1958. 1WRIGHT. Roy W-- lrime-!Ible Lloyd, excellent con-, ipUPPIE. evnPets, maie, Is NCE -ded igh Bow av iîe?1t.E.. O staa :0pr. sonson, ofro n . it orweMedical and Dr. McKenzie. Wonderful memoi-ies woven in'moi-y of a dear cousin andidition, $12. Hampton 2317.oehafS. enard Hale- ritnedReti h. ept.a-14i. 0nrSat.rd E.. Fcbrarv2:Soe ding wIU take place Saturdal .A.CTah8is sgold. fnitedelywh send vWlia rght, 1 8-1 ton 263-2187. 8-1 400, 4005 Ri-helieu St., mon t- rl Fhestrfjls interIIAIGSPCAIT March 15, 1969. at 3:30 p.m. My sincer thanks t those hod.1'2Ist.1968. ieh 207. P.Q Mys --r tak Thhoe il sapcuieIetndrywost edaw196e8.ay I21" SILVERTONE table modelGODNRtevrps.r- 8-I sets. TV's. washingmcie.I01an a ntlain in ouric Unted Ch -h. who sent cards and gifts ýDeep in oui- hearts these Sadly m issed hv his cousins, TV . $39. Rainbow M otel and r h9, dr s es a d iios 8.1* d m y ilness, te D r.' m em o ies are kept. h ile n el n e oah: Cabins. New castle 987-4540. it r d a e s o u lt . H U E E P R t o k a e .Cale n Hle, eo Newcastle 987-499.82home, 3 childi-en, live in, for'beds; qlassware, lmii ear ler guson and staff of Mdl, To lovç, te cherish, ta, neyer.1 Gavle and Allie. 8-1 i-1-co'adbad8-2mtn an el.edtbeIms 17LbryS.NBwavIe D e t h lo r n t t o e he p o-I o ge :R EM IN G T O N noiseless ty e FR E E t e a gond farm hom e, Phon 63 2 09 hee .m ' un ; b ds, desks h l t ndP3 7 9 AVERY-At Memonial Hos- ided transportation te the inTere i% a link nothlng canir ite. God pe- . oean eranSeplne 3:30 et, 8-nam un h1e6 1wie odcondition. pr aleadGra ho n :0pm 1. wash st.nd, 7 piececmoe Ital, Bowmanville. on Sunday os alfr . Yfe otir sever, A Lastinq Tiue offer.' Newtonville 786-2441 1herd, excellent watchdle'.ac-. set, china. 4 piecewcele.I_ hoseital . '9 9. Jo i' ý st81*iyear ad. Phone 987-4?49!EXPERIENCETD car salesm en Idd icker chairs., r n i- I A e ry uai- kl th, 6. a e sia93 k! n ne roi d T uc r aed 8 L e e d r e m m r nc a t For Perm anence and D ignity e w a t e8 for fast grow ing C hrysle r thi s t.o a e I o d c n ii ~. 1 1 L A v e y , B u k e a n . a g d 3 a r o d u r e r 8 - If o e v r.G O O D m ix e d h a y , 4 0 e b a e 81 l-r s- o r. T A NKg o Yeans. husband cf the late - -I- Always remembered by wife, : we suggest: r.S.Temscah.Nor rýfargaret Ann Cer.da We weuld ike te thank 'Leena and famiî,v. 81T100 or more delivered. Car- Cas dalertshp.Mapl CteMn.S. T%erms c. o eerv.Du fathercf erva yMs eiltarkvîlBrownsviîle cern- 8-1 M .vjount Lawn scadden Farms, Phone Orono Castor AStale,72-00 Sale MlerOshwa PhnteshCh2-4638. UM IN Brunt), Brighton: Rhoda (Mr- Mntes a cid Newtonviîîe FENWICK- I ovc mmr Memorial Park 9356.7t 90BYC Invicta. bronze! - 8I Aulion saleefcpîe BET OI PIN 1ue1 ameMuadFlr nindsacd elatvesMaroi6 BTC 8 L ]usl amr.adFo-finsadrltvsfer the of a .1dean sister. LilIy I Bronze S qaly, 5c ae.aOctne an ld Cax ". O o983-5018 ILI13RARY Assistant for Bewiconilents cof Fawkel evc etnjl 8-5 once (Mrs. Harold Lai-mer) Ilovel.v gitts which we neceix'ed (Spry) who passed away on Broze emorîais At, 50le baesOntai whîeC O ree 8 anil ubi lraySt-ition. 55 Mill St.SotPr Phn Igunketon; Gardon, Little Bri-lSaturday. Feb. 15th. Special .Februar-y 22, 1968. For courteous alvc please ýSponts, Highway 11,5, Orono. -- - mivll uleLbayAp ttin. Service was held In the;I thanks t.e the cemmittee in You are net fergetten sister, visit the Park Office Phone 983-.5444. 7-2 '64 PONTIAC Parisienne con- plY in writing te Mr. G. Vice Hope. Wedncsda. Fb 6h alCllc7t chageandorhesra No eer il yo b_ __ - vrtble V8,autamatie, full Chai-mac, Bowmanviîîe Puh- at 1:1,5 P.m. 1965 -yldr Vorris Funera] Chapel. Bow- 'hreadoceta Nrvrwl c e.ITHRýE speed-C.C.M. bike, six tbe -8 i ibayBorbfoeFbJee p with hydraui nw O ipanville, on Wednesda'y at 2 Doris and Lai--ySic Air. ongasIllfe and memni Jmoh l ."nc power, A-I shape. 987-4775.. pîcw, Lincoînocompete cicr- . y SinccairTemporarthsntedj $45.shBrothersast8 _____otrenitn-co leiore 4Icnemember thec. _Inter-_____ 46-tf portable typewriten, $25. Tele- 18-2 j2t. -i \ok Went B let h e s d a Cmtr iht extecd my sincere W ilrmme he _ _1toi ueuA Ivault.8- thacks te Dr. Ewert and Dr. I- -Sadîy missed b3' brothe oming Events r . - a. rr~ae _______ I gnay or teir p-efesbecalj Erest. .1* - ~ i UANTITY standing soe autematir, Power brakes and!services required, begîncînd raulic tire cagr yrui ~ U R N S - - A t M m o n l a R a s - s e r v i e s , a I e t e h e n u s e s a d - n d e s b v w o o d f r e e f o r c u t t i n g a n d e - s e n c gpn c c r c a . e - i n M a r c h , 2 2 2 K i n g S t . E a s . f e n j c , h d a l c b m e SBowmanville. on Fiida,Istaff cf the Medical Floor atýGILBERT -In lovicg memnory the honi-. Phone 72,-,(,(,ô movillg fi-cm property. Phone relIent condition. 6231-3513. ýWrite Advertiser 968, c/o The jack, hiRh pressure nenet ;earýav14h,199,ChanleslIMemonial Hospital. and te cf a dear so and brother. Oshlawa. 83 263-2137 between 6 and 7 p.m. lR -- -1 Cacadian Statesman, P.O. Boxi-. spark plug clenrRDOR)BCKAFR 13urns, aged 77 years. husband jthose who sent cards and theljWIlliam. Who passed away -Fish __ and chips,. -aIl-- you--- ---- - - *BEAT THE SPRING RITSH cha190,oit. air impct wrecch-I PRONE ORNO 983-560 cftelt raileKig c anv friends who vlsited meFebruarv 24. 1967. s n hp.alyuLNl h33 t!t ar m « SadlKingsddbymother nat, eveny Saturday nightat NEW 40 'ft. hcavy duty IV i WT OEO REGISTERED nurse fer part- ls, tire tank, vai-soltnfor__ f à t h e c f e l v i l e ,E r n e stid uA .l gJ orne s . T he1A c r e s , 9 9_ 1-tf $ 4 8 .9 5 . A n te n n a c ly , in s t l R O Y ' N I C H O L S M O T O R S i - t n - bH l h I n t la r g e d l a v r a c k , s a d d s 11 J L L U . P . tlweraan, anhenna.îasaîthe, 1 WITH ONE 0Fr ti mploy e.Nth un- tansreesbnhvs làte George Burns. Service The faI Sna SoccernClub Dance in cd, $17.00. Phone 623-2006. ITi). Car requircd, allowance pni-- pays. electric dii i *as held In the Morris Fun-,"efmily of the late Mcs. HARNESS-In loving memoi-y Solina Hall, Satunday, Feb. 1 8-tf 1 vided. App]v Bcwmanvill'a(bn,4dwe oral Chapel, Bowmanvlle.on 1EdlaBelîman wish te express 10f oui- dean daughten Wcndy 22nd witb Earl Brown's Orch- ijRECONDITIONED_ TV towers__ __I__1 OUALTTY office, Liberty' Street North.1 net, cash register. lneqat-LAIG-1RNH iýetBwavleCmtyI relativesý, fiecds and neigh-!25, 1967, age 10 years. a -Indi-cors (i-adc-mns), 40, ho frUSEDato CARS-ji f orl, n i~~ent Bcwmanvllle Cemetery. I and 60 foot structures; aIl Mut fonSi eIDqupe grCAFRSDljee _ _ _ _ _ _ bin e s fe r t e ir m r tseo e h n e y o n d t h e -N o r th u m b e rla n d - D u u h am e x c e lle n t co n d itio n . O s h a w a ' M A N fo r re ta il s to re . M s b e l a g e . T e rn is a s h .M u r y C 2 - o r AR S R V C NIGHFIELD. Florence .-At ides îwxsand cards shadowsj Libenal Association generalr TV Supply Limitcd, 723-8131 1.967 CHEV. BREL AIR willing to Icaro mer handis.. 'Noble. Auctioneer. -r lY'emo.niaî Hospital, Bowman - 1 dluring our recent bereave- Dwells a dean daughter of meigt lc eeae es- -R EA .FI tim epcmetfr____ 1 me ng o elct dlegaes t______SEANiingRFullonabemplymRatesr ville, on Sunday, Febnuary 16,1 ment. Special thanks te Dr. mine,1 the O.L.A. ConventionMo - -, 1969, Florence E. Yec of 177 IWestgart.Rcv. Ward acd;'Whom 1 looked on as ada.Fbuy2th8:Mn SKI-DOO Annual Clearance '8 Yî., automatîr transmission, ran ambiticus worker. Write Auiosae prptvo-- King Street Et. Inlher82d Nursing Staff of Medical Filo.j treasure, 1dPo eurt Hope GolfClu .m.,I caies ail new an usea ~io.h p ec cngh te h r aadiSaesman0, PO./ox he sacd, ut e pda Sit 7VU¶T~X ,erbloedwfecfJsehMemonlal Hospital. 8-1i* Whom 1 cheished as divine. .Bu ncw and Save. n c Isav]l, andAtio H ll.3 hflddenmtefMs- -But God callcd the No w reasecable effer nefused campe ri-ter. A god rlib] 8-1 t',AutnH Ontanio Sportsherof rs.oneighwaye zTERBIN O 0NE owcer car. Lic. L.90,53, 1references. ivnagad 8-1~1 L er(AieanLe-1wish to thank Drs. Syl- Ioved away, Ontri Sors, igwa 15, Oshawa. SatudaFb '-~.~tete t heNrtcutvesten and Spi-oulI. nurses cf Forget you Wendy, we neyer TUSDAnsored Hyte Juo r 72197CHV SOT npsbScrt e- .,pm:eetî tv.n-PN B Ellott uneral H o mn e. F un- 3rd Filo for special ca e . W in ; P U B LIC N otice - îth e, Ju2- R.rH AHDOPTmtn i ps ai- ca i r o m-w ~ t f e z r a h r î i - T i m n i c s i i idral service was held at 2 rards, gifts, relatives. friendsl As tîme goes on wc miss yen Chamber of Commerce PBLnC Now169tic -omi zig-DRcv., 28),ATOP tctrn-maision renplus cah bonusritom strelîntt. ahoa SAA -NW ePcloek Tuesa for klndness shown me, for, stilîl. JUBIILEE PAVILlON I zag sewing machines, scnatch-1 mission. Power stpeeIng and and filge benefits as yen chic a cabinet. cbest fd-wI70 tery. me In Memonjal Rospital, Bow- severe, The Annual Stay At Home 1makes buttonoles, regulan inished In dark gi-cen. Lux- I d. Full or part time. Air itifcdsie ucnPye____ avle c.Rmnl iteat yCu 5 hndy 19 cda 38.Poen- tardcdpie i.mi .J etz rsCn al n hIs 'blt EEA SgIvtTH-At Memorlal Ras- cd Church, Biacksteck, for was nean. r Feb. 27. 1969. Rave a box 723-9341 . 8-2 r K68531. rselidatcd Paint & Varnish cunhoards. swiveî rckeDe-IwELDINGsERV .r , i , n F i a , r y r .O n l y t h s e w h o h a v e l s t c a o l u n c h d e l v e r e d t a y u n d c c - M A T E S a e - 6 C o t nC1 6 Cr.R F L A I 6 , Q n P b 0 . B o x 3 ,.M lr a s s c o c k , 1 2 ' a m prbal iF b i a i n n e a r february l4th, 1969, Alfred Qir Vennicg. 8.1* tel for 50c per persan. Contact Ment EdS, 49.939" Contin- 14-DRH. S E ,__AIR_________cirifle d otk, n2' ira mith, aged 59 years. belcved -- - ow sad Ilspartlng and neo n. .C Gthe6,elpoe ntIbdscmît thCg eMBiEEUIMN fusband cf Audrey Nokes, The family of the late MiI- fareweil. 623-3574. 1 naibds oPleeW hCo Ecenomical 6 cyl. enigine, auto- GOOD MAN (Wîî-î1enplcut bîdgBiean Prsue ok dear father of Pat (Mris. AI. ton Kimbaîl wish te sincrely But God in goedness cemfcrts --- --8-1.lonial hcadboard, $69; 54" Matir transmission, radio. A tabaerpeciaîtyo Wake) ndHlose(Ms.~ extcnd thanks tn relativesu Pln1 oeadhv mattress, 250 colis, rayon cev- lt oe aiycr-go OVER 40 1 equipmcnt. cedar fume ed i okGaate Cook). Service was held inr ficnds and neighbors for cards To bear our bitter cno, breakfast cf balcon and eggs on er, $34.95. Munphy Furniture, transpoi-tation at neduced pnice. rTake, shorttrilps surrenndlngi r ian pot, ail lamps ad the Morris Funeral Chape,, and visits. expressions of sym- He is the only anc whc knoi% pancakes and sausage ati Cen- King St. W. 81 Local ewncr. Lic. L5339. Bowmianville anea. Mac welIpainted Portugese seofds- 2388or7-84 Bovzmanvllle, on Menday at pathy. floral tributes. dena- Row heavy is oui- îoss. CON al QenStet ë(iTENTS fi-cm model Chome: BEL AII81.000 in a onl 'res. 16' x 7'.iargint 3ý30 'clock. Interment Bew titan. and to Dr. MikIos. nurses -Sadly mîssed and Iongdfa.owmanXille this SuInday -- French Provincial chestierfield.S1.000PIncar s onus. Arae 16x7't ravleCmtr. aand staff cf Memonial Hospital, Moly Daddy, Robent and a 1. p.m. Evcryene wel ihmthn hi. iig R OTF'plus new cra bnsbArhncrreds of other ril JLF M L th eeed Segoead ia _1om.7cpr-evn. 2t ia suite, sterco and TV 16 cyl., automRtic transmission, Mail M. B. Sears, Pi-es.. Ameîil Terrns cash. MevingtVa-NS RA C M N Flwr Wh te, ase the Nortibutit'- -J Farmes! It s ta onr ï'ýcof)free and end tables, 7-pieceli a familv wth smalIlerlcan Lubricants C., Box 1707, couver. MIle KingAci Flowersliot Funrai Home. HONE--In memoy f a dear Interesti ta attend Ontaio dnette suite and many othei- childien SAFETY PAYS. Li.!1 pstai Station "R", Toronto 7' cci-. 723-050. 81IAT IE -FR CAR ATONThe Kimbaîl Family. 8-1*i wifc and mother, Frances, whe Farmers' Union meeting In Items. Ail like new. 728-3473ri043.8-1*1i TAEEC C R A INpasscd away Fch. 16, 1960. r ono Town Hall, Satunday, _ 4-tf 19c66 PONTIACjOtn.IPyMrCl e We wouid like te take.'this This Is the pictune we tenderly March Isti. ta disruss G IGR&ND PARISIENNE EESA CR R AU TO . FLOWERS and opruiyt xrs u hl ýetsGnrlFnOriz- TayorsSaddlery '2D.A C INS LWh cpport nitiy ta expess Oi- hel, men's Gen ral F.n T a lor si . HAR D)TOP W anted - a full time ial estate J6 3-62ES ugT tO- R. . SEEDS STORE sincere gratitude toi ailI frinds Deep In oui- heants her mcmory 'ation. Speaker: Mi-. Goi-donr AND RACING EQUIPMENT 1 Bucket seats, console. vi nyl agent for Bowmanville aien. AE OWEBWMNIL SEEDS STORE and neighbors for ail thei- Is kepti. Hill. 8-21 SADDLES, RACING BIKESl roof, power stecnîng pwe IExPcrîenced manager to help oKigtn0 of sor ow . Spe cl hanks to i h'sband and fam ly. 8. * o od ie C om m un ly C entre and C A T , C E S O E S b ak . 2 3 engine. F inis e d iy en plus extra adve -tising to ll r s n s f r a i t o F n D I V I S I Or n g S e e t i n d n e s s y ran d hel p i n o u - i m - Ai l c m m e c y ~i e i u x a d c m m i s s i o n s . M m b e r ' a e l le c t i o n o f q u a l t y n lu:DD 1 ~ t ~ V l~ F u n e a l A r a n e m e n s M r B e l a m y foi- alI b e r i n d -= .M O N S T E R B I N G O P h o n e 9 8 3 -5 0 0 3 L o c a l c a r . i - e . n e wnr . 6 7 9 .f7m.t R e a l E s ta te B o a r d ' a n fin e f u r n is h in gr s , l~L . r . Hospital Arrangements ncss. alse Mr-. and Mrs. Sheen- LANNO--In loving mery 5îandrLly G ee .111 Wedn oqes maker and Morris Funeal of a dean granddaghter and Next Monday Orono 1966 PONTIAC Vice-President. H. Kcth Ltd. and Imported from Soln, PUBN ETN C o sa e dd qes C hapel . icer L aura A n c. w h e passed 7:47.2*M G R A N D P A R ISIE N N E R ealtic, 181 E glInt n A ve ., Spain . A ustria, E açt e n a a-24 O R Corsge.Mrs. J. Hicks and famiy. laway Fbuay 18, 1967. I~-!4-DR. HARDTOP Toronto 12. Phone 487-333.. da. and local estates. Tî a and C t 8-1*Sh was se small te go alone, R EyDane atr trns isinRNrel i Flowers Away inta aà land unknown,; S H A W A CALL NEWCASTLE power steering, power. brakes, -r --hna-las-io,-oks EPI-TNS-N Phone My incere tihanks to rein- 1To leave her cib, biei- cherished'___ 6-tf vinyl roof, astre bcncb seats. bTILE 623-1141 t1veîdad UC adnegbos - ty 8741 Low mileage, cce ownpi- car. MA E paintingq. furniture m rc HN orlla Hr pirture bocks, the Newcastle FOR INFORMATION ON A îuxury mode] at a standard NIGHT ale ob eda YOE2325 823-55 J'tcadsreeie pleasant noise cf home. whille In hospital. A very Whene she had been thée gîcam LosCu RY PT iie i.L30 14 The Canafflan Sutesman, Býcwmanvlne, reb. le, 1969 Mugi 16-D AY. - .1 11 ! %.eT O«LorRo al R epresentative P o1 1E S E ftled with the underslgnedlawav Februîany 14, 1968. What moi-e ranld anyone de. 11-A L D o,;RLREALN 6337-USFD CARS TO CHODay. - 623-5774ANV personal repi-esentatives ono ir God gave me a wonderfnl wife. Yoni- memeny is oui- keepsakte Departing Mai-eh lSth I______4-tf iO ANA TO~Ngt foi-e Wednesday. February' Her memony wilI neve-r graw, With which we'll neyer p.10-A '-ac pca e FOR SALE - BROADLOOM rAN MARTEL AUO BO'> 2337 ZÇ, 1969,- theneafter the under- a1d. God bas you b Ris keeping igned wiIl distribute the assets He fashloned ber smile Ont o! We have yen ln oui- bearts. DAYTONA BEACH R U G S EAS AEACND' AGS Phone 623-741 adrHrwr id onlIy to the claimns then He ialed r ertc1Sadly mîssed and aîways i-e- Mai-ch 14 te 43l BRAND NEW - Pxz 12 LAG SECTO 0FRLTR4f mnuddhr er frembcred by daughter Joyce,,r frein as low as $125.0() sotdcloaN\ 6' * We will train you at oui-r uMVoT ud. god sn-n wBd n aiv. sote oosNE 99sexes e U udT FATED January 3oth. 1969. 21uegl:Ionl-a u ndfml. i-DAY CALIFORNIA TOUR Attention - Hotels, Motels, ALL MODELS 0 We will pyforyu He needed a new star tlnI sîi iDRAMHOUS ESUE0 ~~ CANADA PERMANENT heaven. ePartingr April 12 te May 2nd' Rooming Houses, Homes and aoryutT#,emwm* CA A A E MA E T evn.1OO E ad etiigChoose frein our seleeto r '4 1 .f L I I TRS OPN.A beantiful light. ta shine. 'MOORE-1In lvîig emerv et Easter Weekend Specials te 89.0Bush ndffca rry OM WHIwrCf-anyor nyor o.. rCeHa 30Bay SretToi-enta 1, Sa ont o! this world cf serrew 'oti- dean mether and grand- Washington, D.C.. New York' Must9be0d-pose ad Cf.ry .Yeowoatio on supply fulysrredn HAyrngYu arI o 4"by Strike & Stnike. I mine, ho passed away Feb 2th. APRIL 3rd te 6th Ne heldback or i-C5Cives~T"~ * l'eu selI ln your own approved lots at beanul : their soicitors herein. 6-31 Memories are treasures no onei166 Other sizes are available Y'Â,lu LL. counyPrka i-r. Perona -~ can steal. ccPi-crions foreven are memenies For Information and Aise HALL RUNNERS at - PaLctonr orapesnl neviwy Crescn I wr ocbylcne PesnlDeath i a hearitache n ne j o! yen. Brochures contact 89e a running foot wLoainFrapesalntvewSBDVfl ba eal. Today. tomerrew acd ail life & LOVELL cllorwrt ffu MC Sped Bove ore a frgt nw o aeahruhvJUY& OVL E M SMr. Tom Montgomnery Liberty St. S. - Bowviil ab& aldpostpald ini zone, INe longer ln oui- lives tic share j 25 GEC 1 13 8loor Street Eat Bw afil Mann & Martel Low Down Payins îwI sldenvelepe wtth, But T vill remem ber ne ,But ltri u-heants you arel hoei2-256'Te n cat enly %iterest Piat. Six camrples 25c. j matter hcw- long. : alwavs thene. ' 19 Kingr St. E. - Bowmanvillie Oshawa Poe6325 Ontario Sales Departrnent -em tol l.pes $1.00 Mail Ordpr i -Sadli- mlssed and 1en%-Inlv -Lm 'ngly remembered bv her 728-3473 Courtice' 1499 Yenge Street, Toronto 7 .BER t e 28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. 1 em cmýbered by husband Elh ami]v, Reg. and Mu l ly Phone 6 3 3 8 Open 9 a.m. te S P.m. Phono 728-6208 Phono (416) 925-2211 D .Lins St. W SI. Hamilton. OUt. 1-521 8-14 and Elsîs and Gnan 11rL -2 4-t 1 S.lPhn 63-26,Bowiilh DEADL1N E FOR CLASSIFIEDj 1 0LU e 9 1 1 ý51FIFH CET RESULTS