2 T'he canadfian IStater St.Andrei Honors Rel The annual meeting cf Si Andrew's Presbyterian Ohurc] wus held on Wednesday. Jaz 29, 1969, in the diurch schoc il ~. The Evening Auxiliai: Group served a bountiful sup piy of desserts and coffe prior o the business of th evening. A good number o members were present toenc joy the fellôwship and leax of the business transacted i the past and the plans for th1 future. Bey. James Gildirist, assist ed by Miss Leta Bragg on tho piano, led the congregation ii the singing of hymn 296, fol lowed by scripture readiri and prayer. President cf he Board o Managers. E. King, movec that Rev. Girist assui the dutites et chairman foi this meeting. 'rais was sec ed by James Bell, and tht motion was carried. The secretary fer the Boart cf Managers, Fred Morrison read and ntoved the minute! from the Annual Meeting o January 1968. These werf seconded by James Bell anÉ earried. Rev. Gilohrist sincerel3 thanked the Board of Mana. gers for their co-operatior and for tiieir success in hav. Ing completed the variou! jobs In the church during the pt year. He alan expressed bsdeep appreciation of hav- ing the Christian Busine Men's Association of Oshawa "Prof essors"I Take Over at Rotary Club An Elght,-Year Perfect At- tendance Pin was presented to Don Morris, a past pres1dent at he luncheon meeting cf the Bowmanville Rotary Club helc at the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn on Thursday. The presen- tation was made by Bob Dykstra. Vice-President Tomr Cowan preslded In the absence cf Presiderit Bill Thlesburger. The Rotary Information Commlttee was in charge cf the speclal program. Corn- mlittse Chalrnian, Dr. G. Ed- wln Mann, a past president, and three members of the rn tu fl.U p,.- TI*fxJVtfpt j; President AI Wltherspoon, Dr. iKeith Bllett and Bob Stevens, twc past presidents, took part. For their Instructive panel the participants approprlatciy Impersonated p ro f es ser s. Chairnian Mann. who intro- - duced the three other ebr cf the commtttee. wore a sohol- astlc black gcwn and inortar board, and they wers aliilarly garbed. The hlstory cf Rotary. By- Laws, Rotary International and niatters pertalnlng te erg. anization and service activi- tics were ably deait with by the panel ln the program., which waa ln the form cf qyuctions and answers. Harry van Belle moved a vote of hanks te, the Information Commrittee and Vice-President Cowan aise congratulated those who teck part. Immediate Past President Wltherspoon and Jack< Lander were the win- ners cf the Hockey Draw. Guests present nt luncheon meeting were Howard Smith, George Ireland, Ted Reed, al cf Oshawa; Peter MacLend, Toronto, and Oscar Wagar, Belleville. INVEST SAFELY 5 YEARS 4 YEARS 3 YEARS 2 VEARS Pi4% 7 -"i% 1 YEAR 714i% CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 Elue st. W.. 823-2827 le ime.. t.'1le 723-3221 Mon to.Tlgum 9 te 383 o mve Sout vse 4 sowmusvwme Qe.d WêUd.a3 Member Deposit Inauranoe Corporation DELQITTE, HASKINS Chartered A OFFICES IN MAJOR, OSKAWA SHOPPING CEN pAXTNERS: GORDON V SUIT X. WAw PHONE 74 19 16,New Recto r I Club w sAnnelMeein Fiendship CubPays Tribute JAcc ToTeir Founder the Late Mrs. Ives' 5a..a a ,iirin C er o S ss onThe Frlendship Club cf Trio- She gave freeiy cf lher talents by ail who shared her corn-cîiodwt ity United Church met ln the and cf the best years cf her panlcnship along the wayandiDamage te tl ;carry on services on Sundaysiand recauested that Mr. Stur- churdi hall on the afterneon lifo te the wcrk cf Christ's deep within our heurts Is thelamounted to ch. n drngte ee hruh-ýrok aon it heohc f St. Valentine's Day, Feb. Kingdcm. desire te share ln sympathy,$500 nd he n. eut the summer vacation per- Board memrbers, proceod with14 hywr eomdb "Btptiualtdyw Whteonadte( ci od V as ote tat her tis erywo-Vhhil pcjet.Mrs. A. W. Harding. acting weuld pay tribute te lier as Intimately bereft, and te re 'stable J. Clousi rare 78 chlidren mu hs Sund.ay Seconded by Mrs. F.1 Moýrri- .- himn Mrs. C.G. Morris the one whese foresIght and new again the hope we share p-Scoo ol ad 2ofthsesn.Carid M. aqand Mrs. R. Hallowell, wlth onergies led Vo the formation as Christians". At 3:20 c'cli ee Schoo presn o r 2 the s on red Mr.Kram ie Mr.o.ardutthopan pocf Our Friendshlp Club. She Atter a moment cf silence, 'morning ac ~e wre resrit oi-theChrit- ove tha Vh Bord e ~ ~ . ~. senteci a beautiful wershlp was greatly concerned for the rHrigldi a briefI Marie M. Cal oe asaragy bu tte areony Moanagrsb aoize d Vo .. ryservice, with hymn, soripture senior members of this congre- prayer. iSunderhand, si an avrage 35 as ttcndin on bforow ,ay moresncressryanoedtaio.gatlon for whom there was Mrs. Cole then teck chargecar owncd by1 in Sarnas Iof teseithV i ~î thes hlrnScdebyEKirnd.scareo. , The group bas been sadden- ilttlc, If any, organizeci actîv- Of a short business session.:cf 34 Elgin St: n pnsho of esel cn hirn Secn c by EteKinCarcd. cd by the loss cf cur fermer ltY. She thcught something with a welcomo te new nern . parked in frai ýeith inuld rby aedung hery H usnessmpaeserprilmes-r leader Mrs. Claude Ives who should be done te brlng aur bers, and thunks expressed fcr 'Damage to fth In e d b eury aotndSun-g mnabinessasrrise n pnr- died lnr January cf this year. eider people together for the used stamps and nylonsiamounted toala heseanlvrgumre uonru-stiofn M vamsovn in honor Words cf tribute were ex- perlocis of fellowshlp andi suit- that had been brought ln. Inloral John Bir ie dayth anc givis m our PPrnt A.M.Tetisr o had sipressed on behaîf cf the Club able social recroaticri. She, keoping with the spirit cf the vestigating ofi Vog the crch ilsthsencoupag-treien ofy retreiofroSe& psi by the Rev. A. W. Harding and the thon minîster of our da y Mrs. N. Wcodley road ,"The' There wasa1 10 o the ic r h n bta e port te n ofCa lrk andSes io n atras fnlo uïs- church Rev. W . K. Housander. Legenci f St. Valentine. A i at 4:15 p.m. ai ne-r huri ain ' w r ta mo r v inry fcrpab ey anci19 hhingitalked the mattr over, and es nvelty piano number was pr- junction of Sel intri nGdswr nti srigfrteps 9yas "I first met Mrs. Ives about a resuit tihe Friendship Club senteci by Mrs. Cole, Mrs.jMlddle Road. comn .Rlh Sipsn mdeth pro. 15 years ago when, as repre- came Into being. Harding and Mrs. Hallcweli,ithe cars, invol' of 7eAna eot eesentation an spoke ey Rv Thomas Gracie sentative of the Bay of Quinte "r.Ie a oifoliowed by a sing-song cf aid Douglas Pr ad passed eut Vo the mombers higbiY cf Mr. Thompson bath fafrneUCW.sevst rs vswsara oe ak present and a representative in is untiring durch work An Impressive Induction ser- ed one f MY hurches and ad- behnd this venture. In the faorits answr lydSreadA ifrom ech group discusseci his andi aise as a grat credit te< vice was helci ast week irj dresseci a gaterng of U.C.W. committee meetings WhIch shefoashr eid Mmbsnk,14 Bq or r ler rou's astyeas a- te cmmuity durng bis St.John's Anglican church members. She made an im- graciously chalred, she sug- wetinefars. tbnedoghtl-y xtsh ve a n or biii.er Reuporpatyas a- he comniy unng bre for the Rev. Thomas pression upon lber audience by gested andi pianned, with the le d by Mavrs. Mhorrs hLexesiecair ecd for adoptien, as presenteci. the Bowmainville Pu b îî Gracie, the now rector. He. the capable manner tln which cmte the tvtescpvrgrmeetng rvddb r.Mri h e iadI b is wife, their hree daughters she conducted iber part of the the adevtedovrye ti ng.al e roup cthe U..WndTaccdiers by JmsBell and seccnded Schooas. anci one son have already meeting and ln the presenta- Sh deotedhorscess cfantales Gro ceu 7ofrcth U. .T heandriverpsi Mrnhpc, ey ubmoveci bore and are living in tien of her message. Since F ub ha ot e e the adie tcyGaupm-ou~ es The treasureir for hs Board surpriseci and pleaseci. sin- the rectory on Qucen Street. thon, freni ime te time, I met Friendship CluVo O Parto3' kouikcar cf f Managers, James Bell, pro- ceuiely hanked ail those re- li__- er at sessions cf Conference us realize. wcere Th ae s yMofw wGr tboBwmnv senteci the propeseci Budget sponsible and expresseci hi. nover givon hy this commîutee ani Pcsbtey were she 'S tatheMrf. inu.s ely.lanhe oMni ifor 1969, and moved that it ho gratitude for the kinci words te council. malitaineci a keen Interest and would seek te undcrstand more 'I* was ugreed that our club Mrs. Vida Vi adopteci. This wus secendeci spoken of him. Ho speke wîth Teonyntmrcfhi actlvity lri tho wcrk cf lher fully the measure of aur graVi- shoulci meet once in anVwo y D rde dcrid rd n pleasure of bis s clcomte, tl n hosen vocation. You bave tude te Goci for thie frienci months, the next meeting teltransferreci to It ws moed hat hen he ork n Si Anrew' andcspeil, cOmittoo, stili on, ailheard, especially since ber whe lived a long, cheerful and ho Friday. April 18t.h. A corn- General Hospi y isans Amocionih - t awlon t edr i t a nde are's and onil onilo bckio passing of lber devotion Va theluseful lifo, who Put se much mittee consistlng of Mr. anid of ont' car, Mr. >n sn' All ocBatatio i pr o s ase fa t he wasreirngofwas asked by the Mayor If the cause oet womon's werk In the f godness. love, service foi' Mrs. W. Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. had received 1 n seteid oBas rd that IVTh o oVbcause ofe burdv n c cmmitteo had deait wlth Cuc n e otiuinothers, andi loyalty te Gociinto R. Robbîns and Mr. and Mrs.kesh.fu ac:tda pee'e.Thsws uth el ery deep- charges tn connection with te he Mhast er oktribuhr e nas H1adyws hsn om k e ry. w oura tewa econdeci by F. Kramp lY t Uicthework ofthe church Constable Smith anci Constableoete ______ nohe e yas H adywschsntemký an hodr Oandi carrieci. shoulci ho spread arounciad iad spberes of the Church's life. "She will be sadiy misseci plans for the next meeting. ians,anMrF IV a requested by Rev. therare many capable en "Net te MY knowledge. The tmla e Gilchrist that a oalendar of bers on the C burchR d r c m îte eî eat wlhth in edot-at 'events be installeci in the that if they were giveri a re- Ard e on lycase tC uni ll ter t P~a em or, ial rHi '- scool i mmfor ail groups te sponsihility Vo carry on theSAdelrro ae,"llod. uE 4i" 4ilL I PI Aca rie registor thed.r various montb- weuld bave a deoper interest a etnrpidC lk eo u c Ae s ly activities. Milis weu]d ho andi would ho more aware cf The communication tram wAltan, agee ef groat help te the cburch the Importance cf Our cturcb Humplireys, Boycbyn, an d 'AultIlImajmJ ch n, ae 2 custodian with bis requineci and its members ln aur corn- Hillman was tableci until the cheh, ~ 1C I#d'è lC lN 5 iwa o dtemnt.nexti meeting of the Commit-To Self A ddîEEW nalILand N.rpriseHia Membee-s retiring freinte ' oinfra dîun tee of the Whole on a Motion nepi Hl Board of Managers are Hugli ment for the annual meeting eci by Councillor Coombes.byCuclrDksaeon-Wdtsay Kelly, Ah. Sturrock, andi E. of 1969 was made by James CunDaomakgeamvei LteE.J EL ItheII4 King. New members voted Bell and scondeci hy E. King.,Ebat council oncuksr witb te dor ar ue é. B nac o-Cric.recommendation of P 0c11 c e age don cbslerve Ah. tuorrocn Rev. Gilchrist losed with Chiot Bernard R. Kitney that A special meeting of the cuclthe 1969Garsk agrec toseve gan fr n-prayer. The mombems were Constable Richard Kouhl ho Council cf he Township cf Mil rate and c.ouncil roconi- - e terA H thr year t erm. aanyni itepra Ocf promated Vo Finst Clas. Cons- Clarke was helci Thursday, mendeci that the reeve attend A. C H .im Streck, Proaplartt the nemaining desserts and table, effective February îst. February 13, 1969, at 8 p.m. ir meeting of tihe Ganaraska ay s r ~ialltn ewprosee ed a irt coffe This was seconded hy Coun- the Council Chamber, Orono. Conservation Authority. asslIVw ne for c hi ciller Ceombes, and carrieci. Prosent were Reevo R.A1 The reeve presenteci ta t o th tw florset b e SDepiity Reeve Rundie moveci Foster, Deputy Reeve H. E. cunil acvie ra tecT i huc. hs oudgiethWI* estat ceuncil adopt Dayllght Walkey, Councillor W. R. Plumbing Inspecter that theno, (PROM PAGE ONE) T ecburoh scitool rooni me r Saving Time frcm 12:01 a.M. Carveth, Councillor F. A. are a numben cf Plumhing' . floor space, more coinfont Sunday, April 27th until 12:01 Gray, Councîllen J. W. Stone Permits not boing issueci by stresseci by Mr. Burke 'Car- AS HE 1 thnouglhaut and a possible I sm. Sund.ay, Octoher 26th as a-rd Clerk T. E. Monaihan. the Township Office. The ada reecis the contributioni Safeguai fsavings cf fuel. This project these dates ceincide with the The meeting was calleci hy Clerk was requesteci Vo ohecklwhîch Frerc patgCn ~ yu - ol euti aklaspring and summer train Reeve Fosten to hean the fel- Uic By-Law andi precedunedas crgv"M Brean ou - wculadtnesuirt rn i rdNhos s a bakleuledgeaAGEONE schedules as announced hy the lewing delegatimns: used for issuing PFumbîngia ie, r uke n - fr theeyea ts-. FedNicol i a noledealeRatlway Association cf Cana- Durham Central Agnîcul- r'ermits. declarecidipc. Kramp made a motion ln andi capable administrator. cda. This was secordcn ytia it delgtorri b oloig co1opr- Daîdish ubcesoepese fat rc ti etngs'tm In regard Vo bis nesîgnatior Reeve Annie Oke andi carnieci. punchase cf property ownecidence flwasredoug y eeouseakingwto aebcour nte: freaib ab oMr. Fry explaineci that ho was On a motion by Deputy hy the Township, being larddenFo stedifrenco o eeemuLtaefnter ackound, Vý or hdo cabi go ~~dissatisfled with the lack cf Reeve Rurcile. secondeci by and od garage locateci rext otrdfeen fthrbakoui Yrdc cil, anci the lack cf delegation cideci te donate the usual $150 ten wRS referreci te rescîutian. B.A.Sc., O.L.S. report ne elci customeci Vo a much moreý of yeuri T~~ ~~ o osponsibility. Ho aise dlaim- Vo the Salvation Armny. D. R. Moran of Pankhill anciTwsl fCak ok uhntna r atcn edthat thore was a lack of Courcillor Prout moveci that Yarch, Barristens, Oshawa, Departmnent Yard and Orono sîcieUS culture, and this mts <PROM PGE ONE) business concepts. the membership foc cf $10 In met witih council Vo represenlt Fair Groundis, Filei. h ie u osdrto Counclillor Keith Shackelten the Northumbeland and Dur- thein client, John Boumees- 2. Dunham Central Ag -lho advised. Places whene thons bae beer revealoci yestenday that ho bas bamn Mutual Aid Association er, ne parcel of landcini Lot cultural Society ne purchasel "Romemben nevolutior dees 1 orreception due te intenter- consideneci nesigning, but Is ho paici for the Bowmanville 30, Corcession 3. E. R. Lave- of land, south end cf Fairjnot corme in the mîdst of the rence causeci by location, r a "ciing rotiting at the present Fine Depantinent. This was kit-, Township Solicitor, anci Grounds, Orona. Refenneci Vo moýst oppressive tyrrany, but variety cf barrions, iL was tîme". Ho saici that he shaneci secordeci by Councillon Sback- .Lw oigAmnsr-Rslto.i eswe ubnt hw sttc.the dissatisfactior et Mr. eltan, and carnieci. Von, wene in attendance on ho- The folewing Resolution No. weakress. We must deal fain- Eight tenders for the con- Nichols and Mn. Fry. Clerk-Controller Robent L. hahf cf council. Mn. Monan's 49 was passeci, moveci by W. ly wtth Quebecers and ight, .sfructien cf watenmaîns andByo hwdcuilteIn sowers wene openeci duning the Reeve Annie Oke toid teBcrsoe oni theI- case was discusseci by councîl R. Carveth, secordeci by J.W. past wrongs, but we must alsoi r arly part cf the couincîl meot- Statesman today that she "bas Vayen Tates aroMs. he anci hey decided that notihing Stone: That this counicil ac- lot them kkrow that Canad InpayrnentBdater are Manch latd would ho dore until aftor the cept the offer cf the Durhamnhas a stcong federal govern- ieeng Ia n ecf P oronto ard pa t, I conderecinesi ardtheAnl t2isle The date," cf Hearing ard final Ontario Central Agricultucal Society mernt," hopointeci out.F Redfern Engirens, Trento rg, bu I hary knowwhat te fina Vax lvy are Jure Municipal Board appreval cf Vo purchase pnoporty tte PeietTpe tane' rwas prosent, and ths tenders is geirg te happer unies" 2rd, July 28tht September 15tb yLw o 59Rrtaer- liGaaeSieae nM BFItn i rensig !wene turneci aven Vo hlm Vo ho there is an lmpnovement. Irncoen he rdBhi -Lorts . 19,n m N o,609,dtd t ebu dress. e announcecthatd checked. the past, Mr. Nichols, Mr. Fry, fati oven ho aivr.TisoIn--.dGrg iea e lnM.BrefrhsItrsig ;Later wben Mr. Butler haci Councîhlor Leslie Coambes, my- A letton frem Andy Hierin- Deputy Reeve Walkey ne-!ary 1969, M. D. Brown,.S, Antan Lendi will speakcrA .completeci this werk, hoe recom-. self, and Councillor Keithltra askeci that, courcîl consici- poete . courcil on a meet-iBiowmanville, for $4.000.00, "The Unique Wanid cf Switz-1 mendeci that the contract ho Shackeltori have tormed an in-lon ciosirg the section of i-g of fthe Planning Board in $2,000.00 payable ini 1969 andi erlarri" at the rext meeting cfý awarded te hs Trlpp Con- fermai opposition on councîl,"1 Lamb's Lare situateci hetween refererce Vo thc Sunrydene $2,000.00 payable in 1970, anld the Canadiar Club cf West-ý struction Company, Part Perry, Reeve Oke stateci. the CPR and Concession St. A Subdivision. Discussiar in- that the saici Society pay ail Durbam. as IV. tender ot $53,363,6g wasi One of this group claimeci communication frei lann cludeci streot exit ut Vthe Coin- legal tees andi the Township tlowest andi met ail the ne- that "there is a cliqu o BaPltancnatt icing eten:Y, 5% of the lard for theeof Clarke Pay ail survey quireci speciflica iens. The council which bas rtin thirgsiîs an unopeneci rond allewance Corporation, etc., and thecosts. Carrieci. eight tenders nangeci tram a ln the smre way for 25 years."land Is rot needeti for future Rondi Committee were ta dis-i It was inoveci bv W. R., high et $84,294.10. 1jaccess. cuss certain roaci items withý Canveth, secondeti by F. A.' Councillon Maurice Prout,!. Councilloc Dykstra, Second- the Rond Superintendent. ýGray. tihat the meeting ho ad- socndcihy eptyReeve E.** ed by Deputy Reeve Rurdle,1 The reeve presenteci Vo journeti at 11:05 pin. Carnieti. J. Rundle, monveci that co ouncillo r * ~-moveci that couril accept the 7 concur with Mn. BuVer's roc-J recommendatton eof ln-o anec.Ms . .Ciaiwas. ommendation, and accept Tripp ning Board regarding ths ii V y r0,Wed convoneR. fer this Construction Company's Von- ÀàLamb's Larepointuneponeci foroads ewners anest nuneci e aeecedh rson.dM eedytiette o et dry CncssonStee Est srv a Concllr orth apotinei qull hewon udil apat reidnt ad o wic culi o ivn he s oMy . Sivrreeo't, Mr.Nem~assenteti. - tien wagn Instead cf a car was carnicti. Mrs.Rudeil spoke carried. SeilFnneRts - Fr conVendeti. Councillon Coombes 'Ceurcil rereiveti a letter! ho hought tor- the Fine Depart- of the voiuntary help givon IV was derideti ihat the $3pcalFnnc5aes - Fr mid that sometbing sheulti ho froin Humphneys. Boychyn, ment as t wouid ho more use- in the Gitt Shop, wbich is fee ton membecsbîp in the! NO PAYMENTS cane Vo alloviate this situation, and Hilîman, Barnisters, Osha- fui hocause It roulti ho useci murh apprertateti, andi the Provincial Hospital Auxiliar-1 anti ho moveci that iV ho noter- wa. In regard Vo tht. tirm's bill for hese anti othen equipinent, neeti for more people Vo offer les Association ho paiti. This' Shoi . . . Compare . . . You'l S red Vo the *Northumhenland- ef $500 for acting on hehalf cf andtIin case cf grass fires. their assistance Vo the aux- was moveti by Mcm. Maman, Duha eat Dpaten.Constables Ian Smith anti Deputy Reeve Rundle, sec- iîieny in this way. serondoti by Mrs. Saundens. Duh a HcoeatbDpty-n Leslie B. Ricard in correction andeti by Councillor Prout, The Recerciing Secretary, Gift Chop Chairman, Mn..' Thi ws ecodei y Dpuy-with certain charges laid anis- naveti that ceunicil nescird its Mmm. William Wilson, report- floeey nepenteti that receipts! reIvenlandcsapoie. nirg out of an occurrence at. decision to buy a car for the eti on recammenciations made during January amountedti V3 cd Councillor Prout Vo the Bawmanville Beach on Octber 1Fire Depantinent. and this was at the executive meeting, anti $1,235.20, andtihUi balance! Planig ead on 96, nt! th, 1968. Icamioti. Councillon Dykstra, several prajerts were discus- braught forwamd was $597.95,1 PlnigBadfo"99 nlýYoun cauncil Is familiar seronciet by Cauncillor Colinsei a total of $1,833.15. Expensesi appointeti a membor cf the a committes dealt with cbung- station wagon ho purchaset S. R. James, meveti that a anti the balance an bant i is BridgeBord IrM as yc I Musun Bardfo iis ea. es agairst Constable Don And- for the Fine Departinent, antidge Party hbe lt by the now $1,195.90. The adoptian e rson wbich arase eut of the this motion was canrieti. auxiliary on April 23rd aVt of Mns. Hooey's report was!mc sanie Incident. The charges IL was agrooti that ILt. -ih ..i etena al eodd yMs anes __ have been witbdrawn agatnst. neccssany Vo bave the Deputy Qeh t r e tenhis al a,'seca teti by Marse.Sanir, P LE N ER our clients," tVhs lettor stateti. Fine Chiot available 24 ours Qucedb r S reet. This was ec- an i thwa crret. sme This fin 0of Oshawa îawyens a day, andcit was pointed utuLandeci hyM. TFrImed iffiraMes. S rc-ihameve fothasie asked that council puy the bll that attes- Manch 31st Good- i<Icnic.TeImdae ae i ucaeifrte aT,' for the two police officers. year mplyes, rcludig Mr. Past President, Mn.. Lloyd hospital by the auxiliary. Thisi & EL SELLSMayor Ivan Hchbs saiti that Ruiten, wIl rot h available Ayne, was appointeti bestess was secanded by Mrs. Saur-. 1 he haci onlj been ativiseti of on thut hasts, for this event, anti Mns Law- dors, anti carrieci.8 5 ýccountants Vhe charge aga.lnst Constable Cauncillor Prout, seconieci nonce C. Muser, a pas't prosi-! The convenons fer the on-! Anderson, anci that ho hati hy Councillor Dykstna, moveci dent, i. the convenor. ýjoyable Momhersbip Tea werei CANADIAN CITIES appointeti a speciai committee that Fire Chiot Hayman be Pl1a ns fer thc Hospitall Mn.. E. E. Paterson anti Mc.. TUE TrEz 08XAWA Isation Vo heur Constable ion te council reganding the helti each year by te aux- in senving were Immediate! W. RIERKL, C.A., R.LA. Anderson's appeal. The com- appointment cf a new Deputy iliary, wene discusseci. Mrs. Past Prosident Ayre. Mnlr. Cerner1 ; TE E, C.A. m ttee was compose ci of Coun - ire Ch it, effective A nil lmV. Ayre m ve ci that this ev nt Mason, Mrs. L. W. Dippe l, OSHAW A 2 ~chairman; Councillor Roy W.Icontinue tI tht. position until noon, March 26, in the Cen-i A heautiful arrangement cf -57 728 -7527 Nicholsç anti Councilon Keithite endi cf March. This was term-al Hall. This wus second-1 yeilow roses centreci the serv-i îShackulton. A report wu aa cwrsd-ed bjy àmr. J. J. Brown, und'ing table. ident, Round-up P a 1 Street and the, S680. Constable L. . Dryden, ie on Friday nt OPP, lnvestigated. ir driven by Jean On Sunday at 2:05 pm. a 3 High Street. tractor trailer driven by Lloyd i fat reiht ar.Martin, age 24, Glen Alan, Ont.' the Layton car1struck a fire hydrant outside :) pproximatelylthe G. Anderson Smith factory ce was about $10.in Newcastle. Damage to tho ie flat car. Con1- hxdrant amounted to about ton investigated0. Constable H. Cook, OPP, lock on Sunday investigated. car driven by, Two cars coliided at 3:3!Ç meron, R.R. .1, p.m. on Sunday at the corner truck a parked of Nash Road and the Prestoni Barry Whiteman Road. The drivers were Linda treet, which xvas Jean Meades, age 19, Don )nt of his bouse. Milis, and James Elliott Frank,' the two cars 26, Oxford Street, Oshawa. âbout $250. Corp- There was about $850 damage rd was the in- to the Meades car and about icer. $95o damage te the Frank car, two car collision Constable Larry Mahoney, m Sunday at the OPP, investigatcd. -ugog Street and Miss Meades rccelved treat'. The drivers of ment as an out-patient at the Ived were Bruce Oshawa General Hospital for- in, 148 Queen nlinor cuts. and Mr. Frank rithony Vackou- was also treated there for lac- eaufort Avenue, erations to his arm mad neckf icars sustained ýand a bump on hm head. mage. Constable At 11:15 p.m. on Saturday Investigated the there was a two car colIisin at the Clarke-Hope Lins leurý ot bothCoid Springs Camp. The drlv-ý o ohvehicles,îers involved were Thomas' ,engers. In the Arnol d Davis, age 16. and- rwere taken by Charles Campbell, age 41. ilie Area Ambu- Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. aoria Hosital.Dama e the two cars total- eackounik, who led about $600. Constable John kle fracture wasLegate, OPP, investlgated. the' Oshaiwa There was a ski-doc accident itai. The driver on Saturday. Maurice Lake re- Vackounik who ported that a ski-dec had struck bru ises to bath a tool shed on his property rIn ir year aid son,: Zion. Driver cf the ski-don. iarkcin who had - sayne Hilps, R.R. 4, Osh- ut oin whs ef awa. Damaize to the tool sheu, onlvcd treate wsot $40. Constable Mur- ceivd teatentrav ,Joynt, OPP, Investîgated. cnt department Mînor damage was sustainedt [spital. by two cars in a collision on nby Bernadette Saturday on the Sixth Conces- 21, R.R. i, Kit- ýsion Road, south of Tyrone. )ut of contraion The drivers invoived weri, Ry, just south cfJohn Wood, age 18, Tyrone, Il this morningland Kenneth Maguire. age 46; at 4:06 o'clock. ,R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Constable ecar was about'D. Martin, OPP, Investigated. YOUR PHARMACISI HELP YOUR DOCTOR.. 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