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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 10

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10 TheCaisadftn statesman, Bwn me e.B,!6 nstitute etAgrologIste Annuir es9flramCbe!Kitchen Capers Clare Raepa ers earYou wtll net above that the Clake ate ayes Hnr Tenda, arch Ail Nancy ynngpepl weterinrural The person who, centuries ago, wrote the oid Chines. Exprt DscssDears urban partsofteouy Exper s D i cuss D eta ts wo have facilittex niay be aaytng. "Gond fond brings happiness", must have had members ot ane or more clubs. in mnd a dish 1ke, Chine.. -Steak with Broccoli . As in Il They must, however, b. 12 bv sa many deliciaus Chines. dinners, crisp vegetable«, ten- the lst of .Ianuary 1969 and der meat and a tasty sauce combine in an appealing, 0 f G ifîs, Esta tes and W l,,> 'notDeacheirst b969tha way. And the Ingredients are neither expensive nrdfi Approxivnately 50 persansof up In $2.000 In trusts pershe cani elect te take thig right Only exception ta this age I, cuit ta purchase. ettended the inonth-4y meettngiannum providing there is onivloy b uqt mut ake applicatinfor senior products such ae ChInese cooking in peculiar in that it often takes of the Clarke Towniship Rate-, ane beneficiary ta the trust.,within 60 davs. The Dowerisenior caif club and the piler- langer ta prepare the ingredients than it daca ta do the payers' Association on Tues;-,H-e pointer! out that the taxiRights have preference in a.onc cluband 1.he19u6t9 . yn culcokn116n t epu ows r n lc day. Feb. 2th I the Kirby rate wherp applicable was bankrupt estate over ail other o Jnayi 99 nae ata akng idi epu owsdyaduc Centenniai Schoi. Messrs.Igreatl 'v increased under theYlaims. The speaker pointed ta wishing Information should the assorted vegetabiesi the morning, and store them Stary of the Tax Department.lnew praposed law. Under thethe Right of Caurtesy of acontact the Ontario Depart- in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Then when needed, Kasden of the Official Guard-lold plan the rate started al'husband where he had a lite ment of Agriculture and Food t fan Department and Clift ofl10% and went ta a maximum!interest tin ail the real e'tatel 14 Frank Street, Bowmanville. tey cani be quickly souteed in just several minutem. Canada Permanent. Trust Cotn-'f 2n per cent nt $1 miIion.ýand personal property of a Pasbecuburcri.eonj Sy ac n orisac aeteta inediet pany, were prescrit te provide<Under the new plan the rate.wtte. Under certain conditions toretryc, coervd ain. wle. at ontte use d Cires ckeryettà. oy au cess ouft a store of information in theIrýis drastically increased begin-!this, changes ta a degree andlcrc efaddiyci. sîyadcaesoi etknfo aada xeao particulaer fields. ning at 12 per cent ta a maxi- this change Is affected by thepoultry. sheep and patata. if The meeting proved inform- mum of 75 per cent at only number of children who are1 you know of any young persan sait ta the vegetables while they are cooking. Cornstarch wh_ might ble tnterested. coni- is generally used like foeur te thicken the sauce, and It ative concerning Gift and 1$200,000. Mr tr ase nthfmly fahubd tact thle agricultural office aisa adds an attractive glosa ta foods. Estate Taxes, the draftîng af where it was goIng tn end. t share in this estate under adw lifrad hmWe okn rc f .wl'A- lo a' u wtl n ohrrlaigsb "ad wrk ad lltitv hî a e utasoeltt more deta;Ilpd Information. uncnoked rtce per persan. Use ane cup rtre ta tw jet.. eems ta be taxed away," he do so within the allatted timp.i o Mr, Kasden emphasized the sd.on a question from the audi- cups boiling water and simmer. covered. for 20 minutes. great advantage In pianningl Mr. Clift painted a simnilarience Mr. Cift showed that on: NEWT ON VILLE Left aver rire rail be kept. in the retrigeratar up ta a your estate. He suggested tht storv on the Estate Tax. Hp!an estale of $100.000 if lefta week and used for fried rice. In fact, ta give fried ,-ice a persan shauid go ta their polîed ont that the govern- 'the wife and later turned ov-rý lawyer or a trust company faorment has ta get m-oney from i.o the children the estate taxý Mri;. Denton Masmie and son1 the grainy cansistency that it needs, aiways Use cooked. mounid advice. Tt was aise somewhere and that Estatf 'WoLid b. $i1,.200. If this estate'spent a few days here last! coid rice that has been stored In the refrigerator et gointcd out that everY case taxing did go back 1a the had in the first instance been week with ber parents, Mr.î least elght heurs. ~as tao be almost handled sep- 1870s in England. Under the granted $50,000 ta the child-land Mrs. F. Ovens. arately and that there appear- , ew bill Mr. Cuiti saw ,;omp ren and later the $50.0100 lcftl Miss Addie Milison tellnt- STEAK WITH BROCCOLI ed no single answer ta caver advantages river the aieil It h iewett h h'd îe e oeacdylsl2 cp tehBroccoît, eut inries aIl cases. ithis he po'nled ta the tact that!ren the tax would b. $7800!week. breaktng her arm,.1 t-nd Stfeash pieceshi Mr.Stoy otlied he ewthe spouse was nat taxed wheaIHlowever Mr. Clif t did not, Early Iast week, Mr. Boyd IpudSek lcdtî rSooe ift tax ihe he ett hngst net eomend this procedure as ýHarris met with an accident'Rt, 2 tablespoons Cornstarch fei wui son . n efei.the other. There was aiso an an answer ta heating the tax» 'work. breaking bis ankie. 2 tablespoonx Say Sauce le outlined some of the gond :advaotage with the exemption The audienc a aomd Miss Ida Sharpe. accam-: 3 tablespoons Vegetabie Oul tentures which included no tax of $1,000 for each year that a that ia making a wiii one pne ybrfredMs t-12 teaspoan Salt on gftsbeteensposesandchiid was under the age of 26 shonld be careful who they a1p- pan Bie by br h-tn Mss th on ift btwen pouesandyeas.Lik te Gfttaxthepont s xectos o tel Botone. wa ow t1n cari (10 oz.) Mushroom pieces, etrained aiso an increase af exemptionyas.LketeGsttx thepite.Aas eu rsaonte or noa rdy Ibig bite came under tihe newett.Aqalfe esnor edmsS acse, . rsretejie proposed legisiation in the in- Mrm cani be more qualified t, aMes admC . BLancaster. M. (1e/ere tht juice cesdrt.Udrthe. oidiha ndle the affairs through' t Smhane.Baw tede / uplqi ROOF cesd pevaiuchnesThfrin the noon banquet ai the Vil-!I LEAKNG entwasreahed t -2 mllin o a imitd cmay w s a lg Motel, Friday, under the.i Trim the leaves from the braccoli stalks; tri, off very Udrthe new the to .!tedisetissed brietly and here p ce sP a te aety Cauincil. tuhaitrlael! t adteuct Inta pieces about BASEMENT 1o) e50prcn rearhed: agaiti those present were calit- o haeatedngteEatr - 11/" thlck. Slce the steak in evCfl. very thin piece. LEAKING ~-t onîy sî Tt was point- îoaed ta look mb tii ate Eavstrugh C. ou. b Mr Cittthe itwasfirt. jStar Banquet at the Royalý Dredge the steak with cornistarch and theri moisten with Eavstru-qs ýd uthaiM.redf the meet-'frst Yor-k. Frtday evening. saY sauce. H-eat the ail in a skillet until very hot. Saute LEKIGhis opinion that the new legis- Gene But it e h pl Local people among the bus! the beef strips for two minutes. Remove the beef before aEAINGation would be passed in -Orona Times, îoad attendtng the. Flower, hR E anMTE fose. IL was aiso pointed onitý Show et O'Keefe Centre, Sat- it ts quite done, ieaving juices behind I thte killet. FRE STMA ES that no estate under aggregate, urdav, were Mrs. R. Farrow,! Add the broccodi. Put mushroom juice In 1/2 cup rmeasure net value o! $50.000 wWS m c Iua Miss B. Milligan, Mrs. B. and if needed, fill remainder up with caid watei- ta ANY HOME REPAIRS ibasic exemption o! $20,000. ; Mrs. K. Riese lis a patient ln Mr Ksdn utbId nd.r Memortai Hospital. miuttes. stlrring occasionRlly. Uncover. d n Ail Work Guaranieed what conditions a wlimcv be ypatihy f thedcmmu . nitv ic nd steak. Cook angater a mnutd trrn e contested and also outlined the Straý ach8hC L Wtex rue teMr. adMthua nowr orifpate n erea ne EsBugtTerms procedure that is folowed in'hleg Roy. a h Dy n-LWahr-po h et ! Ser-ves 4. Easy Budgetow Da, UI-their- young san. last week. Iprabating a will. He aise point-, versity of Guelph, Guelph. There were il tables In play OINA HCE JRVGTBE CALL 'ed t thateli e t h Depe-iWednesday. Maccii 2th -tat the Cornmunity Hall's card' SKA W A et's Reief Ac a wholy de-Ontario BUll Scie, Hays Sales party Friday nigiii, wtnneî-!z hce bess OS A A cneta wili wiiere the tsa Ar ena. Trafalgar. betng: htgh man. Mrs. R. ta i~ntprvdesmiety Tuesday, M arch lgth -Org- Ellott: low ma. Maurice: i teaspoon Sait Ge er i on t.'fr isdeenens.Aloh,,anization meetings for 19q69 O'Neil; high lady, Mrs. Dora! 1 package (In oz,) frazen trench-cnt Ge e ca on t frstane wil con .Durham 4-H Clubs. 9:30 ar. MacDonald; inw lady., Mrs. W.!Gen en Co hanged under the Variation -Cava n Hall. 1:10 P.m- Farrow. Door prize. Lausan 12 etpPliced Celery Building Co rust Art wiien the estate is 10F Hall. rn.Mls. left ln trust. Mr. Kasden alsoý Tuesday. Maccii ith- -Dur- Fciday evening a pariy na! ½ a up stiied Green Pepper 57 .7 50 nuîiedth Dwe Rghr rnCounty Mlk Committee 1R teenagers were entertainedi 1 cari Bean Sprouts l.) 576«7150 awife. This right allows her aad Producers Annual Ban- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Water a life interest o!. one-third il!qeBaktc. iet1.BhBow.Gmso tg 3 tablespoi Cider Vinegaèr 2A RNC ST 'the busbands reai estate. She'aanounced. pang and table tennis were1 Dash freshiyv graund Pepper c2n4AecPRINtaeCtisSTd. Wednesday. Marc.ii lth-.1 pleyed. followed by refresh-, ______________________ teqewil taor if this n wî' Quinte Branèb O.T.A. Meeting.l ments. and dancing. Plans are! 2 tablespooins Carnstarch ____________________or__if______________ no_______ Loyclist College, Belleville. 1hetniz made ta prepare a play' 3 tablesponns Soy Sauce. Time ta he aanaunicpd. 1 for future showtng.j Fridey. Mecch 21st--Ketu! Tiie dance In the hall SRI,- 3 cups bot cooked Rice m__ uClarke. Engineering Specialist. incday night. under he auspIc- Srpsiqfo hce ress.env rmbn n EU ~~~I EE I m~~(Fu.t and Vegetable Starag-ies ofn the Recreatton Commît- rpststa hce ret.-rmv rmhn n M l -) will be Inl the Bowmanvlle1 tep, was qutte a successq, fin- eut Intn strips ýý wide. Sprtnkle sait In a large fryingr A N O U CEEN ofic-e. Frnit. and vegetablp, anctaliv with rizes gotag ta pan on moderately high heat. Add chickea and saute for Ruu V u~~~~ E avu N ~ gr w t wshIng Information Mr. and Mrs. et-ank Vejiaver- i iuesirn rqètyPihma ce storage and apple handling'Ioop, Mr. aad Mrs. Bill Wade, leqipmntrai 623-348 orjr. ndMms. Jim Trimble,1 of skillet. Place frozeri greens beans in pan and cook The Board of Directors of the Farmefrs.i appotmeat previaus ta Mai-cil1Mc. and Mes. Phil Gilmer, Mr ie minutes, breaking beans apari. Stir in celery, green Mutul Fîe Isurace ompay (.inday) 21 si.-Poica and Mrs. Ross Brown. Prizes' pepper. bean sprouts. 1/4 cup water, vInegar andpee. 1March 2s,2r-ioica were ali donated by local bu,;- Heat ta boiling; caver, and sImmer fi ve minutes. Men- established in 1895 with Head Office at 12 - 16 Conference. JIunior Farmers'! mess people and deeply ap- Pee Steet ii te Twn f Lnday re leaed Association o! Ontarlo. Uni-! preciated by the committee. Tt wbile. blend rcnstarch with two tablespoons water until Pee Steet intheTow ofLinsayarepiesed versiLty of Guelph,. Guelph. lis hoped more people from the smnth ini a cîîp; stir Ia SOY sauce. Stir irito ingredients t to announce the appointment cf Tuesdey. March, 9:.10 i Immediate district will become ia frying pan when five minutes are river and cook untîl 1, Couniy Depart- ! interested enough ta this mixture thicikens and halls three minutes. mnt or Agriculture and Fond' woctii-wile undertaking. ta ,M R. H. EDW ARD M ILLSON Stf Meeting. Ontario De- î end a helping iiand. Those la Remove Ln centre of a large warmn serving platter. Place partmenLof Agriculture and charge <old certainly don witb roaked circ aranind the ciiicken in vegetales ta forcm a 0F1 Food, Bowmanvllle. son,. assistance. ring. Serves 6., Frtdey. Marcii 2 ti 03!Mm. aad MIl Fred Header- MILLSON INSURANCE AGENCY a;m.-Datry Ration Day. Barn son attended. the Part Hope Tour of datcy fcrms ta the! Masonic Ladies Nlgbi. held ati n r nt Main Street, Orono Blackstock arien ta the morn-! Peteî-borough's Rock Haven. I nt a A e G i e asAeýfrthi m yi n Steeet, Orond i ng with Harold Clapp. Dairv Satuda. surrounding area. 1 Rations Intea iaternoon. AlM. and Mrs. Robert Elliot.. datcy tarmers welcomne. Bcbng returned home Saturdey night A tienflfl ui I'Teet The Farmera' Mutuel Fit-e Iniurmnce Company yaUr lunch. Coffele supplied. tram a two weeks' holiday trip (Linday) lm a farmenui ronperath-e owned andi op- Saturday'. Macci 29th, 6:45 Le Florida. At the annual meeting of ane of tbc largestinl Ontario, p.m.. Duniiam Couaty J]unior'I A shower tac bride-elect, Central Area. Gir] Guides o!fi-caches fram Coîborne on the erated by its members and bas heen setring the, fat-mers Farmers Association' Annal Miss Judy Campbell wcs beldi Canada. Mrs. H. T. Coolk atst, narth ta Haliburtan and for 74 years. The Company Issue% polieles lnsuring fat-m ,Banquiet.Saline Hall. Guest Satu rday evening at tht home 1Bav nRidge-.s roieive p ei al west t4-Mrooiten Toroto hWade. Newcasetle. Unit Leader Joycc StaceY Gwenyth Thompson, M r s. Callers wltii Mr. arîd Mrx. apened lhe devotional with the Evelyn Hawke, Ma-a. Zena ,1. Adamsa. Sunday àltternoan, hyma "I Gave ~My Liue For Field, Mrs. Violet Medd, Mme. NOTICE is hereby given that the îîndvrsignrtf bas applied Io were Mî-s. F. Ferguson and Thee" and Gladys Waikey Vivienne Meachin, Mrs. Paul- the Council cf the Municipal Corporation nf the linitpd Coeuntes of 'Mn-. M. GRrtsince. Newcastle. read an article defining God,, in Storks. Mrs. Matha Fer- Northumberland and Duîrham for its appt-ovRi tn exprnpriate certain lands !Mrand Mgiîests Suadav witi bbc Cea wt ra tht Univerow. Mrs. la-cnt Whitney, Ma-s. Mc rs.W. angenwer ! ollwedwlh paye byJoce Mari. Stmit and Mrs. Evelyn M.and Mca. F.. Rnhiasan and ' Stecey,. Another hymn "Gadisop in the Village of Newcastle and in the Township of Clarke in the Cniinty ibovs. tark<vil. Will Take Care of Von" was. of Durhami for the purposes of the betterment cf tbe Cointins' Rond With Mc. and Mrs. C. Bcown'suag. A humorous skit "I System. ~wei-e Mn. and Mr.s. Jim Gilmer 'tht Nick o! Time" was pre- S LN System.and tcmily. Port I-tope. !sented by M. Vinkie. Marlene S LN Thelana t b afectd n tt sid ilagee.n Twnsip reThe U.C.W. met la tic Sun - Stacey. Olive Htnderson, Mar-, The and tobe afered n te spd Vllae jnd Twnsip ire day Schoal bail on Wednesday jrle Caswell, Gladys Waikey On Friday etternoon. Mr. as follows: evenia g Feb. 26, President M. and Joyce Stacey. Tht sing-j and Mrs. Frank Gilbert had Casweil presiding. Fallowtng Ing of the themne sang "An ax ihein guests Mr. and Mrs. Part of Lot 28, Concession 2, Township of Clark. tue opentng hymn "Trust and Eveniag Pmayer" ftnishcd thix Will Ashton, Caesarea. nwbigPart of the. Village of Newcastle Obev" and the Lard's Prayer. part o! the program. 1Recent callers wlth Mrx no ergminutes of previaus meeting Whlle lunch was beiag pro- 1Katie Langmaid have been and wtt-e given hy Assistant Secre- paced, a guessIng contesi was Rev. A. E. Creàswell, Mrm. Pete tary M. Elliott, and carda of put on, winners betng no IeslKoczulab and chfldren, Mmi. thenks read. Treasumer M. than tiree ladies. Jessie Beat, RocGi and Mrs. Keith Part of Lots 28 and 29, Concessiolli2 Township Of- ViTukie reported the financiai Mary Joncs and Olive Hender- MeGili, Enniskillen; Mr. and Clarke standing. Mention was made son. Wtnner o! the prize for Mrs. Leslie Collacut. Maple of the Day of Prayer ta b. the luckv cup was Acey Fan- Grave; Mr. and Mr%. Lloyd Tid ntie i gve purmuant to, Theii. ritot,'at g».so betd 0on Friday. Mit-ch 7 et now, and thent were 19roi;- Preston and daughters, Bow- .O tad K»oio)gve secoptioosAf 4 1.3cM nt, tnciuding Re.T J cie- manville; M. awrence Squatm. (Onar*>, ecion1(1 t, discussion tollowed a-e the grave. Salem, and Mr. and Mnr. Joe Gond Fntdey service on April Tht Newtonvtlie Women's Snowdon and family. ~bet ~~d3UUS, .EI<,4this when four other societifs Institute wiil mcctInl h Mra. Katie Langmaid 'vist- -Enigiu.ewànd Bond Superlutendient wIllbe Invtted to joln witb Sunday School bail on Wed- old wlth Mra. Theron Mount- eft~ îuý. s.tite for'the anniveraary neaday. Mat-ch 12 ai 2.:30 p.m. joY. Hampton, on Friday aften- w 4for Way' 25 wtth that Guest speakrwl .M.C on ruor~u~oesana sud »u~fm *, lnàtj e aMy A. -Holmes o! Port Hope. and 1Sund.ay visitors withM. > ow orne meni- hle tapir "Educatton"I. Every-,and Mme. Rose Page were Mr. m )»AW0attand. tA e n welcome. and Ma-s. Lloyd A.Ida-cad, T y- llmnn! BURKETON Mr. and Mcs. C. Cooper. Orono, spent Satncday wtth Mrs. W. Brya. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Gi-cnt,; Arthur, Alan. James and Dav- Id vistted Saturday witii Mrs;. R. Davey. Miss Bemnice Grace. Osha- wa, wtth iien parents. Mc. and Mrs. Herry Grece and fimiiy., durlag the weekend. Mr. K. Sinclair speni Fri- dey ln Lindsay. 1Mr. and Mm. David GâaIn- eh., Osbawa, werc Snay' guesta aIofMn. and Mrs. A. C Stephenson and fcmil. One ot tht things la be thankfui for le liai we doa't get as muci goverameat as we pay for.-Chales F. Ket- Lerlng. SO INEXPENSIVE .and ifs cushioined with vinyl foami A wonderfui oew kind of comfort! Warm. Soft. Quiet. Luxurious, easy to clean, vinyl flooring cushioned with vinyl foam. Softred is richly embossed to help hide heel marks. . mask uneven floors. Just rolll t out. No mess. No cementing needed. Ideal for suspended floors. Sob lovely... so comfortable . . . so inexpensive. Stop in today and see ail the Iovely Softred patterns and colors! From $3.39 Sq. Yd. Up HO McGregor Hardware :An IMITEI) 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLX Get big spring discounts on farm lubricants! Stock wp rnc»oeenqua lity Texaco farm lirbticants! Figure out your lubrication needs for the season ahead and orcler now-! You get savings on every galion - plus handy 1 5-gallon drums at big bulk discounts! The more you buy, the more you sa ve! And enter oux iucky draw contest. You'Il have a good chance ta win an eight-speed Osterizer, a bench grinder, or- a con-pressed air spray gun! Cail us today! And trust Texaco to seve you b ig money ail1 year 1long. "M R VMMMUl WSTRIBUTOR A. L, WEARN FUELS W. SKELDING ENNISKILLEN, ONT. NEWTONVILLE, ONT. 263-2291 798-250~2 ýMr. 'amnes Slmpson.,A ton. ndst Mr. Du FWorthy Grand Matron pson eNdm Mr. D ga ;unday, Mr. and Mma Ro's s ~ .LS a le Uta Elenand Lerrx V*s*ts Eastern Sa ided a family get-together. )ratirig the birthday o! Durham, Chapter. No. 181. e pretty ce-enony fiter the Jean 'Rundle ai. ber home O.E.S. wcs hmnored On Janu-, Chapter wcs closed. Mm. ;owmanville. . amy 28t*u with a visit tram Kuhas was aIsa given an Hon- r. Raymond Goyne. Pres- Mrs. Marion Kuhas. Warthy ourarv Membemship ln the ale. was a Suaday tee Grand Matran ai' tii.Grand Catr hc a rsne twibii Mr and' Mrs,.,Ohapter o! Ontaria. Although Chapt Lna hrser. wbîhwhprsne les Laagmeid and !cmlly.,tewahrwsvr a*mentioaned tit Durham Oi-ip- rand Mrs. Everett Cmyd- many' members and visitors ter î-ecognizes thât the Grand n n Ms HnldPscebraved tiie sleet and treezing Officers have e busy and inanid M.Haod PMrs main la welcome lie Gra1ndý les Snitth. Oshawa. t'O Officers. apruatsedîîe nd eyArewcn- Mm. and Mmc. AI Leaman Mrs. Helen Cour-aî'< Wor- apprec it hateyaei M4r. and Mm. Lewis Tritil tiy Matron. î-eceived a cheque !ddl l hemong Lake. tram the Chapter for $100, Atter tie Wartbs' Grand s. . A Oristn. roo -tie amaunt received in lien Mati-on'qs addres%, Mrs. Kav s W.een Ospadn svearo!o gi-excianges at Grand Electa, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Christmas pecty. ta be givp-a Mrs. Matilda Lihigoît, Grand and famil1.ticth Cecebral PalFv and Esther. Toronto, and Mms. an fmI.Cî-ippled Childcen's Se" ool ia Doris Cousins. Ottawa,. earb r. Elgini Taylor is visiting his istrict. Plans wece, for- spake. hiagiag a message ta and Mrs. Robert Sherwîn, mulat.ed to secure room eand the Chapter. )n. for thteriexi twaOor date for tic Oppoctuanity Sale At tie close o! the meeting. ance.La cnLsaCy in support o! ESýTARL. tie members and visitons érie, oriandLis Crd- Tir W.G.M., Mrq. Mar-ion weî-e iavited iv Mrs. Anna- in. Zion, spent, ScturdeY Kuins, a rsne ihabi ikrPMrfeh their grandperents. Mmr.wspeeîdwt el ikr.PMcteh M4rs. E. Crydermeian. rique foc $50.00 towards tie ment canvenor, ta iiave lunch r and Mrs. H-arvey Vel- Sciolacsiip Fund and a cie- ia tie hanquet hall. which Ees and tamilî' v Isitcd Mm., que ta be, put towardis hem. wcs heautifîîiiy drecomated in Mrs. Ernest. Larmer. personal praject - tiie laiter fa I rotors and mapleicvs kstock, on Sunaeyv. crque heing given aIoag uc, Wor-th\, Grand Matrorn s rand Mmsq. Ken Brat. w ith a houquet of flowers in colors and flawer for the yefýx. twa. wene Suadav visitons Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires. 19 a card party on Set- y. March 15 la tht Cam-' ity Hall. The draw forE btautifui painting. doaat-VNY FO M L OR G y r.Russell Best, will b. IY O M FO RN ie Saline Tastitulte wil, Amazing new comfort: Soft, Warm, Quiet Lta the CommunitN' Ha]l Sa beautiful and so easy ta care for Wednesday. Macc 12 a, p.m. when the guest ker wtli be Mcs. Ralpi s. District Presideat. est.e with Mc. and Mca.ý ;eIl Vice, an Frlday even- wert Mr. Roy. Powell,h tion; Mr. and Mrs. Veî-n eii, Robert and Donald, ibus; Mr. and Mrs. Geu-cv pell and Mca. Florence wiees, Taunton. rand Mms. C. Johns, Bow- ville, wemc Sundey sup!e tg with Mr. and pr d Broome and famtly. Mrý Mrs. Wallace Munday iwa. were recent, ceiiecs. Ks Pearl Leach and Mrs., :elleti attended the tlower- e t the O'Keefe Centre ta uta, lest Thucsday. indey visitons witi Mn.1 Mrs. Clearence Vice were I and Mrs. Rai-aild Jebson Dorotiiy. Utica; Mc. aadý Russell Vice, Sauina: Mrs.' le Tink. Ebenezer; Mrs.ý ene Yellowlees, Taunton.' femtily gctiertag wes a iay celebnation for Mm., ece Vire. BUILT-IN FOAM ý 1

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