SBook Review [The Siege of Leningrad Harrison Salisbury has done that Hitler would attack, de- a memorable job of recon-1 spite su ch assurance from structing for historicai read-! Sviet master spy, Richard ers the tragie pllght of the1 Sorge, ln Tokyo. The crucial citizens of Leningrad durIng1 errors of Leningrad's political the Second World War. leaders are clearly outlined. Tlhe scale of the tragedy, Salisbury for the first time there Is without precedent, draws a grim picture of the even dwarfs that of the War- role of Stalin's political police saw ghetto and Hiroshima. throughout the war and the The siege of Leningrad was endless blunders of the miii- the longest a great city has 1 tary leaders. undergone since Biblicai days. Salisbury*s heroes are the Aimost one half of the 3,000,- magnificant citizens of Len- 000 citizens died or were kili- ingrad who wili long be re- ed, most of them withIn a six- membered ln history fer their months period from late great heroism. These are the October. 1941, through mnid- artists, writers, factory work- April, 1942. ers, mothers, old men, child- The st.ark tragedy and ren. They struggled, starved scoDe o! the disaster defies the and died on the street. but Imagination. The drama of they would neyer surrender to human slaughter, great hero- their Germnan oppressors. lsm, too, was enacted while the The Infamous plot of the temperature hovered between Leningrad Affair is llsted as 20 and 30 degrees below zero. the culminating disaster, after There was no heat, no iight, the siege ended. Stalin was no transport, food or water. the villian, once again, the The war front was stili active designer. Almost every officiai as bombs and sheils rained who had been instrumental In down. the city's survival was impli- Salisbu.ry captures, alilof this cated. Ail were convicted and and far more ln his new book, executed. The 900 Days, The Siege of What Hitlers armies left un- Leningrad (Fitzhenry a n dfinished, Stalin achieved. Whiteside Ltd.) The epic of Leningrad Is Certainly f e w historical known scarceiy at ail In the writers were better quaiified outside world, only ln part of for such an epic assîgnment. Russia. Salisbury has done a Harrison bas been assembling magnificent job. one which the material for this book over must surely establish his name the past. 25 years. It was his firmly as one of the top con- good fortune to be assigned temporary historians. to Leningrad by the United This book should be read, Press in 1944 after the siege treasured, preserved. It shouid was lifted. He talked to sur- find a place on every library vivors. He has also examined shel!. Tlussian archives and secret records only recentiy made available, valuable Items un. ELIZABETH VILLE available during Stalin's time. lie is now assistant managing Church, services were heid editor o! The New York at Garden Hill. Baptismal Tlimes. services were also held for Salisbury says that nothing Dean William, son of Mr. and ln the chambers of Stalin's Mrs. Keith Longyear; Heather horrors equalled the Lenin- Gale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. grad blockade and lts epilogue, Lawrence Finnie, and Mandy the Leningrad Affair. The Gale, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. "affair" destroyed thousands Willoughby Aiken, ail of Gar- of people who had survived den Hill. Rev. G. A. Ramjlt the most terrible days any spoke on "The Deception of modern city has ever known. Sinless Perfection", fitting in Salisbury opens his nar- with the Lenten season, with rative, somewhat like a Greek foliow-up sermons to follow. tragedy, with the factors that Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson were to determine Leningrad's spent Monday ln Toronto. 1 fate - Stalin's paranoid fear Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mercer had and hatred o! the city. a trip to Delhi this week. Stalingrad was the most Miss Jane Muldrew spoke European city in Russia, the at the Zone Speaking Com- home 0f culture and art, with petition at Lindsay on Thurs- ,a deep historical background. day. She was defeated but Stalin simply wouldn't believe we do congratuiate her_ for, 9 0 Now a New Service!1 g: Motorized 't Prescription Service Need a prescription filled ? An emergency first-aid preparation ? Give us a cal . .. prompt service. Prescriptions picked up and delivered to your home at no extra charge! AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE ... 623m2546 ý'67 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Celebraied First Birthday 1 Paula, shown in the above photo, celebrated her f irst birthday on February 123rd. She is the daughter of David and Muriel McReelis Jr., King St. West. Her igrandparents are Mr. and Mrs. David McReelis Sr., 123 King St. East, and Mr. and Mrs. George Neals, R.R. 1, Bethany. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Neals, Bethany. Fr à i ýfrj i;qoo &Md fqu NE MofdiD %les I IWque ~ Present Cheque for $100 To -Simcoe Hall Centre Mrs. Annabelle R i c k a r d, Balfour with a cheque for: Mrs. Helen Couroux and Mrs. $100 tramn Durham Chapter,i Leola Thrasher visited the Order of Eastern Star, which Simcoe Hall Crippled Child- will provide a two-way glass ren's School and Treatment window into the Speech4 Centre, Oshawa, on February Therapy room. Mrs. RickardI 19. They were shown through was very interested in thei the schooi and the many fa- audiometer in the speech cilities described and explain- tberapy room, which registers1 ed to themn by Mrs. W. Bal- the hearing capabilities of the four, Co-ordinator, and Mms. chiidren, while Mrs. Thrasher L. Zatzman, Speech Therapist. was especially interested in1 Mrs. Couroux presented Mrs. the eiectric typewriter de- signed for children who cati- not use their hands. 'Phese particular machines have been placed in the school as the direct result of a Memorial Fund for Walter Rickard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Rick- ard, and money received by Mrs. Tbrasher in lieu of gifts and corsages last year while visiting in the O.E.S. Chap- ters of District No. Il as their Deputy Grand Matron. KENDAL Miss Kathy Turansky was We went bowling on Feb. 22 It seemns that tthe growers home last week from the at Liberty Bowl in Bowman- on the Bill Adams farms are Western University to study ville. Aiso. on Fehruary 22, changing this year - the first up for examinationF. the Scouts had a toboganning of March. Mr. and Mrs. M. MVrs. Hatcher Foster and party. Wybenga and family from the Mrs. Bob Carruthers attended Miss C. W. Stewart attend- Sixth Line have moved near the wonderful Flower Show In ed the Flower Show at the Kendal ta the Percy Burley Toronto. O'Keefe Centre In Toronto. farm. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs. W. Mercer and Mrs. This show is sponsored by -the Vernon who have lived in the Eddie Couroux visited with Garden Club of Toronto and Burley bouse the past yeam the former's brother, Mr. Arth. for those who like flowers is have moved to Garden Hill. ur Grant in Uxbridge, Thurs- a most wonderful display. Recently cight Kendal ladies day. Mrs. G. E. Lofthouse, Mrs. attended, east o! Elizabethville, On January 22nd the Girl Hugh Scott of Whitby. also a Cameo Party at the home Guides visited the police sta- Miss Marion McKelvey visited of Mrs. D. Horner, who was tion. A hairdresser, Mrs. Dob- with Miss C. Stewart iast assisted by Mrs. Irene Gow o! son, gave the girls a few point- week. Whithy. Some fancy painted ers on bair dressing at their quilts, quilt tops as weli as Febmuary meeting. Last week, itrsmaypsolan Feb. 26, the Girl Guides went picues, anticespero nalan to Orono Cburch to watch up on display. They looked films about fîmes In one's home ioveiy. Quilt blocks, stamped. and In the fomest. From there transfers and tubes o! paint they went up to the fire sta- cudb ucae rodrd tion wheme the Fime Chie!. Ross coul d e prchae or ored Mercer, and two other men TbodteeI teatron sbowed the girls around. In the evening a door prize From thîsnwe oe tigfrwas drawn for. The ladies haveleamed ometing romwho bad booked a party also the experiences they went had a chance to win a stamped tbrough. This was given in tbe'oh oke n e by teirSecetar, Lndawerc served. Mrs. H. Foster Langstaff. ois baving a sbading party at Boy Scouts ber home Thumsday afternoon. by D. J. Henderson______ There were more out to February was not a busy Church and Sunday School, month. We invested Tim Mac-! Sunday morning. The service Donald and Assistant Scout Beautify Your Home was taken byy Rev. T. Snel- Master Alex Preston. David grove. He spoke on the Henderson and Billy Cathcart wt Treasures o! God, and took the received C halle n ge andi Bible rcading from St. John, Achievement Awards. TheI stamting at the 60th verse o! winter camp was called off be- W i the 6th chapter. He said Jesus cause of the severe weather. mu-l came not to destroy men's lives but to save them, and winning the county honors. also spoke o! fair weather Mrs. H. Muldrew and Mrs. ivasii fl VVa Christians. The choir sang H. Thickson attended the 11"Trust and Obey" with Mrs. leadership training classes fori W all Coveri"g A. Foster playing. The 'mums "Focus o Finishes" held at were placed there In memoery Omono, Thursday and Friday. o! Mrs. Thompson who passed Miss Hamill, our District Home What else can you wash with- away last year. The Church Economist, and Miss Lamp- out worrying about wear? Board met at the close o! the man, a previous leader, con- What else makes a room so service to discuss a new and ducted the class. intemesting topic. Word had Mm. and Mrs. John Quantrill pretty. vet s0 practical? been received that the "Pow- and family. London, returned What cisc but Wall-Tex vinyl ers That Be" wanted to know home after spending a week fabfic wallcoverings. if the Church Board would be Mm. reandiMes h.J.Fia Wall-Tex is a wonderful way willing to allow the Sunday Mr. nd Ms. J Fai andSchool to be used as a Kind- !amily, Pontypool, visited with Io decorate Living Rooms. .. emgarten (starting In Septem- ber paments, Mr. and Mrs. O. Difling Rooms ..-. Ltte Peo- berî for five days a week. Mercer on Sunday. ple's Rooms . .. Every room Most o! the Board seemed in Miss Helen Trew won at the in the house. We have stripes, favor of It but It was decided competed spa WitbyoneFriady prints, fois and soit flock to have them come to se iust compted t Whtby n Frdaywhat changes would be requir- Mr. and Mms. Robt. West- patterns. In Satinesque, ed before any decision or price heuser, Bowmanvifle, spent the Match Maker, Wall-O-Vin could be arrived at. Many of weekend at her home. and the new,% Open House the little folks using It would Mr. and Mrs. Keitb Long- Collection. Over 6MX patterns be from Kendal as most o! the year had Mr. and Mrs. W. villagers are young niarrled Longyear and Mm. and Mrs. to choose f romn. couples with familles. That Dean, as ell as rand rs.ofextra Kindergarten year Is a woolyas grandrens.o great help to the cbildmen when A. Thorndyke, Wesleyvlhle; B R E H ' hysatI tergur Miss E. Woodiey, Port Hope,PA T&WALAE school. and others, Sunday.PIT&W L E M. and Mrs. Jim Forth and Mrs. L. Nelson, Port Hope., 55 King SA W., their three children from grandmother o! little Mandy ' Oshawa moved Into Gordon was with Mm. and Mrs. Ai]ken Bowmanville Langstaff's other bouse on Sat- at, the services. urday. *The Canadia.n Statesman, Bowmanville, Mar. 3, 1989 CONSUMERS COUNT!. We join wilh the Consumers' Association cd Canada in helping 10 pticize the importance of of Canadian consumers in today's ecooomy. OMINION DOPMMNON STORES ULITEO Canada s Finest Red &Blue Brand NATURALLY AGED - GOVERNMENT INSPECTED SIRLOIN TBONE *STEAKS WING MEATY, EASY TO CARVE, FULL CUT RUMP ROAST Bittners Eurepean Style (Coli) POLISH SAUSAGE Bittners European Style (Vac Pack) HAM BOLOGNA Maple Leaf WIENERS Maple Leaf Pork & Bec! Breakfast SAUSAGE Maple Leaf BOLOGNA ,SHOP WMR'HCONFIDENCEII 10 Md Md Md w" um SOVERNENINSPECIDII FRESH LB. Haddock Fillets 69c lb. 89C lb. 69c 1-lb. Pkg. 53c I-1b. Pkg. 65c 16-oz. Pkg. 49c I Steer Beef 95! 8 9i Maple Leaf CHICKEN LOAF Maple Lea! Rindless Breakfast BACON 16-oz. pk[. 65C 1-1b. Pkg. 79c Maple Leaf 16-0z. Pkg. Macaroni& Cheese Loaf 6.5c Maple Leaf 4 - 2-oz. Pkgs. CORNED BEEF 89C Shopsy Famous 1-1b. Pkg. BEEF SAUSAGE 69C MAPLE LEAF GRADE "A" EVISCERATE] R oasting (hickens JMPORTED DANISH Plaice L B. 59C 1D and Over 49 i THICK TASTY LBa Smoked Fillets 59c F~RESH FROM FLORIDA, SWEET AND JUICY RED GRAP'EFRUIT 10 Sz 8 Scope - 12-oz. Bottie MOUTHWASH Bottie of 48s, Bufferin Tablets Feminine Napkins. Reg. or Susper KOTEX Lady Patricla - 12-oz. HAIR SPRAY SAVE 30o 99C SAVE 9c 79c Box o! 12 50C SAVE lic 88c ______________________________________________________ I Richmello Bakery Products1 Dominions Richmello - 16-oz. Loaf RAISIN BREAD Richmello - 12-oz. CHERRY CAKE ]Richmello - Pkg. of 12s YEAST DONUTS Richmello - 24-oz. Own SAVE 13e 2 for 45c SAVE 10o 39c SAVE 5e 44c SAVE 10e Mince or Blueberry Pies 49c Pkg. Pkg. Richmeilo of 65 of 12S Hot Cross Buns 35c 65c Frozen Domijno FANCY PEAS Foods 2-lb. Bag 39c1 Domino French Cut lO-oz. Pkg. GREEN BEANS. 5 for $1.00O Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade CARROTS 3 Ontario Hot House - Canada No. 1 Grade CUCUMBERS Ontario Grown - Canada No. 1 Grade - Tender, WliId Waxed TURNIPS U.S. Extra Fancy Grade - From Onegon - Red Delicious Apples 5fi For the Lenten Menus - Tasty Lemon Juice 59C Ibs. 19c King Size 23c lb. 6c Size 113'8 for 59C 5-o2. 29c Post Alpha Bits - 10-oz. Pkg. SAVE 6o CEREAL 39c Carnation - Pkg. o! 6 Envelopes SAVE 10e INSTANT BREAKFAST 66c Dole Crushed or - lO-oz. Tin SAVE 35e Tid Bits Pineapple 6 for $1.00 Catelli - 7V'A-oz. Pkg. SAVE 15e Macaroni & Cheese 12c Domino Fancy - 19-oz. Tins SAVE 14e TOMATO JUICE 7 for $1.00 Domino Blue - 4-lb. Pkg SAVE 10o Powdered DETERGENT 89c Heinz - 19-oz. Tin Alphabet Spaghetti 5 for $1.00 Budget One Ply - 4 Roll Pkg. SAVE 4c Baithroom Tissue 45c Stuart House - Envelope SAVE 10e Chicken Noodie Soup 3 for 20c Monanch Parchment - 1-lb. SAVE 30e MARGARINE 3 for5,9C FREE PARKING Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturday, March 8, '69, in Bowmanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT To LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'fil 9 p.m. 3M1 NION DOMINION STORES LIMITED King St. and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. Z. East)- R- - M-J ýh 1 à