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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1969, p. 12

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12 The Canadian gtatemn, Bowmanville, Apr. 2, 1989~i wedd4Eng annivermary. WiII Speak ta Liberal Assn. ISellaYcall er whMir à Mnr. George Hoskin, Betîh rina o Evening callers this weekl Atthe meeting of Darling-!finlly scratchg P I a T e r orSu dM r.hi p and MKe v , o n ,a t T w n h paori i ng-1 aponI t e d Fer. N e V e e s f rW t h a t o h 1 t L.uw~~~~~~~~~ ~Balson, Orangeville, and Mrs.'the Township Hall, Hampton, Road Superinedn h aedr tdn. r Li i g t n 's FIve Go l C uII Jack Hooker, Kinsale. Mrs. on Frlday afternoon, Clerk-IShort for 196.adN.21grgil. t fitflv Stella Balson celebrated her Administrator W. E. Rundiewhich pro ide o ode-pearn ofns f h 086th birthday on Tuesday.1 was appointed to the Staff penditure of $1.0 o 99 ~ttremnh fte~ho Congratulations for nm a n yý Committee of the Central Councillor Tn oe httri eoeyuko t Leads Pee W ees to Two IVictories SaturdaynvRefuseI S5tdyln e-' ethe Bell Telphn :av:fîsd.fe: Il . ~~~~w re ndMrs. or Holydappointment wship ,51 rod alwservnivied thnte iVsGm Finals r rs DirsHolroyiCouncillor Bruce Tink, second- 'heitrmsad sbjttocnnaicCu O e M lt n in n ar o Fi a sMri. Frank Holroyd, Bowman- ed by Councillor Thomas ditions set outi etrt w w~~~. I V III L U II V II i a i i v ~~~~~~~~ville, M r. and M rs. W illiam ' Baker. t e c m a y o e h i n t r r cii g d iy fr t e p s Bowmianville Frank's Varie-' stone connected Imom Roi-y with Mark Siemon playing Holroyd and family, Bow- Rev artowhrei ed, o R aurntedn .M yea vsi re opr tY moved cdoser to bningingl Gibbs after 29 seconds of the! Horatin a hebidee- avil, r ndMs.Jhnad al Dembers o c ouRSot , tdMr- 7hpfe h-r,~ro3rui its first Ontario Pee!third period. wîth Bowman- manville hung on grîm oistt dfmily, Beadwere preet oth meting. TShortwa ecded~ ~ n nteAna OS Wee Campioshipw h n vile enjying t-i man ad-' alley Oshwac-wre mpsent titn maetnCourisice oer We C.mponhpw nvil ejoig tnma a- Saturday night at the Me- Vlly O1aa On a motion hy Deputy Revelor~ Baker. andrrld aud they defeated Milton 8-7 andivantage, and Liviîngstone scor- 'morial Arena. Franks Variety Ltl Ms Jnc Bl sý Richard Gibbs, secone y 5-3 ini the frrst two games of ed again On a pass from WilV 'won .5-3, scoring single goals"sedn e aswt e ouclo ik ont dp- Albert Hills dn hr etwehp ols h the best of five provincial mrx a littie over a minute:in each of the first two per-1ndHsn fmal series later. lods, with the teama dîvxding grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H., ed the administration and adHsi mt eea- inr ih Cutc h Coutts, while her mommy is capital cot budget of the pii.d t h arigo ru osesro ueu Frxday, in Milton, Bowman- Mlo gabdth edsix in the third. inh>ptlCentral Lake Ontario Conser-. "ees omtteo o iss vaton utoriy sowng hetion hv Depty eeeGb, Manhifcgrd ti- ville sunvived what appeared twice more, xwth Bo,,,nan-! Boyd Knox picked up the: vto uhrt hwn h Miss B. Boddy, lTor4nîto.ad16ilvtntetonhp e -ned by Cuclo .A- en suet r ae to be mnsurniountable odds as:vle îgitec ufirsU irst goal on a plav with' .adi16 eyo h1onhpo Cn terfre ae aOp vletigi ahtmfradLiigtnteMr. Jeff Jons, Peterborough, $4,89q9. len Werry. loi. owr oatpt uîded game, with Frank'sý and then Robbîe Si.mpson's!second going to Don Spîc-herj... were Sunday visitors with Acuts fr Fbur onilrTn, eoddCakRvrwhchwl n playing short-handed most of marker at 12:28, sending the' with MacKenzie and Simpso r and fMiv rs. e-y Decll amonigto$718.2wr yCuniirBkr oed ov hruhivsia the way. game into overtinie. erigasss n aul.Fjns wr a e or paynient on a mo-, that CliffordPehckepadioîfthAomrln.D. After -the locals opened the. Milton narrowed the mai-- son-y to hear Of the passing tin yCounicillor Tink. sec-'at followinizae o tn-sie h gnzn or scoring on Pearce Wilcox'sq The locals struck qîîickly ini gin to one goal in the third, of Mr. Perc-y and Sami Dew-l[onded'b", Councilloi- Baker.l by water truiksrie 30b pn rvligh u.i ttna.ssisted drive at 2:01. theyithe extra ten minutes, with, but with ]Bownnille shormt- ell's sister, Mrs. Mable Meî-cer. i These included salai-le s% per year and $ e~t-pi osol is etii rv -were assessed eight penalties, Livingstone completing a fine: handed (they had Miost of the Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Teî'rill: $4,208.25, welfare $3,767.73,1i water used, ad$ e odbh rl neetn x too nenone hehomorubthha-trckmerfrmnceat.hl enatietirths oeperformaancMaterDavd Dwel, eneai .3,l7.i, -oa-ds $3,, s wll s awelom iiot-haned Ilt.he way, aUý 19 second mark a'nd ROYd 1Grant IAuxton hîoke away and times with two players in theý Knox making il 8-6 at 1:51,! made a fine play lo set up ýtravellrd to Warsaw te 3.I2n1 and special account Counicillor Wer oddum'fadiiGorph in bin. 'airh a sitdo he! Knox for hi!- sec-ond of the - Sugar Off. They also visited: No. 4 $19.354.55.tattertfoWablFv -ss______ Mitnsoe ou osc-sventh tally. Milon aaithamerac-k Mito %ord ou rnscuýs gmp. ilonagincae acMr. and Mrs. Shorts,, ottage TreB-Laws were given I sraylng shah e2 enspr tive mai-kers befoî'e the per-ý Milton narrowed the mnai-- but Livingstone put it Out of at Keetne and report a mnost' Uic-e readings and passed. head with a mnmmcag ONF bod ended. with Andrew Mac-!gin two minutes and 19 sec-I rearh with two goals, a mnin- enjoyable day for a mid-win-' These were No. 2409 whlchIof $2 per c-al.Tswase- Kenzie notching the only goalionds froni the end, and then iite ancd 12 seconds apar-I be-1 The Honourable Jean Marchand, Minister ofiter sightsering tour., onded by Couclo ae of the second peî-îod on a pass, it was penalty time again as, for th e vi-itoyrs cnnectcdý Regional Economic Expansion will he the guest Chesdrn h ekU VllTIadcaiid lý T from Byr-on Holmes, two Variety playei-s were, again at 1R:12. itteAnulotheNrhmhr 'bMc- and Mrs. A. ILH l>U1CoYcllrTtkONcne On one of the few occasions waved off. W\ýhenl the loeprrs Byron Hommes assiý;îed on speaker ateAna Meeting ofteNotunur"W - Presc-ott were Mr. and 'Mrs. bv Cotînrillor ae. oe wçhen Milton were short-; pulled their goal-tender that , one., wîth Knox and Gibbs set - land-Durhamn Liberal Association to be held in Cobourg' Edgar Presc-ott, %~field, and S,1u1idav sc-hool at I:4.); Eas--,that Clifford Pti- i i ____________ handed, Friank's rallied to tie, gave theni an ovcrwheîming. ting un Livingstone's fifthi on May 3rd, 1969, it was annouinced today by Roger-!IMr. and Mrs. John Carigan ter servic'e at -3 p.m. on Sun-'ed as WarhleFyIsetra thbe scor-e as Dennis Living-, threp man advantage, but! goal of -the two games. Kirkpatnick, Port Hope, First Vice-President of the Oshawa. 'S;inda:v callers were day. 1$2.25 an hourtnihi eh1 Gnra nuac Association. iMc. and Mrs., Jacnh Kessîer,! Club 21 Aprîl Meeting w~i1î pald $6.15 Perhu o h Mr Krkatik ai teprgrrnwllinleAmny and Jarkie, 1Bolton. ie -hel i in the rhurch titse ýOf bis trucki dtomn, ALCASS0 * Mr. Kirkpatick said Hieprogram will nclude' Mc-.and Mrq. Glen mtprl8hat A ocloc-kMr-. I-Iswas cari-e.1~OA n R ecreation u<evuew~S policy panels in the afternoon and a banquet in the an c.adMs Sa yy .K Ward andMr.Bt namiob-(ouclt CMECALIS R e r ci i n R e i wi evening. Other euests who will participate in the tuik wore \'isiting with miss Sye-r, Bowmanville, will showWOn(i-Yv, seconde yDpt otc Hockey News 'and one assist eac-h, w,ýhile The Recreation Depai-tmenti program are Jean-Pierre Goyer, M.P., Parliamentary Sharon WAoodfarci on Sunday, a film on Cancer. Ailladi:ReoGbsconiedrsd JONM ILA Hamilton Eastwood and Dan MacDonald oletdwo oud like to, thank Rev., Secretary to the Secretary of State - the Honourable wbo is a patient in Bowman_-'are invited to attend thislsaixlut,io oheCtyoeI 62-11 rM2-,5 Bowinanville Recreatiion teamssists ahrMln o assissit-:Mitchell Sharp, Hugh Faulkner, M.P. (eeboog),adMen. irilHsia. Mi-. etn . JhnSrhlajt, Se. atiridelgwth1FRN STET piayed befre a large crowd Glen Martin scored the lonelance regardinig the suîppè.- at ý Ms lnSmiith n c- i and Mr vn e-h1as hieseaino.oorso O MNIL at te MmoîiaîAi-na un-Bowanvhlegoa, asised y S. Jsep's arih Hll. Norman Cf kM.P. (Ontario) and Miss Ca roi Mahood,land Mrs, Stan Cy'îytîiik at-,Mr. and Mrq D. Nichollas andvhil. da ati-on sHauto Pul oîl1 _ 'Peterhorouigh l3arc-ster who is Chauri-an of the Policy i tended the Weslec-n Show at, son Stvn t aaInes Eastwood won ail th ne e The Tyke garne hetw cen Cominttee of the Ontario Liberal Association. Civic- Auditorium in Osh- were Sunday vîsitors of Mc-.1 games. Bowma9nville and lHamilto>n A AIlNorthumibrrland-Durham M.P. Ruý-seli C.wa wsten sigerand Mrs. dMrc e.Los Inteoec- omnilwas a i-cal thi-iller', goingeA 1S'M J R ý>Martyý oii on Saturday. and famuly and r .Los uInth ped n a 4 ooean niight down to the wire wîth i Parliamentary Secretary to Mn. Marchand. Th'e1 Dont foc-p ot rnoe and Mc-. and Mrs. Milton rater- eaî'ly in the ai4st p eridutHamrin winning 1 lo 0, on! Mondav, March 24, 1969 Minister us one of the senior and most influential' Smb-ool. April 9t.h. apeGoe eSn Ham-illon banged in thi-eaooe ffrtbyTi Ms7ga11gbSinzle mrnbers (if the Trudeau Cabinet,. ito rrmher that. man canday evening callers of M-.ý egos t h ae ifîrs t prod3 a n th e ni g o Bole ndLrsCBie r v, ( obotirZ Liheral Association President. Sol M arg-j boier witbisf;tad trouble w'en and Mrs Roy Paterson, . H______f_____avild aleICow ith8 endtof tohe rthe e aid acDodHo am-iuio,,,gTipeles is in chiarc-goof arrangements for the Annual l erefuses bIntake the day.s! Mr. Russell OrmistnEn W aIt Mi-nal( o aitn ihTil hurts ton serioujsly, and regard: nîskillen. Mr-. andMr.os the end of the second stanzaI were outstandinz. *L. Cole -------e-----u--irpat-ik-sad-----__734_ tomocrow's tic-tories as eitherý Ashton and family wei-e Sun'- 5 to 4 and wound up -winning ; lI thdre amenro te fket'00ooGarns U A" plrmanemt or ultîmate. See day dinner guests of Mr. and, Hailon scres er "iefereeing of Mi-. Joe Kennetti L. Cole 358, S. Fowîer 312.f H A M P TIO N --~~- - and Rlay. AhoRnl Hiltard fotbae 6to4gwcl ndt'cotrly icfn yunxtwkMr.LodSP John Deluco wîth one goalIindFor.owî Prkn 600 Triples i Mr-. and Mrs. Donaldi andtwoasssts Bo Whatng the hoc-keygme Chu-c-h service w as wecil receved a first. Kevin Sachs' anoth teamsss.anobthe p ares L. Colo 7434, J. Lyle 697. S,:attended consideing ai! thc and Paul Watson î andoneaSist Jo~~wen feedto han Dais 92 J.Tenan 69: ard work on Saturday's tut'- seconds and Mike Hicks aj Doug Ho>opei-. Tor-onto. visited MîdleonDog Rss~î y rs Duha an prens . Bnd6, D ig60. key supper. As t was Palm third, Soparents, te-achers, cL I Mrs. A. Thonipson on Thurs- Meoredtone Dogal oachand of the Bowmnanville playens D. Brooks 635, M. Lewis 62,1-1Sijnday Rev.Cu-ssil s ser- and leaders ai-c al vei-y pioud Syfl1DOlS 4cen day. Mi- Roy Thompson, Les- WIN huecilor.c2 Mikcre negPal echu ant St. Joseph's Parish Hall., H. Moor-e 620, H. Donagbule1 mon wa Jei-usalemn, ,eruisa- of the M, J. Hoblis stude-nt krxiie r.Topono oet e dre and ike cGahy, a asMsr. T. A. Fanning. Di-ectorI615' H. Reynolds 610, O. Pt:îem' and w-bat ibat pnrtic-îî- choir. The adjudrimtor' Dr.fý kar~onSd3. i*rhSyuenw1auej* andch. Recreathon, aelanmedthe fed609, H Dpew608. T. lac- iord briîngs to nirîid whn riMelville Cook opietd 1 Mon . nd r. Rs sltnT h. u O EMpWtcin zd Dan-dll McMahon led thc' Hamilton Eastwood group toWhmf 0.B ogn67 -eari. For most people when Mr. Ross Metc-alf and Mr.c- ni an iyatne le2tl Bowanvlle scoersWith1Bovwrmanville and boped tbatlO. Etcher 604, C. Bruce 600- tbey heai- wrrds like Gi'eecelDougla.ç Dewell for theirse The Pioneer Buitton Club dfmi atede th 5tl Bwavlesoes ihywcre enjoying them- arnd- Bompe tbey cani imme-lection' of songs as hl ai mt t bcbrn o1Ms lo-wedding annivei-sar), of Mi-.! S.dpyletntI.xln3 as titi-e goals while Pete . I l Top Twelve Averages ,idmtathhoef r.Fqiand Mrs. Boy McLaughlin at' ia sord negol;Sady selves. 224 el bring to minieed ite were very difficult oneslsie Dndwell. Oshawa, for thete nnskhln al o Kemp aed nd engonl;S Pr1yme The Series Trophy was wonjO. EtcI-ici 22 conneocted w'jth theni, suc-h as: but the students under thei- Macc- meeting. Fo ur t ee n'teEnsilnHl nSl eac pikedupan ssit. by Eastwood with a record of O Patfed28 h atbco\ion oui the Acro - leadership gave a magnificent menîbers wore pi-osent II-on. u i-dayaeesng.tetin InUc cn aeo iuefve wmns and one tie. Mi-. pls h t fteTx'ojan performance and were veryTorno shw- aetille several girl frionds on hier ZSYmet@tTru@7 ifern the Hon amltof es-Dunharn of Bowmanville pre-,H. Reynolds - - 211 Horse in Homors "Od.S-ssev",I luuky to have suc-b a wonder-IBownianville. COdingto-n andbrha n audy wtoo At e HambloastBwa- sented the Series Tropby toM. Lewis 2101 Pompeii, the Great Caes*ar.fui pan ccmanimnent. As!Baltiniore and Port Perry. Mc-thay hon it h ollicu ,ille Atoms b7 te o w 1. H D.Bonh ---_-_0_ntn___Cepta js o paoacmpiM.Ra sth wt te vil trq7t .lMr. Ernie Shewchuk, Presi- .D.Books ue 2087noî n lepta utt one migbt imagin e, the tr-ip Mrs. Betty Reese gave ai'teachec-s and pupils from Mik Sbwcuk ed hedent 0f the Hamilton East- ' ge ____27mention a few, besides ail the;home was full of 'l kncw wO ako nas n loe Ba-so- ig cho n '.,eastwood seoring with thi-ce' wood Hockey Association. M îg - 0 other cuiltures like Greekinould do it, I told vou so, etc."1 card of beautifuil InlaY But- joycd a bus tour to Washing- ~ol ad o~asit Wie The Peter Kowal Real EF1D King - --- -- --1051 architectuu-e, litcuature, etc.1but those sanie stud ents didn't tons illustrating ber talk. ton. irw fpwar'fietted two goals, tate trophy for the Most Valu- L' Davise-- ---- :03Buit the w-ord Jerusaiemrlsounid quie ti-at confident go- wa'Mc-. and Mrs. D. Camern I r 1 an tne asits Oihr as~ahie Playen was won by MikeL.Cosy2()-l bcirîgs thoughts of joy aîid ing down. We stopped at the Mai-c-h displaY card . attnedteinuf pm eond tseoerassitswer Bllsc-1Shewchuk o! Hamilton East- J Lle - --.....20 Isadness and Chrisstiadnfor1"Bec-k aAon' fo suppet be- Chrstian Smbols. Abutter- rt an DaveKnehla-on oo nd Ms rophy tarnMîe Ec-erBattleiy God. The permanent conquestý fore retu-ning to the sc-hoob flydonotes Resur-ertiron- d v.fOwshaow uat edsForsslw U Stii ýsete tistrph t Mke0. tcrr2 i utonfiw of Jerusaleni was first . c; so tihe students could phone Hp;G-c ,Fle sbmawa, on stnd.toi 'Shewchuk. 'D. Brooks 2 V's D. King 1 plisbcd hy David anud this is: their parents an-d tel] of their Hand of God; five nail head.ç!Mr. Francis isexte nd d to Darrel McMahon was volcd E. tcr tH.î tni in il Sani. verses 6-10 winning. A fine job, M. 'j.rv wounds of Christ;i'n the asin o Ms k1msecond Most Valuable Player'5 Davis 2 v .Ptih and in I Chron. XI: 4-9. Hobbs students, circles, Holy Trinity, etc. Werry. and was pi-esented witb ajT. Bragg 2 vs .1. Lyle 1iThenc-efou-wai-d the siiongbald, Hampton Elementary school: At the chose of the meeting,1 Mi-. and Mrs. Wayne Pig-i ivgln 4 1%ýsports shirt, compliments Ôf.1 oagu 2 vs J. T enn of Zion was calledi "The City1 choir didn't place this yeac-i-efreshnients w erce served.igott and Andy were Sundayi ARE fl9r,£Fha 0 I 1 4 EnDuhankid Te-amn19tandinrs [128-10, the citv suffored great with a gondniai-k o! 84 and McLarouî's, Toronto. b1 Piggott, Tyrone. #06ÀD£1 A1CÀ&r M. .A.Fn.n ,hik D avus ton hn vryhnetadjudlicator said the choir! "&Pm-E -qT& the mothers for the fine slip- S.DaBoos - 398 23 , . very good performance.s li 0. tre 4.N4 1ivey gad swformance lAlevAi i mntioncd the excellent workl .Ece -3.5 1 nected to the life of Josus',Hapo Gudslffc-' INS M 1 L perfox'med hy Mi-. G. A. Ken-l J ye-----3,7 0 likoe the Pool o! Siloani whicb w-mî hk ls atra ~ flACOA> nett and Mr-. Bud Perfect ing- 3,3 9 still hoars this ruame, au-d theý moipthe Becreation staff. The i J.Bragg -311.401 18 i ooK u.eqa nR h n the monning. Suc-b a beau-ý Pool.f cthsdatner te tfulday it was and it, gave! HEA /NECoaches were commondod ~B. Bttnsaw32,5q8 19 Churcch of St. Anîic. Butt npeo-t'U lic Wonion's League lbeld in botbcc-ed hi- agaiu. The ou astci-ssie St. .loseph's Auditorium on Choit' scectiou this week W'asuC- upwsietaedbt j Monday evening, au-d theo Holy is the Nanie of t' thpreuhae whn Gues elco election of officeus for the Lord". peetdwe udswr comig yac- as oîd.Thetui-ku- supp~.- ws ain Hampton years hefore this. Offic-ers for 1969-70 v.er9 ci uiossu.c-mess and Lbbc Mc-. a n Mrs.Tted-C anto j ec-ted as follows: Pre.ýidenI.î willingnecss of thc people b rdy evnn ttnc M-s. Michael Heenan: s work 1;o bard w-as best ex- sbow'er for Mc-. Ric-k Chant s; Pres,5ed by bbe wuyids o! Mi- and bis bride. nee Susan Vice-President, Mrs. Anthonv tv r.r vosiih a3Bra h oeo r n MnIloy, 2ad Vce -Presi dent, vprtex-e Ai-tm bco aid e wsur-,atihme o Mc.and 1 -ery pioud to lie: rable te sav'j Mr7. Bec-t Hoskin,Bom - Mr sde rs. M leo ni id r d iCea - h o liv d in a com m unty - hl" ville. On Sun dla v M i. and laPnsd et r Mrs. ereArldhad so mni uc b fllowship Mr5. Chanb werc .stupper 'Brinklow-; Treasîîc-er, M c-e.niorîg the people, young and, gueýs sO! Mr. and Mc-s. Jac-k nId alike! Carter and family, T'hornhill.i Bect Pyn. Te Bx' F.K. Clii cch sec-vice on Good Last Sunday gucsts o! Mr,. Malano, the Parish Priest, iS F-dvwl ea lan ha-dMs Hosken Smith w'ore _ _ _________ the Spiritual Director. Cotin- Sacraunî-o!fbbheIord's Sup-'aIse oMc-. and Mrs. Donald cil niembers foc- the coming nmnunmnhyblne ihrwlpiiee ycar will b le ed at a sub- per and roc-option o! 00w' Presc-ott and family, Enfield, nmnmmmnhyblne itdaa rvigs seqen metig ! te --rnenil-ercs will be Sunday, Iwheuî the faniilv gatherod to, Aprit13th.celebrate Katy's and Ghen's ganization. ~On Tuosda.v tluis colrespon- lSth wedding anniversary. v r d p s t a e e o ê c 4 rl 5 % President Hendsbee an- dont c'l-apeioncd onîe busload Misses Janice and Diane Pros- S U N O RT Y V N Y L nounc-ed that the lYuoesanof M. -.. Hoblis-' studcnts Io cott, Euîfiehd, were this weok- Convention o! the C.W.L. will theL Petec-bor-ough Kiwanislend visitors a.nd enjoyed the i s nt e tf v be held in Sac-red Hcart Par-' Music- Festival w'hile theiri1turkey supper at the ehurcli. W A LL LO TH 1 sh, Peterborough, on May music teacher Mu'. Douglas! An enjoyable winter pic-oic 25th and 26th, and the Pro-:Dewell acconipanied the other.1was held in the Darlington vincial C. W. L. Convention The eudents in thc S.A.B.' Townsh'ip Hall on Saturday! willbe eldat he ac-wY (soprano, alto and basa) choir by the Johns families. rqMotel. Conu-wall, on July 8th,isang the delîghtful sang fi-om1 Recent visitai-s with Mr-. à9th and 1th. IHMS Piu-afoc-e, "Gaily Trip- and Mirs, Harold Salter wec-e Mrs. Heenan was in charge1 ping" and for thei- effort'Mi'. and Mirs. Henry Thomas, 'of.Uic special draw. The lucky 1 came lup with a very high 'Scugog Island. PAITS& rize winnei- was Mrs. J. T.iscore, ai-i 87. The second choiri Mr- and Mi's. Les Hunt,' j ct.Aftei- the business! made up o! S.A. (sopranos 1Mr-. and Mrs. Ben KIien, Nien- A B ERNEýï TH Y 'S WALLPAPERSi' meeting a delicious lunch wasý and altos) sang another beau-; huis, Mrs. Mabîe Maynand, I P RA'I _)ING ST. .BO M N I¶served with Mrs. S. MooreI tiful sang 'Spindrift" andl Tyrone, Mi-s. Ethel McRoberts. CANADIAN I P R A A and rs.Srot asthecon acain rAceived the highlIOshawa, were vistors o! Mri. venors, and a social hour was mark of 86 froni the adjudi-i and Mirs. Ken Chamberland'

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