10l'h. Canadiaai Statesman, lqowmanville, Tmeb. 26, 16 Liberty St. North Residents Surprised ICiarke Trwp. CounciT" as House Goes by on Highway!~ The Council of the Township' and five club races to be held lOomstock's FuneralHm n4hwt almmespeet of Clarke has sought approval this year on Sundays at Mo- 'Peterborough on Tedy iue eeapoe a forthe expenditure of $403,200 sprt ethany Athletic soito esre"ado oinb on riadsI n the township dur- A grant of $25.00 has been TeBtin A 1nlihe syear 1969. The ap- awarded to the Orono Horti- Miso provli being sought from cultural Society. someetingon Sndath he-Department of Highways A commîttee from the ononsi hl, Sunhdfi meins p1 1 i ntr y-a .Society have m et w ith cou nicil 196 : ap-de IdcIuded ln the works Is an ln connection with the pur-Set m die ovC1fhead bridge over the CNR chase of the township landsdet alyRd:VePes-Brd tracks and the Village of Orono, and buildings adjacent to the é',~"dn, ae lefr Sce ersnttvs0 rn asum of $273.200 Is for con-' township is Interested ln main-tavMsJon easTes-C ano.peetdarve tirutof l th $ 130,000 for taning some storage for sait , o ea e ac m a nt n nc .and calciu m ln th e b uild in g .W 4T te. C h arles M G l o n i e o m n e e e a The Road Superintendent The Agricultural Committee Isj y ar, G r o Sm h I y arV lu e r fi m n peene iyears, Gronl acsn 2 nress road department. when It Is felt a satisfactory Smith, Vincent Jacko.(Dnl eepeett h cept the new road ta be built the benefit of both parties. M Gi, M re c il ar an c u cl e msi n t by the Department of High- The AgrIcuitural Society ls iGlou.Rablsweersntdn with Highway 115 and 35 at, ]and ln the area as weîî as ac- .Wt h e rsdn mut0 5027 n p the Countles Road Intersection.;' commodation for horses dur- the chair, tentativ ln r~e o amn nmto Tuhe acceptance wiil take place, ing the fair and for racing ~ were madefrth usa Coniwlipttnte - when the work is completed. 'carried out by the OshawalthAprt mitewa'atmn 0fHg ay fo A- by-law has been passediDriving Club. 19h prscm by4couneil âmending the Lor's: Reeve Roy Foster stated aiprantednt: aeerya- od xedtre0 6.2. Day Act to allow four major* that the Ganaraska Conserva-ragmn: Rober Rie. Tdrs ilbealdfo tion Authority was survlving Jor enoam sKope. n ul E IA E HVL E ony due ta a small budget. ako, ae l H e presented a case for the he m b rs t a ks t th ye r w p ro d a. $7 00 Authority and ln his presenta- 7777Vrteiing rsdet, all ci n h 2-o rc ilh Church services were hreld tion stated that the Ganaraska .r.. fr lus pas ders.tkn oHie Es o e lere on Sunday with an Av- was Operatîng on one of the -----. -parinwt erage attendance. lowest budgets of any conser-. .acrdnestm On Wednesday afternooný vation authority. Further he aiid -evening Mrs. D. Horner' stated that the Ganaraska wst ~ r hed a Cameo Party and ex-! practically the only Authorityj 4~~wt h uvy0 cesa hibited around her home arti-'ý that was operating solely ln Ls ek eiet fhuej Vsok uryBl rsne ries. of fancywork in Cameoithe aren of conservation. Tt 1 Las ek eiet fLberty St. North and along the County os floating by on wheels. It had been located usnrtofhe P'nisIalt D' paidnt. Several .fancy quiltsiwas pointed out that other Road to Blackstock probably thought their eyes were deceiving CPR subway that is being replaced and has been moved to qi rprv that had been made by differ-ý areas were deveioping large themi when they looked out their Windows and saw Ihis large framne Cartwright.AtCutB mavleN. Gericontweep- ent ladies were on displayj recreational arcas. At_____ Court, o MnayFb. neadapredfrJn- tacked up On the wails, table Tt was also pointed out that Irma Selway of Toronto. 17 in the CentenniaiHlonar0f$19. cloffis, scarves, aprons, etc., through taxation of the hold- Miss Pat Varma was end. Quumu eer ok i ~ t enwStreetd inno0for tebn aa- were -also there ta see. Mrs. ' Ings of the Ganaraska ln Toront.o over the weekeenPeter EM EV NE NEUVE at the lOur a . drain wa Gd.ý e e a i n P e î e tSc hildren's Hospital this' 25-year members. Adlcoscpe.admeigajun Hoiner and other Cameo' Clarke that manies now grant- Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle i~ oîgTedy h 5h o ukvdne a noe ee dealers were selling transfers' cd to the Authority were be- rspent, the weekthnd with MrrI . bd to Fb l2th "1d paints. Tea and cookies ing returned. Not ail this and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer and I a final check of an earlieri ail. We were very lasdt 1I4'g à door prize was drawn but It Is distributed for edu- f ml, Lida. entc ing school next fal.i. Court in Brantford Mr 0. E for, a lady fromn Oshawa won cation and other purposes. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow, a s Ye y h i ofr !r M r. and Mrs. D. Scheller' Cook, Public RelationsDrcoi ItL Those booking a Party also Foster said that grants from were Saturday evenîng visitors 1 n o art ae ette0 O.ad r omH11 U had 'a chance on a stampeci the munIcipalities were used with Mr. and Mrs. Normani community foîl11 ow i ti g Mr. Fraternal Supervisoranalo f 1 I1 av: nto Pay taxes while grants froni Lee, Cambray. e o n N e O g aiz ti n e comtrner a of F11r. 1 di T Ht, o Qn Thursday atronMIs the povince were used on Mies Joan Waikrv m'as homeV o e o n Nw Ogiztn company. Friends here are' Deput.,y High Chief ane M.. .Whit hel an mwaymaintenance and operation. recently fromn Queen',q. i eysrytloehn fr.aa_____________ Th G na a ka i as sa d i M ss M ri yn M cD na dand C harles G .. M unro, P residentlpresenta tioti w ith num erous criticis m crni s çf h î t î tor d m m e s w r mornis Cou cly eob H. enderson are home this of the Ontario Federation of delegates. as did Prime Min- From that fact the oFA rec- a i d Wale of e Garct re it mteir s25 werepn. h b a r e l e x i s t i n g . A L L C L ASDa i d W a k e o G r d n w t ,S Ehe r ' 5 e0 Fp M3s. R. Winn had a Tupper- bokdfvrbyt ek fromn London's Western. Agriculture, stated today that ister Robarts, concerning the ognizes that the passing Of Hi]] spent the wpekend with present were AthurEce.ER ývare Party one night, and Increasing the grant providing Mrs. Earl McEwen of Peter- "everything is go' concerning new General Farm Organiza- legislation Is not the excuiehs nc[ onl cos Chester Jensen, Denni ik NLm uom o te ldis ent t amunIcipalities of Hope and borough spent Saturday with preparation for a successul tion. piieeoxgvrmncx- ___ arbans.Joh Pots.DUobaed NichaALis.E e dher Prt opedi liewse.Thehe mohe, Ms. gns Brly frme vte ora nw Gnoae opeorf tearie wre eptinthefomelsene.inest befheetorehepreent- ontct Igtrks at Starkvill mte aslf ntlCak and Mr. Harold Burlev of CO- Farm Organization ln Ontario. forwarded to Governiment ifcact, legislation is society's~ tion were Morley EchrJO NM ILA Ma'. and Mrs. J. Quantrilli the two other centres. M1BETIT i could determine the intent Of bourg was also caller. He was speaking at Queen's two weeks prior to today's means of determining howA Y George Polley and Moly6311or2-95 and fanxly, London, wereI The Reeve also reported that Approximately 40 people, of Park following presentation ofpresentation. ýthey will do certain things ta- !Raison. Cards and careal 1 RN TET with, Mr. and Mrs. H. Quan- Clarke was not coîîectîng ail assorted ages, sat down to a the 32nd annual OFA Brief tol In referring to the forma- igether. Birgit Hackenburg, daugh-!closed a very enjoyabl vn OMNIL r111 over the weekend. the plumbing permits that it. sumptuous repast at 12 o'clock, Prime Minister John Robarts tijon of the new GFO, the brief The brief also concernis it- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ing for ail. Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitbred should. He had been Inform- Sunday, ln the Sunday Sehool and bis Cabinet Ministers. states that "no one can afford self with zoning by-laws, land- Hackenburg, won the girl's and girls, Oshawa, were with cd that some 20 permIts had Hall the first pot luck dinner President Munro said he is ina ctivity at this time." The use plans, CANFARM controi Championship titie in the 6-9 Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew on' not been collected ln the past of the season. Following the pleased that the Prime Min- Federation reminds Govern- of in-put costs, property taxes, Years competition at the De-1 iSunday. while. The matter Is to be meal, Rev. T. J. Snelgrove ex- ister is especially concerned ment of the part it pîays in and education. The brief closes vil's Ebow Ski hbis las SaA Most of the Boy Scouts at- looked Into and necessary Ate to pressed the appreciation Of that every fanmer bas the op- the tabling of certain legisla- off with 13 recommendations urday. Birgit's tme xvas i17.151______ tended the Jamboree in Port changes made.-.Orono Times. lhe men ta the ladies respons- portunity to express bis opin- tion__through__suggestion and for action by government._ seconds. Hope en Sunday.I ible for the preparations, to ions by exercîsing bis fran- ~ Mrs. Winnifred S p e nc e r. - Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson which Mrs. S. J. Lancaster chise in a vote. The Govern-S EVL E quietly celebrateci ber 85thWE apent Monday in Toronto ' NVL E Ifittingly replied. Messrs. F. ment and the OFA Executive,W LTI L birthday on Friday.L visitng Mr and rs. More. EWTON ILLE Henderson and S. Lancaster Board of Governors, and staff' WS EYI L visitii g M c. n d M .rs M bore notce ci taking pictures at spent m ost of the tim e dis- M em bers of the W ei c m M rs. A d e o r, a l - M r. and M rs. Pat M antie LM I Oui- local Recreational Com-istrategic moments! Another ccioan w G ne a a m h r e O S a e b s rne- ale last Mors ay, 2th.paEa her ho e on T ~EKIG ges a nevnig ! owin hre ees'tu, a c 6, unewGnrFro in hre nearftre. sy P orl t TH rHspiytahr sehee etanypoes insti.r ROOF attPor entertained 16 teen- schdinner wIll be helci ln Organization for Ontario. thtParing for a public concert Ms.W.Tfodi nayntngthe p rocestj T .isussro ca 4,AIG1a otHope's "Pinecrest" on tthe hour of 5 P.m. in an j President Mn.; is beingth narfuur. o teaHsteifdaee s. tuete.yWmns nt- o ics -ÉASEMlEt4T FrI-day, after wbIcb ail re- endeavou at finci out Which the Federto ilbgncn Mesdames H. Danke, K.Isbigtetdfo ibts ue turneci to the home of Mr. and1 bour Is more popular. crete action at the "GFOIAshby, H. Reeve, E. Barrow-, Mr- and Mrs. Kent Browni Mn. andi Mrs. Byron Clif-' eea Fr ranzto LEA? INGMrs. Bob Bra n, fr cffe Mi- ani M s. K n Sapl - sho in early M a -ch.1clough P . Snell, M iss Clara of Port Hope visite ci with I-1rd an s n ic ae o T r- ,Ms.Ba Bow, orcafe r.an Ms.Ke Sape Fr'Ok e local representa- IDarke'and Miss Stella Ben- Haroldi Barrowclough's on onto were weed get 'ad ouhutesusean atn ! orno er isias ies wIl begin preparations inett were assisting with a Sunday and in the afternoon with Mrs. Belle Si bi ! acngcmieigth lt n ad Ms.Hg for the successful vote. H e saidi qui it at t.he home of Mrs, R. ail cl on Ti1. adMrs.,Wdeli LEARN'Goccasion. The eommittee hope Stapletan, Sunday.i.. cld rad. Mrs. George adl is ta plan sometbIng ln the way Recent visitai-s with Mr. anditat pans concerning the in- Baker, Welcome, on Thurs- Bnian Greenway in Bowman- home from Port Perry Hos-'tob hl FREE ESTIMATES o! entertainment for this g Mrs. F. Gilmer were Mi-. Arth - palidu wal bf aein the cam1 y, e.2t.wc ilweeBin aet.ptl .Ewr u- ih 1 a n the veryOn Wednesdayvo!leasthMn. and Mrs. G ren tso . anc ON THlE ABOVE OR ug alat Z 1j0jjgAfei&hrok near future. a one day quilting was held Kingston, andi Mr. andi Mrs. ley and family have movedi SA URD Y AN HO E EP RS or assisting, ta contact Mrs. Mr. Wallace Boughen vîsîteci The Federation bas been n at the home of Mrs. Hector W. Barrowciough of Peter- ta their new home in Peter-1 A U D BrownIMr.DHODnaulREn shaw officiai. record to Government Darke. Ladies from Port Hope borougt andi Connie were borough.M A Cls 1Already 60 childi-en o! the Hospital, Sunday, also Mn. R. fo oetm sspotn eeMsae te anclbaing two famiy birth- Richard White, Trenton,ORN TWNH L Ail Work Guaranteed ceight ta 13 ycars group have Gibbs in Memoril Hospital. ane GFO o! the type out- Ada Rutten, Janet Currelly, days. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs '80 .î registereci for the regular Mn. andi Mrs. Chai-les Gray ie in the recent Special Sam Wilson and Lillian ýLay- Church service was at Wei- Frank White during thel Easy Budget Terms class at the sehool each Wed- and »daughters were Sunday Farma Incorne Committee Re- cock. At the sanie home on come on Sunday mor.ning and weed nesday night, so the leaders night dinner guests with Mr. Port. Mi-. Muni-o reassured the Sunday, visitons were Mn n S awshoebiea uul Syptv setndc o USdSEKR CALL Ireaily have their hands ful andi Mns. C. H. Lane.Goen nttath Fdna Mrs. Ross Dai-ke and family with thbe regular attendance1 the relatives of the late Mr Parents on anyone Interesteâi Loal1 people attending the tinýpeae owr o fTrno dM.ad ~ &daltahn i~nt Emma Cavano who* ied inM . G RD N H L i n seeing childi-en occupied, Jamboree in Bowmanville's wards a successfui vote in the M R.liWkl !Pr oe. Sao hrdk fSa--Ohw eea optio OCUAIAIA with bealthy recreation, In- iTown Hall, Sunday eveningsrn bfr tegasgt~ M.rs. Ethel Oughtred attend-I borough andi Linda of King- Friday, Feb. 2lst. The funeral Sponsored by OtroFres no enerai Co st. teaci o! "running the streets includeci Mn. and Mrs. W. too long". cd the funerai of er aunt, ston were home for the week service wili be - eli frEm sr-a~~.éu o to get ln toucb with Mns. B.; erson and Carol, Mn. and Mrs. pi-epare for the vote as soion___ __ ___ __ Bu dig o.Brown. C. Farrow. as possible. i Mn. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer Mrs. L. Pecks mother, Mns., The brie! pointeci out that weeWednesday evening visi- Tresiseis a patient ln Osha- peh p hemssiifcn -57 -71 0 ors with Mn. and Mrs. Han-y wa Gieneral Hospital. aspect !te entîre report of 1a,11 M Wadc, Newcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Farrow,I the Farm Incomne Committee, 24A PRINCE ST. Saturday visitons with Mn.i'Downsview, wene Sunday a!- is theat that the fortunes' andi Mrs. Jim Adamis were Mi. 1 ternoon visitons with Mrs. R. of agriculture are tieci closely' anci Mrs. Don Smith and Mns. 'Farrow. ýto the fortunes of the provinceI and, iikewise, Ontario's fort -j unes are tied to the fortunesJý1 ot this province's agriculture. William iA .otewartMnse 1 UnLIIUUJj Anothen large crowd were Ipresent at Bailyduf! on Fi- day to attend their usual semii-weekly Progressive Eu- chre. Thirteen tables wene in progness. At the conclusion a dlainty lunich was serveci by Ille ladies. Sorry Io learn ihat Mrs. Eari (ilbank is in iosme- 1 monial IHospital, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Freerniaj Eddy were guests at fihe home ai 'Mr. andi Mrs. -R. J. PaynÈ on Saturday when lihey attended î the funeral o! the late Missi IOlive Hanna, R.N., at Portl Penny. Deceased was the dau-' ghter of the late Mnr.and Mcs. 'Wes. Hanna who had lived lna mManvers in the Marsh area.1 We understand tihat Coun-! cillon Alvin Mitchell was re- turning home this weekend fi-onihospital. Miss Linde Youfigmaîî is[ now on the staff of the On- 'tario Hospital in Cobourg,. iDue to restrictions we are > ot having the buying sprec in i-cal estate that exists in Cavan Township. However, 'we hean that Caiscadden's School andi Drum School havei been re-sold. We also hearý that the Cochr-ane property on the Manveiis-Ciarke boundary bas been sold. Members o! Manvers Coun- cil will be leaving Tuesday to attend the Good Roads Con-' ventiion heid at tbe Royal York Hotel in Toronto. ,Mr. Bowet, owner o! the iToronto -Pontypool peiiatti Factory, pasSed away sudden- IY While vacationing in theý South. We understand that the sonof the deceased will assiat Mr. Chas. Chapman in M-rrYlng on tubi business. Wc j sineoeelY hope s0. as about 351j Muan utW»pIOyed thore 310w.J RIONT IN THI PALM OF YouI t'y Firstthing you know, L et's An you knwl bhe, pAntiu ngsaow i eh ere work that means foi getAnd for us. So, whý 9 etwe get together noý to Plan yourfertilize requirements forthi row inyear. Makes sen se, rowingoesn't it ? Right now is the time to start thinking about the Aerolb FortilIlzrs YOU'rs going to need Very soon. ryou. iy don't e coming CWJVAMU ' Serving the man Who$# business is Agriculure, 1' III I~iIII I~l I a PHONE 623-3303 -~ - - ~ n ~ a- _ _ J'1 '11 I '2 I ." i j 0