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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1969, p. 15

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4 - - - CL A SSIF E D A DS HAYDthONld The canadan semn om.i e. CLA SSIF IED A D S bas bhue sol gi eTrn Sunday school session a For entWantd t Ren Rel Esatefor alcOur United Church was the! 1:45 and church servicea ROOM for rent, furnished with' TWO-BEDROOM apartment, TWO-bedroom brIck bunga- ine ofntSaturra terg m oDv .othywas, r frhidge. Phone 623-7148 after reasonable; 3 adults. Phone low, all conveniences. Wri ;e no n em n We extend our congratulations. not able to take the churchi 3 p.m. 8-19 623-7167. 8-1 Advertiser 964, c/o The Can- East Durham County LOL service on Sunday, being ill.î FOUR roomed office on main!GOOD workable farm land adian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, held its annual meeting in the Mrs. Northey took the servi etH l o m nil floo, central location, $150. with or without buildings. Bowmanville. 8-1 OrneHlMlbok ue-Ms rn endCol-ed n 623-2368. 8-1 [Phone 728-7218. 40-tf day evening. Reports were re- lingwood, is visiting Mr. and February 18, 1969 1 immediately teohrto aeDie hty hre HEATEDapartmental uîttaft wo dro m naorequ ets eved th ouvtry lodge but r dMs uryT wtCoRBBa rpeie danfrhraebthat nd t p.m., 623-7275. 8-1*! ed In or near Bowmanville.RELO Among prominent Orange-Bomniewr Fid Bonnycastle, Tom Jermyn as by force. Mrs.MCy i r.M gl .ta FU NI HE ed oo ,ge tl Call 623-3705 after 6 p.m . m n prf e s fr re B Grand e ei g vst r f M .and Legal Aid duty couns el- intn g ref p n ed a antt e Cr si ,o e of t e ri f r manIprErred brakfastlep- 8-1 Phone 623-5300 or 623-5265LOntari East rmA Lod e Mrs. W.Blackbrn andffM-roga..Ri,23Edwalb w fteldemetcm n hetn $ioal Cll 23397. -1UNURNSHD hre bd-Live comfortably and have Sessions will be held in Peter..i ily. mon Street, Deseronto, plead- aldt e otrduheh ol gttebb h $1MOENthy tworoom oficlromH o us ae porare n.a duleicoe O ig-borough In April and local, Linda and Janet Sharp, En- ed guilty of careless drivmg lMarlene Armstog otk hrte ie to ó $1m onthilyeated,23-in7Bo-Hoiabl arehoaprer re vil-way 2 only 6 miles from Osha- È lodges are invited to attend n i illen, spent the weekend1 November 22, and was finedi the baby away, hc h i.ta ewudbekalte manill. Cll623743. -4 a lertMarch6, or Apr irt wa, large modern bungalow Battle of the Boyne Commem- with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash-!$50 and costs, or seven days.iMrs. McCoy als] aldott idosadba uhe APARTMENT, large; bed- Statesmn, 1 o 1Pada with basement apartmnent. oration In LindsayJl12 ton, Ronald and _Ray. Corporal M. Nimigon's re-lher husband whNa hn-u. March Ist. Phone 623-7167 GREENHOUSE, small barn on shvelngso at0eAt spent, the weekend with the OPP, eastbound on Highway room preparatoyt ogbeamte odn i after 6. 8-1 2- acre lot. Priced to sell. Give sehn snow tr 60wese r Bertrim- family. Mr. and Mrs. 401 mn an unmarked poice car,! bowling. HeruhdutadgbgeanorM.Mcy' APARTMENT, 4 roomed, priv- Tnes W ted us an offer.Rene(vr8)cangof Ron Morrison and family, slowed to 45 miles an hourý hustled the youglde u edbu adta twst ate entrance; immediate pos.. Bowmanville: Well kept 2- senw. For many yeas theolate Oshawa, were Sunday visitors because of slow traffic aheadi of his house. nterwypeet htgnlmnfo Quen S 8-. te i hersgebygvnta aaean ellnsae o about 95 did more than his y brakes but was unable to stop! phone and yaed tprl hvl ONE-bedroom upstairs apart- dudsindwlreev Excellent retirement home. share at the samne task. ItTr nd M wrsŠunday isitors reati nd 1 d ihohof the wap.Itwai545p.. ndJu ment, stove and fridge sup- lot ers CountR.senhosandAskn rce$690 could give _some of us a bit! of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read. damage was $160. .T t h e MCoysfudte Bxe dorndtemt plied; immediate possession. Lot 27, Con. 5, HopeTn- Orono area: Large framne ngritizens more encour-, Shirley Tabb spent Fridav EnsRYesn ecsl ol tl ia ote aldfrawe aig I ò Phoe 23501. -1ship. The highest or a sandlrebano 5night with Sandra and Sharon pleaded guilty f asutit ,eoicandwitdfoiusvihtlkectsado. CENTRALLY locate.3bd- tender will not necessarily b acres of land with irrigation Mr. Percy Rodgers 1s mak- Werry, Enniskillen. AlnGoe aasuig erarvl h on ednthv osa room apartment, large living- accepted. Tenders must be pond and equipmnent. 1½/ ing good progress In Ross Mr ndMs.Wye igotCntale.R.James'report la ies departedposgtoghanlienoi. room and dinfing room, $150; received by March 15, 1969. acres strawberries brought RBu Vr Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. weeSnasuprgstofasht Glover, aged 14, andreunwtrmfcmn'so hae.623-2368. 8-1 (Miss) N. Prouse. Executrix,$,0 la as er rcdu Mr. and Mrs. Jim Piggott, Allen Mallett, aged 13, went we enene nteMc IE ULT TWO-BEDROOi-(M-apart-ment, 17 Brown St., Port Hope. $29,900 with $10,000 down.1 Guy Leblanc Real Estate n yrone. to the Newcastle Recreation MNMNT N electric heat: adults preferred. 8-2*1 3 miles north of Bowman-1 Limited is pleased to announce y VE TO There was a good turnout Club with two girls to watch All four werefudgit Write Advertiser 969, e/o The ville on paved road, 17 acresithat R. Bud Virtue has been. at the card party held mn the the bowling. The accused1 and remanded oewe o AKR Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box DEPARTMENT OP lof land with large barn. Only, appointed to the sales staff. Miss Susan Warner of Pter- Commumty ntroe wnn atu- c me ih tormpalefenss RentCe. s 190,Bowanvllem8-nPULICeORK $1,90 -14veus0a0ofer. BudhaspasedacursoonfanrboougBan MisaLida raydayeveing.Thoe wnnig adnsme hrselayensed.RobrtiCosbe, 20 ove Gray TWObedoomup-ta-rsapat-OF CANADA 8-1 is fully qualified and anxious of this community have been were, high lady, Mrs. Goble; Then Rogerson and his friends TWOberoo ustarsapat- TORONTO DISTRICT -to serve his friends and participating as student teach- hàgh man, Ron White; low left. When the others came 0 TAFR ment, newlabdecoteena r ENER clients. ers at Queen' Victoria Public lady, Mrs. Earl Trewin; low out the first three youths IRESULTSCO N RS.LD rnediate possession. Call SEALED TNES D John F. DeWith Call him at School In Lindsay the past two1 man, Mr.21R. Paterson.d were waitn.Rgro uh osl ebro h after 6 p.m., 623-2746. 8-1* ,DRESSED TO The Manager, REAL ESTATE LIMITECD 623-7461 weeks. Marbh21 will ol their ed Glover who fell to the! HETE oe erom~mar mnitrtier eviest21 ELTR UYLELNCtveicensm n2yrl4 eunt m en ono MM hCa-s ealstik ap4rhedcr ment. Close to I.G.A. Avail- 'Toronto 2,Orntario, ad • 14 Frank St. - Bowmanville Mrs. Herman McGill of Beth- Program ommittee, Mrs. E. Later in the evening Glover able March 1. Apply, rear of idorsed "TENDER FIOR nWI- Phone 623-3111 REAL ESTATE any, just released from Pet- Topple, Mrs. Joihnson. Mrs. was admitted to Oshawa Gen- IIrd r0hr Frederick's Pharmacy, 67 King DO LAIG EEA IIE ebruhCvcHsiaji Alfred Garrard. All ladies are eral Hospital weeh a E., Apt. 1. Phone 623-7664'. BIDNS BOWMAN ORONO: 2 storey brickl In wishing her a speedy recov,- asked to bring somnething to detained for two days with Bn0I V-*,BILEGCOBOUR GAND home, modern conveniences. -- ery. be auctàoned off. Everyone is concussion. lTPLLSTNSEVC PORL HE, OONTAO"wil Main street location. Garage. Real Estate for Sl MranMs.AdNsato asked to wear something Crw AttorLIMITEDcas Wanted be receiPEd uNTIO"3:0 P.M.Priced to sell. and family and Mrs. Hank green or they will be fined• l ugstdre o .niOshawa &Dsrc o 3 CHNAfiurnefrm en- (E.S.T.) MARCH 6, 1969. BOWMANVILLE: 2 bedroom Jc Boon were weekend visitors at --- tence. Judge Baxter concur- 311una5t.E_ Wib lea ta Inia. elphne Plans, specifications and bungalow. All modern con- Malconia.BE a ®"*" t*°toyeRal saeBarrh.whty6-sa 623-2604. 8-1 Tlepone form of tender can be seen, or veniences. Garage. Priced toe IC RDreveto i n with the stipulation that he Dead26 or. Crippled bThbtained from: selli ARE: eaIBwmn- Lt., R DtoYVeie'ro it"y®e"'lo hshdha ucssfa er ek p the peaceband e o nd F a rm S to ck BowIanB le n t. w rabe .P riea tosel. A l623-2503 en e aakeeon Saturd aym r Ha lln Fra y nght Priz n Neoe sour fOsdawa out ofe PIKE U POMTL heCaetke, 0 CE AR: are 0Ing, Feb. 15, 1969, from 9:30 high scores went to Mrs. Fu saamnwr Telphoe Cllet 23-221 Federal Building, roomed home. All modern Oshawa to 12:00. The meeting was Frank White and Earl Argue; cagd.0tywt hf Telehon Colect263-721 Cobourg. Ont. ýconveniences. Two barns. The Neat and cosy 2 bedroom opened with the pledge follow- second prizes to Mrs. Myrtle with violence of a wallet and Mag ilFu am The Caretaker, ýbest of land. Priced to sell. brick bungalow off Ritson Rd. ed by the roll call. Thompson and Robert Brown. sum of money from Harlan Licece o. 04--69Federal Building,OSA :3Bero 1- Asking $18,000. The secretary's report was Mrs..Pat Mantle won the luckyMor Feuay 5t.Jh Licece o. 0Port9l OHope,3 Ont.mI1ý read by Candy Malcolm. Mar- door prize. Swerdfiger, Simcoe Street,, 5-tf Torcoperedactenderstorey brickth.ome. O11 heat- Oshawa leah Malcolm, treasurer, took Constable Larry Lamb, Oril- North, Richard Milheron, Car- W uTebecmadereon tedrinted Terms. Call: offie 16,00 Income home. 4 bedroom the collection and gave an up- la, spent the weekend with lisle Street, Robert McEach- Wante o Buy fomssupplidby the prt rm.C:ofc. brick storey and a half, with to-date report. The club mem- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ern, Phillip Murray Avenue SPCEhetrgol¯cndtor mnt and in od h a wth BOWMANVILLE: 3 bed- basement apartment, renting bers decided on the type and Ernest Lamb. and Wilhiam David Horner, rAeanae Phoned etn h condition s setandIn orth there-h room bungalow, oil heated. 4- for $85 monthly. Carries for color for the record books. Mrs. Herman McGill has re- Ritson Road, South, were re-' CANA ACOCPE RN vilole. 6-2443wt8-1te i iin e frhthr-pce. bath. Garage. Ask forl$112 at 8%7. Discussion was based on turned home from Civic Hos. manded mn custody for one vile 76-243.8.1In.The lowest or any tender not Jan Oudshoorn.i "Enlarging Embroidery De- pital in Peterborough. week. Bail was set at $5000 LIVE poultry, old-featherncsaiyacpe.9 CE ih lvl Newcastle signs" and suitable design ideas Ralph Phof, Kingston, visit- cash Or $10,000 property of ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1,J.RSMT MAAE stem EatoNwctl Income home situated on lot: for wall hangings, cushion ed with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent one surety. Bethany. Phone 7 r 13. 8-1 AD . MINIS'TRAIER Prarly Eawooded.eAskaforeJ 65 x 132 feet with eleven tops, etc. Mrs. Murray Mal- Jackson on Sunday. Swerdfiger was also charg- THEEberombrckbu-SRIE Oudshoon. sfoJa rooms, and aluminum siding. colmn demonstrated how to do Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley ed with dangercus driving on T alow with ga. rage, shaw- SR8-S1usoon Asking $23,500 with terms. the "feather stitch" and its left for winter holidays in the Highway 35 and 7A. He and SIRLOIN TBN Rowmanville vicinity, state ---- NEWCASTLE : 17 a e r e s uses, etc. Mrs. Page assisted Barbados Islands on Monday. McEachern and Horner were orWN prie ndlotsie.Wrie d-orchard. Lovely trees and well No. 2 Highway some of the members to com- Thomas Ward and Ernest each charged separately wth orWN vrier 966,o t e rCeAnd- elEtt o aekp.icuigmciey ½arswt 4 bedroom glete their sample pieces and Cavano went by plane to In- illegal possession of liquor. Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- etc. Call: office. bungalow (b r 1 e k). H a s ow to de the various stitches tercession City, Florida, on Gog oltatn o mnanville. 8-2 COURTICE AREA: à acre spacious separate 3 room correctly. The meeting was Tuesday. MG.ere Pollit cinfor W.Frank Real Esfate parcel of land. Partly treed. apartment renting for $90 ended with a short explanation Emery Smith han returned r. rmyn, duhty counese l, FROZEN F 1 Ask or Geor VanDyk monthly. Carries at 8%'/. of the Home Assignments. Pres. home fromn Civic Hospital, rquse atblbeetta FnanCia LIMITED s orGoge a •yk Barbara Wilson presided with Peterborough. lower figure but Orown At- REALTOR 12½4 ACRE LOT suitable for Newtonville 10 members present. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White te oncstewsaa M GAGE 21 King St. W., Bowmanville 1,200 sq. ft. home. Price $7,500. 1¼ acres with 2 bedroom Miss Darlene Malcolm spent entertained with a progressivemat M OR TG62 Terms. Ask for George Van- aluminum sided bungalow, 7 the weekend with the Harvey euchre party on Thursday "Robbery with violence M62 EY3-3393 Dyk. years old, askIng $16,000. Lloyds at their cottage near donating the proceeds to the calls for a maximum penalty Mto hv0ivstmN Y i Member Oshawa and District COURTICE AREA: . 3 bed- Terms. Muskoka. Bethany Women's Institute. of life imprisonment and6-71.Avrg "X.7haveit istobaly te best Real Estate Board room home. O1l heated with Oon Another unreliable prognos- The village of Bethany got whipping," hie continued. "'In ahme l mprblytees 3-pce. bath. Asking $15,900.rn tication that Spring Is just some unwanted publicity on these United Counties crimes eollateral you have. For ex 150 Acres, Gravel Tem.AkfrGog V 3 bedroom storey and a half around the bend, was provided Saturday morning when four of violence have increased ample by u g s h s ewcaslefjst ofoHighayVDy on lot 66 x 165 feet. Asking by one of our perpetual optim- robbery suspects were appre.. 100% in 1968 over 1967." GOLDEN YLO Seaboard Finance most ome- No. 2. Just listed at $48,000- - $14,000 with terms. Ists - a banty hien which hid hended on the main street. A Wayne Sands, aged 29, R.R. owners can obtain a lower $5,500 down. 100 ACRE FARM: with goodCotg away hler nest and brought out service station attendant was 2, Bethany, charged with Interest rate than ls possible 7 H Fsize barn. 8 room home. Gar-Cotg one single solitary fuzzy-ball attacked and robbed near Osh- theft of a Ford pick-up truck 3 en a personal loan. And at 75Are Morne Farm age. Henhouse. Asking $35.000. Winterized, with 3 bedrooms, last week. The arrival of awa early in the morning. from A. D. McCaskill Febru- h Seaboard you can borrow un At Myrtle on Highway. 9 Terms. Ask for George Van- fireplace and full basement, three sets of triplet lambs has Telephone calls to the police ary 13th, elected trial by this to 80% of the value of your room brick and frame home, Dyk. on waterfront lot 50 x 75 feet set something of a record forwarnearodbckithcutadplddgut poperty, or somne casetodaedPl3bathrooms firepace. aalt- 10 ACRE LOT: Loeated and 2 car garage for $3,000 Prolificy In r aofisths village about four a.m. with Constable K. Ruttans re-i FESHTATATROS Manager: Vres.rPnd.ser dr iie lew.orth0. o f ora Ge.oVny • Cottage nr-plates" hsno doubt con- ay ice rowmvid etror- trck beloha n se k e- Green Be nDa e C k James SlaCk Must be sold. $95,000 - Termis. Dyk. On lake north of Belleville, set surviving Iintact. oug retniipa ting. The fo rogye and droento Peerin- 1 King St. East 216 Acre Lakefront Farm 2 ACRES: with barn. Locat- with lot 160 x 300 feet. Good OPP Constable Parker of tbe nbou-HedowetoaPdrink P. 0. Box 177 1,0' nRieLae 6rom o5rth ofoOroG rgPriced fisl ing and hunting. Only iLindsay detachment and were Hope where hie lt the truck.| f BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO house. Terrific view. $8,01Dk STARKVILLE taken to Newcastle cells for There occurred a blanik in his3 Phone : -Termis. ,0 y. V.L.A. Property ýfurther investigation. memnory from which, he came SV 2 623336 95Aces- endl ils re iPOT HPELoel 2yer eauifl bdrombu--Mrs. A. osni sedn Mr. and Mrs. Frank White to in Otw o nwn Stone House baOT HO E: oelwithGari ao, ihpneldrc.roe fwdy i oonowt vst h i rtle ih o e o hre ehtc- J . CNIERSSF Service Station Terms. 1 The Bingo sponsored by the'evnin was provided by Mrs. us back an excellent report oftoychre hman r- Service SNewcastle- Chamber of Commerce was en- Llew 1Hallowell and Messrs. the messages from the differ- leased him on his own recog- Car ash$1.0 Mut sll.owne trnsfrred BR WN'o°ed by a good crowd on Brenton and Clinton Farrow. ent speakers. Lunch was serv- nizance. LETN CarWah $.0 stel 11 h anfere.BR WN Friday e vemng. Sunday afternoon service at ed. Conviction brought suspend-'L Includnde nathofts derinse cres n Higway oWe extend <our congratula- Shiloh was well attended with, Congratulations are extend- ed sentence for two years, PiN E nd cahamoies, atrooms. thwao . r.H asaan n otePotpo okyMrs. Lawrence Farrow as org-1 ed to Miss Jane Muldrew, with an order to keep the I E GUES-AGASWINER places, hot water oil heated.aml were with Mr. and team who were on a goal scor- anist. dagtr fM. n rs ec and be of .good be..oSTic-ruhdgg 8-1 nice grounds. Asking $33.500 on Saturday and then travel-i awa teamn Sunday 17-0 in Port ton Farrow and Mrs. B. Cas- of the five picked In Port B J's Restaurant during thatp Tems1medae cc acled on to Demorestville wherel Perry. well were In charge of the1 Hope to compete In the Dur- time. 20-ox.K ATTENTION LADIES 1 he spent the rest of the A good crowd was present Sunday School. haTraspehcnessanhst Have you had a Pap test, Choice Location weekend with Mrs. Talsma's at the dance in the Orange Wednesday afternoon last Orono on Tuesday. w.tli f am r ndo n sionematTis3 dont In the past year as a safe- 3 bedroom bungalow near'mother. Halil on Saturday when all week the ladies of Shiloh U.C.ý Mr. and Mrs. H. Staats, ter.andail nd juvhenefmat- gUar against cervical cancer? !Newcastle, lot 70' x 150' present enjoyed the good W. met at the home of Mrs. Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. oesaaletchyar ingoeAVse.AE 4 Make an appointment with $19,900 - Terms. music of Kay Adams and his JbYtrvih1 natn- etesro omnil oe assaultharges. upi your family Doctor, or Gynae- band. ance. In opening of the meet- were at Thickson's, Sunday. Yrvoe, Clouh, P 13riiLupm cologist or with the "Cancer Service Station. Bowmanville Sorry to learn that Mr Ing by the President Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler and rieu, Whiby, ariciaGuenA- RED CIRCL Detection Clinic". Women's Good garage business, valu- Alvin Mitchell (Councillor) is' Todd, all repeated the Mary family spent Sunday with Mr. eex aeades u l Collge osptal 76Grevile ale ornr lt. Akin $3,00 stll n hs ial fte reentStewart Colleqt. Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Russell, Belleville. lard, 154 Elmhurst Avenue, SO K Y St., Toronto 5, Ontario. For . Todd gave the secretary's re- Mr. and Mrs. Jack BeattyTrno n idaMro,.SV SutheTroinform.nation.eaeoal General Store surgery. His rnany friends join port and took charge of the Mrs. C. Beatty, Toronto, wer' 320 Dovedale Drive, Whitby, SA MNmse e 623-5721.nBowmainvlle Brachl Doing excellent business. it me mn wishing hm speedy roll call. The guest speaker with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer were charged jointly with A M of heCandin ancer S-Go amn community. 'eAIAOFrecovew for the afternoon, Mrs. Gart- on the weekend and visited Mr.asuto rc co n ciety. 8-1Modern store and living quart- B E Mrs. Aileen Darroch and soe ecslgv akadMs .Faijt, Pontypool. Marlene Armstrong Decemnber er. 5850 -Trm. 0 hiler daughters Lois and Janet on her hobby, button collect- who are home from Florida.'8h l lae o ulyDNTE ,SM I TeI nSrneMoe ndRsarat1 0F481 F - spent the weekend in Toronto• ing. She had a fine display, Mr. and Mrs. Kirklarid. Constable L. R. James was in- Ociental sciMoelalnesdntis Onbsyh thay.aFully M re ey Po ereporttat nicely mounted on cards with Oshawahad tea with Mr. and vestigating officer. M ARGAR N C R A jow tost high protection plan, euippd. IIealth forces sale. Eii 0toneeake e adfmro ent tennand also a Centenan efn g.L.Mlrw udye-was that vonnethelough ;s A man ged 3 can 1h00,L0tingsTeededby a i no her rcitizen has return-• cushion with the emblem In Mr. and Mrs. F. Doucette separated from her husband is5 .0 a $50,000 reducing term forl Cali 623-3393 with a proven Record of Sales.jed from hospital. Mr. Ken Sin- bttons. Evryon e enjr oyed oed housn Sarday toteir who had usy. of their $9.93 monthly premium. After 9 p.m. Cali for courteous service, clair is home again after an ncelaftexrnressed aprecia o Mlrs. E.uhildress nd ancy, for the wekend, B left the PhRoss Gilbart - Orono 983-5533 j attack of appendicitis. to Mrs. Stark. iPort Hope, stayed 1hecid with hsmther.Ms Pone Mander Rafuse - 62360 Local Representatives : 1 Another former citizen pass- The March meeting will be Woolacott twins over the cild with shmo theerlrs eSeVa et e oci - - 63-05Le Hall Bow anville 23-5211!tdawayk.nMt.eEOsawahard al te afternoon at Mrs. Orme weekend, gIving Mr. and Mrs. friends the baby's rmother 623245a' Tee - - - 3-3077 623-3711 son, widow of the late Percy Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKay and Mrs. P. Woolacott are ex-- dove tolaesarea. Tw ono thei(J 62-43Paul Peterson - 723-83221 Richardson passed away Fri- left last week for Grand Ba- pected home on Tuesday yuglde nce n h HM FGAlY for ullparicuarsat oe Brnoki - 23-787Oshawa Area Offiee: day. She was the mother of hamas to attend the wedding On Tuesday the ladies helddorfth Mcyctag PETE KOWL JR RoyFostr - rono983-801North 401 Park Rd. Cloverleaf Mrs. Jim Willis of Pontypool of their daughter. Bonnie, at a quilting ln the basement andphan equsted se the telh F OD M RKE PEanager -3. Frankter reSmithSO and Sgt. Earl Richardson of Freeport. Saturday, when she enjoyed an excellent lunch atphn syngteyhd a Reato ad nsuane 1Andy, Sutch• Orono 983-91191 Oshawa 576-6330. Petawawa. We extend our became the bride of Mr. J. A. non,. prepared by the non- tobe 8-1 j sympathy to those who mourn.iMiler of Montreal.1 quilters. . Mrs. McCoy let them in "

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