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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 12

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DE ADLINE FORCLASIFED Births GRGR-Don and Betty (nee Locke) are very proud to announce the safe arrival of their daughter, Patricia Ann, i Weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz., on Feb. 23, 1969, at Memorial Hospital, Blowmanville. 10-1* TURK-Jack and Maria (nee Sweep) happily announce the arrival of Gregory Johannes. February 23, 1969. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweep, Newcastle, and Mr. arid Mrs. J. Turk, Cooksville. 10-1 .Forthcoming Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hills' Bowmanville, formerly of Grono, announce tne forthcom- ing marriage of their daugh-1 yerGwnendolm Vous, aMr. weddin wIltake place Apr 4th at Orono UnIted Ch rch 7P.• MrT1age • "SELL• RENT• SWAP•-HIRE • BUY• SELL• RENT• SWAP•-4H1RE • BUY • SE=LL4 RENT • SWAP• H-IRE ' €@SD two-year-old. P rivate sale, CORPORATION OF THE S.EsSie24 - every Saturday. George A. TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE Es,-Si-t-e-24 - TREE REMOVAL McGowan 778-2213 Havelock.! T A LAKVIE We deliver. 10-4BY-LAW L KIE 100 WESTERN and Ontario EN OPA SC BL ND A IG stockers, sold privately every C M N Phone 623-3311 Trimming- Free Estimates Thursday, (anytimne by ap-OFIE.. OSHAWA - NEWCASTLF pointment). hIvan Jol nson, FIE Radio Equipped 723-5672 987-4214 iot onaghan. Baileoro! Applications will be received Cabs gg4 939-6855, l5 miles north of by the undersigned for the- Port Hope on Highway 282 position of By-Law Enforce- YO RF M L int F riaMarco1and196d- Flying Dutchman INSURANCE MAN 1 Petsi Dutres to commence as soonGULF AUTO - LIFE - FIRE as possible include those ofGULF TRAVEL, ETC. GERMAN Shepherd. young.Iparking meter enforcement Service Centre Why Pay More? Calil MeP free to good horne. . Telephoneiand maintenance and the eu- 263-8473-. 0-1 forcement of ail municipal by- Car Wash $1.00 DIRK BRINKMAN ---- --- ----- --- - laws such as zoning regula- Includes wash outside, rinse 623.3621 S Scu t. -R.R.1 GOLDEN Hampster and com1- tions, anti-litter and licensing. underneath fenders, BOWMANVILI E plete cage, $3.50. Write Ad- Thsucsflapintwl and chamois veia seS atema P.0, Box bechaneat app arancehwith a FREE 1 I L tP WINNER 'BARNES& BYAM 190, Bowmanville, 10 fity to prepare reports and be 10-1 - able to present evidence in -S-LMBNG& EAING Cars for Sale court of infractions against 2ALEH&OSRVC municipal by-laws.2-OU 1966 FASTBACK Mustang, State age, marital status, Oi urner Service 289 GT, red. Phone 623-3954.> experience a n dl education. SEPTIC TANKS AND ](-tarting salary - $5,000 p.a., 6 TILE BEDS 1964 CHEVROLET ImpalaW durwestgeedoe PHONE hardtop, V8, automnatic, radio. • as e HAMPTON 263-2288 new white walls. exhaust sys- Full range of employee bene- TYRONE 263-2650 temn and brakes, mechanical misi effect - uniform sup-- fitness certificate; very, clean.'plied. REUPHOLSTER 623-3156. 10-1 R. L. BYRON, YOUR CHESTERFIELD ¯Clerk-Controller, OR CHAIRS - Free Estimiata For Rent 4(1 Temperance Street, 6355 BEDROOMS. Phone 623-58831 Bowrnanville, Ontario. W after 6 p.m. 1- 9-2 W yte's Upholstery ------ - 55 King St. E - Bowmanville APARTMENT for rent, adults Notice32f or adults with one child. 987 -4539. 10- - - JACK BURGESS 1 ~The Liquor Licence Act ýOIL BURNERS - FURNACES met no°chdrenmTeteaho NOTICE OF APPLICATION PLUMBrEN EPAIRS 987-419. 0-1*LICENSING DISTRICT No. 7, PHONE HAMPTON STORE or office space, 69 1 King St. E.. Bowmanville. TAKE NOTICE that BOWMANVILLE COUJNTRY 2LUB-2151 Phone 725-3875. 10-1 of the Township of Dardington In the County 'If Durham Mail Address: FOUR rooms and bath. heated, will make application at a Special Meeting of th3iuo0.. o 3 omay1 upstairs; not suitable for child- Licence Board of Ontario to be held at theRYA ren. Phone 623-3503. Ray CANADIAN LEGION BOARD ROOM, THIRD FLOOR, 2171 Refrigeration Gibbs. 10-1MURRAY STREET, in the CITY of PETERBOROUGH Inan ONE-bediroom apartment. up-! the COUNTY of PETERBOROUGH on TUESDAY the FIRST Appliance Serviceg plaied- $80moanthly CalluP day of APRIL, 1969, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock E.S.T. In Commercial and Domlestic 623-5012. 1- the forenoion for the Issuance of a "Club Licence" for the Refrigeration - Milk Coolers sale and consumption of liquor with or without meals In an Phone BERT SYER IMMEDIATE possession, two- etbihetcasfe sacu Days - 623-5774 bedroom apartment, electrical-, salsmn lssfe s&cu.Nights• 623-3177 ly heated; adults preferred.! for the following premises:LadrH dw e Phone 723-2841. 10-1 Bowmanville Country Club adrH dw e HOUSEKEEPIN cot tages P.O. Box 40 adEETI Potash LakenerBanrofi:twavl ntroB U EO open May 1. ForadetailelBwavle ntroB U EO phone 725-3875. 10- Any pemson who ls resident In the licensing district may QUC ST RT YOUNG lady interested In object to the applicatin n h rud fojcini sharing accommodation, with writingr shall be filed with MR. H. J, BROWNE, the deputy THESE MORNINGS same. Would like to half ex- registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Bringr Your Car'In For , penses. Phone 263-8860. 10-1 LAKESHORE BOUJLEVARD EAST, TORONTO 2. ONTARIO,. HC-Pan UEU ONE-bedroom upstairs apart-I at least ten days before the meeting at which the application ment, available March 15,1 is to be heard. Ali work done by licensed j stove and fridge supIlied. $95. mechanics all services included. Phoner DATED at Bowmanville, Ontario, this 5th day of March, 623-5012 a. 1-!1W6,. THREE-room office, suitablei Bowmanville Country Club. f°r pr°áedtsi°nal person. cent Box 40, 8 igS.w omnd c/o Canadian Siater 9 Bwmanv.e•Phone 623-3134 Box 190. Bowmnanvile, 10-11 Deaths_ CULLEN-At R. R. 6, Bow- rnanville, on Tuesday, March 4th, 1969, Margaret Ann Glos- ter, age 79 years, beloved wife Maynooth, dear mother of Mary (Mrs. Wm. Ward) and Clarence, Peterborough; Thomn- as and Cecil, Oshawa: Martin, Whitby; Joseph, Bowmanville- 'Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Wednesday morning, then at the Hattin Funeral Home, Ban- croft. Requiem Mass in St. Ignatius R o m a n Catholic Church, Maynooth, Friday at two o'clock. Interment St. Ignatius Cemetery later. 10-1 l WEATHERUP-At Sick Child- ren's Hospital, on Thursday. February 27th, 1969. Timothy, aged 31/ years, beloved son ef Laverne and Sytske Weath- erup Newtonville, dear broth- er fTammy. Service was "fié n thé Morrié Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- tarday at 11l clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemnetery. 10-1 Flowers -- VAN BE LLE GARDENS FLOW ER SHOP IPHONE R623-5757 No.*2 Highway West of Bowmanville * Funeral Arrangement@. * IHospital Arrangements *Wedding Arrangements * For Special Occasions D "&A * Deier o Personal -1 ý W-- ý.j b'"ooD woranbie farm land 1 with or without buildings., rone 728-7218. 40-tf 1 HOUSE for June 1st, 3 or 4' bedroo nIn Newatle Bw- mnanvColearça.372-701pay topi rent. Cburg37709 (1* BY a lady pensioner, one large front furnished room or with jut .t®,e d sovcenrl,"a ll particulairs In first letter. Mrs. Florence Smith, 2801,i Front Street, Belleville, Ont. 10-21 Wanted to Bu y cU'ED baby strolle623l295ood codto. Po . 232 Fmnancial 1 If you have Invested money ln a home it Is probably the best collateral you have. For ex- ample, by using this equity at Seabord Finance most home.. owners can obtain a lower Interest rate than Is possible on a personal loan. And at Seaboard you can borrow up to 80% of the value of your property, or ln some casseven mtore. See us for cash today, lames SlaCk 1 RE7nt Ba BOWMANV3LLE, ONTARIO F IN A NC E C"1A Iama .,ýM & In Memoriamn Cards of Thanks Commng Events Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Help Wanted 1 Work Wanted1 Work Wante ALLEN-In loving memory of Ig wsh to thank relatives Horse-draw n sleigh ridies by WELL saved mixed hay. Tele- DRYER. good condition, $85. HOJSEKÉFPER for elderly CARPENTRY work, additions. È W AN IL a dear wife and mother, Ethel friends and neighbors for cards the hour. Phone 728-809Ô. phone 2.631-2121. 1D-2 6231-7686. 10-.l couple, live in. Phone 263-22461 rec. rooms, remodelling. Tele- O M N I Allen, who passed away March and enquiries. Thanks also to Oshawa. 8 - 3 FORD-t rac tor. 50 mdl 45CDRfsbldh fe 6. 10-1i phone 263-2942. -ý ---- 10-1 AU O B D 6th, 1966. Rev. Romneril, doctors of Fihan hips, - aÏll you c-an! or best offer. 263-2508. 10-1* CEA ence posts , cihy CLANNGwoan eeedon Oh how patient In your Brooklin Medical Centre. nurs- eat, every Saturday night tGÕD ulitmix ed¯- ay. S. and straw. Phone 263-8-400 Cda wekl. onne 623-59one:One.23-741 su ffe rin g , e s a n d s ta ff o f O sh a w a H o s - T h A c r s , 9 c . 5 t ef e r S n , 6 3 - 0 6 . 1 0 -1- ------ I a ft e si x . m . h o e1 02-5 9 *9 P lP hbe& H t When no hand could give pital. Jfe - on 2-00. -1 TOPerityxh 35 t 4 tf you ease. Ernest Larmer. 10-1*î Brown's Case Show, Town WAEorsl addliee. P quality ay 3c, straw" HAIRDRESSER. femnale, must Phni2372 God, the helper of the helpless- Hall, Friday, March 28, 1969. CalCifPtik 2 -233.30c. Phone 786-2247 Newton-'have experience. Gr e Ig ' s35 Nelson St. Bowmanville FO DP RT Saw your pain and gave you 1 wish to express my sincere1 8:(00 p.m.Eeywlcm. 38-tf i e. Hairstyling, B o w m a n v 1Ille.!38f peace. • thanks for the flowers, cards, _ 0-_1 HYad ta 3cb DRIED shelled corn. Phone: 623-2932. 9-tf Repirs to all types of vhce -Always remnembered by her gifts and good wishes sent t Dance In Solina Communityý, Dennis Posthumus, 623-2356. jBob Carruthers, 623-5485. for'FENIÄLE factory help wanted GENERALRa GbS unc husband Jesse and daughter me while in hospital. Special Hall, Saturday, March 8 with10* pickup or delivery. 3-ayprmnenipsiionsAplSJ Isabel. also friends. Shirley, thanks to Dr. Anfossi and Earl Brown's O r c h e s t r a. 101 -tAnersenonsmithon. ApLtdWEDNG18.IN Garnet, Suzette and Debbie nursing staff of the surgicallEveryone welcome. 10-11 GOOD quality hay. Will iam STUDEBAKER Service, newANecstle.mth10-1 & Mý EA IALSEVIESPhne62-3I3NBwmnvll Duetta 10-1 floor. A. Tomlinson, Phone 983-5033. and used parts. Graham'sNecsl.1-& EH ICLSRCSPoe6-30,Bw a. - MargHendeson 0-1*All women cordially invited 94 Grg, 1-23233 3-fDY ca re for one pre-schloole r Mobile EquipmentS-t FORSEY-In oving memory -- - oatt ohd'DAnglcaan Ñ 1A t ¯ x5 16 OTO-SKL 3 - seater, a1Ontario-Queenkinerg n eaisn Fbrctin f PETER LOUWS of der mthe an grnd.My sincere thanks to rela- Church. Friday, March 7 th. one new and two slightly used: wide track, 29 h.p. twi y-vle al-mrin s mravn- Farm andnusraMchey mother, Gladys Forsey who tives, friends and neighbors for2:0ad73.1- 2 tires 7.00 x 14, used. Phone wnder.Blacksock 98-4945.ings Orno98-25 e1- TAIEnHTCE CONSTRU7CTION passed away on March 11th, flowers, gifts and cards re- - - after .5. 623-5269. 1- 1-*Sold and Installed Brick - Block -Son 1968. ceived while in hospital. Speciali Car Wash, $1.50, sponsoredFMLmlr-elr banki and Fireplaces% I had a mother with heart of! thanks to Drs. Slemon and' by 1 st Bowmanville Venturer NEW 40 ft. heavy duty TV BEALED a Alaf -B o e epr ee an aset u nt63erP 2325 gold 1Sproull, and nursing staff of Troop. R u.ssell*s S uinoco Satur- tow er and antenna installeti, Ban le aba ed sta La- rm e e rie e ao etpi g. rt e -1263-8ne Who was. more to me thanithe surgical floor. da.y, March 15th from 9 until 4 ý$48.95. Antenna onlv, instl-Bo.,Baktck9645. detsr 7,eoT e nQ--Ns1R.2.. ,Bwmnil wealth untold. Hazel Malley. 10-1* 'Proceeds for camping fund. ed, $17.00. Phone 623-2006. Bakc1964,0- 1adiStesman4, P../ o x DIGIN anaINTAL i N|hRd,39-t3,iow Wtasleefaeelsh elMy sincere hanks to rela- Dancee¯Saturda ¯ÍŸMar i , #2* Ÿ ESTNGHIfÕÚŠ-SE 'I ý-GROUND fear corn, $37 a ton, -w'-0- EPI-BD F A K RN With onlv nemorien hr i s. re entstkind neigh rs yone Cmunity all l4d n M a e e g c nton, 263 73Ronlot.RFrank Hiemsra ýOISEWVES s ingl-gl s AIrTPrenC InTI daughter-in-law Bessie andHospital, Bowmanville. Specialland teMdihtRmlr 0 GO iedhv 0 bl im e o k a iedab .10 rso a e iRD 3MANURE INSTALLATION grandchildren Rick and Jef- t hanks to Drs. H. Rutndle.11-1 INSULATION, blowing methl- 100 or more delivered. Car- experience necessary Cali R, R. 6. BOWMANVIL frey. 10-1nusleon uall te onrfu -Ayn ntrse nated d ihrokwo.Wr-scadden Farms. Phone Orono 623-7672 for appointment. !Payne COnstrüCtion NO SUNDAY CALL GIL ---T-Innurses omHn uriapfr. 1, ing the Ontario Liberal Partyimanship guaranteed. Free 1983-5769. 7-tf 1 1NEWTONVILLE 623-70 GILB EaRT-Isndovn mtýery. Helenntin Piper.ton 10-1 ýestimates Harry L. Wade,- - ofa ea hsbndan father, ------_2Convention in amilton arch Phone Newcastle 987-4531.' WRINGER washer, $5, auto- REAL ESTATE CAREER 786-2512 George Wesley, wopse Issincerely thank all 21 8 9 laecnat43t ai washer $20, saxophone Wanted - A full time ml iSn&V we away~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mac1,16.toewos idyrme-HryWd.Nwate ee--$25. Telephone Blackstock real estate agent for Bowman-i Let Us Build YouaHETN SPCAIS Resting in God's beautifulî bered me with visits, cards, -phone 987-4531. 10)-1 USED washer parts, motors,,986-4239, call evenings. 10-1 ville area. Experienced mn i n a ntlain garden. flowers and gifts while I wasM N TE IN O Símplicity, Thor and Moffatîge tohelanodplusext DR AM OUS Free from sorrow and pain, in Oshawa General Hospital. lappliances, nationally adver-IMATTRESS Sale-36" Contini- advertising to expand com- Choose from our selection or! Pluimbing Repair Sheltered In God's wonderfuIlThanks also to Drs. Sproull THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock!tised line of fuirmture. Paddy'sIental beds, $49.95 39" Contin- missions. Member of most:w ilbul rmyorpas17 Liberty St. N., Bowmill keeping1 and Speers and staff on 4th, Sponsored by the Jumior Market, Hampton, 263-2241.! ental beds, complete with Co- Real stateBoard. Conact, n your lopolw anP2379 -Until we shall meet again. :5th, 6th and Intensive Care CabrCmece 42-tf 'lonial headboard, $69; .54" mat- Lloydl G. Lee, F.R.I., Vice- suplyouly srvcedN..A.On -Lovingly remembered byl for their efficient care. JUBILEE PAVILION FEED corn, allyps ground tress. 250 coils, rayon cover, Presiden, H. eith td.. eal- pproed Nos t eatiul64 wife Margaret and daughter Georgina Carter. 10-1 O SH A WA 8-tf cob meal, high moisture or dry $34.95. Murphy Furniture, ter, 181 Eglington Ave.. Toron-1 Ethel. 10-1*1---- ~~ia'n¯¯to¯--me¯an e shelld ls iaecnbed-ig .1-1 to 12, Phone 4874-3333. 9-51 ParkWay CreScent COUR TICE - - My sincere thanks to rela- breakfast of bacon and eggs or livered or picked up at Brow- W a SUB-DIVISION SPI E VC PARR--In loving memory of tives, friends and neighbors packsadsuaea !e-view Farms, Newcastle. Call> HOLROYD'S Are o ur .hryS..-Bwmnll adear wife Sophia Parr who for flowers, candy, fruit, cards, tennlial Hall, Que1tet 8-4474. 8-t yS L 7 ibetDSt P tBwanil Fast and Efficient Sevc passed away March 6th, 1968. telephone calls, and to those Bowmanville this Sunday -RlECONDITIONED TV¯towerslR C R PUSCAgol aweg uins Iaans n nceocnvye nt NHA a l ie eehn Ihave lostmry soul'scompanion who called to see me during 99 a.m.:EC RD &MUSC mzdEveryoneBuineswel-alacd n otvn(tradH. i ), ilt40 50Te Alife linked with my own, my stay In Memorial Hospital, comýe.7,5c Per serving. 2-t71fad 60 foot structures'; all Ïi| S PPISharitoblbeat. Permanent andTem atnl9%iers.750 2or 2379 And i oeby ay mis he aHbbarDrserguonnSdpo 'Koper Krnial o Bo- ecellent condition. Oshawa i28 Division St., Bowmanville manville snow, ailable.Wr UD.BERSs AsIwalk through life alone nurses on third floor. mavleWmn'Inttt VSplyLmtd 2-11 Phone 62.3-7491 today. Phone 623-2263, Bowmanvill SPI A And waiting on the other L. A. Squair. 10-1* will be held in the Lions ___50-tRA LEIH -if1T N shore.CnteonMrcF3.Tckt CONTENTS from modelhËome: Our F irSt -Ever remembered by hus- We wish to thank the fol- available from members foriFrench Provincial chesterfield, BIRTHDAY SALE-S0ree4005 Richelieu ane PUMPING band James. 10-1*1 lowing people for the donation gifts of all kinds Including four withl matching chair, dinIng, IT D YS L tetiW ne of prizes and the making and quilts. Home baking, candy, roomn suite, stereo and TV,I All Guitar Cords 20%7 Off [Montreal 207, P.Q.' Dead or Crippled BERT TOMPKIN SNWEN-Inmmoyofaafenonte 35) rwselling of tickets to our dance:.feron ei(5)Dawatcoffee and end tables, 7-piece 0- SNOWEN-I meory f aClysdale's, Reid's and Elliott's i8 p.n. 10 -2*idinette suite and many other All Records 15% OffFamSokPneNwnvle7625 dear husband and father, AlanGagePc'an Brown's The- Canadia n- Club- of- West iItems. All like new. 728-3473. Al Gitr, ass Stringshon all ovllect71 t Snowden, who passed away Stores, Messrs. Don Lambert: Durham will hold its next1 4-tf1%Of lgPCE UPRMTL sude nlyt o March , 1963. and Ron Hope.n meeting in Trinity Church ¯¯¯ --~~ 2 upo mp. f Telephone Collect 263-2721 FOR here onhoMacagns Newtonville Recreation Hall on Monday, March 10 a CaRDIST 2 suro as 1% Off NIGHT- here.1 Committee. 10-1 8 p.m. Mr. Anton N. Lendl, CALL NEWCASTLE MieI.Mk tns1%OfMargWill Fur Farm Bnick & Stone'W r To us the sadidest of the -- Swiss lecturer and traveller, 9741 1 Only-- Snare Drumn Seti MAINTENANCE .-Licence No. 204-C-69 year' Mv grateful thanks to myiwill present his travelogue 9741 15% Off - ------- -- Fireplacesc Theb h e vhad ad herelatives, friends and ,neigh-1"The Unique World of Switz- FRIFRMTO N Music Stands 10% Off iSuitable for retired gentleman!N tieCL T ocr wt neve lve bors, the Legion Ladies' Aux- terland'-. 10-1, TRUMPETT Fne utrPls 5 f 12 Midnight to 8 A.M. . •OXORDBCLAYR liary, Beehiv Reb Loge Te ClrkeSiPlav yncp.r hCaePaers present for the pruning and picking of Six Da s- f0 '%#.. - 1-.- .1 -- BËIMLL - GIBSON - The miarriage Is announced of B3everly Carolyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Gib- son, R. R. 2, Newcastle, fo Richard Sidney Bromell, soni of Mr. H. Bromenl, Bowmian- ,ýille and the late Mrs. Brom-1 e11. The marriage took place February 27, 1969, at St. Paul'sI Manse, Bowmanville, by the Rev. H. A. Turner. 1-1 r. eaan StJhn's Churchfo He had o ime to bid his last1 flowers, gifts and cards sent "Quartette '69"', an evening of fruit trees. One man does the farewell, four one-act plays at New- work of three. 8-31 He said goo lbye to none, . ubbard, the nhreosia asleTon lard1 1 ..Tchet3,- UALITݯÃPPI ES TheS heavenly gates were cand 14, 8:15 p.m. Tickets, onpened, ndfr their excelenDefooa adulItS $1.50, students $1. From the Grower to You A loving voice said comne. Lily King. 10-1 Available at Bryson's, Bow-- Russets, Red Delicious and- We wonder why you had to• manville; Johnson's D r u g1 many other varieties Wiei tT wish to eprss my sincere Store, Newcastle. 10-2 FRED'S gitoodba cne to" say 'ha"ks 'or cards' flowers a"d "°°dvie-w-C-°m-munity Centre FR I MA K T -Sadly sed ywfeDr-friut and good wishes, also MONSTERMBINGO > - a issdb if oo for visíts from my relatives O S E BIG Highway 115 - 35 thy and amily. 10-1 and friends which made my Next Monday SOUTH OF ORONO stay ln hospatal a pleasant one.4 -84 SPENCER--In loving memnory1Special thanks to Dr, Ewert, 74 ..-FOR-THM-E -B EST INT of my dear parents, the late Dr. Spears, nurses and staff RED BARN Mr, and Mrs. Albert F. Spenc-1 of the surgical floor who were 0 S H A W A Aluminum Siding er who passed away January1 all sn kind to me. -tiDdW d 1966 99adMrh t, EhMnl. 1-* Come and help us celebrate OOSan in OWs Another page ln my book ofý The family of the late Elsie st. Pat ' k, W in S memory Richardson wish to, thiank * IContact SUPREME WINDOW I Silently turnis today. everyone for their kindnes Legion Hall AND DOOR PRODUICTS --Loved and remembered- and consideration during their . (OSHAWA)) LTD. (Daughter)) Molly. 10-1 recent sad loss of their moth-ilMusic by Royal AmbassadrsJ 1730 SIMCOE N., OSHAWA er. A special thank you toSaturday, March 15ý 723-9843 WïERR-In lher nd memoyRsh A.dFraser Laeera mcn 9 - 2 Pricoes - 2*r Lor Local 1 present6 871 father S. Edgar, who passed and h earers. -4t away March 4th, 1968I Mrs. James (Marita) Willis.l-C-hildren's Aid Society - Ther isa lnk eat canot Sgt. Earl Richardson. 10-1 Annual Meeting. Wednesda.v. U EL RNVTD 1 e April 9th, 1969, at St. Joseph'sOR WL EOA Love anverremembrance last The family of the late Roman Catholic Church Audi- BASEMENT DEPT. forever. Schuyler Thompson wish toitorium. Liberty Street South, ISNWOE -Lovigly rmembeed bythank their friends and neigh-f Bowmanville, at 8 p.m. Speak- ISNWiPN Georig, Jen, Helen andbors for cards, condolences and er: Dr. Benjamin Goldberg. Come ln and see our week-ly familles. 10-1 gfts t Carncer Fund: the en tector, Children's Psychiatric bargain basement specials: eral Hospital for theitr care, Ontario. Public is cordia lly Children's Shoes WERRY-In loving memory kindness a n d consideration invited. 10-1 of a dear husband and father, shown to the deceased and, Princess Margaret Hospital $2.99 - $3.99 Wesley, who -passed away famil .i Open House" will be held Evry da 196rnesmal wy. amE. ompson 1-1unday, March 16, from 1:30 LLOYD ELLIS Memories of you come our - -Street. Aus will b eavin SHOES 1 wav. The family of the late M r s here at 1 p.m., return fare Though absent you are lever Emma E. Cavano wish to ex. about $1.50. Please Phone the 49 King St. W. Bowmanville near, tend their sincere thanks and following: Mr. Clarence Bell 9-f Still missed, loved, always appreciation for the beautiful 6231-5939. Mrs. B. Syer 623-3177, - 1 dear. flowers, cards and visits from Mrs. O. Williams 623-5149. lDog Feed Special -Sadl y issed by wfe Helen relatives, friends and neighbors 10-2Wehvalitdsupyf. 1 - in the loss of a loving moth er 2.5 lb. bags -----and grandmother. SpecialiPURINA DOG CHOWi A Lasting Tribute iha M haret hto at 50c off regular price, alse For Permanence and Dignity William Piercy, to BeauVillaý Great Britain PURINA DOG CHOW we suggest : Nursing Home, attending doc-ý and 50 lb. bags Mou t Law tors and nurses. also the staff! and Europe PURINA NEW DOG MEAL un a n of Memorial. Bowmanville. at 50c off and with the Memorial Park and Oshawa General Hospitals. Departing every weekend DOLLAR DOUBLE STAMP Brone M rnorals10-1 BronzTMemoialsPhone 623-3182 Vanstone Forv crteous advice, please Et meai]ly of the lateon URr&LO EL Flour & Feed Mill thei.r sincere appreciation to: 623-5777 723-2633 relatives and friends for their' TRAVEL AGENCY!g, 46-t, messages of sympathyv, floral tributes, contributions to En-, 19 KingS. E. - Bowmanville -FOR SALE - BROADLOOM Business n"H t BnChur PortPerrn B o- R U G S Opprtu it medical research, in our recent are planning their 2nd Annua BRAND NEW -x 12 - ,ereAvement. Special thanks Auction Sale for SaturdaY,ý Assorted colors SPARE TIME INCOME toRv .Snesn oo- May 10)th, 1969. Anyone hav- Attention - Hotels,. Motels, Reilig nîcllcin Onev re .G. WardTrinity ving usied appliances, dishes,1 Rooming Houses, Homes and 'Rfromn nWTP holcing-quali'ty -, owmanvill,.or ely- furnie.clothing9, tovs, bi- Business Offices roiNEraTE dipensersiny consoling words, Northcuitt cycles, etc. they wish to don- $39.00 - Cash and Carry younr ae. Nosellng. Tol Elliott Funeral Home, and toé ate to this proyect which is In Must be disposed of. qouralify yo ms havecar, lad!es of the U.C.W. who so aid of Cystic Fibrosis, please No holdback or reserves reference, m600t $2,90 cash. ndly served tea at Enniskil-1 contact: Bill Slaght, 623-3136 Other sizes are available Seven to twelve hours weekly uris101 oA623374; Kvin hipan, can net excellent monthly in- 623-3305 or 623-7026;, Wayne AlHLLRN R at comne. More full time. For The family of the late Alfred Thertell 623-7409. 10-1 8eauni fo personal interview w r i e E. Smith wish to express their F O IA S E ILELM ERS CanaPenn Distributing Limited sincere thanks to relatives,FL RD P CILE M R 302 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor,1 friends and neighbors for their BUS TOUR TO 253 Bloor Street East be1talo Include 'phone num crs, vidstfloral tt butes, Miami Beach Oshawa Heart Foundation, also -their March 14 - 25 728-3 &M3 e Pm Cards of Tha k many acte of kindness. A Cost $150 Canadian Funds Opn9 .. o9 .. My snces thnksal thanks to Drs. Ewert Includes transportation by precionceeto al whank y es amn afSprotil.te nurs deluxe air conditioned motor C mn vns remembered me with cards, Memorial Hospital, to Branch• oc.FrMls otel and BNNSDEPR flowers gifla and good wishes 178s oa aainLgon mtlSNYIEP K durin mreettainM- and the Ladies' Legion Aux- sein.Cod48 MONSTER BINGO moilHospital and since illary, staff of the Morris Ae oe(1 2- 0 ýc°m"' h°me. 8 thana, uneral Chapel and the Re, lr aTurd yNg t to Dr Austin, " Sprul, Thomas Gracia for his comn' O'BRIM ,TOURS M-7:5 nur"es;an2d sar o uifortig wrts, in oMr recent 111 asalO$ESTREET REDBARN for their iitentive car. - Mrs. Audrey smaith Oahça 0Oasla A W A Sadit McARiata , 10.10- and family, .e0- -f elosedfo Marc4th 19 th! AND STONE MASONS inclusive. 10-2ý PHONE ORONO 983-5606 Dr. Keith Billett's office will ___33 -tf be closed from March 9th to March 16th inclusive. 10-1 ACKERMAN Elmer's Furniture and Ap- EXCAVATING pliances will be closed frorîýODN RNHN Feb. 2.0th until March 12th. OaGveTpS an 8-3 Fill Delivered Commencing Marchi 6, 1969,12,;Hour WATER SERVICE ,Dr. C. F. Cattran's office willl be located in the Bowmanvillel Raoal ae Professional Building, 222 King 623-756- BOWMANVILL5 1 mi lys Pick-ups at 10%/ Off 17 ILivestock For Sale REGISTERED Polled Here- fords. It pays to choose a quality bull. Select yurs now. visitors welcome. Dur ý ham Farms, Concession 8, ý °larke· 'n-il Good Salary, Benefits, etc. Phone 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN for Appointmient f i 100 HEREFORD stocker steer.' 10-1 and heifers rising year old and¯¯~ 1 Ohws, Bowmanille, Newcastle Orono, 1 10-tf IrYGIENIC Supplies--(Rubber gds) mailed postpaid mn pansealed envelope with twsam ls$1ixsamplesO25c, Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 9L. Hamidlton. Ont. 1-52 SIl ED CE GERESULIG C Wanted to Rent

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