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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1969, p. 2

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2 The Canadiarn Statesynan, Bowmnanvllle, Mar. 3, 1P9 BLACKSTOCK 'Mie General meeting of the by M"p. HuioldKYte with day supper. Mr. and Mrs. AI-' tT.C.W. took the form of a Mrs. Neil Werry at the piano, vin Bruce. Port Perry; Sun- eoffee party on Tuesday then the childrens fUlm Tuk- day, Mr. and hli Meredith 'iorning when ail women of tu and his Dogs" was shown. Thom n memee, and Mr. thie community were invited. Closed with benediction by' an .: 'I Wannoia, Or- Over 50 ladies and 25 pre-: the presideiit. lo;~ thmough the week. Mr. schol chldren and babies at- Some ladies enjoyed Uhei and Mrs. Ed. Lawson, Yelver- tended. Friendly Hour on Wededa Foilowing the social hour afternoo and played gaineýs Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Hafrns lEst. Bill Ferguson and Mrs.ler q uilted as the mih elmad foi Tyrane, and Mrs. MriiVan Camp led the. Why. oh why. do men seem H. De La Matter and Mr. and oripperiod, with Brother- $0 S> 7Mn. Allan Hitchman. Toronto, baid as their theyne. Jen Thr wsa eclln t dMrs. G. Crawford and read a poemn on Brotherhood.,tnaneofpMre.omNs and Mrs. W. J. Pearce on Norma offered prayer and: tleton, Cadmus and Black- Su1v read the scripture passage. stok Sunday supper guests ni Offlering was received and et the skating Party Mrs. L. Htenry were Mr. and dedicated. Before the ciriging, po by Blackstock Unit- Mrs. Herrifl Henry and fam-1 of hehynn In hrst hee:ed Sunday Sehol Fniday ily, Newcastle, Mr. Clarence isn t orWet", Chrnrt threnight.* Following the 5sii ~Kentner, Whitby, Mr. andi Mrs. of the life of its vvriter John ail went tc the C. E. Cntr Larry Besma, Bowmanvilie, Oxeâham o }n adpiyd rki-MiD. F'orrest and daughter Mm.Davd Kte ed sig-oie and checkes.All report Cnaý of Ottawa. Mxi DaîdKyt le asîig-a Very enjoyable XflC.MradMi. vretC- song for the children whoMr iilEet Cy were siae around their spe- Ms<is. Ivan Thompon Royi derman, Soijna, visited lest cial table with coloring boks Turner and Fied Hamnilton Wednesdly and Mr. and Mrs. etc., and Jean F. read them a att.ended the Central Area Harvey yellowleeç Mld fam- story.Girl 'Guide Association dinner ily on Sumdao' wùth Mr. and President Mrs. Roy Mc- ý ofOshawa Guide Houme, Wed- Mm. Ernest LanTier. La.ughlin and Secretary Mrs. neday CVening. Ray Suggitt Iwon lirEt prize Ross Duff now took their Misses Carol Werry, Key in a Massey Ferguson Ski chairs et front and after the.Porril an& L.orni Turner were Whiz snowmoblle race et Bar- president hed extended a amiong the 80 gils who et- rie on Saturday, March 1I&t. tearty welcome each lady wa, tenle the Central Are& Ran- Cartwrighit High 8ebuoI asiced to stand and teil her: ger Cadet conference in Osh - Wtater Carnival riame and the naines of her awa, Fid.ay -Sunday. Cartwright High School's Àchildren present. Treasurer'si Services were weil attend- first Winter Carnival was Teport was received. Weld's' el in bol, churches SuXday held on Friday afternoon Day of Prayer, Mardl 7th. was~ morning. Rev. P. Romneril February 28t. A vari.ed sche- wmonad, also the Anglican teol as his theme "Why Rje dule of events was planned Fashioýn Show April lBtb and was Rejected." Rev. R. C. and provicied somne very keen the March General meeting Rose said - We should become competition between the three which is to be a mid-day pot l the agents of the manik.ta- heuse groilps _ the Ali Cats, luck. dinner folowed by altion of the Gospel OfChis, oekpiks and the Tigers. program on Easter theme. is text was "Send her away The broombail tournamenti blrs. Romeril showed a filmfo>r she cryeth after us." held on the ice in the ink about an Eskimo artist, "Ke- Mr. and Mrs. Burney liol y s wou by the Cokpikýs. The mojuak". A sing-song wag led and Roy. Solina, visited the snowmobile. obstacle course Tom Hodges and Mm. Argue race wus won by Edil Thomp- -on Tuesday on the occasion o? son (Cokpik); the runners-up Eta terTommy Hodge's birthday. were Barry Bobre (Ali Cat) Mrs. Ira Argue spent th nd Michael Wheeler (Cok- *weekend in Toronto and et- pik). The race to collect bal-1 S o stended the wedding of her loc on the irt was won by granddaughter, Miss Lynda the Ai Cats. One event which <FROM PAGE ONE) lHyde and Mr. William White- attraçted great i.nterest was sical disabilities or have miadehead, on Saturday. the pie throwing at twoý such great imiprovernent thil Mr. and Mrs. Roger Donne], nembers of the staff, M]l tiiey have carried on a non- Ottawa.. were Thursd.ay te Robinson and Mr. Gemmill. nal existence. The puhlic'sf Sunday guests of the StuartiThese two teachers bravely support to the Easter Seal Dorrelis and visited the DaI-J volunteereci as targets for campaigxi bas made aciditional ton Dorreils and other rela-1the pies at, 50e a throw. The services an.d expansion of acti- t.tves. money collecteci is heing don- vqie possible so that the Soc-' Glaci te report Mr. llanld ateci to the Heart Fund. An- ci.ety, through its field offices, Larmer gol home from hospi- other pie event was the pie- Is continually re.aching out toýtal on Wednesday. ýeating contest. The contestants belp children who have a ph ' -1 r n is Gro to had to eat two pifs as quickly ia disability andi need assist - 1visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Alvinila, they could. Rein Bonsma lacre.iple Bruce, Manchester, Sunday. of the Ali Cats att bis way ta Rehabilitation frcipe Young People noce ea firat place. chilciren can very offen be aitheir respective homes for the There were many thrilling lengthy andi expensive prog-iweekend were: Mr. and Mrs. moments during the chariot ramme, but wben the resuits! Jim Swain andi Miss Helen, races which were held in the mea soe hilire wll ve-, Mr. Floyd Kyte, Belleville; rink. Each bouse had two en- tually be independent in move-1 Mr. Bob Kyte, Mr. Brian tries and the chariots were rtent andi speech, the tine ani Mut_ n n.DmnsM-jd eot onri for appear- cost is not important. It is moi Laughlhn, Guelph; Mr. LarrY ance but also for Performance.1 important to know that every j Hoskin, Hamilton; Mi1s s e s Once again the Alil Catq Easter Seal gif t will be ofiLorna Wright, Waterloo, Che- emerged as tht winn.ers in benefit to a crippleci chlld. 1 ryl Larmer, Marion Ni-ad- both categories. Support the local Easter Seal burn, Linda Venning and1 Duning the week the stu- service cluh's crippled child-iJudy Swain. Oshawa, Janice dents of each hioue ert husy ren's qppeal by sending a Byer. Guelph; Mn. Lloyd mouling thpir sn.ow 'culp- generoiis gift, Trewin, York Unîvereity; Paul tui-es. The finisheci produets iRahm, Sick Chîldriens. showed great artistie abihIt4ies. SMr. and Mrs. Milton Pegg, Miss Cathenine Christie acted INVEST SAFELY 1 Greenwood.visited Mr. and as judge of tblt snowsci- Mr. e. egFr9 . i ture and proclaimeci the Arc- Mn. and Mrs. Roy Taylor i scene (igloo, penguin and entertained their family-Mr. plr bear) scu]pted by tihe G .. .s Sa rrough Tylrf ol and rs. nsonTaylr ofTigei-s as the best. The monu- G ele ,e e ScaboroghMr. and Mrs. mental cat by the Ali Cote, Garnet Murray and Carolyn was judged second best, and of Manilla, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- the Cokpiks' scene (milk is nold Taylor, Dianne andi Betty the greatesi) as third. Jane, for supper Friday even- At the end of the aftenrno ng on the occasion of Anso's the points were totalled and 3/4 o 0 iKathleen's and Arnold's Feb- the Ali Cats were procJ.aimeci /4 uar bithds.the champions »and were Mrs. M. "P. Philp. West Hill, awarded a special trophy de- ~visited Mr. and Mm. Chas. signed by Mr. Fletcher. Smith and Oliver, Saturday. 5 Y ARS Mr. andi Mrs. George Semn- eUs, Port Penny, were Fridav - supper guests of Mn. antd M-ri. B i Kenneth Samehls. 4 YEARS 7%lo Miss Barbara Brown, Cour- 3 YEARS 7%% tice, Mr-. andi Mrs. Bob Faîrey. 2 YEAR.S 781eo manville, visited Mn..and Mrs. FROM PAGE ONE> VEAR 7t/% Bo%, Bryans and family Fridayi tfv px or1ebr 1 Y AR7ýý 1evening, and Mr. andi Mrs. !of the romMlttee Mr Uit George Bryans and Stu.artl Mn. Strike, Mr. .onlk an.d CENTRAL ONTARIO Were Suria guests. IMr. Thompson drove withj fflýXTý1M 0- ýSari-y ta report Mn. Russell Thomas Bel%-l t, bis bhroihersc FOR VOUR FAMILY'S .... ception. 'Frnk Blunt wras in EPRESCRIPTION NEEDS charge of t bar. He waz D)ru regulations may require tIuI vour Childs end Gordon Wahters. j'),,gacist obtain an authorizat.a f rom St utwstevolwnter your dect« o RtaEFILL yeur prescription. Th anut alwaen. AIwas alow apletimeb~r k.mig ~trots. Two béautiful arrange- prescrnptsoanmber te your Pharnmcit ments of heather bhi<tedt befère yeur medicationà UlIigahêd. with yeflow cthysanthernums1 adoe-ned tht table, andI TOW deet.r mur Pb~.cY~ebtiptam te »' a!Il thie oUer tableswem à pb&r*eW artak Y«rpreaipàm ntrmâwtVbcy.daompWats In d*ftirm"t n ~1u ew a eaeshr. Tfi estn lboe at MW ebSd taMela mm»Mte thebonvSd sot. soua&M S. a. 1, -vto-Pe i1atoem Md ta bo àwmb ruàm o e E. J. K*e orbow i b kv :Toemto. D*Btm . FR!'EiCiCS PIARMACY ton, President of the Bowman- A. D. JCSON ORUGS A. M. hmpuof , CmrerUm JURY & LOVEUS LTU.t Acmwi ALEX MieGREGOR ORUOS ~Chum d mI»mClb- pà"&Mlalor ii ospàItai aird o1Di- 1 rcrClame G. Hiluorn,1 Jof the CNTB. and George tht Ontario Division, E. A s Ki". à" IfartinCobourg. ltht e h ov'n E%""Mrt A Stephen. Chairman o? tht Rovce, Toronto. teacol v h iFIENIS ILL Nlirs. F. Toms wus a lMnday car r ives by Philip MoCébe, Santa Claus Parade Commit- best wishes in a special letter. " " ~' ~vlmftor of Mm. £dn iradley,12» McDomel Street, Peter- tee. They were piped ini by Tht District Manager of tht A large congregaton receiv werries, vocatàons for young 1Dowmanvfle. berough, austained about $1V0 Pipe Major Brooks and Pipeér Bank of Montreal, K. G. Mac- eci a very fine mesge frein people, matrimonial pitiblemrs, Mm. Graoe Rartndale and danaewhCIL it was stnick Cole.l Luckie, Peterborough, was Rev. Loigee on Sunday nuclear anxiety, borIeo. e Mr&-.T Chant enjoyec*i ue bug by an unknown c-ar. Constable Grace was-said by the M.C.. ass pi-tuent at the Testi- morning 'wlth its theme "«Bear reminded the congrqgmton trip tothe nowe "w j 1 M.C. ovt OP a vesti Mr. James, who alto gave the modal Dinner. i e Manother's bundens and that we must bear our oel Bovsnanflte, sporalred jy~pig Toastto th Quce. Tht Peter G. Newell, wheo n Ise fulfili the law of Christ" burdens plus burd.ens 0f oth- Bowmanv»fe Horteutur-al ,O Sudymnliat21 Enniskillen U.C.W. catered for a three-months tour o? Europe with a sequence "Cast thy ens wo cannot hear them cietv. i cock thent was a two ce r the dehicous meal with Mrs. with tht Tobacco Board, cableci burden upon the Lord and he aieton "a Biafra war vi'tims. M . Ry C c ollision on No. 2 Highay et L. C. Staintion as conven muthit best wisbes te 3Mr. r11 shall sustain thee-. Our min- lnGla's crop failure. iepressed, Courtim Roaud. Thte 1rl of Mmi. Edgar Wright and Mrs fron London, Englanci, and ister pointeci out tht many countieIs, sinct part o!ý the wteeIbnday levening db.mer .o am were Date Haines, Earl Trewin tht co-convenors. telegrains were received by bundens for aIl ages viz: em- wcold must notl e n M2 mgaests wth Mr. and Mrs. Ketth g2,90SnoetrtN. -Mr. Benl from R. P. Rickahy, ployment wornies, ffnancial and starvation whfle anather MoGi<l in bol of> their 41M 3 inatSre . l'"James Allen Bell In bils 12 Ron Stewart, Hamilton, a - part tives in sinful luxury. lIn 1% 4. aanvemry. 066,h223, a nd aIAvene, years here bas galned the former accoutant o? the Bank conclusion he stated tht w g taEàors. 0haw. Terew«abol vue,60 affection, admiratlon, and re- o? Montrel here; froui Mi-s. £ Bear oui- own burdens, bear Mn. and Mss. LaUrile Staple- danmge ta thie Haines car, and spect of ail wtio IUAow hlm.' Belî'is istrMn J E. Srrth w the burdeas a? others and cast ton and Beverley, were Satur- apprloximately $400te Mr. Mr. Thompolon said I bis &d- Lindsa andI John Pr-att, Mont.- **ur burdens on tht Lard in daY aspr guets of 54r. and lucNeiils. dress. "Ht àta aman uith real. A tetter ofregret and U tae. h hlraP tlM .Carne..non iku tuk* a ilvry ighpricipesabl, cngrtultios cme ro was 'Wendyts -Cake". Tht Mns. Norma BradionS and Sllided~ in Orono an Friday at kndly and dependable, and Russelil C. Honey, M P., who (FROM PAGE ONE) choir rendered an miniehei as- ber father Mr. N. E. Wrighit ja.45 &I. . i driver of the tont with an unusual capacity was unable te attend because statements in -his publîcity that 1 d On MichatY spiritual 'I spent S±ay aftennoon wI±h ptk-up truckwu Cosmos 1te make friends. the speaker of Pirn~entry duttes. Tlikre appear inl the Statesman and Will Sltig". Mns. P. A. Tredu eat tht Carchidi, age 22, R.R. 2, Janet- sta t.el were alsio maay lettttrs fio the Oshawa Times after bisl Pleuse refer te lest weekts Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronte. vilne. and Judith William, ge MnI. Bell w.55 barnI-fn Aber-- bank officials and friends resignation was accepted at; news columa for particulars of. Mis Betty Wright, In'coln 24, Main Street, Oroeo was foyie. Scotland, ont of a fain- froin naty paris of Canada. the lest council meeting, prov the two Woi-ld Day af Prayer pany wlllh Mr. and Mn.Mrrhsrve fttcr ilyofth-e grl ad ixbos, Former employees O? tht ed this wrong. Servli en Friday. Mardh 7. ray Axforld and IMelarde cf1 There was about $250 dam- Mr. Thompson tald tht gather- bank here Includ.lng Jack "Tt lhes been apparent ta me Times, 2 p.m.. aduit serice; Oshawa art spendlng a ftw Juge te tht Williams car, and Ing. "You wlll be pleated te Scilil, Oshawa-, Doug Apple- that these resignations have 7 p.m., C.G.I.T. service; film day. with Mr. and mi. F.iapproximateîr $500 damagle ta learn that bis father. now 99 ton, Don Milis. and sevtral huld soily in mind ta embar- 'strip on China. Mothers Spry, Rochester, N.Y. the pick-up truck. Constable Lyears oid. le stili active andi athers returneci ta town to be rass tht pi-eeent councîl, or if FellowrhIP annuel Mn.LraLmbwsu- yn ivsigtd bsac- alelt,"Aitadded. .present at tht Testimnonial not tht whule cuclcran uprwl eSatu.rd ay.Mar Ms on abwsSn On netgte.ti cI "Jun eterci ht ommrcil Dinnr fr 'n. el. God eopt o ths cuncl. Me- eth a66p.m. ai Mr. and M~daY dInner guest of Mr. and dent. Batik cf Scotlmnd when he was wisher for tht.gell. o-hoorpeopaley o itisSuwls th pbier- e t ttto'.M- . M. .Staiiton. A car driven by Robert 15 years of age" tht speaker and witty quotaions were i- t es wreo tiifc -.Ljsed clotbing for Fmrd Vie- Mr. mnd Mrt. R.on Clemnens EIs g 2 1Kn t-e saici. He told of Mn. Bell li-senîbeci on tht signature carcis 'Tht reasons they gave in iten Mission te be left ai Sltm-. and boys, Hampton, wtre Sun-Wetwntutocnra i ing the Bank of Montrel, tht large nuniber of men the newspapers are totally un-on's store up bo Maneb Sîst. day Supper guests at Mr. and mrlled over On Courtice Roaud coming ta Canadla in 1929,mdatninghtdne andWtti-laean notre nun Official Board meeting wlll MMs E. Wright's. North at 3:45 o'clock on Thurs- fi-stin the I-ki andwlaerehtblbandk't tre. I tur deya tei-e MDamgbet Ma Vit ork n, skat ch ewan 'à gvete omit frM.they tend ta do no good, and! be i-ch 101h at 8:15 at our Tht club members o? theldYmtnan aaet h brn, Sakache an Bll. A tape i-tcordiiig of thethey break uip the image of; chîui-h for ail thi-et palis on "Homnemakers" recited theýcar amrountet approxiniatp.- brnH pn 0yar nYrk Testimonial Dinnen program our> town and ils elrcted offi-'pastoral chai-ge. A speil 4-H..Piedge andi began t.heir1ly $3,000. Constable T. D. ton, Rena,10 SasInoonk-nwas madle by Riuny Locke. cials. 1 e'e lhl ths i n2item on the ~..pnogram was meeting. Linda Wright -et .!IHol1away. OPP,_Invtstigated. ;Winnipeg, and then was mae'- - what we need or- want. tts1c yMse aeth iue ocrlgtt eci east te Toronto. -It is mny wish and hope that McGIlI on "Ladies' lRats". lest meeting aller completingi som yar InOwn olnd ndafer ha hs akei lae, Miss Betty Jane Werry, Mn.. tin ail tht members unswered D o saan yer l en Sund mand R edante wht hsas tae le, Ketth Wo>den, M. Ray Ash- the rdqlIcal. The leader dem-I anarnoqf the bcaeon- letatw nt t ti ton were the -capable and will- onsralidoe heclubn-mb baer. of t t Bobcaylon '~ <ta work constructively for thet gou n nespediblian T. heprocedure o? drawing the m enoug te arryM-ilred Ln- C oss ettementof ou comun- rotip- onan epediion o th« lnes oonurou bleruCabîtor runneAGnOfa enaug ta mrry Mldre Lan-bettementof ou- comun-jplaces of great lnterett I the dilTerent stitches to e bPOMPGEOe caster. Then back ta Gan- <PROM PAGE ONl ity," Councîllor Dylcstra dec-i Toronto on Saturdlay, March placed on it. We began the ago. counceil bealiusked the anoique, andi while there they lhe]lpediby the fret Blood Trans- 1lared. ltvz 1 h caghnfete ttho u apeClerk-Controlier te udvertiFe adotec tw lttl daghers. fusion Service, Loan Cuphoardj Mayor Hlobbs bold the meet-lPlanitariuni andi Star Theatre piece of m-atei-ial. We con- for a replacement, interview Jeanle andi Margie, now attend- of Sickroomn Supplies, Watei-ing that he qîîestioned 'Mr.I Show, (2) The New City Hall, pleted the single feather stitch ail applicants, and report te ing 11gb Shool.Safety Services, Disaster and IlFyspu (edci3)s f h The new taîl T.D. Build- andi the closed feather stitch.cuclwt eomna "In M.ay 1957 Mn. Bell was Individual Emergency Aid, "clique" on counicil fan the pasti ing. Tht girls and leader ap- Mai-ch 4th is tht date o? the tion. Hte foliowed these in- transferred ta Bowmnanvlhle tOFirst Aid and H-omne Nursing 25 yeans. I'None of us has heen pi-eciate tht comfortable mnens next 'meeting which will ble stuctions, but insteaci Of art- ahe with whme bas botuenOas Instruction. Thousancis of ai-t- on counicil! for' 21 years non for, of transportation and repart beld in tht hasement of tlin on Mr. Byron's recammen- aclitci ev e snceathicles of cil ighave bçen ba.1? that time,' he saici apoiabet-p.Ensll.ncuc.dtion George Bol 'sappli- speiake er nt nou. H the completed hy the members of "E-x-Mayors, Reeves, Deputy-, rS Kre. apo, M. n is . nm a-etien had been accepted, spok 0fMn.Bels srvie t th Woen' Wok cmmitetReeves and Coi incili ors ai-e men was Stinda y tea guest with Mr. l: Funday evening litn guests o? Councillor D 'kstra explaineci. sohe - o whMch el evcete for distribution in local, nat- of integrity who served with and Mrs. Hi Ashton. JMi. and Mrs .Ray Dillabaugh, "If past experiencr iay muhrotef ih isatte, anotd innal andi international disas- honor n ad distinction and tok Mn. andi Mns. N orman Howeý Oshawa. indication we shoulci accept muc oflit saretim, ad er relief. ýpnide in serving their (' alnd son Norm, Whithy. wtiit Mr. and Mns. Roben Harnisi'h eoiedto orta gavetht alloing ist f bi Thtpeope othisareaty. 1 feel that Mn. lrFi-ys'Satltday everilng vistons wlth and family, Beaverton. wero;oeuncid aith0il dClerk-Con- activities. ~estatements lftmut-h to be hR.H,&e ;rlrByoten Cu- Mn. Bell Is Treasuî'tn of ýt.benefit fi-om nmany other ltf thtR. dwes.;sinday vstoso? Mn. andlicllr ysrn tatemake,"Cun- Andrew's Preshyttrian Chu-ch vices xnantained by tht Soc- desireci," Mayor Hobhs saii. Mis. Gordon Bernent and Mrs. R. Howe 'ilrDkta ttd euy an ebro isBad0 ely's Provincial headquarters - girls, Trenton, ls vlsit'lg with Mostvn How'elIs Jr.. Sean-' Reeve Rundle saici that ho was Managers, Treasurer ofth in Tononto. Junior Red Cross,' iM ndMsW Hoel. boiough is spenin a fewstngyoth saeopin Santa Claus Parade Commit- Outpost Hospitals, Hospital,' NESTLETu n ONnsRt Sap days with his grandparents lsCuclo ysn aIi tee, a nienber o? tht Bowman- Services and Red Cross Lodg- 1.Kathy and Gardon spent Sl"' Mr. andi Mrs. W. Howells. ' malter. ville Industnial Commissio es, Inqiny services ail help' n. k a-dRy aI Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mayi thsociyar' Councîllon Leslie Coombes, andi has been recently ap this ai-taThrough oui-mmr < ~ ry s. Rexciait jufif fIlro ld ad l who 8 few înorths ago had apoint- m, - lle, spGrce SUaenng caldsanci f cd by tht Northumberland- bership in tht Internati-ol l.spnafevdslatweek with lier daughten and' il Grc Bai-t.ndale ar-- We wîsh thein aIl back ta good moved that Mn. Bowcn be ap- Dur'hamn Board o? Education Redi Cross we are ablete ohoup M- dM- a companieid Mr. andi Mi-s.T.haî poînteci Dog ContraI OM8cer. 'io- Mrla . and r. a-' hnHmtnt ii ih _______ tt.dtath hdtenf as a member of the Board o? wherevti- disaster strikes i____Mloln_______CanHmpotevst ihsttdthth le hlfl rence Malcoeilmpat, handhotftemwrld iMn. and Mrs. Davidi Kernohan, that a Bowmaavilile resident Aibt-lr H s aI houhu. h w1d Mr. andi Mns.Jini MeMullen St Thomas. hl rcieteapit President of tht Bowmanville Tee ia.RdCos e- and Carl, Bal lyduf?, visiteci Mn.James A. Wtt-ny shul rceie tteppont Chamber of Commence, a vices cannot be maintaineci J "But Ibisierdprento, wr)rk eut au former Director and \ict-'withut th geneousdfnancia H.ndy.wit"bertarent, Mi-»ecnetth Mi. andtrsaH withut te geerou finncia Mcwe ,hopeci 1 now wonder if a Chaîrman o? Memonial Hos- support of evenyone through- anwn.Lre Hlad eII pili oar. t as ee ot tt rea Peae wîcme Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- Mns. L. Koepp and Monicai R ound U Ca e straeara les wloe l pnger might make a better Treasw-ei- o? the Bowm.anville thet voluatper canvasser whoso were usa vnn ee Monday visitons with I Dog Control Oflce, he sali. Lios lu. resuerothe calîs on you and belp YOURdinner guests with bei- sister, Mns. E. Wright and Mr. N.i (ro PG Ot Counrtellor Colin Colke e- Bowmanville Branch o? the Redi Cross te help YOU ancI'Mrs. aesNyln1te- iigh.mindec counichl thet Mr. Per- Canadien He-ai-t Fund, and bas YOUR nelghbon. I law. Mn. andi iVis. Fred Ci-aw-, Miss Nancy Johns Mrs. Ho]-'parking lot. Sengeant McGueY ras is willlng ta rnove te Bow- ser'ed n tt Bwmavile- _____________ Iforci, Port Penny, were Thuns- 1len White, Hampton; Mr. andi also investigateci this accident. nnaniville if appointed. "I cen- esteDuonhei Aviny Coml-- day dinnen guests with the Mrs. Lloyd Slemoni aîd fan- There was about $100 damage tainly think that; as we 'have mWettuht am dian Naton- Pum . tIi' Thompsons and Mr. andi Mii. ily, Haydon, were Suaday tea to Mn. Cowle's car. given the Clerk-Controller thé ai~~~1W 0ntiut o ttBMni Char-les Smnith, Blackstock,,guests ot Mrs. F. Toms. Two cars collided on No. 2 authority we shauld accept bus al nstbueafeor at ein. RMPAEON' ani.Mîs. Perey Philp, West Mrs. Bey. Veale, Murdoch- Hi.ghway at Maple Gi-ove RoadIrcmedain"b elrd Mn. Thompson thon presenteci tht floor. Many poins -r Hill, were Saturday callers. ville, Quehec, Ils v1siting wîth'at 11:30 s.m. on Tuesday. 'Tht Tht motion appoirrting Mr-. Mn.Bel wiib ht ifIof i ioac were uthned Mn. and Mns. Frank Tripp,!1 ber parents for a couple Of drivers Invdlved were Phllip Perras was then caried. MBell 'he withe gmtonyfoi- la s subsidies Oshaa, vsitelet he wek-1Iweeks, tht F. W. Werny's. Groenvtld, age 5". R.R. 6, A letter ta counicil freom the thtol purchaed.o? a cameyra, n b is speech. Ht dealt with endci wth Mr. and Mrs. Loiain1 Dr. andi Mii. Clark Werry, Bowinanville and Hugh Alli- Central Ontario Joint Planning ah miiurae toy camrera Develapinent Road Pro- McKee. On Sunday Mr. anci' and family, Etabicoke-, Mi.sS son, age 29, R.R. 6, Bowman- B.oard dealt with ils local plan- ael miitu ressy, end relationships be- Mi-rs McKee called on Mn. and I Betty Jarte Werry. were sut- ville. amage ta Mn. AlUaoin ing advisory service for aea fei- tht geatroused i tan httween tht d1epartinent endci Ed ole,ýowa-unday evetlng dinnen guests car a- ti to teabout $50,mnmiclpalities, which wIhll be fo h etru ltadtemuniicipal officiaIs wtne ta- Ms ..Fxlr ova-aone wnefleveniag.uad. ville. Mn. Fowler is 10W COfl- of Mn. and Mns. Allara Wenry. and there was about $10~0 te provideci an a cost bagis for Exclntdefuir ntwa wra. valescing at bis homne after also visiteci their mother at Mn Groenveld's car. Constable wark undertaken. This coin- proide b th Bau"en Aco gre aid, buoethoulgbe eturning froin hospital. Mi-. hospital. Pîtaseci te report J. 'A. W. Schultz, OPP, ina- munication was receiveci and Dr. Ket±îbSiemont, Ktith Jac-k- jof tnebeeft here aI this McKee's mother, Mi-s. Jim MrWennyIs tocornehomefiletI for future reference on~ son. Ke Hcin ndDuga rin e. i1laisesnar w insa fnursing n.ASa ee Thene was a bit and riun a motion by Councillor Dyk- Ra.ckhamn. During -tihe even- ne If. a ye ar tueai ratai oers ini Port Perry sinoe ber!'vr n r. .Sapwr accident on Sunday at 8:12istra secoadeci by Cauncîllor releasear furgemailospitars. 1Friday supper gucsts of Mr. ing, 9.rgan n'usi.e was enjoyed orcucieo teneCu- as. Isabel McCialds- i andi Mis. Wil Ashton, of p.m. on No. 35 Ilgbway neariCooke. with Carry Kuipens as organ- cillai- Dykstna saici in con- il Caesarea. ist. Tht fine organ was lentnesting comfortably and Mn. Mr. andi Mrs. Clane Pet-igot by tht 1ou»t of Thomnas, cludimg bis report. John Reynold is progressing andcily asra ee Oshawa, andi Alvin Boyd anR eeeA-i k favourably in Port Penny lis-_udytageî ? range forits ransportation wby John Gekaoers is receiv- ýudytsget fM.adD L I T L N E ia bis Westr Tr ruk ng $108.90 for overtimnepa. Buci ChamT.bers, To honor Mn. Bell thene was Clerk-Contralller Byron i enn-gesswihMi)Mrs T n. dCabrMrs. avoluntany full tura-aut o? formnec ber tihat wiien M rad Mns. Ivan Rahoren and'Bey. Bail, Mn. and Mns. 1 HASKIN~S & E L thttat-e egin Ppe anc Gboes ws apoitedCere-family were Miss Leona Roh- Wayne Sweet and Jay wei-el E L th cbtpre egnte ip andi-ul oSers sai-pby Cne- irer andi Mn. Stephen Shaw, Saturday aflernoan guestl of!A i "ic pesntd awadefu tel uprvse bycoriilitToi-ont o, Mrn. rs DnMn. and Mns. E. Wnight andi prograin a? appropriate Scot- was recOgnized that holidays ekn,-otPr and Mr et. Doni teateno chartered mccountants l sh music, andi this was gi-t- and wetkendýs werne nt pa enkinsym on itsPen ny, r M.,Betty. Dunlngtht&saflee OFCSI AOnCND NCTE ly enjayed by al present. of bis work wetk. In was th RayMo& rnd Mitts, Tillsoyeurg. a bpresenteci ndSet FIE anAORCDANCTE Tht President o>? the Bank agneed that for work on such a rends acaRon it enjo e'wîh o bbyshwlani an OSHAWA SHOPPIG CENTRE OSHAWA o? Mantreal, G. Leonard d'ays he wouîd receive lime ac' aainwihM-!ebod rec ib sheet froin WalerMotreltelphnec of i leu ? verîre py-andi Mis. Wilfred Grahains at Mrs. Sweet's nelghbouns for!' FARTNERS: GORDON W. E.IEHL, C.A., I.LA. biser congratlalnta M. ell med fn ,ilu was ep laneci. Theciford. the new expecteci baby. iBURT R. WATERS, C.A. hinatulatioshe cMchr. elil, etiwas inecpi u tat is Mn. andi Mns. Richard Davi-! Miss Gail Staintont, accoa-' an -idt Gebo2 raopr] I rws doit a o t ori skd.a -si-dSiundya ri-ta 1-be a-tt-om 1cI-1 Sudy ferwn._on êcraedpobewad ith Ms. naingn ÛVU n JSýtoadci UYYbw Ur. . Seuowditcarad Mn. ae ne, h. abing yo"n ier-1 te ermonrvce fi-aoýtYrn RmasU2,r en.<r ili e rcOLE tob Seknd wn uccopantsie et phia ee "e the e - or hniian of For ET WI ythe a Mr. and PrJohn uand, ouhcil lonil'oos attntkned C alln".Ms. hariger sang l1 brotbheis Peter andi Paul Prit- by Mrs. James Newma-xVs- sarea folk have been invited r RAMES AND tte*Vso chanci st M.ýnot.ick. complaint. ita join in tht services in Nts-1 Bn Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Colla-' 'On the direciotnaof coiin-1 Iletan. On Sunday rnornung BIFOCAL LVIS SMLl£o cuti wei-e Sunday afternoon cil 1 spoke b Mn. Fard andl-was most encouraging asi "aler on Mis. Roy lartgmaid, aléa sent hum a letten. but theal asne neni e Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Brown ceiveci," CIes-k-Controllei- By-lshcxwed theii- ca-operation antI Master Davidi Brown non replieci. C o u n c i Il a r with these new plans. as$5 Waent the weekend wiLh t1aeir Coombes then inquireci about Tht Rtvei-end Philip flom-, MM, Ur Mn.anIJ<s. Don Browan, tht Garbage Ey-Law, and eili chose "Mht Rejection ofý Lm2d=a.m Mayor Habbs £&id ho believes Jeeus" as the theme for bas' M(r. Fraork Olfe to -i if a dtr ht l a pre-Eastoir message. Tht Mis-, 2 aM r ) n . re B covereci. If îkuch receptacles faviorec i wWb a duel, "Tht! fn5cm fl smitsIM SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SAT., MARCK 8, 1960 Stevems. Ur. md IMm-. Fred are left uncovered tht people Pathb b Prayen," witb theïn1 19. îtgrmreendY gset a eere hudb bvsdmeMs awreone Mal-,TUEm IC tew dM ' vI & üer daaughter, te f11 tris requirement, hecoelm, at tht organ.1 We SU aail 151,-OcuaMi Ur.anm. RyT.ppdag deerod. A teclamof otheservice i pier mdbn". Tht Mayor directed that there was a "get aoquainfedi :'ip msitm Ur. MmdMUn. Uwo.d Rate- this matter be put on the' anci friendly gathering in the preM rîpU a mrn moo. Ur,. Mme a Remami, agenda for tht meeting af tht church basernen.t when the' sam ~uFNAMIS Rifflu 44 961l.g, wme Sta&dy vWstors Cominitee of thie Whole nextý United Churi-ch Wemen senved RELU WAle IT Op»pm4s-ovm ZAA" SATISI W OMIS WM& ber uie, e. nMd M3&s. Munday e'vening for failow-up tes andi a soc-ai tisse was en- OR Don Brooks and family. andi to have it Setitd asijoyeci. Mi-. Romeril andI Mi-. COMPLEE IFOON 17 Bond St. EastH U: Mr &b~d Mm. Ivan MIII, quizkly as possible. ,_Geox»e Bowers. chgirnn n, o? yeux H IO Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - and sona Scot, TIaxilton, were Deputy Reeve Rundle mv-tht Cbunoh Board, extendèd1 l yp'o lheri, Mn. ad Mis. C. »ûM. tior R. J. Welgh be se t the Ntrt Surday. March 9, Ms.O'~ < ~ St .m itNo ber- amst nitI nde. t&-. andI Welfaw OfioSm' AocmtieoiRama-l will addrn the con- 1,,,,J1~ Phone 728-1261 Wed. Closed All Day Mi-,. Ugelt Gimb&etU, &lm nConveution to he held 4in! gregta and Susaday schoal \.Y 4,,/ eu uin Any PMécipel 0" of.4 Cade ond l.S.-Founded 1904 Ur. and Mns. Hward Br-ad- June. This was secoadeci bylIwill ho conducteci duringth ley. Reeve Oke, anci carried. service,. N 'v1 ................ . . . . . . 1, ,

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