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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1969, p. 6

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S The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanville, APT. 2. 1969 port Hlopo March 12th put on by her girl friende there. Mr. George Mercer has been undergoing 4 number of tests ithe Orthopaedic Hospital In been allowed to corne home Sunday night. resta -wJ1 be continued on Monday. C-GÎIT., music lessons, junior choir, sports - they're* leaders? sud their parents? BMr. Broond eChnlansdisted alwortbwhile, this mother agrees, but when do tdy'iMost mathers, like Mrs. Mrs. LuxPonreHoetly ndtook find lime t be childrn? today'sHilis, feel their daughters have hrit otHp ihte chlrnfn iet echildren ?"ltoo much of a gond thing". for a few day.. bi' Marguerite J. Fraser Ing tn CGIT and 4-H clubs But where do you draw thte Mrhavegnd s. Alen ositer là Th Unitd Chuch Oandve cho l afire. musi d thios "Debbie loves her 4-H farm tives in Virginia and Tonnes- There are 22 teenaged girIln c l far.An hs sec. While they are away Mns. In olla -a ypîal ura idoesn't Include the trne and'! clubs. She's up at six i M. E. Foster in staying with incolnun - a in talroa ur-l mileage Involved In her Young1 "They must do two Homne-!Mrs. Marlatte. hammunty In Otaho'&attr-ndos equaliy hectie (and equal-i maklng Clubs a vear, or they'll1Mrs. Geaeh is home fram tht ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l vilgthrh t udyî ypicalù programn of mugii nover reach Provincial Hon- !Bowma nville Hospital. They coladCGT legsons, Tyro meetings, hockey, or".Idîd not put her arm In a cant Tcheylivnde I unrd-ea-practice, etc. 'Those "Hockey' "But ail her friends are In!as they were afraid her arm oldhoes, haeIn hdd-e byl oms" who live In Solina CGIT." m ight stiffen as she ha. arth- or hards; in he brht enbn- must deliver their eight- and' MM. Audrey Rosevear la :ritis In It. galows of the "new" 'country nine-year old boys ta the rink principal of the two-roco Mrs. Ethel Geary in at pros- :10k;onrodsbodeed byin town-a haîf -hour drive, 1 village sehool. She reared four ent in the hospital in Bow- -nole; n ios nodrailb on wnter roads--before seven~ daughters of her own, and In manville. W. hope bath ladies foncs tht wnderoff In obthe morning, every other1 firm in ber opinion that today'e' will be feeling better soon. pancs tead Andenchan lto Saturday.) "Their program rural girl le ton busy. "These Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garbut placuelfrandi n ng "hre ng rends like a bus sehedule," Mrs. actîvities, bath community and famlY and Mr. and Ms.. marihood and children meet. ,, Hilîs continues. "There's no groups and school prajects, are, Harry Molloy of Toronto visit- Butsomthig hs gnetime for famlly lite. Last l ail excellent - taken singly. led with Mr. and Mrs. Trumnan Bur ong mo everalyas n Christmas there wasn't one Taken ail at once, they're i- Garbutt for the holiday week- w vr-ncr e brd en as nfree evening for aur. family dclu.I' o h s ed isLs abt pn eern setting ban hs lm hpig spree."dcuos. lwsnt h ueen.MisLiaGabtt spen 'shulers utilthsoebldrn TîlickslvrAne ticstat's ai fault: It's the abuse." tho wholewek it hr ý«holdes. ntilthee cildrn Tllquic-siver1 "Our girls," sho looks at her grandparents. are puttIng In I 5-hour days-- off her timetable briskly.i youngest,-a calm, poised nurs- Celebrating Mrs. Hatcher :an 9-hor eek!1 "First there's elght hours a iîng graduate, "were allowed F<orier's birthday with her ,an 90 oudainedible. N week an the school bus .-"ionly one outside activity ai a ýwere Mr. and Mrs. Bob Car- conr ir ik ow rhe Tlt-w husimeho re. Today's girls are ex- ruthers and family, Mr. and :con, awaays Te vcuu (tis llws o aterscholpected ta ho into everything. Mrs. Jerry Bvers and family, :coeanr ads. Thloedvauube sports or extra teacher help)i Onlv a euper-child could cape Mrs. M. E. Foster and Mrs. dustcloth and even her dish-land about five hours' homne-' wîth it al." Marlatte on Sunday. 'washIng chores, In many cases,i work. Mis_________skywa have een eectrîied.Already she has tntalled -MisKtyTank wa .havebeenelecrifid. 1home for the halidays, Wht n athisgîn o'more bours than a workman KM. n Mrs. Bob Young- Wha onearh s gingon e ors ]ENDALMran "Teesjs o uhgîgin tht nearby General Motoradsanl vstd red on!" say's rs. o s uH is0fplant, but ber schcdule also mnadfaiyvste red 'on" sys rs.WesHils o iniuds te flloing iMrs W. Mercer spent a nt Hespeler during the week- His' Havon Farm <mother of inc denhd.llwng Carol, 15 end Anne. 13) whol CGIT: 90-minute meetings.,!week in Uxbridge visiting her en.O..45KNA spends five hours a week, driv- twlce monthly. Christmas jbrother Mr. Arthur Grant, and L*O.L. 40à5god K tenda c vesper services; parties, pro- rbrought hi, home wlth her Ther te whle gosdrittenai jects and practices. Ifor a short h hl itita 4-H Hgomtmaklng Clubs mi We had an extra supplv of L.OL. 405 on Monday night, Two lub yerly eah aer-snow the past wintcr but it March 10th. aging seven evening mneetings1has gone awaY quite gradually A 5-0da a ed and 32 hours' work (lncludlng and much of the water has This draw was under tht sus- a day - long "Achievementisunk loto the ground. Many pices cf Cartwright Scarlet Fomea:IDay"). of the fields stilI have quite a Chapter. Beverley Patton drew EvS if you are well insured Music Leasons: Four hou l5uPy of snow on themn (as the wlnnlng ticket. The lucky a'nîst fire, hail, anid a hast weekly for lessons and pract- ý0f Sunday). We enjoYed samote t ha en purasdnb of~seperil, youcan Iu ice: extra at exam time. ýreal nice days last weck, alsa M i ss agrt cuk of otuhed feinanycany se r ot:Moitac n Sunday. Bowmanville. il brnught a be rused inacialy y c asigPojthp M omt eare "The school chIldren and cash value cf $98..Mr. Rus- ersal; a the are maj r ert ther students were on hoi- ,'çel «Rham snld the winning lnvolvlng correspondence, ne- day the past weok which a] ikt uc a evdt i I searh and ime. 0W been settled on mas flxepresent. 1 erhan Ie holiday for each yeRr. Thel Church and Sundayv achool: uittle folks had a fine lime L I D , p Besides regular Sunday serv- playing in tht water from the O IU R L Aices, there's chair prartice melted snow. O IU R evrstas, h er ae-otnd r ai - M . George MacDonald, MZ DIWF LI ChrsiasEateran Ani-Roy end Treassa spent the >~o alte ha man difer- AIltîsde ntinl holidays vi.iting Mrs. MacDon- Tht death tif James Mere- 14omater ow anydifer- Ailnes sharo o houedald's roother and iter at diiiFalle occurred ai Port uni Icmds of imeurance YOU chore'ss; apl f ue he Omemee. Perry Community Ho9pital on rhave aplpfaîl n he Mr. and Mrr. Webster and Thun'sdaY, March 9, 1969. Ho Ikvor how much, you're al the timne she and Carol family from Leskard mOved in was in his 4flth year. MM wide open tothe biggest worked as their father's hired last week to the Haskln- An only son of the laIe fmncial risk of ail unless hands lasi summer. Topo os.Mrdt alsadJri yuzcavered against Uabîl.. For Carol, a reader af books 1ThomPsofthoulis w a eeithe Failie a n Jenne 5iLeu show you how our antd a lover tof horses. tht pro-' inSoe fthe ln sadis wh arDevit, 192ewanbor on au- Parmçrr's Comprchensive gram 15 even heavier. Sbe's pters tted a sadin h ary 131h, 1921,the are idedaI Permosa Liabdiliypolicy can in Grade X. She bas ailI of painîsat the hoCme a shls iton hefr wic hielp povide the protectiolt Anne's schedule. plus more rng pant itehooc n as lways been in the Fallie Youee.~ilsfodeaie. homewark; 90 minutes tutor- Bill Hoy. They were rame. Ht received hie edu- YM u fo detitu Ing In Latin each week; Glce kittens on velvet. cation In Cartwright Town- Club, volley bal, and extra The Etîchre parîy scheduled ship and wms a member af piana practice (she play-, for for Friday evenlng in the Cadmus United Chureb. Sunday school, concerts, etc.) Ischool by tht P.T.A. lad to Mr. Fallis in survived by Thirteen-year-old Kathv Vice hoe cancelled As there was hig wife, tht former Jean attends senior public school troiuble with the heating sys- Adamm, wihomn he married n yei her calendar is even more tom. My2,14,tnduhes crammed than the Hilîs girls'! Mra. Gardon Langstmft and Mna a2, 1948, tndaugero, S TUART EL For Kathy is a budding public MrS- Jack Neal and familles stur-i Sspeaker who spent several ev- visited their mother, MTS viving are thret sisters, enings last sprlog (after houre Langstaff, lasi week at Iro- CrsaMre Ms o JA ES of neparation) et "speak- quais. a C hrysnandMunie (Mrs.Dn ~r~I ,offs , r. mneThoapson) Indthmnit(Mre JAf"NSh'-aloai te -1hol Congratulations ta Toc neBradburn). GEERLINUANE Drama Club, the choir, the Mrs. David Mercer who have The funeral service was GE RL NURNE recorder ensemble. Anid she adopted a baby dauxhter, l rittMcDermott- *4King st. E. Bowme.nville has more afier-school projecis Karen Elizabeh, a sister for Panabaker Chapel on Satur- than cithen Canal or Anne-IChane. aMrhS Office Rosidenet more than a dozen In science! Mrs. George Mercer and day, Marc th ai 2 pv.m. and 18.61623-5493 aane. Mrs. Wn. Mercer and Mi'ss ws omrl nte yRmev. Phsin 82-61Whet are their teachers Irene Mercer attended a show-'Roei.Itf-nt as n I tinkng f? And their club er for Miss Shirle;y Mercer in Cadmus Union Cemetery. 1 thining 0PIlîbearers were Messrs. Normani Rouirer. Grant Edgtr- ton, Lawrence Adams, Henry Adamis, Maurice Nesbiti and Lavernc Devitt. Meny beautiful floral tri-'] butes were evidence of the eeni in which the deceased £ 6 0 1 Uv was held. Flower bearers were nepihews and neighboure. ]Business Directory EFFECTIVE APRIL lst to 5th GRADE "A" LARGE 10c OF EGS 472d' REGULAR 57c RETAIL ONLY - ORDER FROM YOUR MILKMAN * * NO MILK DELIVERY Good Friday, A&pril 4th REGULAR DELIVERY - SATURDAY, APRIL 5îh 4oeLucDJahq" BOWMAN VILLE AcC nu n fan cy THOMAS J. MCGOWAN Chartered Aceoun tant Phone 987-4715 WM~. J. H. CO6iINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., BowmanvMle Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa ITelephone 725-6539 C h 1r op r actc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 lOffice Hours: By appointmnent D enfal1 *DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle: Office Hours: 9 amn. ta 6 p.m. dally Closed ýaturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Re-. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmnanvllle Office Houri. 9 to 6 p.m. dally Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-5459 DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 King St. E., Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. i Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m. Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday Phono 623-7662 Insurance DONALD A. MaeGREGOR Lite, Auto, Home 5 IgInsurance 5 itSt. W., Bowmanvlle Phono 623-5982 Op to mle 1r y KEITM A, BILLETr, . .. 14 lgOptomnetrIst 14 igSt. E. - Bowmanvllle1 Office Hours: By appolntinent1 Telephone 623-3252 1 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - fr1.j 9 a.rn. to 5 p-m. Wed. and Set. - 9 - 12 Tburaday evmnlis 1 Ir I.nterclub How Bd. c 1For Bene 1 "Equalization of educational, opportunity for our young rpeople will only corne about through the effective com- m icateon and co-operation of parents, business, induutry and tructece," D. W. Patterson, Superintendent of Planning, Northumberland - Durham FCounty Board of Education, t sid when he spoke here on 1Monday evening, March 24th. Mr. Patterson, the guest sek- er at the Inter-Club dinner -meeting nt the Lions Com- munlty Centre, gave an ad- dresa on "The County Board of Education - lIt Purpose and Organization." The Bowmanville Kinsmen Club was in charge of ar- rangements for the annualý Inter-Club meeting, and the succestfu event was greatly enjoyed by the local Kinsmen, the Bowmanville Rotary Club, the Bowmanville Lions Club, the Bowmanville Kiwanis Club and Branch 178 of the Royal Canadien Legion. The members of the Inter- Club Committee were Ralph Whyte, a past president of the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club, George White, s past president of the Bowmanville Lions Club, Bob Carruthers, a pait presi- dent of the Bowmanvllle Kiwanis Club, Jack Landers, oi the Bowrnanvîlle Rotary Club, and Seth Hunt of Branch 178 of the Royal Canadien Legl*on. Bowmanville Kinsmen Club President Alex Wiseman pro- algded. Others nt the head table were His Worship, Mayer Ivan Hobbs,otht gueuft speaker Mr. Patterson. Eranch 178 of the Royal Canadien Leglon Presi- dent Ron E. Richards, Bow- manville Rotary Club Presi- dent Bill Thiesburgér, Bow- manville Lions Club President H. A. (Bud) Moses, Bowmian- ville Kîwanis Club President Jack Morton, and Rotarlan Jack Lander. Kinsmen tiet Vice-President Don Masterson said grace. Four local Klnsmn, iII Slaght. Ralph Whyte, George Mutton and Phil Vowles, were the Sergeants-at-Arn for the event. Intraducing the gueit speak- er Rôtarian Jack Lander said that David William Patterson, Superintendent oif Planning for the Northumberland - Durham County Board of Education has high academic qualifications for the post. *'He has a Bacho- ]or of Arts, Bachelor of Edu- cation and Master of Educa- tion Degrees fron, tht Univer- sity oif Toron to. He also holdt; a Guidance Specialist Certifi- cate, Secondary Schools Prin- cipal's Certificate. à Diplomna framn the Harvard University Graduate School In Education, Institute for Administrators of Pupil-Personnel Services, a Diploma in Personnel Adminio, stration from the Ryersan PolytechnIcal Institute, and is a graduate oif bath the Ontaria College oif Education, Toronto, and of the Lakeehore Teachers' Coliege, Toronto," Mr. Lander stated. "Mr. Patterson bas had teaching, administrative, and supervisory experience at tht elementary. junior, hlgh, and secondary sehool levels tIn tht Bnroughs of York, Etobicoke and North York. and the De- partment ni Education. Ht has served as Principal of Depart- ment oif Education Surumer Courses, as a lecturer, Depart- ment oif Educatian, Element- ary, and Secondary Principals' Courseq at thtelJniversities of Western Ontario, Waterloo, and Queen's Universities, a, lecturer In tht Department nfi Education Sumnmer and Win-1 Club Dinner Meeting that. there were approximatelY 2.1,- 013 students in tht schools of NJorthumberland and Durham Counties at present. This in- rludeki 16,464 in the elemen- tary achools and 6,453 In the, secondary schools, he said. "Each of these students is sntitled to be educated ta his ju,,est capacity. We are devot- ed to mass education and con- tinuous education. We need these young people and we r>eed a system. of education whsc proides them with maxi -mura opportunity for self development. "lWe are really talking about individual differences and asl a remuit the focus in educa- tion today le on Individuali rather than on mass crammningi of knowledge," Mr. Pattersoni asserted.1 "In educatian today we muet' bconcerned with developing ikills, attitudes, and knowledgel for education and work, citi- ze.nship, and leisure time. We have a reeponsibllity to pro- duce graduates who are adap- table , flexible, and versatile In this ever changing, complex society. With the rapid chan- ges in the educational field. teacher., parents, business and industry, muet aIl revtew, tia attitudes and acpt res. Speaker TelIls >f Education Wc lfit of Studenf. 178's Speclai Draw for a!1 Inew meetIng they 'broke bIte Liquor Cabinet and the lucky1 thefr groupe. winner was Lion Jack Hold- Mrs. Hoar, pntmary consult- stock. : ant for Darlington, spoke an kA rousing singsong led by tht language experlonce ap- Lions Sam Black and Ted proach giving the prlmary Miller was enjoyed with Rot-' members many concrete sug- ) k laîan Hub Hooper playing the' gestions as to haw lu could hé, Ipiano accompanîment. During: incorporatcd Into their pro- the balance of the tvenlng,î gram with minimum matenlal tscarde were enjayed. 'ta work with. Mrs. Tampkins led thé ITunior groun ln their discus- ponibliie wic te ewnvlvd:BemavüeCari- s~ces I, iennof "ciernc; projects, filme age brings. wright, Clarke, Courtîce, Dar- e c rs M ti and pupil expenimonts. Many "Educatian le everybody'silinglon, Manvers and New- sources of reference materials responsibility and It i. obviaus castle). Central Area - ftIavallable wero aise pointed that the community needs par.! (Townships, towns, and vllag- At Orono School ouu. ente, leaders and citizens whoIOs involved: Cobourg, Haldi- The March meeting of uhe1 are understanding, ekilîfuI, mand-Alnwick, Hamilton, Hope Clarke-Newcastle teachers wasý Our days are ail thc same rensonable and responsible. ýMillbrook Secondary and Porthasted by the teechers of suze, like idenuical uteases. "In thîs ever changing soc-lHope). Eastern Area - Orono Public School. AtterlBut some people cao pack îeuy ot ours we are confront- ;<Townships, towns and villag-i lunch, coffee and a bnief bus- more into them than others. ed wlth new techoological andies învolved: Brighton Village, - scientific inventions which af- Brighton T.S.A, Campbellford., tedt us greatjly and have aiCavan, Coîborne, Crahame,' 1 tremendous influence on the!Hastings, Millbrook Flemen-1 sehools and the type of edtJ-tary, Murray Township, Percy,il cation that we must providelSey-mour and Campbellford, fr uryugtr.Today.slSouth Monaghan and Spniigi __ schools are vastly different 1Vle) tram wlat they were a genera-, "Thet Executîve Commite tion or so mgo. consists of the Dîrector ofU "Tht many changes In edu- Education, Supenintendent of, SINGLE VISION I * cation in Ontario over these) Planning, and the Business'6 last tew have been based unýAdministrator. Thcy are tht ULil uoffialtftebrd nd s two undenlying assumpubons. 1.1such ave afth ory ndosn5 SHAPES AND COLORS That tht true strongth of a'documhaent o bhaî othe TO CH OSE RO democracy lies in the oppor- board t nbhafo h O H O EFO tunities which il provides for bad individuel growth and develop- "Thte Administrative Counel comploe with Fr~e ment, and secondly. that the! las the responsibility of o1onsadCe diversity and flexibility c on_1rdinatlng the varlous activi-, ductive to this growth demandsýties of the board and bring';BFCL a decentralized system with!about an efficient co-operetive' IOCL overaîl policy making and longadmnistrative operation. Mem-i range planning remaining withýbers of tle Administrative[9 the central authoritv. The Council are the Director of! decision making within thlisEclucation, Superiotendeot of' ovorali policy and planning at Instruction. Superintendent of thé local level must be in thelPlanning, the Business Admin- lande of locallly elected trus;t- i stratar and tle Area Super- Copet.w hFomd es es and appointed educa tion ien dents. offcies. TheBoad o Edcaton PRESCRIPTION SUNGPLASSES AT LOW PRICE "Tht administrative struc. cOflsists Of 16 elected members,' First qualily lenses Fineet national brand trames turc adopted hy tht Countv1 who are tle policy makers and1 * Broe rmsrpardo'elcd hl oiwi Board of Education le designtd are directly respansible ta thei oWe fila s rOusepanrd oreptoetnwie Prosritn te refleet a sound philosophy electors and community. It is *Wfl a]PIOeis ndptmrsePecitos of education. Its basic aim is this group of trustees who., I faI sie l oks, ri e x rFa-tp.oly$0 te provide the most i ýien0,Iworking as a tee, with Ihei Bfas(ryokUxorFt-o)on 209 mnachinery possible for meet- appainted officiels, establish lng the oducational neede of the goals of education. Tleyý the United Counties. need the support and assisi-, à "Tht Northumberland and ance o! the ecoure couoty ini Durham Board of Education order that mn out-going, evnivv- consiste cof a Director nf Edu- ig dctonlparcao cation, a Superiniendent of develop to suit. the needi oi OPTICIMS-OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMMS Planning, a Superintendent ai the individuel students in thft 17 BOND ST. HUS Instructiôn, a Business Ad- ar*ea,' Mr. Patterson declared, EASTMnTushr. ministrator, and three Area ini losing,Mo.Tushm Superintendents. Bran ch 178 of the Rayal 2nd Floor 9 A.M. ta 5 P.M. "Tht cniirê caunty hax been Canadian Legion Pnesi dentf saaSt ..t 2AM dlvlded inta tInegeographi- Richards moved àOaaw vote9 of t 1 AM cal areme for the purposes oif tbànks tn Mr. Patterson for Closcd Wcdnesday Phone 728-1261 supervision. Western Area - lis Informative address. Seth - (Townships, iowns, villages Hunt vas in charge tifBrancl :. Chsi an rnra .eaiCndadUeFne 10 y s 44' I ;~, * I 'A k. lA 9 CANADA GRADE UtAl1 s EVISCERATED TURKEYS YOUNG PFROZENc 5 9 LB ' AVERAGE te.; READY TO [AT SHORT SHANK, SKINLESS (WNOLE 08 HALFM * MOKED <RAI_69' MIDI CANTRECE UEcium o, Lous ?i<YLONS .09 CHOICE GARDEN PATCH GRE I A FOOD PRICES AND BONUS BOOSTER ITEMS EFFECTIVE APRIL 213 & 5 ONLY. W! RESERVE THE RIGNI TO LIUT QUANTITIES f. .44 i * i ;jJ~ -r CHRISTIES EASTFLU CAKELÀ EAS ER * DANANAS GOLDEN RIPELB 2 0 Ir INTH AM CS GOLO Bowmanvillle IGA Foodliner 50 WMAN VILLE w"q"w . l!Mjý pglié 1 Uri

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