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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1969, p. 8

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-, 4 ~ ~'-~ Ta l'.canadian Stte8unaEwmanffl., Feb. 19, 198n IISPORropIcsi BI Frnh kMohun 6373 BETTE DO IT NOW For the most part it appears that Canadians have got Used to their National teams (we have two now), loslng to the Rusians - and the Czechs, Swedes, etc. But when you mse the teams continually winding up on the short end of the score It does sornething to your national pride. Perhaps, whlle It Jsn't such a shock, as the first ie or two we were defeated by the USSR, you must admit that It in rather hard to take when the conirades corne over and don't even let us win a single game. As we have said prevlously through the medium of this column, we ahouldn't blame the players who represent Canada. Everyone knows that they aren't our beat, and out of the two rosters, apart froin Fran Huck, who could make the N.H.L. ? Danny O'Shea, one of the best players on last year's tearm, made the grade with Minnesota, but Gary Dineen, another highly-regarded prospect didn't live up te expecta- tions. Tht peint we are trying te niake ts that N.HL, hockey la superior te our National tearn - as If everyone didn't know that already. But, consider the fact that tht lop-sld&d Itussihn victories on tht recent tour were over aur Ottawa- baued club, except for tht odd addition from Winnipeg. Guys like Rod Zaint and Paul Cadicux, who weren't exactly t stars with the Oshawa Generals, can't be expected to excel in international competition. While tht team that represents Canada iu tht World Chaxnplonshlps hasn't got any chance of winnlug, they still ahouidn't loac by more than a couple of goals. And that Isn't bad for a bunch of "amateurs", which you ca't cal the Russians. Tht comrades are more professional than our play for pay skaterà in North America. At last reports they were Involvcd in hockey participation ten months of the year, piayed voleybail and soccer another month te kcep ini shape, aid were given tht remalning time for vacation. Even "Punch" Imlach docsn't make the Leafs go at it that long. Now that we have established that it Is pros against amateurs, we shouldn't feel se badly about losing to tht Ruskies. The best team te play Russia in tht past few years was tht Junior "A" al-star aggregatlon that boastcd Bobby Orr, O'Shea, the ine of Danny Grant, Mickey Redmond and Andre Lacroix, and Derek Sanderson. AIl of those players could skate, and ail have made the N.H.L. - but oniy ont Io a bona fide ail star - Bobby Orr. Now If aur best players - ail pros, wvre to meet the Russians. aIse ail pros, our money would be on Canada, slmply because we haven't seen any conirades as good as Orr, SBobby Hull, Gordie Howe, Jean Bciiveau, Stan Mikita, Normie Uliman, Jean Ratelle and so on. In fact, it is our humble opinion that any testrn in tht anstern division would beat Russla regularly, aid tht western division wauldn't do too badly in the win departmcnt cîther. Se here we are accusing the big rcd club of belug prôÏessibnal, glving aur nationals credit for doing their best, uuggesting that their efforts not be cnticized and topping It off by clainjung aur best (an N.H.L. Ail-Star team) wouid handle the comirades without any trouble. However, while this reporter can stili feel smug, by holding this opinion, as Russia continues te beat aur Nats, we'd urge Clarence Campbell and tht N.H.L. te arrange theat exhibition games as sean as possible. Aid don't worry about the rules, 1'm sure we'd wiu whcther It was a hard- hittlng af air or not. Why the .r Mon for haste Ini arrauging such a meeting? Slmpiy because we'd like te see Canada defeat ]Russia before It's tee late. Apparently three million youngsters at tht five year aid level are currently playing hockey ini tht USSR. Neediesa ta say, a fautastic number of hockey players are belng dcveloped when you cousider ail age groups. They teli us that there are 96 more or icss major teams playhng Ini Russia, each anc having at least ont or two players who are capable of toiiing on tht National squad. In a fcw years, even an N.H.L. ail-star aggregàtion, won't bt abetot defeat tht Russians, se let's do It now while we still can. i. t i. t t WHIZ KIDS BATTLE FOR FOURTH Bowmanville Whlz Klds are siated te play their final Itague game tonight (Wcdnesday) when they meet New- market at tht Memerlal Arena - game time eight a'clock. But It may net be tht locals last rcgularly scheduied appearance after ail. Little over a week ago the Whiz Kids and Oakvhlle Blades battied te a 7-7 tic. A protest was lodged because Oakville was an heur late arriving for the Sunday aftérnoon centest, aid on the weekend Bowmanville was advlsed that thcy had won tht proest. We undcrstand, how- ever, that tht game Iu question would have te be playcd prior to this weekend, sa playoffs can begin on Sunday. Tht way it stands now - Bowmanville, Ajax and George- town are battling it eut for fourth place. Tht Whiz Kids deftattd Thornhill, last Wednesday in Thornhlll, and then saw a 4-2 lead go down tht drain In tht third period at Newmarkett as the Redmen came back te win 6-5, Sunday afternoon. Georgetown defeated Ajax te move Into contention .for tht vital fourth position. ~Should t Whiz Kids ueed a vlctory over Oakvillc te wlnd up fourth, then tht game wouid be replayed. Se It': possible that tht first game of the Suburban Junior "C"' quarter finals could be playcd at tht Memorial Arena here Suuday afttrneon at eue o'clock. Wc'd suggest keeplug an eye on the bill-board at tht main downtown intersection. t t t t t. LARRY BITS 902 Larry Piper, weil known as anc of the best bawlers in the entire arca, has reaily been mowing 'cm dowvn iately, in fact his comblned average over the past four weeks In Oshawa and Bowmauville league play 1: a whopping 282. Larry came up with a big one Friday nlght ini the Mlxed League, when he collectcd a 902 triple. He startcd wlth a 331, came right back by knocking off a 346 game and then ftnished with a 225. MEMORIAL ARENA Telephone 623-572 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21st 10- lp.m. SUNDAY AFTERNOON 4 - 0 p.=. AdinlssI - - - - - - - 0 TMT SKATING - TIJESDAY 3 to 5:20 Aduluuloja 25e each LADIES# MAJOR LEAGUE Monday, Feb. 10, 1969 HIgIh single Shirley Fowler -_____305 Bigh Triple Shirley Fowler -_____731 (305, 225, 201) Over 600 Tripleu 0. Patfield 618, H. Depcw 666, D. Mutton 614, K. White 624, B. Buttonshaw 638, S. F'owlcr 731, D. Bond 625, 0. Etches, 661, J. Bragg 657, S, Davis 618. Top Twelve Averages O. Patfield ______226 O. Etcher ______218 B. tuttonshaw 215 H. Danaghue _____214 M. Lewis _____- 214 H. Reynolds 212 S. Davis _____ 207 L. Crossey- 207 M. King 206 D. Brooks ______204 H. Deptw 202 J. Lyle 199 Batties J. Lyle 3 va S. Davis 0 D. King 2 vs J. Bragg 1 O. Etcher 3 va E. Etcher 0 Buttonshaw 2 va Donaghue 1 D. Brooks 2 vs J. Tennant 1 Team Standings O. Etcher 17,378 Il D. Brooks - 16,696 Il J. Lyle 16,638 11 D. King 16,703 9% J. Bragg 16,538 9 B. Buttonshaw- 16,269 9 O. Patfield 16,050 9 H. Douaghue - 16,624 8 H. Depew 15,996 8 S. Davis 17,046 7% J. Tenuant 16,234 7 E. Eteher 15,792 7 220 Games and Over P. Bruce 243, J, Ahniond 247, S. Davis 238, D. Osborne 231, J. Bragg 256, M. Perris 223, E. Etcher 226, D. Bond 238, 238, M. Wisemnan 223, 244, 0. Etcher 226, 220, B. Button- shaw 234, S. Fowlcr 305, 225, H. Donaghue 220, D. Park 226, O. Patfield 222, H. De- peW 233, 223, D. Mutton 234, K. White 254. Rural Bowling February il, 1969 Points Mapie Grave 15 Hampton 13 Enndskileu Srs. il Salem 10 Slna ____ 7 Tyrone 6 Ennisklllen lut. 5 Hi C': 5 Total Pins 19,304 18,266 18,497 18,298 16,843 17,449 16,956 16:689 H. Single - H. McLaughlin'317: H. Triple - Dave Reynolds 755 Low Single - G. McBain 89 Low Triple - G. McBain 392 Averages Garnes Avg. Dave Reynolds - 18 247 H. MeLaughli 15 233 K. McGill ___ 15 230 D. Bagucl___ 18 214 T. Pleasance - 18 212 R. Twist ____ 18 208 D. Taylor _____18 '205 R. Laird ____ 18 205 D. Woud____ 18 204 J. Combes ___ 18 203 D. Ferguson - 12 203 Ralph Davcy - 18 202j B. Bothwell 15 200 C. Brunt -___ 18 198 L. Teunant - 18 198 P. Westlakt 15 198 Ray Davcy 12 197 B. Carsweil 18 1961 C. Carswcii 18 196: J. Siemon-___ 18 1961 B. Leaman___ 18 196 D. Reynolds 18 195 J. Bishop 18 194 E. Dickcy 18 193 D. Fraser ___ 18 191m L. Combes 18 189 B. Coombes __ 18 189i F. Wottcn l8 1891 C. Russell 18 187« A. Martin 18 185 ' D. Maynsrd 18 1851 L. Wtarn - 18 184 R. Sharp -___ 18 183 A. Stephen ___ 18 182 Neil Tink____ 18 181 ýFoundry Bowlingl, Ftbruary 11i Team Standings Team Pte. Pins Screwballs 34 21622 Soreheads 251,% 20285 Headpins 25% 20220 Aleycats -__ 13 19855 Averages Norrn Cowle 210, Jlrn Mc- Kuiglit 207, Bob Smith 201, Frank Drinkît 199, Murray Adamns 198. Bruce SmIi 198, Marg Smithi 191, Gary Wool- ner 189, Coliten Wbytt 188, Frank Smith 182, Bob Golder 182, John Luffmnan 179, Alan Cole 171, Gloria Smith 168. Joan Golder 167, Bannit Wool- ner 167, Susan Alloway 167. Barb Gilkes 164, M u rie1 Drinklt 163, Linda Adamis 162, C. Knapp 161, Ada Adams 157, Eve Woolmcr 155, Ernte GlIkes 153, Colson Wolner 148, O. Knapp 143, L. Rehder 139, Dot Bridger 134. 111gb Single - men Bruce Smith 308,. Frank Drinkle 216-258, Narm Cowle 217-202, Bob Smith 249-222, Jini McKnight 234. liob Gold- er 223, Frank Smilth 211, Mur-~ ray Adams 213. 111gb Triple - Men Frazik DnInkle 638, Bob Smith 642, Bruce Smilth 640. mlgb single - Women Marg Smith 290, Susan Aleo- way 201, Joan Golder 218. M1gb Triple - Womea burg. *m'th ou8 New Pro to Conduct Golf Clinic Recently, David Zink arrived at Bowmanville Country Club to become the club's golf professional. For five years, he has been assistant pro at Bayview in Toronto, where he also had considerable experience in curling. No sooner had Mr. Zink arrived here than Recreation Director Bud Fanning made contact and between them, set up a Golf Clinic for seven weeks to start onýMarch 3rd. Details are available in the Recreation Review column. Mr. Zink is shown above, busy becoming familiar with the paperwork connected with his new position. Win Juvenile Best of 7Series R edmen Down Napanee 9-1 and 5-1' Bowmanvilie St. Mary's Ce- sent Don un aIoe. ment Redmen completcd tht luI tht second, Danny Nolan f irst round ef the playoffs as scored tht fourth goal as they defcated Napance 9 te 1 Richard Ells set Danny up on Saturday and 5 te 1 an for tht goal. Napainte then Sunday. scorcd as James Finn scored On Saturday Uic Cernent- with Phiip VanAiliston as- men were led by Ken Tarnb- sisting. Ken Tabb then scor- lyn with two goals. ed te make the count rcad Warren Aider opcncd the 5 ta 1. Richard Ellis and Dan- scoring as he was set up by ny Noisu assisted. Danny Nolai. Five minutes In tht thira Mike Bothwell later Ken Tamblyn scortd scered wlth Danny Nolan as- with tht assists te John Goync, sisting. Ken Tamblyn then and Gregg Corden. Don Hut- scred as Don Hutton led ton completed the first per- a perfect pass. Richard Ellis iod scering as Danny Nolan scorcd te increase thc margin even more as he was set up by Ken Tabb and Danny No- ian. Gregg Corden complctcd tht scoring at tht 11:25 mark of tht third as Don Hutton fed Gregg tht perfect set up pass. In Napance Gregg Corden was tht leading scorer as he scorcd a hat-trick. Tht other scorers wcrc Tom Kinsman and Ken Tamblyn; John Goyne with tihrce assists. The next stries wiii be started on Saturday 22nd, at 9:00, with tht opposition tht Markham Juvenile team. Whiz Kids Could be in 4th If Certain Thîngs Happen by David Goeen Will the Bowmanville Whiz Kids be in soie possession of fourth place at tht end ef tht season whioh is cornpleted te- night (Wednesday, Feb. 19) or net? If we end up in tourth place we will play tht eighth place club, but Uie foliowing has te be decided. A: Ajax ha: te be deteated by Thoruhiil on Weducsday night te remain in fifth place. If Ajax shouîd win aid Bow- manville loe then Ajax wil have fourth place. B: If Bowmanvillt is tied with any team in tht league then Bowmanville wil have te play Uie disputed game sgaiust Oakviile either Thurs- day, Friday or Saturday night in Bowmanville. C: If Bowmanviile ends up in fourth place then tht first garne of the playoffs could be playcd on Sunday starting at 1:00 p.m. D. If Bowmanviile ends up in tifth place or lower and if Bowmanvillt doesn't have to play the disputed game then Bowmanvillt could play away from home on whatever day the team that tinished in the top, four desired Bowmanville te 'play. E: The pieyoffs stries will be dccided by thetotp four teams as they have tht time aid place to decide where and when, and how long tht stries wlil last. Each stries wili last two wceks. Tht garnes could be piayed 4 out of 7, 3 out of 5, or go on. Tht stries depends on tht top teams as they decide eve'ry. JUNIOR "C" LEA as of Februi GP w Lindsay Milton Newmarket Bowmanville- Ajax Richmond Hil- Georgetown- Oakville ____ Streetsville Thornhill thing and thte ther teani Oylcr aise contributed a goal complying with their wishes. for our side as he was set up Suburban icague of tht O.H.A. by Steve West and Kim Rog- Tht piayoffs have te be de- crs. Then the Whizzards de- cided by March 24th. cidtd it was time te be a spec- Tht games wiil llktly bt tator as thcy alaowed Thon- postcd around tewn for Uie hi111 te score two goals. Bruce local supporters. Aise tht Shelton scored t first et his bisckboard at tht four cor- twe goals as he was set up by ners will aise have tht infor- Vincent DeMarco aid Wayne mation. Keeling. Tht second goal was If you have neyer secu tht scored by Paul Raymer as he local Junior "C"' team play was set up by Vincent De- hockey then why nat corne Marco and Wayne Blsckburn. eut and aliter thern on te vic- Over the season tht teanm tory. sheuld have learned that you Bowrnanviile did pick up cannat let up in yaur check- twe peints in tht games play- iig or skating if yau wan't to cd last week as they defeated win hockey games. If you Thoruhili 9 te 6 and were de- want te wait for t other feated by Newmarkct by tht guy te do tht work then yeL score of 6 te 5. As Uic stand- shoiildn't be piaying hockey. ings stand, Bowmnanviile bas Tht start et tht second was 36 points on 16 wins, 15 les- the continuation of tht tirst ses and four tics. This year as Thornhill was allowcd to Bowmanviile has won only score as Bruce Sheiton did seven gamnes on tht road, tied tht handiwork around tht net. two, and have lest nie. Tht assist went te Paul Ray- Bowmauviflt's road record mer. Kim Rogers did come hasn't been vtry impressive back and tdc tht score as lie and if Bowmanville should be was set up în front of tht net knocked eut of tourth place by Larry Dtvitt. Thornhili then Bowmanville will have then toak over Uie play as to, play more games On the Bowmanviile let up. Jim Cain road. scored an unassisted goal, and Kim Rogers led Bowrnan- then Wayne Keeling seored ville with a hat-trlck and eue with Brett Davidao and Ian goal as they dtfcated Thorn- McKinley assisting. Sàndyi hill by tht score of 9 te 6. Browu completed the scoring This is Kim's second time he lu Uic second az he soortd an lias scortd a hat-tnick this unassisted goal. Tht score ai year. Sandy Brown aise was this point was Thorihili 5, a big gui as lie cantributed Bowmanvilie 4. two goals and an assist. Iu tht third, Bowuianvile Sandy Brownm ened the must have been given a blast scaring lu thc tirst period as as Bowrnanville scored five he made a spectacular Play goals Ini a short spacce oftlxne. aid beat Thoruhhiil': geai- Kimn Rogers scroed three with tender on a perfect shot. John tht other two going te Gary LGUESTANINGWilson and Larry Devitt. on LGUESTANINGKirn's goals Larry Devitt as- mry 17, 1969 sistcd twice aid Steve West and John Oylcr oacc tacli. L T F A Pts. On Gary Wllson's goal tht assists went te Deug Taylor 8 1 225 260 55 and Rick Wooluer. On Larry 8 4 221 141 52 Devitt's goal Kirn Rogers sud 6 6 228 139 52 Sandy Brown assisted. Paul 15 4 72 15 36 Raymer oompleted the star- 15 4 72 15 36 ing with bis second et the 16 3 136 147 35 night. 18 2 168 167 34 Bowmanville met tht sec- 15 3 165 165 33 ond place Newmarket Red- 18 6 164 200 30 !ntn and were defeated 6 te 5 26 2 143 218 16 market.aepaedhNw 29 0 145 245 12 Bob Kane opened the se&- lng for Newmarket as he was left te roam around ini aur de- fensive end ef the ice without a chcck being laid on him. Tht assist went te Mike Ai- corn and Les Chaissain. Bow- manville then toak over as John Oyler scored with the assist te Bob Howes. Kimi Rogers then was able te in- crease tht margin as he acor- ed with the assist te Larry Devitt. Ncwmarkct startcd Vo carry the puck again but Doug "Smokey"l Hayes was brillant in etopping thc shots that wtre fired hi: way. Deug'. defence dudn't affer hlm mudn help at tumes but at other intervals thcy wcre taking the man eut with a vegance. Ithe second, Newmarket came a goal closer as Terry Rennie scored with Les Chais- son asuisting. Bowmanvillc then came back as Sandy Brown took a perfect shot tcd. the goal-tender misjudg.. e.Ht had figured it would go over the net but instead the puck sunk into the rig- ging in the net. The assist went te Kim Rogers. Jet Hir- cock complctcd the scoring in the second as he scored,, with- the assist te John Oyler. The two goal-tenders were pepper- ed with shots until tht buzzer ended the period. In tht third, Bowmauville just fell apart. Tht players decided te Play the game in the sin peu which gave New- market numerous powcr-piay chances. The players stili have te learn that the place te play hockey is on the ice net on tht ice surface of the sin-pen. The playc'rs aise de- cidtd that this period was te be a spectators period. Tht oniy people who enjoyed the game were the players whc, stood around and let the ather guy do thc work. Tht Whiz- zards must know that It has te be a team effort and everyone has te generate 100% every Urne on tht ice, net 60% and then mayhe 80% again. Some players have ncvc'r gcneratcd 100% hockey yet thi: year. They will have te go ail out if they went to be ont of the four teamns ieft after tht first round. New- market scored three goals. Les Chaisson scored, with the assist te Ken Kay, MIke AI- corn scored with the assist te Bob Kane, and with tht go- ahead goal Mfike Sage with Les Chaisson and Deug Wid- difieid assisting. Steve West ticd tht score. Ncwmarkct broke the deadlock as Mike 1Alcori scored an unassisted :goal. Bowmanviile closes eut tht stson with a gamne against these sanie Redmen tonight In the arena, starting 1at 8:00 p.m. If you have neyer seen the Bowmanville Whiz Kids play, then don't delay. Corne eue, Écorne ail, te the local arena. New'yille - Starkville Bowling League Thursday, Feb. 13 R. Shaw __ M. MacDonald ___ S. Brown .__ ___ B. Henderson_____ G. Farrow ---_____ D. McCarron_____ O. Henderson - _ _ Games Won Aster________ Phlox ______ __ Iris SPORTOPICS ZONE J BOWLING FINALS The Youth bowlers from Liberty Bôwl dld a bang-up job over Uic weekend lni Uic Zone J championohlp roll off. At Peterborough on Saturday the Senior Girls teani and the Senior Boy. team ail walked off wiith t champlonship. The Senior Girls team was made up of Wendy Lewis, Alice Chittick, Shariene Cain. Brenda Cowan and Saily Firth. The Senior Boys champions are Bob Burley. Bon Etcher, Randy Beauprie, Deug Brock and Boris Weresynski. At Ajax on Sunday Donna Bradley came up with a big 741 triple te wun the Junior Girls Championship. The Youth bowiers were competing against bowlers frein tAjax, Whitby, Peterborough and Oshawa. Brenda Cowan of Bowmanvllle won the Beauty Queen -contest and will be representing Zone J in the provincial -finals. s On Sunday, March 2nd, aur bowlers will be up against the best bowlers ln Ontario at Plantation Bowl In Toronto for the Provincial Championshlps. .The bowling fans of Bowmanvilie wish them wel in their bid for another Canadian Championship. The Canadian tFinals will be held ln Hamilton this year. GENERALS TO MISS AGAIN ? t Ever since the Oshawa Generals, with Bebby Orr, Danny O'Shea and Wayne Cashman, reached the Memorial Cup finals, subsequent Motor City teams have had their probleins. t Oshawa hasn't made the playoff s for a couple of seasonu and the way things are going, they could make it three. One month ago, the Generals defeated firat place St. Catharines Black Hawks in a home and home weekend series. tThey were ln sixth place, even challenging for the first .division, and although having played more games, Oshawa 1held a big nine point margin over Ottawa, and were Aive 1in front of Toronto and London. t Since that productive weekend, the Generals haven't -managed a wln in Il games. They now trail Toronto by two ipoints, are a single point behind London and their lead over Ottawa has shrunk to a mere two points - and the '67'g have two gaines in hand. Oshawa 1: idie until Saturday nlght when they meet Ottawa in a 7:15 encounter at the Civic Auditorium. Should the 'V7's win, it would be aimost a certainty that ne Junior «'A" playofis will be held in the Motor City once again. In their remainlng games, Generals face away games ln St. Catharines and Montreal, at the time cf wrlting - both 1tied for the league lead, and Hamilton. The final home gain@ goes Tuesday night against another formidable appenent - Niagara Falls. Dim prospects, but with anly four points separating the four teanis battling for the three playoff positions - anythhng can happen - and doe" in Jr. "A" hockey. $1 ,200.00 ln the BIG SNOWBALL If won ln 55 no&, $1,000 IN HI-LO GAME $1 ,000 ln the SMALL SNOWBALL Il won in 55 ne&. Brand New HOLIDAY MUSTANG Fast Back 4 (or $2,000 In Cash) 0 Mrs. Murray Jones, Keene, Ont. 01 was the lucky winuer at the February 7th Bingo 9ý Many Free and Valuable Deor Prizes 51 3 Speclal Gamet 12 Regniar 31 fer $150.00 Each Gamet 2 Plus 4 Bit Early Bfrd (Share the Wealth) at 7:30 i Buses at the Door li KINSMEN OFFERED FOR SALE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Deben tures Due Aug. 15 1982 1983 1084 1985 1986 1987 1988 Amount $8,000 6,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 3,000 9,000 Price 96.00 95-85 95.70 95.55 95.4Ù 95.30 95.20 Yield 8.25% 8.25% 8.25%/ 8.25%y 9.25% 8.25% 8.25% Prices ore "and accru.d interest" *to date of delivery Denominations: $1,000 These debentures are available for immediate delivery. There are no delivery charges and this may be arranged by any method convenient te the purchaser. Enquiries or orders for any amount may be made through the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer, telephone number 623-3379 or directly to Je L GRAHAM & COMPANY LIMITED 25 King Street West Toronto 1 Telephône 416-363-4411 i 'j 50 cents Admission te TE NEXT KINSMEN ElSUPER CAR FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1969 in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE ANOTHER BIG GAME FOR AN ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO HAWAII JET YOURSELF TO FUN LAND S$9,300 11N PRIZES Including TWO BIG SNOWBALLS m ýý KINSMEW m

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