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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1969, p. 13

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Flue Oron New I hampion Correspondent Mr. Michael Pagan of ln-1 Gus is and Jim. and Mn. Reg. Suttoei. utc, M an Mm O.M. . M. and Mrs. Talbot AUl- Mr. and Mn. Orville Chal- Fagan and Karen of Marha dread, Mr. and Mms. Jirn Ail- lice, Doretta, Donna and De- spent Saturday with Mn. anddre»d of Newcastle were Sun- nisc, and their weekend gueta Mrs.F. 0 Cooper. day dinrier guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mr. Dave Ferrier of Ms Gail Wood of Western Mmi. Charles Gray, Shelley Bolton, Mr. and Mn,. Albert Univeusty, oImdon, Mr. and and Julie. Munneke and son Kenny. Mr. »i,. Neil Wood and Sandra Mrs. Minnie IM.cHolrn and and Mrs. Keith Tregunna, of Peterborough visited Mrs. Mmi. Harold Best of Welcome Nancy and Ricky were dinner Charles S. Wood on SaturdaY. visited relatives and friends~ and supper guesta cf Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rollins i Orono on Tuesday of last , Mrs. John Küleen, Rosemamy and daughter Mary, Mr. and week. and John David of Bowmen- Mns. Michael Rolins of Belle- i.-.D .MHg n ville on Sunday. ville were Sunday dinner daughter Nadine Claudette of' eet udyeenngd e"ta of Mr. and Mr%. Tom Cooksville ar-e staying with ner guests of Mr. and Mrs Hryadfamily. hrfte m i a-aalGerald (Tim) Cox and sons lh.ardy aM.nd Barabllwere Mrs. Kennetxh Cox of Mm. John Leihman o! Osh- and family. Bwavie r n m awahanbee saylg wth Due to renovations, St.1 Jack Wylie of LondonMr. her sister Mrs. Milton . George's Anglican Church Ofand Mrs. DonrCox o wns- Tarnblyn. Mr. Glenn Tarblyn Newcastle held their 1l ar.; ýview, Mr. and Mnm. J. E. Alan of Santa Ana. California, an- service last Sunday in St.l Greville o! Oakville, Mr. and . iived at the IneatnaSaou' Anglican Church,1 Mm. Lionel Baker of Oshawa Airport, Toronto, on Tuesday, Orono. and Mr. and Mn. Thomas E î~ aftemnoon, to be with liiisliMrs. Sid Barrabail, Mrs.!Rogers of Barrie. mnothen. Wmn. Cobbledick, Mm.ý Bobi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Daveyl Glanville, Mrs. Bob Mertonj and son Wayne o! Port Moody,1 and Mr. E. J. Haar e a Fondly referred to as "the eager beaver" by her Cecil Jones and family lest; pital, Bowmanvile. t odn o h tye uhsbe ae 99 Saturdey aternoon.1 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat W. 3. CARSON pnetfrteSanrSn a ennmd16 Mm. and Mm. Hubermt Cob-1 and sons Frankc, Robert and Tedaho arnJh winner of the Ontario Hydtro Award of Menit, for: bledick of Leamington spentl Donald of Oakviile spent Carson occui-red on Saturday excellence in rural news reporting. James A. Blay,j the weekend with his motheri Sunday o! Feb. l6th with Mr.! 'Ibruary 1, 1969, at Memorial' Hydro's director of public relations, presented the dland MmmLrnehmp Mr. Wm. Tobe!W .Mfambly,1PrsHospital, Bowrnanviille, after Award at the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Associa-1 dicdent o.!LontheompOronoW F a îymr Boardan ilîness o! two years. He tion convention in Ottawa. In addition to reporting Mr. Milton J. Tamblyn, ageland Mmm. Tamblyn attendedi was in his 69th year.i for The Sun over the past 10 years, Mrs. Gillies has, 84, husband of Lillian Mit- the Fair Board Convention inýChas. Carson, he was born ati a record of fine achievement for participation in dist-I Ghennl f aTamb n a. d fathe r Hmnto S e. dan Kendal In Clarke Townshîp,l rict affairs. She also covers the Wasaga Beach area Glen o Sata na.Calfo-1 mm.He'ry hepardanand attended sehool at Ken-ifor the Collingwood and Midland weeklies, Barrie: nia, passed away on Tuesday, Mrs. Alen Sheppard o! Eliza- dal. He is survived by his;rdoadtlvso ttos February 25th, at the Memor- bethville spent Fridav withWifrathdfomerAdaLouse'-- e________ -_stations._____ Wa Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mms. Cecil Jones and Wilson. They were niarled oni Funeral service on Thursday family. ýNovember 18, 1931., aftcmnoon from Oronc UnitedM. '; M.A resident 1ofe.thle KThe !E N N I S K IL LE N Cemetery. ýWheeler, Evan and EMnily of led was a farmer. He was a, h World Day o! Pmayerl Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dick- Mr-. and Mrs. Wayne Pacey; Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Kefl!'membem of the United Church.iservice wîth Uts theme "Grow-isoti, Bewdley, were Sundayý and daughter Brenda Gail o! inedy Gray and David were, Survivlng, besides his wifejîing Together in Christ" williafternoon visitors at Mr. and' Cobourg visited Mm. and Mrs. Sunday dinner guests- o! Mr. 'are two daughters, Mmm. Bar- be held in the church on Fri- Mrs. R. Howe's. 'ton MacNel (Helen) of Osh- day, March 7th, 1969 at two1 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethlck' f 1awa and Mrs. Pat Tobin (Amy) p.m. Everyone is welcome and'and Bill, Scarborough. wereý N orthumberlanduu & LDurham o! California, and a son, Wil- a special invitation Is extendedwith their parents Mr. and son, at home. Also survin to anyone fmom Enfield andIMrs. S. R. Pethick. ~~IaLare four grandchildren, Dean IBurketon congregations. Tea Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill,i H eait Unit Report and Marilyn MacNeill and DaleIwill be served by the UCW. In!Toronto; Mrs. Annie Willough- and Wayne Tobin; a niece the evening o! the smre day by, Oshawa, were visitors of Communicable Disease Because this nursing came IMrs. John Scott (Wilma) ofte GT i> hv teG rls. E. Page. Chcknpx a te os' oetme hs obedoe alyNewcastle, and a brotherSriefrWmdDyo Mr. Joe Rekker, Mapie! prevalen diseas, the97 cs-tismimanshat th e ichol pro: yGeorge o! Orono. "Prayer at even p.m. follow«ng Grove; Mm. and Mrs. Murayi prevalent disase, wiis 97cas-lhsmasthttesol prdi-I The funeral was held frorn their pot îuck suîpper afltr Marshal Bowmanville, werei es mportcd, out of a total of. gramme BlcaioalFdi-raiol.Th Homer irs 151. Other diseases reported' rno usaFburiopadBy ru r n upted. To avoid this as much 'theBarow Fnrl o Su atMma vnd MrsdC. er g ' were 14 mumps. 14 scarlet as possible, the part-tlme reg- Oron, n Tus oday, edbmuar Gr oatnd. Bos G op are i-SutMrnd evennC.dinerygusts1 fever, 13 measies, and a few istered nurses do as much of 'ser.icand was conducted bYlvlted toNattend.iBot, o! thes cases o! German measles, in. thIs womk na their schedule IRev. R. C. White. Temporary servîce whlch weren prpaedNorma Bradford, were lastý fectious hepatitis, salmonellosis allows. 'entombmnent was in the Lang bY omren frllo evn AfrîcanîMondayspe ut oMr. and whoopin cough. 1 uditometryVault, Orono Cemetery, nfI.oCha.FTms anThoopraid ng couh. Adltoetryburial will be in Oono' onrChia.dF To s. JeLkTr Theeraldaimiswee In the month of January, iÇemetery. From now to March 3lst onto, were weekend guestm of! reported by laboratory flnd- Mes6,sms.etrscee ess good used clothing will be re- Mm. and Mmm. Wallace Griffin.: ing - li kuksin art 'were carrled out In HamiIton, Jack Carscadden, Arthur ceived at aur local store1 madMs nu ig srihipsand Brlgton ilae.we-Percy, Clarke, Dallngton. hmpoHoward Farrow,' (Slemnons) for a parcel to be!LttM rain re mcnt dîKn-, dhinond rcigtV lla e.uet Manvems and Southu Cavan Morley Robinson, James Stark sent by oui- UCW to the Fredne gusaoM.adMm. Tonsip.and Bert Tim. 'Victor Mission, Toronto. ýGeo. Irwin. month. were made. which lndicated I Rev. J. Lougheed's sermon Miss Susan Werry spent the' for abis vccie dmin th A ttalnumer ! 67 tstsat the Sunday morning service weekend wlth Miss Laurai Tubereulomîs three new defects, four norm- ý LI was both encouraging and n-ýLove, Enfield, At three ciutes held,' 621Ial etests and 12 defects still Y oung IA uit Lge. splring. It was entitled "What's 1Mm. and Mmm. Allan Wmay i pomons received a chest x-ray. present. One refermai from a o'rewore na admisson physician woas normal on e- Right with the Chumch?" In and family, Bowmanvil]e, weme' orTharesfrt anNtst contrast to the popular query, visitors with Mm. and Mms. L.' rdime n frosn nromtaSntatorimtes. ow.lg what's wrong with the chuch, Lamb. Imuizton IEnlometl aitto whlch la asked even fmom theMr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Thirty-scven clinica wemel andi Foodi Control February 23md pulpit, it was refmeshing and1Mms. Nomma Bradford, Mr. N. heandsehols.theUnte oies'~Tepogam !te u-Aeae created a desire to continue tolE. Wright spent Sunday aftem-, adhel at Heahth Unit9office Irnnseto tafms K ob29,R elek27 eet greater and strongeri noon with Mms. P. A. Tresise. pripxary mmaîîpox vaccinations ofliceit inspect ugo f ust ..Cb ~R el 2:challenge.He sid en patsvhok is a patient at Sunny- 4nan cmpeantions the Inta e n aDurng springe bul- S. Cain 212, D. Creamer 204, the "blunt sword" in self-cri-laîl had supper with Mm. andi rinf Quintcompete , heiitimandg almnh, h ul-G. Marshall 203, B. Crearner tîcîsrn and demands, alsoe asýt-iMrs. Murray Axford, Oshawa.i ýJ 1ei3prcftinaccine, wih caping, rs trade, ae ec.,e-,26,, u 199, J. Lugten- éi nhyperbole is too exacting; We are pleased ta report Mr.' h'teS prt etio n aainst diph apn, ors rdet.e bumg 184, L. Judge 184. exaggerated In its request F. W. Wermy is home frorn the; Xhmateanus hpngmand a degmec o! priorlty In Hateîy 184, D. Anîmu! 184, C t ;a n teohr he" etc. hospital. ýough. pohomyltis and Inspections. In the wintem eber8,B rih10 .t tm h te he" memIses; 15 completed the smre phases o! the work not Paeler 18,92P. JrSnm iasopoth ut fuls sand Mr eerkheget !M an 1 hd ua accine, feqîently checked dumîng the Cobb 177, P78 uteThe task, ot ocutchfand Mm. ee Ethie ofMonra M nitial doseoo! Lugtcnbumg"us4, and 1 hada reinfomclng; above mentloned seasons are1aHivooane 169, J. Luffman whlle 733 childmen had ri--inspected o eap e H .beomiorto 1e6tiv aJ.MrsuA.J. Wrin focig rid.meinpetos o! le th 169, J. Smith 160, H. Mitchell on stressing in and excluding, Mm. Peter Ethier, Montreal,1 forc ing spcton o remises pla- 159, L. Patterson 155, S. De- the other aide o! Jesus' love. was a weekend guest o! Mr.! Nursin ca-red asunfitfor human voski 155, B. Murphy 151, R Even Paul in his love letters îand Mmm. A. J. Werry.1 Nurses made 750 visits InI habitation are made to de- macPesn11rV onn eveals smre heartaches but. Miss Heather Grifin was a! January to familles lu the! termine thet the premises e- 149hF.Luon 11, . ier rnt uch .oy, especially in his'Friday vengtus wh' amea. In comparison with main uneccupicd until the e- hi 4,D atr 4 Thesalloncans. In conclusion,!Miss Mary Bradley, Hampton.1 Januamy o! last year, this las5 q uired improvements h a v e us13O.Mses11 our minister stated that there Mm. and Mmm. A. Sharp wereý anbeen compieted, and to replace;ls Team i rgh n hetandingy uet o M. n mncreas ov 8 vsisto sv.I plcad f rhn e m sSmt1i mchtht s igt nSheasandinygusgso M.1n mocreas f visits hme wm anthe paadi t a enr- .Sih_ 5669 7 church as its people show con-IMmm. J. Demnama, Scugog Is- nursing came. This part o! the moved or damaged. J. Lugtenburg - 6077 6 cern and mnder help to (a) 'land. nursing programme ls gow- In ail phases o! the work K. Cobb .- __ 5991 6 'training the young; (b) assist-I Mr. and Mmm. Lionel Hickey,ý Ing steadlly. Nurses give gen- ,relative te food control, therei1G. Marshall 5628 2 ing old; (c) helping those wholHampton, wereSna ii- eral came. treatments, dress- lis a suggested fequency o!: R. Selieck ------- 5172 2 have fallen and Cther unfortu-;ors at Mm. and Mms. S. Lamb's. i Ings, intramuscular injections, Inspection, fom which a fulH. Moor----------- 5121 1 ae swl as (d) medical, 1 Mm. Harold Sprv, Rochester, and eabiitation exorcises as report is submitted to thel Games Over 225 educationai and evangelisticýN.Y.; Mmm. Connie Gilman,, premcribed by the physicians. Medical Officer o! Heaith.: R. Selleck -- 22msin.Citinlv in the'GnvN. M.adMm There are a few chldren e- There were 93 inspections ofij. Smith -_____ 250 chumch is most abiding in ItsiMurraY Axford and Melanie.; ceiving came, but the older age eating establshments. 'L. Woods 297-236 înyalty, service and concern Mm. and Mmm. Jim Muller andi goup ecelvos by farthecgreat-ý A total of 394 interviews H. Moome___ 233 and passeth ail understanding. Dammyl, Oshawa, weme Satur-ý er part of the time spent inweme made. Those are consld- D. Creamner 226 The choim's anthem - a new'daY evening visitors xith Mm.' the omocam prgrame. ered an important part cf the: J. Lugtenburg ___ 244 arrangement of a goplsn0n1 mm da rgt Loalvounee gous r;prgrmm, s suîî 1teyB.Cr-mr1..__ "owI eln1toJeus. ;he 1M.% ndMr. da-SAr ________________________________ Suriday, May 18th. A vote efî The Lazy Daisies openedý thanks wam given te Mm. and their meeting with the 4-Hý Mrs. Wery and all others wholPledge. Sheryl Ashton ead i NOTICE is hereby given that the uudersigned has applled to had womked in the Sunday' the minutes o! the last rneet-I School duing the past yeam. ing. Completing this. evemyoneý the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the United Counties of 1 Sincerest sympathy o! the answered the rail cal et meet-, Northumbenland and Durham for Its approval to expropriate certain lands f ,ulyi xene oteigto.Uo eevn h ' familles o! the hate Mmm. E. C. :weekly dues Mmm. Reid demon- in the Village of Newcastle and in the Township of Clanke in the County Ashton at their time o! sor- stated the procedure ta thei of Durham for the purposes of the betterment of the Counties' Road row in the death of a beloved i introductory pages of our ec- I mother and grandrmother. 'ord book. Sevemal o! the club' Systemn. Mm. and Mmm. Bruce Downs ýmembers rend the nuaking of' Iand family, Oshawa; Mm. and a design on pages 12 and 13 The lands to b. affected in the said Village and Township are iMmm. Maurice Kinsman and in our needie caft book ta as follows: ;family. Mmm. S. Kinsman, Caur- the ather club members and' tice; Mm. and Mmm. Roy Hopps,their leaders. We took eut ouri Partof ot 2, Cncesion2, ownhip f Cark Oshawa, were guestm o! Mm. ruaterial which we purchased now being Part of the Village of Newcastle ibration e! Feb. birthdays. deosr tet the club mem-j 1 Miss Lima Kinsman had a bers the method o! how theý and ; !ew !riends on Monday celc- materiai was ta be eut andý ibrating ber sixth birthday. ýmeasumed. We began the blan-! Part of Lots 28 and 29, Concession 2, Township of iMm. and Mmm. Roy McGill, 'ket stitch on a sample pieceofo!; Clark. Mr. and Mmm. Keith McGill,lmaterial. An intoresting even-' Dale and Brian, were Mendaying was achleved at this meet- Thisnotce s gvenpursantto he xprpriaion Ac, 168-9 1supper guests a! Mm. and Mrm.'ing using the colorful samples Thisnotce s gvenpuruan toTheExpopratins ct,19649 J. Kinsman and girls, o! matemial. Our next meeting (Ontario), Section 6 (1). Mm. and Mmm. Murray Tabb, will be heid on Feb. 25th in Bownuanville, were Friday :the S.S. oom o! the church. Robent A. Edmunds, P.Eng., evening visitors with Mr. md Mmm. T. Shemon was a récent Engineer and Rond Superintendent Mmm. A. Lcadbcater. visiter with R. Gilbert's, Bow-' of tc UntedCounies f ;Mm. and Mmm. Leenard Staîn- manviUle. of te UitedCoutiesof ton spent Sunday with their, Miss Winni!med Cale, Wil- Northmberand ad Duham4daughtor Doris at Orillia hos-'lowdalé, was a rcent visiter: pital celebrating Doris' 14th with E. A. Werry !amily; also lblthday. vislted liem iter at hospital. Heinz - 10-oz. Tin TOMATO SOUP 449c Sh.inI's Lîîsbus - Reg. Size JELLY POWDERS SAVE 4c 9 c Delsey 2 PIy - 2 Roll Pkgt. SAVE 17e BATHROO F388C TISSUEo Stuart Honse - <Envelopês) SAVE 10o Chicken Noodle3 20 Budget - 14-os. Tin DOG FOOD 10c Parchment - 1-lb. SAVE 300 MONARCH f MARGARINE 3OYc Dominion - 48-oz. Tin TOr()MCATO 27c Humpty Dumpty - 4-os. ]Box POTATO 0 c HIP S dg SAVE 290 F R'29 c Frozen Food Domino Fancy Sliced ' 15-oz. Pkg. SAVE 9c STRAWBERRIES 2Ifor 89c Domino Fancy - 10-os. Pkg. ;AVE lic CHOPPED BROCCOLI 19C Rich's - 8-oz. Pkg. SAVE Se RUCH WHIP 2. for 49c Richmello Bakery Features Kreamy - 24-oz. Loaf WHITE BREAD 19C Richniello Half Iced - Pkg. of 8's SAVE 5c YEAST ONUTS34C Richmello - 20-oz. Pie SAVE 6c PUMPKIN PIE 43C Richmello - Pkg. of 12's DINNER ROLLS 29C Richniello Pkg. of 6's Pkg. of 12's Hot Cross Buns 3 Sc 69c CENTRE CUT CH P 8 c PORK LOIN lHPS9b SWIFT'S PREMIUM READY TO SERVE BONELESS SMOKED VAC PACK - 2V2 te 3-lh. DINNER HAMS lb. $1.J9 SWIFT'S FREMIUM SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL S PACiE lb. 79c TO SERVE VAC % BOXE IN lb. 89c Pacb1. 99C MARY MILES RINDLESS BREAKFAST BA&CONPkg.75c MARY MILES - BY THE PIECE STORE SLICED BOLOGNA Ib.33c lb.39c Pkg. 59c MARY MILES 1-&c9 MAC and CHEESE LOAF 16.. 5#9 MARY MMLES WIENERS BITTNERS SMALL SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS 1.69c BITTNERS EUROPEAN STYLE - Fine or Coarme LIVER SAUSAGESOz. CHUBS 39C SPECKWURST & BLOOD PUDDING &-OZ. cauns 3 9 Pg89C Fresh Produce Features Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade POTATO ES 2-b. 69c BUNCHED CARROTS Crunchy 2'35c CORN on the COB 5IR59C Add Zest to Lenten Meals - California F Sunkist Lemonsie6R 59 HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS Pepsodent - Family SIze Tuba 1001H PASTE SAVE 10" *99C Facelle Royale - 333'9 or Man Size SAVE 4c FACIAL TISSUE 2 boxes69c Mr. Bubble - 12-oz. Box BUBBLE BATHl Headi & Shouiders - 21,4-oz. Jar on 3-oz. Lotion or 2¾-oz. Tube SHAMPOO Secret - 5-oz. Familly Size SAVE 10e 49c SAVE 290 *99C SAVE Z0c SPRAY DEODORANT 1.25 FREE PARKING Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, March 1, '69, in Bowmanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'til 9 p.m. LMMuMMoeÀMKM DOMINION STORES LIMITED King St. and Simpson. Ave. (Highway No. 2, East) Pkg 49C SWIFT-S SUGAR PLUTM - READY SMOKED HAMS SWIFT'S PREMI131 OVEN ROASTENG CORNED BEEF MARY MILES CHICKEN LOAF SHOPSY FAMOUS CORNED BEEF

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