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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1969, p. 2

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The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanifle, lTeb. 28, 19690 Orono Credif Union Holds Annual Meet The annual meeting ofi reponteti 12 montbly meetings Orono District Crédit Union 1wére held during 1968 at which was held in thé Odd Félews ail mémbers participa ted. The Hall, Tuesday evenlng, Feb. 18R. tneasurén's bocks were exam- The Board of Dirécters wéré ined aid I thein opinion, pleased te report on a succéss- , found correct. fui Yéar with assets of $50,581.- Thé Crédit CommIte ne- 70 for the year ended Déc. 31.1 ported 32 meetings were held, 1968. They recomxnended te ýaid 104 applications approved, thé membenship paymént et a; ýcensIing o! rénewals $18.465. 5%~4% divideid te ail mem- Inow boans $45,327, maklng a bers as of Dec. 31, 1968, on thé total of $63,792.00. basis of tihe minimum quart-. Officérs elécted wene as foi- erly balance, aise payment ofi lows: Dirécters, Mns. P. Wenry a rebate on lntenest palci dur- 1aid Mrs. A. Loueks for cie ing 1968 at thé rate ef 5% te year; Mn. G. Allin, Mn. C. ail nienbers as o! Dec. 31. Gilkes aid Mn. R. Osborne fer 1968. Thèse recomimendatiens ibrée yéars; Crédit Committee, were accépted hy thé member- Mr'. R. Hancock for hre shhp. Iyears; Supérvisory Commîttée, Treas.-Manager Mrs. Wenry M. S. Ma ihen fer three yéans. nated In her report that mém- Speaker for thé evéning was beW ' nvestment in shares bad Mn. Brune Oberaki. anea field- InSreased by $6,458.00. Mem- man for Cuna Mutual Isux'- bers' boans had Incréaseci by ancé Society. Mr. Oberski $14,774.00 so an Incréase I gave a talk aid showed pic- ahane capital is wélcoméd te tures on thé Crédit Union nicet thé boan demanci. Mrs.! Story. Werry stressed thé point that! Mr.. Jim Teefy, pasi président ahi Incarne in a crédit union et thé Oshawa Chapter andi bekohbsoslely te thé people îow board diréctox', expresséd wh obusiness wlth It. Ex- bis appréciation for appoint- penses are te run thé organ- hîg bim as oun nepréséntative Ization for their bénefi; né- ai thé Léague annual meeting. serves are requiréci fer theiri Two deor prîzes, donateci hy protection. Divldeids ad ne- Co-operaters' hnsunancé, werè funds are a direct returnihUwn by Kéth Dé Meeey aid proportion te each memher's Morley Allhn. Afttr thé méet- saving andi bonnewiig volume. 1 îg adjourned, seméet thé Thé Supérvlsory Commtéee ladies présent séiveci lunch. Know YorNeighhour' Theme to he Stressed A tUlieCieW. (on ference ."Know Your Néxghbeux"' meeting will hé from 10 a.m. wll b. thé thème ot thé an-tela.,Ms Vina Neal, fluai meeting et thé Bay oet Présidentn et the Conférence Quinte Conférence U.C.W. te U.C.W., wiil conduci thé ses- be héld in King St. Uniiédd siens, which are open, not Chunch, Trentonx, on Monday, Ioîhy te official délégates fnom t March 3nd. thé Préabyterials. but tei aiy- I Thé Révérend aid Mrs. E.ioie who is intérésted in hear- t ]Bruce Copland, who liveci as iig about China aid thé imhssionanies in China from Chinésé people.E 1931-48, and latex'in TaiwanC from 1957-65, will be thé g speakers ait tia méétnig. Mrs. L luncheen wbich hégins at ubli 12:15, and Mn. Copland i wll!T Thé mission study for ibis' S pe M Ak i N)g year is "Towands Undýrstand-, PRM AE NB Ing China and thé Chinese' wéré givén o thé threé wxn- People," and it is et p4rticular nersanad consolation cash s intérest tei people ai this time awands te ail other contest-L when thé goeénment of Can- anis. Suitahie gifis weré gv-* iada las coisidernig estahiish- en te thé juciges hy Zone F. h. ing diplomatie nelati,cns with Winners will advance te China. Both Mr'. and Mrs. thé District Finals te b. béld P] Copland belped in théilîlus- in Peterboroughb Legion Hall 3 tration and o! thé next Sunday, Ma'nch 2îd, atIA~ *'Chdna Pacý-t1he sfudy pac- 1:30 p.m. P Icet for U.C.W. 196e-1969. d Gue C. of Ce. Gust Directors â Speaker 4 ROM PAGE ON!) J. <PROM PAGE ON£) Subseeuently, hé ohtained a degrée of Master of Science in Pathology from McGillinii 1949. From 1948 to 1951 Dr. Jaffe was on thé téaching staff at MeGill until hé hécamé Asseci- *te Pathologist ai thé Toronto Western Hospital aid laten taught at thé University of Taronto. Hé aise dcl médical, légal work in thé Attorney General's Departmént on aý part trne basis. Dr. Jaffe is zow Dirécter o! Laboratonies ut the Quéensway Général Hospital. INVEST SAFELY 5 YEARS 7'/2% 7-,4% CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION fil-23 Rinq st. W.. 823-2527 19Simeo. st . M Oshawas Mon te.Thumg 9 to 3:30 Cr umvc .ciosd Wadnesdale Member Deposit Inauranoe Corporation firs , ubn n ui KuraiULnle...r- mai Wilfred MeMechan, thé Immédiate Past Président, D. Gilhoely and D. MacGregor. Santa Claus Parade, Chair- mai George Siephen, Prési- dent Lawton, and Secretany Péggy Frank, New Ideas, Chairman H. B. MeGee and M. Preston. Town Council, Ceunciilor Keitis Shackltoî. Président Lawton showed thé proot o! thé painting for thé Long Range Van. Hé saidi that there bas beén a gratify-1 ing résponsé concernng this project, and thé following firms havé agneeci opartici-1 paie in thé venture: Walter Frank Real Estaté, Limited, St. Mary's Sèment Company, Limitéd, R. M. Hollingshead Corporation et Canada, I4mit- éd, aid Preston Transport, Limitéci. Othén firms will b. contactéci aid asked te také part in thé effort te finance ibis undéntaking. i was néporteti that Prési- dent Lawton aid Mn. Mac-1 Gregor népréséntéci the C. o! C. ai thé Snowmobilé Queen1 Conteat. i was won by Miss1 Rosemany Manléy, Port Hope,1 aid thé Bowmanville Kins-1 men Club donatéd a snew-j mobile outtit and thé C. of C. gavé a $25 prize te thé win- nér. To date 54 firms have jeun éd thé local C. et C. ibis yéar. Thé îéwly appointed Mém- bership Commuitée will con- tinue thé drivé fer néw mém- bers. Thé treasurer, Mrs. Frank, réponieci that thé bank bal- ance lai, 1969, was $142.67. Total neceipta amounted 1< $1,326.70, and thé total ex- penditurés weré $,553.02. The hank balancé on Fébruary 18 was $916.35. Thé treasuren's report was adopted on a me- tien hy Mn. Nieks, séce<ndé< by Mr. Mackenzie. Thé dinectors agreéci te ce eperaté fuliy with thé Oshawa Chamber et Commence in publicizing thé Bnier, the Canadian Curling Champion- ships to e h bld in Oshawa, as it is believéd the evén' wili hning many people tc ibis area, Kits boosting thé Bier are DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHt, C.A., R.L.A. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 2 E of P Wl Accident Round-Up A Pedestrian wag struck by a car ln a hit and run accident on the Sauina Road at 9:10 a.m. on Tuesday. Mark Ste- phenson, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, was walking aiong the road when an unknown car bit hlm, and the vehicle ]ýept on going. Constable L. B . Tilison, OPP, hs lnvestlgating. Mr. Stephenson sustained a fracture of bis ieft arm. He received treatment In the out- patient department of Me- morial HoSpitai where bis in- jured arm was put in a cast. At 3:28 arn. on Tuesday a car driven by Graham Clifford Wilson, age 29, Mili Street, Newcastle. went out of con- trol on 401 Higbway at Liberty Street. Tbe car left the trav- elled portion of the roadway and crashed. Damage amount- ed to approximatelv $900. Cnstable ohn -i t rOn Wear, NBwper's Jewoefery, t Canadian Imlierial Bank Cosmerce, &M the Toront Dominion Bonk, and the Bo% mariville C. of C. la urgi local business people to bi these kit@ for display. President Lawton stati that the insurance compa ,had cmncelled the local C. C.'s Group Insurance polie 1 "We have investigated t possibiiity cf obtiaining th insurance tbrougb sevei other companiies, and the col census of opinion was four that this is toc small a grou We will investigate further1 sec what cari b. donc,"1 added. It was agreed to distribui bookiets dealing with e nomnde information to the gr duating classes ot secondai schools ln the district. M Mackenzie Is fie cbeck wît Bowmanville High Scho< Courtice Secendary Schoc and Clarke High Scbol sec how many copies will b required. Authority was givenx Semr t ry-Treasurer Frank to orde 30 Posters publiciziing Chanr ber of Commerce Week, Apr. 12th to 26th. The next meel ing « tihe C. cf C. diirector will bc beld nt 12 o'cloc: noon on Tuesd-ay, Marcb igti nt the Flying Dutcbman ,Mo ter Inn. Lions Ladiesb4 (FROM FAGE ONE) ýsmall ricksbaws attractivelý centred the tables. An exquisite miniature ja panèse garden formed thi centrePièce for the bead tabiq wbich. was also adorned wit] small rlcksbaws. The Ennis killen Ladies Group caterec for the deliejous roast bee: dinn&. Dmnner mnusic wai playéd by Jack Denton': or. chestra, Tor-onto. President H. R. (Bud) Mosei presided. Others at the beaî table were His Worshàp Mayor Ivan Hobbi and Mrs Elobbs, Mrs. Moses, Lions Dis. trict Governor Ron Wismer MiIilbrook, Mrs. Wismer, Depu. ty-Distnict Governor Storey E. Beare, Port Perry, Mrs, Beare, Bowmanvjlle Rotary Club President Bill Thiesbur- ger. Mns. Thiesburger, Blranch 178 of the Royal Canadiar Legion President Ron E. Richards, Mrs. Richards, Bow. nanville Kinsmen Club Pre- sident Alex Wiseman, Mrs. Visemnan, BOwmanville Ki- wanis Club Vice-President Bob Cook and Mrs. Cook. Walter Rundie, a past pre- sident, gave the Toast to Lions International. District A-3 Governor Wismer replied. The Toast te the Ladies was ropcsed with eloquelnce by 3rd Vice-President Jack Dunn. vIns. Moses, wife of thbe club's resident, charmingly respon- led for the ladies. On bebali of the club Public Relations Comrnittee Obairman EFri c Barr presented a lovely bou- quet cf pink carnations to MIrs. Moses. The specially honored guests nt Ladies Night were Mrs. J. JBrcwn, Mrs. H. G. Goddard, Mrn. William J. Bagneli, Mrs. E. V. Hoar, and Mrs. Clarence Hockin, whose husbands had bee i members cf the local Lions Club. An enjoyable singsong was ld by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munday. During tbe balance Df the a program, of Popular music for dancing was provided by Jack Den- Ln'à orchestra, Toronto. cInvestlgated. thé driver éscaped injury.! ent Bunting spekéet thé con- 1- On Monday at 12:38 a.m. Constable Don Anderson was flici hi regard te implémenta- 1John Kelth Shackélten, agé 3.5 thé lnvestlgaiing officér. tie fe plans cencerning thé o 89 H.lgh Street, lest central of A car owîéd hy Stanley wisé use of natural resourcés. :-hSar na Ôd. Damen the Joseph Pinglé, 15 Lamh's Laie e n ine that ai thé hé- e SoinaRôàd Daagewa8 which was parked on Quéen ý s srn g up h gteet sam 8about $250. Constable Don Street. nean Liberty Street, r I adte nssrvice l farmtèe 'Stuart. OPP, lnvestlgated. ceived more than $100 dam- 1iadt evc fresl hs Thene wàs a oie car acel- age whéî h %vas struck hy an1 areas. Towns hi thé béat d dent on Sunday at 8:55 p.m. on unkîewn vébiclé heiw7eéî farming districts grew thé the Base LUne, just West o! théehght aid nuée o'cleck onStfastest and transportation fa- -Preston Transport building. urday evéning.CosalAn chhl wr ceetatd i a h rvro h car was denson lg învéstîgatîîg. thèse areas, hé sali. nRonald Gordon MacPherson. "A goed éxamphé of ihis hg eOshawa, age 19. Damage to On Frlday ai 7:20 p.m. a, séen along thé îorth shore et the vebicle amounted te ap- car driven hy Harry Vandér-j Lake Ontario. Highway 01 pnaxlmately $35(. Constable linden, 16 Rébdér Avenue, laid heth thé CPR aid CNR L.R. James, OPP, Investîgat- backed ite a pole hi thé main lines biséri an area Ot ed. parking lot of thé Chnistian good clay farmiani. In my 0 Acar dniven by Sidney Réforméci Church, Scugog home anea thé laid usé plan eSkeats, age 59, Toronto, weîî Street, aid sustalnéd mare fer ibis excellent farmland la out cf contrai on Sunda 'y at thai $100 damage. Constable, classéd as hîdustriai whllé thé!1 6:30 p.m. at the junctian of 35 J_ Clouston investlgatéd. lésa productive farmiand te thé and 7A Hlghways. This car . - Inenth lg classed agicultural. leit the naad and sustained M U "Thé confliet la that thé about $150 d.amage. Constable M St lan1dusé plainer sees an area W. Stevens, OPP, Investigateti. of laid well suhted te hndustry Thrée cars cdided on Sun - aid well serviced by transpor-1 day at 5:05 p.m. on Ne. 35 Coote t tatien facilitles. This seéms te Highway, just acuth of thé ro ehlm thé logîcal location te junctian of 35 and 115 High- esiablish industry ai thé lew- ways. The drivers lnvolved <PROM PAGE ONE) est ceai. were Charles Glenney, age 60. aid Senior Ctîzéns whilré-' "Wbat hé cees net sec .thé 40 Bond Street, Lidsay; ceivé a réduction in thé pnice productive capachty of thé Chaude Leclair, age 27. Tweed, et tickets at thé O'Kéété laid. I thé long termn view, and Jean Haggith, age 35, Pet- Centre fer thé Flowér Show. i would hé better te clasa ls erborough. Ahliintérésted in geing wéx'é productive laid Industriai. There was about $200 dam- urged tote tléphone Mns. James provide new transportation! age te the Ghenney car and Gecides. 623-2079, as soon as facilities feri. and réserve thé' approxlmatehy $300 dama ge te possible. moat productive laid for farm- thé Leclair vebiche. The Hag- T hé président, Mrs. George Ing. glth car ahso sustained soe Meék-, who presided. itre- . vaLrurè resaurcés are usual- damage. Constable Stevens duced thé guest speaker. She ly divided ito thres classes. ý CONTAC-C~ LOZEROIS MOCRN 12 oL SUGG. LIST 1. 10 gO UENIUI.KCPIC SUGG. LST97 O "4ON8 .~ ENlAME CREME mNsi loi rOIM2 TUBES LUT 1.78 U.LS?.I FOR o. * SGltLESUPER u.sTa JOKNON' 14UG~T * SPEED RAZOR 3 TOOTHRUSHEKIST..** 3 AQUA UEAL BABY PANTS BOUL RAN 4 s 3 WHITE-SP4ALL, MEDIUM4. LARGE O1RNT DSLAU G. LMS 8 3 tins of ENFALAC "Qu~' Ol0m4I 2 TEA TOWELS lI'k"x 2rh or $6.95 case of 24 SAVE N PRECRIPTOS LWECRITON JiWICSA el.S ,oeA CEPACOL u 'S-4LOE.< SCOPE 12 0. SUGG. LIS 1.29 NOMZMA DEODONANT SPRAYS um RUB A535 ATPIO sTUE f JURY & 2 KING STREET EAST Corner of TEMPERANCE STREEI 13OWMANVILLE LOVELL T 6I3-336t REXALL DRUGS f hfe, 1 l. "esourea whtdc wIth peop- Irtechnologfea1 break-tihrough ln! happcncd with other dotmeg.- ia land sultable for igrcu1., j ciD en management cani be renew- I some areas would have ta bei tic animais such as the tur- ture. Forests mnust not b. in;ý N D om ere and even impnoved uden madle before the polutanti key. the chicken, and the pig. ciscriminately eut and net re.- Lng ~land, (farm grazing, fonest. Mr. Bunting declaned tnat 1 animais can bardly be faulted.! mzst be kept under constant ouy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ wildlife, / recreational>, inland munIcipalities musti have sew-! frs rtcint aeur waters, flsh. etc. Whlle tihese age disposai plants. He de- Wid Animalisrs roeto e aeur streamflew and wvatertables," '~ renewable resources can be plored the fact that some tax- "ut has only been re.cently.MrButn avidnagi ýny managed and sustained, pooi payers do net feel that the that management of wildlifeemphasizing the enormous im. of management and misuse can expenditure necessary fer pure bas taken place, with the es-'portance of conservation. deplete themn and even lead water h essential. 'tablisihment cf wdees 2. Rta estiocsawhiec. tAi oluio reas so that our wildlife wiîî CaeceTn ovdavt te etintioncf ome et thanks to the speaker for '«2.Resurcs whch annU ýhave a place te bear their his interesting and informative hi erenewed and whose supr A is t emd ta young. Hu.nting seasons and ades rsdn ccsas ral l~~~~~ ies are depleted with ue dumping o! waste Into a ne- bag limnits pretect animais i drs.PeintM k ae . . . . . . ýhese ~~~Include ceai, cil, pe- source sa vast couid fnot dodrn himotvle tnoleum, natunal gas and oth- any barn. But now as more uîgter etvleable expretaSd er pesnal appre- ip.ciationoto SuperndtendenttBunt- Crs.Someresorcesbeing- and more is being gotten nid tmse iead peetîg ta 'Ing ta tibia greup sucb as gold,! ef ln this way we are quickl ovnseratuontin-. 1ommîereaChiren asfor- he si en, cepper, land, etc., cani appreaching a time when w "hseosrato a-16 ee pone sfl ebe neclaimed and re-used sev- must clean up our air or quiteagmntehqusreci-îos: rgr.Ms..M eraltîms. iterally choke on our wastes. iial on n ilfO~ain ebrhp r.A. . ..... ~ ". Elements of nature that "You have beard et smo doubt ensure that future gen- Garson; Social, Mrs. B. Diii. 4 < areessntillyconînuus n'conditions around great cîties., erationis who have the desire ing; Year Book, Sccretary.- ryetime which man cannot sig- So rvnstecryn a bev hs nmi nTreasurer M. A. Shute; Show I.nificanthy alter. These nld away et the large quanties ewd, o rut hm John Cruikshank; Civic lm- th athssrfc ne n:waste pumped inte the air by! Fibre Plants proviennent, Frank Samis; et, th~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e ceans, except possily for ind ustry, pnivate Individuals, "I u inrangyth-TnsoainM .Jme coata wtes se t dmpand moter traffic'. Or nresngyteh dTasortati. Mrs. Jaet Mn.unigitte ha inenologicai seciety mari looks eds ue ie r.Rbr aonewastes". mr n oeDvkstra; Plan ae. r.W taMn. Bunting explained that the industrial revelution theéorfi. N te tihe don est Maindonald. Two auditors, A. be because of tîme be wouîl con- C02 content et the air haisfor lfibe rNtonthedor et lL. Hooev and Mrs. Lawrence fine bis address ta nenewabie Increased by 14 per cent. This'orlubrfrm,ç Mason, the charter presl- natural nesources. He pointed 1enhances the "greenhouse ef- but pe r ndumstrofsorentr pone' eou htteneed for conserva-i fectl' et our atmosphere, he sytei1ir idsre r Secretary - Treasurer Slite n- tinaieoefue e h ad aIse forest based. 'il~~~te aubriofses eple n tt e onld . Ti eched'rehu "With the increased demand presented a satisfactery finan- t-be for woodlfibretgood ciaistatement. The monthly today and due ta fast techno-'ettect' traps heat from the fo odfbr o ang-bl eto the Rice Lake 'Mer- r. oia dvneet suni by preventing its less te, ment practices are required tclua eit a ruh ýk "Our present worhd popula-! space again. Sheuhd this, easr ta u erssaete the attention ef the mem- h, tien la over tbree billion1 budldup go on until the aver- put on a sustained yield basîs! bers et thé local organization peopi and is fnecat teage temperature oft the earth1 and that the crop is remevedbyM.Suewosggsd double befere the turnio! thé la increased by only 2* F it is in such a manier that re- they would find the Issues century. Now we are living estimated that thé polar icé' establishment is as su ned.!worthwhile neading. a thousand fold and more be- caps wouid begin ta meit andiWhile the techniques may net'PeietMek none yend what nature itséif could la numbér of our seapent citiés ail be worked eut yet, iOf i .Fetcheue nn Stret allow, and our effect upon the! would disappear under water tarie has statutes whose aim has soeé ascinating plants ln envirnment et the eanth Isi The speaker told the meet_ is te do just that. blom in his greenhouse in- considerablé. jing that when some smelting Food Plants cluding fragrant jasmine vine iWater , industries were told thev were Recent advances iin medi- and sorme amar 'vîlis, and that j"Quité a bit bas been heard'goiîg te have te také the sul- cine have madle possible an Mr. Fletcher would welcome [y recently about the present phur eut et their exhaust alarming increase in the showiflg them to interested water shertage. This Is a mis- gases thée ld cemplaint et in- world's population, Mr. Bunt- visitors. nemer sincé thére ils ne water créased cost was again beard. ing peinted eut. "Plant re-ý The winners of the doon shent.age. Our so-calléd water "However some et theseý search bas se far enabled prizes were Mrs. V. Preece, straedé e e tbcas nustries began te use the!mien to stay ahéad, theugh Mrs. R. G. Cowic. Miss L. La- geo ako atrbtrte reclaimed suipyhur te make! harely et th'e spectre et star- belle, Mrs. J. Geddés and Mrt; ýh it Is a problem et where the sulphuric acid and this phase,'ý vation' This criticai balanceA. Sul.- is located and whether which had been a trouble- bctween two undoubled asséts Z ~ Is fit te use. some waste produet, has new! et modern lite hlghlights the, ~ UE i "New York City bas one et becomé a profitable manufac-'q1uandary et our times," hé i:; Y 111 Wilmer Hill these chassie water shortages. turing precess. Surel hyiisaid. 5f~~ ~t~ Durhng the hast féw years thé sont et anawér col be toundl Thé speaker dtheI. ed th (FROM PAGE ONE) work o! 150 tax experts) hasi city's réservoir has béen se for seménetfhe other air Pal-iprospects that thé xposvey Swîth bis "selft-created" wealtb. beén ignered by thé gevern-io thtwtr asnter-uinprbm. increasing population et the lI dBut nobody is a self-made ment, ut was a senieus at-led ln restaurant.s unléss pat- "Wbile industry must béar world can hé sustinéd by aP~ I mani. If I may take myseh< témpit t briîg justice tea ur osseiial sé e i a share ot the biamé for airiuthricasinodpo-I as an éxamplé, had I stayéd tax systém. Its everriig Mr. Bunting sald that this pollution, automobile exhausti ductiin. "Food dependa on the a unvrst professer, il pninciplé was iliat i in - city cannot usé thé great Hud- is a major contribution tosoil in wbich it is grown . I II$ mightbe sidet me that I creases we should say "A' son River adjacent te il be- this probiem. Municipal gar-'Man's bistory et past manage-1 obtained an incomne that en- buck is a buck". Mn. Benson causé ita waters are net fit for bage disposaI units, ceai fired ment dees net bode weli fer y abled me te buiid a taxable in réplying te me in thé use as New York City aid thermo-electrical plants addihe future, un thé past whoee esiate as a résuit et my ewn House on Feb. 5th expiicitiy other citiés aleng its course te our growiîg air pollutioiecivilizations havé practically, la t*ATT "effonts. But 1 was only able réjécied this idea. Hé gave ne dlump untréated séwag i rolm i gso ufu-dspeae smsmngmîf.I I.A -%. -te maké tbat incarne bécause réason for coing se. This bil hîdustnial waste ln It causing nace fumes aise add a eig- 'et thé land léads te drasticaihll 'à%*~ X~ I benefiited (more than dees nothing forn 95% et lis pollution. nîficant amount. réducéd productien," be a-~' . imany ethens) from public Canadians, most e! wbomn "T hé solution te thé pellut- sre.M facilitîtes - sehools, librairies, would bénéfit from Carter. éd water probhém seems a t be, Domesust AnimaIs serted.'DI schoarsbps, espials id h incoe ta térs alne~simple, pass législation se that "Part et the neasen wé canri'ut aéavîtg t hgbas. Wby hol dI inCarter etaxte thalrthoe aérue Inutisnow feed more people ilin past misiakés and apply thé, andtemunicipalitlés thhéecléaîédwas doné at thé dawn of bu- 1knowledgé acquiréd from them IORl léavé seméetfthis moey for éanning betweéri $5,000 aid! béfore hilha neturnéd ta thé mai history is bécauséet four t u'peét i uue o thers te henefit as 1 did? $7,000 would savé 7% in body et waten from Wbich tmngment of doméstic aniim agmîunéssavtojTh samé can be said o! iaw- taxés aid those unde 3 sdrw.mas Satîgwti te become thé limitlng faci yens, dectors aid aibén pro- wouid savé 10%. By réject- "Impleménîing thîs Idea la ibat had very lutile méat an'of aur wenld population. -féssionai people. ing Carter thé goverrimeni re-aletmr i!ctthnyuIsbosadgvévyulé Land t Béfore I explain aur op- istéperai vraé mlght imagine. Industry criés milk, man, by sélective brééd- 1 "Wé must hy caréful ha position te thé bill 1 weuldý faveur et thé nich. Carier né- that this addtioîal cost would iig bas dévélopéd a Hoistéiin bandrv proteci thé precieus, liké te make it quite dlean omne htw aéahaet éaddt h ia cow for maximum miik pre-itep soil et our laid. Industnial' ;. that thené are certain parts otcptafanstxai hipricéet. théinproduet, aid a duction. Tésm hn a~n oetaésms o e~k thé bill we support. Oie is gifla, salariés, wages, huai-__________________________________________________ thé exemption te widews or neas incemne, dividendsanad widlowers, thia means that thé windfails ahl be taxed ai pro- estaté is only taxed whén it gressive rates. Wby net? Thé fis passed te thé next généra- gevernnent bas givén nei stien aid this is, a juat and aniawen. hnstead it bas iro- I céequitable proposai. We~ aise duced a régressive îéw estaté' put pressure on thé govérn-taWbssoendéigv- ment te bavé put inth thé bill tue is ihat widows or widew- thé clause that ailows up te ers cani inherit tax-exempi R E five years to pay thé éstate estatés. Wé New Démoc.rats tax. cainot aid wiil net support__ aîy such supenficil back- Whynt e n OppOta thé CUton isward and unfair méasuré." rén ésatétax Th réson15 Ithé ivély aid informa- dlean te us andid h eveals thé tive question péniod that fol- dif!ereicé hetwéen thé New loeéciMn. Breadbent pointéd le Démocratie Party aid théeout thai hé nécegnized that aiber two parties. Théecux'- bis némanka régarding thé rent hill is régressive; il does bd-e ettse ihlag almeat neihing in thé way et estates having already enjey- re-distributing thé tax bur- éd thé bénéfits et wealiby den. These at thé lower end parents, dees net apply te far- of thé sealé - éstatés from mens aid amali husinésmen, $51.000 te $150,000 - pay ai a wbere thé value ot estaté la lower pércéntagé level witb creaieci by thé capital îééded each increase in thé sizéet ta oeéaté thé business. Hé thé esiaté. For examplé if said tbat hé believed if thé the taxable part ef the estaté Vax woulcl mean that thèse is (a) 1, 5, or 10 tbousand, people would he unable ta thé raté is 50%, (b) $30,000 continué te opératé their it Lq 36%, (c) $50,000 it is farms or businésses spécial 31.20%,, (d) $100,000 it 1 xemtion rcniin 29.7 %, (e) $150,00o ti52.4%«/. sbouid hé provided for them, Afien $ 150,000 thé ratés hbeginépcaiynthaeatvlu 4 YEARS 3 YEARS 2 VEARS 1 YEAR

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