SPORTopICSl By Frank Mohun 623-7234 eKATING CARNIVAL; 01 The Bowmanville Departmcnt of Recretion Figure mn Skating Club wIll hoîd thei- Annual Figure Skating Carnival *this Friday and Saturday evening (April 25th and 26th) at '0:00.p.n. in the Bowmanville Me-molal Are-na. fIThe Canadian Statesiin, Bew'nans'iIIe, Apr. 21. 1989 BellesCampbell 177. B. Charland 177. LISe Ly B le M. Leuschner 177. P. Bagne-l 175, A. Bons 17î5. C. Bate 174, M. Crago 171. B. Wllhun 172. D, Apnil 15t.b 'Cochrane 171.A. Lanusso 171, Te-m Standingrs !S. Gay 170, D. Ogden 169. M. Re-ynolds- 22' Ove-nde-n 166, I. Wright 164, M.. MIehiîl 20 Brinklow 163. A. Burgess 161, Coombes - - - -19 E. Mitchell 160. K. Ralston 157, Patfield------- 16 D. Sallows 155. L. Burges1546 Foster -1.- - -5 F. Land 154. C. Marchant 154, Gibson - -------- 121 E' Cnoobes 151. W. McNeil Heath -- -- --- - -- 14q, A. Perfect. 14q. D. De-Vns Colville 20 ,îe 39, B. Nimigon 139;. P. Brooméi 200 ame ,~ 13.9. D. Peter 133. Y. Young ri, -1.1 . Orag, ori ':j ' C-o ,-l - 1Jr. iteani (winne-rs eo f frst sehe- "' f a 1ri -am r 4Z '.ra-Dd- We wii xcaate grde d ly aphat l CrMey .15 .. Tnnat, 64,The ne-xt trephy was for ue nFiaAnl2l. le-y 236, 228; D. Thomnpson Stamp Out Drabwith Benjamin MoorePaints,25th your personal driveway or patio. 234 P. Je-tire-y, 240, 240 0. the- Le-ague winne-r et the in the- piayoffs. The reni n-225: H. Moore 260; H.* Donc-1myorieib Guaranteed workmanship hy skilled Etcher, 221, 234 D. Brooks, re-gular scîedule, denated by; îng teams bowi for total pins' ghue 263; T. Milîson 239; V.'S.jereryejmn orDae. 239 M. Lws 2 .Ppr Russell C. Heney. M.P., who se bowlers be sure te bowl. Prut 26.5, 2,35: A. Blanchard1 personnel with the latest equipment. 250 S.- Brown. was tînable te be- aI the ban- For the ladies, F. Jns240, 234: B. Glanville 239; M.1 B,,c *r ~ feni»miU Top TelveAve-ages que-t because of other btisi-'took bigh single with 293 and: ad 3: .Wlo 23;i~ IIOI. Jvor PHONE 623-5410 1. Etcher ..... 224 nesa' sePie-ident Stephens high triple witb 761,.() Et iA. Osborne 281.L z O. Patiield-------2l6 on behalf et Mi-. Heney madelcher bas high ave-rage 'wiî~th e nnaibaqut il b FORFRE ESIMAESB. Buttenshow - ---- « 215 th-e presentatien te Ken's!228. For the me-n the- highhedo audaMylt, H. Reynolds- - 212 Me-'. Wear club manager D.! single ges te D. Perfect wîitb' 1969. aClub .. t he.M-E I( I4 D. Brooks 209 Gibson. who in tunopi-esent- 289 and high triple gees to L. mnoniai Park ClubLurvmuLu, FU LS. Lewis - ... . 208 cd each player witii a snill, Piper w'ith 736. L. Piper- las Teamf Standings D. King - 205 trephy. This was something high aver'age with 247. i Teams Pins Pis, GOODE'S flMKUVYM E D K E f PAVING 1jM King « 205 ne-w this year and pnoved toi 700 Triples b Piper PHONE4987-4422 S. Davis........ 205 be a great idea. aq the playens: F. Joues 761. 1,. Pipe-r '36 ..Wilcox ----4 7g.15 2PON 97-42ANT &WAL PE IflInah. 25_nhe Rge HONaeEo 622 Gams r-5 939 i '18 haf d.L.Cosey2Mthngt soo - hrBOWMA. ipr 41 26 11) F Ebr 943 àNECSTEAROTAIOB IJ. Lyla20& i egular gcieduleb Jones 293, '.32, 136; E. Dick- Etcher -54726 ;7 il Featured guest skaters wiIl be Miss Judy Williams, Junior F I -1--------.4840 j M. Gibson . . 2-0 3,M olr17 Canadian Ladies Champion 1968, WsenOtroSenio ligorl li gs e dAw r sLob.. 84L5 . Cole - -20 LdeChmin16198adM.Tle rntn ent, OrIow in HV 1 he ci Service A ar sRichards - --------47635 5..Patfield 24HO R L a d i e s l n C h e m p i o r1 9 6 n1 9 6 8 a n d r l . T i e r n t o , w l H a r r i s o n - - 4 7 1 7 4 i 2 E . C l a r k .2 . L a t e k n d a P o t P r y knon n he.Jnir Cnaia tias.Saturday. April 12th, wax aà Geo. Piper 476.97-449 E. Fraser-201lthAnaSkigCrial The pre-schoolers, Junior and Senior members et theý long awaited day as courts Brock 472.17 4.5'y.Osborne-------1Ana Fre ad Rihd 'Bowmanville Figure Skating Club presenting two themes: rom Bellevile, Bowmanville, efc485 42MF.ter -- iOshawa and Nestieton met at Ple 425 38 W.Coombes ----- -- h Came o Cm eSunday in the Park and Sound of the Times. Libery Bowl cte cp t forJ . . 21mrc ndVlag oucl Club Profeilsionails Mr. KarI Benzing, Mrs. J. Botindylthe District Championship. 0. PIA erae.Idws 222,dthtth~ and the young skaters have been busy the past two months, After bowling three games, 213, M. i.uEum2 preparing for this important event. with total pin fIl te deter- RECREATION l 2196,M. Gibson 20 .Mth oua arwudb ktn For information regarding tickets, please call the Bow- mine the champs, everyone - h omnil iueel18. M. Leama 184 .Laeo otPer c.btn n ~mnv1e earmntofRcraio t 2-3114. AIT tickets' retund oMmralPk Skating Caival will be held: 183. M. Fraser 1741.Cobsfrato A rvddo Clubhouse. A dellelous buffet «4onl Friday and Saturday. April 177, J. Lobb 176.,.Bte J. uue reserved. Aduits $1.00, Children under 14 yeare cf âge 5Oc,-supper was enjoyed by ail.25had6tt8:0pm fR.hakto 17,MCovle_______ There are 36 Learn to Skate members, 143 Juniors and ýAfter supper, the trophiesth MmrilAn.17,EClk17..Hrsan '26 Seniors for a total of 205 partlcipating ln the Carnival. were presented and an elec- Th gutsar fo tis17 M.M onl16, .. L N SAT tien of officers followed. ya anvlwl eM.But13 .Obre12 . i t - tFirst place and the champion- i oersCarnstonal nlb rýrn 6,Y ship went te Bowmanville Judy Williams, 1968 Junior Oiia Er Sna ussc ATHLETES COMBINE SPORTS and EDUCATION No. 2 teamn and consisted Mf s' Canadian Ladies Figure Skat-Mrad r.BrtThsn Honn Brock, Milt Dakin, Bety --' ligCapo.R .L -J..,.. Ms a on a ae The day nt the athielp who ither dldin't have the ability1 Westlake. Shirley Brock, Jack! T hamparn.vltee hs IIIIlCVIi~t saaGnrlH~ia :urwâsn't lnterested in pursuing hig education, ha% long since Mca n ineMRei year will be Sunday in the! ai usa adhda pr 'passed. Now we have the Pulforls Harris', Duff's, etc. who Second place and runners-up , Park and Sound of the Times. . l'atnonhrhp hrda « 4e Reserved tickets are 00W Rýilwe hyptapnb have bpen successful ln ohtaining a university degree whlle ere ossigo a eto aea the BowmanvilleNoI vvi y playinR professional hockey. The day cf the ployer Who, lake, Glen Prout, Pot Mai'- - Recreation Department Office April 16,hBkrvstd r.JhsSn ,would Aind himself searching fruitlessly for a job at âge 35 shall, Bob McReelis, Gwen and at the Memorial Arena Team StandIgta teno n on e is virtua1li ended. because even if they don't continue on* Dennis and Carol Roberts. o ody n enqa rc 7rsigcmotal.11rmn 'in noil cdown a degree, undoubtedly the protessional performer.High triple for the men, Iolniy fom 4 tond 8 p m d Ys Vo !Ung e riusw orhravr *is better educated before he reached the N.H.L. Contracts Owa, w y e S tatay BofJMis-33sed eovr.Ro o are more lucrative thon ever. and the smarter individual, Bowmanville, won the high ý -~FA bK. Campbell 5 r aryBkr r n 'to uqually ind a place to invêst his rnmoney, wisely. triple for the ladies. - IXEALD S Mw 1 Ms BucJakr nRPm Along thLs isne, It was of interest that we noted thatý Men's high single went toepil1, 99HîghTipgle-B. WCu 2 n ran orie r n Bowmanviiles minor hockey set-up had grown to the point Ray Westlake, Bowmanvil)e Monav venng TriprleB2.Ms Jh Bkr n SW where no leis than 590 boys are participating. Undoubtedly, and ladies' high single went: I.G.Ayr erengeBuay tak M Oveen2862 .Wlu eeSna uprgîsso te Jean ne Stickles of Belle- encBdytl M.O ne 26 toeene in this group will make the Junior "A" ranks -,ville. Mr and Mrs.ripe G. Baker. Wrght25 but whât about his education? Bowmanvilîe bas been en-1 ,74,closelyfol 1o we d by 231. Mse îk ae pn Bill Hanley, secretary-ma nager ot the O.H.A., advises tering a team or teams iii -,, -Smeethie Dave Reynolds 7-5, Average. udvwt i rnprns eOur champion bowler Doris .. hearer 20JMl~13M n r.D al ap that over 70%7 of the Jr. "A" players last year attended this teurnament for some 15 i . . oi 3, Rowe 184,F. Bruc 7 o school, and ln the current campaign 86% are furthering their ea owam d ohs neye ap-I 715, travelling saiesrman Stîî education. ue emtoh.Irai4. Collins 711, including High, think that congratulations are;-~ ' Single of the evening of 318, TTh entre shaa GnerOs'rowar t 1 relstredin rdosfoithse of e1m. r...................................................ea2 Netenil>'s ham Shrle players attended hlizh school in the 1967-68 campaigni With The new efficers electe ý.Biekeil 707, Norm Paddy Mec- 14 of themn attaining their rsdntBo Prkr Vice President, Nelson Hart, Dave Re noidq and Dorts Toronto Marlboros posted thp most inipressive record. Ilt fromn Nestieton; and Sec- JoZsilmitiigHg lhe whole 16 attending hlgh school passedi. while twn thers; retary-Treesurer, Dianne Mc-1 Ave-rage in their categories. bad rnmpletedi grade 13 and decided to work for a year. It'Meedis, Bowînvle Team standings arc verv I t o ts interestlng tn note that eventually one chose professional' After ail business was fin. epttv wt rseod c o y Of r ishe an njoyble venig .,. .maintaining the lead with3 kîce, hl heohr eto t nvest.was spent dancing te music(DRC :points, Joli 291/2, Brock 27. (IETFO A UA TRR This year, Marlies are once more in the forefront, with by Ernie Archer. Oe 0 ige twi 19 players at high school, while H-amiltonha 15 nt highl A special thanks te Ray - -Su oln -ehool, Ilo at university and only one player working. Wetak howrkdsobrdCoelins Gme - On the Peterborough roster last, year, apart trom threelte make this tournament al ~ ~ - Hector Ballantine 297 TROL succM. Taink aIs te il te ~Shirley Bickel -. 288 wokngpaeral h en o eol.psed hs iegirls who baked, -made salads -- Bernice Buda 8-5 around the Petes have 16 of 18 attending high achoolnadhle i h ce. -GoreHah - 285 0f rine players who were registered at University b! Special Note: N e stli t Pete Debbins , 7-256 the 1967-t38 season, seven passed. tnciuding al three Hamilton courts wiil be bosting thei, Three staff members of the R. M. Hollingshead Coi-p. of Canada wpre pre- Doris Joli 27 1players. It 1. lnteresting ton note that aithough the Wlngs 90ttraens oet sented with service awards during the annual party held for officers and staffi Norm McKeen . 269 sce you there. o Ernie Perfect 267 haît three players at University, aiso seven were werking,Apl18f the company on Saturday night at Bnwmanville Countryr Club. Miss Jean :Lucien Annaert. 264 the saine as Ottawa, and only "erond to Mnntreal with 10: Weîî, the iast night et bowl-' Rundie, seated in foreground, received her 15- ear pin, Mr. Re oglfHoadBoel- . 262ý -working players. Most of the high school students passed, îng hwdJak Mca' 15-year pin and John F. Martyn, right, his 10-erpnThy erpeetdbvGdSmpo-27 with the junior Canadiens poslting the worst scholastlc record: tearn took this schedule. Hqis. Presideni, R. L. Kennedy, centre. Two other recipients were absent, JonI. Dave Reynolds. 254ý as thre. nt seven failed. ýteam wili bowl Clayton Mer-; Davey with 10 years and Miss A. Marie Potter, 15 years. The event began withNrmGuah-24 Thisyea for Geeras ae wokin, wile ontealgan's tea m Friday night. Good dancing te the music of Gerald Elliott and his Hoe-downers and later a delîciosGradGua 5 has eut the numnber of working performers teile luck te the both te-ans. buffet was enjoyed. Lucky draw prizes were won. by Pat Mutton and Elissa. Average% raylewtla71e torkthigmPhriti.-MVlRobbie PoorpyDave Re-ynolds 252 tn otmMKen t d26.- Elton Brock - (1R) 240: fe rmghsige. etty WIl - oris Joli 237!LS RC 52 fo- hsnle et etPete Dobbinis24 'WIN BOWLING AWARDS lake relied 738 for high triple 24 I Bry7 erhigDefee.atReoaraltors 15 -,1 The finals in ihe big bowl-a-prize ournament were held;ý d287 oi-highsinle. . 5R e5 (15o23 seems like the women co Ernie Perfect (42) 233,Adertse Lael i Peterborouigh on Sunday. with Bowmanvilie bowlers cap-I stili be-at the mien. eiieB y (6 2 turing two of the top Ive prizes. Te-sm Staindings A ~. Hector Ballantine Ai(42u)r. 22a5s:Ht The main award cf a trip tn Bermuda was won by a'6. 3ack Macriab. 45655 72:V Il '.O l I 1 r i J oaWih 2 o oc ln-IihRvr Ptroog olr ihRnEce aigfut oi 3. Clayton Morgan 45064 67 T o Wn Cme c a T iti e RussWrg4t2 221,Ec ut NaFw tien. thep pize heing an electricr Rzor. Al Cole won a transis-! 5. Gord Ritter 44333 t66 Bryson's Smnoke Shop turn-lng the last minute and 34 Faire-y notc-hed a pair along, Ollie Patfie-ld- 220 tor radio as the fifth place finihe.10. Dick Dennis- 438,13 641ed in an impresve peifor-iseconds, heginning with a with an assist, and Steve1 Le-on Connors - 19 2. Ron Brock . 44376 60mance Sunday morning at the penaîty shol. Curi Vanstone Burns got the other goal be-lMatirice Annaert .- 218 The tournament was sponsored by the bowling proprietorsi 8. Nonm McKeen 44718 571 Mçrmmial Are-na to defeaticame up with the big sav e.sides setting up two. Mîke Murphy - 216 m, ~ o-f Ontario and the- Prov'incial Bowling Congress.. 1. Ge-o. Marshall- 44391 50!Walter Frank Real Estate 5-l t preserve a 4-3 win for' The lone Real Estate tallv Peggy Haynes - I21K cor 9.GIe-nn Pi-eut 42388 42in the fifth and decidingiBtrvson's and deadlock the camne on a penalty shot by :Helen Reynolds 21; E <C t Î t t t 7. Doug Nolan 43983 41 lgame for the Commrercial' series. Bill Crosse-y at 6:25 of the Hilda Brock --(.36) 215' WLocke PRACTICE - SATURI)AY 4. Bob Marshall 43923 41 ' Hockey Le-ague (hampionship.; In the lite gamne, onee- une final period rsns e 2 i Mrh 1 Well gang this is ail fuIl A prote-st on the fourth did ail of the damnage as Don. at the end of the finst and'Jini Bruton 0-24, 2 KING ST.WBO ANIL Manager Clint Ferguson advises that an Intermnediate next year. Don't file the game by Frank's was upheld1 MeMurter scored twîce alnd!there was nio scoring in theBarbî't Shan2 haelal ratie ll e ei hi Studyon ocec !'banquet at the Cenitennial restilting in the teams replav- assisted on two others, Ted; second peniod.iAletSmn21 baselial. ractce illbe eld hlsSatrda, on ococknt Hall art Que-en Stre-et at 6:15, - --- the- Rotai-y Park. May 3, 1969. Sec yeu there. TENI.EAYt t GO t -Jr. Men Close Ouf Season G'MyWro owt TENNS REDY T GOLADIES' M AJOR It sperris Ilkely that the courts wiIl be ready for tennis action this weekend, with the' ofriciaI opening slate-d for, Monday, ApriI 14, 1969 1 Monday night, May 5th. It will take. the terni et a round- Hlgh single 'W ith Trophy Presen fafion robin te be foîlowed by a social evening. Ail prospective, B. Rogers 321 in mnembers wlll be more than welcorre. . 11gh Triple by AIl('ole The Top Svoriiie trophy had dcone to produce the fine, The te-es have be-en set as Junior - $3.00, Intermediate L. Crossey - . 704 The- Junior Men's Hockey donatedi by Jack Baker was oce that had be-en played' $5,00. Senior- sinle - $12.00, Marierîd couple - ~n n 300 Gamet 'League closed eut their ex-I prese-nte-d t Steve- Burns who this ye-ar in the- Junior Hoc- md amiy $2,0 --reasoabe rte tebe ste . B. Rogers 321, J. Tennant 30.5. cîting hockey year with theiW sual eatedtehn1ke\ League. He hoped it menbrhi mybepidteay fth flown dretrsî600 Triplex annueanqelnSaudy quel, as h was atning an-10, corne. memersip ay e pid e ay f te fllolngdirctos, 704 L. Ci-ossey, 693 0. 'Pat- April l9th, ai the Me-naliotiher eue te 'eceive a similr by he lune Ist deadîine. field. 691) P. Jeffrey, 676 T. Park Clubhouse. The fe1lows Irophy. In his place Mn. Ba-, The last thing of the e-yen- Bill Burgess is the new president, with Deug James vice- Forreste'r, 675 O. Etcher, 666 sat down at 6:30 te anixe-kr rsue h- rpyt ng was the picking of the president and Marion Jîames, serctary. S. Davis. 664 J. Tonnant. 6621 lent dinner sei'ved hyteKnsmngrDfisn.nwmnt u h ege The treasuren la; Alan Lobh, toiurnamrent chaiian H. Reynnlds, 639 B. Button-, park ladies, a meal yo)u look The M.VP. trophy donated'b fo1 h- 9970saonJo lsh'aw, 636 D. Brook:;, 629 M.ý forwand te enjoying when Ibis'Don Oke wals won hy Larr,, Oke be-came president, Normn Lai-s Carlson. grounda schainman -Le-w Rundie, social con- Perric a, 636m. Kir ngQ609 ;.,-. ep0 einpe-Hllm0 3T' ila'sa~ BtheI iepeiel n