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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1969, p. 5

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BLACKST 4j .Twentyseven ladies and I gal, called on Mrs. Zal PTSix children gathered in the La= ;e who gave a very Christian Education Centre!teresting and timely wrst Ttiesday, Mardi 25th, at 12i from the ýtheme"God is Reac rtcon aind enjoyed a bountiful ing Out at Easter." Followi and delicious pot luck lun- the offeratory prayer M' eheon and social time. About Harold Kyte. with Mrs. Lor 1:30, Preident Mns. ROY Me- Thompson at thie piano, led LaugMin opened the Generai hymnn sing. Mrs. McLaugVl meeting w i th appropriate read "A Thought fonr Eve _quctations and after weloom- Day" and oonductad oonsi RI CKABY 'S LIMITED &Lrne Çend1enien Qiasses Éklease.1 Just In From England AUTHENTIC PUB MUGS 39c 65C Also In Stock - Pub Jugs Justs&V chwk Effective April 3rd - 12th ENGLISH CRIMPLENE 60" tb 72"- Reg. ta $11.93 $ 6.953yd. PURE SILK PRINTS 36" - Reg. to $8.95 $ 5953 yd. Swiss Embroidered Cotton 36" - Reg. $2.98 $250,yd. BONDED ACRYLICS Reg. $6.95 $450 yd. Many More In Store Slipeciels GOODBRAND FABRICS 28 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE Ctrhoeer- hTi7%, Canadien Stateoman, eownianvllle, Apr. 2, 19&b Mr. m and r.D = er1 O IU Saturday M nnSt iigo n Dvidtrgwiti OBALEYF.UARY N Ronald G. Everson, both of at the home of their daughlter ip ealbuiesatrwihhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Montreal. lard son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. in- Unrtbleadbusneparmter Whei !Howard Cryderman, brothers, A lifelong resident of Osh- The memorial service was' Cecil Hamiltovn. in- Uenitsleadrs. aered tirand sister. ýawa and active in the business held at 2 p.m., March 28th, nt' A presenttil and going. hp mae etins. n.WAsLenWrAgt Mr-. and Mrs. Lawrence! Ele Of the commttnity fori the Armstrong Funerai Home,! awaY party was held in En. rihg graes. reaigs. P. t Ap- Whlte have returned home many years. Stanley F. Ever-i Oshawa. Rev. AlIan Lavis,, niskillen Hall for Mr. and ing paoaches.Gerge PSRoeingl after sendin thre months in son, 171 King St. E., diediminister of Simcoe Street.Mrs. Casie Wuis of Burketon. an rnd M th eorgaye Se «ding spnngd Max-ch 26. 1969, at the Oshawa! United Church, conducted the j They have snld their fax-mi d !-ne areBox". thepsayJothn CForida.Generai Hospital, follwigalservice. Interment was inland purchased a very lov-ely îIiJgenmae bref fttngvex-y short siclcness. H e was 'Oshawa Union Cemetex-y. lfarm in Peterbor-ough dis- iii~ ~en adea bief fttig TflN'. ATT9' i n his 77th year. The officers and members!trict. Mr. and Mrs. Wuiq have ,ery eongratulatory sp Ceech and LAONGo ebnn ogeh]da5c- lvd nthLditic or1 id- pxesented our president with AI so f r. Mary Eliza- ýo eao og l asr ie nti ititfr1 a SiverWedingcar sinedTerri and Robbie Davisbeth and the late Thomas H. Ivice at the funeral home at yeax-s and will lenve a vex-y by ail present. Meeting clos- ýspent the weekend wlth thelr, Ever-son, the deceiase was17:3 p.m. March 27. s . ap ebbottiited r ed with prayer. gxandparents, Mr. and Mrs.ibox-n in Oshawa Feb. 14, 18931cnly t Mrs. M. A sedr. The Womnen's Institut. Ba- Rye Gibson. !and received his educattion in, BURYrTIÎII Thopo.Haydo.M.A The Rye Gibson': were Sun-J1 the local public scolsad x. n MT Sm Grn zarcm f uiewl e-day suppex- guests of their,:the Oshawa High Schools. MrHe r. a rn nesday night considening the Hager i- r.Nn-wsa -dut fteMr. and Mrs. Bruce White,,and boys. Oshawa, visited vex-y etox-my weather and an De, .avis s. or-f Parat Sce of the ho!an*tn with Mr. and Mrs. Saturday with Mx-s. R. Davey. slippex-y ronds. Natura.lly the UanvDavit. of Tox-oa cineof h: .Wt. Chux-ch service will be held attendance wasn't as large asUiest fTrno Mx-. Ox-val Greer and girls at usual timne Easter Sunday uxual but ail appeared tae en- Eanly in thie First Wforld, with Mrs. W. Bryan, Satur- in Buz-keton. 12 o'clock. n joytheseleM.Mis LenneWar. eelse nth oa .Mx-. and Mrs. H. aean Doxrell sang a solo acoom- - UWUUUs Gi N aval Air Service and later! congratulations to MissiSteven, Bowmanville, visited panied on piano by hex- sister, Over the weekenid one of Kenny Drew's Plymouth transfex-red to the Royal AirlSusan Smith upon winninglwith Mrs. R. Davey. Heather, then with Heather Rocks at Hampton went on a sit down strike, probably Of 250U,000 Force where he served as aJlst px-ie in a singing contest.1 Mr-. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor on the guitar, Leansie, Heath- tn oreh . I adtebgeg n ae eavy bomber pilot. FoIllOw- Mr. and Mme. Charles Coop .Iand June were recelnt visitons cx- and Janis sangs two folk protesigsmtrg tli h i g n er Ii. n, the wax- he wox-ed withJer, Orono, visited with Mx-s'i f Mrs. F. Toms, Enniskilien. %onge. Mrs. W. Hoppa enter- dropped the perfectly formed midget. Kenny is the To Ufliversity thei local branch of the SunJW. Bx-yan on Satux-day. Mx-. Ralph Grace, Kitchener, tained with Instr-umental mu. 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drew. They don't y Life Assurance Co. of Canadal Sympathy of the eomnunitYlwith hls parents. Mx-. and sic on the piano. Styliçs know what went wrong but think maybe the hen The Canadian GenfralEec and latex- fox- many yeax-s wesý s ' extendcd ta the family of Mirs. H. Grace andi family. fx-om David's Beauty Salon, was playxng an advance April Fool's joke on them. reCmpn iitdidy with the London Life Insux- Mr. Francis Wex-xy ini thpi Visiter% et the Bailey homne Port Penny, niodelled seveiral announced a gift to TrentJ neC.psigo oigwf n hswe eeM- n m haix-do's which was vex-y in- a tUnlvex-ity valued at $250,OOO.ý A devoted membex- of Sim- motiher.I Roy Macdonald. 13owmanville. Mx-ps Max-woo McKec dcar- OdVTSkatig on Plastic of a cas.h, coe Street United Churcli. hel Mx-. Lfonard Stinson, Osh-j Mx-. and Mx-s. Harold Patter. Ivir. Mrwod MKeedecar- N ow Ska ing on naton ogeherwith the, retix-ed recently alter- serving1 awe, with Mx-s. Tony SmithJ son andi family, Oshawa, Mn. cd the sale open and a whilet company's electx-lc pw gen- fox- many years as aRnienber ' eil.Iand Mrs. Jack Peeling, Mary of pux-chasing was spent before' ereting station at the edge oflo f the board otfnmanagers Mx-. Stan-ley Taylor tqttend-t and Jane, Oshawa. t.he dainty lunch wax servcd. the University'& campus ai A menibex- of the R.oary e.,d the 6th Wedding Anni-lM.rq. J. Greer, Tox-onto, il David offered a free shampoo :.sau lu f saw ine194heiversai-y of Mr-. and Mrs.J visiting witih lier daughter, and hair set for a lucky ticket In addition, the com pany lsJ served as presîdent of the' xegtnDvt nSudyM-.G aedr which was won by Mrs. Roy goi giving Trent more than 40, club in 1950-.91 and wasdi- Taylor. Mx-s. Hubbard of Port acres of property adjoining. trict governox- of District 2471 Peny wn te uil, Lwxenc ~ ýthe University's elte. of Rotary International ini Van Camp the ilLw ecae The gifts have been madie 1952-53. and Mrs M. P. Philp of West 'in connection with the nation-i M-.Evrn was very, ac- Hill tihe cup and saucer. ~ lape o h rn n-tv in Masonry. A membex- On Friday, Max-oh 27tki, the esty Dvop nt F n f Lehanon Lodge. No. 139, Departmn.nt of Agriculture whc seurnl seîg and AM, he servedf as mas:- arranged fltheannuel meeting Ite-ofte oden 9!.H of Daix-y Rend Improvementî u ,gý Announcing the CGF. ift., wa algo an affiliated paqf J Association which wax held VicnaerSdanl en GeAram master of Parkwood Lodgel iii ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Catngt ntefxcýMaaeSalyR dnsn AF nd AM, whirh he assisted;r noon all visited the barnna of coii f -fete h en- 0~in orgaiig. A 32nd degreel & aster Mx-. P. Hoogevenand Mr. tx-e ny n T re t y the o- Maçon, lie waq also a membhex- John Bonsma. At noori ail fsepoe.gramny ofth Scottish Rite, the Ter- gathered in the Township 0f h pe fRe ri Hall for lunch, affen which JProfessor T. H. B. Symons, on'te hpe-0 oeC-i Hall tor PunsidenttandwVice-Chan-l and the Moore Consistorv of: Mir. Harold Clapp of Guelphielro rnt xree h Hamilton. About eight vearc; Agricultunal Coliege addrcs Uie-ly' hns "C.G.E,1 ago he was namrd Grand' sed the gafhermng on "Modern J.. Jboth as a corporation and; Organist of the Grand lord ge F'eeding Methods of Daix-y hog iscdviulfpîy Canada In thc Province of': B Cows". y' elces, has taken a helpful inter- Otno Fine Palm Sunday services est in Trent from the x'ery Aon hicuratite were held in both churches start. This genex-ous crift is In wex-e his interest in the Osh- ._Sunday mox-ning. nhe United Ikeeping with the xnany wayc w osn n n > -JChurch choir sang "Lift Up In which the company her, con- somne yeers ago, whîch hel Your Voice, 0 Zion." Rev. P. t r~ix-buted ta the community and i>erved as president. HP. hnrd JRomeil'subjeet wax "Hon- - 1supported Its good endeavorl1beer a dirertor of thieOshawa, ouring tihe Lowly." Rev. R. C. 0'~ovex- many years." 'Geniip Hospital for about 1W1 Rose's texi. wàs "Christ se- 's- Aenson remredta years and, et the finie ofhi rept us with ail Our- imper- [The community liax witnesseri[l death, was chnirman of the' fectioln."Te Bleseing oft the, the contlnuing expansion of bou1se Mmi e.J Paînis tonk place and orie dis- . the universty ta accommodate A on aM vx- i tributpd tn cai memben oÈ an incxeasing enroument of, so>n wns active in spors He .DAO INS thie 'ngregation. A memoniell .*students. Trent lias alx-eady wSS 0one foflihe mes acIve prayer fox- Gencral Eisen- . .ectablishpd an onentoa ebr f the Oshawa Ten.1Uft?, SiG. J hower was offel-d Specialý; Friends who may have beeën wonderinig what hasireputation for the quality ofnis Clib, of which lie wa.q aO~ÉL~~S~ ýsri"will b lield i oh apnd to Avey .u ycetf and Mary Jane Ok t corses.As aresuIt, we lfemember. He n ;]ýaloeJt o e ' . weer churhes oodFridy een- ketw0ýavesfudents hlire freinma member of tihe Oshawa Cairl-1 f w chuxche God Fida evn-.of this area's top figure skaters, were surprised to sec parts of flie wonld as well asling Club and of fthc Oshawa Sincere sympathy ls extend- thern mn action at the Sportsmen's Show in Tox-onto ýfromn across Canada." iGolf and Courtry Club. ThAnta o-o-t itbnmero er g i w-B WM NIL cd thec Van Camp famulies on xecently. This picture shows them stili skating, buÉThe63 Ini1t0alcpre oft C.G.E. e ndofperted flic owns- O ANIL thei deatbh oft their sister, Mrs. on a sheet of vinyl plastic insfead of ice. Their acf propex-ty et Nasau px-ovidedview Golf Club In fthe nox-fl JFVan camp) oi (ne nniskl en, was part of the General Mofors exhibit. The third . fli site on which most of thlc'east section of thflicity. Sunday. girl in the centre is Susan Sher and Debbie Wilkes 5university's buidings have been Besîdef, hic mother, Mr. Hearty congrauajin r who bas skatcd here in carnivals is also a memberJcrected te date. At that fime Eesnl uvie ytxe -atulaions aflich company also gave $150,000' sisters, Mrs. George J. M. M.of their team. The girls are skating fox- Bruce Hyland Ji, support of thfe universitv's Bray (Llewreila) of Tox-onto, Cneighlton Devitf of Bowman- and iHoward Cable, owners of the show, and so fax- founding fund. In additionrs. W. J. Salter (Iva> of ville w'ho ceicbreted their have given more than 300 performances. the employees oft the companY! Oshawa and Mrs. H. R. Hall 1 6afh wcdding annivex-sary ati - --______ contxibutcd $260,000 flirougli (MurIel) of Montreal, andý the home of their daugliter, an ~ - a -~u weeklv peyroll deductions. two brotliex-s, Ewarf A. and, Mx-. and Mx-s. Cecil Hamilton, M ~ ~ * ~ ~ ' Sunday To Mir. and Mine. Ed. M A PLE ' W V E 1 ~ 4~ -~' ~ V~/ Herx-is on thedi- 4th anniven-. Sympathy of this community St. Pierre wlll be pleased te ~ ~»4~4j ~ > ~ ~~ ~ N1 4 1 u4t~ S E3-~ cary. A family dinner was ~etnc aM.adM.ko h a eundhm"y .<I.. if. ..LJI~.b' ~/ / held hItheix- honour at Mr. Jîm enny d M.anmil who ttxspendingsfieunm ome i -~' - and Mrs. Murr-ay Burkctt's i Her an aiywoatrsndgfv m thil (niecl Rets Harisi), en Sunday. were residents in this coin- Oshawa General Hospital and i~~ Als toMx- ad Mm. oyMc- muni1ty befone moving fa Bow- same littie fime in MemorialJ Alaghli tethirr.t and i- mRoanv-ille, in the passlng lest1 Hospita:l, Bowmanville. They week of her inother, Mre. Alex- also neceived word foday fromi versary. lander Smith, a resident oft their dauglitex- Vera, that shec Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Box-- Golden Valley. Some residents wac bcing moved fo St. John's rell and Janis spent flic wcck- Ion Maple Grove Roed wlll re- Convalescent Hospital, Wil-1 end with tlie Roger Boxrelis, mnember when she visited hex- lowdale. Ottawa. daugliter, somne aiso have visif- The m-onthlv card paxtv will1 Mx-:. Fred Bredburn, Janet- cd flicre with the Henx-y's. Ibe hled In flic C.E. Hal l T PA DSEO RRA IEE SE U NE NT EWN O ville, spent the weekend with Sympathy of tis community Maple Grove on Saturday'ST PA D E 0 R E LLI AT RBU N SIN HEW DO extendcd to Mr. Francis1evening af 8:00 p.m. EArE Fancy Boxed Smiles n Chuckles Mx-. Paul Rahm, Toronto, l er n am ,Ensx- Mx-. and Mrs. Don Brown, ýESE homne fox- five days. len, In fthc sudden passing of'bodo spent the weekend'H C LA E sorry to report Mx-s. Russel bis wife and theix- mother; also witli bis parents, Mx-. and Mrs.J BEGSanXOV LTE CHOCOLATES Brwn ws akntePotteal thrreatvs.1with CORSAGE B XDC O O A E Brownwas akento Pot foaIl ther elatves.W. H. Brown, brother David. ,î 17 15 -$.0$.0t 45 îPerry Hospital on Sunday. 1 Don't fox-get flic joint Good aiid attended hie father's showý c-$.50$.0-$.0$.0t 45 JMn. and Mrs. Eilner Archier, Frîday monning service in lest Friday evening. W4tyvsi- Fieyee-Mape GaveUnitd Curc-1M-. ._ee _yM- ,a in, x-d x-1e-r Me.Do-a 1:3 am-MaMile. x- M Bulex, , j P LA OI C LOPAK1lAM RA.. Landy M Whoan Mrec. BilI Bro1vn,1 he MenY fricf'rîdF4 o1Mrgs were Sîînday erpper gilpcstsl m1' inus congestion. IVitamins and Minerais .,,- Livel, wb wcm cometingiti rs. oy V nm Mrs D- i Culn osil pn wit r.RyVnaRg $1.58- Spec. $1.29 2.18 Value- Spec. $1.59 3.49 Value - Spec. $2.49 1 in url ighBnsiean t urLilie Wcyrncss, Base Lin ' ig. 'with Mr-. and Mr.. van P N Y O LMx-. and Mrs. Clifford Swai- 'cd Mps.n Mrs. Gran st loýIw wex-c Sunday afternoonî GILLFTTE *m .M~dI.u~ARRID 'Top1. h 1losVSf Over 30 resident and former cellers on ber sister, Mx-. and!JRGTGAD______________ Th'(eidn citizens of ManversMx-. Frenk Cruickshank, of'EXR DY son, and aIl visifed both Mer-,!tmevelcd by chax-tered bus fa Ajax.EXR DR 'low and Thompeon familiesTo-nao ndyceiga x.adMs o od ANTI-PERSPIRANT until Tuesday. N IPR IA T Siler eddng guests of tic Durham County murpliv, Oshawa; Mx-. and1 ' SPRAY ~A T.ESIA T 'i: Clvr edig !ub.* About 30 more jaincd Mx-:. Jim Snowden, Oshawa; thecksWetnes SPRAY On Saturday evenmng, Mexchiflie Menvers graup. The lat-,Mr. and Mrs. Len Goodmux-- hcsWtes. 29, 1969, flic families Oft Roylter werc former Menvens cifi-'phy,, daugiters, Maple Grave; 1.59 Value - Spec. $1.44 s'*B 15c Off - Special $1.44 and Edifli McLaughlin sur-' z *nsreing in Tox-onto. TlieMx-. SamiSodn saa prised fhem wifh a little ý25th local: wcre tendered a i-cral Mr-. David Snowden, Bowmen- wcdding annîvcrsary panty in, welcomc frani the club, ville; Mis. Allen Snowden,. e a l , Enniskillen Hall. Ted Mc-! At a meeting oit the Officiel were ailSeturday eveningl ..~. LABORATORY TESTS - Results within 2 hours - Accurate, Dpnal Laughlin acfcd as master Ofit Board ai thfe United Churchi suppex- guests with Mr-. and: ceremanie and e progx-am in Bethany Monday Rev. W. Mrs. Ron Rogers and daugi consisted oit a poem written Plency tendencd bis resigna-! fers, Mn. and Mis. Bob Good-J by Joyce Reed, a pian? olo010 tidn. He lied scmved In thus Pas-! murphy are moving to Orono. Y by Bebbic MeLaughlin atoa-e for six years.1 Miss Tammy Rogers spentF RDICS dance number by flic Rmed The Chambex- of Commercelic wcekend with lier cousin,' sisters, Heatiher, Pamn andîheld enothen successful Bingo Miss Patty Snowden, Osbawa.ý Penny, a duet by Janis and on Safurday evcning. 'Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks.F RED Bebbîe McLaughlin, and a On Frlday evcning thc UCWand family wex-e Sundey sup-,P R E SCIR P T 10 N P H A R lA Cè' Y xnock wedding akit put on by held anothen Progressive Eu-iper gucsts with bis sistex-, Mx-P .ES 1.11 1 ',iP H ~ ii the Ashtoni famdly. cire. and Mx-:. Gcnald Keen, Osh-'6 KING ST. EAST 623-2546 BOWMANVII LE ' Roy and Edithi were aakedJ Mn. Bruce Fisk Is stili aneawa. to comme to the sMage and' the sick listi and unable ta go, Mn. and Mm. Clifford Mur-' wezre presented with a rocker,lback to work. ýphy, Foots Bey, Ont., arc' '*1 PROMPT MOTORIZED DELIVERIES silver plate, and many prettyi Our local hockey team boW-: spending a few deys withl ,unadsum.edotof tic finals Sunday'flieir nîcce and ncphew, Mr. ç A delicinus lunch was. serv-mrox-ning when they were de-,and Mrq. McGuirk and famlly, ,~ ~ 5 t/' cd .nd everyone enjoyed mot feted ayPr er etrM.Jh rurTrno nazi uia bo~u niv"atv. w&=tthe weekend "'~' U 4 (UT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS Wc Send Flowers By Wire Anywhere COMPLETE SELECTION 0F Quality Seeds VEGETABLE SEEDS ............15Se pkg. AIl Farm Grass Seeds Available Phone 623-7141 Carllct,,OïlFlowers %0 & Seeds 33 DIVISION ST. BOWMANVILLE

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