A. B~Silan Moogkanp and ~H A Y D O N ~The Canadian 5tateso n omillMr .10 Dennis. 1H Y O ~ AANewcastle Bantams received 'JntilwrSu 1>10 U YIn,,9p1 Afin 14 di> L n 14 I/à 14 Jword at the last minute thaU tituneay school sessiorn at Mss. A. Thompsnn accom- of their parents, MradMr.hoiapteninM ora the t.eamn they were ta play ,1:45 and ohurch service- at panied Mr. and Mrs. J1. Ab- Bert Johnson.Cub Iopt.M.anMr Gad y ~ ~~~~~~~~wouldn't be oig Arrîing 3l p.rn. on Suriday. hatt and Steveui, Burketon Lde otfr: a. r dadto 1' atterikad idngsri, ne*sWrd a fand visited Mrs. Thompson', Ladiesckl'ttôii Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-4213 of the Mldgets already there, Prayer. Friday, Marc'h 7th, nt!son~ and grandsoiu, Mr. Lloyd'at the home of Mrs .~ bc oOtaao udy a fun game was held with ,9 pm. "in Tyroe echur-ch. Hay- Thompson and Terry, Tor. - waren Tedyoubigyu eaaudvvstoswtvr n was n ho Midgts nd Bantamns forming ý don ladies are invited lta at- onto. towel and wear oehgMr.BceLmashun Wellington wilnhspital toteams. tn.M.adMs ibrRak re rb iln epya M.adMs arneSv when it should have been Wal- Te Newcastle Pee Wees won 'ed . amandMs id r Bac-end ne.er Osaw; M ati r been ecevig getwellcardsthe gory c a sut-ou were b 1 h t k rn W ane lckbr. n dwIMs .Wlh r ar M any A wards Presented ter. and the wrong man haslover Port Hope 9-0. Sharin R een D avid ote L fine.e Twn M. n and ishs. TimBlaer nd Dnal Ti!-,the church service on Sunday.l castie. te Kemptvilie and Ot-I andterba f]iheemho m MakraDn, aledTiml- Qcut, wreree t a hum nci o t ln d th ciC D u rin g G u id es M eetin g h3 Georg Smith suffered! son in net. Scoring goals were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wer-ý visited -w',ih DulsBakS L M~fM.at .F last week, breaking the sarnelBarchard and Ken Boyd each guests of Mr. and Mn,. Lior'd aTd. Colieg e Kio.Cetn.ii .hl hs M. n r.RnWlh hpthat she broke just a short with two and one for' Nickie Ashton, Ronald andi Ray. cp69onStra.FrdyigMrt Newcagtle On Tuesday ev- Canada was sung in French. icompletion. Learning song' time ago.* She is in Oshawa WTîîiems Mr. andi Mrs. Cecil Wood, MCOPC A 9' on spurtaP-mriaht Malech'ha :OptiYobrwr ekn ennGuides and Leaders of Menit badges were present- from other lands aiso Itr eea Hospital. The last game of the even- Oshawa. were Saturday even-, cr.A hmsnsetpm tSlmcuc odSii~swt r n i.L 2nd Newcastle Company held:ed. First, presented by Mrs. ests the girls. At this tre, Mr. Bod Hat-ris, Coach of ing was between the MligetsA ng Visitors of Mr. andi Mrs WMednesday, night with the uss fqither the r-a1nntWeh.atrysuprgst - a most Impressive ceremony._ Quinney were two Astronom-, the guests were once again: the Pee Wee 'A" teani. also and Town League. Some of Ohar'iie Garriari'tsmni ami1 ,B\Aa . x"îechurch. he cl Lne~nat Bb r niMs en enrollment, badge and ers' Badges te Debbie Shearer favoreti with a number oftbas sufered a bad reak muthetep.s la wil!te M.Jf oePtrbr:vle cuc.Rv a w r d n i h t a n h e c e e b a - a d o a C l ! J a n a l o e - s n g f o n S u h f n c a E g ' i s f o o t , a n a c c i d e n t t h a t h a p - o n L a u t r g l r S n u g , v s t d M . a d M s ' R u s s e l l T a b b a n i d a n G ra - ha i e r e s n . E e y - M.id M s . D n W l h tion of Lord anti Lady Baden cejved lier Pioneers Badge, 'and. and Australia. pened at his place of empioy- day iight games. and fans at Jones and famîîlr on Sundax' liani sppnt Ille weekend with oewoi neetdi h M, .Tit n r u. - Powell's birthdtays w\,ere oh- one which Mrs. Quinney ex-, The highlight of the even-iment. It lias been reported the arefla watched with de- Mr. andi Mrs. Clayton Rend, Duls Bakun ep-fuiture of our churchi reiryTitacmaîdb r serx'eti. p' _dws badigcnerdaoniMr. Hanris wllhave hslgtteMidget Manager and Robbie and Steven, Bowman- 'îetatndadMr.RyTiOhw, Witb the horseshors bcitig aehieve. "Sa many girls who receix'er bel, Ail-Round ciîSt on for eight weeks. HeTonLaeCabDogvlwreSmatages..M'..Toipnan r, M ms.vfo n ed b the G uid es, t r a w,ý u p th eir h an d s sayin g ' C rd . C aptain B rereton i - lias ee ii ab sen t from th e ' W a to n cheer b th i3 teanis w ith M . an ti M m. A th u r, H .ic k ,oq s a w n s T ue M s d A Mb r sgr upK e re h arg f Q e n s U iv r i y i g t apanM r ae Ben-tey' ust can't do it. but it*s, lv praised Joan oi, lier achieve- players' box these p!toew n, while mothers anti dads Rend.Hik , O h w , o u s a ler g OI w rp r Cat n w lcMr ts t e pa es ana proud occasion ta eceive m e t. m entioning that it was practices an ti gam es an ti his ilto c eered on their sons, one' M r. an ti M rs. Allait M alcolm ,n:te Feb uar's m ee ti g o h o a uta ._ _ _ ttosus his eens taonthebeptare.ntso a bt ati UCW. Mns. ShRckleob pnd guests anti expiained smc oan ud taexear It for ail otb- a 8big step Itn\x'ard receivin,.wife tlb a tis seern t onfusig her em.Itgt. a bt aM Margnet, Sttton. visitti' LN RT ~ 'b eeigwt a!t tbing of the prograni wbicb er (Gîîdes te sec.Its a great ber Goiti Card, onie she felitcas irî asu'antpin t hec ning tahold ngtem bOnkM. D a rlcslie Tlor.SIULT.wrhpfloeib yn 'Was to follow. Giving thanks achievement ta canri this.at, h ol civ b h i nuvisi.His team wsh bcmeittinani raeTayloriL~.LL5L adappreciatifon ta lier igbt orce carneri. it niakes wav for ture. "Joan iau xelete uaseduetrto g ood! ail at file sarnie rne. One of anti june, Burketon, visiteti MIs,. W. Vaneyk returneti B3ob Shackleton 1aaeiwt anti , ~,. ,,..~,.. ,,.,, 'the Town League play ers Pauli Mn. anti Mrs. Leslie Grahami home Sunday aftrmnoon fmom two piano solos.Mr Bb IP EAIG YSf- sistants, Guide Lieut. Mrs. Rita CornpanY Leader' lanice Breretaru. 'a gondi camper ant Bcout Ncewsan. MC 'a accdentl, on Sunday. IMernariai Hospital much i m-ICî'aig gave a readin Eev hurt duig the game andil'e- Mr. anti Mrs. 'Ross Astitanow eiatrbrbt oea oytnsi" r.IWih~W UT£A Chard anti Cornpany Leader,. Tickauti presenteti Tayrakers' a vxxorthh itIe leader". She Blaker -The Scouts met a iîreti eigbter stdoeitchesdof; t" M ;isJnceRcad Badges ta Susaru Maikewicz, went. an ta praise wvitlx thank.,' with about 15 boys attending. T/I/S OUh sicest Coe 'ndfmly wreStud80h5eashr rpr Miqs Janie Rickard 1 1 ent Mov'sthF.ve..Theighiebytery gmeeting he.iandats.K Mrs- Seaet jusioutite telelori,-,,Jssup, Debbie Kidd, tbe assisi.ance given lber b'.'The Spider andi Golden Eagle cutdaove te eye.The grne: upper uestsa! Mm.antigî's. SeatedpilCo '.Aine B'reon. aic Rekr. oa Cl atiPaîtheejoe aboligendedetiieclose ln score, b Wilfu'eti Bowrn anaErcn anti E Coch.Aimc, Berton'manviUe, weî'c Sundav:view lJnited Chuolin'rch. OshawaeSuna '*ewUnied hur speciai guests who wcre aiso, Cr vs ae oe or' h pde arla h i-winners. Scou'lng goals veu'" Mr. ai dMrs. J. Potts at 'anti Me us. Bruce ae S i' acenngte aaca I- lntroduced. Mrs. Helen Rudeil, Sîenr. Cord aandpiceti Bruceoa'BaterSpide Patroias thevuc D'uyAaCmnisoe; Testeti bv Rex'. Sunithtb. Mel- shotilder bylher mother', Nrs tors. A cal-ne was hielti be-; Pet.e McCullough with three wili spent the weekend ai and Pampa oot;M.adin anti-anc eau-h . mAlaTounIlo; Mr.Manti dian Mrs. Pauline Stocks. District: onvJsp.Auce Breretoii, William Cali, vith Dad lookirî'gte upatuls, witb the Vu!-,i ningîani, fou John uin Ciinwei.M'.Pts' ss- Mus.Keith Gable andi BnianMrs. L. Weîqh. teprsUet Comissonr;Mr. ayQun-Chris Trox , Susan Ml\akewicz0on. ijlSt as teilihted anti pieas- ,turcs anti Golden Hagies tying. and Brian Roxve. QForite ter, Mrs. Frak Kennedy , hax'- Coutillce(: M. anti Mrs. John ('aucI( the Ucbusnw .5v Cam fomisoen; Ms. apta Qin- tea nt im Perrin were present-,cd. FoiioIving thts 'Brav-o", ter au Inspiration time was Miigetq, goals Iwere scoret i'ung spent a week witlb the BakI' ranti boysweu'e Suntiayet-a]lbtank You crsw Guide atino abeini hecdi wvih W'iter's Badges by was sung bY lier sisteu' Guides. ihelti. Bh MCiog xbhtrePotts famiiy. î'eturned ta hem suppci' giests 'rtheir parentsq, i'ead. We decidetitd et 19 scne bipr:Mn. ant c-Lieut. Chard. A nîemnbeu of lber patrai. Sus- Hoc'key Motbeî's-.Tbe uegut- and one each for Mike Mac-, home in Coliingwonci With Mn, anti Mrs. G. Bakerce'lre- tr heip pay fneigh n .e Ccken, Bdelper: rJaet ;Me.- Joan Cal! later rceiveti hec an MVakewic'i. canie forth andi lai-Hockey Mothers meetigG1eoratiDugReu i rM. aniiMr. J. Potis anti bu'aing Panicias flust birtiay. 'used clotbing we 8et aTn anti Mr's. Gardon Dancev anti Needlexvomari's Badge anti also p u'sented JOan suitti a gift 01n was lielti w'itb the newiy eleet- .On Satu'day lnoan bacurl:ifBîllie. Soru'y tarepor't. Mîs. May auto. Mrs WidaJouso. bsetthe Little House Embiern. Miss hehaîf of!fihe caîau.Whilc eti officers taking charge of.ws Mad ukgaef rMu. anti Mrs, Arthur' Tre- ,ins fel anti broke a houie Worlit's Day nfPayre- bm et ianeohnsor.Aet ,, PuipRcard expiainedti hat Joan Chis' Tcav ant i Ru Pernin t fiefiust metnnoitee'Nefste B Pe sç h anWllamatiPalx'siei n ecwit.s c saiihebet a Tmnea tbevhat heeu wrc lrs.'P fir'st harti tacaun sex'eral other caru'icd ina beaîitiful caike, terni. Puesident Mms. MyrtIe lost 9-O ta Bowmianv'illcPec Mm. anti Mrs. Russell Anden-, Mis. F. G. Anmoandt Miss Fuitay, Mamcb 71ha w Specerant Rx. . Sit.î. badge.. for- Hanse Ou'derII.-be- spccialy ticcorateti ta suit ftle:Harris. xselcomc.d the nmeni-:W AISa's ae uthe, son. Part Hope. Mms. R. An- Bectha Amnour. Hanipton. p.ni. H R Steppbn utaitlba- -.lore tieing allowed ta wear the accasuon. berI', iîting theme werp, sev- day towmaux'ille anti ew denson is a patient in Port wcre SaturdaJ' ex-cinig gue.sts A soc'ial lime wm njvt boe nut ofin he. plaiebuLJitle fHause Emhlrn, a rep Distr"icom.int ' cecal iicxx faces atIopnva_; ykspa. donNw'Hope laspital. aof Mn. anti Mrs. Sidney Cou-- foliowing tbe meeting~5 A T I frn fCp. rrtn h icaoue iiblu aiPauieSok hneiM> tcstnxoit teda aycastie ie, with the teanis tv Mu\1. anti Mî's Roy Patemson nisti anti gis. Mr, ' Eric Shackltn O iu . fron o! apt Eceeton C iHe. Breu'etau and Mî's. (liard fol', af ftic meetings as possible.! tng ai twa-al1. Scoring foi' anti fanily calleti on Mn. and Mcs. Fleer anti Mn. Johntawa. spent a few asls ROO933 Tyrepeateti the Guide Po- Let hnite ueetdteisttonl tedte'lemntso h atme-NeNvcastle wecc Buian Allib Mms. Milton Paterson. Maple Johnoan. Oshanwa. Mn. ai week with MVr. lantiMsGr SOHOERA EV ceis dia nt. the iamel-bt piChUs Badgzes ta Kir Peu-in, ex-cing. sxhlch bartibeen SI) tng seereati by Mns. Dorothy anti Dernis Rogerson. Gi'ove. on Suniay. Mrs. Wm. Jobnson anti Linda,'aid Shackleton antid s ii-______________ Gue nt i ,deernod 'isTu-ny anti Sisan Maike-, irttiienjoeiaJ 'hvler-. anîd, sue Whiituey-.Rh tIlc treasureu's - -~ --- --- ---_____ v.'icz feltb1v everynne peSe rteuport gis'euî hv r.Mi Captaun Breretan expi cd A firsi fou- Neuca,,tle, Tteit .Slie futtier congrabutilateti the Foster. Buils puesentet wereý that thein Campan bti dtieti Chai'd presentet i Ptty Powell leaders on the wou-k they' xeu'c the etitrx- fee for tlhc Pee WeeWe c r for anti necelvecd thear Camai- with lier Hausewoman's Badge. dtiz anti Iie girls for the îeani -lieu pîayîng O.M.H.A.1 e u eIe fine Certificate. The Cuides Gardon Dance-, prescutetiad ud presenteti ta them. anti a bill for- stamps for let-j then fax oneti thpir parents anti four Reporters Badges t.e Kimn 'lic cs'ening ulo.;ed sitlu ters rcccntiy ualetit-o men-1 S V N giies;tq w.th ses eualiutrchbens. Perriu, Ainice Bremeton. Apuil "Guildes Ou' a special sers- hbei'r!,agniainmi. .... amotig iherri faik sangs,, Coiuch ati Shbîle.v Hamilton. tee l'or Thinking Day. FOI- lng theinita attend the meet-I rounds, nationrai sa gs, anid 0, ne ai' the pet pu'aiects ic- lawing 'Faps. Itâ cst wrc ing anti gixing dates a! the R A Y T E V ____ -ing enjoyeti by the girlslbas invitedti .ajoi itthehe iati-meeins. hes bisSE i been writing ta otbcî- court- crs anti Guildes tiownstairs foi' authonl,'cd ta bie paiti. A nia- (ommunity t ries. Thev' arc at present lunch. Th'is was serveti b.,' lion ,vas Iater' matie by Mms. preparing c-uap baoks fou' tbe girls.,a,,ead' ,orkitg ta- Forenuce Tilîsan to hav'e Gar- iGuides in Socut.h Af-ica mhich mards the goal of e'annuntg more don Gauoiueimburseti for bis ASOE OKDHM Bo ln hyplan ta sent iaveu' upon badges. cost a! $17 for the players antiM OE C0 Bowlingcoaýhes o! the Mitiget teani, Mnnay adis 20 ad o'erwhcn the\' tuavelleti by bus ta r P)dyLde -20adne the O.M H.A. piayoffs at Bob-' Ja li 26.caygeon. This was passeti. _______Sul Tanor262.Rse Ne]! 126, j' SHANKh.Cochof Ju anitaMartin 95, "l7ahe e usMCilouugh. c soactin a! Il - 24P atie! 250 odefa 40aR ta (""> *biiefly ta the meeting anti, PRTKION âPORiO 244, Mabe GonriI 2I.(Ruththapnkedt' the mattiers an hebaif Couch 237,Katti Mercen 92351 s i of the t,-I for'thehelp,,he, #\ L.5 192 Joan Ard 23., Tbeuesa Lang- jý1 OcIi(7t 1 s ti , cdIe enifc h bl te * / ati -(Ôo na/ hati heeuu ta theni. purcbasing staff 224, Vicky Bligt 219.!' hockey stic'ks ant ingOM Dows N216 , ngel Ch art- Nr'x-a;tI- -Mu.I- Bcýsle Pau-iai their cottaige. fientis bsh H.A. cnt.-vfees. bos26 neaCad93 as returnedti t the villagecantiufodactcoati Calling for suggestions as ta, Bemnice Parnner 211, ina adtkn pmstinea aied icott deiugtfîi]v un a project ta wou'k on for this; an ae i eiec gi F R E S H 'T U R KY(T Brnwri 211, Diane Lavgs;tafl.lu ait apautment oui King Si.te.cttg, e- sfil.veauacw-as matie by M-s.' jll. Mrilyn-08, K en 1Coris-W wloele' aktat puising te bouored couple.' Mar-da Hoogkamptahv a W HOLE LEGSW H LBR A T ~hy ercr 20. Hlen ou-village arrang ai] ber ficutis. The'- uxeme later presenteti wsith P.A. svtcm i nstaileti, coni- raux 20-j, Frari Luon 206, M o Who a' cl: a ltiuge shamnrock, compiete.', plete with turoitables anti' réElaine Merceu'204. îIRosî cstWaliasonttif itb r coVeret li maney A tiundreti speakers, sanicthing xhicb she A ~. Mut -225 rid ser Mu- anMut rs. Eric Miltinci top of the shamrack, a tenu,'Fbis suggestion however was I-1 'RuGond 349, Gord Sliip- anti famil.v an Satucmay. Aldui u ]ceil b -nr'fo eut eacta okxf 5f ' f 5 Ml Dnonn0 Ld TayMnnlorenî'8 wasusei f r' f im hetng wthg da ill-th oue di lla e hisce e ofeiustee oethatHe atIs sonon2 41.],'d Taylor28, oui o! rs. Meetinch, ths andthie rernaincier was decor-,Mothers should undetake. U 240, Bob Bumiey 2.16. Wax'ue, nan uotticuanti a Most. entny- ae ihoedllrblsrhy1 elnswr wa h ol-4 Flintoff 2.13. Jini Bu-uton 232.: muptite wasput - expresseti thein apprcciatiaui Crs wcmc tbeue ta w-omi for the,_________ _____ NewonvlleLades stailes. "Mu-. Wilson,.n s ,ang f 'or h avely prse otatiu n eso! h eqboys, nti sa Iiame* i SIPER-RIGHT BRAND, COOKEO, SMOKED, 1INC8Y~SCDl 175 and aver imess trip thrîough thec Unitedtiend t itba ich snc g pt'cb Ias stctiequPA.cut wen iCOE CEEir RmAiir VITHUSl 1 ILiz Willenis 247. Mlai-ii. :States anti Canada, Icax-es foi r rle d iti wtilt-h a cchr.vs a A ytn, ~ID . E . ITogelq 243, Gwxeus Hughes 229,i Engianti before rctctrning t'-toi terarnxcusr. aIready there, but seitiom is i POA* WHSHLB J Wylinc Rabie 19.q, Ati'uî V-ibis home. ;, Congratulations ta0 iIrs. sseti. Other tt-an Mu-s. Hoog- 1t's our 4Lflu ,nniversary SWEET PICKLED gels 179, Hltia Willenns 179, A bitlday c-cictratious 'as, Clama Lawery o! 113 Fîarmnioux- amcp. no one elcsc spake lin KîmHamis.79,Ma i e-ý hein at the home a'M.at ot.Ohsa iewisuu i favai' o! this project ant ilh. and we're pann a w~hole CU AEVCU AKZ latt 7,Co-unnie Sutierli Mu-s. Neil Chard, Part Hope.: the tsva tickctslatcTn-was timpei.Asthersug- planning RO LL! BJ 17-5. oui Suu'ucay witt Mu-s Lxle Clicago gainee ltIi A t bbc gestin AUissa atiorea ers. month of outstanding food buys. IMPORTEDFROZEN Tlhurday MÎxeti - 200 & aVen Pligit anti heu- brotticu George 'Fou-ato Maple Leaf Gardiens, ce qiin.frsetr riSna.Pilnte\i-anti socks for sanie a! the. This s aur way of saying «lhank You* for your I A f .rack Chard .3<53. Dou-otli hsy la'd celebu'ating thebu' tirtb- 0 tîîi" îîîn hewntennis. A committet w-as chans-L 11. Àig22. Jem n My e:dvwic ttiin a esc p a 1-er !. ngtir, cah-e t hea PrtamHope ci t check tihe sw eaters anti Patronage in the past yeor. L A M B C H O P S *LI Wcsb 210. Mau-g ManGilrgon Mcý. andtiMu-s. George Chanti . Iec Wee Club, The draws - ocK; auti leamni wlsiclsi tarrs. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY 20Q, Hannati Fannaw 20.5, MIa- Su-. anti ottir en emers of the matie ais Friday cveuîuug fol-. vere lus gu-cter neeti o! new ' bct Lewis 204, Shirley BIack famiy w-eu-e also pi'cscut iowing the Port Hlope-Ncsv-'aim. d astrueport back at the - LIC EDLYEK LBLY 200. A charter bus ieft the v-ilage. ategoe ua00s~ nx ietig u ud*. r URSVI 1tavards tise Pee Wee Tourna- 1-[igb-C News --Keep dln ininZd'~kL. O O GAB T IPIC B 3~ Friay Ic.d- 20 ai aenquite ary ai Stuuda u'som-'meut Appr'cciation is extcuici- the hake sale this Saturdas' Menuil Henî'y 32 6, Ben iusg akiusg nenibers ausdiguestscdttiseprlaiu lklsaeuns.Ayaebaigfo Iloogkamp 319. .Ted Hoar 268,. o! tise 1Nwcastie I-iou'icuItm.ralýdt hs trhsn ikt feno.Ayn aigfrB L GAs W U ~ < V HokeyAYMERSOUS 4OfOztns4< N. FR O MKE PAC FR NW uES HE- ----- Tomato or Vegetabie Re. Prie. 2 tins 2ke - SAVE 9e *GAE ISZ 8 A&P Brandt, Whote, Choice Quality Reg. Price tut 29c - SAVE 17e --_ ______ FURNITURE DISCOUNT BARN Activities PRUNE PLUMS 4W-noznS99< CHIQUITA, GOLDEN YELLOW, LAG1 IE O RD IS CLEARING OUT ALL Nescastie -On Wetinesdav An A&P Quality Product nt a Savinq SAVE De evcniug. Newcast.le Bantamss piayeti Por't Hope Pee Wee IUN A ItAS 5 19r0ez tins99 DU ET E U -Stars. with the game cuti- 9BN A D IN TlE U I ESilai a tic. 4-4. Scouing goals: A&P Brand, Choice Quatîty Reg. Prie. 2 tiow 49e - SAVE 9c fan Newcastle weu-e Mark Till-;, son i'lih two anti ane each forj AT LOW, LOW PRICES 1 Kebti Milhench anti Damreil iCO .1ESYL 1-f-zss 5 PIECE SETS 9 PIECE SETS Bnet lona Brand, Halves SPECIAL' l Newcastle andt Pou-t Hope ~~%U.Y~~ 4, SI ~Nf,%castle's goalle, Mark DSAli-'A:j SfouslO $4 ,e5 $ 9,95$1 9e5ireati, taking another bard heul Some with SwiveI Chairs ~~~by a puck ta bis Injureti leg, I~~lV eheo ht odr Rg 11 ..I aao,£Cês Some with Swivel Chairs ~~~~this tie causing hltai leave eb' SridSAE4BleoWhtPwe Rg$11 bhe Ice. He waq repiareti by; A YFO SSI EEGN COME IN TODAY ... WHILE THERE IS A GOOD SELECTION Mîke MacGî'egor. Newcastle BB u>ýSI'ETRETKATDNE F ~~~~hv Bill McCullough with two!AA~KN IE4 ,FURNITURE DISCOUNT BARN Mkurpîiy, Greg Gray,.og4 4/-F-ZJR 9 Rlekanti anti RoisPear ce. HIGHWAY 115 and 35 AT NEWCASTLE CUT-OFF On Fritiay nlght the New- ______________________________________castle Atorns won thetr game ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MAC h,16 GIVE GENEROUSLY TO EASTER SEALS bbc hoPorteHope* Sene xIi' _______________________for_____________________ - March 6 - April 6 Stone anti Danu>'. Shieldis each 1 wlt.h two and one eacki ford