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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1969, p. 5

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- . . , 'Oshawa Curling Rink Wins' Valen fine Spiel Honors On Valentinp Day, Febru-' ary l4th, Bowmnanville Coun- try Club was the scene of much activity as the ladies' section of the curling division Tan their annual filly event for the W. H. Brown Trophy. Junp Moore and her ener- getc fotrrome from the Osh- awa Curling Club captured the top prize. Beaultiful crv- stal fruit howls were givert each curler along with indi- vidual trophies doiâated b, W. H. Brown and presented on his behaif h ' Audrey Cum- rnîns. The rink won their two games with 22 points and a plus of 26. Specond prizes Were won hv BaYviews rink skipped by Lillian Hlumeniuk, 22 points and a plus of 21. Third prize went to Mary Litifarsrink from Annan- dale with 22 and a plus of 19.: Lyla Huxtables Bowmanville entry won fnurtb place, fol- lowed by ,Iune Sinmpson of Oshawa Ctirlin£! and Atirrev Cunniîns from Bownianville in sixth spot. The lead:s. second,,, vices and gkips in varying ordier' frorn the losingy rinks ail were' presented with lovely gifts. The highlight of the day was the heatifufil chef's buf- fet gc-rvpd hctureri gamps, It was heoutiful. bounteouis and derlirinus, til a chef's spe- cia! Thanks azain. Don » The following i.q how tbei games werp played: 9 arn. Draw 0 s h a w a Curling, Marg 13eaupre. Helen Arhuckle, El-t la Dawson. June Moore skipý 1., vsWit, Jean Ashley,ý! Ruth W'hitelprg, Gennyv Mc-ý Carnond, Mary Ann Marling skir. 4.r Oshawa Gl-uln.Doni- ria Dob-on, Jane Kirkaldiv, Doris Horkv, Jeani Purch ski pr '7 vs Boiwmanvillp. 1Laura 'ruickpr, lli Hooper, Rethl 'VanBridgzer and Rila Bradenc skin 2,l Annandale, M a r i o n Tprn-I ruings, L. Cooper, Buith Buick-e nelI. aryLittIrfair, 10 %vIs 13owr;nnvîlle. Elsie WIVil,on,n Thelma Rer'rthuizen, Agnes Lewis. Lvla lHuxtahlf- Skip, . Second game -1,vIa Iux- table 10, -i]iq Brade 5: Mary Littiefair 9, Mary Anin Mar- ling 5; June Moore 13, Jean, Burch 6. ý 11 a.m. Drau,' Bayvirw, Nancy Roth, Katie' Robinson, Joyce MacKay, LiI-, lian Humieniuik skip, 13 vsi Oshawa Curlingz. Hilda Elliott, J ea n Mcl.auighlin. NonrmniA Har, JneSimpson skip. 4 . Lindisay, Elizabeth Winka;r-: eth. Loui Mintz, AmeCoi. 13ettv Paldwin skip, 8 vsA Whitby,. ,aura Baldwin. Doris ci McCulloilgh, Illene Wilton,, June Webster skip. 5. i Bowmanville, Ad Gohe.n. r( Dnnna Prc',ston. Bohhy Mar- S N'eill, Aujdrev, Cunirins, Q vs:rc Oshawa Curling, Cathv Toms.f rl Diane Alexander, Ca roi e f Cailling Ail IRI*SHJ And Those Who Wi (Doesn't Leave Ma Join Us In a .1000 Mile JO and Breadth 0f The Auld Shamrocks and Shillel Breathtaking Narrated in Person by THURSDAY,. 8:00 P.N Bowmanville1 Rotary Travelog See 'lt Demi Now-TheeqP Price M(MULLEN C 36 King St. E Celebr, rates First Birtbday -Carnwith, Jackle Collinsturne dance. Minnle Peoriý skip, 4. alias Mrs. Kay Murray paid' r Second gamne - Jackie Co]- a visit and Dottie Hearn fromý lins 8 vs June Webster 5, Lii-'Lakefield recited "Albert"., i lan Humeniuk 8 vs AudreyMr. R. MacDonald was on; LCummins 7. June Simpson 15 hand to prefent the prizes toe vs Betty Baldwin 6. the winners. Business Girls Bonspiel Trophy winners were a' nhe fourth annual Business team from East York skippedý Girls Bonspiel was held Feh- by Beryl Foster, with Helen, ruary 8th at the Bowmanville Duncan vice, Loreen Gignac mî 't.'~~ . Country Club, secondic, and Evelyn Embury ' Two draws consisting of lead. Runners-up were a team ' n4 two 10 end games were play-. from Avonlea, skipped by~ ~.-- ed with fou rteen teams par- Audrey Severs. Otiher prize e-~' e~"-~- ticipating. T h ese included winners were a Lakefield >","" .-. *. four Bowmanville teams withiteam skipped by LenoreKuch, ~ out of town rinks froni Whit- an Oshawa team skipped by . by, East York. Port Perry,'Madeline Tubb, a Port Perry q Lakefield, Avonlea, Oshawa teamn skipped by Wendy Harn- and Peterborough. ilton, and a Bowmanville The theme of the spiel was: teaml skipped by Ethelda Scottish and the Business, CandY. Consolation p r i z e s~ Girls were led around the ice went to a Bowmanville teami bY a piper before the 9 and skipped by Lou Lyle. M. Il o'clock draw. Many thanks to Mr. Charles1 Entertainment wRs ;tpplit-riBickle and Mr. Walter Goodel by sonne of the Bowrnanville ýour ç;corekeeper and umpire Busiiness Girls in a conmic cos- for the day. GreianPanorama at Rotary Travel Seriesf In the thid presentation of ar<bv i., havîng diffiritc- , ete the Bowmanville R o t a r y and the King of Greece is in Cliih's current Travel and Ad- exile. venture series, "Grecian Pano- Ther, eemreosves-. rama", an excellent colored of the Acropolis, W h i c h motion picture and a graphie crowns a hili and covers sev- commentary by Joe Adaiîr, en acres. The magnifiet Waterloo. Iowa, comhined! t0 buildings there were pictured t give the au'dience aR well plan- maemorably. Most impressivel ned and i-altistic tour of a was the Parthenon, the crowný historic country's many at- jewel, built in the time of tractions. Perides. I- Stewart McTavish, Chair'- There was a trip througb ....... ........... ....................... man of the International Ser- t hl e Pelopnesus Peninsula. The darling littie girl in the above photo is Sheryl Lee Snowrlen Who vice Committee, introdîured whhch i,% practirally an isand celebrated her firsi, birthday on February lst. Sheryl Lee is the daughter cf Mr. Adair, a talenited yotung as it is severed froni the mani, Who through bis pre- mainland by the Corinth Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, R.R. 1, Enniskilleri, and granddaughter of Mr. and vious presentations in travel- Canal built in 1200 B.C. The MrS. Fostrer Snowden, Brook]in, and Mr. Isaac Hfardy of Solina. ogues here for Rotary has he- ruins cf the forts usd in the!-______ cmme a favorite narrator bere. Tro.ian Wars. as wLl as gun~ Ris vivid descriptions, mu-emplacements, reminders ofý er and photographer of travel the Greeks against the Ge-r MPE RV nilm insinlcl apeopl-e aint figbt putIIup h films bas ien loal eolaso ei Wod WrI, ee Maple Grove Guides, Brow-1 Mr. and Mrs. lioward Cr. -, Mr. Robert Robensin, whichý muchenjymen. aso dpiced.nies, Ctibs. sîso their leaders ;derman, Miss Esther, Mr. Jim'took the forni of a presen- The accounit of modern giclue ste 1rm will be marcbtng into church and Master Ralpb Ci-yderman lion in hornor or, their ap-ý c;reece and its ancient glories concern of the people of the'oner Sunday, Feb. 23rd. wrahiginarig. hebrd ,givrrn by Mr. Adair and per- Peloponesus. The ch ief pro- :re Sundayvsios itebepmahi 2arigerhebrd feclyillstate b th m- uctisolies anc mny A meeting of the lad ies former's son. Mr. andl IVrs. s a great-,niece of Mrs. Elva fertlyillusratedby th mo- dcofisMaiveeanGrove, Dave Crydermati. King. Jeffery, also Mr, and Mrs. tion picture gave the large stands cf olive trees were pic-:Aîixiliary fMpl rv auîdience, that filled the Town 1ttred. The brees grow amnid Guides and Brow-nies was Mr. and Mis. Don May and Steven Jeffery. Hall almost to capacity on a flowers or vegetables, as thehe]d on Tuesday evening,1 family, Orano, were Sunday: Several girls from Bow-; recent evening, a wonderfulý native farmers utilize evcry Feb. llth. Thcv dec.îded toa supper guests with Mr. and manville and Courtice High: ippotunty t Iern c t!bit cf their land by planting 'buv a "Canladian Flag," ist![Mrs. Ted White and family. ýSchools took in the Winter1 a1 eod rp Maple, Grove Girl Guides.! r n r. .P wlo Carnival in Quebec City over> fascination of this country.: 'odco.:hyalodsusdte ,M. n r.C .Salwthe weckend. The ourstatedwit th It is a patriarchal society hy lodicsedtemo-I were Sundav afternionn cail-' The ourstared iththe thr an daghtr baque onMis. El' a Jeffery, Mvrs., arrival of an Olympic Air-Temnar the heads of the thradduhe aqe ncr nMs agrtPris Doreen Doyle and Mrs. Susan! .vays (ownied by Aristotle! family and enjoy their privi-1 March l8th, a rummage Sale Zion. Jeffery attended a showerý )nasis)plae a th Atensleges of directing the womenj in Mai-ch. Mrs. K. Whit-! c n m.Ei 'chî bl nStra fe-ona 4.irort Senatinal iew who do he eavy labs'. ditric comis Ilr and fsmily, Lindsay, Wcre ýMis. Ralph Ormiston's. Bow-. cf w' Wheat fis gacnered by hand,,peete arns oMs Sat.îrday visitors wilb ber mn i.n honor cf Miss! wtre shr)wn ofan the i sickle ii stilli usedi for D). McRpelis and Mrs. a-mnil Apean e abo nd fGec n the nerb ister, Mr. and Mis. Cedricý Carol Robertsosin \eenSaad fecsraping. en Wite. Kar1 Russell and family. Mr. and Mrs. BilIl)Davidsoný apitalrit.In the remotp pol*irtiocfý Doni't forgrt the World* Ms. oyVanCap. as sdtwo boys, Weston, were' The moderil cilv of Athenis the country and in terrs;ced Dy c.[Raye onaanc 7tJ with ils shops, thestres, and jvillages the people rolild be to be hi-id in Courtice churcb nue, t vas Sîindav supr, sister ad vistoers lwh br esidential sectinwai shown. se ern hirpcu-a :0 ..!getwthbrbohr r. itrsdbnte-nlw r ;entries at the Royal Palace esqu enainalctues, uic-it 7:U.C.. meigotTîr-and Mrs. Lloyd Snoxden. and Mrs. LE),n Goodmurphyý ouldbe eer ir thir 27,a cnratnlt o te rn itvdaeveiP ...ngFe. oth at 8 Mr. snd Mrs. H. G. Fcee- and two daiighters. earil e pni hr 2,Rcnrstrth rïrivdveeig p.2th .8man, accompanîc'd by bis sis- Mr. Tom Van Camp, Guelph! ýerold uniforms, dlespite the op the cities, and the luxur'vP.m. iin the C. E. Hall. Mrs., e adbubn, c adMs. Univemsity, spent the week- act. that nt present thr mon- of the country's beautiful Sylvester, Trinitv Church, Leslie Jackson, Bowmanvîlle End with his parents, Mr. and1l beaches. Bowmanville. wife of Dr. ceSna uprgussMs a a amp, Basei Reminders of the Middlei Sylvester, will be guest speak- wt hefrer; rsn.Sa Vn Agsaswelas of ancient r h il nrdceteadhsnd cadMs.E Mrs. Rov Van Camp, Basel Gecstili exist, and many study book. Hope te sce L Glak amlqi-ono0. Line, was a visîtor withMs. 'places bear the mark of th'elgood turnout. ypt o thscm Ethel Snowden, Hlllsdale! Byzantine cltu]re. One of the Mn. and Mcs. Ceci] Milîs Sympathysofwthis com-oMa M Nigrent classical theatres with' eeSna iioswt munity is extenldcd toMc nr Ohaa Mrs.Ry accommodation O r l4,000~ eredautna Msrs. ohwOetoans Lter live s nte oCnoeVFb 5hw accomodaton fo r 4,001 heandugMrs.MsLeslnIe olacutt, and Metcalf, Hampton, was a visi- ish Thy Werespectators rising around the' (nec Heather MeLean), ofpsiîgfbssstrNsAt Mrs. RyVn Camp, Base; any, Docs It> ,'outdoor stage was sh own, and Cosile eassn o wmanvîîîc Lne. Ar said toThebeegcousticly e-M. and Mrs. S. S. Moi-ton, M. and Mrs. van Mils Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Staple-, og Tru he engh fct.retucncd home Mondsy, Feb.!sud son Scott, Misses Joyce ton arnd daugbter Beverley, dl Sod. The Land 0f There were views of theA 10th, aftcr spending tbmee Milis and JaenaitaMaDn- la, er Sudy upe ag rsne nmountains thât cover 80 per t aD jx eeSna upr Ings resened Incent of Greece and cf a -isi weeks at Lakeland, Florida. ýaid, ail of Hamilton, spent the gUcStS with hec sister and! Colour. ~~to Crete in the Mediterranean The many fiends of Mr. .weckend with Mm.rd,-sbohrinlw r and Mrs. BoB O'REILLY , as well as others to smalîec Albert Growen are sorry ta, Cecil Milîs. Melssrs. Veca TdWit n fml' islands Ici the sunny Aegean leai-n she is a patient in Me-!Ron, Pbilip MacLean, Mr. M.adMs Wle er lB. 2Oth Se~jaîd-Ld morial Hospital. We wish ber' Ralph Milis visited witlî the son, Peterborough, ai-e visit-: "Iean Ln f een"Rspeedy recovery. former's sisteran husband, îng with their daugbter and with Bob O'Reilly as com- Glad to report Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mis. John Oke sui-aM.adMs oi M/. imentator will be the next in 'Joice, Who was a patient in Cooksville. Mr. sud Mcrs. Souter and two chiidcen. ýth srie o Fbrury20h.'emril Hspta, hý e-Cccil ill M nl vî- ited The Cubs, Guides, Brown-. the eris o Fecuar 2oh. emoialHosptal ha ne . i îcent \.sîcles will parade into churcb Vown Hall Jon Mancih the presentation turned homne. with bier brother, Mr. and frtesrieo udy :Wil b "mazn Ms.Ellis McGrath, Tomonto eb. 23rd, along with theirý wîll e "AazonAdventure Mc. sud Mrs. Tom McGwirk,ý Miss Marion Snowden, Toc- laes gue Series in Per1u", and the season will daughters Kathv and Barbara otMsW.TWoevOh-lars vnd in May witjh the showingvisited ber aunt, Mrs. L. Co[a- no iW. eT. Wooyelcy, Q Don't forget the Cub aud, -Of "PUlse of Portugal". ber, Breslau, on Sunday. Mc.!aa ce'hrsa'eeiu Father banquet on Saturday,' - - John McGuirk, Toront Ui visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. Feb. 22nld. Hope the fathers, lt n-G.'Freeman. U,î versity, is spending bis reald-' Mrs. Wes Down and famiytis accompany their sons to ~ nstrated OBITUÀRY ing week at home witb his Eenzrw'eSud vn.. sbanquet. suddauhtes wre nare EMnr Wlot ruse, Mc BET AN de uet i er parents.A' h eeigc Btaî N.spta . Bomanile, olo-sitîMr. and Mrs. R eay'MRr Ja vi. LMm. suodeMr. Tusa ih, h olwn Surviviog. besides bhis wife, a amiBaeL0. ao RbrsoCutice, sud m n uthe Sunday School are two sons, George cf Ajax hall on Monday afternooný and William cf Toronto. Also with Mcs. Herb Coppins pre- surviving are two brothers, ~ 'fC siding. Edgar cf Port Hope and Robent I. -,., ~a I~Mcs. Clarence IRowan as.slst-' cf Wbitby. lie was predeceased 7 e(J i LIyJ S 7J(.,ia't ed bv Mrs. Vincent Jackson,ý by two sisters, Pearl (Mrs. L f had 'charge of the wonshIp Fred Hie) and Mable (Mrs. ýU E u service cf scripture, medîta- Wbeelec . 1tioni, hymos sud prayers with The funeral service was held the thème "Beiug Teachable"'. tromn the Morris Funeral REGý,. $ 12.54) The mission studv on China Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wed- AFERUARY SPE"BLwasInte for The inda rlalt nesday, January 15th., and was E Bw efrThWndrla- conducted by Rev. D. Arscott ONLY . Iing a Christian faith problem; of Couctice. Interment was in PLUS inl a Chinese peasant family, Bowmanville Cemeteiy. ~ ~ RECNDlI\N with Mrs. Thomas Jennlngs, Palîbearers were Messrs. F E TRFATMENT Mcs. Harry Ryley, Mrs. Herb Sid Lancaster, Jack Kimbail, Coppins and Mrs. Walter Neals Raymond Bruce, Munray Bar-' PLAN A PERMANENT FOR SPRING' t.aking part. rie, ail cf Newr.onvllle, Ian n The roll call was answemed Greer, Peterborough, and The ,.~f bv Items concei'ning life in Edgar Eley Jr. of Port Hope. S.aon Ch Ina. 5 w , I5Mrs. Clarence Rowari gavel ~'HARDWARE Trent University was the BoDTTe Beauty teilmeinsh n ~Peter - firit In Ontarin ta have a memn- bocouzh. whirh she had st- Bowmanville ber cf Its tenchlng st.aff asj For Appointment - 623-7691 tended a(rcompanled by Mns.5 an elecî.ed member of fts Board il 7 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Thomas; Jennings. Mrs. William 101 Governors (1967). I Piercy and Mrs. lierb CoppIn5.,' l The 19"tarv, Mrs. ,en-!The Cena6an Statesnan, IBowman-eille, Feb. A9, 1989 nings. read minutes cf previous ____ meeting and cards of thanks; from Mrs. Greta Vice. Mr. and ( Mrs. Weston Hutchinson, Mr.' .jfn William Piercy.' Dean Editor: tee. Members were asked t'O If you need a "filler" 1 The safeguards are au assist with making mnini- smetime, you might put follows: have a regular afghans for The Golden Plougb this in medical e h e c k u p; don't .Lodge residenst. A new slogan for the 196q I smcke cigarettes: practise Literary books purchased at: campaign cf the Canadian regular breast self-examina- The Pnesbyterial meetings are Cancer Societv has come. tion: bave your Dentist te be passed around among Out it is, 'Ca'ncer Cao Be check for abnonmal condi- themebes ndthn pacd eýte".and is to replaceI tions in the moiith, have a Ithe library for future nef-, the old one cf "Figiht Can- regular Pap test; arrange erenîce. cen With a Checkup and a vith your Doctor for a Mrs. William Piercy read Cheque". Aise, seven new bowel examination; avoid Items of Interest concerntng S af eg ua r ds have been excessive exposure to sun- iMns. Walter Tong who had adopted. so sa.ç Dr. Ruth 1light' been a misslonany nurse In, E. Alison, Chairman of the ! hnsaanfreey IHong Kong.1 hnsaanfrPey Mns. Harold White gave- National FEducation Commnit- thing. Ruth Ward. Stewardship Th.cughts. Announcement was made of a speclal Youth Service on Sunday evening arraoged bv members cf the Hi-C grcup. ic at whicb Rev. Verne Zufelt o! Quin-Mo-Lac Camp will be the guest speaker. U.C.W.7 members were asked to pro- I a 4' vide lunch following the serv-iaf1,/ Ice. Twihe World'Day of Prayer T i u red n arn b iie Anglican and United Cburch usadsop i orph may nor members, March 7th In the usad hppd norpar cy nor United Cburch. Second Anniversary. Mrs. William Piercy led a' sing-along "Praise Ve The If you are a newconîer ln town or perbaps Lord.CalPteosld have not visited our pharmacy yet, stop iii group discussion on three and say "hello" 'questions: Should we adopt s child under the Foster Parent You wiIl always receive a cordial and Plan, or is money better spent courteous welcoine. through regular church chan- nels?' Should a chu rch gix e contributions to the Mission- aîrv and Maintenance FUud when it Is an aid-receiviug FREDR C chuc and overburdened with debt?"' 'Should the minister caîl et evecy home at least __________ once a yeac?', Following' the betiedictioon. 63 King Si. E. Bowmanville lunch was served by Mrs. Poe6324 Clarence Rowan and Mrs. Carl]hn 6324 Porteous. _______________________________ DAISY FRESH® Shapes A Pretty New You With Fashion Basies! A COOL COrTTON RA-dainiiy embroidered, snowy white cotton with underarm elastie for great fit. A 32-36, B 32-38, C032-40, D 34-40. each 3.00 B REGULAR PANTY GIR DLE-in yellowdotted white pawernet for lots of pull-in power, front contrai panel. SmaII-X-Iarge. each 5.00 C LONG-LINE BRA-with embraidered, 2-section cup, stretchy leno 'Farter front inserts, soft sida honing. A 32-38, B 32-42, C and D 32-44. each 5.00 D LONG-LEG PANTY GIRDLE-terrific figure contrai in, comfy, give-and-take white powernet with tummy-control panel. Smaiý-X-large. each 7.00 (s4%~ LK E R' S' KING ST. E. 623-5451 BOWMANVILLE m -e. 5 623-5451 BOWMANVILLE

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