SSociaIl& £ersonal Phone 623-3303 Miss Elsie Barker of Tor- fand a Grade elght student at onto visited last week with Mr. i Shrubmount Public School,l and Mrs. H. E. Purdy, Temper-!Stouffvi]le, represented the' ance Street. jTownship of Whitchurch at the'ý Mr. and Mrs. L. Bate and1York County Oratnrical Com-1 Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Hooeypetitiofl. were Sunday guests of BowmanvilJle Lions Clubi Mrs. W. L. Hooey and draw winners Toronto, ;are: Feb. 19, Ada Richards, If you have been awaY:ýMeda Hagerman; Feb. 22, Helený visiting or have had out-of- Graharn, Donna Preston; Feb. town guests at your home,ý26, Barney Vanstone, Ab. Stur-i please phone in this informa-. rock; Mar. 1, Ted Sheehan, tien. Dial 3-3303. Elgin Bromneli; Mar. 2, H. W. Miss Claudia Norminton ofi Knapp, Glen Fry. Jr. "A"ý Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Ron hockey draw winners. Feb. 22,F Johnson, Kingston, were week- Robert Hagerman; Feb. 25,' end guests of Mr. and Mrs. arry Atchison. Don ickrd, haws. 1 Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Hard- F Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur1ing were at Port Perry on! leave on Thursday for Miami, :Saturday afternoon, February! Florida, where they will be'8th.. to attend the funeral ofl staying for the next few weeks'Rev. F. G. Joblin, which wasi at the Driftwood Hotel. ýheid in Port Perry Unitedi Mr. and Mrs. Ronald I-all,1Church. Mr. Joblin and hisi Chatham, spent the weekendfamily are well-known locallYi with his mother, Mrs. Jamesias Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Joblini Hall, Liberty St. North. Miss formerly resided here andJ D. Taylor of Toronto alsotheir son. Rev. F. H. Joblini' spent the weekcnd with Mrs. was a former minister at St. Hall. Paul's United Chvrch, Bow-i Among many students home manville. Miss Gladys Joblin, for study dur ing Reading Week a daughter, was for some were Jili Ames, Christy Tighe,' years a teacher on the staff of Dcn Taylor, Mary Ann Mac-1 Bowmanvile Public Schools. Kenzie, from Queen's Univer- sity, and Janice Lander. Wat- th dtosil Mr. and Mrs. J. Il. Baldwin and sons Graham and Mark,i Dear Friends: Willowdale. and John May-! Every one of us at the berry of Upper Canada Col- War Amps Key Tag Ser leize were guests of Mr, and vic wants yeu to know Mrs. M. L. Rocnigk, King St.taUedepyapeit West, over the weekend. the continued publicity yo u Mr. and Mrs. George Shea,' give to our annual cam- Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill and pin Arnold, attended the Porter- Waithu ounuprt.h Begswcdig n atrd , enter prise would suffer Pontypool United Church and, the reception afterward at the! Particularly this year, with Bonfire Restaurant, Lindsay. inrae ota aew Mr. taney urk oftheneed your help. Our mail- Mr. taney urk oftheing costs are 66 percent C.B.C., who was the speakerl higher this year. iRt the Canadian Club Tuesday, W evening, Mrs. Burke, Rev.! W are therefore obligedI Mary Dougherty of Enniskil:ý to make a slight increase i ]en, and Mr. and Mrs. W' the prices of War Amps Teeple. town, were Tuesday, Ke *y Tags: First Tag 50 dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. cents, for two Tags 7 et Angus Blair. fo third extra Tag 25 Ameng members of FIor- ence Nightingale 100.OF.1 Lodge whe attended the Grand,1 Finale qf District 48 & 49 ini Napance last Saturday were! Messrs. Cecil Vanatto, Sýtan McMurter, Mac Moore, L . B. Nichols, town, and Brian Cas- wcll ef Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Macaulay, King St. East, entertained' with a Valentine supper and bridge party last Saturday evening. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. J. Barten, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jackson, Mr. andi Mrs. Laurence Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. W. Teeple and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pring. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agnew, Ontario St., recently receivedi word that their granddaugh- ter, Sandra Davies, daughter cfM.and Mrs. George Davies REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Minister: Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Phone 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 7:00 11:15 am Sunday School Back te God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Welcome" cents. -Tnis is thiefiîrst urne in 16 years that we have raised the price cf our Key Tags. Last year was a very successfui year. We wcre able te return 14,920 sets cf lest keys te their right- fuI owners. Since 1946 the total num- ber ef lost sets ef keys found and returned te their owners bas reached the as- tenishing figure cf 153,585. In the next few weeks we will be mailing more than 12 billion little metal kcy tags - miniatures ot car licenses - te car owners across~ t,dLcUd. The money raised by the sale of these tags helps finance the 19 branches of the War Amputation Asso- ciation across Canada. The program, includes job place- ments fer amputees, spe- cialized recreatien and be- nevelent work. The money raiscd also supports our National Pro- Fgram for rehabilitation and after-care of War Ampu- tees; aid te their widows, orphans and dependents; artificial limb research and st. PauI's FUnited Church Minister Rev. HR. A. Turner, FB.A., B.D. Organit 7 Mr. R. Meteaif, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. 9:45 &.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Publie Worshlp James Churchill, soloist Infant care durlng Service TRINITY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1969 11:00 a.m. "SEVEN WORDS AROUND THE CROSS: (3) THAT 0F THE BYSTANDERS" Rev. Geo. K. Ward CHURCH SCHOOL 9:30 a.îu. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 amr. - Beginners 2:00 p.m. - Young People's Membersbip Class 3:00 p.m. - Aduit Membership Class The Salvation Army Bowmanville Corps %%OVER 60 CLUB"J' (Senior Citizens) WILL COMMENCE IN THE SALVATION ARMY HALL, DIVISION STREET, at 1:00 O'CLOCK THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ALL SENIOR CITIZENS WELCOME Legion Speaking Winners i n Zone Finals This Sunday \This Sunday afternoon, starting at 1:30, the Zone finals of the Legien Public Speaking centest will be held in the Legion Hall on Queen Street. Taking part from this area will be the winners of the Jr. High School class, the Sr. Elementary and the Jr. Elemen- tary whe competed here on Saturday morning. They will include the four speakers in the foreground of the top picture, from left to right, Marilyn Knox (Jr. High, Irene Reitmuller, Joey His and Jili vander Walker of the Sr. Elementary. Other contestants standing in this photo are, from lef t te right, Laurie Johnson, Julie Fagan, Darlene Hughes, Dianne Chrys- tai, Tina Vooys, Nancy Hilîs, Gloria Chisholm, Rory IGibbs, Jennifer Rehder and Debora Swain; absent iliaison work with civilian amnputees. We do hopg you can use the available publicity ma- Iterial: - a new release and a leaflet for ail media; 20 2nd 60 sccond color sound film (with the new prices) ind a color slide for tele- vision, with a brief ceom- mercial. The message we want to get across is: Car Owneýrs, when you receive your War Amp Key Tags, please re- memher te send 50 cents for the first tag, for two tags 75 cents, and for an extra tag another 25 cents. The address is: War Amps Key Tag Service, 140 Mer- iton Street, Toronto 7, On- Stario. Thank you in anticipation of your usual fine co-epera- tien. Allan D. Piper. General Manager. WESLEY VILLE 1(Intended for, last week) Eight ladies fram the Wes-: Ile 'vxille United Chuich Wo-! jmen attended the annual Fmeeting et Cobourg Presby- 1 terial at Campbelltord on JWednesday, Feb. 5th. They were: Mesdiames T. Wilson, H. Reeve, Clarence Nichels, Ken Dinner. H. Austin, G. Tufford, E. Barrowcleugh and!F A. Ford.i FCliurnh service waç at Wel- corne on Surida «v morning andI at. Sunday School here the!I offcring was reneived by Mark! Bec and Lance Payne. The closing prayer was led by the junior class and their teacher, Mrs. J. Groeneveld. Another quilt was finished' at the home ef Mrs. Hector!I Darke last xveek. Mr. Carroll Nichols. sen Donald and Alain Wilson at- j tended the hockey match Ini Toronto on Saturday night. Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashhv on Sunday were FMr. and Mrs. Roland Brier and family from Peterborough and Mr. Arthur and Fred Culver- son et Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Austin, Roy Austin and Mrs. b. Oughtred attendied the fun- eral of Mr. George Coleman lin Toronto en Monday, Feb. 10. FValerie Austin was also pres- ent from Toronto. Mr. Cole- man had been 111 for seme 1 tirne and was the husband of theb former Lena Henning ory. whoseý girlhood home~ Iwas In Wesleyville. when photo was taken Mona Heenan and Ann Briane. In the lower picture, the three winners are at lef t,ý Katherine Knox, Cheryl Cernish and Barbara McGuirk, followed by Cindy Anger, Sandra Hajnik, Sharon Bickle, Kathy Samuel, Rosemnary Kennedy. The two boys in front are Dave Dewell and Gary Ovenden. Bradley Boyce and Robb Walton were absent when the picture was taken. The Legionnaires in charge of the event are shown in the upper photo at the rear, and include the chairman Tom McGuirk, Past President Maurice Conway and President Ron Richards. Mrs. Peter Bathgate, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, who served refreshments te the contestantsý and theguests is aise shown at right in this photo. BLACKSTOCK SAt services in the churchesiFP. Romneril chose as the themne fromn the CKLB ra 1Sunday morning, in the Ang-1for bis sermon, "This is Liv- in Oshawa, the tapE lican Rev. R. C. Rose preach-l1 ing". He said . "To live inl of which will be pl cd fromn the text "When a' Christ is te live for Him.' later this month. child 1 spoke as a child." He Msds. Harold Kyte, John C.HS. students wl stressed the need of accept-1 anghn .RoeiK. vassing arwilh ing responsibility for own1 Samelis, R. Duff, H. 'Mc- they caîl on youp actions. i Laughlin, S. Van Cam P and genereusly. Remer In the Unitcd, Miss Leanne R. Mcbaughlin attendcd the motto-"We all havg Dorrell sang a solo, 'Just a U.C.W. Presbyterial in Kings-ý A directors meeli Closet- Walk with Thee." -Rev.,iview United Church, Oshawa, Cartwright Agricul FWednesday. I ciety was held FGlad te report Mr. Ernest iiîght,' the ncw presi barmer got home fromt hesi-tr Malcolm pres:( " y tai Saturday. We hope for a cided te have Er, yspeedy convalescence,. neuve, Oshawa, tc U Sorny to reportMr John rides for the fair.C Thne Vnin was taken te Port1 were setup for av IPerry hospital, Saturday. prize list revisions. His many friends in Cart-Itheme for this yeai iul wright were shocked te hear b FrigYs of the suddcn death of Mr.' Toda.. Prelimina scienceHarry Peel of Port Perry,! lists are availahle Scen eSunday morning. , :secretary, Mrs. Gen Mrs. Lloyd Beacock, Glen: now. Monitow r and Gordon visited Lloyd both' Mr. and Mrs. Arns Friday and Sunday, FridayF Scarborough, visited b1eing bis birthday. Whenj Mrs. Roy Taylor, irecommends i kh.- arrived he was being, evcniiîg. prepared foi movîng to Lynd F Mr. and Mrs. Don yo e dHurst Lodge Hospital, and yon readLynd llurst Ave., Toronto family were Sui prguests of Mr. yo r j unday he was nicely settiedi R4rvynGrhm inhis new location and get- Ms .W rg ,ng more therapy. fewdv atek iWhile bowling in the Wed- IR dy atwe "" lr inesday night Icague in PortR Stînison, Bowman newsplap ýerry last week, Jean Mahaf-1 'Sympalhy is exter Yotr ocl nwsapr eep yu n-fy bowled a fantastic 168, 3,581Harold Larmer, Mr or lofal espapeningeen your and 214 for a high triple ofiLarmer and famîlie area-community events, public 941 Congratulations, Jean. death ef their father meetings, stories about people in Miss Hyacinth Booth. Tor-,Avery, in Bowmanvi your vicinity. These you cant -affidon to, spent the w.eekend with ýtaI this (Mondav) ir shouldn't- do without. I Rev. and Mrs. Romeril andý Several couples tri HOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS Dennis. stock enjoycd the YOUR LOCAL PAPER The night ef February l4th. O'Keefe Mixcd Bol The Monitor specializes in analyzing ,Cartwright High School held "Port Perry, Saturday and interpreting national and worid their annual Valentine Dance, Mrs. Brian Hamilton news . .. with exclusive dispatches sponsored by the Canadian and Mrs. Neil Bai from one of the largest news bu- F Heart Association. The Me- tirst, and Mr. and1 reaus in the nations capital and chanical Illusion, from Tor- Turner and Mr. and ,.from Monitor news experts in 40 ente. volunteered their timnejPargater won fifth overseas countries and ail 50 states. providing fabulous mu s ic.' this spiel. TRY THE MONITOR - IT'S A PAPER The highlight of the evenîngi Mr. and Mrs. Ricf THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY came with the crowning et Camp and family vis - 17 year old binda Mcuntjey!Dorcen Van Camp, The Christian Science Monitor as Cartwright's Heart Queen. Falls, Sunday. One Norway Street She and the other inaists-,ý Mrs. P. V. W Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Diane Taylor. Carol Wotten. Brooklîn, and Mrs. Please start rny Monitor subscription for barrie Turner, Susan McColl Van Camp visited N the period checked belovw. 1 enclose and Janet Turner had been Todd, Garden Hill,i $ <11.S. lunds). introduced earlier in the ev- Sunday guests et CI 1 YEAR $26 Q] 6 nonths $13 ening by the master ef cere- Mrs. Stanford Var [3 3 nwnths $650 monies, D. Cor-bey. They had were Mr. and Mrs. I. Nome aIl given speeches. describing a rt, Heatlier and Marnthe purpose of and the work, Brooklin. stret__________ done by the heart association. j Mr. and Mrs. Be, Linda was presentèd with ber land Traci, Mr. and M~ City crown by Oshawa's MissIDunsmoor and Kirk, State ZIP Code___ Heart. and Chairman cf the! soent the weekend PBd7 Capter, N. Ottoman. She waz ' Ken Dunsmoors. --~-'-----then interviewed by M. Smithj Mr. anîd Mrs. Elmei Whitby, visited Mr. and Mm,.1The Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanville, Feb. 19, 1989 Wlibert Archer. Sunday. 1 Mr. Tom Hortoe visited re- latives in St. Williams dis- Y iv trict and Mr. Clint Wilson. Iou g Aduit Bowling Ben Morris and sons Bennyi Team Standings T. Harrison 222, L. Woods 210. and Hugh, St. Williams, werej, Smith 261.5 4 S. Cain 212, D. Creamer 205. weekend guests of Mr. andUJ Lugtenburg. 2976 31G. Marshall 203, B. Creanier Mrs. T. Horton and famlly. ::K. Cobb 2971 12'2, J. Tucker 200, M. Hately Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ýG. Marshall -- 2811 1I and Mrs. D. Carley were Mr.! R. Selleck - --- 2753 l!186, D. Anlauf 186, L. Judge an-d Mrs. D. Freman, daugh-'H. Moore 2182 01185, J. Lugtenburg 183. C. ter JudY, and Grandfather Gamnes Over 225 Peebles 182, B. Smith 180, G. Freman of Columbus. D. Crearner -------- 242 Palmer 180, P. Jordan 177. P. ______bur 174, S. Cobb 174. Mrs. Peter Hoogeveen has!L. Woods - _----- 306J Lutenr 170, H-. Moore 167. gene te Holland te. visit her'S. Cain 295-346'H. Mitchell 159, J. Smith 158. parents and relatives. K. Cobb 2___ 69-9_66 ILPtesn15S.Dvr Mr. ad Mr. Geald ellyC. Peebles --------- - 3o6, Ptesn15 .Dvrk Mr. nd rs.Gerad Klly155. B. Murphy 153, R. Mac- and girls visited Mr, and Mrs. Aveiiges Pherson 150,. V. Tennant 149, Henry Walker. Murrav and K. Cobb 229. R. Selleck 228. ýF.Lutn17M.Sehs4, Katherine, Fenelon Fails, on ID. Masters 140. Sunday. ' and Mrs. Bob Mahaffy and i-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van, David, St. Mary*s.I Camp were Sunday supper MSaura evening, Mr. andFý JOHN F. guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Arthur' rs. Ross Duff, Mr. Oscar'F Van Camp, Port Perry. before ýGraharn, Mr. and Mrs. Mer-i returning te Toronto for theI vyn Graham, Mr. and Mrs.; week. They were also in Tor- iob Mahaffy and David, Mr.ý U I*I** ente last week after return- and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy and T ing from Florida. 'beys attended the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. a'ndi Rex'. and Mrs. C. H. Fergu - Mrs. Wilford Gîllis (nec Mer- Generat Insurance son, Don Milîs, and Mr. ROYF etta Graham), Mil]brook. Ferguson were Sunday guests! Congratulations te Debbic ALL CLASSES OF cf Mrs. C. Hill. !. 5xvi on being a winnncrin PERSONAL and Guests et Mr. and Mrs. BiîI the West Durham public1 COMMERCIAL LINES Mahaffy and boys were-for spakng ntest in Bowman- Contact: last week, littie Miss Lynda yille ]ast Tuesday. i O N MMLA Chapman of Port Perry; Sat-I M r. and Mrs. RaY Larmer, 623-3111 or 627-3950 utrday. Mr. Glen Mahaffy ancU and Daniella, Pickering, were 14 FRANK STREET, Miss Bàrbara Woolley, Tor-ý Sunday supper guests of Mrs.ý BOIVMANVILLE ýonto; for the weekend, Mr. G. Forder. SCOPE ANACIN DELSEY Bathroom Tissus Sugg. list l Sugg. ls ,O 1.29 7C 1.3 ,1171 6roits GOC COLGATE DentaliCreani11m9 BRECK BASIC Sugg. list 2.50 1.99 Hair Conditioner ATRIX OHand Creamn14 .17 HALO Shanipoo, Sugg. list 99C 77c LYPSY Sgg.lis 9c37c KLEENEXSugg. isSU/4e - for3 5c Wilkinson Blades, Sugg. list 75c -- 43 c ERMESETASSaccharin Tablets 7 HERMESETAS~Sugg. Iist 1.00 -- 9 MODESS Sugg. list 55e 39c" CRESI Sugglist12 VO-5 Spray 18 oz. PLUS 6 oz. Total 4.47 for 2.992e47r THERE'S LESS TO PAY AT ID.A. hE AVGreaseless Rub EEED BEN G USugg. list 1.15 -9 9c EEED atio ý ý BATTERI ES ding IE ik 24 Tablets 9 VOLT o te U FE I Sugg. Iist 59C --4 c TRANSISTOR RADIO can-1 v enel Sugg. Eist 89Ce 73C the 1% volt PENLIGHT 7c Sugg. listAF l PoflUs coid Cream or Dry 5kinCream5 7c 4/120qi'R 98C Each with FREE Medicated Lotion, Sugg. list 69e ea. , ,,. 11/2 volt "C" IZE Cmmittees i Sugg. ist F 9fl Wa'mpole Tonic Sugg. Iist 1.701.43 2/70c 2 7o 1.1 SELIER 25's, Sugg.c Iist 79c 57 12's, Sug,%. list 59C I.43C Dr. Chase prîze the .eJACK & JILL COUGH SYRUP 6 yior, 23/4 oz. bottie, Sugg. ist 79c - - - 7 and. &.D 44 IaOy ROBITUSSI N Cough Formula Sugg. Iist 1.35 îent a TEGRIN Psoriasis Cream 1 4 n the' ing B hpi BAN 3,oz. Aerosol, Sugg. lEst 99c--- 7 c Black- - innîial RESDAN Sugg. list 1.50---1.19 PARADOL Roy: Dýn QUELLIDA COUGH and COLD REMEDIES 1in Vranl Cougli Syrup 1.5 Dcnetat 11 Quellida Plus - 1.75 Pediatric Couh~5 PRESCRIPTIONS TABLETS 16's, Sugg. L list 75ce 1 40's, Sugg. list 1.49 l2 ALEX McGREGOR iee DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 423-5792 'I s 10 i i 0 0 0 0 0 meggesoin ýu«g-&g-iiýst 79e . 07c ALKA I.D.A. REMEDIES