- r-~et. Lj.pfl.r.c .'~. ~-'~- 4- 4'.~" - -"--g W AP u .- w wm l do% mbka I a IL - MIL Y - - The Canadian Statesman, Bownianville, Apr. 2, 1969 15 Y mA Z¶ZII ~ ~ I A~ àY' iw rr.tSpecial Draw.Mr.H Mca& W £JEP'~~~LE ~ T~~ À Sj I 1finlooked af~tueda a rsddoe~ tickets durin tefra or and Ms-s. W. A.de n M.Telvey foa Auction Sales IAuction Sales Auction Sales- Auction Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estcrte for Sale! Notices Perey Greenfleddd du-cnepeewsdnt4b Hig. rad Hîsein -40 ude~ne actinersSaturday, April 12-Auction BOWMANVILLE - Very co Dr. Ewert's office wil b Ing the secondhor cattie, milk quota, dalry M Sing Allis-Chalmners WD 45 schools 15 this attractive brick Igt nclusive. 14-2 ln the draw weem rs .j ihlnncoh i pfarmn machinery, th~e property LIVESTOCK SALES actor (gond), A-C Tractor T~ A R ranch bungalow whdu lt- Trimble, Mrs. Ev1 rgMs n elateaxlaybcl equipment, fulilimne of excel-lof Harm Siot on Lots 15'and at Durham Connty Sales Arens, "C", Matthews hay mower,gage2bthomanbs-FligD th an 4Bwanie M.Gremotffcvlywhawod lntgrainTeoeryh y str E.,N16,aBro e F rn Crn- p1,Orono - Every Thura, 7:30 PjL .A-C 3 furrow plow, A-C P.T. Ltd., Realtor ment apartment. Nicely land- FyngDtI a 4 oMan Llnda;Msle nDth heffe lhdf andgrin Te roery f . NwcsteMoga'sCon-Selling Herses, Cattie, Swine, 0. combine, Dunham double scaped. For more information G ct ais, s.JonGshNw ols ad tlp. To Arnold Thorndyke - Lot 31, ers and South, ocm Saturday, i CNs heec hri ic nrbeFr-z 2-53calMargaret Dowe, Bowes & GUc allie, Mrs. BueR.Hay camn cnrpecs O Co. ,HoeTonhi, nApi 1.Farm sold. No re- 'Reid, Auctioneer and Pro- manure spreader, A-C 10 ft. ate r.B Lakeshore Rd.. 7 miles west of serve. List f art1cles ln next! 1t r o k tdR at r 7 -421. e v c e t ee e r .F Port Hope or straight south week's paper. Sale at 1:30îpitr 23-tf cultivator (new), Case baler, 57aw.64- of Hwy. 401 at atSrieLpm arneFars lr:Mayrath elevator, G eo rge 57-8090 GsawaCLwrence . Smsn ecsl;Mu CtrEWsht$1e.0viceCWPm. MsawMueneRepenlshig wereMrs. i Centre, Saturday, April '12. Cliff Pethick asnd Charles; Thursday, April lth-Clear- White wagon and rack, bale CaI-I T$.0 iî..Nawrnc Farrn bld. Sale at 12 onRiAcines 41ngtriato f40Hl elevator, seed drill, side dellv- Counftry Living Guy.JLEB LNC.. Telephone 623-2651 Fred Stevens, Mr.C?.MI.WletTel.adM.L sharp. Ted Jackson, Ted steAcioer. 41in milacon 3rcf 0 ol-ery rake, uantity of baled hay1 3 bedroom trame home on Ti 14-tf er, KIrby. and Mr.R1tvn.S Iko.Nwate hs Spenceley, Auctioneers. 14-2 i ~loder, ombi e racM.F and straw. Nurnerous other 1 82' x 132' lot narth of No. 2' T saeLt.____ ___I wo past peîet.Mi h sitdi evn « tc 5 eiPW ntd S. G.McMurte M Thusda, Ari lOh a 1 By Public Auctibon, alI equip- fertilizer drill, 4-furrow pîow, articles. The roaperty of Mns. 1Hwy. Asking $17,500. 623-761 GWand rs. redwrence C. IV.ra Tusa.Arl1t8tIment and chattels. Little Iharvester, 2 heads; cniin.H' in, t2, Cn ,1Bowmanville 62t3c-7ln4uiesadhot61 a h or.TetaJ.C ags r.A L ~oy p.m., 8 miles west of Belle- Buckaroo Ranch, Saturday, Ier, P.TO. mower, new; Dion Darlington Twp., 4 miles westl W oa Iln ulesadhsesse h of Sidney Township or 3 miles mac dishes. pots and pans,, er, complete; silo unloader, Road. Terra cash. No re- Oshawa cniinrînse e.r Onkinib- ~ -I cag fte e omwreNwate Ms n~~ East Glen Miller Bridge. Com-1 cooking utensil s, glassware, bunk feeder, like new; 44 can serve. Sale at 1:30. Lloyd Ecletsatrhmfridge and pool table Included.MsC.G U hoe fort1 Open to offers. Bud Virttie eturn n Highway 151HrySudr.Ms .E ace ec4p plete herd of 70 head of Reg- 1stove. frIdge. office equipment, cooler, gond; tools, 955 lb. Wilson, Uxbnidge, Sale Man- cp t trtrle. bdresrikhu-'6a-9u.ranytim, 198-5771 he genercovonMs.MsC.GMriMs.Crl IstPrsey and tle ad 54 ls.' GetneaddJig mci mrilk quota, hay, straw, etc, ageran utoer 124cup.2bdor riku-6329.Cl Jm nym,98,71 Thgnrl st~eyd and Gad549 ls. n estener machqine, the property of Elroy Clodd at an1Aut0oeerdI alo. Auins$1.90.cottage 4-iCallan, assisted b r.O .F ata n r.S rbi .0 M". oo Qota blî, bts fotbll, ow ndLo 26 Cn.7, icenng Twp., Tuesday, Apnil 8th-Clearing I Summer Property 100 dw by acotgeHiRDÜESER, experienced. Plummner, Mrs. WlimWli r.R C-masae- Mi' 1ý Pool Quot, ballon WestBeach.llFuIlow adcj LGre2gsCHai7,styling, on WstnBeacd.MFsllWilliamreM.'Wilson.ylMrg. 3acKigWenshMamd Wns. Cralt 37 cari bulk milk tank, arrows, .22 rifles, tools. bunk j (being 8 miles N.E. of Mark- farm auction of 50 reg. and 4 bedroom marnme house on $4,500. Bud Virtue 623-2969. i St W., Bowmanville. Phone was ln chargeofsvngndJc Bis.wstekchi 4 DeLaval Stirling milkerlbeds, 36 and 39" mattresses,' ham)/ or (8 miles S. E. of high grade Hoîsteins, 2 trac- 10 acres near Pontypool. Ask- 14-1 i61 23.1-t 'peihng ovnr sssigi h units, New DeLaval milken chest of draimers, marque1 Stouffville) or (30 miles N.E tors, diesel, good; new 1968 tmg $10,000 with ternis. j 2-29-- -T h eeniseing tbe wskthnweemmesa u PupJ &F *hy hoprtnt har, Iodngtbls, fToronto). Note-Equipment Ford No. 530. baler, new 2 row 12Arsw rn elEtt MAN wanted to help on fanm. Te sris Century sprayer with M"! benches. propane stove. Hund- 1 l new in last 3 years. Farmn Ford corn planter with fertil-10AceW.FakR l s l Lv out. Apply Durham cnrdwt boom. This Is the complete 1 reds of good use;ble items. Sale l sold. Termis cash. No reserve. Irer, 3 pt. hitch, only sowed» Near Newtonville, nolling am.8h LnCrk.agento sale - 549 lb. milk quota te be' to be held in R.ecreation Hall. Sale 12:30 p.m. Atkinson and 42 acres; New Idea cut/dition- land with some bush. House LTMTED 9359 vnns 42muechnysanteusadMs . nnmn r.H and pond. Asking $40,000 - REALTOR ÉXPERiÉ-_ D - -- it was llghtedbytîyeowD srandnsJ..Aabs sold first ln 100 lb. lots. Wal- No reserve. Londs of parking. Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and A'uc- er, new 4-fr. T.B. plow, 3 pt. anIod sig 4,0 ELTREPRECD haindresser, tapers ln branhd sle swl sMs .L agly lace Doxtator, Owner; Bob Property is sold.. For Informa- tioneers. 13-2 hitch, new bale stooker, new Termis. '21 King St. W., Rowmanviile: for full or part time. Write candelabra. Thei u oo-adMs.Gog tpeun Sullivan, Auctioneer, Plain-ý tion caîl 728-1006. Doug Gow-' __ P.T.O. double piston sprayer, HlnMDnl 2-916339 Advertiser 984. c/o Canadian ary LifeMembesMr.EV.IN cate field - Thurlow 477-2672. er, Auctioneer. Dirpetions - 400 lbs. pressure, gond; Mc- RlnMDnl 2-916339 ttsaPO o 9,Bw 14- Nrth n armnyRd Trn Public Auction - Storage -CrikfedhrvseMF WoMefonald - 623-391111 Memben Oshawa and District Saman , .O. Bx 14 o- - - East on Rossland and follow4BlooReateet Wst, OsBward 'usaArl2n-omýh in.1- a , ednesanil&9 1969,pt. hitch cultivator with Lloyd Atchison -786-2959 i 10 ces- rnoArst o plant l ers, xeninc TuesayAprl 2nd om- th sins.14- Oage nlo aes V&Sar- TO. 9 96, hilspand se.g ood; 3 Wyn Mrcan0-62-245restate onar fWtwoaccopulners . alsoince plete "Mynhaven" dispersai of 1--5:30 p.m.: 30" Frigidaire stove, heladtskeg, Mich.cCanmikJoan Grilles-3-5393 Just Off Highway 115 and preferred. Contact Lucien, 65 Registered Hoîsteins. A real hayduy3pt iohcli fine young. homebred herd , Auction --- Thý- property of; 3 chests of drawers, 7-pce din,. vator, good; G.M.C. 3i-ton AI Rout 725-0353 35. Scenic property. Good Lambier. R. R. 1, Kendal. I consisting of 3.5 mature cows, Simnon Feddema.. Lot 18, Con. I ingroom suite, 54" and 39" pick-up, Dani-Kool cooler, 4 Garnet Ricard - 623-7397 springs with pond site. Maple Phone_983-5686. il-tf'fti, OLC4ltVXtqoe&o4ba! (freshforingig, anrd many, soClrke Tnw 1.9, iles n o atrs ess and ox plmgshead Surge milkers, pump, Sputnik, Witt Hawke - Orono 983-5274 and birch bush. Omly $38.500 dGIL for professional office. ------ bred for faî)), 8 bred h ifeso rono o ew. 1t oen borfeds, 2 caw un 3pcuest-a quota 462 pounds pool No. 1.14-100 down. Apply stating age, qualifica- AmT9PM md20yealig hifrs anihtat Kimbles o toponeOsanda'eriels, airnfuritursshes, r oeFrgeeup-t ay ___ _ - - 55 Acres, Mosport in ndepnece. Write iuxjA 3T L calves (ail these cattie have! a ~~~~~- i ki lbHaî il sa tpfsawapri B-Q,'airle, otlseVe ri, sprwrtmmy tems mtGood gravel deposits. 3,01Avrie 8,coCnda tk- COE RDY PI deep, full pedigrees). Classi- kiClbHiI, ouray pril nable sportmablie T, apo- listed. Be sure ta attend t0sJhnF De0 coc Pn paneti 96. man .O.Box 190, B14- O lied (1 very gond, rest rnostlv 12, commeningýat 1:00 p.Dmale wsengvachin eat- sale. Good cattle and equip- $20,000 -States - man , Bow 1- ARI 1TL 6PM good plus, with many mndi- hr:Als(hlesWD ai ahr au a- ment. The property of Fred REAL ESTATE LIMITED-Te-. LADIS-!Would-you îîik e,: zs;tois:::Izss;;;Î:0ss: viduals due for higher classifi- 45 tractor, lix'et P.T.0. quick er, hassocks, 2 baby carrnages, A. Smith, located % mile10ArsSeiLad ane1 caio).onR..P sownghite~, A.C. 3 fur:row plow, A.C. china. glassware, odd chairs, utcfodwdofHy.7 REALTOR 10ArsSel ad er xtra money and enjoy M caton, n .OP.shwig out o Godoo of wy 4 7miles Oshawa. Nice areas meeting new friends? NathI APLE LA somne good records of upt obnalcop harvester66 magazine racks, steel stand, (being 5 miles N.E. of Stauff- 14 Frank St. - Bowmanvllle with some bush. $10,00.0 - Amenican Fashion Frocks offenl TNERWE 19.000 lbs. ilk, with B.C.A. 1 A.C. side-mounted mower 7 linen, blankets, good clothing. ville). Fa-m sold. No reserve. Phone 623-3111 Terms. you this chance. Telephone' TNE 116-121 an 34 records. Daugh-~ ft. cut, A.C. front end loaderi Hundreds of good Items. No Terni% cash. Sale 12:30 noon. Ooo9352.1- ters fram such tam eus sires' AC.tanem CPiss.M.F. 351 reserve. Sale te be held in Refreshments. Atkimson and 18 ACRE treed lot. Suitable 14 Acres, Newtonvile ___ _ es "Citation R" (3 sell), "Divi- diesel tracter anxd front end Mackies Warehouse. Doug Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and Auc- for 1,700 sq. ft. home. Only Good garden land. 2,500o CLERK, teller, bank expenlence clend Clipper" (16 selI), "Pon- loader, Ferguso);f tracter 85. Gower, Auctioneer, 728-1005.1 tioneers. 14-1 $.0 on rc 650 ooaoSrc,50Nra preferred, some typing. Our H A M fa eihI'(8 beauties sel ,Ferguson side riake, New Holà iPlus - 1966 Riviera Buick. G. $200______ u $,50.ColoradoSrn equ0eNt taffkosc hsavriey ticDU l n îe 5,NwMC 96 'tnw hcmeSpruc ex-ms.an eui ment Replieno s oi detial lîe r yte iu "Thornlea", "Admin", "Roc- Holand hlr6,NwM. 1962 o it apr Saturday, Apnil 19th-Con- 14 ACRE LOT- wlth pond. 1,0 ens et ele ofdnil lcdo land1". witb "ReflectIon Orms- hay conditionen, 3 pt. bitcb. G.M.C. 1953 Curbside Van, up- plete "Delmone Hereford Dis- suitable fon 1200 sq. ft. home. ' Write Advertiser 985, c/o The 14- pesa": 0 ead0fregsteedPrie 8.50.Te'ms 19 Aces Keda3fussrerCandin Satsma,14-1Bo others. Vaccinated, pregnancy 3p.hth l.cliae,3srebd and grade Polled Herefords, OMNILE c 8 room stome bouse, large 190. Bowmamville. 14-1 LreSleina cbeke. Nte A Qphed. t.hithM.. Dsc, 3pt1fIincludlng 2 breedlng bulîs, 29 roomn bungalow. Ou1 hcated I barn, sprng. Paved road FEMALE invoicing clcrk, typ-FR Also selling: 782 lbs. No.i hitch. baie felevaten. bale! Auction sale of antiques, cow's and heiters (somne calves 4-pce. bath, Garage. On 13/4 trontage. Real value at tmg invoîces and varied clenîcal F HTR EYR O 0Is rnll ouota. 40 can bulk tank! bunchier, 6 blalde tiller. five property of Dr. J. V. Williams, by side, others sprlnging), 19 acre lot. nct d. $60,000.00 - Terms. duties; excellent warking con- FROZNTR ES1Co1 b (Milk-keeper, A-i condition), 200 gallon tanks, Geo. White 852 Sommerville Ave., Osha- steers and heifers (2 years old) Pie osl.7 ceNwate dtosadfig eeis 300 lbs. Sputmlk milk carrier snow biower, 4-tnch grain aug- wa, will be held et Stirte- and 20 yearling calves. Note: OSHAWA: 3 bedroom, 6 .7 ceNwate dtosadfig eeis (2 yrs. eld), Beatty water er 26 ft. long, I-Iawk Bilt tiail vant's Auction Hall. 33 Hall This Is an outstanding weîî- year-old brick bungalow. Fin- Frontage on 401. 16 room 'For appeintment caîl Mn. K.,BTTERB L U KYS -CPN bowls and pipes, plus other type side maniure* spreader St., Oshawa, Saturday, ApnIl 5 bred herd with a lot of size. îsbed rec. room. Carried by bouse, barn, creek ,70 ductsl, OrnPhyWoPom98-911 A S - EC rniIking utensils. Sale under (good), 2 rubbeir tired wagons t1 ..sap rve -YrsieSte-wt ~61/% mortgage. Monthly pay- Termis. I ____14,Phne98 -11 cover. The property cf Lorne and racks, 5 ton rubber tiredlFniday night 7-9 p.m. Refrig- sows (mostly due at sale time) ments of $109.00 P.I.T. Ask- 195 Acres IIIccoFarmN I AP -EL Johnson & Son, at the farmn, hall bearIng waigon and fiatierator, electric steve, antique 46 chunks and weaners, 1 boan. ing $23,000.iOro ea44cesMk- ETNONOETIGBGAPEL F75. 1/ mile west and 34 iesuhncCrinlganadbl hn cabinet. dinimgroom Poultry - 300 pullets, 300 hiens, NEWCASTLE AREA: 3 bed-' eting Board Rights. 2 bouses, Full or part-time, business tsg- - BA O of Claremonit, Pickering Town- elevator, 3-drurn steel roller, suite, Indian fireplace caver. Leghorns. Farm Equîpment - room split level on 1 acre lot. 2 spning-fed ponds, green- gond! Wc bave ta expand ta Ro sbip, Ontario County. Giving 1963 Int. trucît, 3 ton, and secretanial desk 1760, antique 240 Oliver Disc, John Deere 7 Many extras. Garage. 2 barns. bouse, 2 barns, 6 kilns. Ma- nicet the demand! We need BREN ~~ up milk business. No resenve. racks (good); 1968 Cbev. truck hall serving table, Shertan ft. semi-mounted mewer, 60T Lovely shade trees. Pniced to cbinery Included. $105.000 - honest, sincere salesmen ta Tenms cash. Sale 1 p.m. Kahn and racks, qua!ntity of Pi al hand carved love seat, Oliver haler, Int. Ace bottom seIl.$2.0donjinunwadstyalg WE JUCFRS Bras., Sale Mgrs. and Auction- feedens, snow fincd. extension antique banging cupboard, 6- 3-furrow plow, pulley jack, $ECA2L5are0010 Aed alry arm ime.s Downdt wory ao cx- bes 1- arley staw, .20st0l 'haer ofpiece bedroom suite, 3-piece pig bnecding and fanrowing NWATLperenn10AceDly a ience iwîîî yaou x tnoug s. amy tel items bedroom- suit (new), chest f crates, 35 bus. gravity grain roomned home on 2 acres. AlI Millbook area. 150 acres I o e scesfu wllan ec1eMv: trouhs.Manyothr itrnsdrawens, triple dresser, wash- bin, broodex- steve. grain modern convemiences. Gar- wral.4 edo esyrpdpooin g 1t,6 ~tonx-m cas o meenio. Icedachiet antique chairs, grînder and othen machînery. age. cattle. Full lime of equîpment You'Iler while you leann N ES REE TeUTFam s. O Nero er.dr Auction-fîreplace teols, Funniture - China cabinet, ONLY 4 MILES TO OSHA- included. 8 room bouse, all and recelve substantiel com-BE N ilFam ol. wne r uci v-acum cleaner, brown ivony Singer sewing machine, wasb- WA: 1 acre lots. Priceda nemiences. Large barn, ma- msin eky lscs ce wllne b TeposiiMfo Chinese ornements), gentle- stand, bowl and pitcer cl .0 ih $.0 on bn bd 6,0 e m s i ous efrextra particia-h arge E W~kiLr R mylibiit, ruery amgeman 's minror, rugs, bookcase, lectors) and ather misc. Items. xta aricCa MIE or Ijury to the public in con- enamel on glass set, butter- The property of A. C. Parrott CASTLETON: 40 acre tarmn Liberty St. S., Bowmanville tion. This is pleasant, digni- Size d or9 653-3533. ty, rpe t amk ag on,-cr11er900lass, us$-,w0t0and nonchi neshed_$65,_0_-_Ter is,-boI Y lbo 0S;HAWA OIICU n ection with tis sale. Ray and mk glass, Canadian glass, tee & Son. at te farm, 1/2 mile with 5 roomed home. Barn. 5 oom home on lot 88 x 200. fied work. Contact Werner SIRoy Williams, utoerwgn rner lsm i-etad1 mile ot of Asking $16,000. Termis. Good apartment site. $20000- Krapohl, 6 Elmer St., Grimsby, %m --1 il W.iI.U Phone CompbelllI)rd 653-2043 cal box, humidifier (Electro- Ashburn, Ont., Whitby Town- NEWCASTLE: Large il $4,000 down. Phone 4-938. 12-3GO ENYL W 'uOF 401~Pts home) combination radio and ship, Ontario County. Farm room home. Partly rented. 2 Concession St., Bowmanvllle TOWNSHIP 0F CLARK E l iDouglas Sager, Mferks. 14-1 record player, dlock radio, Le- sold. No reserve. Ternis bathrooms. Stream ln back 2 storey à bedroom brick. 2 IC 1, E R K DietTronto Lino 922-1970- Enfield rifle 1890, electrical cash. Sale at 12.30 p.im. Cattie yard. Pnice $15.000. Termis. batbrooms, lot 90 x 190. Suit Witnapiain llb Dietppliamces, bedding, linens, selI at 2 p.m. Kahn BANANAS F1flNVLE VLA $700 eri.Wrte apiatoswilb Lisins nedd b ]RESULTS COUNT! dishes. This is an A-i sale. Sale Mgrs. and Auctioncer EAT0 OMNIL:VL..$700-Trs eceived In the office et the Lsig eddb a imTeri ah orsre ye . 10 noomn brick home. Lange New Executive Home undersigned Up te and Includ- wlhapoe eodo ae.CnutaMiae tte Knauctioneer. 725-5751 on barns. etc., on 50 acres of Bowmanville Ing Tuesday. A n il 8, 1969, at Cl fo oreu sevc.2-11,also office equip- Auctian sale- Selling FrIday, vaubeîn.LctdIn prestige area. 12 noon, for tnd position of TOAIMSE OSMSE Locl Rpreenttivm:ent, office desk, swvlv chair, Apnil 4 at il a.m. sharp. the EAST OF BOWMANVILLE: Split level brick. 2 bathrooms, sholdstae ge Les Hall, flowmanville 623-5211 bhine 1967 madel, secretary machineny ever ta ho oftercd streem.lndwt 63 x 170 - $31,400 - Ternis. education, expenience, marital DIJ T Fred Beaucage, Bowrnanphe ote copier, 3M Company, ton sale ln Durham County In- BLACKSTOCK.: 2 bygr ecsl status and other personal 623-3711SEVC papen cutter with guide, file cludlng tracters, 1850 Cock- sriesttobdy 1ar- nhoeo a ge data. Full range of fringe MULTIPLE LISTIOI ERIC folder, legal size No. 10 em- shutt, like new; 1550 Cock- ag1 srie9tto,1dy- omhoeo ag lot. benefits ln effect. Successful T Oshawa Ares Office: ~Dsrc lps stencil stores, stencil shut. like new; 770 Oliver, shop. $12,000. Termis. 2 batbrooms, 2 natural line- applicant te commence duties North 401 Park Rd. Clovenleaf Oshlawa & ist i t ypleeelectromtc stencil dlean- Super 55 Oliver. 2085 Fer- 70 ACRES: of valuable prop- places. Beautiful grounds. as soon as possible. Pkg. SV k.SV Manager -Frank Smith. 1 r. typi e cleaner. milmeograph guson, 35 Ferguson with load- enty wltb 12 roomed bouse, Must be sold as owmer trans- Ail applications will be af 6,8C 1eo!8C B Oshwa 760330. Aie i Estamt3 Board.apaer. MlsKmacin r Allis-Chalmers with by- Ahl modern conveniences. 2 ferred. $33,500 - Termis. treated in stnictest confidence. _________________71______1_ en. 14-1 draulic tank 1if t. Trucks - '61 barns. Cerner lot. Asking Cholce Location T. E. MONAHAN, Clerk, International, '63 GMC 1/ ton. $68.000. 3 bedroom bungalow near Township of Cla.rke, MILK BON ag M'50 Mercuny with bydraulic EATO OMNIL:Nwatelo70x1.$1,0 P.O. Box 219, dump. Corn equipment: Cack- EAT0 OMNIL:Nwate o 0X10 1.0 Orono, Ontario. 13-2 t f2-. shutt 545 combine witb cab, Lovely 5 roomed bungalow -Ternis. -Pg like new; three Gehi self-un- with ettached garage on 60 t' 1SAV 10 A ýc ,i;,Nloading wagan, GehI hanvester, acres of valuable land. Stream. Cali 623-3393 Financial ___________________________ LCI~~N_____ _____two-row; 5 J-F gnavlty boxes, EAST 0F' BOWMANVILLE: After 9 p.rn.MORTGAGE YORK FAN à_a______Ilmir!_InLI%_A_É_1Oliver conmpicker, 2 now; Large 4 bedrom nbrick home.Ri lîat-Orn --33--GREEMORT1A-oE lot ! *Newcastle on Highway 2. Be Rasm Davidson - Bethany 30R2 Phone 728-7218. 40 tf' sure te attend this Important Wesley Anderson- 349-2669 CLOSE ta, lake. 5-10 acre Bofh ay- MARGA IEb.$ .0 sale where yau have th e op- HanodCuts 7524 land suitable for utved I*ph o 100% Pure Vee1 i portunity ai buying a fulilimne7224 crcp. Phone 983-5180, Oromo. only $ 5138.0 dwnof top quality mahner37.- 14-1 14I W rtyI HUNNY MNHCRSI' lie Reid and Cliff Pethick, Auc- (FROM PAGE ONE) (atd Igoedtu inand follow' Liberty Street north to tioneens. 13-2ý greens and attractive plantsi Igor dtor ugSaunders Awvenue. FIN QUALITY W iliam A. .. eiuy, ...A . Van Belle Gadens. P MONUMETS ANDMrs. R. G. Cowie, the trea-K and suren, assisted by Mrs. A. G.' Corne hmes y 8a.m. t p.m " mamonaD c. Adonations table. Durlng the AE1eP. daily Monday through Frid-ty . . . or makie an STAFFwORD and Mrs. T. H. Smith, New- -d STAFOR castle, were in charge of reg- appointment with opur sales agent; 1BO.LD of BURROWS, SELBY& CO. Istrations, and durlng the V second houn Mrs. Harry Jase, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS hecrspndIng secnetay FAMIY 4,»MWand Mrs. L. J. C. Langs laoked MONUtManEncetNTSenng i n ffce after this. wishto nnoncetheopenng f a oficeMrs. J. J. Brown and Mrs. PETER KOW AL Jr.,5SreEst omnîl K. J. Ferguson were in change Stafford Irothers for the practice of their profession nt of the Guest Book during the REALTOR firN i bal f teevent, and Ms 111111 onumens ~-W. A. Courtney and Mns. D K T A Phone 623-2453 ~LMTDKn George Young were in charge(OM QUTY ^Lc^ MBMD 75Kin Stret, ast Bow anvile f It during the second haîf. i 52Kig t.W.~V owIn31 noir 133 6371Mrs. Callan the general LAI'F5u 52 ingSt.W. owmnvile 18Dundas St. E. - Whitbi' Telepnone 62-712 convemor, and Immediate Pasti. 0MAVICE J Phione Whltby 668-3552Z President Ayre, the ca-con- N1M ý 1 1venor. were in charge of the'