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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1969, p. 3

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> t -Lensk attended the onawmo-! -4'%bile races ln Bobcaygeon oni Sunday.I Mn. Donald Taylor was ln London for sevenal days last week. W ecUt"gs JQMT. Elgin Taylor was a Sun- dayy caller on Mns. Arthur' Moore and Keith. Mn. Glenn Fraser and Miss Anne Weller. Barrie. werc' Sunday gucsts wlth bis par- * ents, Mr. and Mns. Randyi Fraser. Sunday supper guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake werc Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Fiee, RICHARDSON - LYWOOD corsage of yellow sweetheart Zion; Mn. and Mrs. Ron Broome roses. The bride and grooman KelB mnvlcM. Qucen Street United Church. eut the wedding cake witha and Mrsly Bob Bvlackbur. Lindsay, prettily deeorated: silver knife that had been andshaa. Bb Bakun wilih bouquets a! white 'munisI wedding gift of the bride's: Visitonrs with Mr. and Mr and red carnations, was the'rmaternal grandparents. Evrt demno us- setting for the marniage on Before leaving on their wed- day cvening were Mn. and SatuTnday aftern, Dccem-' ding trip ta Eastern pointsý, the Mns. Bob Morton and I'fn. and ber 28, 1968,, at 2 o'cloek o! bride donned for travelling a! Mrs. Stan Allin, Orono and Miss Sandra Dia ne Lywood., white, long-sleeved wool dress. Mn. John Knoax, Solna. On daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Nom- with gold trio,, green coat1 Thursday afternoon Mr. and man F. Lywood of Lindsay, with Norwegian fox collan, Mrs. Charles Smith were visi- and Mn. James Bertram Rich- white and gold bat. Black ac-' tans. ardson. son o! Mrs. Colon cessonies and corsage o! yel- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne Richardson a! Pontypool and 10w sweetheart rases centned and Dale recently visitcd Mr. the late Mn. C. Richardson. wt a yellaw cymbidiumn orch- Cecil Disney, Mount ZMon. Rev. W. Joseph Pnice affici- id camplemented bier en-i Sunday dinner guests with ated and the wedding music semble. They arc residing at 1:Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink were > was played by Mr. Gordon'10 Kawartha Drive, Lindsay. 1 n n r.PnyDwl Everson. Mrs. Dorothy John- Several showers honoredan M.adMr.Canc son, the soloiqt. sang l'Il Walk the bride priar to ber mar-Tn.H ptnan Ms.H- Beside Yau and The Wedding niage-. Thnce miscellaneous ta TnkEbez. Prayen. showers were given by Carole, M.adMs vrt nd Given ln mamiage bY hem Stinson and hem mother Mrs. -erman accompanied by Mr. and fathen. the bride wore a flom L. Carter. Mrs. Ross Harding_ Mrs. B r u c e Montgomery, lengtl', A-uine gown a! white Mrs. Lloyd Lywood and Mrs. Hamýpton, attended the ski ;culptured velvet with cowl J. Bissette. Mrs. Wm. Rab- jumping campetîtions at Kirby' ,eckline of peau de soie. and Insan and ber daughter Marg on Sunday. styled with thnee - quarter Silîs were hostesses for a linen- M.ndMsLlyBroe length sîceves. The gown wans and glassware showem. Dni n ae r ar highiighted bv a graceful chap- -- __feniadDa.M.Lay. ci tain hichwas aueh atBroame and Miss Doreen Ham- 1 te ri s ihoude s 1ereihowit at T1er were Sundav suppen guestsr lth ouffan. 1'el washeld ŽUS LINIA witb Mm. and Mrs. Loran lengh buffnt vil as eldPascoe, Oshawa. bv a lly-point cluster heprl- piece o! lace and satin petah Iý oina School Club met an Mn. Alvin Boyd, Bowman- trimmed with seed pléarls. and Feb. 19. Following thbe bus-, ville. was a Sunday supper 5beP carried a bouquet o! red loess, Mn. Bruce Taylor b- lguest with Mrs. N. C. Wotten New AmenIcan Beauty roses;. troduced the subjeet of theadfaiy Mrs. Dale Stinson was mat- evening "Living and Leamo-' Mm. and Mrs, Charles Lang- non o! honor and the brides- lng'. The gnoup listened at.-imaid and family were Sunday rnaids were Miss Judy vL y- tentivel'y ta a taped speech bvidinnen guests with Mn. and wood, sist.en o! the bride. Mms. j Mr. Dennis o! the Hal- Dennis' Mns. Wayne Beckett, Oshawa. Marilyn Lyvon. cousin of the'Revort on Education.1 The Solina "Creative Cuties" groom. and the junior brides-' Mr. Dennis spoke o! learn-. opened their third meeting on maids were Misvz Launie Ly- ing as a sensitive and unique1Febnuary 17. witb the 4H Wood, cousin of the bride. anid expenience which should be Pledge. Sally Langmaid read Mýli'- Ioani Riclinmdson, sisterpleas;ant and continuaus. is de-th miusa!urpvas o! thp groom. Tbey were at- pendent on envirnment and meeting. The 20 member tired in formai leneth. princPss yet. is itself Invisible. prsn1Ilaseed reni style gowns of red velvet witb Mn. Dennis made very cîcar:cal. "Places wbene the but- s'ounded neckline and long that we should be preparingitan-haie and blanket stltch slceves. Thein headdmeszes cildren ta discipline themn- icould be used'. wene headhands adomned with'sel\,es, ta become mat.îre and: Our leaders informed us' tbree ned swieetheant roses and nesponsible individuais. tn about use of the blanket stitch tbey carried white fur muffs ;forn positive Ideas on change,an bwtaeageadsg accented by a corsage o! ned'1 and ta develap skill ta face for aur final article. sweetheart nases. Little Missi thein dally problemrs. We wemc then instructed on Leslie Hawery was flawer girl The membens felt they would how ta do the "feather-stitch'" and wore a gown identical ta ý like to have furtber time tai n thnee different ways. the bride's gown and head- 1 study and discuss the aims The meeting closed witb a band o! four ned nases. Hem and objectives o! education 11, lunch a! milk and cookies. bouquet was a miniature repli- the Province o! Ontarioat' The March meeting o! Eldad ca o! the bride's bouquet. somne later date.U.W.wlbeo Moay Mn. Roy Hamilton was best Friday visitons with Mn. and' Manch Ird at the home of mai and the ushers weme the iM'ms. Frank Gilbert wene Mn. Mrs.RePsa t81 .. bride's brother, Mn. Michael iandi Mrs. Edgar Prescott. En- Miss Helen Baker, Toronta,ý Lywood, and the graom's'ield: Miss Lois Heddon . Osha - spent the weekend with Mn. brother, Mn. Ronald IRichard- 'wa. and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon and Mns. Tom Baker. son. Master Brent Johnson Leask. was ring bearen.1 Thene are still a few seat.. The receptian was beld at left on the bus ta Yankdalc o k y M t e s the Royal Canadian Legian an Wecinesday, Mamch 5, spon- *vuY oh r Hall, Lindsay, where theisored by the Solina Libnany U l su a brIde's mother received wean-' Mrs Wesley Yellowlees is IWo ld WOI<ÀuIIO Ing a twa-piecc suit o! Queen's! looking aften the neservations.1 blue silk knit. blue feathened Mn. and Mns. Ross Page, Mn. bat. black accessonies and con- Don Page and Miss Marg.ý o e M e b r sage of pink sweetbeart rases. Goyne were Sunday visitons M r e b r The groam's mother asslstcd t ith Mn. Oliver Beckett and; Hockey Mothers met at the receive and chose a gold silk Arilla, Bowmanville. I Lions Centre Jan.2th it worsted dregse gold fcatihercd Mn. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe seven members present. Pres.! hat, brown accessories and and Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Helen welcomed the members and after rail caîl the minutes 'oa! the Januany 7th meeting were read and approved. The ('Pip ici/ treasunen's repart showed a ý.iean ,rs %, f i " à l satisfactony bank balance. Motion by Marion HcnnIngs, <Jusome z "owMr. rocr, ae yu sue tese gg5seconded by Loraine Coty that Cusomei "No, r. rocr, m yu urethee egswe buy crests ta b given t are fresh ? the recreation playens. nhe colons are ta be purple back- Grocer: "Boy, feel those eggs andi ses If they'i'e coofliground wlth white lettering enough to sell yet !" and white hockey playen. The money rccelved from the sale of aur tickets is used ta pur- CLOTHES CARE HINT: chase these Preste fan the boys. Mrs. Mary Piper and Mrs. flirt and grime cause a- euttlng action on fabries. Brush YOutIIhMary Chishalm, convenons of garments trequently and remember drycleanlng removes this the tickets, would like ta thank dlrtmd gimeail the boys wbo sold the tick- dirt nd gime.ets. also a special tbanks ta Bud Fanning and Jae Kennett ONTARIO FARMERS UNION MEETING 1 for making the tickets. ORONO TOWN HALL - SAIT, MARCH lst ,Mns. Mary Tabb and Mms. Betty Fansey, convenons o! the hockey banquet held Jan. 25 !nat the Cente.nnial Hall wene Rece ti M arrie ¶ Or e brunll arm and suaid Cones he Canadimn Statesman, Bowmanville. Feb. 26, 1969 really wefl Uked wb usy îrv O nIyB y ecn Tesnow ploiv a uyi ny B y C m s S c d the village Tuesday with the__________________ blade on In front pushing the snow away back In the ditches LI .. A 1 se the water could get away. D Z , However the water must be N sinklng Intn the ground oasI1U i 'a 'i V vT~b neflt much has run down the ditches. There are stili som _____snow banks te the west of týhen r chu sectha vere tb em rsh for Public Speaking yo cnntseare tsohighOfl The W.1. ladies met nt the Durham County Trustees "The Honey Bec"; Debrai from West. Durham wlth an hoe0>1.Elao 'se and Ratepayers Final Public! Swain. Cartwright Central,.! engraved cup each. whlch they, for their meeting. Tuesday Speaking Contest was held in' "Rabbits", Jane Muldrew, 1 keep. aftcrnoon. February 18 with Orono United Church, Tues-; North Hope Central, 'How to' Mr. Bangs, chairman of the rMrs. Helen Couroux presiding. day, Februarv 2th. iBecome a Good Public Speak- judges. gave the following The meeting was In charge of Chairman Ken Wellar wel- er'; Ruth Paterson, New- resuits: lst place to Jane Mul- Mrs. Helen Henderson. Thei comed all those present. Mrs. castle Public School, "Pierre drew, 2nd Rory Gibbs, 3rd roll caîl was answered by nam- Carol Wonnacott played "0 Elliott Trudeau", Rory Gibbs, Ruth Paterson. ing a "Favourite Flower" ýCanada". The judges were M. J. Hobbs, Darlington, "Bi- Dr. O. B. Dickinson on be- anid the mette was "Flowers 1Iintroduced: Mrs. Robert Hen- lingualism". haîf 0f the Durham Countv« Bloom Witlhout a G r e e n1 dry of Bowmanville, Mr. Roy Th Orn Pulc col Club of Toronto presented thé Thumb". Mrs. Henderson Bangs and Mr. Bob Doak 0f Gîce Club under the directionfrsplc wnerwt th gave us a very Interesting and Cobourg. Durham County Cl1u b o!1 Instructive demonstration on 1 Contestant.s were as follows.fMs unan copne Toronto Shield. John M. making those large flowers Lynn Austin. Dr. 1lawkin!by Mrs. Caro Wonnacott. sangJme onbhfo!teB - that are so popular now. They School, Port Hope, "What In a th.ree nbers: Georgie Girl. il in lb rsn- » are made of crepe paper In Family?"; Jennifer Rehder Aura ien 's otthWoedmavihe sLcons Clubcesnet WIrd inHIs;Hands. c h eodpaewne whatever coloeur vou choose Central School, Bowmanville, with the, owmanville Lions usually with either black for "Birds"; Vickie Brown. George A.W Coln.nbeafo Club Shield. the pistil or stamens. The Hamilton, "Sending Messages the Port Hope Lions Club These two contestants, Jane niembers wish to make some aby Bottie Post*"; Irene Riet- presentcd the five contestants Muldrew and Rory Gibbs will for their Penny Sale which muller, St. Joseph*s, Bowma-fo Est urmwthan represent Durham County at will be a week earlier than ville, "The Temper of Our engraved cup each, which they the Zone 8 Public Speaking usual. Smnaller flowers can Times"; Tina Vos .J ep Finals to be held in Central alse be made. The W-1. as Hobbs D a rlin gt o n "The' John M. James on behaîf of Senior Public School. Lindsay. usual Is to pay haif the cost Moon" Adrienne Moncrief tihe Bowmanville Lions Club on Thursday. Feb. 27th, 1:30 of the graduation pins, and the North Cavan Public School. presented the five contestantsp.m. P.T.A. te secure them. Furth- er plans were made for a fmls as they helped ta wedding In April. Mrs. W.clbaeano Gub Mercer won the "Aptitude Tr a, oloe yt' Test" contest. The meeting 'Sadie Hawkins Dance' feat for March Is ta be at the home'QitJnl, ofMrs. Turansk, with Mrc.:D I. . uring the 'uit Jnl' conveners and Mrs. Manders Meia obrrs atrcdn Sand Mrs. Couroux hostesses.A. blue jeans and dark owl-rm SMrs. Low served a tasty lunch.12fTV TO med suniglasses. echoed the Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Courouxsunso mseyfm th and ynnvisted r. nd rs.gais and, as well, smilcs of aln Lowvs ineted rboad ruh 3 SER EKY*bliss from the guys. Just re- AlvinLowe In Pterbrough by UE ROESKYmembers normal tnow' ar last Sunday. back te orfels ngsar Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster,-Ls eksuulhsl spentfrom ondayte Wenes-abstleswee usu al st spet fom ondy t Wenes IThei schedule for the pasti resounded through Courticean butesirdohrv- day at a convention In thelweek has indeed proven to halls last Thursday as stu- ous activities in the busy Royal York, Toronto. have been very busy, espec- dents had the day off on Fri- scjiedule. Varjous grades were Mr. George Mercer went intolialiy for the girls of the jun- day because of the teachers' entertained by plays which '~the Orthopaedic Hospital In ion grades who presented ail Professionai Devel o p m e n t were put on by the grade nine 2 Toronto, Friday, for tests. the Home Economie studentsý Day. It was a vacation much Engl classes. TPhe stage Mn. and Mrs. Allen Fosterlwith a Fasion Show lastidesired and appreciated for productions proved to he veryV spent a couple of days at. Delhi Tuesday. Several parents and! those who needed that extra well done and a special note when they had a ioad of their friends wene also invited toý day to recover fromn post o! thanks is extended to those Mr. and Mrs. James Bertram Richardson, shown w aciae p iw h ieprd ffsh~rpn-adbus . toacc taen u. vew he fne arae offas-irportcar bles!who offered their dramatical in the above photo, exchanged marriage vows in. Mrs. Helen Counoux attend- in and females! Tea and' hsFiaFbur 2 talent in helpîng to make the Queen Street United Church, Lindsay, on Saturday cd an Eastern Star meeting in cokiswerp served at inter-!i T6, hîs Fday, erary 2,ro afternoon assemblies se suc. afternoon, December 28, 1968, at two o'clock. The Toronto,. Sunday' afternoon . isi* n for the grandi mise good times, fun and mu- csfl bride is the former Miss Sandra Diane Lywood, daugh-, finale, Mrs. Reid, the head of sic for ail, especially the girls, 'Phursday evening. several terof r.andMr. Nrmn F Lyoo ofLidsa,1 the sewing department, was as the Students' Counicil is Home Economnic students at- ter of r. andMrs. NrmTn F nywoo of Lidsay,!pnesented with a bouquet ofi presenting another of tiheir tended a fashion show, en- and the groom is the son of Mns. Colon Riehards---nTi n 111117 * red roses. !getdne ti n agtitîed 'Fîicker Fashions' whichi of Pontypool and the late Mr.C. Richardson. Rumour has il, that ouri the "Sadie Hawkins" Dance was displayed at Ryerson IJ~n~ iz cGirls' Senior Volieyball teami featuring the 'Quiet Jungle. ' Polytechnical Institute. It was Dramatizeshas sa fan won one of their1 Remember gals, you've onîy an excellent demnonstration of two recently playedt games got today and tomorrow left fashion and talent and a de- K E N D A L Bible Study against Central and Donevari to nab that special guy! se sprig ato teaygr iThe P.T.A. held à cuchrelgeneraus lunch was cnjoyed.y Collegiates. There appears te adîy, our boy's basketball o sion'. aerinte'ol party at the school Friday Eddie Couroux, Ray Cou- O usa.Fb Rhme-bea glimmen of hope forat season ended in dreary de.oc Fsi a ux and alLnst! etig too h1omo rm-las n !artasatr feat as they were finally "ex- night with 1l tables In play. c alLnsafouri n oktefrno l afl! The Juniors, on the other porae" rmsado 1y u The high lady was Mrs. Brunt1 earlyFravmrngtgotedBbeSuypandan hand, are in dire need of Eastdale Collegiate last Tues- t' F and the low lady Carol Staple- fihn.thoghteie tprsne yUit71r.F either a spiritual or athletinldy A Senior win over M.C.ý ton; the hlgh man waq Rov Cache Bay. 1 Jamieson. t hein leader, read boost, as they have lost bath dy nTusa epdt Sleep and the low was Susan!1 Mns. Lamne Martineli and five selections from the Scrip- af their games. We'11 do blet - Vdeden Tusa epdt pprov l Stark (on a man's ticket). The Mrs. Bob Brooks and Charles turcs, one for cach woman wha ter in those future games hoeer the solemn finale v l door prizes went ta Ada Palm- visited with Mrs. Mary Lux- later appeared In costume of though. wn't we girls'l hwvr even though the 2nd & 3rd Mtges. er and Mrs. Jim Stark (on a an,. Wýednesday. the day they represented. ut dg wv', thati Junior and Bantam teams fel OTROWD AN mans ticket). A tasty and The past week has heen ex- Mr. M. Slute had painted a thegirst admintaoe er, 'ta the tramplin g feet of de- W ow ONuptARo 20IDE LOuanS __________________________________________large Palestinian scene which t1grl rffo loe et. cali o 1t.pan.t 2 y frs. Yau c I ws he acdrp ad he stae pite the sneers and snîckersfat coureous srvce Prompt invest- furnlthed a a ro om igtnd th emsuie sideo!! Friday, the boys were able ment Corp. Ltd., 62 Richmond St. K iche Caper hae ~ at ~ha the athletic tcams, they ton ta forget heir 'athletic blues' W*,Tont K it hen Ca rsidhae wa laen wa ith have been doing rather poor- and enjay a day of relaxation 366-9586, Evgs. 239-4913 articles from the Middle East, y in their past games agadnst and faithfui service from the ______________ much o! It belonging ta Mrs. Anderson and O'Neil. Came by î~ancy KrainE. Hoar. on now boys, whcre's that!H U E 0 U I The presentatian was con- 1 mal e superîority? 1 Jq11I When youn youngster pops ino the kitchen this cenned with "God's plan for' Joyfud echoes o! "holiday", CLEARANCE 0F Sunday and asks *"What's for dinner, Mom 9"', wiii your same women o! the Bible" and, ail ton famniliar reply be cither noast hec! or ros each told of her life and how court. Dennis Werry and Jae, TRADE-IN ORGANS and PIANOS ros shc had been callcd for just Wright. chicken ? Let's try a surprise for aur families by prepar- ber mission. First ClasScoiut badgesi Now is your chance to own a fine fully lng a deliciaus roast lcg of iamb this week. Many super- As Mary. Mrsq. G. F. Wand wr rsne yM.Bî reconditioned origan or piano at exceptional markets are featuring imported frozen lamb at neasonably soliioquized on the "whys" of Elliatt and Mn. Roy Robinson., svnso RD nyu mle ra o low rice, seit cn b an nexpnsiv Sunay inne berlilife. e wShe was visitedo elpd feinstsewhoe byslpedns trTRcounselursmther boys ori lowpnîes,50 t cn b aninepenîveSunay innr y Sarah, Mrs.,-A. H. Stike, earning them. Scouter William' larger, fuller voiced model. treat. wlffe o! Abraham and mother erpesnd 44 Scout pro- Cos rr:LW EH M O D Green Beans Au Gratin Is a tasty compliment ta o! Isaac. Next was Rutih, Mrs. Wcerry bareste I17s brmoLOys.HA MO D the leg o! lamb, and the menu could be completed with J. Dunn, who was the great- Scauter Mns. Keith McCrcai FARFISA, GUIBRANSEN or a crisp tossed salad. Accompany the meat with smaîl grandmother o! David o! gave out 50 badges earned by THOMAS ORGANS whom Jesus was a direct de- 22 Cubs of "A" Pack, and &ide bowils o! pan gravy and mint jelly. If you are un- scendant. Mrs. C. Wight spoke Scouten John Gloven pesented familiar with the technique of caving a leg o! lamb, as Abigail, who went to David 23 badges ta 14 Cubs o! "B" From $4 9 ,5 It wauld be helpful ta read the Instructions given in with a peace offening ta save Pack. the life of her husband Nabol. Camping trophies were won, and HEINTZMAN, WILLIAMS or your favorite cookbook. Lastly, Mrs. M. Vanstone, as by Conrad Ostner, Alan Stark- $1 Esther, who became the King's oski, Bobby Watson and Stan- NEWCOMBE PIANOS From $1 , ROAST LEG OF LAMB wife, and saved hen people, ley Brown. Mr. Fred Densham1 1 5-6 lb. Leg o! Lamb the Jews. Mrs. Ward summed pnesented a 4-year service barý Corne Early for Bcst Choice i CaveGalic cushciup the talk, saying that It had, te Scouter John Glover, and a' Ail Models Covercd by Thomas Exclivep juice.. 5. Transfen ta warm senving platter atid let stand for ten minutes before canving. Serve with pan gnavy and mint jeily. Serves 6. GREEN BEANS AU GRATIN 4 packages Frozen French-cut Green Beans i cup Milk 3 tablespoons Butter 2 tablespoons Flour Sait and freshly ground Pepper %~ lb. package nilld Cheddar Cheese 1 can Mushnoom pieces. dnalned 1 Clave Ganlie, chapped finely Cracker Crumbs Parmesan Cheese Prepare ane cup Bechamel (white) sauce usirig following rnethod : Meit two tablespoons butter iii a saucepan aven medium beat, being careful ta prevent it froni browning. Add exactly two tablespoons flour and stm wlth wine whisk until it is well blendcd. Mcanwbile bring milk almast ta boiling point, and, while stinning the flour mixture quickly, add tbe hot nii!k ail at once. Let mixture came ta boil and it will automatically thieken. Season to taste with saît and peppen. After white sauce is pnepared, melt Cheddar cheese in it aven a low flame. Cook and drain green beans according to package directions. In small skilet mcli, anc tablespoon butter and saute garlic and mushnoom pieces 1-2 minutes. In a large casserole or baking dlsh comkline thc green beans, cheese sauce and mushroam mixture and mix tbonougbly. Spninkle top generously with cracker crumbs and grated Parmesan cheese. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees, Serves ô - 8. KEDRON Uvit Il o! the Kedron U.C. W. raised $65 at the 'Came As Yoîz Are" Dessert Luncheon they beld on Valentine's Day.! The World's Day o! Praye.r I Service for the area will he held ln Kedron United Church, at 2:00 p.m., March 7th. On Sunday evening a special1 Chuneh Parade at Kedron i United Chunch was well at-I tended by members of the! 21st Scouts and Cubs, the 25th Guides and Brawnies o! Ked- non, and the 20th Guides and Brawnies o! Maxwell Heights. A youth choir provided special! music, and a film on China was shawn. On Saturday evening the! Parson's Party ln the Lowerl Hall was well attended. Thene was dancing ta music provid- cd by Rick Weales. and card1 gamnes for thofse who preferred! them. jFather and Son Banquet The highlight a! the Father and Son Banquet a! the 21 st! 'Scouts and Cubs, held Satur- day night in the Camp Samacî Council Hall, was the presen- tation o! 10 Qucen Scout badg - es. Their fathers wcre given thc honor of prcsenting the covetcd badges ta Philip Den-, sham, Brian Eliiott, Wesley Glaspeil, Gary Grant, Larry Hopkins, Neil Maba!fey, Don- ald Tregunna, Bruce Vailan- TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE q MAR R'S ~ JEWELLERY & GUFT SHOP 39 KING ST. W. BOWMANVI LLE

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