ýSt. Maryis Redmen Drop Second Game To Markham 9 to 4 by David Goe. and Bill Barbour, along w1ih Eownnville St. Mary'. Ju- Steven Murry, Joe Prosiey vuleRedmen travclled to and Grxy Poiter with one =aakam on Mondy, Feb. each. 24th, and were soundly de- The I.D.A. Midts wMf 1,etd 9 to 4. The series is mcci Napanec in the best of now lied with the third and threc series with the opening décidlng gaIne ta b. played game to b. played in Napanee Baturday, Marci lut, with thie Saiurday, March lai, wlth lhe #me tlime lentaively set ai second encounter ientatlvely 9:00 p.m. sdieduled for either Monday The Bownxanvllle goal seat- or Tuesday nighi. ai thc local ers were Kn Tamblyn. Dan- arena. Check the board ai the ny Nfowlan, Grave Benunet corner for the tirne and date. and Ken Tabb, ecd with anc If a third ganeie l needed it = Barkh nsorera werc will be decided whcn Bow- reMGilmour with a hat- manville iravels ta Napasue trick, John Llbby with two, on Saturday night.' I Lacdîis Major Bowling Leagw M.flday, Feb. 17, 1969 Higb Single 0. Etcher ----------- - 3 Hlgh Triple 0. Etdièr (268, 344, 163)7 Top Twelve Averages O. Etdier2 O. Patfleld2 B. Buttonshaw 2___ M. Lewis _____ H. Donaghue2 H. Reynolds M. King - L. Crosscy2 S. Davis 2_____ D. Bro)oks 2-__ J. Lyl. H. Depew - ----- Team Standings O. EIcher .. 20,292 1 D. Brooks - 19,466 13 J. Lyle 19,075 1 B. Buibanshaw 18,974 1 D. King -- 19,393 1 H. Donaghue- 19,250 10 J. Bragg -- 19,196 1 0. Pabficld 18,555 10 S. Davis 19,684 9 IR. Depew - 18,616 9 Y,. Etcher - 18,518 9 J. Tennant- 18,641 7 Batles Buttonshaw 3 vs Tenna S. Davis 2 vs J. Braý O. Etcber 2 vs 0. Patiei H. Donaghue 2 vs J. L3 D. Brooks 2 vs H. Depe E. Etciier 2 vs D. Ki Over 600 Triples M. Lewis 614, J. Lyle M. Pernis 640, E. Etcher O. Etcher 775, M. King B. Buttonsbaw 637, 1. Mo joy 600. Over 210 Games S. Grcenharn 239, B. tonshaw 245, 237, C. Fo 243, M. Perris 247, 212, Bragg 244, J. Bragg 211 Lake 243, H. Donaghue F. Draper 238, M. Lewis K. Biggs 240, T. Wise 211, O. Patfield 241, O. Et 268, 344, 1. Mountjoy 23( Etcher 263, H. Reynolds L. Cole 236, M, King 218, N. Wclsh 224, D. Park K. White 259.' Omitted Jan. 27, 1989 Higb Single - J. Harnesa Hig- Triple - 0. Patfieid Rural Bowling League February 18, 1969 Averages Dive Reynolds 21 247 K. McGili -----1 8 232 A. McLaughlin - 18 228 T. Pleagance - 21 215 D. Bagneil 21 211 IR. Twist ____ 18 208 D. Taylor 21 206 D. Wood ___ 21 206 It. Laird ____ 21 205 Ray Davcy 15 205 J. Coombes 21 201 B.aph Dîvey - 21 200 J. Siernon -___ 21 200 B. Carswell 21 199 X. Dickey -___ 21 198 S. Bot!hwell - 18 198 P. Westlake 18 198 13. Leaman___ 21 197 C. Bruit ---__ 21 195 C. Carswell 21 195 D). Reynolds 21 195 LTonnant - 21 194 J.Bishop 21 194 O.Shackleton 21 194ý X,COOmbes___ 21 189 C. Russel___- 21 188 1). Mîynard 21 187 L. Wearn____ 21 187 1). Fraser____ 21 186 A. Martin 21 186 X. Combes 21 185 Y.- Wotben____ 21 184 ,&. Stephen 21 183 R. Sharp .-- 21 182 Foundry Bowling Febnuîry l8th Team Standings Te4MPis. Pins, Screwballs 36 24403 Headpins 30% 23173 Soreheads 301/2 23072 Alleycats-___ 15 22671 Averages Norm Cowlc 209, Jim Mc- Knigbi 206, Frank Drinkîs 408, Bob Smith 196, Bruce $mIth 195, Murray Adams 194, Ma.rg Smithb 188, Gary Woolncr 184, C. Wbyte 183, John Lu!!- mon 182, Bob Golden 180, Alan Cole 173, Gloria Smith 168, Joan Golden 166, Bannie Wooi- :er 165, Murlel Drinkle 164, Frank Smith 163, Barb Gilkes * 163, Susan Alloway 163, Eve j Woolner 159, C. Knmpp 159, Linda Adam-, 159, Ada Adamis 138, Ennie Gilkes 156, Colson Woolncr 147, O. Knapp 145, L. Zebder 138, Dot Bridger 138. 111gb Single - Men Yýnank Drinkie 264, Alan Cole 254, Jim McKnight 260, Norm Cowle 221-206, Gary Woolner 202, John Luffman 29. 111gb Triple - Men Norrn Cowle 614, John Lu!!- mn 605, Jim McKnight 600. 111gb Singis -Wonsen Xve Woolner 205, Ada .&dams 202. HiKII Triple -Wonuen Xye Woolncr 534. Points Maple Grove - 16 Hampton --_16 Enniskillen Srs.- 13 Salem ______i Tyrane9 Solina 9 Enniskillen Iut. -5 Hi C'a -------- 5 High Single .%I le Mt Igg eld e Lng 607 663 63C But wle 23E 262 emm tche: 262 24E s321 1771 Pine 2260ý 2 145 206& 1958 9771 9381 291 73. M2 121 444 2c 14 271 2: 2 2 2 21 V DWodRigh ~Triple Dive Reynols ---- Low Single D. Reynolds C. Russell------- Low Triple B. Barrabali- Night Hawk, Bowling February 19, 1969 Team Standings F. Bruce _____ J. Mai's ______ J. Rowo ______ Y. Young K. Camnpbell D. Sallows--_____ 111gb Single J. Shearer --------- -- 111gh Triple C. Baie -------------- 645 Over 22b J. Shearer 271, C. Bat. 260, D. Gibson 240, J. Rowe 237, J. Mains 230, I. Wright 227., Averages J. Maire -_________ 205 J. Shearer _______197 J. Rowe ________187 C. Baie _____-182 P. Bagneli _____1_ 79 A. Lanusso _____178 K. Camipbel______177 D. Cochrane 1_____ 77 M. Crugo ______177 F. Bruce _______176 S. Gay -- __ __ __ 171 B. Charland _____171 M. Brinklow 170 A. Dons .---___ 170 D. Gibson ---- _____ 170 M. Leuschner ______169 A. Burgess 1671 I. Wright .-- _______ 102 M. Ovenden ______102 D. Ogden -______162 K. Raîston 162 E. Mitchell _____160 B. Wilbur ________158 C. Marchant _____-153 W. McNeil _______150) F. Landi --________ 149 E. Coombes _____149 L. Burges_______147 D. Sallows 145 A. Perfect --144 D. DeVos _______133 P. Broorne _____133 B. Nimnigan ______132 Y. Young _______128 D. Peter ________122 Mi'. Fowlcr - 114, 1!!IW QPEN AT MAPLI GROVI MIL SHELL 1~~ GAS STATION Class "A" Mechanie - Ait Work Guar&nteed SPECIAL - FEB. 27, 28, MAR. 1 FREE GREASE JOB anytinie within 30 days - with $5.00 or more purchaua lPa or produet. W. 5. GORDON, Prop. 1I 7, 3, 0, r 2, 7, 2, r6 )5 51 0 7 The Canadian Statesmar4 Bowananvlle, TFeb. 26, 1H, Juvs. Take One Game Lead By Def eating Markham 6m2 b7 David Goheen Ini th. tirt ganie of the O.M.H.A. Juvenile playoffs against Markhani the St. Mary's Redmen cdefeated.he Goodyear Lge. February 2Oih Standlngs Mil oom _ _ _ _5 Crackers _________5 Fan Belta ________4 Mllwrights 3 Machine Shop 3 Office - ______3 Moldcd Goods ______2 Power House-______2 Banbury 2 Belts __ 1 LatWeck The Fan Beits over the Power House 2-1, the Mill- wrights over Belts 2-1, Crack- ers took the Machine Shop 2-1, MIlI Room over the Molded Goods 2-1 and the Banbury iook the Office 2-1. Aftcr two weeks of play- offs the Bects and Banbury still find themselves at the bottoni of standings despIte leading the beague for the year. Ted Hallman was the only one to break 300, with a 313. Walter Hately led the triples wlth 799, Ray Westla.ke 783, Albert Kerekes 777, Tom Mill- son 758, Jack Goheen 744, Wayne Haisma 730 and George Brewster 726. Youth Bowling Markham squad 6 lia 2 ta ltake a anc game lead in the bcdt of three sertes. The Juveniles were led by Danny Nowlan wha scorcd twice anid had lhree assists, alang with Kcn Tabb with iwa goals and one assisi. Ken Tabb opencd lte soor- ing as he was set up in front o! Uic net by Danny Nowlan. Nowlan thon came back and scored for Uic locale if ter being set up in front by Jini Noble and Richard Ells. Grcgg Corden increased bhe margin, with Ken Tamblyn andi John Goyne assisting. Ken Tabb completed Uic scor- ing in Uic firsi afier h. was set Up by Warren Aider and Danny Nowlan. In the second, Danny Now- Ian scored an unassisted goal. Then Markham finally came alive as Joe Traccy scorcd, wîth the assist to Jim -Sec- bcck. The two teams hîdj other scoring opportunities1 but wcrc unable to score. Ini the third Richard Ellis camplctcd thc scorung for Uic Redmen as Ken Tabb and Danny Nowlan set Richard up ini front o! Uic net. Markhan tihen came back and scorcd as Grcg Swansan countcd, with Uic assiste ta Gary Potiers anid Allan Cheeseman. The second game in this sertes was playcd Monday, Feb. 24 i Markhamn. lhe third gaine, if necessary, will be played likcly on Saburday, March ici. Also this Saburday there will be the Litile N.H.L. Play- offs ai thc local arena. They start ai 8:00 a.m. andi finish at 7:00 p.rn. Why not corne down and sec the future N.H.L. stars play hockey9 Also ai 7:00 and 9:00 Uic Mid- gets and Juveniles will likely b. playing. Check the sign at the four corners for fur- ther details. Midgets Blanked By Young Nats bY David Goheen BowmanvIlle I.D.A. Midgeis played thc Toronto Young Nationale an Saiurday night anid were defeaicd 2 la 0. The garne was exhibition because thc Midgcts do not know who Uicy will mcci yet ini their quet for Uic Midgcts Cham- pionships. The firsi ad third stanzas were scorcless affairs, with thc middle period fcaiuring thc Young Nationals scoring Uic two goals. Jim Mloxcy scored Uic first goal with Uic assisita Jim Park and Rick Milleton. Rick Millcion then came back and scorcd witb Jim Mjoxcy and Rick Cbebbe assisting. Bowmanvblle had defeaicd bbc 'Young Nationals before this encounter. Bob Wllough-1 by had a rough nigihtIin the! nets as the Young Nationals skated rings around Uic I.D.A. Midgets. They were able to take the puck and pass iA lke' tic Canadian Nationals ai' trnes. The I.D.A. Midgeba were outshot ai least 40 ta 20.1. ing contesi, ihis was another rough and ruggcd aftair, fi11- ed with penalties. AMier a scorcless first per- bod, Frank'e Vanieiy opencd the sconung on a goal by Boyd Knox, ivhilc playing short- handed. Rory Gqibbs assisted on Uic play. Dennis Living- stone added a second goal be- for Uic period ended, on a threc-way effort with Robbie Simpson and Don Spicher. Markbam gai right back unta contention to start Uic final session, but Pearce Wil- cox tallied Uic insurance goal. witlh Gibbs and Knox draw- ing assiste ta give Bowrnan- ville the 3-1 victorv. MIXED MAJOR George "Seiby Grant Heat- lng" Bebec rolled 765 for high triple. Monday evening, fol- lowed by Srnoothie Dave Reyn- olds 753, Barb Buttonshaw, our headpin girl 710. Including high single for the cvening o! 292; Doris Joli 706, Stu Collins 705. Dave Rcynolds holds high average with 252, and Doris Joli for the girls with 235. Crossey 16 21739 Joli -____ _ 13% 21661 Brock_____ 12 22168 Bickell __ 11__il 20972 Buday il 19817 Patfield ____10% 21909 Reynolds - 10 21486 Coole ___ 10 20969 Buttonshaw - 9 20770 Haynes 8 20787 Dunn -____ 8 20399 Collins 7 21071 Over 250 Games Barb Buttonshaw ___292 Dave Reynolds 286 Mike Murphy 286 Pete Dobbins _____285 Stu Collins -_ 280 George Bcbee -____ 279-260 Bert Payne 265 Doris Joli_______ 264 Jim Bruton ~_-263, Helen Vanderberg Ron Haynes Helen Dunn_____ Onie Etcher ____ Maurice Annaert ___ Averates Dave ]Reynolds Doris Jol ______ Ennie Perfect _____ Jim Bruton_____ Ruse Haliman____ Hector Ballentine ___ Pete Dobbins_____ Leon Connors_____ Mike Murphy Barb Buttonshaw___ Ross Wright 0111e Patfleld_____ Pcggy Haynes Onie Etcher -.. ___ 6 Helen Reynolds George Bebcc (18) Lucien Annaeri ____ Maurice Annaert Albert Saman ____ Hilda Brock (12) Don Wright Fred Cowle____- VI Coole (15) Pauline Bell (18) Stu Collins _____ Sllm Bell - -____( 18) Lola Wright Kcith Yeo -______ Linda Crossey- (18) Jini Murphy Men's Town League Playoffs McNulty&Crys faf Tie A gain Lockes Bombard Robson by Jim Clarke For the second wcck ina row, McNulty Sports and Crystal Dairy were forced to setie for a tic ini their best tw'o of three, "B" serni-final A BANTAM GIRLS sertes. Bob Fairey scoe Il Pearson 5, K. Piper 0; Yeo 5, McNulty's final taliy ai 16:35 r6 Sellers 0; D. Piper 3, Carier 2. o! tbc third ta give the Sports- 9 Team Standings men a 2-2 draw.. The second Carter -________ 25 game lasi Thursday night, 8D. Piper 23 saw Locke'e TV bornbarc Yeo__________ 20 Robson Motors 8-1, squaring 1Pearson ________ 18 their sertes ai on. victory K. Piper 14 each. The TV outfit camet ýSellers 4~--. -___ oui of thc chute flyung anc 8 pgh Single neyer let up throughout the 8D. Sellers . __- 204 one-sidccl match. Tim Prout 2J. Carter ___ 198 and "Bucky" Hughes spear- 111gb Double 49beadcd their attack with four- D. Sellers poni ontributions. J. Carier -__32_point 33 C. Cowle _______ 324 In tbc evening's firsi game, BANTAM BOYS both clubs turned in typical Brooks 5, Combes 0; Cooke plaYOff calibre hockey. After 3, Woodward 2; Gray 3, a scorcless firet peniod, Mc- Welsh 2. Nultys took a 1-0 lead on AI Teams Standings Gucrnscy's goal ai Uic 15:38 Gray ________ 29 mark. Paul McCabe and Lar- Coombea ________ 23 ry Pearce drew assista on the 0 Welsb -________1 play. Don McMurter of the 7' Woodward ______ 13 Dairy club was serving an 7Coako _________12 ebowung cl ai the lime. 4Brooks j_________1 Goaltenders "Carky" Burgess 9 H1gb Single of Çnystal mand Ken Veilcix 7 J. Welsh ___ 191 continually frutnted the op. K. Joli l -- - 167 position with sorne glittering 111gb Double caves. 1K. Joli __ -9_ 23 Steve Burns, who mîsseet 17 J. WelsI -_____ 312 minutes of the apenin.g per- 5 M. Coolce 296 bcd due to a run-in witb Mc- JUNIORGIRLSNulty's Ray Crombie, finally 1 Duvey 5, Mauntjoy 2; Pear- put Crystai on the score- son 3, Lewis 2, Morris 5. Whitehead 2. Team Standings Mountjoy 30 5Pearson __________291% u s M O' 7Morris - ______29 2Davey __. _____20Q . Whiteheangle ley Defea, Lewis --1---6 7D. Bromel___--___231 7S. Morris _______224 7 D._LKwissG1( D. Cowlc _211__Kens_ 2o 1W. Mountîay 202 1 ~Hlgb Triple b ICl 3D. Lewis 538 b ICl ) D. Bromel - 526 The Junior Town League' 3 JUNIOR Boys semi-final playoff Sunday night Jensen 4%, Coombes 2% saw Buils move ia bbch finals 7Lobb 5, Siernon 2; Roberns 5, as tbcy put Nichais Motors oui 1Heliarn 2. two games stralghi downing z Team Standings them 6-3. In the second garne z Roberts _______ 34 Kens took a one-game lcad in zCeambea 29½/ their sertes as bbey puiicd outi )Hellarni_______ 25 a heant-breaker by Leglon 3-2. 3Jensen 221/ ntefrt eido h 3Simpson 18 I h is cido b Lobb- ---- ---18 first. game, Bills opencd bbc 111gb Single sconing ai the 5:15 mark on W. Coombes _____ 238 a goal by Leaver. Jusi ihree R. Combes ______ 232 minutes laien Nichols came G. Jensen --_______ 227 rushing back to tie the score S. VanDriel ___- 221 on a goal by Rogerson. Hel- 3G. Bruni ___-_ 213-203-205 lani rounded oui the firsi withý 1J. Stevens ----- 205 a goal ai the 11:51 mark. I ffgh Triple Ini the second bath clubs G.B1i ______ 621 played great defensive hockey, 1W. Coombes _____ 582 makung good moves to cicar J. Stevens___ 560 the puck oui o! tbeir own end. SENIOR MIXED There was na scorîng until bbc Gooti 5. Bradley 2; Lewis 4, 13:04 mark when Nichols iied Goodwin 3, Bouwmester 7. the count on a goal by Roger- Firth O; Bicher 5. Burley 2; son, bis second o! the night. Broclk 5, BSeek 2. Bills came back with two Tsam quick goals ai 17:13 by Hel- Bradley. 30 îam, bis second o! bbc night Goodwin 30 and ut 18:59 by Donogbue. Zicher-________ 28 With oniy 30 seconds rernain- Bouwmeest.er ______26 igI h eid1ih ul Belleck _________26 eg In ibe p e a l ch ill- Lewis25 when Hooper ncbicd anc. Durley 23 In tbc ihird peniod Bis 1Fidth 10 macle sure of the wun as they 51gb sigl scoreti two quick goals, anc ai D. Brock 374-264 4:26 by Donoghue, bis second S. CainI --_______ 295-346 Of bbe night, and ai 5:29 byl B. Selleck ______280-275 Malts. Linton shut the door oni M. Bradley 254 Nichai. as he piayed shut-outl L. Bruni 320 hockey Ini thc third. Nichole D. Bradley 150 tried. bard te put bbc puck past1 R. Good -_______ 387 Linton, but were sboppcd cold1 N. Oaodwin _____ 311 by Uic greai goal-tcndlng of B. Buriey_______ 273 Garth In that penioti. This R. Etcher - Til 266 ganue produced sorne great M1gb ril hockey, thc type truc fans D. Uoeck ___au___ 0 enjoy. In ibis gae. here wcre S. Cmai -_______ 864 only four minor penalties clli- P. Selleck_______ 807 cd, iwo ecc. Big guns for Bills R. Clooti 72$0 ere Helian i wth two goals L. Bruit 682 and one assi, Donoghue with R ecaunrie $59 iwo goals mand Horneniuk wiih N. Goodin8doniwo assiste. For Nichol, ut wus W, Lewis ______-662 Rgersan w1th twa goals and D. Brock _______ 668 anc assisi, aiang with Cabble- B. Burley 690 dick wit.b ibree assisis. a loua 608 IIn t» sumd sge .LqlO= board, at .52 seconds of the pending from which bencli amiddle period. Guernsey was Locke's 8-1 win was vlewed. ioff on a hooking sentence Robsons, after an opening Lwhen Burns teamed Up with game 5-3 win, were no match st McMurter. Less than a min- for tihe fiery, perpetual mo- n, ute later, MeMurter moved tion winners ln Vhîs one. ýthe Dairymen into the lead, While the TV tribe was soar- 52-,with Ted Fairey assist- ing, Robsons' unit resembled 3- ng. Crystal's defenceman a batch of beairs just out of A'Butch" Cole picked Up a hibernation (or stili ln that ttripping penalty at 8:11, but condition). .d McNultys couldn't find the The victors opened the kequalizer. Play swirled back runaway at 12:25 of the first and forth while the tinie rac- and neyer looked back. Prout, 'ed by, and stili McNultys who picked Up three of ýtrailed by a lone goal. Bur- Locke's taillies, scored twice Lgess was finally beaten by in the first and assisted on it the Sportsmen's Bob Fairey, Hughes' goal. Prout, Larry -with assists to Larry Heilam Pernris, Jim Coyle, Gary Akey and Doug James, at 16:35 of and Hughes bult the lead ta the period, for the 2-2 tle. 8-0, well into the third per- This Thursday nlght, these iod. Grant Wright had hiîs jsame two clubs will be at- shutout bld foiled w!ien Rob- tempting to, conclude this ser- lso' Bllosey i t for, th les when they meet at 7 p.m. lsr'ln ola 41,wt So f botb tems ave is-Grant Flintoff assisting. Sfar, bt em aeds Locke's had a galaxie of .played ideal playoff hockey, two way stars in titis game. *with the goaltending and de- They excelled ln every area e fensive play he standout > c n eeacm ,features in both contesta. o h c n eeacm nMeNultys, who finished inthe plete contrast to, the team of *basemnent, have clone a fine a week before. There wasn't job ! cotaiing rystl'stoo much sliine, obviously, in Is jeblosers' lineupCalthou'h hformidable scoring machine. telsr'lnuatog k The late season acquisitio o George SaInsbury w or ke d gGuernsey, along wxihthir adl ngtI wsmty effective checking, have ai- n ven gof frustration for 7lowed McNultys to provide Robsons, wbo bad only nine theDaiy cub itha tughmen in uniform. A victory opthen arycu wihaauhfor eivher club titis Thursday oppoent.evenlng would conclude the y Thursday's late gamne was "A" series semi-finals. Game -a picnic, or a nlghtmare, de- time is 8:30. ve into Jr. Finals ftin g Nich.ols 6 fo 3 jame Up on Legion lost a heartbreakcr as Kens ted one. But ait that p oint Leg- dcfeated them 3-2. In the first ion started to die off as Kens: period there was no scoring again set the pace with theiri until the 19:22 mark when great checking. Legion seemed! tKens hit for the first goal by a little disorganized in the! Burns. After just one period game excepi for their effortý of hockey, this game looked on two quîck goals. Also, theyý like lt was going to turn int were without the services of tan excellent one to watch. two of the better players, In the second with the Prout and Witherldge. Nexi chccking close, the teams wcre week if Legion cornes out with hcld to just one scoring chance a full team it wll be a differ as Kens took a 2-0 lead on ent game, so be "on hand asi Burns' second goal o! the the two, clubs battle It oui.! night. lIn the third it looked With Legion down one gamne like Legion were going to be they will be ai their best. shutout as Kens made ht 3-0 There were only bhree minor -at 4:13 on a goal by Nemis. penalties callcd along wîth 2 AUt the 7:22 mark Legion came 10 minute m1sconducts. Sun- to life as Cameron hit for one day, there will be only one and at 8:01 McMurtcr put Lcg- game at 7:00 beiween Kn ion within one goal as he net- and Legon. es COF BOWLING Frlday, Feb. 21 Ray Westlake took high tri- ple mand bigh single by roiling 718 and 325. But bis beitex, balf was igbi behind hbu with higb triple and high cingle 678 muid 325. George Marshal bas stan-. cd bo bit thern again, he roll- cd 705; Jim Robinson bad 682, Bob Marshall 678, Ron Brock 666, Pal Potier 669, Clayton Morgan 651. Bob Mc- Reelis 652, Roy Woodward 615, Norm McKeen 613, AI Brock 612, Jack Macnab 611. The temm standings arc get- ing dloser mil tUic tue, bere they are isain. Name 8. Nom McKeen 6. Jack Macnab 5. Gord Bitter 2. Ron Br9ck 3. Claytoeu Morgan 10. Dlck Denri 4. Bob Mîahal 7. Doug Nolan 9. Glen Prout 1. Geo. Marshall Doe'i forget thei Pria. Tounment' day, Match 2nd. Hope le sec you Friday and Suncluy. TUi nexi week then... Legion Ladies 4Venasse - 15 pis. 19138 1. Patiner - 12 pis. 18684 2. Bruce il pis. 19325 3. Sheeban 10 pis. 19299) Over 200 Garnes - M. Blake 237, 222; F. Bruce 234, 207; B. Panner 224; R. Venase 222; H. Sùnnicek 216; M. CGray 212, 207, 205; D. Riohards 211; J. Buriou 207; N. Sheeban 206. Pinsl Potal Tos tal TtlFranks ueat 22478 87 a 2247835 M arkha m3-1 -22197 32 -21819 32 Bowmnanville Irank's Var- i 21861 30 ieiy advanced ta the th4rd -21358 38 round of tie O.M.H.A. Pcc 22099 25 Wee playof!,, wben they 22429 24 downed Markham 3.1, Thurs- -21058 20 day nlgb i Markham to take, 21766 17 the best of three series Ini iwo' a "Bowl-a- siriighi gaines.1 Il n Sua- Au int 1h.cm .of thé open-1 £EVE' LO PI:C i~i.iY~14 ~ri I ~ I '.~ I ~4 ~ The best costs less at BEAVER CILTONE Satin Latex 9.00 gal. and 2.84 qt. CILiONE Sciai Glossa t.04gel. and 2LIS <t. CILTONE Flat -.4gl.ad27 Looko Like Wool ... Wear% Years Longer Hardtwist Cresian Croalan the acrylia carpet that reicins il£ colour qad qPpearance. molli end mUd.w proaf. - 0-95 10 YZAR GUARANTEE Regular Value 11.95 Speciai 9.95 A Sq. Yd. S f 'Till Sat. Mar. lst I BEAVER NEW @TORE HOUES: Closed Wednesdar and Saturdar st NM. Open Fr14,7 TUI 9 - Weekdays S. 5.30 246 King St. Euat Vis41-3m8 il 2Ç- 258, 257" 257, 253' 231' 230 229 224 225 223, 223 223 221 221. 221 219 218 215 214 214 213 213 210, 209 209 207 208 206 205 203 203 202 muni 1-