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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1969, p. 10

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10 The Canadien Stetman, Bawnmville, Apr. 23, 1960 Durhiam 4-11 Beef Calf Club>- __ ______- Don Rickerd. R.R. 4. Bôw- malville; North Durham 4-H Calf Club - K a r 1 Heeringa,I I . .fraservilie; Hope 4-HI Agrcutuelewi Club-Roy coln RR Agric lture News i. Port Hope; Durham 4-Hf ýPoutry lub-aryJeftery. Durham Safety Night ýtht direction of Mr. 'Keith RR ,Bwavil;Dnin Friday evenung, April 251h White tram Ontario Hydro. 4-H Swine Club-Jim Byera, ett 8:00 in tht Town Hall Safety helmeta and flash R.R. 1, Burketon; Durham 4-H in Orelo will b. a special lights wiU b. given as <kior Potat Club-MeI Wood, R.R. meeting ai interest te m prizes and ail farn people 3, Millbmok South Durhamn es and 4-H club inernbers are urged ta attend. Iis 4- Field Crops Club-Jm throughout Durhami Coln y. event will b. a speciai meet- ftickard, 76 Liberty Street, The themne for the196 4-H ing for the ciut 4-H club Bowmanville. Don Weleh, R.R. progra s been chosin by mfembel', snd wiil count O. 4, Bowmanville; North Dur- the 4-H club leaders te tic ini their year's attenducice. The ham 4-H Field Crops Club; witiih te farro and home 4-H !veningi.! bemng uponaored Dujrham 4-H Forestry end Electrie Club. Tht therne for jointly by th. Durhiam Coun- Conservation Club. this year will b., Satety in ty Safety Couneil, the Dur- Durham Grain Corn Club 1969. Club Leaders' Association, thc Farmiers growing grain corn In Uine with this theme. extenaïoei branch of the On- in Durham County are again staff tram Ontario Hydro will tario Department of Agricul-l invited te join tht Grain Corn be giving demonstrations snd turc and Foad snd the smies Club. lq 1968 tht club wat dIucussing thie sallt use Of division af Ontario Hydre. changed in that ail prizes electricity an lthe farm. Mani Petat. Specialst To Speak i vire dropped and tht actual farmn homes and terni buila Te PelaI. Groercs club went int deteil on pro- ângs bave inadequate and of~- Lloyd Mclnprize, Provincial duction practices. H a r v e y ton outdated electrie wiring ptt cils r m AlS Wright, tht Soils and Crops and equipment, and the pur- ton will bil the speaker et à Specialist tramn Lindsay made pose ai the meeting là ta cou t Ptat Meeting in the periadic visita ta the various point up some of the bazarde couhny omntHalt fields on the tarms. In addi- aind pravide information ttst Betbany CaonmuenltdyHAplle tiaui ench farmer wa aked would be helpful in aîîowing800i..onWdeayArl to keep detailed recorda on saeelcticl erics or23rd.Mipiewl eds culturel practîces and specific a f rin r t in tal ad qua e. r. henric ides an d is-co ts. In D ecem ber, e very tht home andthelb farm build- tu 1paciesad h . o worthwhul'e meeting waa held Ings. Bill Temblyn of Orono, un rta icl e ofnd ts te with an opportunity for eacb president of h - lbto ail poita producers. onetet diseuse tht veniaus Leaders Association for Dur- There willialoo be discu s- problems an weed contrai, hemn Counhy will b. in charge so eadn h osblt fertilization. varieties, anmd of the meeting an'd thie hydre: of oregming act ttootbh erîtyedtpi demoestratian will be i orin a out -Po ato oth r mtdpers. ar n -Grlrs Association or hav- n amr h r n ing a commlttee for potato terested in project this growers in co-Operation with yalar but may not be an the. the Durham County Soil and county Sou eand Crop lm- Crop Improvement Associa- provement Association list, tion. 'hus evecing will un- should contact the Ontario doubtedly provide usetul in- Department of Agriculture .«~ formation for patato growers and Food in Bowrn:nville for an Invitation toalal growers entry this year wili again b. *ta attend. June lut. Durham 4-H Agriculturali Prepared by the Ontanio Clubs Organize Department of Agriculture!, and Food, 14 FrIn Street,! Bath rural and urban boy Bowmanville, Ontario. and girls between the ages aiof________ 12 and 20 now have an op- portunity ta b. members in ,~, .~ . 4-H clubs in Ontaria. Pre-~ ST ARK VILLE viaus te 1969 only rural youngl people could b. members but (lntended for lest week) with a change in palicy thase Mr. and Mns. " Keith Ceo- urban young people whe are wellI and iamlly, Part Hope, interested and have the fa- were guests et Mr. Brian Cas- YOI 1 cilities for carry eut projects, well's last week. IS THAT Y U may now b.e members. Mrs. Victor Farrow bas re- Tht oragnization meetings turned home aliter spending a Swere held recently for all few weeks, holiday with Mr. Stht clubs but those young and Mrs. Clarence Allen, FtKINA~ ve until May lut ta contact Mr. and Mn. George Yule, the Ontario Department of Oshawa, were recent visitôre It's okay, A r a b le 1l a. Agriculture and Food in Bow- tM.EatRbno% Our new name is actuel- manville ta join any clubs ina M.Ewr Rbnun 1 which they are lnterested. A Mrs. McKnight, Millbrook, ly "United Breeders lme." 4-H club member takes on a Mrs. Dean and daughters, Gar- but you cen cal your speciiic project and carnies it dihen Al, er Sundyisit rs ot on the home farmo. Ap-wthhtiressserM. technician "dean.e", o r rxmteysxoetngu L. Todd. P xmtysxmetnsae Mr. Gereld Helwell. Toron- "hendsome" or what- neld during thie summer ta, and MT. Michael Brown. ever you like. He doesn't molth with an educational Bm gland, visited et Mr. Sid program baed on the specutic Hàllowell's during tht week- mind. pvjects end planmied ta de- end. veOP the individuel member. Mrs. R. Pollard entertained Tht tiret genérai meeting for friends et e baby showen et the -H lubmemersis beimg ber homne, Manday eveninj o Just as long as you hed in the TownuHall in rs.J. Odenand littleeJfore kno wer t cl!Orona aon Friday, April 25th Mr* Robert Westheuser hasi ______ ______ Cali___ 8,00p.m. Anyone interest- tht construction ai his homeý ed in 4-N club wark shculd under way An the vicinity ai 1m I your litti. black plan te attend that meeting Shîîoh. where lateconiers will have Mies Beulîah Hallowell, Mrs.ý *book stili lisfs Central an appornl ft t enroll in'Delington and Miss Normal --the 1969 program. Hallowell, of Toronto. wenel Ontario or Waterloo or A new club In DunaI luncimeon guests with Mrs. -- -- ____ -Colnt ts year iu the 4-H Llew Hallowell, Saturday. Lambton Cattie Breed- Home and Farmn Electric Club Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. wiic n being conducted by Mr. and Mr%. Brien Ceuwell ers, change it__right OnaiHydro in co-opera- and Mr. end Mrs. Llew Halle- now to United Brancb oi the Ontario Depart- ed the Masonic banquet An i -ment ai Agriculture andFood. Orono, Saturday night., Breeders lnc. Members in tbis club have a Mr. JAm Westheuser. Peter-1 meter installed on somne type bologh spent the wtekend ah ait equipment ln the home or home. an tht iarm and keep track The ladies ai Shilai 'U.C.W.1 Another thing, don't oif the cost oi operating tht enjayed a very pleasant meet.- .quipment. This installation lu ing, Wednesday evening ai' forget tii phone mmcm- provideci by Ontario Hydro. test week et the home ai Mns. ings befone 9:30 ans. Anyone inlerested in Ibis Gordon TrAm with 21 An at- You tehniiengee ou~ lub must b. 16 years ai age tendance. Rev. Snelgrove gave Your echnciangoegou an January 1, 1969. Tht club the message on "Good News" extra eerly this lime of leader is Lloyd -Kellogg a of l n g the e aso themce. yer ecueh'seta Port Hope, RR. 1. I . absen.Ceasi h ece yea, bceue hu etra Other 4-H clubs in the tan' Mi B.Csel a bus relecng cople couty ihhleaersarelisedcharge ai roll caîl and record bus relacng cupl contywit lades ae The President. Mrs. of hundred of those below. In two cases, thsbe Carl Todd, directed the bus-1 àrM net leaders eh the preserî n s oto n on ics noisy, dangerous, fonce Ltme and anyoxme wishing i es otiat oe -discus- - YOU CANT AFFORD MOT TO Are you financielly able b saffd a total cmp teem thia y.a? f not. you need crop insurance. To get Iow-coat comprehonive coveraga en your crops, you must apply for iricurance by the deadîja. dates listed below, or 10 deysa att seeding - whichever cornu &«. Cati your local Crop Insurence agent today. Forage Crffpez Appy bV Mal lit. Sprlne Groin: Apply by May 1 Sh. S.ybaans: Apply by' Juos 2»1. Wdhe bum «. A"W bV Jum a216h QrèMlCams: Appicéionddtunédémi mm uromtMay 2et to jsmlt - depéndhng on aw«. chuk ultiym osw pturIoAdo dml in lmi.Oi.t. THE CROP INSUMUNCE Commes« OP0FOUTASIO parllem su DM& sTwoo o nt. JAN eowamntle ontarbEk02-6 Kitchen Ca pers by Nancy Krain Im~agine caoking an exotic oriental diner, âe that la a réal entertalnment for you and ybur tamily èven ln Its preparation! A Sukiyaki dinnèr in fun, especl&lly whén yeu use an electriè akillet and do the cOoking rllht at the table. S4lkiyaki in a wonderiul Japanes. dish made by combinink uîrloin steak and fresh vegetables in a delicious saucé. The raw Ingrédients ahould be àssérnbled on à large platter in an attractive fashion. The jilattér in then brought ta the table, and whla the. 1amily enjoys An oriental saup. they can watch you prépare the Suklyâki. The kind of vegetables used ini Sukiy1ki varie considérably tram recipétet recipe. Two peundk ef frésh apinach and hait a pound string beans are oft« nued with gréat resul1ts. Substitut. thé»se vétablea for the grien pepper and celery when they are hi céamon for a more economical dinner. Canned muahroaomu (About Uin ounces) can aiea b. used, but their testé le décid.édly infèrlor ta that oftfrceh once. If you Are having an Informeal dinnér fer friends, thi. leaà wonderf'ul dish te serve. 'You can visft with your guesla while you art eaoking, eliminating thé unual darting ta and from the kitchen. Sukiyaki in sérved with boiled rice. Add a simple appetizer and a Iight dessert, and the dinner will b. ont of which yùu can bé very proud. A word on saiety. lifyou have very yaung childrén et the table it in béat ta cÉther cook Sukiyakil n the kitchen, or te put the dlectric skillet en a emaller sefirété table. Extreme caution muet be taken ta preént accidenté. CWfNESE SNOW-DROP bUi 2 cana Condenséd Chicken-Itict Soup 2 cent Wàter 2 téblespons Lemnon Juice 1 tablespoon Suger 1 médium Oriion, chopped very finte 2 Eggs, separated 2 tablespoons Paraley, minced Pour the sôup and water lnto a saucepan. Add the lenion juice, sugar and onien and bring th a bail. Réduce hat and siimer uawiy fôr lin minutés. Béat the egg yalks and stir a littie of the hot saup into theni. Thén add the yôlks ta the soup In the saucépan. Let "mnner 2-3 minutes. Beat the eqg whitee until stAff an~d drap by spoonfuls an top et the soup. Cositinue siffnmering ten minutés. Serve with milcéd paralcy and garnish each bôwtl with the 4"unôw-drepe". Serves six. SURIYAILI 2 tabuéspoane 'Végétabdè 011 1%~ pouitde Sirloin Stéac, eut creaugrain in ppÉper-thin asuces à tabléspaone Qranulated Buter 1/4 cup Muahrooôm stock 7 tabléspoons Soyra Sauce 1 Green Pepper, thily eliced 2 médium Onions, thinly slicad Xc up Célery, sliced dia#bàaly i2" atrips 1en (20 oz.) Béan Sibrouts, drainéd (optional) - usetul for meking larger sirvings 1 pôuthd F'resh Mughroômo, sliced thinly 1 tebiéepoon Buttér 1 tiaepoôn Limon Juice 6 Green Oriiont. cut in 1,4" Iéngtht. Including the gretn topa' Early in the day suice the meat, vegétêblée and mushroonmesand store ln plastic bajgg In the refrigerater. About ont heur befare dinnér in ta etart being cookccl, meit the butter In àa snali saucepan and add the mushrooms and butter. Cover and let simmer until muahroomug are tender. Drain, reserving 1/ cup et l1quid for the sauce. Take a large platter and put àa mili pitcher (or gravy boat) in the centre. Prepare *the sauce by comnbinirgt the soya sauce, Y4 CUP mushrôom stock and the. sugar. Mix wel And pour into the small pitcher for use on the table. Arrange the steak, mushrons. bean sprôuta and &Il the végetables in séparate plés on the plettér eraund the pitcher. Ment the MI in an electrie ekillet ta a médium temperatur ' . Add the meat and brôwn lightly. stirring frequently. Pour hait oi the soya sauce, mixture aver the ment citer Athbat caokéd 2-à minutes. Push the meat tQaonc aide af thte killêt. Add the allced anions, ceiery and green pépper. Cook 3-4 minutes, occaulanaliy. Add the remainiig sauce, the bean sprouts *and mush- rarna. Cook three more minutes on a là%w Lands and Forests Weekly Report %-seow.i nil f.v At tbis imé of year ar»' dog runnlng aI large An e lm- tential menacé ta deer, par- ticulanly doe whicb art heevy with fawn. MartIly a day passes w1thout at liant ont Srepart ai doge runnIng deer. You may say "nxy lttie dog wauldn't chos. deer", however aur ifficers have bad La shoot beagles caught An the art. Tht tollowIng le an arccunt ai a necent Incident taken tram eonse ofaur Conservation Oftlcer's reports: "On Thursdsy I nécoived a report of doge runnIng op- PrOximatelY Lwo miles aoutb. Aler following the dogs for aver mn haur 1 caugit up to them. Théy fletI betare 1 was able to ;et a shah away but Il believe tht déer wae saved. 'On Wednesday tiheame two doge wene ceeu by mysei andI anOtier aificen. lying An the atm near the train tr*cks and again they took off betore a oet could b. fired. A deatI tIser wau found lying about 100 fi. tram where the dogs wêne MMe. . "91two tIcys were spent trav- elling around tic or" An an attempt le detenmine the ownereblp of the doge. This attémpt was unaucceaful. "On Saturday 1 recelved a un let 8ar.lm rein a man Who had found Iwo doge worrying a dier on the blgiway In the mamn aresaua tht lest men- tieua dudr bad been found. F» salid.ha had chauéd the dNm aaway tres the de«. 1 went Awrediatély ote ie ra andI a tow minute, mt*r 1 rrlved thé two doge réturned miaplu aïn lia ether ui» . ulrsady bedly "T oene M dg and the etiior uoe..Aléer ubowing the tlnally dètérminêd who thé rowner wau, and I at4r censald- érable eluegtlonlng t waS dis- cavered tuat hé was&aise Çép. Ing another dog. d"ThAs dog néturnnd hOme &t dusk andI waa turzted ovin té me by the Owntn. Il wis thon chat with hie cansétt, Charges anc bsing conaid- ered concerning thie and sov- eral caseInvOlVIng doge *nd deer. Be certain your dog tasnt ont oi thoe running aI largo. Shootlng doge l I a distagtté I task, perticularly msAeté méat offlegreart alse dog ewn#rs thermIst. WHATM HAPPENtNG? Trié fIlag Tree plantint beian ithé t4ndoay t:ïtricI en Frldy, Apnul lti. Over en#a ntfflOg tréés wol be yl#ntio during tbe next four weekseon pr .iv- atél. Cnewn and* Agmément Forest Lande. IFluh steekkg Truck planinga Ot nainbew andI large bmO trbut yèan- lings An streams ha. begutiAn the Lindsay District. Thé fol- lowing epedea wAl b. plénted tIurlig 1989: Brook Trout 58,000 Yearlings, Lake 'I'rout 76,000 yearnsu, R àI nbO w Tnol4t 45,000 yearlings, La,,« meuth Basa fingarlings 10,000 Maikinenge 18.000 ffnterllngs andI 1.100,00 fry. Fln. as a Toal Pire la one of mens Most Important toe. Undér m.n tfflIt utsourhomes, eokal O ur mcmalimand provides mény heurs et énjoymeut An a firé- plae. Out et contrei Il ce» Wé dévastatln. lié1Asais uscd as a tee i n alry jor btnnlg sah. endlcatbng eI- eMan ud preparingmiet«c for rettatien. Gsntmffl eEreag haler TM WésIamim Iuievauét À* W~ W. G. Iéhaon, TImber will be used le elimlnat@ thef Téçhnld*àn, Durhith Ceunty slagh as e result oaiàe dean-cul:1 Conrolédburnlng As dêfin- pulpwoad aperation. These1 éd as: "any déliératé uséet are cehled "broadcaet" buruns,h line, ln whlch bus-ning là ré- I.e. e large area of siaàSti wll b. t stricted te, a pre-determined burned Instead eofiaèt UtIle inca aid Inténeity". piles. Mis opération bas been To date we have had no éarried eut by man for many accidents, butlthey cen htppen. yoa.n. Thé eariy settiers used lu the eveut of thie line escep- lire te cier théir land for lng and destroylng part oi an planting crops and establisi- Ing a honiested. These tires edjalning property, tic polcy under tic W.I.A. ln liat "tht were not alwiâvu kept under Departmnent la fully Hlabit andI centrol, but et that lime tht responsAble for any damege tter a poietherelaa ontetaany third prty prop- tan asposibe. her inagerty, ln the case of a tire Inexhustible aupply ai wood escaping during controlleil ne wby werry about a few burning operattons, carried out acres more or less being burn- th Dentn". Tu cd.'rdy wie know there Ie tht landowner As tully pro- net an Intzhaustible supply tece gls I ciet tnd ontolld brnsmus bethet occur whlle tht Départ- képI, as thé uamt Ampies. et ncndcigacn «undêr contrôl". Modern man trilet ts cndun acn heà iiarncd hat fire behaves tolt uu ln à certain way unden certain Controlled burning han corné tinditiom and by applying a long way since tht early t1ils )cnowiédgè, à high degree settîtnu and théir "cat-toil" «~ firé epatrel caui be achiev- torches. Today's equipment éd. end know-how bas madIe thue Thé lirst conlralled burn silviculturel opération e quick. Carrléed eut under tic Wood- economîcal and safé concept1 lundi Imjrevémint Act, An r lin modern forestry prectices. Durhen Couuty, occurnéd An G ios Nev*rnbér 1967. This was aie I G Smol thé ftrst limé thet Reform i Acting District Foreetér. Labeur Ironi tht Ontario -_ ____ Trtining Sehbal for Boys wes usêd th conjunction with tihe.NESTLETON' W.I.A. Théir ioristry cernp le lOcatàd In thé Gananauka For- est nean Eizab.tbvlê. An Preebyterlan Ladies' Ali 4gréémont botween the two Tht regular meeting ai thé, Dèpartuséntst - Lands and For- Presbyterian Ladies' Aid wax! e8s anid tteionn Institutions held An the Presbyterian Sun- W". ait up An such à wey that day School room Wednesdayl théy Woek on thé foncut for aiternoon, April 9th with the hait à day andtheti other hall Nestleton United Church Wo- Ah sperit lnthie camp schoal. men as guests. Tht president,i Tiené wené twa adjacent Mrs. R. Devison presided and tirét acré blbcks oi timber te extended tht welconie. bé eut. One 12-year-old Mr.WJHoecndcd Scotch pAné, andI the other 9- Ms .Hoycnutd yeir-old Rtéd pini. B<th ofite Devotional, neading from thoué wené séverely lnfested Luke 24, verse 13 - "AndI, wlth pins shoot math < hyacî- behold, two ai them went that on* buolltni). A condition ai samne day ta Emmaus." These thé agreement was that "coin- umen saw the Crucifixion but Ptèraleation ai tht înuect did nlot crihicize but they were Ix ttqutsetI béton. any trees engaged An humble conversa- are planted". tien. They were able to con- Thé trddf were eut An tht verse witii the stranger whôm IFeU by Rhtorni labour, lusing they met. Would we be able chaglnua*it. The green me- ta bning comfort? They invil- tirial wis limbetI wituh axes ed tht strenger ta their bomiè. intI handsaws andI burmed An This wes humble hospitalily ffiléu. lTho large wood was set but when he broke the bread asIé te b. us*d as fuel by thie they knew hum bt be Jesus. ownér. Thé anca wae checked In every day IlAie do people a 4écônd tAMe by tie boys te recognize Ihat we are followers pick up any green matériel of Jesus? that rAy heve bien missed. Thte &cretani' - treasurer, I Cintrai was enounéd by tht Miss Ruth. Proutt, nead thé usé of c dise.tiriguard erouncl minutes and carrispondence thé $,-YtIré bloclr andI a âmaller and a cerd was signed for à discéd amec wax prepared te hospital patient. Plans wene burn thé matériel. Pack made ho cnter at the farn pumws were képt beside tht sale. Tht finished quiit wàt burnIng piles at ail imes, and displaycd.. instructIons wére given net ta Tht UCW ladies were mn fte to mui fil ntothtcharge ai the programme. MrÉ. tiré et dàny ont timé. The fine Norman Maisre nd an Easher wit catit ully extinguished poem "He Walked In tht =ch#nc f tti re unntubheGadn ."Mrs. Arnoqd Williams 6 o sp t -f re d u i ng th e a n article, "T h t T rad ition s ai jThé cent of Ibis operation Easter in Other Landi~s." The1 wis nominal (maintenance oai livin hist.o Weruethus bapartment chainsaws) as tht iigCrs.W utpue enCtire projécI wax carrier au t ta pay homa ge ta tht resur- by thé Rcform Institution rected Savior af the world.1 undir tie su èrvision af tiie,A short skit, "Tht Power tai !.4nagtmént Çrester. Becorne" wes presenhed by1 At prsnt, we have four tour ladies with Mrs. Mains burris 'Plamed under the W. . as narrator. Mrs. Mairs andi A. TwelA Sprlng and two Mrs. J. Roffel favored wlith al more tié next. Thret ai the duet, "In the Garden" wilhý tour ane th canvért Scotch Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm et tht i pins Chnistmia tt " Jungles" piano. The Mitpeh beniedictioni (abandoued Christmas tret concluded this part of'lthe plantations) Int Red pAne program.- plantations. andtIhle fourth Mrs. Haoey shawed ea tone, I I I I I I I I frein Galle.stanefrom the cd by' the Prugbyterm ad [Ie oi Skye and froni Turkty. and a social tinse wu a e&44 These lied been procured whèn Mns. Arnold WEIai4,S lier daughters were visiting behait of thé guestJ4 4Wýd*ý these countrIes. the apprftiation for à ON A delicious lunch was serv- pleamant aftaaioein. BELL bINES by John W. Lowry your telephone I i manager As 1 set dawn tnanieu y côluron this nitb, I couldn't help but think ai an Incidint lait ygar -i that had et leAst ane Bell Canada tester wendgIng about his sanity. On two different eccailni, twb different repairmeii sent hirm the semé repbrt abOut telephone difficulies near Chippawa, Ontae. o. *1 reports stated, "drap wire chewed by Ileme". mIfl e ont mnight be Inclined ta write the wholi thin$ 0* ' as a publicity shunt ho boost the Niagara )éiginsulg as Canada's banane beit, the reporte tumned Out to be legitimate. Llames arc kept et th*~ Maning Won- derland andI Geme Farm et Chippewa and enf *f 4 them decided te test hi@ teeth an our drée WJriI. While this wes the first lime wt'vî b.d tf> contend with Damas, we have bcd problimi kééping aur cabie out ai thé way ai aquirrelt, lightitlng antI bad weether. We've been burying mené andI m6r of t; it look% better and alea protects thé cabli freits tht naturel hazerdà l'vt mentioned. However, il élue means th.t cible couid be bunied on your Pr6perty- andI cauld bo damnaged Iyeu're planning le excavI. - whether ha plant treem or shnubs, put up à féncg, build a patio or a barbecue pit. Ont iéalthy thrust ai a uhovei,I Its directly above aur cable aud télephone service An hundreds ai bornée #nýd busi- ness could b. disrupted. Sa If you'rc planning any major diggiUt, could you give us a call et 725-1141 fInal, Wé cmii »lckl tell you if there io cablle buried on you.r prbpérty. If there àe, we'll copie over and show y6u whée, free ai charge. That way, you cen éveid dlrupttng telephane service bath, for youneéif andI »Ut neighbourhood. aéera are a tew lips fer l6*9 idUls teosO. Jot down the Important points 1,61Rwael lé cOtéS' beferé Yeu pie yéur oel and ke a& seratech e&5 amni pinti handy ln mea.von waet te write s»a thhng down duriner your conversaion. Cké.k It tllphone dlrectary for Arts, Codié ad Long Dsla* Rites. Don't tond litat rites getlIowir as the béIt gée la ter. If yen heave c babyuitter An change whin yen go out, don't fongét to leave ber à nuMber wllre yau cen be retched. She should knaw whérà emer- gency numbens such as Fine, Polite and Décbon ira locÉted ton. Your phone book provides you with * special space for hhese numbers - right on th. nside front caver. If you haven'l alirady ftfl hi lieue numbers, why not do it now. Your balbyaittér mey neyer bave ta use theni, but yau'1l Ife RiO secune knowing as he hs hem iandy. $EVIN s on youside. SE VIN Carbaryl lnucticide is tde outatmndino apple thinner thet inoases quelity whill it reduces costs. Sprayed 10Oto 25 deys lifter uil bloom, it carn cut the hi gh coit of hand-thlnnng and promoôto growth of the bigger, botter- shgped apples that put morc môney ini your pocket. SEVI N also encourages 96Mdre*at bloom amdd împroved bud formation fer next ye4r's crop. Its highly effettNée on Many V#*n- eties including Mclntosh, Spy and belleicau. And SEVIN takes your side on safety, too. It breaks downi quickly and presents no residue probIemns in meat or milk when label direotloAs are followed. The combination of these advantages-..afe. to-handle, economical, dependabte, fletd- proven effectiveness-is unmatched byetlwr insecticides. Get SEVIN on your side-for befter fruit &Md increased Profits. See your local agricUturd chemnical supplier and insist on SEVlN Carbaryl 1 nsecticide for effective thimWn. and inseot control. Mle lime O- m m UmmN CARMerCANAA 4Lmf.9ooz à"%*%*~ CSsaaoPMwOets IW u *0au Pwoduct à Mmb 0 - I I û~.. '-'-N n T * .4.' '- '-n I fi fi a I * 1, 'n * h.: i J,, r, * 'h 4. k,'» 'o 41 .1~~>S v$. -% 's i k.,,'. k. ~fl '.011 .,. Je" -"4' '.7 -'1 I 4-... s.--. '0 'f." i fi i I i I 'J 'I. Doxa and Deer

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