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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1969, p. 16

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%i *%»l%«aaa n tnrarm ,......ilii vpo is 111a108 Incoming Hospital President Expresses Bd's Appreciation to His Predecessor Keieth Jackson At the meeting of theBar concern.tng master planning, unnngham. Newcagtle. to t.he of Dfr-ectors of Memortal Hos accreditation, regionallzation. oiteStffo 169 plai. held recently, Board end Implementation of the 1969 The President of the Wo- M~arman W. Rex Waltersd peedthe board's apprec ton to Ketth Jackson fort devoted and unstinted etf which he had dedfrated to]I maorial Hospital over ma years and especially duri 1966-67-68 when he had sei ed as Board Chairman. "Largely due to Mr. Jac son and bis inspfred leacg uhip Memorlal Hospital achle qed the Important and vahiat status of f ull Accreditatior Mr. Walters said. 1Otiher members of the hoa ipresent at the meeting lna ~iitton to the Board Chairm ,and Mr. Jackson were Dr. C. Anfossi, Dr. C. J. AusiJ MNrs. S. G. McMurter. To Cowan, W. A. Kilpatrlck,E Xeslie, Mrs. E. R. Thompso Carlos Tamblyn, Clarke Tow 2 hip; Mrs. W. M. Rudeil, Ree .Annie Oke and George Web ter. The acting administratc Mrs. M. E. Morrison, Direct ,of Nursing, and Mr-s. R. Cull the recording gecretary. we: also present. Aspects of-the board's wci &tylinq 14y 0 0 ~Be ver4v formerty ai the House of Flaire, Oshawa, welcomes you to ber new Beauty Salon.. c¶J/ze StyUle OSloppe 37 KING STREET, W. (Formerly Joan's Beauty Centre) Phone 623-5455 Tea leave a cryst Neither! We don't beli schemes-but in facts our experienced and ai Ventures can be profitý give us a cali ? Our aimis to make yoùi BARCLAY & LI MI Business Este 37 King Street Telephone: IBRANCH MANAGER-Mt NOW Quicka Cen 59 KING S7 Self -Servi Operated L WE HAVE INSTAL UP-TO-DATE FRIGID Saves You Time and Mi 12 Ibs. of clothing - c includes spin dry - OPEN 24 HOL Parking Lot Off Quoi Entrai Cone in today -. washiug esoavenience : opoeat.ed detweet dlspe Stereo music whie you wm ex- budget- as approvied were dis- men's H-ospital Auxiilary. Mrs. 1%-en lifrph ren eg tablSpgtiluti lfrieo ci-cssed by Board Chairman E. R. Thompson. told the board the Walters for the benefit of the that. the auxiliary's Officers and end the meal with retreshing homnemade Pineapple fort new members. and executive members havel Sherhert. The sherbert should ha prepared the day Me- The Committee Chairmen been elected for 1969. and1 before, but the remaining dishes con be assembled within any for 1969 are as follows: Man- committees have been formed' nhu.I o rfr usiueasleto fgn ring agement, B oa rd Chairman for the year. rane hur.If re hFrercubsttuend.and biectin for crv- Walters; Finance. Mr. Kil- 1 -rp heesre ihFrnhbedadbsut o patrick; Equipment and Furn- - the sherbert. A gond Chianti is a pleasant addition to ick- ishings, Mr. Leslie; Public Re- B e eI S the meal. er- lotions. Mr. Cowan; Praperty HIKE PRM.A lv- and Grounds. Mr. Webster.w able and Accreditation, Mrs. Rude.~ - 3 whole chicken breasts, weighing about 12-15 reported that. the Sumnmary of MUN EW SV 2 Eggs, lightly beaten lard Operating Expenses and Sta - 1 eap Wal ad- tistics for the 12 month period ar Vru iteaspoon Pp ian ending December 31st. 1968. hyBr ltu tesonPpr H. bad been reviewed and appear- £Weof Feb. 10-18. 1Q9il cup fine dry Bread Crumbs tin, ed to be satisfactory. Some 52 French students 12 CLIP Vegetable Oil lom On a motion by Mr. Kil- travelled te Quebec City over 2 cups Canned Tomnato Juice Ed. patrick. seconded by Mr. Les- the weekend and spent an 1 1 teaspoan Basil ;on, lie, accounts amounting tO enjoyable tinie nt the Winter 1 vn- $23.3 10.46 were approved for Carnival. On Monday, man 'v esoo rgn eve payment. Finance Chairman students were catching up on Is teaspoon Garlic Powder ibs- Kilpatrick asked that J. Taylor their sleep ln the classes to: tablespoon Butter or Margarine tor, of Humpage, Taylor, McDon- maka up for the weekend. 1 i î-oz. can Sliced Mushrooms. dralned tor ald, Auditors, ha requested to Several students were out, 11Y. attend the February meeting on Monday evening helping In 1 I cup grated Parmesan Cheese ere of the Finance Committee to the Heart Fund Canvass. We I 8 oz. Mozzarella cheese, sliced and cut review the hospital's financial sincerely thank these students!ittrage rk statement for 1968. for their help. In a iepnto tianes oaosue uhomgri z- Public Relations Chairman On Monday. Feb. 10. our' nsueasme oaosue uhomgri SCowan ln bis report said that hasketball teams continued powder, butter, basil and oregano. Simmer 15 minutes. the Hospital Directory Board their winning streak. The Set aside. In a howl combine eggs, saIt and pepper. Dip in the front lobby himd been Seniors beat Dennis O'Connior chicken into egg, then crumbs. Heat ouiin a large heavy revised for 1969. He told the 31-27 while our Bantams wony board that a copy of the group over Dennis O'Connor Ban- frying pan untili very hot. Quickly brown chicken on pbotograpb taken of the Pre- taoms 30-21. The Junior team bath sides. Place in a shallow baking dish, arranged so sentation of service pins On clobbered Oshawa Catholic ln that one piece slightly overlaps the other. Pour tomato December 18t would ha given the boys gym on Monday hy mixture over chickan and sprînkle with Parmesan cheese. to each employee who had re- a score of 76-23. The Juniors oe an bk R 35'frtiymnus.Tn ceil-ed this service award. also played on Tuasday agaînst Coe adbke t350frtrymius.Tn Board Chairman Walters General Vanier. uncover, place slices of Mozzarella cheese over chicken spoke of the Initial meeting be- Students of 10 D E F visited and bake ten more minutes, or until cheesa meits. Transfer tween C.U.O.E. and the repre- the Royal Theatre on Tuesday'. to warmn plattar and serve at once. Serves six. sentatives of the hospital, D. Feb. 11. ta sae the movie Allan Page of the Hospital version of "The Tamng of the Personnel Relations Bureau Shrew" which is part of thaîr SPAGHETTI ALFREDO and J. Siarhuls, Memnorial Hos- English course this year. Alsoý 1 pound Spaghetti, very ttiii pital Comptroller, when the on Thursday, 9 A B C saw' proposals oi the engineers' Jullus Casar at the Royal 1 stick butter (1/ý Pound) union were discussed. while 1l A B travelled ta 1 cup FRESHLY grated Romano cheese He stated that Woods, Gor- Toronto to see Romea and Cook spaghetti according to package directions. While it don and Company Is revlew- Juliet at the Park Theatre. On boils, melt one stick butter in saucepan (do not burn). Ing five selected applications Tbursday, 12 D E students for the position of Hospital took an excursion ta Toronto Pour melted butter over top and toss until each strand Administrator, and wIll re- 'ta tour the Toronto Stock Ex- Is coated. Then add the freshly grated cheese and toss port their findings to the change, the York County Court again. Serve at once. board for the final choice. House wbere thay heard a Mr. Jackson spoke of a crimlnal case and finally a; PERFECT PNAPESEBR luncheon meeting held by the tour of the Toronto City Hall. PNAPESEBR Hospital Planning CounIcIl ln Examînations will be fromi 1 envelope unflavored Gelatîn IWhItby on January 22nd. This Feb. 19 ta Feb. 28 witb a 4 tablespoons Cold Water was also attended by Dr. E. L. dance on the - evening of Feb.1 4 cups Buttermilk Ewert and Acting Adminis- 28, featuring "The Taxi", a 2cp ua trator Morrison. 'Mis counicil popular group ln the Toronto 2cp ua Is ta function as an advisory area. So dont wait until the! 13 oz. can Crushed Pineapple board ta establish prioritias last moment and then be sur-i: I tablespooin Vanilla for patient care ln the district, prised when you get your re- 2 stiffly-beaten Egg Whites and will work In conjundtion port card. Solten gelatin in cold water. Dissolve ln a little warmo with the Ontario Hospital S er v ic es Commission, Mr., buttermilk. Combine ail ingredients except egg whites, DJacko explained. E ENIE n a large bowl and mix. Transfer to empty Iecb the Medical Staff for 1969,ý The Aiternoon Unit of the trays or sherbert glassas. Freeze until firm. (Best to moved that Dr. Allan B. Syl- U.C.W. met. In the C. E. room freeze avernight). Remove fromn freezer and break into vester be appointed Chief of on Feh.' llth. Anne Hoît chunks. Put into bowl and beat until smooth. Fold in egg Staff for 1969. This was sec- opaned the meeting wlth a whites. Return ta tray or freezîng dish and freeze until onded by Mrs. Rudell and car- Valentine story showIng how frn(- or) evs1-5 riad. the love of little children could frm(3hos) Sevs215 On a motion by Dr. Anfossi, spread good will through the seconded hy Mr. Kilpatrick, world. The U.C.W. will hold A thp ta make dlean-up easier the board appointed Dr. James a bake sale at the Shopping When you transfer the chicken breasts ta the Centre. The World Day of, Prayer Service will be held ini serving platter, take a moment ho fill the haking Courtica Church on March 7th dish with bot sudsy water. It will prevent the s- rat7:30 a.m necessity of heavy scauring later in the eeig aibooks. Literature Secretary Brow nies, Guides Markc ievein gt-rch-qïckMiýs. Alex Muir ta look after liev in et-rch-qickthis. Mrs. Hawke gtee compiled by the offering and it was dedi- W orlde Thinkcing D à iggressive personnel. cated by all repeating W'e abl. . wy fotGîve Thee But ThIne Own"., Girl Guides, Rangers and les and Rangers in our localityl àble...wh.ynotThe Maditation with Lassons Brownias in our area will jain 'with Church Parades, and from China was given by Mrs. with thousands ai Girl Guides special meetings. Garnat Tuhb, this time on and Girl Scouts around the ir money make money. Dedicated Thinking. world an Saturday, February Thay have rained their 22 ta celebrate "Thinking young people to become evang- Day". Chosen because the date O IU R alists on lire, with a message marks the hirtbdays ai the~ Co RAVVFORD and knowledge O ounerof SotngadGuid- IMRS.ARTHUR B. BELLMANI TED we as Christians under an 'Powell and the World Chiai B. Beliman, aged 80 years,ý obligation ta cammunicate an Guide, Olave, Lady Baden- occu!rrad at Memorial Hos-ý bished 1902 aven more meaningiul and de- Powell, "Thinking Day" is the pital, Bowrnanville. on Sun-i manding faith ta the world? occasion ai special ceramonies day, February 9, 1969. 1 tEast, Oshawa Is aur evangelism failing ha- stressing the Guide ideal of Daughter of the late Roberti RA. 3-3423 cause we do not give it the fiternational friandship. Girls H. and Clarissa Collacutt, the' Importance it deserves, or do the world aver give "Thinking former Clora Edna Collacutti Ir.Doula R.Arstrngour daeds nat always follow Day Pennies" ta the world was born at Salem and at- our w gos? lmbahip In aTbinking Day Fund, which is tended Salem Public Scbool. Ji seriaus commitmant, why do used to pramote Guiding Sewsagaut faTr ______________________we as Christians not use this tb roughout the world. onto Business Callege and method of study ta bettea- Pennies collected by local prior ta bher marriage was a understand the joyausness and 'companies and packs wll help1 secretary with the firm of richness ai real living that send traîners ta countries Lintz and Porter in Toronto. Jesus speaks af. Lat's take a where Guide programmes are On Augush 19, 1914, sbe mar- lesson from aur Chinese brotb- being established and will sendried Mr. Arthur Byron Bell-, ers. The seripture raading aid ta Guide organizations in man wbo survives' Ricas rd HrrS., bhwan r meo dsat r end sî ipn viM.llMrs. Belîman Thrs O P E Nvastee a tknb r.frCnd Ms .B ls 'Iefo 7yasadfrte OMPlte wshig cyle gain. T1he (hurch i inds itiadventure in Internationalif nesdoy, February 12th, and >mpetewahin cyle difficult to understand China! fripndsbip. was conducted hy Rev. G. K. -18 minutes. since the last missianaries lait' The major part of the Can- Word of Trmnity United1 la 1952. Somne believe China adian Warqd Friendship Fund Church. Interment was ia. is a greater tbreat than Russia. is used ta assist in the expen- Bawmanville Cematery. i J RS A DAY - Canadiens travel to China and ses of International travelling Palihearers were Messrs! exports excaed Irriports. Cana- for Canadian Girl Guides mal-t- Michael Beilman. Cordon and" id a urged bv some to recognize ing il possible for them ta par- Rober-t Moyse, Rober-t Hannah. i un Street, Use Rear tthe Republlc of China and as ticipate in International Camps Robert Johnson and Donald' we know from the papers the International Trainings and Hannah. ince Igoverniment Is now consider- International Confarence events Among the many heautîfu!' Ing doing so. Peking Is recog- each year. floral tributes, evidence of eveythng or our Ized by 45 countries and Na- Another portion of the fund thie esteam in- whicfh the de- eveytin fo yur tional1at China by 67 countries. is used for "In Travel Pro- ceasad was held, were tbo-F- coin changer, coin INa People are beyand the in- jacts" which moka it poeuiblle from. Trinity United ;Chu rcb: «Ser . .fluence of the Church and for Canadian Guides ta invite Branch 178 of the Royal Con-' i UI Criatan people should lssrn Guides from other countries ta, adian Legion, flowmnanvhlle:: wait! the i-sa! tacts., A hYren and spacial avents In Canada. Goodyear I)enartments 2432. prayer by Mrs. Down 'eiéosed This- speclal- day wiIi be!941 nn, '-)47: PoeRd l a very interesting meeting. Jniarked by the Guides. Brown- & School; friends and relatives. i Dominion Choice - 14-0s. Tin ASSORTED ýj0 PEAS JRi Centenial - 24-os. ,Jar STRAWBERRy JAM 39C Poli- Prime - 12-os. Tin KERNEL CORN 7 for $1.00 Maxwell flouse RAVE 6c A.P. - l0c Off 1-lb. Bat Maxwell House COFFEE 79C Mir Llquid - 2 - 24-os. Cont. igAVE 10e MIR D ETrER G ENT ,79c Van Camp - 14-os. Tin PORK and BEANS 5 for $1.00, Stokeli- Fancy - 14-oz. LIMA BEANS CREAM CORN KERNEL CORN ASS'T. PEAS SAVE 28c MEATY FRESH PORK Bull ROASI MEATY FROZEN IMPORTED SWHOLE OR c 3MEAL VARIETY - Roast - Chops - Stew c LAMB in a BASKET 21,lb TENDER TASTY JMPORTED - Rib & Shoulder l.9 LAMB CHOPS - J b 9 MAPLE LEAF GRADE A EVISCERATED Vae Pack Roasting CHICKENS 51hs,& over lb. 49 C ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINION WIENERS Pk: 49C MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS SAUSAGE 1-lb. 59C MAPLE LEAF TASTY 6-oz. CO KE H MPkg. 6 C MAPLE LEAF RINDLES MAPLE LEAF READY TO EAT - VAC PA CK DINNER HAMS52½ý3* -lb$1b. SRVE MAPLE LEAF SLICED Aeae .11 COOKED MEATS MACARONI & CHEESE DUTCH LOAF 6-os. CHICKEN LOAF MEAT & OLIVE LOAF Pk.( BOLOGNA PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF g 5 BITTNERS FARM STYL PORK SAUSAGE BSITTNERS EUROPEAN STYLE HAM EBOLOGNA MIAPLE LA- FRESH BONELESS BEEF TONGUES FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS lb,69c FANCY ATLANTIC MACKEREL lb. 29c Monarch Pouch Pack SAVE 26o CAKE MIXES 6 for $100 Macaroni & Cheese RAVE 1se KRAFT F0100 DINNER R1 Hilltop - Pkg. of 150s SAVE 10o TEA BAGS 89C BUY TWO - GET ONE FREE MONARCH PARCHMENT EJ F BIUY ONE - GET ONE FRIEE JACK CHEESE F BUY ONE - GET ONE FREE PARKERHOUSE SOFT F57 MARGARIN EL 57 FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Domino Fancy - 2-lb. Bag SAVE 16e BRUSSEL SPROUTS M 89C Fancy - 2-lb. Bag SAVE 16e DOMINO CAULIFLOWER 69C DOMINION'S OWN BAKERY FEATURES Richrnallo Lernon - il-os. Size SAVE 9c JELLY ROLLS -- 2for69c Richmello - Pkg. of 24 SAVE 9c ASSORTED DONETTES 2 for 69c 16-oz. 'Cake SAVE 10c RICHMELLO ANGEL CAKE 49c Richrnello 24-oz. Size SAVE 10e PEACH or APPLE PIES 39c Pkg.79 Vae b6 Pack l. 9 16-os. 49( - Pkg. lb. 59c Fresh Produce Features Florida's Finast - Sweet and Juicy - White - Size 40's Fi-rn the Famous Indian River District( GRAPEFRUITîlO'7 Ontorio Grown Canada Fancy Grade Cold Storage - 4 Quart Basket Maclntosh APPLES 7Ç Canada No. 1 GradeFirm GRE .EN d CABBAGE 10 CALIFORNIA Florida Gr'own - Adds Zest ta Salads Endive & Escarole 2R'3Y9 E >c lb c HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS FAMILY SIZE SAVE 26c CRESI 1001H PASTE 99C 12-oz. SIZE SAVE 30e Scope MOUTHWASH 99c PLASTIC TOILET BOWL BRUSH and ROYALE 2 PLY SAVE Ilc BATHRO F TISSUE R$ MIRACLE WHIP SALAD FREE PARKING AUl Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Feb. 22, '69, in Bowmanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. DONMON STORES LIMITED King St. and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, East) SAVE fi ia. 39C c lb lb c. c c I Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain Entertainlng guests for dinner can be ami enjoyabie fnr the hostess as It is for her guests if uhe plans and executes her menu well. There are many fine company mneals that can be prepared in an hour, from appetizer ta dessert, leaving the hostess plenty of time fora pre- dinner visit with her guests. This simple but distinguished Italian dinner menu centres around délicious Chicken ]Parmesan. Start with a Iight antipao lte. tfnllnoA 1i ,+the i SAVE 23o 611 1

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