-- -r~-r~-~-------------n.- - -- -t- - -.-...-~.--.------,- 14_ Thé Canadian tatnm,Beowmanvlle, Apr. 2, 1969 l£-SL-ET SA HR EU-SL-ET P-HI RE -- Y -m =L-RE -SWP-HIR Ee fye0 c BIFIEO e oiTreSuie DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED LTuesday, 4:30 p.m. Births In Memoriamj f Coming Events_ Cards of __nk Articles for ale « Articles for Sale Cars for Sale Work Wan dWok W td HUME-To, Mary (Dewdàney) BENNETT-l loving memory 1 is1 and chips, ail you an 1 would like t hn o- INCUBATOR In good con WATER for sale and delivered. 1966 FASTBACK MuStang B VM N IL A Wt u-o re wlfe of R. David Hume, at the of a dear mother and sister, , eat, every Saturday njght ait Lors, nurses and staff of Surgi- dition. Orono 9 33-5931. 14-2* Cali Cliff Pethick, 623-2313.1 289g GT, red. Phone 623-3954.wul lkeod ob. 23514 Ottawa civile Hospital onlMabel B. Bennett, who passediThe Acres, 99c. 5-tf cal Floor, also friends and BOYS suit.--size-14, nearîv' _ __ __38-tf j1Iotri U O BQ Y1. 'Ibursday, March 27Ui, 1969, away at Easter time, April 5, 'r.Dam lbrset.nelhosfrgf S, rs t. new; topcoat. size 12. 623-2701. DOUÜBLEÈ gara ge. 1 8 xl18-fi. AAUTERO B(reodi a son. 14-1 1966.a April lIth in Knox Schooi Nancy Giibank. 14-1 14-1 to be moved. Phone 263-2798 1967 BEL AIR two-door sedan, l Yo wihedfa ne iatnAditriu@a àla1ouscoedy We oul lîe t thnkaur OP ualty ay 5cstrw iV-8engne.autmatc, owef Pone623741 in kichesPhec.reo623.lp OGDEN-Jack and Jean are fareweii, "Why Grandm&'". 14--1I 30c. ik otan urT Phone 786-2247 Nec, onTrA BLE otatoesterin, r75olbe b -. happy to announce the birthl Nor even said "goodbye"; - --------- Havdon neighbors for the, c hne76247Nwo-iTALEpott, 7 l. ag. Caîl 576-0764, Oshaw~a, of their daughter Julie ]Eliza-! You had gone before we knew Let us help you entertain' gifts we received piorw ville.1-M.aneBretn9647.ng.X~lI FO DP R SA BAARS beth cri Tuesday. March lSth,l it raon our Easter guests. Phone moving. Shrly-olar. -EW-edr-oss ndusd'-ndstaw god 133*. TE FR-- US-Rpara-a -ltyps-f e-ele-Pumng&.eain 196, n Meoril Hspial.A, nd od now th resoni,263-842 1, The Acres RestaurantJ Morris and SilyPlad fence rails. Leslie Welsh. 1:HAYan twgo quality. BEATTH PIG t,- Rpisoaltye 1969, et Msem or ilynsditl A AndodknI for reservations. 14.1 14-11263-2784. 14-i1l Alfalfa or mixed hay. Phone WITII ONE 0F THESE O.K.Poe6372 Donald. Special thanks toHe saw you getting weary. Dance -In- So lin a Community Wews'0takorGM C- TRUCK, '64 --!/ - ton , A -i 786-2468.-12-3, Ra~TTVi y Gibbs S C 5NesnS. Bomnll Drs.McKnzl an Wet- o H dl wht H thugh Hall, Saturday, April 5th withl friends and neighbors for the'condition, $ 1,100. Telephone' MASSEY-Harris iS-run seed' <JiLJ.±1"1 KINGERO E ~rth, and nurses oi Maternitv'dbl ai rws hest .loeygit ndpry ie 623-573-j. 14-1 drill on rubber, like new. Telle-. Ttf Phone 623-3503, Bcwavll ;or. 14-1 At Easter time He stood ese'Er rw' hestra oev it n at *vný---l U E CARS51t ;___ Everyone weicome. 14-1 for us.l BABY clothes, mesh playpen, phone 728-0700. n. PAiRTON-Ron and Normna And gen tly whlspered "Corne The Great Pine Ridge An- Kees, Jo-Wuis and Familv i carniage, chrome walker. Cali DRIED shelled corn. Phone 1967 CH I. FrIlig-Ec wtsh to announce the ar-rival, and rest". na obySo,1un 1 2 14-1'1987-4636 after 5. 14-1 Bob Carruthers, 623-5485 for Bi-,CAVNE 2-DR. PETER LOU01Srn lenp - Rkn ofthirdugte enifrf .-aivmisd ndivigl'13, Lions Centre, Bja- AEWY lc c-roer - ku rdliey -t- -6 cvi.. standard tranismission.e CNTUTO reEtnae Christine, 6 lbs. l1'A ozs., on, remembered by d a ug hte r;ville. Information, 27 Horsey, Rusty Blake and parents: 4' x 7' with fan, good working! SEED potatoes grown from OeonrCrpie osi. rc lc tn 273 March 27, 1969, at Memoriali Florence and sister Edra. , 141:sincereiY appreciate and thank' ode. Pon 2 -256 141 Crtire sed M Mate, Lc.L3872 ad FrBrick -NE IDEBlockAIN Hospital, Bowmanville. 14-11 14-1-- those who helped at the time '----- Burketon 986-40. 1-- i.L07.adFrpa _____The Exceisior Choir presents of bis accident. Also to al' FERGUSON stiff-tooth culi-, Phone 633- Stayner'q "Crucifixion". Good those friends who 'phoned, ator. hydraulic, row crop ad-! STUDEBAKER Service, new197C VEL are pleased to announce the mory of Elizabeth Margaret'Fridaxv, April 4 at 8 p.m.. Knox sent cards and gifts to make jsmn.Poe6375.adue at.Gaa TTO AO abR. ..3 omni arrvaiofCorz aPopin - 9,School Auditorium, Scugog. bis "stav at home days" more 14-1 UGanage, 416-263-2233. 43-tfi6 l. standard trantsmission,3tt o Bainr who passedrawg. Apns 1 Street.Mn. E. M. McCoy.' enjoyabie. 14-i'BEEF. by the side or cut, and iGOU- r on,$7a ton 1 radi. with eue tru ,196O7.ND ea'conne$37 te prWagon for.R bi' ru~n rc ~n vr rethr lPt offspnn Tis f 1967. owmuh i,,Director. 1- --wrapped. froin grain - fed !n ton lots. Frank Hiemtra'Hrs -nr newst rriaiwil beondis Go knwshowmuc imis - îwouîci like to express mv steers. Phone Paul Vanevl! '263-847:3. R.R. 1, Enniskfben this.summer. '. cen, one & HeatingFrpae play at the Town Hall, Bow- ber. Reserve April 1l. Oppor- sincere thanks t0 relatives, '623-2060. 14-2 1, fownier vehicle. LIc.X 1949 1. manmilie, on Thursday, Fnidav' Neyer .,hall ber memnory, tunity Sale. 10 ar.- 4 p.m. 1 fridsUntdCuc f197HEV Indiistrial and Ne~'Wr A, and Saturday, April f17, 18 and fade. Homeens, nîted andCburuits0f HALICRAFTER CB24 two-iÏBUYING or seiling furniture 16 (iy 14-1 Loving thoughts shahl ever'35.Home SndyScol.ýMapie Grove [or cards and way radio. aeriai and buimper 'or appliances. cail Elmer ,2-DR. ' ANI) STONE MAandONS 1 ader iS35c ririty Sunday ofchoi flowvers, also Rev. Harris for bracket, 10 months old. Phone Hampton: business 263-2294, V-9, automnatic. pownr steer- Ph e26-70POE RNO9350 SMITH-Norman and Beverly 1To the spot where she is laid. 1Eastern Star.13-2Stinon a nurs o cr.in'62-42 41rsdne2329. i-fig oe rk ht al Poe23 nounce the arrivaI of their huAlsbad A'ber ad bchilrn--Al- First Worid War Vet 'Memonial Hospital. SIX antique cane kitchen NEW 40 ft. heavy duty 'I V tires and wvheel dises. A one I.~3 3L éon asonNormn a shaw adAlb(ertd), Jh dens r nie oVmv aeGon 1*'chairs, child's wagon and'towcr and antenna inst;aileci, ownier car finished in dark FR N D TV i PERSONAI Generai Hospital on Thursday, 1 Joanne. 14-1*INight Dinner, Legion Hali, tricce. Telephone 986-4711.'$48.95. Antenna oniv, install- turquoise vi matching trim. 1FRANK B March 27, 1969. weighing 7 lbs. 'Sat.urday. April 12 at 6:30 I would like to express my'Biacksto(Uk. '14-1 ed, $17.00. Phone 623-2006. Real Sharp. Lic. .35070.Teci , ozs. A baby brother foi~KRE nloigmmr Further information, contact suncere thanks to relatives, ANNIVERSARY Sale Ail 8-tf 1967 CHEV. 4-DR1. ITe igIC M A 7KerSY-ri 14-1ng neor SPTIC TANKfREU N ___________a1e4-wfe1mther and Seth Hunit 623-3221. 14-2 friends and neighbors who so yard goods dnasticaiiv rcduced INSÂJLATION. blowing meth- BEL AIR SEDAN ISALTo iadT inrlPeae Deats gandothr, ilded Ssan MO STE BIGO kind1l' remembered me with ait Goodbrand 11ris 28 King od, with rock wool. Work- V-8. automiatic, radio. whitr R.R. 6, ROWMlAVII. f JAM SBL - ----grnmteMlrdSsngifts, flowens, cards and visits, St. W., Bowmanville. 14-i manship guaranteed. Freean hedss.Oe NSIDA CAlS _________________ whi passed away Apnil 3:1, TR IG and to Dr. Hubbard and nurs- TOpi qa1~igro estimates. Hiarrv L. W'ade,'ishrtrqoe COESIN T.W ARMSTRONG, William E.-At': -18. a ogetnw THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clockliiig staff whiie in Memoriai drapes, double width, approx.IPhone Newcastle' 987 -4531 wihmthn nm es hn 623-5746 Oshawa Generai Hospital ,rn God Sawvugetn ear\. Spnnsored by the Junior Hospital. 10" lng nd 4"viithan d an. L tic, L30408 Friday. March 28. 1969, William ISohmHe didComeratMrHe thougbt, I. 1 ArstonOrno ntrl. betCabro omre Ms eaBtha..1- tique satin. Phone 623-5414. USED washer parts,mtos16PNTA DRY WIALL- beloved husband of Veima He camp and stand beside' JUBILEE PAVILION l A-14.i*, Simpiicity., Thon and Moffat >_DR HARDTOP iRSAW -tf The famiiy of the laie A CONTRACTO O R FML N a , a d d a a h r o I you. 1 e t E w r F a c s x s B R A N D new vacuum cleaners appliances, nationaily adv Ior - aliN W H 1 ' A ndai . a n d d e a n"f ar nera n d , - E w r r n i i h ~ f r 0 m 3 . 6 a n r n s u i t s d l n f f r i u e a d ' Y . t t m t e h t Charles, Peterborough; William An wspeed Con ad Maple Grove United Church 'express sincere tbanks and.i warru $36.66, nm b ranMketsed amneof un23-224addy s cl. oa ti e, ie s F 4radioNS RAC.MA Jr. of Orono, and MaryAnn You rcf0ooneawas rds Eudt aprecîatio for the man).t rnv onon un-MneHmto,2324. trsan he ie.udoAll ReparsAT - IE -FR (Mi P ate) Ptr or- essnoon,àla expressistanEdcaioo f.re & Appliances, 723-9341. ___42-tf BeaUtifull pium finish with' Phone after 4TAEEC ough. Rested at the Bariow faewll Centre. Saturdav, April .5th 1 srnat'hy and floral tributes: 4- FEED corn, ail types, gnound owner car. Immaculate. Lic, 576-0572,' a or?(I e Funeral Home, Onono. Serv-! Or even sald goodbve, 8 p. m. Door and othen pnizes. j with a speciai thank yoit to DUNCAN Phyfe double pedes- 'cob meal, higb moisture or dry L3,5 1 J 'T1T teews el fomOrnoUnt-Yo wregoe efnein1.0 erpeso. ene'UniDrtH-BRnde ndtorsyaitalewih atbig hars Iseied asosiag, anbede 166, 3- .J1lI flJ.41.e-l. ed Church on Monday. Manch knew it. 1'ments. 14-1 Ifinsadnihosa h niu uft aeio4 iee rpce Pa rw 31 at 3:30 p.m. Internenti And only God knows wby., rensad egBOWatMhAntaebufe; aelo -lieeIo ike pntB w-16 Orono Ceetery. 1- Sadiy missed and loving1v ý Meeting, C i a r k e Citizen, i ime of the beneavernent. 'horse gardien tractor, plow and;.view Farms, Newcastle. Cali 4-DR. HARDTOP iso Orn eeey 4Iremnembened by dad and 1 Committee. Tuesday. Apnil' 14-1 'cultivator-. 986-4257. 14-i 'ý98 7-4474. 8-tf V-8, automatic, \vh itp walls HEATING SPECIAT S1- DILLING, Ray J..-Suddlen1v: family. 14-I'8, Kirby Centenniai School - --FACTORY Clearance sale. (F CONDITIONED TV towers'adwei(\es oe te- 01sdGsIsaltosF ~ adI'TLIÇ st Memnorlal HospitalBo- -1 Auditorium. 8 p.m. Speaker.' 1I would like to exprýess ,;drasticalyv cuL prices. Dumont and rotons (trade-ins), 40 ,0 o, oe rae.DakNePlî,mhinz Repar 196q, Ray Diiiing of 93 Churcb of my dean parents, Emmaý Office. Subjeet: "Assessuient ifriends and neighbors who sol monthly. Downtown Furni - excellent condition. Oshawa real sharp car. Lie. 1,2320. ALTPSECVTN Street In is 67th year, deanl Elizabeth (Hearflwbo passed fand Taxation In the Munici- 1 kindlv' remembered me with j ture & Apiiances-, 723-9341. T1upyLmtd 2383.16 OTA Phone 623-79 busband of Zetta Andenson,Iaway Apnil lst. 1952; Freder- 'PailtY". 14-1, flowers, gifts. cards and vst AE$0 enn eo5-tf 2-DR. HARDTOP 723-8131.11966 PONTIA brot.her of Mrs. J. Burnslick Jamnes, who passed away, wieIws nMmna Hos-' also BARNYARD MANUREin (Lea),Peerbrouh;Lloyd,j April 9, 195.q SUNNYSIDE PARK pital, Bowmanville. Special maiessd.fuiyau ovrpyetNE im pus,$75;V8Rimatic. ý(kt sewing NF W 'slîm Port Hope. and Forest, Bow- There les no parting from those. MONSTER BINGO thnktod.Sproiiand H.o'l $8 monthly. Downtown Furni- lrrdypms ety a wt oslwi. al n imanr11le. Rested at Northcutt distanceeudvd Turdynrt adsaf une & Appliances, 7231-9341. 'cuzi and Duro waten syýstems. wheel1 dises;. One owner (ar NWOVTE eral service was heid at 2: For today In rnemory's ganden lih Helolse Mutton. 14-1 GOING at quartier and haîf and bot water tanks. plumb- with black tnim. Lic. L35135.1I *'clock Monday afternoon. In- We stili walk side by side. 7:51 -pie ona~ i esn n.ppe n itrs avv196.3 11EV. BERT TOMPKN 8621 terment Bowmanvtlle Cerne- Each dawning day a thougbti RED BARN IWe would like to express f aroe), (mod. 7-11 conseartner Oonh98-506 1-4 -D. EDN DCK NO KE tery. 14-1l of them, 1Ijour sincere tbanks to thetv),ses7icpltatmt, ît xaî hoeNwnll 8-2% At eventide a prayen. OSHRA W A Solina rnmmunity for the wîth accescies. Telephone D&SOR S 6 d, uoaies. ie (ll ali Collert 7t EYT-tSnyro a-I tehat htlvdte'6-tf.ý loveiy gift of card table and 623-5948. 14-1 D&R SPRIn heldss Turquoise, TueT SnyrokHsdayInth. - t tâtheei ANDi67Kin SON.,Bo idtal. Toronto, on Tusa, They always wiil be there.' The annual meeting of the chairs given to us at ouni SPECIAL sale of repossessed.6â g t ,Bwmantille \,itb fawn trlm. Real sharp' SPRAY PAININ Ipril 1, 1969, Anthrax Hyatt,' -Lovingiy remernbered byf Comrnunity Memorial Hospital, i presentation before oun de-' sewing machines, th;ree to1f Phone 623-3421 faiycrLc.L02Brn Hoes-GagEt.Pv g C nrcor sgd 0 easbeovd us- daughter Dorcau. son-i-lw Pr enOtno il partune to Oakwood, alsol choose from, take oven pay- f 1961 FORDAsoee banid of Sybil Jackson, dean Cecil and famlly. 14-1*. heid at the uicpl ficsIthanks ta the Solina School ments $6 - $10 monthiy, or pay1 FULI, LINE 0F FALCON WVAGON j EEA APNR a - (rdn $gther of Sybil (Mrs. A. Ash- -- Port Penny, on Monday even- Club. W o mle n ' s Institute. off balance. Downtawn Furni-iSPORING GOODS,1 Waterniains -wgoncavating Ibd) loved grandfathen of PROUT-In ioving memory of 1 lng, April 14t.h, 1969, at 8 p.rn.I U.C.W., Eldad C.G.I.T. Lune & Appliances, 723-9341. iP , 1 O D Go ail ao. cnm Repaira Lillian (Mns. Arthur Hooper), a deanr father and grandffather. A cordial Invitation is extend FTeHmnFaly 41 PLATFORM. 6' x S', hadwood ... 1-t-f hpls. Enine c24p83.ePhonoer- Igowmanville and Kathleen Charles Alexander Prout, who ed to ail residents of our hos- with 16" sides, suitable for! 14-ff r'TERN '194 PONTIA (Mrs. George Mitchell), Toron-I1 passed away Apnil 7. 1961. 'pitai community to be presenti Coming Events one-ton truck. One-ton truck, SUHETEN --POTA s~a a-± to. Resting at the MorsOi e o f bygone at this public meeting. 14-2'-- ton -yFaraxle. 16, wheeis. suitabie forý PETROLEUM PRODUCTS 4-DR. SEDAN A KERMANIJ ~sra omrir FPuneral Chapel. Bowmanville, days Chl- LsAd ot aunday, April 12. 2:00 -4:3 rie. Baled oat straw.: OIS and GREASES e6 c.artnmatr. orre ov.n- Resrd eiitia fersericeon husdaeat2oAn asih fr afac usee ' '1idPhonAidSocetau-lSa' PonePau V 2ey 326-200.0.Rofi oatnoofWaerProfinan ar- mroo wih sar PVnX7TTTT( *'clock. Interment Bowman- fA constant feeling that God Annuai etig Wdedap..Afenonta Iom-N 'gne n-.Lc.L 1T RDIEWYPA N ville Cemetery. Oid Soidiers f aln 'Apnil 9fb, 1969, at St. Joseph's, baking - Novelties. 14-2* 'CONTENTS from model home: T. RUSSELL RAHME LODN -TR CHG nseyer die, they just fade away. Knows best what sbouid! Roman Catholic Church Audi- - IFrench Provincial chestenfield,' Pone623577 f196 SEDA.NFSand lGrael To ai ad - FeEtmt1- 14-1 hae been.torium. Liberty Street SouhWoie CmmnyCntewh matching chair, dining 25 Prince St. - Bowmanville R.SDNF1DeirdI ..Evn emmbn b Gen.i Bowmanviiîe. at 8 p.m. Speak- I G Oo sut, steren and T, 12-76cyautai. htwas2-HrWAE SRIC MOORE, Frank A.-Suddeniy IRs, enad ails.1-'er: Dr. Benjamin Goîdbeng., coffee and end tables, 7-piecei - - an ----dics rdio-SaI Reasonable Rate at is home on Saturday. _____ Director. Children's Psy chiatrie 1I 'et sieadmayohr62-76 BW _______ Lfe uit andrnanMotda I Execuline tan filenish r.wihfanti.6356 BOMNUL MJarch 29, 1969, Frank M i Meeac ntiue ondona745P..Items. Al l Ike new. 728-3473 Goeacr.Lc. 35134. i of1 nal treBwnn!SUNDAY-ln lovtng memrnoy1Ontanbo. Public ik cor diali'l45PM Tuneffc-upiue o 96,PNTA AR E fillentabiSte, ora of a dean husband and father1 n, ied villeand 0f Mh ai elestae Carl, who passed away Apnil - R-ED BARNJ PLATFORM rockers, $39.50;! Rentai - Lease - Purchase' 4-DR. SEDANj PLIJMBING & HEATN n ear b4sa ate of Mmers. R. Coch-,519.fT 05O SI A W A 'occasional chairs. $24.50; host-ý Plans .6 cyl., automnatic, white wails SALES & SERIC zgne (Ruby). Mrs. W. Steph-!odru memonies woven In.I.lXJiI ______6t ess chairs, $13.95; swivei rock- Telephone 987-4715 'and wheel dises, radio. Dark 24-HOUR 'eillpc paddlv eIs (Kathnynu), Mri. T.', goîl - BEFDNN Rens, $49; necliners. $79; 2-pce. N1 ATE NAT blue w'îtb matcbing trim. Lic. I ru oe ntw Tuntley (Helen), Arthur, Han- I î faPctr tneî ~ ~ -DeNURE daeos.$t9;3-ce.TANoKS1743 ol ad ilim.Rstd t hold. 5! q uites, $119: kitchen suites, 1-f EPI AK AD 'B B T C E ' the Northcutt Elliott Funeral. Deep In my beart a mmr î MOTOR COACH $5Q-c.fu-etncetr UALITY APPLESMN OE IEBD Hoe uerlsric a s kept Church Hallfield, $199.50; mattresses 205r~ GOOD t7SED CARS jPOEG R G Morne. To love.serviceerlsh PHdN held at 3:30 o'clock Monday, ovt ceih n .est. l4unitue, RusFontth ed Doeicl ou nTO CHOOSE FROM IRAMPTON 26328UCrr15Klgad1Brw tbmbmnent Betnesda Varait. . 1gy enmbrd b 6 P.MN. Calga ry Stampede, Canadian -nan ohevriteWE LS HAEATR E26250P ne 2384 14-I wife Giadys, son Vernon,j SponIsored by St Pul% R klq n WstCos SEED GRAIN FRED'S LARGE SELECTION 0F REUPHOLSTE __1- _____ daugbters Edna and Audrey. Couples Club JUNE 30 ta JULY 22 YEWOF R CHESTER ___ WERRY. Annie-Suddeniy ait 14-1 Fats - 52.0 ToxQcursionn est Varieties FRUIT MARKXETINEW 1969's -OR CHSTFreLe i uidYî ?orntoGenralHosita on-- Chilulren uinder 15 - $1.50 lFahne Exuio Highway 115 - 35 ALI MODELSORCAS-FrsEtat D E M H U E ~unay Mrc 30 169 Anie THERTELL, William Walter- - IIt available ai Bryson's' ta Moosonce Oats. SOT0FRNORMWHC T Van Camp of Ennlskillen in' In loving memiory of a dear Smake Shp or Phone 6232958 JULY 4 ta JITLY 7 Garry - Kelsey - Rodney-14O H SE6322hosfrmareltinr her65h yar5beovdyifeoffaterandgrndatbr ho 4-fe?îoftm f-ay irle and - tomon IO1'lNWLtREOVTEDwho\Vxre14Unolterwewilrbiid tamyou pan Prancis Werny. dean mother passed si way April 2. 1954.1 EOA D OSE.J N...i1t.L ~ o or o rw a i« Mrs. B. D. Veale (Jean), Those wbam we love go out: JILY 12 ta JULY 26 y BASEET DEP55Kig tTE- owanilesuplRfhl erlcd .HA Uurdochville, P.Q. Roy, Sud- of slght. PRE-NATAL 9 Day Gaspe Tour Herta Barley ~ L±I14 lLr. 11~Ui 1D 2 prvdit tbatfr Pury; Bill. Onono. and Ted, But neyer out of mind: i15 NOW OPEN -Tv oain j5nniskl1len. Rested at the They are cbm-lshprd In the C A SS-I.24t EP -~ ~- ToLcto---C B R ES-ak ayCecn NorhcttEliotLASSnESra bans ori nles ýe] Cnrn Corne In and %secaur xweekPilvJCKB VAN BELLE GARDENS FLOWER SHOP PHONE 623-57.37 No. 2 Highway West of Bowmanville " Funerai Arrangementsq "Hospital Arrangements " Wedding Arrangements " For SpeeiliOccasions iDaily Deilvery ta: 4nhowa, Bowmanville. Orono, Newcastle 10-tf Reception Rwa «V Mai-ch 30th, 1968. Those whom we love go ouf of sighf. But neyer Ouf 0f mmnd, Tbey a re ever cberisbed ln thie hearts 0f those they leave behind., AîwaYs re.membered by Kari' Monclay afternoon ' for a series of nine classesi Anyone in Bow-manville or Durham County interested in Pre-natal Classes please c o n t a c t Northumberland- Durhami Health 1Unit. aod Alice, nieces and nephews. ee hne 6321 14-1,l ep e 62-51 14-21 A Lasting Tribute COLMER TOURS For Permanence and Dignits ahntnDC we suggIest :1WahntnDC Mount Lawn May 16 - 19 FMemorial Park Western Tour Bronze Memorials- Mr. and Mrs. William Steel,' For cntirteoug advîce, please Nestleton. will be pleased to ViNit the Park Office receive relatives and frlends on Satuzday. April 12 from 2 to 723-2633 5 et Nestleton United Church 484f on the occasion of their Fiftietb - - - Wedriing Annlversary. Best P ro a wIshes only. 14-2,____ _______ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bran- ton, ft.R. 2, Whltby (corner of Anderson Stireet and Taun- tbpn Road) will be pleased Le roceive relatives and frends on Sgturday. April 12. 1969 from 2 ta 4p.m. and 7to 9 p .m. on itbs occasion et theirFIMftleth 'Wuéllna Anniversary. 14-1 HYGIENIC Supplies- (Rubber goads) mailed postpaid rn plain sealed envelope wlth price iet Six samples 25c. 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order 1Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. îBox 91. Hamnilton. Ont. 1-52 :Wanted to Buy PROPERTY wntea:ivîî Pets buyer wants minimum 40 _______Pets_______acres, rolllng, scsnlc, for Uý jCtE1WDl maie German weelcend home. Write Adver- ~sd capinstock.1 tiser 081. c/o Te aa*a â~àUbieforat~dservice. StaeemanwP-O. box 190, M-4-14-1BeowinUIwtlu13.4 19 King St. E.- Bowmanviile' BOWMANVILLF., ON' 14-I Coming Events CANADIAN FARMERS TOUR TO WESTERN CANADA & ALAS< $790.00 per persan This fully escortedl tour m,111 include highlights of the Canadlian Rockies, Vancouver and Victoria as weIi as an eight day crise Lo Alaska aboard the S.S. Prince George. Travel from Toronto by C.N.R. ta Vancouver and returri to Toronto via CPA jet service. New England States.. We h ave had rnany nequests ob August 9 - 16 surc.es in 1968. There ls stillispace availabie for tbe comning summer and Calif ornia if you are Interested in receiving the September 6 - 28 detailed brochure, just Fer Iformtion send the attached coupon to our Fer iformtion offlce. WrIte or Telephone a " R I H O A M R O R COLMERa"CIGTNARESOU TRAVE SERVCE entact: ALF ALLUN, CREIHTON& PEARCE TRAVEL SERVICE, l4 Orchardview Blvi, BOX 149, THOINRILL, ONT. Bowmanvile PLEASE SEND BROCURE ON CANADIAN 623-3265 FARMERS TOUR TO WESTERN CANADA & ALASKA or NAME- - ---- 623-3093 ADDRES _______ Ç. SHOES LivestockFor Sale' GNEA 14-tf 49 King St. W. Boiwmanville' -- - -1 E RA 9-tffREGISTERED Polled Here-j - -fonds. It pays to choose a1 WELDING -STEREO quaiîy bull. Select yours & ME('IANICAL SERVICES n0w. Visitons welcome. Dur-, TAPEPLAY RS ham Farms, Concession 8.; Mobile Equlpment 0 KAModela 940 and 880 1100 WESTERN and Ontario Farrnand Industrial Machlneny Ideal for Home, Car, Boat. Etc. stockers, sold prîvateîy every TRAILER RITCHES Ala God eletin o fThunsday, (anytime by ap- Soid and Installed Als God %leciono 'polntment). Ivan Johnson, 8-Track Stereo Tapes South MonaRhan. Baillebon 263-8818 Western and Popular 939-68.95, 15 miles nortb of __ 9-12 Port Hope on Highway 28, 2 i miles east. _____ l-tf Refrigeration and For-Renti Appliance Service 1 85 King St. W. Bowmanviile: SIX-noom apartment. Enquire CeraîadDmti Phone 623-3134 at Mulder's Store, 23 King St. Refrigeration - Mlilk Coolers 13-tf East. 14-tf'1 Phone BERT SYER FOR SALE - BROADLOOM1 TWO rooms. furnisbedi, in- Days - 623-5774 ciuding nefnigerator. Phone Nights- 623-3177 R U G S 623-7148 affer 3. 11-2* BRAND NEW - 9 X 12 I THREE nooms and bath. Not Land erHardwar Assorted colors suitabie for cbildren. Applv nyLETIi Attention - Hotels, Motels, Ray Gibbs, Sunoco, 18 1 King E. Roomlnt Houses, Homes and - 14-1 TUDOR Business Offices OE bednoomn aparfment, $39-00 - Cash and Carry available April 1sf. Adults FURNITURE Muat b. disposed of. onlv. One mile from shopping. No holdback or reserves Phone 623-3262. 14-i1 REFINISHING Other sizes are avallable LOVELY two bedroorn apa rt-1opee 89e a runnlng foot services supplled. Security de- R ELM ER posit $25. Phone 623-5888. R fiihn TO: 1; 253 Bloor Street East PASTURE for Young 2-tf f a d efin ishi the head, for rthe saoclse. b ad frpitrs --Oshawa toi Orono. Whitee s easn;clsero i untr 728-3473 983, c/o The Canadian States- Phni2353 open 9 a.n. te 9 p.m. mani, P.O. Box 190, Bowrnan- i P on 235 3 4 Phone623-263, owm 9-tfl Tenders Wanted United Counties of Northumherland and Durham Road Office TENDERS FOR MIATERIALS AND SERVICES SEPARATE SEALED TEND- ERS plainly marked as to con- tents wiii be received by the undersigned unfil 12.00 NOON, local Lime Monday. April 14, 1969 for the following:- (1) Supply of Bitumrinous Ma- teniais for Prime and Sur- face Treatment. Deli' e'- ed by tank truck F.O.B. any point in the Coujntie.. (2) Cnusbing and Haulin g of Gravel. (3) Supply of Funnace 011. (4) Rentai of Roadbuilding Equipmen f. (5) Suppiy of Wine Fencing and GaLes. (6) Supply of Tires and Tubes, (7) Supply of White Traffie Paint. (8) Supply of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel. (9) Supply of Cedar Fence Posts. AIl pnices to he submnitted on fonms obtained- tram the undersigned. Lowest on any tender not necessaniiy accepted. Robent A. Edmunds, P.Eng. Counties' Engineen, Municipal Building, William Street. Cobourg, Ontario. 14-1 -'r 4 ~i. 'r L'4 j Li.y J '.- LJi1