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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 1

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belubnn itafrnta VOLUME 115 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1969 154 Per Copy NUMBER 1, Honor Retired Banker at Testimonial Dinner James Bell and bis brother Tom who was fIown bere from Scotland for the event, as a special surprise for the hon ored guest. Last Wednesday evening the community. More thaniheld at the Lions Community James A. Bell, who recently 173 men, friends, business col- Centre. retired as Bank of Montreal icagues, and representatives of The Special Committec in Manager here, was hanored at the many organizations in charge of ail arrangements for a Testimonial Dinner in recog- which Mr. Bell has been an the Testimonial Dinner was nition of his outstanding con- active worker, gathered ta pay composed of Carson Elliott, tributions ta the betterment of tribute ta hlm at this event Mark Raenigk. D. R. Allen, W. - Ross Strike, Q.C., R. G. Law- tan, George Stephen, Harry Kidne Tra splanted Van Belle and Malcolm Mac- Kenzie. The Patrons were His Warship Mayor Ivan Hobbs, After Fatal Accident Reeve Carl Down, Darlington Township; C. E. Rehder, H. G. MacNeili, Len Lucas, John M. EarlySund y MoningJames, A. M. Thompson and Eary S nda Monin s.. Ames. pof businessmen, On Sunday at approximately i Mr. Watson died as a result' wha wish ta remain anony- 1:55 arn. Wayne Watsn, age0çf the injuries he sustained mous, arrangcd ta bring Mr. 28, an Auxiiiary ProvincialintecahOnMna inBls rhrTo sBl, policeman with the Whitbv hecrsh n onayinB is broh Inuero aggaBel Detachment of the OPP, who the Toronto General Hospital frai ho me in DuClncr, resided at 230 Highâand Ave- a former Oshawa Alderman, Scotland, ta Canada ta attend inue, Oshawa, recelved fatal Ernest Whiting, age 40, receiv- the Testimonial Dinner. This injuries in a single car accident cd a kidney transplant from was a camplete surprise for Ihat took place on Tooley's the late victim of this Dar- the honored guest. * Mill Road, Darlington Town- dengtonTws. aa c The brother was met on bis sh ip.t. arrivai at Toronto Interna- He was a passenger in a car Mr. Whiting, wvbo hospital tional Airport, Malton, on * driven by Russell Allen Mil- officiais said is in a satisfac- Tuesday afternoon by Gardon hurn, R.R. 1, Whîtby. The tory condition, is an employec Beech who drove hlm ta Mr. vehicle had been southbound of the parts procurement divis- Racnigk's* bouse, 157 King on Tooiey's Miii Road when it ion of Generai Motors of Can- West, where he stayed as an S. falled ta negatiate a curve, ieft ada, Limited. He servcd one avcrnight guest. During the tlhc raadway and struck a tree. terra on Oshawa City Council. day an Wednesday Mr. Roc- The car was totaliy demolish- He was il!l during the latter nigk, Mr. Strike and Dr. V. H. ed. Constable M. C. Joyat, part of his terra. and dId not- Storey entertained blm atthe OPP, was the investigatif runi for re-e]tetion iagt Decem- Oshàwa Golf Club. efficer. ber. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Canvass Here Monday Red Cross WIIIBIîtz Town To Raîse Quota of $2,,7001 For Their Essential Work Several Firg Little Dama Since last week therc been several fires thi qulred the presence« Bowmanville D e p a r1 Fortunately, no ext damage resulted. There have been chlmney fires, and two lires. At noon today, fl March is Red Cross month and the local Branch is again ýes conducting. an appeal for ud ta carry on its work. A one- ge day blitz will be held ln Bow- 3 e manville on Monday, March lOth. The rural areas wili be e have canvassed throughout the at re- month. of the Bill Wallis, Branch Cam- tment. Chrmntt 'tniepaign Carmnreports ta tniethis year the Branch quota has been set at $2700.00, the mini- thrsee mum amaunt needcd ta con- 0 g1rass tinue the Branch work in this iremen area. ron.urty east of Liberty Blowl where ý The 16 arca captains assist- a grass fire was u nn ng Mr. Waliis with the Town merrîly. Blitz are: Mrs. E. Rundle, Mrs. ______________ J. Bond, Mrs. A. Hopson, Mrs. M. A. Slutc, Mr. C. Bell, Mrs. KIN INVESTMENT WINNERS G. Marris, Mrs. A. Tait, Mrs. B. Bassett and Marcel Davis J. Munday, Mrs. S. James, Mr. wcre the wînncrs of the Kin H. Davcy, Mrs. Wm. Cawan, Investment Draw on March Mrs. F. Griffin, Mr. J. Living, iThose in charge of the rural canvass are: Newcastle, Mrs. iWm. Rudeil; Hampton, Mrs. S. Reynolds; Salem, Mrs. E. Twist; Orono, Mrs. Wm. Grady; Shaws, Mrs. P. G. Newell; Tyrone, Mrs. S. Gable; Haydon, Mr. D. Cameron; Leskard, Mrs. A. Loucks; Maple Grave, Mr. J. E. White. The Canadian Red Cross 3Society through the efforts of the Bowmanville and District Branch pravide many services ta the people of this com- munity. During the past year many local citizëns have been iTURN TO PAGE TWO) 1 e Accident Round-Up 'fIA. £~UIA ____--- - ~"~fThere was a twa car collision 'on Tuesday at 8:58 p.m. on No. e Dotroter 1cession of Clarke Township. Riire D g con trouer iversaofa the ar i:fl:- ldwere Cecil Thomas Gracey, age 47, 1058 Avenue Road, Toronto, and Allen Brunton, Over Ohieti*o of age 28, 31 Gorevale Avenue, ly $00,andthere was about $100 damage ta Mr. Brunton's New (ouncilMfember ýcar. ConstabeL. F.Drdn On Monday evening at theltions and work for the people MrBrnetonaned thesacasden-. Town Council meeting hcld inlof Bowmanviile. gem. Percy Vcsterfelt, age 28, the Council Chamber. His Wor- "I1 disagree 100 per cent on 167 Ragland Street, Campbell- ship, Mayor Ivan Ilobbs, offi-tliis proposed appointment. Be- fard, were takcn by tic Bow- (ciailly welcomed ncw Council- fore cansidcring applications manville Area Ambulance ta lor Murray MeKnight. Coun- counicil shouid look for an in- Memorial Hospital where Mr. cillor Kelth Shaekelton wasdtcrested citizen of Bowman- Brunton is receiving treatment the only absentee. iville and give hlmn the job. A for multiple laccrations. Mr. .George J. Perras. Oshawa, local man is interested and bas Vesterfeit was given treatmcnt who has had experience caring applicd," Counciilor McKnightin the aut-patient department fori. 1t.ypes of animaIs dur- said. ;for abrasions. Ing the three years that he "Last time this job was; At 10:45 a.m. an Tuesday a workcd for the Zoo lit Granby, given ta a Bowmanville man Icar driven by Eric Alexander Que.. Is Bowmanvill&s new but it Is now suggested thaïlMcKague, R.R. 3, Cobourg, Do- Contrai Officer. Councîllor ane tram Oshawa be hired andiwhen puUing away framn the Robert Dykstra. secondcd by the saiary raised from $4,800 'curb In front of McNulty's Deputy-Reeve E. J. Rundie, ta $5,400. Council could hire store. 8 King Street Wcst, nved that cauncil concuir this local fellow an six months struck a parked car owned by wîth the recommendation af probation. if he does not wark Mârcel Rene Gringras, Wilaw- Clerk-Cantroller Robert L. out 0K," Mr. McKnight urged, dale. Damage ta the two cars Byron that Mr Perras be ap- adding that In the lattpr event amounted ta approximately pointed ta this position. somebody cIsc could be even- $200. Sergeant John McGuey Ccuncillor Murray McKnight tuaily appointed. Reeve Annie investigated. who was attcnding a council Oke stated that she agreedi There was an accident in. meeting for the first time, ah- with Cqunillar McKnight. the parking lot beside thel jected ta, the appointment af, It was pointed out by Coun- Court Buiding. Church Street,ý MrPerras. He stated that'ciiio Dykstra that when James on Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. A '~when he became a member ofIA. Hroskin, who had been Dog car driven by Donald Gilbert mmd ta thrre t -adn ..hislCoresl ie r ou tr oe monthsst oe18rail th at roudsthe mi toul, >ud me up jýhisIrCoinraouticer frso yearsteeCoale, 8 anb's Lan, ithe homework, ask a lot at ques-J <IURN T0 PAGE TWO) <TURN TO PAGE TWO> Honeywell WiII Double Pant Size' Expansion of the Honeywell plant in Bowman- ville, Ont., ta twice its present size was announced today by President L. F. Wills. Announcement of the 20,000 sq. f t. addition cornes less than four months after the plant began rnanufacturing Keytape data preparation devices. Increased export business was the reason for the expansion, Mr. Wills said. The Bowmanville facility, which manufactures Keytape for the world market, exclusive of the United States, will devote part of its increased capacity to serving the rapidly growing Japanese market. The plant addition is expected ta be open by lune of this year. Honeywell's Bowmanville plant is located on a 12-acre site north of Highway 401. Initial investment was approximately $1 million. Keytape data preparation devices eliminate the normal intermediary step of preparing punched cards on conventional keypunch machines as a means of getting information into a computer. Tried to Embarrass Council Voîces His Dîsapproval of Untrue St atement s Made By Resîgnîng Councîllors At the meeting or Town - - ___ Council held on Monday even-Bu g t S y ing Councillor Robert Dykistraet " " emphatically voiced his disap- proval af statements former and Glenn Fry made ta the, W e d press after their resignations.\fl His Warship, Mayo ar ilC s o e Hobbs, also commented an the u iiI I fallacy of these remarks. The Ontario Government Councillor Dykstra saîd that bit those of us with suchi after reading reports in the vices as smoking cigarettes Statesman and in a newspaper and drinkiitg by increasing published in a nearby city that the tax yesterday in its an- "it is necessary ta Informfluai budget. Hotel and motel council and the public how I floomn taxes and the tax on personally feel about the res- meals were aiso increabied igpations' of Mr. Nichols and ajgd Q ti - U~ Tml.,bv Ur. F'ry and theiradverse pub- fo c'ough up maroe t ax e liclit for our municipallty." o Vu n oeuxnce h "'Neither of thema presented twsanued ht us with a valid reason for re- sweeping changes will be siging I as nceof heIm- coming inl a couple of years signig. Iwas oce o the with the probability ofa ,pression that Mr. Fry resign- provincial income tax, a capi- ed due to bealth. But his <TURN TO PAGE TWO> tal gains tax to take care BITS N% PIREES CORRECTION - Apologies to Hillerest Heights Assistant Cubmaster Jili Whiteley who somehow was identified under a picture last week as Bill and for leaving out the name of Bill Burns, an Assistant Scoutmaster. Peculiar how these things happen when you are rushed for time. However, some people like finding mistakes in newspapers and we try to please them ail. HEART - It's difficuit to keep up with ail the fund drives that corne between January and April, but the money gees to worthwhile causes and that's the important thing. The Heart Fund asks ail those who were flot home when they caIled, to mail or take the envelopes that were left to the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce before the end of the month. No point in taking thern in without inserting some dough, it's not the envelopes they need, it's cash money. BRIER - If you haven't been over ta take in some portion of the Canadian Curling Championship Brier at Oshawa Civic Auditorium, there's stili time. Those who have made it advise that it's a tre- mendous show even if you don't know much abotif curling. CHANGES - There have been severai chanGres in personnel and premises along the King ",-t shopping section in recent days. Lorne Hayne> bas soid out bis taxi business to George Almond of Pab's Cab, there should be an officiai an- nouncement soon about Tom Cowan entering the car deaiership field. There's also taik cf a new sports store at the west end of town and a music shop where Chester McQuinn had bis furniture store, just east of Frederick's Pharrn- acy. So, things are moving right aiong. TOURISTS- Congratulations are extended this week ta the Lake Ontario Regional Development Cauncil with headquarters in Peterborough who sent along a copy of onc of the most attractive tourist folders we have seen . . . and in full color too. Even Keith Conneil's deer at Bowmanville Zoo are in color. The whoie thing was extremely well donc, except for one item in the legend that rcads "Principle Kings Highways". Shouldn't that be "Principal" ? These are the things that turn your hair grcy or gray in this printing and publishing business. And we expect kids ta knaw how ta spel this mixed up English la nguage. WOMEN - This Friday, Mardi 7th is Women's Worid Day of Prayer that wiii be marked here with special services at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. in St. John's Church. The speaker wili be the wife of the new St. John's rector Mrs. Betty Gracie end ber theme wili he "Growing together ini Christ". There wiil b. special reference to the church in Africa and items froni that country will be on display. s § § §1 of tnose wlîo now make a buck on the stock market and sao on. The Basic Shelter Exemp- tion rebate system for prop- erty owners and occupants M'ilI bc continued for this year. The cigarette tax is aircady in effect and the others wil be effective April lst. It was also indicated that Ontario wufl get out of the Succession Duties field. There were many other details of great consequence that probably will bc ex- plained by Durham's MPP Alex Carruthers in his next Quecns Park report. Give Generously to Help "Timmies" 1969 "Timmy", Tan Walmsley from Oshawa, hopes that everyone who re- ceives an Easter Seal appeal letter will give generous]y to the local Easterl Seal Fund. The 1969 Easter Seals that as Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, the care and treatment needed signify help ta crippled child- Kinsmen and others will sec by more than 14,000 crippled ren, are being prepared for that appeal letters and Seals childrcn will continue an a fuil mailing ta nearly 2,000,000 are sent toalal residents in scale basis this year. Ontario homes. The mailing of their cammunity, inviting their In the 47 year histary af the Easter Seals is anc of the big- contributions ta help boys and Ontario Society for Cripple gest voluntary projccts under- girls who have a physicai dis- Children and its association taken in Ontario in the inter- ability. with service cluabs, there havei est of children. In 230 cities, This year the Easter Seal been thousands .oQf chi1dren towns and villages members of campaign must raise at least who have overcome 4h. i - Easter Scal service clubs such. $1,500,000. ta guarantee that CTU RN TO PAM~ê Reeve Questions Overtime S- Councilor Presents Report, On Informative Seminar Councilors Robert Dykstra and Colin Cooke were ap- pointed by Mayor Ivan Hobbs ta attend the Association of Police Governing Authorities convention ta be held in Tor-i onto on March 5th and 6th. Clerk-Cantroller Robert L. Byron is also ta, attend. "I wauld like ta give a short1 report on the twa day Semi- nar for Coun-cillors given by1 the Ontario Good Roads Asso- ciation. This was held on Monday, February 24th and attended by Counefllor Leslie Coombes and myself," Coun- cillor Dykstra said. The need and importance of, such 'a seminar was evi- dcnced by its large attend- ance. There wcre 1,300 people present for the morning ses- sion whilc 1,800 werc regis- ered for the complete conven- tion. "In the marning session we heard an address by aur Hon. Minister of Municipal Affairs D'Arcy McKeough, which was followed by a panel discus- sion and questions from the floor. An item of ixnterest wam regional government, noti also that on Maroh 4th a re- port is to be brought dowu on the Basic Shelter Tax. The Department of Municipal Af. fairs was also asked ta lookc into matters relating to cable television regulations, etc. "In the afternoon session we heard an address by auÈ Hon. Minister of Highways George E. Gomme. This wag also followed by a panel dtu. cussion and questions froid <TURN TO PAGE TWO) 1~ ýIl Don Barclay àf Rosedale Avenue, Oshawa, lef t, considerable envy. He was flot alone with that-eL.4 is the lucky gentleman whosc winning ticket was because in ail nearly 600 had invested in the sanu drawn on Thursday evening during the Lions Club praject, hopeful of winning the gleaming automobiU social evening at their Beech Avenue centre. He took in the background. Mr. Barclay is an employe C delivery of his 1969 Oldsmobile Cutlass on Saturdayi General Mators. while Lion Ted Miller handed over the keys withi v ~4 if 1' Mysterlous Police Raid on Taunton'Rd. Farm Mystery 1 urrounds the presence of 4Qntario Provin- cial Police ers and person- nel on a' fauni on tht north sidt cf Taupiton Road Just west cf Sauina Road. According to neighbors, the pok~e xnoved in yeatgr- é~ay ana. Weré stili there this aiternoon. An extensive search took place but no Information on what they were looking for or what they found bas been released. Qshawa Man Wins Lions Club's New Olds Cutlass 1

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