Social & £Piersonal Phone 623-3303 Mrs. J. W. Braden, Treder- lck Ave., bas rcturned from a wcek'a vacation ini Tampa, Florida. Miss Addie Sylvester of Huntsville was a weekend gucat ai ber cousin, Mns. A. E. Blllett, Town. * Miss Fhorence Werry and 1%&s. A. E. Billett-wcre supper guests oi Mns. Theron Mount- joy, Hampton, on Saturday. Mr. Bill Depcw, Queen's 'Univerity, Kingston, spent tbc weekend with bis mother, Mns. Tom Depew. and brother Bud. Mn.anid Mns. Arthur Grlgg, Third Street, rcturned home Monday evening from a mail pleasant montb's holiday at Acapulco, Mexico. Miss Tina H u ghles, St. MIchoel's Hospital, Toronto, apent Uic weekend with bei' parente, Mr. and Mns. Glen- holme Hughes, King St. East. Mr. and Mns. Arnold Etcher, Orciardview Bld., spent the weekend li Kingston visitin'g their daughter Susan, who is a student at Quecn's Uni- versity. Bowmanviile Lions Club Hockey Draw: March 5. Sam McPhee, S. R. James; Mardi 8, Bruce Adams, Gord Moor- craft; March 15, Steve Foster, Ray Crombie. Sunday visitors witb Mr'. and Mrn. Joe Levett, Liberty Place, were Mrs. Levett's aunt, Mrs. Frank Eggleton ofý Foxhoro, and Mr'. and Mrs. Lynn Fair of Uxbridge. Councillor Les Coombes and Mrs. Coombes spent the week- end at Belle River with tiheir daughter, son - li - law and grandidaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Auch and Cheryl. Mrs. Jack Dunn, Mrs. Ros HaUlowell and Mrs. John Kil- leen of Bowmanville Nursery School attended the Day Nur- series Workshop held in St. Andrew's Churdi, Oshawa, on * Saturday. Mns. C. R. Slemon of Colo- rado Springs, Colorado, and Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Siemon of * Toronto were weekeeid guests of their brother and sister-in- law, Dr. and Mrs. Keith SIc- mon and Mark. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lamant, Simpson Ave., were Mr. and Mii. George Snowden, Kelly and j Shelley of Westbr'aoke, and Mr. and Mns. Ray Tamlin, Mommy and Cindy of Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. AI. Elllott, Steven and Lloyd, Whitby, were Sunday supper gueste with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Lamb's Lane, and then spent the evenlng witb Mr. and Mrn. Ross Clark, High Street. Congratulations tb Misses Roacmary Killeen anid Brenda Brock, Shaw's, on placing first and third in the Junior Division of Public Speaking in Darllngton at the competi- tion beld recently at the M. J. Habbs Sohool. Mns. A. L. Hooey, Llberty St. North, was hostess for an aftern>oon tea last Saturday afternoon in honor of Misa Nancy Newby of Toronto, flancee of Mr. Tom Masan, sonl 0f Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Mason, Hlgh Street. On Saturday, March let, Mr. and Mrs. L. Trul. Hendry Apartments, King St. East, celebrated their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary with their famxly at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Barron, Hamp- ton. Mrs. K. Seymour spent Fni- day and Saturday et tbe borne of her daughter Ruth and son- in-law Reg. Gibson and fam- ily, Newcastle, anid Sunday wlth her daughter Ethel, son- In-law Dan Hall, and grand- children Lori and Kelley, Orono. A card arrived this week at REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugog Street Minier: Rev. A. Vandenflcrg, B.A., B.D.. M.TII. Phone 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.rn. 11:15 anm. Sunday School Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 &.m. «"Everyone Weloorne" the Statesman office from Mr.1 and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur of Hampton wbo are holidaying at the Driftwood Motel, Miami Beach, FIorida. The card was dated Tuesday, Pcb. 25tb, a few days mter their arnival, anud on the Monday the temperature was 75 de- grecs. The Wilburs are luckler than those who bolidayed earlier ln February when the temperature waa very cool We hope thc nice weather continues for fhem - it'saa long way ta go and flot b. able to enjay thie aunshine. Mr. and Mrn. Clif Evans and Mna. Pat Walker we delegates to the Jewish- Christian Dialogue Confer- ence held recently iTarante. The delegates were made up of equal numbers of Angli- cane, Roman Catholics, United Church members and Jews- aven 200 in ail. Many out- standing religious leaders took part including Rabbi Gunther Plaut, Blshop L. Garnsworthy, Rev. A. Mac- Queen, Ex-Moderator of thc United Church, and Fr. A. Gibson af St. Michael's Col- lege. This was a real Ecu- me'nical experience with dele- gates participating li round- table discussions, as well as attending together Uic ser- vices of Havdolah in Haly Blossom Synagogue, Mass ln Haly Rosary Catbolic Church, and Evensong at the Anglican Grace Church - on - thc - Hill where thc prayers wene led by United Church and Presby- terian ministers. OBTTUARY C. V. (CLARY) EDMUNDS The final inspectai' for On- banio Hydro ln the Oshawa district, C. V. (Clary) Ed- munds, 360 King St. E., died Pcb. 26 at the Oshawa General Hospital. He was ln his 701h year. Born August 10. 1893. ln Port Hope, the deceased was marrled -in Port Perry in 1919 and had lived in Oshawa since that time. Priai' to his retire- ment ln 1949 be was an cmn- ployee of Ontario Hydro for 33 years. Pollowing bis retire- ment hie establlshed a low nental apartment home ln Ux- bridge for old age pensioners. Mr. Edmunds was a mcm- ber of St. Andrew's United Church and a former eIder. Prcdeceased, Nov. 3, 1966, by [bis wife, the former Merle Taggart. be la survived by a son, James of Boutilier's Point, Nova Scotia; a sister, Mrs. Robin Belt (Louise) of Toron- to and a brother, Jack, af Oak- ville. The funeral service was bcld March 1, at the McIntosh- Anderson Puneral Home. Rev. John Morris conducted the service. Interment wau ln Mount Lawn Cemetcry. Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Fund as expressions ai sympathy would b. appreciat- ed. TYRONE Manch meeting of Tyrane U.C.W. wlll b. held at the home of Mra. John Rundie on March 12th at eigbt o'clock sharp. The guest speaker will be Mr. Webster, Vice Princi- pal of bbc M. J. Hobbs School, Hampton. All members are urged ta attend and bring a friend or nedghbor to become more iniormed about the sen- ior public scbool of Darling- toin. Please remember your article for the auction sale at this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare were ln Cobourng lait Monday attending thc funeral af Mr. Gilbert Wicks. There werc 18 tables of Euchre on Friday night in Tynone Cammunity H all. Pnizes were won by Mi'. John Broome, Mrs. Cla.ra Ewen, Mrs. George Alldrcad, Mr. Richard )Gibbs, Mrs. Robert Cameron and Mrs. Edna Viv- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., A.T.C.M. SUNDAY, MARCH9, 1969 11:00 a.rn. "SEVEN WORDS AROUND THE CROSS: (5) THAT 0F THE.CENTURION" Rev. Geo. K. Ward CHUECH SCROOL 930 a.rn. - Junior, lunfrredlate and Senior 11:00 arn. - Deginners 2:00 p.rn - Young People's Mernbership Clat 8:00 p.rn. - Biblical Draina on the Purpose of Lif. - In the Church Hall- L Social Rour to follow. Golf Clinic Proves Most Popular Bowmanvillc Country Club's new professional Dave Zink and the town's Recreation Dept. headed by Bud Fanning, launched a golf clinic here on Monday at the high school that obviously was a welcome addition ta the recreation pragram. Surprisingly, only seven young golfers showed up for the early. class, but the laten clinic was overwhelmed by 33 aduits. Professional Zink is shown here giving pointers on the proper grip to one of t] clinic will continue next Monday for several weeks. bis mothen, Mns. Eva McCoy. World Day aif rayer willl be obsenvcd li Tynone United Chunch on Friday, March 7th, aI Iwo o'clock. Special guesîs1 will take part in a dialogue.j Everyone is weîcomc. Tea will1 be scnved. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smith and Elaine, Part Hope, Mn. and Mns, K. MeQuaid and Danny, Oshawa, Miss Kathy Hoar, Oshawa, and Mn. John Han- mer, Bowmanville, weoee week- end visitora aif Mr. and Mrs.1 A. J. . oar, . .. - 1 1 Sympathy la cxtended ta Mr. and Mrs. G. Astley ai Audley, fonmenly ai Tyrone, on bbc deatlh ai thein daugh- ter Jeanette. Tyrone L.O.B.A. No. 1244 met aI their regulan meeting Pebruary h9th, with Worthy Mistress in thc chair. An invi- tation ta visit Bowmanvillc L.O.B.A. forn their annual bithday meeting, Maréh 24tb, was accepteq. Plans were made for an initiation at oui' neguhar meeting on Mardi 19. Some local lodgcs bave been invited. At the close af bbc ladge meeting, lunch wos served. SMn. and Mns. Clinton Eng- lish and Faul wenc Sunday visitons wilh Mns. Wallace Miler aI bbc home of Mr. and Mns. Roy Maynard. Tbey aIea called an Mn. and Mrs. Doug- las Miller, Debbie and Glenn. Further tobbcelEst af church oificers appearing in last week's Statesman, thie Stew- ards arc as iollows: Mr, Paul Vaneyk, Mrs. John Jobnston, Mn. Douglas Southwehh, Mn. Sid Cornish, Mr. James Wood- hey, Mn. Walter Lovenidge, Mrs. Ray Davey treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Byam were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beckett, Osbawa. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Park, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Byam werc Thursday dinnen guesîs of Mr. and Mii. W. Miller, Orona. and accompanied them ta, a Euchrc in the Odd Fel- laws Hall sponsarcd by the Horticultural Society. Mn. and Mns. J. E. Gniff in, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Rahm and cbildren and Mna. Foul Woolner, Ajax, visted Mn. and Mns. Walter Rahm. Mns. Alex Pergen and son Brian, Stoney Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Rahm, Bunketan, were Sunday visitora witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm. Congratulations ta Mr. Char- ence Waodlcy Who bas been li thc sawmill business fifty ycars tUis week. M.ns. Annie Hathcrîy celc- bnatcd hen 88th birthday on Tuesday, Pcb. 25th, at bbc home ai Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard. Duning bhc day Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hatberly, New- tonville. Mn. Clarence Hathen- ly, Long Brandi, Mn. and Mns. Harry Hathcrly sud Karen, Toronto, called la sec thein mother. Mr. and Mns. Frank Hatherly, Lakevlew, were un- able to be present due tal- ness, but Mra. Haîhcrly ne- ceàved a tceehoni caîl from Franik.Ithe lgtllght ci the occasion was a beautîful birth- day cake made by Mns. H&Mr Hatherly. M an y beautdiu carde and gifle wenc receaved from family sud friends. Af- tennoon teen guetta durlng the1 week were Mns. Edna Pbilp, Mnr. Jean Abrama. Mns. Edna Wood, Kim Vaneyk and Mrs. Donald Davcy. Mii. Hather- îy in feeling fie and cnjoyed a happy U e *- HAMI People in this area includ-1 ing your correspondent, who: have a son or daughter sta-« tioned somewhere in the1 Maritimes, can take heart that this week in Ottawa Post-1 master-General Eric Kierans was asked ta speed up the delivery of mail from Ontario ta the Atlantic provinces. Melvin McQuaid, P.C. <Cardi- gan) said "Deivery of the me . frop central Canada is so slow that we rnay as well be living in Siberia." Speaking of the Maritimes, the recent production here "The Boy Friend" is now Ini rehearsal at the Neptune1 Theatre In Halifax.1 A basketball tournament' was held on Friday at M. J.i Hobbs Senior Public Schoolg between the house leagues.i Dhe winners were Girls, Green House; Boys. Red House. Supper was also serv- cd, followed by a daince withi the music being provided by a graup called "The Wild Outus.1' A sihower was held on Mon-i day evening in the C. E. Boom1 of the oburch for Miss Linda1 Patter. Seated with ber for1 the occasion were ber motherj and sister Joanne; also help- ing show ber many lovely and useful gifts was ber cousin Louanne Potter from Salem. The sbower and lunch after- wards wae provlded by neigh- W"Y' The Christian Science monitor recomnnends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper keeps yot In- i formed of what's happening in youri area-community events, public meetings, stories about people in yottr vlcinity. These you can't - and Shouldn't -*do wthout. NOW TUE MONITOR COMMENT$S VOUR LOCAL. PAPER The Monitor specializes in analyzing and interpreting national and would news . . . with exclusive dispatches f rom one of the Iargest news bu- reaus in the nation's capital and :ffom Monitor news experts in 40 overseas countries and ail 50 States. TUY THE MONITOR - irt À PAPEN THE WNOLE FAMILY WILL ENIOY Tii CbrîsUas S"ne@ MORite One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Mlme start gy Monitor sbscrlptlon for' the poriod ced bolow. 1 enclose $_(U.S. funds). 131 YaAR$26 []6 murtM $13 03 -, n1$650 iM Co" mmomm amp Teachers Meet in Newcastle ;he maie participants. The The teachers ai the Clarke- Newcastle district met in the Newcastle school for their February session on Februany ~TON 17, 1989. PT O NAftci' the routine business bours, Mrs. Elinor Terrill, discussion the gnoup adjourn- Mrs. Isabelle Payne, Mrs. B' cd ta noomes set aside for Pningle. Mrs. Mona Adcack t!ieir panticlar beacbing divi- also hclpcd serve. sion. Primary membena, led by Communicant classes are MissRose, discussed tapie, being started Uiis Sunday units, and bbc carnelation of evening. Any yaung boys or Social Studies wlth other girls 12 on aven on any adult subjects. Sources for valuable wishing to become a member reference materials w er e ai thc church, should contact pointed out. Bey. A. Cresswell. The tapie af methods was Spring bas arrived. "Not by alsocarried on li bhc Junior the calendar" you say. Weil, division. Hene Mns. Tampkins Mrs. Clu f Terrill can show pncsented Uic gnoup with you a scene ta make you vaniaus games and new ways change your mind; she bas ta make ohd openatians inter- Johniny Jumpups in bloom. esting, in Math. Mrs. Higgins also reports she Mr. Golden again maintain- bas crocuses out. Anathen cd Uic intercst ai bbc Senior flower lover, Mrs. Helen group with a demonstrationi White also bas a few early in soap carving. Members ahi arrivais. Due la bbe fact that trled some Eskimo Sculpture diffenent kind oi flowers bave but lV's not for sale. diffeirent talerances ta en- vironmental co nd it io ns i1 would seem that these carl y BITIJARY arrivais like oui' cimate very JOSIAN AVERY much. The death of Josiah Avery, Spning bas also brougbt out aged 93 years, occurned at Me- some spirited young lads with morial Hospital, Bowmanvtlle, BB guns. Birds are fun and on Sunday, Pebnuary 16, 1969, useful as well. Tbey pay their folowIng an illnesaf three way in the pleasure bhey wecks. bring as wdll as in insect con- Son of the late Arthur and trol. Sa, boys he's use a tan- Sarah Avery, be was bornnaI gel and leave the birds ahane, Bunkelon and attendcd achool alright? at Haydon and aIse Andien's Scbool In Cartwright Town- The church sermon deliven- ship. On December 11, 1901, cd on Sunday by Bey. A. ho mannled the former Mai'- Cresswell was "Lave's Lait goret Cherry who prcdeccased Appeal." The chlldren's story hlm niany ycars ago. was "The Ring ai bbe Wind" A farmer, Mr. Avery bad whiah was enjoyed as much resided on Concession 10 In by the adult congregation as Uic Township af Danington il was by Uic bilîdren who for 38 years, and netired 28 were present. The choir's ren- years ago. He was a member dition ai "River ai Grace" ac- af Bunketon United Churcb. companicd by Mn. Douglas Surviving are tbres daugh- Dcweîl wos rmost bcoutifu.lly ters and anc son, Mns. Cecil donc. T-Day, with 'T' stand- Brunt (Iva) af Brighton, Mrs. ing for Turkey supper, wil] Russell Larmen (Rhoda) ai be hchd in March. Tic- Bunketon, Gardon Avery of kets are available fromn Ed Litle Britain and Mns. Har- Barry 263-2192, Ralh Ballard aId Larmer (Florence) of 263-2034, Steve Artymn 263- Bunketan. 265, H. A. Barran's Store 263- The funenal service was 2251. There will be Uiree sit- hehd on Wednesday, Fcbnuary tings. l9tb from the Morris Funeral Mr. and Mirs. Fred Holroyd, Chapel, Bawmanviile, and wae William and Lynette, werel conducled by Rev. Pbiliip Sunday supper guesîs ai Mrs.' Rameril. Temporary entomb- Hoiroyd's parents, Mn. andý ment was In Bethesda Cerne. tcry Vault. Burial wil be In Mns. Amas Brookham, Osh- Hampton Cemetery. awa.1 Palibearers, aIl grandsons of Mr. Joseph Stychahski, Ton- the deceascd, were Mesuré. onto, Mr. Larry Hearn, Black- Gordon Brunt, Toronto. Gil- stock, wcre Sunday callera at bert Avery, Little Britain; Uic Holnoyd home. Donald Larmer, Peterborough; Mn.anid Mrs. William Hol- Kenneth Larmer, Park 11111: rayd, Joanne and Judy, Bow- Lawrence Larmer, P anr y manville, were Salurday even- Sound ond Grant Larmer, ing visitons at Mrs. Dorix Hal- Bunkelon. royd's. Sunday caliers aI ber Among the numerous hovely home were Mr. and Mns. floral takens. evidence of the Frank Holroyd and family esteem In wbicb Uic deceased Bowmanville. ' was beld, was anc irom the Mn. and Mrs, Ted Chant, Christian FeilowshIp Church, accompanied by Mrs. Grace Little Bnitain. Bantindale, wcre Sunday visi- tors ai Mrs. Bartindahe's dau- Tt ghtcr and son-in-law, Mr. and ruNTYPOOL Mrs. Kernohan, St. Thomas. Mi's. Grace Chant and Mns. Il in wltb regret that we Grace Bartindale also attend- hear t.hal Mn. Tommy White cd thie Flowcr Show etthebclà: in very pon bcalth and a O'Kccfe Centre on Soturday. patient lI a Toronto hospital. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Rog- Mns. Earl Gllbanks and ers, David, Donald, Mark and Cauncîllor Alvin Mitchell are Joan, Min. Johný Rogers Si'., now home afler spendlng Mr. Werner Walnroff. Misa smre timc in Ross Memorial. Doreen Bryant, Mr. and Mns. Hospital, Lindsay. Mn. Percy Hienz Netten attcnded the Rodgers bas alo been dis- wedding ai Mn. Jim Ragera chargcd rm sarne hospital. ta Miss Susan Hazzard. Scar- Our local hockey team con- borough, on Friday evening cludcd their 1968-69 achedule at Chuf Creat United Church. by wlnuibig thefr last lbague Mn. Terry Shuttleworth, son game 4-0 in Port Penny, Sun- of Mi'. and Mrs. Dennis Shut- day. In this yean's ichedule tIewortb. Iook as hia bride on they won 18 out af 20 gamea. Saturday Mien Lounene Gat- They stantthe cphayoffu next ci*îl aI Uic Cbht ai of1he Suniday 'when thcy meet Beth- Nat.tvity n Toronto. any. Ma Canolyn DoweUl, North, Mr. Harvey MeQuoid bas. IYork Regonal School of Nurs- Ing, waa at home this weèk- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy DewcI. Mr.and Mr& Percy Dewefl werc Sun- day visitons af Msrs. Norrn Samis and Mrn. Fred Couch, Newcastle. Many frlends of Mn. and Mn. Lorenzo Truil, fornerly of Hampton, effer their hearty congratulationsa to them on the occasion af theii- golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wilcox and Donald at- tended Uic celebratian for them hcld at Mr.and Mns. Reg. Rackham's, Windsor Dr., Pickering. Many will remem- ber Mi'.. Hogarth as the dau- ghten of a former pastor, Rev. and Mns. Walter Rackham. Mr. and Mrn. Harold Sal- ter's Sunday callers were Mn. and Mrn. William 'Young, Bridgcnortii, and Mn. and Mrs. Harold Fossy, Toronto. March la Red Cross month! Red Crois work la carrled out by thousands af volunteers and made possible by contri- butions through the annual appeal for funds. Sa, be ready for your Red Cross canvasser when shc cails. "Good thinga happen" . . . when you help! Friends ai Mn. Laverne Cie- mena and Mr. Cluf Coulter wlll be pleased ta heer they are bath making progness and arc much improved. Mr'. and Mi'.. Laverne Clemena recent- ly attended a shower at Uic home oý Mn.anid Mrs. Ron. Alder, Bowmanville. Saturday afternoon callers at thc A. W. Pnescott's werc Mn. and Mns. WiIl Ashtan, Cae- sanea, Mr. and Mrs. John Car- rigan and Douglas, Oshawa. Mr. and Mi-s. Gardon Boyce, Peterborough, werc Sunday callers. Dr. and Mns. Kelth Blllett and Steven, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mns. Nobel Stephenson, John and Paul, Bunlington, were Sunday callers on Mrs. Stela Balson. Supper gucats of Mns. Balson were Mn. and Mrn. Leslie Hookin. And nemember: A man wbo emplies bis purse inta bis "head" finds no man con take it away from hlm. An invest- ment li knowledge always pays Uic best Intercît. Bye now, sec you nexl week! I The Canadilan Statemman, Eowmanvfle. Mar. 5. 19697 Courtice S. S. Activities sold his home here and wll b. moving ta Oshawa about Apnil 151ta a home there they recently punchased. Mr.and Mns. Chuf Olver of Woadbridge visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Chuck Albin and children wcre gucatsaio thc Paynes on Sunday. Reeve Wilson Reaallp, Dep-1 uty Reeve Malcolm. Council- lors Wiifred Richardson and R. J. Payne, Clerk Ross Da- vidmon and Road Supt. Mau- rice Bradley attended the On- tario Good Roeds Convention at Uic Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto, hast week. The sales of farms for building lots gaI a jolt recent- ly in Cavan Twp. when a Restraining Order waî passed by Uic Gavernment. Many propertica bod been sold and many surveycd. Rumore that Millbrook area was ta be- came a satellite city have at least been tcmpoaaily squashed. Durham County Club of Toronto are holding a "'Man- vers" night at their next monlbly meeting, Mancb 28th, in Toronto. Plans are being mnade ta try and sponsor a bus load ta, attend Ibis afiair.' Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Brown motoned to Kemptville where thein son Donnie is attending Agricultural College there. Ail students wcrc competing In different events. Donnle At asat after the niany and long bard hours spent casting, rehearsing, maklng scenery, props, and in general, per- fecting, the Courtice Second- ary School Drama Club will proudly be presenting their resulta on Mardi Sthl, eth and 7th. The three crne-act plays which will begin at 8 p.m., should, without doubt, provide audiences with an evening of fine entertalnment. In order to help provide next year's club with the essential funds, a small admission of 50c for students and 75c for aduits won Uiechcampionsbip ln onc af thbe potato classes. Winncrs at tbe Progressive Euchne on Friday evening werc Mrs. Keith Stinson, Mesar. Verdun Lethangue, Raymnond Murphy and Ralph Hyhand._ will be cbanged. On Monday, March loth. numerous students WIll b. dismissed at 3 p.m. ta enjoy Uic camedy team, profession. ally called the Iowa Ghosts ln a game ai boskctbaif against tbc teachers and the Boys' Senior Basketball teamn. Il shou.ld be a spectacle worth seeing, sa for those students wbo as af yet bave not pur. chased a ticket, remember that tickets are still avallable at $1.00 each! In conclusion 1 would 11k. to nemlnd students thot the Ginl's Gymnastic Club is look- ing forward to a great deal of support came Mardi 29, whidi marks Uic date af Uic LOSSA campetitions ta be held at Courtice again tbis year. A spark of cntbusiasmn frorn 'fellow students' would indecd be appreciated! PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SAT., MARCH 15 99c SLE Extr-DryAnti-iperopfrant ARRID D 1î.9 value for 1.44 99C PEPTO » BISMOL CEPACOL Sugg. lia 99 Mouthwash sud Gargle ff Suggested liai 1.40 99 WHITE RAINShampoo by Tonl 9 BHE RAYG;Suglniet .9 99C HAPPY FACE BAYER CREST LlNE-A-PLATE Washlng Crearn 99 Decongesiant Capsules9 c Sugteated liai 1.35 99 FamlIy Sîse Toothpaate ff Suggstedliai 1.25 99 Denture Liner 9~ SSudden Beauty su g. is 1.9 9cI PONDS Medicated Lotion Sugg,. liai 89c sugg. liai 1.69 71c 1.33 TrEK Deluxe Toothbrushes S696 2099c 3 Roll "THRIFTAPE" Cellulose Tape 1.77 valuesf for 1.18 99C KOTEX ir e99C "BOUTIQUE"'# Facial TissuesI Sugg. liai 350 3o"0 ITRY OUR "WHILE-YOU-SHOP"' PRESCRIPTION SERVICE ALKA-SELTZER Sugg. liai 7 NEW DAWN Ram lor 2251,77 BUFFERIN LISTERINE BEN « GAY 49 Tablets sugg, niti 850 Anieptie 7i oz. Sugg. liât 85c à o&. Lotion suggested liai 1.19 69C 63c 99C LYSOL SPRAY S~~i1.39 SCORE $8e value for 90o 77c FIX-A-P LAIE sDenit ear1.9869 AGAROL BRONCHIDA BRONCHIDA BRONCHIDA Farnlly Laxative 16 os. Sum ,liai 1.45 9 9 COUIK NsyRtU? COLD CAPSULES CREST RUS i. PENATEN CREAM sugg. liaI 22.17 BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE sonZ. liai ' 1.25 1.07 KLEENEX »"BOUTIQUE" BATHROOM TISSUE SUEZ. ual Twin 902 Packu 69c 85 c L'L OUBLE EDGE SCnick BAE 8 .5 10wih 2 15 with 3 blades FREE blades FREE Sugt. liai 1.45 Sugg. liai 1.89 1.13 1.63 THERE'S LESS TO PAY AT, I.D.A. I.DA. REMEDIES' ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS PHONE 423-5792 63c r rr1j PERTUSSIN Compound 8 Cough Syrup SurZ. lât 1.12 sugg. l 1.69 99c 1.33 FLUSHABYES Economy Packc 48's Newbom Med. or Todd. Butz, liat 2.29 Sug, liai2.49 1.992,,09 PRESCIPTIONS s RING ST.. W. by SUE RODESKY 1