-- ", r p --,--. - **I~"~ - 4V' t SPORTopucs Dy Frank Mohun 4=-7234 WIN CHAMPIONSIF! A goal with only 17 seconds rernainig i regulation ie, Save Crystal Dafry a 3-2 vlctory over Robson Motors, Thurs- day night. Crystal took the best cf five series, three games to one to capture the Town Hockey League championshlp. ti. t t 1 t1 NO GAME SUNDAY There wlll b. no gane Ini the Commercial Hockey League hnais aits Easter weekend, wlth thie fourth gaine of thie best et five champlonship seriez, gated for one week from this Sunday - a mornnng encou.ter at 9-30. Walter Frank Real Estte downed Bryson's Smokc Shop 7-4, Sunday, to take a 2-1 lead In the final round. tt t t ft t AIL EVEN! The third and dccldlng gainehI the bcst of three Town Basketball League finals was played last nigait at the High Sehool gymnasium. A report appears elsewhere ini the States- man, but too late to be Included in this colunin. Aller droppung thie opener to Hooper's Jeweilery 39-27, defcndhng champion Stephen Fuels, dftplaying a complete reversai cf forni dawned Hooper's 49-30, last week ta even thie serez. t î- t ti t WIN ANOTHER TOURNAMENT With two Bowrnanvillc teams currently In Ontario final play, il seenis that wc have yet another outstanding crop cf hockey players on Uie way, as Preston the Mover came up, with another tournament win over the weekend. The local lads swept ail hanors in the Novice Tourna- ment at Trenton on the weekcnd, culninating in a 4-0 victory over Gananoque ii Uic grand championship, on Sunday afiernoon. Saturday nght, Preston's downed Lindsay 5-2, and It just so Ifappens that Lindsay is the team that put Bowmian-J ville out of the O.M.H.A. playoff s. That victory gave the Movers Uic tille in their division. Steve Tamblyn earned bis second shut-out in a 9-0 semi- final win over Ajax, whlle young Tommy Fowler playlng bis tirsI full gaine between the pipes posted an 8-0 shutout over Port Hope in Uic first gaine of the day. Brian Martin led thie way wlth 11 points, on five goals and six assists, with Barry Brunt and Bill Leaman each scorlng five tumes and settlng Up two others. Ralpai Cryderman had four goals and two assists, with Ted Puk scaring twlce and assisting on two more. Jim Hutton had two goals and anc asait, single goals going ta Barry Livingstone, Ian Wilcox, Gary Nernilsz and Gerald Brunt. t. t t t t SOFTBALL Anyone lnterested i paying I the Men's Town League softball this sumnier should contact cither of thie following as soon as possible- Lloyd Hamilîton, Jack Parker, Butch Cole, Vern Grubin and Councillor Colin Cooke. t t t t t Ladies' Softball "Knapp's Towing"l team will hold practices en Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at the higai school. The day was emltted from the notice lest week. Ail ages welcome. Night Hawks Bowling Tcam Standing J. Matrs Y. Young J. Rowe _____ IP. Bruce _____ K. Campbell D. Sallows ______ Over 225 J.Matrs __ r. Atai Rngh Triple B. Charland __ Average% J. Mairs 196, J. Shearer1 J. Rowe 187, P. Bagnel K. Campbell 177, C. Bate 176, ID. Cochrane 174, A. Bans 174, S. Gay 173, B. Charland 173, F. Bruce 172, A. Larusso 171, M. Crago 171, B. Wilbur 169, M. Leuscainer 169, D. Ogden 168, M. Brinklow 165, M. Oven- den 163, A. Burgess 162, 1. Wright 160, E. Mitchell 158, F. Land 154, K. Raîston 154. C. Marchant 154, L.. Burgess 152. E. Coombes 152, D. Sel- lows 151, A. Perfect 149, W. McNeil 148, B. Nimigan 137, D. DeVos 137, D. Peter 133, Y. Young 131, P. Broome 129, M. Fowler 116. (0F Bowling Friday, Mareh 28 Jini Robinson rolled 772 for high triple and George Mar- shall rolled 715 and Rau Brock 701. For higli single George Marshall had 299. Dianne McReelis look hlgh honours with 645 and 264. Team Standings No. Names Pins Pt&. 6. J. Macnab - 36931 57 5. G. Ritter - 36205 55 8. N. McKecn 36656 51 2. R. Brock 35904 51 10.D. Deccis- 35438 50 3. C. Morgan 36262 47 1. G. Marshall- 36221 43 7. D. Nolan 36026 36 4. B. Marshall- 35946 24 9. G. Prout 34304 30 Well teanis there is just three more weeks to bowl, and it is aeybody's champion- ship for the second haîf. Best of luck tealal the Icams. Foundry Bowling Marcai 25th Team Standings Teamx Points Pins Screwballs -___ 57 39774 Soreheads _-___50% ~38033 Headpins 471/ 38396 Alleycats 27 37166 Averageo Norni Cowle 211, Bruce Smith 205, Bob Smith 202, Jim McKeight 202, Frank Drinkle 202, Murray Adamis 197, Marg Smith 193, Gary Woolner 187. Bob Golder 183, John Luffman 182, Alan Cale 173, Gloria Smith 172, C. Whyte 172. Frank Smith 171, Joan Golder 171, Susan Alloway 171, Ada Adams 166, Barb Gilkes 164. Muriel Drlnkle 164, C. Knapp 164, Bannie Woolner 163, Linda Adams 161, Eve Woolner 159, Ernie Gilkes 157, Dot Bridger 143, Oliver Knapp 143, Colson Woolner 142, Lorme Rehder 136: 111gb Single - Men Bruce Smth 232-308-219. Frank Smith 251. Nomni Cowle 259-207, Gary Woolner 243, Colson Wolner 266, F'rank Smith 211, Murray Adams 212- 293, John Luffman 213-275, Ernie Gilkes 201, Bob Smith 273, Jim McKnIght 241, Alan Cale 286. HIgh Triple - Men Bruce Smith 759, Murray Adams 674, John Luffman 664, Norn Cowle 654, Bob Smith 621. Alan Cale 620, Frank Drnekie 612. Higai Single - Women Marg Smith 276-229, Gloria Smith 209-233, Joan Golder 216. 111gb Triple Marg Smith Smith 607. - Women 675, Gloria fi@ Canadian Statesman. Bownvfle, Apr. 2~, UE Referees Busy Being Peacemakers During Midget Game When a couple of healthy, young and big hockey lard of Hespeler, hidden behind players, began a battle. players get into a hassle on the ice, the off iciaIs have Officials Ralph Spadafore and John Sadowski rushed the responsibility of trying to cool them out . .. not in and held both scrappers on the ice until tempers an enviable task. This happened here on Saturday had subsided enough to let them Up. No damage was night during the Hespeler-Bowmanville game when done but both players spent considerable tirne for Dave Colwell, lying on the ice at right and Bob Mal-I reflection in the penalty box. Third Game Here Tonight ris 5. Lewis 2; Whitehead .4, ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___Davey 3. Mountjoy ________52 Team Standing Witehead _______48 Midgets Lose Fierst Two of Finals Morris__ 46 Peairson ________40 As Hustling Hespeler Outskate T. Payne »ih itl 2 SDavey -217 EnoutesL.Whi ___ad202 Them in Hard-Fought Ec____ Hg -ril W.Mountjoy ______6071 by David Goheen essisted goal. Thie game re- meiced deadlocked with the Tonight (Wednesday, April dlock nunnning out. 2) could be thc final gaine of The teexns wcre given e thie season for thc McGnegor brief rest, then played 10 I.D.A. Midgcts! If they sheuld minutes of stop-lime, oven- be able to win this game then time hockey. Bowmanville taie faurtai game of Uic 3 out shawed brief bursts of re- of 5 series will be played Sat- îumning to farm, but Dave urday, April 5h, i Bowman- Peace scorcd a goal with Mike ville, wilh gaine lime at 7 p.m. Nugent asslstlng. Bowman- Thie filtai and deciding game ville tried to tic laie gaine, but wMl be played in Hespeler were unable ta do so as lime April 6th with Uic gaine tinie rnoto h set et 2:30. The HespelerraeutoUim Legionaires now Iead the ser- In Hespeler on Sunday. Uic les 2 tao0 by the 3 ta 2 over- I.D.A. team was humiliated lime win hene Seturdey and 7 ta 4 by Hespeler. laie 7 to 4 win thene on Sun- Thie openlng period was day. sconeless as each team dis- On Selurday nigait et Uic played same excellent stick- local erena, taie îwo teanis handling and back-checkicg. skaed out an the ice deter- Bob Willoughby made some mincd ta be the finst tearni o excellent saves to keep the gel a g al. Bath goallenders score on an even keel. With wee bnilliant between the Dan Cowle out with e broken pipes. with Randy Neatai of an, they used Bruce Simp- Hespeler havlng ta corne up son an the defence ta meke with sanie brilliant saves, as two lines. Thie previaus night Bowmanville showed their the three defencemen rotaled power. Bob Wiloughby was with each mac steying out for also excellent between taie two shifts. John Woods, Paul Cies. Bob didnt have as miany Wiens, Larny Aluin and Steve key saves, but when Hespeler Forsey visiled taie sic-bic for stiarted la skate and pess the minon infractions. puck, then Bob had ta make In Uic second, Hespeler meny key saves. showed their scoring punch as Deug Parker et laie 12:23 Bawmanville cauldn't do any- markof he oenig stnzathing ta stop theni. maorkedteft goopnna szaJohn Woods opened Uic rcorm tAiefirssa ond a passscorng et taie 1:18 mark, with Comwl rAmiBurgeand DaveMike Zettel assisting. A min- sconwdsll.A minuteand llute laten Glen Einweichter seconeds l akte Larr elnscored ta make the sount rend 2 ta 0 for Bowmacville. Bruce 2t o eplr ar Simpson and Rick Shackleton Allie with Rick Shackeltan assisted on Larry's goal. Hes- assisting was able ta put Bow- pelr ten uled hei gol-manville an the score board. pelder athe puoed h musal-Rlck Shackelton. twa minutes tender as gt hi coachgoust later. came back and tied the havder thougavissangofl-score with Bruce Simpson and ntederucwaShaimnandoffGraveBennett assisting. Bow- night. Bruce simpsnB ndmanville's offeince then stop- Brin Brges tam owman- ped praducicg as Roc Brown ville, plus John Woods, spent stole taie puck and scored, ta te in taie local sic-bin for break the brief deedlock for micor infractions. Hespeler. Twa mieutes later, In the second perlod, the Dave Bertello sconed wilh taie Bawmanville squad must have assist ta Ian Crawford. Craw- thiougait thal a two goal lead frrd then scered et the 17:11 was al Uiey needed ta wic mark ef taie peniod ta coin- thc coctest. Taie lean juist plete Uic wide oPein second seemed ta die, as taie drive' peried of hockey. Taie penalty Uic boys displayed in the first box was also busy as Bruce period was not present in the Simpson and Larry Allie, second and Hespeler came ta along with John Woods twice. life. The passes wene erneic, Paul Wiens, Mike Nugent anid with Uic teani playing as ini Glen Eicwechter vlsiting for dividuals instead Of passmng minr infractions. off to Uic man in Uic open. In the Ihird, Bowmacville Thie only scooininhe i period showed signs of lighllng Uic was by Hespeler with Ian scoricg power thet mekes Crawford doing thie work them lick, but il soon wet aroued Uic net and Deve Ber- out as Roc Brown with John talla and Roc Brown assist- Woods assisting and Dave ieg. Grave Bennett, Bob Mal- Peace with Don Dyer assist- lard, Rick Shackleton and ing completed the scoring for Dave Pence each spent lime Hespeler. Larry Allun with in taie sic-bic. Dave Colwcl] bis second of taie nigait soored and Bob Mallard livened the for thc locals with Rick gaine up with a skinmish at Shaackelton assisling. Bruce centre Ice. They were in Uic Sinipson then completcd the penalty box for 17 minutes._- scoring in taie game as aie In Uic third stanza, taie scored for taie local midgets. geme conlinued as it wes in The assists went ta Dave Col- taie second, with Hespeler well and Chuck Cattran. The camnying taie play ta laie drug- sic-bic was also busy as many gists and Bownianville tnying players visiled anid thon left ta impede tieir progress. after serving their lime. There was little sign of taie Doug Parker was injured skating l eg s Bowmanvile and had ta aie helped fron taie showed in. thie first. Ron ice. He was laken ta taie bas- Brown, froni Hespelen, lied pitl in Gait, where he was 1 he gaine at 2 to 2 oni an un-1 stitched up by the doctor fori a cut on thc heed. Let's hope the locals win tonight, so the local fans can came out and sece nollier ex- ciling gaine on Saturday. Youth Bowling BANTAM GIRLS Yca 5, D. Piper 0; Carter 5, K. Piper 0; Pearson 5, Sellers 0. Team Standing Carter - _________48 D. Piper 40 Pearson _________34 Yeo -33 K. Piper 19 Sellers -- Sng. e 6 C. Mitchell ______191 S.Yeo ------178 111gh Double S. Yeo ------_- 333 C. Mitchell 310 BANTAM BOYS Gray 5, Coambes 0; Brooks 5, Cooke 0, Woodward 3. Wclsh 2. Team Standing Gray __-- _______ 52 Coombes _________33 Welsh __________32 Brooks-_________28 Woodward _______23 Coke Iigli Single 1 J. Welsh ____209 R. Cook _______184 111gb Double R. Combes ______341 J. Welsh --______328 T. Woodward _____312 R. Cook -------. 308 JUNIOR GIRLS Mountjoy 7, Pearson 0; Mon- »IANNER PASSANT 623-3258 120 Duke St., Bowmanville * Lite Insutance * Income Disability * Pension Plans * Group Insurance * Business Insurance * Estate Planning Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada il y congratulations!' Ylour furnacé mm just survived anoAmhther winter. I But howabout next yeartI you have any doubts, give us a cali. If you need a new fumace, we can instail it. We can even modemize your present one. Or instail an oil-f ired water heater. Whatever you need, our easy fi- nance plan wlff cover the total cost, Including labour. Let us rejuvenate your entire heating system. You'H lve ln total comfort for years to corne. Wh hounwarnnlg p* STEPHEN FUELS PHONE 623-5410 138 WHARF ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 1 il - ; 1