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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1969, p. 6

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- .~ C * '~ The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 19, 1969 12. The meeting was opened K n tsMmra akCuhu.fl P ~~~~by the pledge followed by'tlwn theKinsmen. Tor 1 I roll cai. Judy Sisson read the i ~~~~~~~secretary's report and Marleah iCrsaaLht.KnteJn Recreation Reviews J ~~~~Malcolm took the collection rasriion 5 wTereihectrngcneo Re r a i n R v e sand gave a treasurer's report. frtelnhpeae n TYKE HOCKEY ton one goal while Rick MaKey;ed up with littie Richard mBaedatat W in, lrsierb e b'Po nvLuc uprw rdaincreoyfrto In the first Tyke game played iand Dan Haass had one assisU Harper as they performed a apoied pressreoter.Malolm elda eora akClub- wo aPouctssuly cmpet on Feb. 4th. the Royals edged leach. The Giants goal wasinumber of Instrumentals with aiontewa srrer. scssonjhoelec entlv.Tecmite dtercntBbFtr the Cardinals by a 1-0 score.!scored by Wayne JohnsonlTed Dunn singing "Hot Rod was based on "How to create In charge of 'arrangemnsfrCus posrdb h lb The Royals goal was scored by'assisted bv Kevin Gibson lLincoln" a popular western! a design" and leaders gave this successful annuleet aehr eot Brd odry ssstdbyMîe PEE 'WEE A SERIEq tune of a few years back. some ideas for cushion covers,1was composed of Scea iet onButsoen Sadler and Rod Dewell. In the first game the Leafs Joe Bothwell and Ron Lux-. alhnig, ec ruiae edsadKnte u edo waesfrsm In the second encouniter theiand Wings plaved to a two- ton, the blue grass favorites, wstud cnis e ft.hreedem-Aurey Slede an alHad tteyon.ostaigpr Indians defeated the Bombers all tie. The Leafs goals were ýas always, entertained the, onstrations - (a) How te cutPeietCni iea nteRceto eatin' b>' a 2-1 count. The Indians ' scored by Dennis Broome andl audience with a number of top1 out a runner on place-mata by preside duringte bsns io okyLau.I a goals were scored by Jef Rob Brough while Sandv Kemp ýtunes and Instrumentais. M.Pg; bporo u u esieting wicg hto lc eie o oaesetr Stewart while Doug PjckeIll picked up one assist. Theý The Carpenter Trio. nowla po Gail Parder; (c) after the delicious nel ln hs os n îet rn Rlcky Gibbs and Kevin John-,Wings goal was scored by known as the "New Additiori" How te cut out a tote-bag, were discussed for tecu' a eeae omk h son picked up assists. TheiDave MacGregor and Joey1featurlng lead singer Bob Mitzi Malcolmn. Spring Project, whihwlIbpucse Bombers goal was scored by:Hilîs while Pete and Tom Now- Carpenter, lead guitar players Mrs. Malcolm demonstrated 'a Chidre'sFa Doug Hoy assistcd by John!Ian each had one assist. 'Larry Goodman. Jake Blersma the uses of thread Including irctes ahon nw KnteSee a pone KCOczulab. In the second game the Atom nd female vocalist Shari Pat- the blanket stitch. The meet-ian cloty hesfom e Jh oivsigt ehd The first gamne played on AIL Stars shutout the Hawksîerson thrilled the audience aniJuy Sopp. Knetes dofheaingthespetatrt Feb. 6th the Americans de-iby a 4-0 score. The Stars goalswith a number of modern xing asndeofth a.short Joan Brunt and Donn ht etoso eollAea feated the Blades by a 4-1 'were scored by Ted Puk withý Country and Western tunes. l xlnto f h oeA-are the Children's aho n obrn e eoto score. The Americans goalslone goal and one assist. Brian The trio of Carman Smith, signiments. Twelve membersShow Co-convenors.ths ate toasbeun wiere scored by Trent M/astcrs!Martyn one goal. Steve How- Gary Tabault and Sally Walk- Wilson, wreideth rbaa Knet ea olcutm-ietngonh cu.Th rz wvyte, Ken Çowîe. Time But-iAssists went te Kirk Kernp. fvrisangsw. akSnw wr rsîet rîî club on this year's aeo Ie ~ da tohshaw with one assist alsolBarry. Livingstone. Gary Nemn- Joan Harper. Doreen BlackO Regal Christmas cardsaon-( a dcdd ta i and Neil Campbell had oneisz with one assist each. and her daughter Darlene Oapproxlmed te ly$5$oe2.at3d4ottndthanubsiir asist The Blades lone tally, PEE WEE B SERIES Black, and Ivan Wannamaker, ýprxmtl 5 wps scored by Don Cowle as- In the first game the Bears as alw'ays, kept the audience MRS. PERCY RICHARUSON year's similar sale.dadnerm tigobeed sisted y Kevi Gray.defeated the Rangers by a close'in a happy mood. iet id cobepea h ligDtha oo In failing health since No- sented her report on telnhIni ac.TeFbur In the second game the 3-2 score. The Bears goals Geraid Elliott and the HoevebrMm.PcyRhadIrîddadsvd88Snodier etngwlbePs Steelers and Hornets fought to were scored by John Guy with vDowners BanrydRchao-f Ted Hall-srve a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ia BwoilltieCThleelrs wo nd neassisTmWoo'm Iî l H son, 45 Harmony Rd. S., Osh- Citizens by the KietsaPsdn's ih. goals were scored by Tomnec one goal and two assists, fld 'J 0e. er m a ssonwt awa, died February 14, 1969,, Eyman with two while Ray'Gary Reid one assi st. T nhe'Hslmaln wt at the Rosebank Nursingý SandrsonRangrs oalswerescord ym "Senator" Coyle kept theHoe Sh wain erOt Prh do and StTe -Rner ol ee crd yhoedown fans happy with year.TH CO UGOEA&DRM GU D eahha n asst h Hr-Bhîî White whiie Randy Van-! peppy jigs and reels. TH IOI ets goals were scored by Dan iMeer collected two assist.s. Master of Ceremonies J.C The former Elsie May Strike and Todd Mahone>'. In the second game the'Cyeanucdta h ui Shackleton, the deceased, was' rset ATMHCE aainadMrosfoughtiol nuceth hes a daughter of the ]ate Mr. and Ini the fist game played on ito a one-ali tie. The Canadiens tru habenusdl wkMs.R etSaceo.Br, gat., Feb. 8th the Kings and goal was scored by Mat Dillon "'it D rama -Workshop-otary at Lotus, Ont.. June 28, 1889.1 Bisons played to a three-all assisted by Jim Stackaruk. The Club - Recreation Committee she moved to Oshawa in 1908 tie. The Kings goals were Mamoons goal was scored byl presentation of the "The Boy admridi 99 scord byTerr SaginsnýBil Hubàr assitedby Gry'Friend" that attracted an audi- r.Rcado wsa scoedb> Tery SaginonBi Hbbad ssite b Gryence of close te 2.700 over five Sheila goes for a test ride with "SQUIRMING IRMA". Sheila Pollock of General Mr.Rhasn wa a Music an hok yLiel ar wlth two, Randy MastersonýOvenden and George Bowen. 'nights. He also welcomed Mr. Motors of Canada's Truck Distribution Drmn went for a test ride member ofiHarmgnyanditrd one, Rick Krakenburg and1 In the third game the BruinsjAr t Humpage and famil>' aleaLmftreety Church and was active in the' SaeadDaaDrcinb o ign Ricky Bain one assist Aces also played to a crne- the way fromn Kitchener. with a device named "Irma" by GM engineers. The machine is located in GM's church until she suffered ai Music Dlrcinu oi ul The Bisons goals were scoredýaîl tie. The Bruini goal was Next show. February 23 d xeietlDprmn n sue ocryotpnsig2-our wear tests boe i iNvme n by Gen arti wih tw anscored hy Dennis Bamber. The etu gFloyd Lloyd. ion seat material. At the same time it checks seat construction by subjecting each bher health failed. Vcoi pr os oor in e oirndoe 'es goal wgas scred b Hwa -d seat to the weight of a 150-pound person squirming in and out 50,000 times.1 Predeceased by her husbandi Jn thesecondcontet th&Piqllpsassised by owardin 1938, Mrs. Richardson is.Cran :5pm Clippers shiutout the Fllyers to Hilîs and Randy Wilins. C'T" GM's Experimental Engineers conduct tests every day on seats picked at random survived b ya son, Earl, o! a 3-fl score. The Clippers goals BANTAM HOCKEY LONGS ULTj from its assembly lines, as well as general approval tests on seat materials Petawaa agtr aia wâre scored by Rob Bickle, In the first game the Flyers subrnitted bxr suppiers.ewaa. ames aughter ofuP one galp and oMeassyPstonch edged the Pirates by a 2-i (Intended for iast week) poo, PP" Pr L on ty-rs. ar Hreran ary rstngame. The Flyers goals were Mrs R, Cameron and Ruth- L -Poi l, iste o neshaasan o goal while Don Farrow fired by Ken Ferris while Len Anne were Sunday afternon Y colin vislted Corrie's brother, LouslCif!eo OsawaRa r V pon asW .Mr. Hank Boon in Scarboroh a number of grandc-hildreni AlStsR ere - $1O,$75$22 piekedU n si Fowler picked up one assist vIsitors of Mrs. W. Penwarden - w mu wh ndgea-radcidrn ith hr aeteBar- The Pirates goal was scored and Mrs. Kelly, Orono. .Im General Hospital on Sunday'adgetgadhlr4l cInede the Ridmersb ytheE < sitd y Ms Jsi das o Intended for last week)( Miss Mona Malcolm enter- where he is currentl>' hospital- The funeral service was Mail Order REsevtos 2- ouri gdThe Barders byagyoalsMriveEa assitd yMcs Jlewssie Adas, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal-Itained lber grandparents Mm. ized following an accident.held at 2 p.m. Feb. 17, at the C 2-1r cont. TheParonPs galst oIntsMeaodw a nvihel o te, w. s amrid's gustcoîni accompanied the Jackiand Mrs. Rae Malcolm on Sat- which caused burns to his face'1 McIntosf - Anderson F'uneralCO UR OP A wtt two goals, while Len Wee All Stars, defeated the Mc. and Mrq. J. .1,Iohnstôn Wilsons t.o the Angus futurîtvý urday on the occasion of ber and one arm. ýHome, Oshawa. Temporary&DRM GU D Wliite lied an assist. Raiders Braves by a 2-1 count. The and David spent Sundi> after- sa1a hYay rn nsxt itdv~elvert.on 4 H Cemetery Mausoleumn and Bx43 oni>' goal was scored by Larry Stars goals were scored by noon wlth Mrs. Cunningham Oakville on Saturd1a.i A speedy recover>' te Man-'Tescn etn fte bre ilb ntesrn Hiarl, assisted b>' John Lane. Byron Holmes and Ricky and Nancy, Toronto. er Councîllor Mr. A Ian Teeond mty eei -H of th l ill entespnihg n the fourth game te heewhl ALEibsanMr. .GisndehMr ýrwt s ucgc v Byin R wossuMem-Club was beld at the home of service was conducted by Rev. Please encloseceu ih eevtos Nerth Stars defeated the Pen- Pearce Wilcox collected assists. and Mcs. N. Davis and famil>', S L Mdret sr yI os M c Ms. Murcay' Malcolm on Sat- E. F. Fraser, of Harmon>' Vns by a 2-1 count. The The Braves goal was scored Orono, spent Monda>' In Toron- jorial Hospital In Lindsay. urday. Feb. 8th from 9:00 te Unit.ed Church. Nô.t Stars goals wert, scored by Patil Dillon assisted by to. Intended for last week) Miss Jenni fer McGill hadi by. Paul Sohil. The Penguins Erie. Gosick. Mc. and Mrs. Bye Gibson Sympathy k extended to the the misfortune on Sundavi goal was scored b>' Rob 0cm- In the third game the Husk- spent Sunidaaternoon visit- family and other relatives and ong in Port Perry rink te Iston assisted by Fred Wind. les defeated the Panthers by lng with their daughters and friends of Mrs. George Hone>', he bit by a flying puck in the In the fiftb game the Rams a 3-2 courit. The Huskies goals familles. Orono. Fenelon Falls, who passed face necessitating several stît- defeated the Giants b>' a 4-1 Iwere scored b>' Steve Watson~ Mrs. Fletcher and Mm. John away Iast week after a long ches at, Port Perry Hospital. coUnt. Tbe Ramns goals1 werel1with two and Eric Martin one Johnson, Oshawa, were Sun- Iilness. Also to Mr. Arthur Mr. Dean Welman o! Bethel seored by Dave Down, Franki oal and one assîst. The Pan- day gulests o! Mr. and Mrs. Belîman and famlly, Bowman- Church on Omemee chargeRA Geald oneddoa and Doneug stýhr goals were scoced by Bert Johnson. ville, In the passing of Ilrs. A. provided the message on Sun- GeraMilîson anddDKen HKing Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith Belîman on Monda>'. day in th ontInued absence while Ron Piper and Kenjafld granddaughter Lesa& r Ge lakun onîf our minister Mc. Harold Llvngson ba on asist Smith. Bowmanville, were Miss Joyce Anderson. Ottawa, Stobbart stili in hospital. Mc. ar O DEesDu eacb. Sundai guests of thbe Smiths. weeweedvstr ibbsWelman spoke on the timel>' S.ýdWIuTff CMAW -LSIILM MIDGET HOCKEY Mr. 'and Mcs. Paul Vander- parents. Mr. and Mcs. Face- topic "Service".U ri 1 n the first game the Pine, rnWih.wr atra'wI lchr.Mr and Mcs. Ted Spenceleyi aRidge School came up with evening visitors o! Mr. and Miss Susan Craig eccom-ar heudtelv o ther irt icor o te eannMrs. W. Vaneyk. panied a group of students aeshdld t ev nm b>' eirfetîngtry the eneasb> Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk from Bowmanville High Schoâl Wednesday fcom Malton b>'y,- 31scored.b>'eGaRySmgoal Mr. and Mcs. P. Vaneyk, Winter Carnival last. weekend. bon, Prua here the>' wili1 wre score. TheGarySmgasirthna'dne uet !wo atedd te Qebcpaeva e okt is -E Y3 4 b Trn.Mc. John Benscop' saten- oin a conducted toujr thro ugh w3 4 b with two and one assist, Keith seyroatee. .~Perat negolwhile Dn Mc. andi Mrs. Ron Rowe and ing the Rural Learnn ssoci- Spain. Portugal, Morocco, etc b. Pern n olad1cola lv a pineasn acton An AVG How o duk ,lfonood wo asist ani famWlv, Bownianville; Mr a, tion Leadership Sho leAljini lhngteSec ThlMs are oas grsGeneva Park. L k nCu hi- Georealgalsc e soedbTh e reSuaybr isel rso!Mrhng. other Velvertonian cucrently I K IK aki kotb W eeAl noasd Bemn Jobnsoy.and Mrs. H. Murphy. iMc. Larry Weish and Mis11en -osediseig boe a Lari ________ Jean Baker attended the aaY places Is Mm. Jimmy teveri uIt In tbe final Midget gamp no!'Junior Farmer Zone Confer- Sae In the British Merchant the day the Mt. RayaIs defeat- vw~ i.v~ ence at Campbellfocd on Sat- Navy who. since visitîng Afrîca ed the Canucks b>' a 3-2 score. III A ET VILLE urda>'. hsbetoRtrdmHlan Ifa ie or similar pei sei The Mt. Royals goals wecei A number from the comn-!and is currently heading (or euifama orbs.icrdb aeCle Billý (Intended for~ last week) munit>' att.ended and en.ioved Jpecbaps alceady arrived) in AEYT AS Imm, it could be a knockout Euwes one goal and one assist,l On Wednesday aftemnoon ' The Boy Fciend" laist week. ithe most northerly port In the rI bow ... CVen it Your P and Ken Holmes one goal and the Womenrs Institute held- world - Norvac, Nocway fhTuADr fUlAl ROYALGUTSNYMOF *rty nsurace isodeqa e asist. The Canucks goals their Febr-uary meeting at Mr. B sns ielr ceue aso tdso i During the rebuilding pe- wece scored b>' James Baker and Mcs. Clarence Beatty's B sns ietr shdIdt hwsie fhsIS iioyu' bouto!buinssand Steve Forse>' whiile Harry home. The president Mcs. H.lmost cecent perambulations lid o' eoto uiesWilloughby and Harry Oyler: QuantclII presided. The co l. C CO u .i a n cy lthrough EtirOpe to the Bethali' A A .-.without business inc ' ech bad one assist. i_______Inthe_____f_ ý_________ladies tbis week in Bethan>' PI S29or 5 IS 1 'Yt erai naoiabebu- Deta the Little N.H.L.Idcalw a nh erfocm o! a RAY' J. DILLING United Churcb. zesexpenses wou!d con- 'Zone Tournament being beldl slip fcom a bat and spoke on batre 'cuGaA . imyAchso8as9 inue. This financial drain !at the Bowmanville Memocial, what tapie appeared on the, 93 Churcb Street ýtucned fcom Bowmanville bos- could bankrupt You unless lAcena on Saturda>', March the slip. Such items as spats, 623-3861 ipital this week and is reported lion for vour business ition Hockey League that day.iby Mrs. C. Mercer and ap- 115 liberty St. S., Bowmranville Robert Wright, bas taken uP Iflcme. Calus about it Thp8:00 am n t will begin at proved. A 'letter about a newi_ Phone 623-3612 ein r erinyanursig hRm 180 ,n ntemorning. foster child was read and we W - - 'inC7HÀPoWrtherry ewihu ttk fciend Torono, visted wtb L.DS., D..lof empire building. Ufle needAC ES LC 0 3 ~ ~M1TGEIEDLMEM ýMc. and Mrs. Russell Wbyte Offie hi be very perceptive ta rc OA M a.% W 1U ecenti>'. Miss Williams taught., 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville omgnize bow great would be IA H M U E iô ihf K 3 school ere a number of years Ofc Phone 623-5604 their representation In such a, A SHORTENN aga OfieHours: callossus. S S" SRi-- Mr. and Mrs. B. Melntosh a.m. ta f9 p.m. dail>' Unless the>' are quite will- IAS O TENNGP 3(' and boys.Cold Springs; Mr. ClsedWednesda.y- -,Saturd ay~ tacptw tfted 4i AN OR .1 and Mcs. Ra>' Averys, Oshawa; DR.STNLYGRT as interpreted by Mr. Whrvri aaaYu uiesi oaeI r rnlnGloe otNewman. a concected effoý't 1000 PRICES AND BONUS FEATURES EFFECTIVE Fil. 19, 20,21,22 I Mc.FrnkinGimoe, 67 King St. E., Bowmanville ýwiîî have ta be made on their MrOP. san tMrs H. uldcew.thOffice Hours: bhaftopevn ti fo is at your service. We make IcanS to smaller and M.adMs .Mlrw 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. tcranspring.prLvatesttireflease I ÉERE H RiT 0 IITQIvITE mediumr-sized businesses from coast to coast. Mr. and Mrs. Sainm nis, Monda>' through Thucsday from the Hon. Darcye>Mc ' CAUP 2 And we can help nearly every type of business.. htv s . 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Frida>' Keough suggest that no plansý A manufacturing ..wholesale and retail trade Crombie, Mr. man iie. C erei oe 62uda3-nd7 uda62orfurther deveiopment o! tourismn and recreation .. .Construction ... agri- wicet M. adMs_. ecrPon 2-62this area (Northumberland - SWANSON DEEP DISN DCH I culture... .transportation and storage. Mrs. H. Thickson visited ber T lDurbam) as regards egional So, if you need financial assistance to star?, mother Mrs. Ceeil Mercer, .n s ur a n ce government wili be contem -_____________________________ expnd o mdenîe bsies aywer ~ Newcastle, this week. plated foc at least one and aTanJUICJAFF Mc. andor Mrs. Roabbuines aWestrein 1DONALD A. MaeGREGOR bal! yeacs which does flot sug DOLE 1 Z SETan U Canada, perhaps ID B can help you. Mesr oand vlllRb, Auto, Homeo gest that we sbould be luiledSZ weekend witb Tbicksons. ISTDS yflesneo eui Pl'_ VkJNGE5 9 iMr. and Mcs. Paul Woolacott 52 KIig st. W., Bowmanyilll. into doing notbing in the wa J05 left on Sunda>' for Miami and Phone 623-5902 o! planning to be masters o! Nassau for a holiday. our fate In the ensuing months. LIU JINDUS TRIAL M.and Ms. W.Muldr:v. 0 p t om e f r y The mn r iend s of pst DE VELOPMEN T BANK Mrs. L. Muldrew, Sunda'. RUTS A.nn.ILrn, O.D. mas, Reeve of Cobourg, wouldfl*III1 AEJ I*r TERM FINANCING FOR CMANDAN BUSINESSES Pontypool, Ieft last week for 143 King St. E. - Bowmanville of symnpathy to the family in o W i ia n v i *l L ME O O *I lF a vacation In Florida. Steven Office IHouri: ,B>' appointment the automobile accident In W- TONNTO, ONT.: 250 Univtsi AvenSm -ulplio: 3&145Is with is grandparents Mr. Telephone 623-3252 Toronto that Involved their, and Mrs. O. Mercer, Vieki la Mon.- Tues. - Thurs. - 'ri. daughtem Brenda being rushedi heme over the weekend butl 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ta hospital and destruction o! OA AN I L ________________________________________stays with frlends In P6nty- Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 hem car b>' fime this week. pool on achool days. Thursday eveiing Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ma1-1

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