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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1969, p. 2

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-, - 2 The Canadian 5ttmnan, Eowmanvllle, Apr. 2, 199 J Â î. C r es Afe Bg vr uay 5 with having hadi d ~~eavy vyoriç Showresidence, was fied $25 and' ----- --$2 coats or five days. He paid I 1 Peter'alanjels McCormickTeawas e apis a hi is fine and the costs. se > a M emormal Park s D affodm i Tea im~~~~~P Dan~diIe cfri n-waI Nwate atsa e ueo heetwqtefe f2 found gullty of a charge of: HeId Saturday at Clubhouse d$5ad$ otorsvnview hl ecosts. Constable Dennis Potter,1 day, March 3Ch16 asBpis a culyfo The Memnorlal Park Associa. mortal Park Clubhouse for drawn by Mrs Jeffrey, the'OPgeevdn.Roa, noMr ndMsteoda rirr heHy tiOn's annuel Daffodil Tea and their meetings. She also re- general convenor. The winner OPgv vdne Ronald, PowelJi ! d MMar Eazaar held on Saturday after- ferred ta the euchres held was Mrs. Fern Alloway. Jack Chambers, Oshawarna. rs n oe 110on ini Memronal Park Club- there for the Cerebral Palsy Mrs. Charlotte Clarke, the ~~wstudgit hncag agtro r n r.A-getan !bb ayRn bouse was a tremendous suc- Parents Counicil In aid of the Immediate Past Presîdent, was 'edwtdaeoudrvnan bert HamiltonadMraradPwll a ucae h ed sentenced to 30 days inj.'G ln.s oMr andMr.oteo!ornRvrwae cels.and twas greatiy enjoy- Slrncoe Hall Cri p ped Chlld- the convenoir of the Specia! seCntaencar0d ouind ai enisJone eeth ais tabsotpofteJra el by the mariy people who ren's School and Treatment Draw. The winnlng tickets Constable Robeard A. Whil, n:anise ,IRve ak. hnie iie attended. Thi;a annual event. Centre, Oshawa. whlch has were drawn by Mrs. Glenholme ConPstaeRoertdencee. rater eakbefu-teHl ad oeyasa which 19 a real harbinger of' meant ta much and 19 such a Hughes, assIsted by Mrs. ____gave___________ -er sprlng, Is eagenly anticlpated great help te handicapped Clarke. The Iucky prize win- . ilwstidi h il by a large number of people chlldren of the whole area. "I ners were as follows: Ist pnize ~ . O i a oocasfrcnetns1 each year because the Daffo- would b. very pleased If more $20. Mrs. Marlon Hennlng, ~37 F -- fOC @ eeso!ce dil Tea and Bazaar has always people would attend these Duke Street, and the. 2nd prize il . .. .O.M .AGE..ONE.) Proved ta b. an especlly de- special euchres held on the $15 was won by Misa Pet Erlerth EniRiie lnghtful occasion. Mrs. Mar- first Tuesday of every month Murphy, 68 Church Street- - fl jr I* two-part schoolcou ls col hrs opsdo garet Jeffrey, a past presîdent, startlng at elght p.rn." she Mrs. Helen Cook and MrswUwwutem Maple Grove Eas a eod uisfo rds5ad6 was the general convenor. declared. Barbara Courtney were in while i h colcouwnfrtpae in theircaa «Mrs. Ernest Mitchell, who Mrs. Mitchell eso remindcd charge o! the scwlng boot (FROM PAGE ONE)SA o A lsKrywieteCutc iha officlated at the opentng o! her listeners of Memorlal Park whlch atatd eeyoyhs prta wrns !GdSSolwa fir sa ndO-n'Sho.Drlgo onhp the Daffodil Tea and Bazaax-. Assoclation's continued suc- wlth Its vax-led array o! wond- . However, in the first Youth Public School t1r.wstidi teGaeicaa was Introduced by the Presi- cess In Its maintenance o! Me- exfui articles. Mrs. Eleanor * onîscnutdi oy upils o! M.J.obsPb Chl re dent, Mrs. Vera Bate. Aâmrfal Park. "There Is a lot Dadson and Mrs. Greta Lux- . - after the war, by the then lic Sehool, Hatn. w ho, Bw by President Bate ta al attend- partc In oxder. We have the o! home baklng which Includ- ..L-- eut.-Cmic yon Asanora st rade ad8pplwo heail'sl laar7yer n lng the event. "Mrs. Mitchell best gildes for children, new cd delectable cakes, test * Rabeiet the uC Aao a G adeholco-7 l aadthnude- sc8 i i grs la s a stvalabetmmbaloupialbtalesweemprcare cokisielcnoseo tableds were' nd yex-lat cterd Tecirl'lhors las. So t adrasilrssintu gils the Memorlal Park Associa- last yeax-, and the basebaîl pies and other goodies. The andSalv a rmy ate nenTgColschour Publs colwncaee ôaca tion. and has ane o!fIts longest dIamonds are well kept UP," convenor o! the candy table ' - the Grae 4 VoT6ainoongchorusC inembex-shlps. 'She has been she said. was Mrs. Sharon Dillling, assist- eefrOfc atv iursocainsne Mrs. Mitchell miso upoke n! ed by Mrs. Elleen Hearle. Mx-s. v ponmnshaexcu lsa id ye Darlington, a Its very beglnning." President the Improvements that have Rose Dickthuon was In charge - - Cdtorp a ng o! on ew1 amdeangonwnei uil idfo hr ' ie Bats stated In paylng tribute been made ta the exceptionally of the sale o! geranlum and ' erasec-artaCmisoo lss fr uhnedWhDrino.watir ta Mrm. Mitchell. good clubhouse, Its spaclous hyacinth plants. erymuaiad six caslos ihPtrShati h class forvclcOlet Mrs. Mitchell told the large romrs, completely modemrn_________i ,onerUye st affdixth exaigPaul Watson,Kei Sa1 amo!g. gathering that It was a kitchen. also ta the downstaix-iontestafoîoethe. a n d ieHcsfiihnni' gsObie' hi tM p eas t her a getab. ask- area. "I thank ahl the mcm- - Aseo ! te apaes dl-tat xdr .Hbspae hr n h ed ta open the liffodil Tea bers who have warked sa hard . , -- tt the Centenary Con1 __ Victoria Hajm-s ctn. eodrbn lcdfrt and Beraar. She spoke of the since the Memnorial Park As- grcss, Major Asano visited liard work and active Interest socation was tarted 18 years W. H. "Mick" Brown's annual Case Show on Friday night packed the town London in 1965, which visit; ':..* .. oftemmeso eoilao"Ms icelsaeadExten fsion hall auditorium to oefoîg but those attending and winning ail the prizes also pmovided an oppor.*.*,..-i . Park Association In the.organ- she then declared the Daffodil wexen't around on Saturday morning when the clean up took place. This photo for- a session at the Interna- .'3 "Patople navn idoeta me:Tea operbn and cu trt c wd hMMPGEO was taken then with "Mick", the star of the show, back in his wox-king clothes, tional College for Officers, 'fll «Memorlal Park Association cd between he beautiful white and whch are covemed under bmînging the display equipment clown the front steps to be returned to his shop. sain a u nentoa l IVR I rnembers are always busy. trellîs, which was enhanced by welfare legisiation. He's usually full of Jokes but wasn't telling any on Saturday as he and Russ Teraing Coenerntoa.e Whao do you draise?' If thearosin ofgreleveand ishecdiby te Natisi s pub rainingColl. Wh oneyu do wlth Ilthe a pross n o!gred eveand I ccodln tesNatintica pub- Gimblett struggled with the heavy ]awn mower. At this point, it wauld appear Returning to Japan the -*-**..* .- people would look at this fine fommed a lovely centre ex-ch Councils, the membex- e ated, tath full report of the show may be held over until next week. Major assumed command of' ~ clubhouse and Its excellent between the large front part accidents occurrlng at work theirpoimtd a orp Di- m equlpment that we have today, o! he clubhous. and Its epresent one-fifth o! the total ý!gapitdtKnoD- and think back 18 years when spaclous western addition, accident picture. In other rais D er wex- he a om Aano O the association startcd wlth Mrs. Barbara Courtney, Mrs. womds, Mr. Carruthers satd, for derwhreh anI s.Asn-FO notbing, and held its flrst Marion Henning and Harold evcmy accident ocourmlng etrvOrt now serve.grdahe-PEC ITO NED bingos outdooru In the park, King were the decoration con- wox-k four occur off the lob. Poi c a l C osrone o! Japan fohremost they would then realize what venars. They expressed Sp- Benefit payments made a n fJaaifrms wse do wlVh the money we preclation te Mms. Fred Cale under the Wokmen's Compen- n i campaigners against the drink When everyune eal by catering, havlng bin- for the use o! camne o! the sation Act, he said, were in ed i Bo m n letreadfrhsoutnig Arniy witness, was admitted prescriptio ild crn teu Son, suchres and other pro- decorations. the cxcess o! $100 million In Judge R. B. Baxter pxesid- came out with iron bars and The Crown Attorney said ta the Order a! the Founder for promptsrieatraoal jete," Mrs. Mitchell saald. This effective archway was 1968. Assuming that payment ed at the session o! the Crim- told Donoghue and Tierney ta that Police Chie! Bemnard R. in 1961. Mrs. Asano, wlxo has Mi'a. Mitchell speke o! the1 flanked on cither side by verti- for off job benefits would be inal Division o! the Provincial geV out. The two accused gat Kitney spoke about Danoghue two sons, adal ade-prîces e eawy accommodation glv e n t he cal streamers In pastel shades on the same basis as beneft Court held in Bowmanville on into the car, calling out threats two weeks ago. Donoghue thusiastically s u p p a r t s lier~ preparcd. Brownies and Cuba at Me- o! green, yclow and mauve. under the Workmcn's Com- Tuesday. Crown Attorney G. and drove off. dlaims that the police pick on husband inhs an ad Anowthrewhand amch aise on sato ctebh ad . oncsl ce o u The tawn police were phoned hlm, but the truth is that the varied assignments, will make cd ithrcdandpin roes y slmply multiplying the prosecution, and Mervyn Kelly and ConstableTayDvsadplcrcivcopansauthsryb bigtefist and nedte eter onttecoto ofjbdamsoud Mche oauag aa e TeaBcmy - D avisan olice e tese n wfay tabout hJapan a seig tesion a suroude te wstrndor 100. million figure by four was Legal Aid duty counsel. Coparal R. Parker went ta the him. He added that he did maxried woman officer fram te a! hs bazaar's booths total approxlmately $400.000,-. Bowmanvllle, and Denni eres told what had happened, Dennis Tierney but hie xecam- the International College for I TE RE ST IN G darte a w ie aiary0.- asagr iue ney, also o! Bowmanvifle. and the garage attendants told mended that Michael Donogbue Officers irl Januax-y ta' decraed DanV wltewlk- Critical o! the pmoposed chargeel jolntly with assault, the police the names o! thelbe remanded in custody. Max-ch, 1969. rk bakets ille withras-metho of fnancng of jobboth leadeDouglas adBulmerccshad ouJusgeulBaxterJudtoleler Donoghuehu April 1 - New Ratse e aupexodfrei teaims. Mr. Carruthers in found gulVy. Dooguewas a large bruise on his le!t side that he had been given ai--- ~ o~~,e% onSain ccuns celling. fonmeel the House that the remanded in custody ta April and a facial injury. Hîs mouth chance but had thx-own it Un«iefornue on Savng Acounts The beauti!ully appointed total coat 'of ail investigations 22nd for sentence, and Tierney was cut inside and bis shirt away. Hie was xemanded in fie C u teset serving table was by under he Act waa in 1968 was remandeel out o! custody was tamn. Graham Bulmex- had custody Vo April 22nd and i anexqutsite arrangement a! $289,000. Considering the very Vo April 8Vh. Mervyn Kelly a swollen lip, bruises, and had there will be a pre-sentence MD2 aobetrc muiveltb: ellow daffod.ils I a silvet' large number o! accidents ont- representee Mx-. Tierney and been kicked on the shin. Dono- report. Tiex-ney was remandeu age n twslgtdb ide o! womk, lie said, the sug- Terence V. Kelly, Oshawa, was ghue and Tiemney were latex- out of oustody until April 8th, FREtsRICllSRPHARMAC tail yellow tapera In silver gested method o! financing the Mr-. Donaghue's lawyer. The chax-geel. The Crown Atorney andl was instructeel ta observe TeUielCute ani .D A KO R G cadesiks met dfodl bodee rormm audcopaiat a Dula u- stateel that ane o! the garage a seven p.m. curfew. o! Northumberland andl Dur- In crystal vases attractively certainly be open Vo question. mer. Lindsay. atednsw1peetI aeo icalDn-hmbssrc t a aeJURi O ELLD cteredoVhsets t abfls an The Workmen's Compensa- Crown Attorney Bonnycastie court and xeady to testify. ghue and Gregory Brooking, for 1969 at 16.7 milîs. no in- ALEX M G EO R G othr buquts ! dff .ilsaloVin Board la many things Mr. tolel the court that Douglas Mx-. Kelly talel the courtltwhoa rvasssi crease from 1968. The rate et M nte ll H a r o ldMr K iEng Carmuthema argued. It is a sys- Bulm er and is brother, G ra- that lis client, D ennis Tie n y t e curt had pleaded gu lt w ill rase $1,662,823.88 and is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ es icelae aoe igteni o!adjudiapro-n Voe Vi, trtd utfom id acciad en a guyn srlusbased an an assessment of were tri charge of he tes iainadIaahnsat u mo ida a enijxe nasmasand been Iol guilty wben 722I r tickets. an administrative brbnlpo ahthhk aTrnt.Te cietaya gadlas jalntly charged with assault, $9,59,92 vlding impartial heamings in ail were given ane ride for 10 been receiving txeatment froig, was put over Vo April l5th for Mrs. Ralph Campbell andl cases appealeel ta it. IV la an miles south o! Lindsay, then Dr. T. P. Morley, a leading sentence. Bxooking was me- Miiu 1e Vethe teacups. Mrs. well. a tr-ust company proviel- befome they were picked up hesel injux-y and is also having mneantime. o utd nte~A Qu l Blne Shirley Cowan was In charge ing EMetime pensions. IV is an by a mcd Chevroiet car which trouble with bis le! V leg. He Kenneth Stirling andl Randl- _______________A T _________________ Quertnly Blanc.aVss te table, and thoe educational institution reapon- heel four occupants, wbo were saiel that Tierney bad no pre- ford Nickerson weme chargea whoasaate ONTARIOgwer sible for the operation of!Bsane drinklng' beer. viaus record and suggested with baving had unlawful TRUST & SA'VTNGS wl Mrs. M. StaRichard , Ms. C.mie safety associations In an The Bulmer brothers were that he would benefit from a sexuai Intercourse In Februax-y Knth efot a utdon accidents inn th offereel sainie beex- but refused. pre-sentence report. He added with a girl who is under the CORPORATION K. to an el aMssstnnge Dl- Industry; iV la a hoapital and Then anc o! the occupants that bie tbought it would ha age of 14 years. This Case was Ing, Miss Loxette, Kilgannan, rehabllitation centre. IV la a handeel beer ta Douglas Bul- advisab.le In the nicantime for put over ta April 15Vb, arte Mrs Grce owny. r $1 20-million-a-year enterprise mer arte a bit was inadvemt- the two young men ta be keptbalwa eta $.00csho 823-527 Stella Cowle, Mrs. Ferri Aile- epoi oe 140 eopently spilleel. Douglas Bulmer apamt. $.1,000 px-opex-ty for each. It ~. ~ ~. w way. Mra. Helen Park andl, But, he atmongly asserteel, it was then atruck in the mouth. JuleBxe tte htwas stateel that Nickerson liR NDusY O olilw Mrs. Glenna Kichko. is noV a charitable organiza- Mx-. Bonnycastle atateel that Donoghue was also chamged marx-ied andl bas two chilelmen. 723-5221 Mms. Annie Clapp wsa In ian or forni o! welfa.rc ad. the Bulmers wex-e ]et out o! with having assaulteel Graham Texence V. Kelly la Vhe counsel -~u mm nonne charge o! the dooir prîzea ministration. The basic prin- hs car In Bowmanville at Bulmer In Darlington Town- fox- Stirling. EE hJ1 L I N R I E h 4Nm to.Thumu whlch wex-e clawn fox- at In- ciPle governing the operation the corner o! King and Scugog ship an Januax-y 3rd, and had James Patrick O'Toie, who r* u e oe u 1 1 9 te 5:30 tex-vals during the afternaon. o! the Wokmen's Compensa- Streeta. The car then went pleaded guilty ta this charge'1 was chargeel wlth unlawful FO R D* UMU EU U _______ Pr,. 8 toS8 These attractive prizes were ian Board las that it exista as noxtb on Scugag and the Bul- also. Mervyn Kelly, who Sp- breaking and entmy o! the yrM z scat. 9Ste 4 donsteel by Mrs. Neli Wilson, a collective liabiity for hs mer brothema walked west on peareel for Donoghue, saiel that Rev. K. J. Frampton's bouse LU B TIf B le Ro'I dWaoedonay Mrs. C. G. Morris assisteel bv employers arte beneflts with- King Street towards the BA bis client ]ves wiVh bis guard- last MaY l3th, an indictable 2 D * H UowmiMf. Ci*dPresident BaVe, clxew the flrst out litîgation for hs workers. garage intending ta tehephane Ian, an aunt, In Bowmanville, offence. chose ta be triel by n.~ o v Member Deposit wlnnlng ticket for a door the police. The sanie car came arte asked for a pre-sentence a County Court Juelge. He was Jnsturance Corporation prize. The wInner was Mrs. *long again, stoppeel, arttey report for him also. again remandeel in custody Vor f 1e@ gateeld Lve, suspendeel sentence arte thel U ITP TW OFBWAVLEThere was an accident on tex-ms o! bis bond are that ha Ue.~ RC 31 TOWN 0F B WMAN ILLELiberty Street South at 4:15 mnust keep out o! trouble artlW E IdAEi-u m w amonSelay Paul John report once a montli to the YOU SAVE Barciay,N 10 Liberty Street PrbtonOf - nOsaa N O ~ ~~Nrth, loat contrai :of; i Richard Miliue, Cari Mills, -PYU II OA northbound car, andl Vhs veh- H arris andl Robant A. McEach- YUSAV% N OIcle mounteel Vhs curb i front . cm, chargeel with robbery witb hp..Cmae..Yu1 Ss"CTY ae o olr o! ths Pentecostal Church, violence, pleadeel guilty, and So opr o,1S wn Veths îawnande were convicteel. They were re-ý mallshed a planter. Damage mandee l n custody ta Aprîl! to M. Brcla's ar ws aout8th for a pre-sentence report.! $700andthe amae totheThomas Borner, who alsoý GR BGplne mutd oapprox-. faceel a charge o! robbex-y withONUT - -__Closter was the investigating t pi t eas i a * Nofficer. yen will noV appear for hlm lU At 7:20 arn. a pankeel car ennth lsn DveM P I KPowned by Robent Wright ..#' Oshawa, was struck by an un- chargeel with attempteel break- M . D OA L QenA ve hc extn commit he!t, on Max-ch 27tb,y - . m - N ood Friday y QeSrewIext tee - their case put over ta MayýWLOCTIO froni een Strprty.tamV- 6th. G. T. PolliVt, Oshawa, lai Vod F i cyaeto Mx-. Marin's car he legal counsci for Wilson.' age oalpliar ewain- artelthe other two accuaclwil-1 15 metiain Lo caoiceein- be representeel by a Legal Aid81 KNG T.W S AREA LJSUALLY SERVICED ON Twcas cde nt. 2. . duty counsel. Two ars olldeelon N. 2Robent Crosby, wbo was con FRIDAY, WILL HAVE Hlghway at Morgen's Corners vIcteel an February 25th wheniTECRE Rosel at 3:05 p.m. on Friday. * E bI chargeelwt ssutb GARBAE PICUP ONThe drivers a! these cars were A Etbreatcning gestunes, was sen- H. W. Stapletan, cge 51, New- t enceel. Be was fineel $50 andiCreK tonville,anJae usn JU YL VL $2 costs, or in default sevenlCre m W dTono d cgeDYA RL r 69, Clarke Township. Total REXALL DRUGS daya ln jail. Be was given two OHW T.STWRT r amage Vo the two cana was LY FORD DEALER57 S.uTEAR, t about $1,000. Constable L.F. KING S. .BI.WMAN~7TE;wtst a.Dyeop V I~LLE William Woodward, Coliing- iupt rdeOP nvest.igatned.wood, who was ,chargedoný

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