f a' 'Sf - ----."-..."t ..-*.~. "-n 18 rhei Canadfian Statemnan, &ewmaiwfll, Apr. 22, 1989 NEWTONVILLE t 14r.and Mrs.O ile "ali George Henderson of' Port grandmother. 'DnVkl Peterborough weesticý Hope. Attending from thisI Mr. and Mrs Dn ini litSundav it isaea were Mr. and Mrs. A. wlth Mr. and Mirs. Bill Clark dtrand broth'er. Mrs. R.Wade and Grant (home from of Bethany visited at Belle- 7"tarw and Mr. Reg. Falls. Welland. over Sunday). Mr. ville, Sunday, wlth Mng. John Mr. and MV.rm. C. M. .Jones. and Mrs. Fred Hendersan and Vinkie. accOmpanled by Mrs. Carman family. Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Mr. and.Mr@. S. J. Lan- Cornlsh, Orono, spent Wed- Hendierson, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- caster were supper guests on nesdaY ln Toronto. ton Henderson of Morrish. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. R. Farrow wlth Mrs. Flowers ln the church, Sun- Jack Chard and Johnna-Lynn, S. 'Hallowell vlslted Missi day mornlng. were In memory Newcastle. Dorothy Hill ln Toronto for a Of Mrs. Reid Wood's father, Mrs. Milton Tamblyn of tow days last week. the late Morton L. Beatty Orono 'was lni the village on ACraft Class sponsored by whose funeral took place Sat- Sunday afternoon calling on th ...ws edI h urdav afternoon from the Alli- Mrs. G. W. Joncs, Mrs. C. SUIndaY School hall on Tues- Fon Funeral. Home. Port Hope- Burley and Mias P. Varma. gay. afternoon. Synipathy of the communlty Bob Henderson Ita home for Local people attending Bow- lsetne to Mrs. Wood and alng e ady fo xLodon get- Manville's "Cornz A ?oppin- r' on od fSaktn rayfreas lrmluded Mr. and Mrs. S. han' m ae odo Sak g and -Mrs. }Iarry. Wade, catr, Mrs, Bea Jones. Mrs. M 'leI lltn e agtrNewcste. entertalned mcm- Joncés. , and Mrs. R. Trim. and famil y. Mr. and Mrs. Donbers of their famlly. Sunday Mr.H. Trim. Miss B. Mi,,,_- Stapleton. evenIng et a littie farewell sup- MmD. Vinkle, Mrs. R.. Mmi. Bill Skeiding and Betty per party In honor of their ~aland Charlene, Mrs. F. were guests at the Foster-Mer- nephew Duglas. *who leaves Glmer. rer wedding ln Kendal United shortly to take a summer Mr. and Mrs Jlm Adamis' Chu rch on Saturday after- position at lin Fion, Mani- 'were ln Toronto over the week- fan.Loba. Attendlng from here end wth Mr. and Mrs. Gerald' Mn. Earl McEwen of Peter- were Mr..and Mm.s. Bil Wade Adams and family. borough spent Saturday with and boys, Mr. and Mn.. Arn- 4 Members of the Henderson ber mather, Mrs. C. Burley, aid Wade and Grant. tamily met at the home of Mr.ý while grandson Harvey of Co- Mr. and Mrs. Jlm Gllmer. and Mns. Cecil Henderson,1 bourg was a caller. On Sun- Karen and Jeffrey were Sun- Oshawa, Sàturdy night, toi day Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bur. day dinner guests with Mr. eelebrate the 59th Wec'ding lly and hblidren, Cobourg. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. i A'nnlversary of Mm.-a-nd Mrs. were also visitons with their Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow with Mr. and Mns. F. Hender- son attended the Masonlc Serv- ice ln Port Hope United Church, Sunday mornlng. Makes reyouMiss Pat Varma, our Grades gete e y a lyng Phone call fram her par- ents and sister. aIl the way LU.uI.LkIfroro New Delhi, Ida w tthe 10 houri difference ln pennyl 1 wiky UUIe time and the fact It came via Sydney, Austrulie, It took Il. some time to arrange, especi- IN - hlly as static interfered but m wed ~ ~~ev:ntually tin y aa the message got IE across, although she could hear H ere' w he e YO do t: iapparently could hear the C final Jamboree of the season at Bowmanvilc, Sunday even- ft u'amng, were Mr. and Mrs. a e laBoughen, Mr. and Mrs. Ir CENTRAL ONTRIO TRUST M. Seds Mr. and Mrs. C,.B4 Samies, Mr. a.nd Mrs. F. st &SAVINGS CORP. Farrow. U.C.W. will meecl n the Sun- i 23 King Street West, Bowmanville day Scbool hall on Wednesday. ea Apnil 30 et 8 p.m. Travel wl pictures of interest willI be Chek is bshown. Everyone welcçrme. of Chc this fs efore you go. The annual meeting of New- C2 All 4's nd TA's.Reciptsfor nionDum tonville Womnen's Institute was wl Q Al T's nd 4A'. E Rce;ts or nio Dus. held ln the Sunday School hall he IPersonalized Tax Return Q Detaîls of Commissions on Wedncsday, April 16, be- a] * for Taxation Year 1968. and Expenses if Com- ginning wtb a pot luck dinner vO ICopy of Tax Return Fled mission Salesman. at 1 P.M., ta which 23 merm- for Taxation Year 1967. C Details of Earnings from besadfen s.dwnftri (Also 1966, and 1965 if Self Employment if slnglng the W.L. Grace. We in were pleascd to have District ba lump sumn paymnent Self Employed. President Mrs. R. Devis wlth go received). E] Details of Alimony or uis, accompanied :by Mni.H.j CI Details of lnivestment Separation Payments if Werry. Pr SIncome T3's and T5's. Divorced or Separated.Flown h enjoyable ad QTotal of Medical Receipts E] Details of Incarne and bmeal te meting s..oA. ned d b othfr1967 Expenses if you obwPeidnnMi . WC aynd th6. for poprtýwith tthe Ode, Mary Stewart and 968 Renai ropety.Collect and the Lord'.s Prayer 13 t] eipts for Charitable CI Details of Gifts if Gift i unison.19 Donations. Tax Return required. Secretary-Treasu'ner Mns. T. L" Henderson read the minutes WE of the previaus meeting, fin- tO ancial report, conrespondence air ad notes o! thanks. Mrs. W. by Tmsave CR Mlga expressed ber ap- 5 COMPUTERIZED INCOME TAX SERVICE preciation for the gift o! a cup na i s y u.ets were purchascd -andde 1 e How much home are you missing through outdated wiring,? 'I 4 <I 'i. 4. 4 4 j, 1' 4 s' s' s' When this house was built it was hard to imagine ail the wonderful ways in Which electriCity would be serving us today. That's why the wiring in so many older homes just isr't adequate for today's needs. There are many signs. Fuses blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- ances performing sluggishly. Cfuttered extension cords. Not snough outiets. So, if you're planning to mod- ernize your home, think flrst of the wiring. Fimlv a qualified .Iec- trical contractor check it You'i< b. surprised at how easily and inexpensiveîy it con b. updated. The Hydro Finance Pian makes kt easy ta get atarted right rway. Just ask your Hydro. ma Thse Nam&et thée Cme la ElestOli bug Organizers of Oshawa's first "Miles for Millions" walk are busy planning for the 30-mile trek which will take place Saturday, May 3. Standing from the eft are Wallace Pitt, chairman of the route and check- point committee, Steve Shine, publicity chairman, Rev. Thomas Gen'mell, recruitment and registration chairman. Seated is Rev. Paul Woodcrof t, chairman of the Oshawa "Miles for Millions" committee. The walk wi]l commence at 8:00 arn. and will start at the southwest corner of the Oshawa Shopping Centre.' Marchers wilI go through the city to Highway 2 to Bowmanville and back again. On Satu'rday, May 3rd, an, at work in Pakistan, India,1 pmograms, an-d 'adopting' Pemu wbe r e widespread pov - expected 10,000 ni a r c h enrsSot Amenica, Africa, the' childnen. ,emtY, a 50 per cent infant nom Oshbawa, Whitby, and Canibbean, a n d Southeast OXFAM Helps mortality rate, and hungen Bowmanville w iii demon- Asia, building ichools, supply-, OXFAM of Canada. which and malnutrition are veryý strate their concerni for the ing bospitals, dmilling inniga-. moyers almost evemy type oficommon. millions of people ini the wam- tion wells, developing food aid and geogmaphical area, ne-i Altliough the walks hegan Lrn, poverty-stnicken, dis- 'c- eived t h e largest percentage1 in Bnîtarn sevemal yeams ago,l asc-ravaged oounitnics o! the' O T P O of the funds lait year. With' Canada is the fimît countmy to wSld.PONTY OOL the money tbey are providing'take up the walks on a largeý Tbey will he a small parti !emengcncy relief in Nigeria,1 scale, and the idea has nowi ýf the many thousands of A goodly number at.tended a!Biafra. the Middle East, andbeen exponted to other coun-, anadians across the country public meeting ta clect officers 'South Amenica. 'tries. rho will answer the cail for In the local fine brigade. Mm/1. The 'y are making prants to The omganizems o-f Oshawa's' iep from the 14 Internation- Jin' WilUis wil e Fine Chief'l the communitv dex'elopmenti first "Miles fom Millions" walki il Deveiopmnent agencies in- witn Mm. Lawrence White as pmogram in Haiti, one of thelhave received enthusiastic re iolved in "Miles for Millions". bis deputy. Mn. Wilfned Rich - ' poost counitrirs in the wamld. 1 sponse fnom Mayor Haywaed Altoug ths wllbe the ardson willbhoSecnetany. Dmiv,- rThey are involved in the vo-! Mumdochi, Wbitby Mayon Des-! Alhuh hsiil , enes and committee members cational tmaining of some mond Newman, and Bowman-ý rst "Miles for Millions' walk were appoînted. Enlargement' 3,600 Amab rcfugccs, in a gmi- ville Mayor Ivan Hobbs. who n tihis area. on a national of the fine anea will be con- cultural development in India1 umged citizens of thein ne- )asis tbe walks bave been sldened. Mn. .John Payne inj the education pnagnams iný spective communities to g',,e oing on for three years, bav- chaired tbe meeting with Mr. ihe provinces of Yauys vemy assistance to, the walk- ng stanted as a Centennial Wilfred Richardson as Secre-! Canote andi Huamochimi i athon. )roject ta demonstrate Cao- tarv. ia's cancern for the under- We wene glari ta learil thai eveloped countnies of the Mn. Jimmy Curtis -was able taoi--- vorid. retun home after h ei1n g' W'hen the walks began in seriously 111 In Civic Hospital. m'a 967, IN0.000 resolute march- Mns. Kay Youngmnan. Mn. -' o Tis from, 24 communities Clifford Curtis and Mn. R. J.1 i-e c raise $1.250,000. Lait yean, the Grand Orange Lodgc 0of I m'ait $3,000,000 was raised Ontario East held In Peter- yover 200.000 walkers from borough lait wcek. U 3 communities. 1Wct and cold wveather slow-w The mney earncd is nwcd up work on the farm la st veried ta a famlly whnse home starting again with dnier and O A id been destroycd by fin e. warmcr weathen homo. District Director Mn. M Most local hockey fans w eî e mis rcported an the Board vcry plcased ta sec Bos~ton, fDirectans meeting held re- evien the senies. Sunday. ntiy at the home of Mns. Manvens people like ta ho ivis. I the public eye occasionaliy. The District Annual wlll he Recent announcements that U ME bighest increase In the County';" ~ .' r:~-'r tat the Salvation Army School Arca has aroused the r*'~ ' r,' emple. The rolIl eau wilbe ich Branch's total member- Ire of cîtizens. We can't. '~<"* [p, number o! members pres- understand why some munici- t ad is mil nteeslngpalities are reduced and we et adunnthe paî it ycr. stigeltbte rap. Arangcments are [egates besides the President meeting In the nean future. W d Dstrct iretor M~ Blike ta sec progress but if ilaad MititDrsc. MiGant. regional government is ta cost' Illagrend ta icIthM.r ame ve ehar.I ooilk ire Brown accordingly we better lot aur-, and. wilh Mns. C. Bonas sle e erMI loslk ernae dlegle.tbey don't wanl a rural On- iý Articles ta he sold that daylaa Weaesrlsngur_______ ne arancd an, achancIdentity and could caslly ho' have Its price altached. The saiwdu ya racm uai donation la Pennies forpseo!abalfucuus endship was passed. on mo- finii Ulr1 t4tn-rb lu'ne-ha A.- ers will be paid by the Brancb. as weli as the two meetings held ln the S. S. hall. A request for a donation of $10 toward uniformi and caps for the boys' bail tcam was1 agreed Èa, as weiI as the pur-c chase of a glft for a former 1 miember. soan ta be cecebrat-7 ing ber 59th Wedding Anni- versary. Our President Mns. A. Wade E la ta repiy ta the address of Ji welcome at the coming con-2 vention. At Ibis lime District e President Mns. Davis gave a m short addness. stressing the fact tbat whlie the paît cari- E not he changed the future is b ln aur hands and we should h emember ta pais on a word p of approval, far somelhing weii E donc. Yi Annual reports wcre then aý beard, beginning wllh the treasurer's duly audited and IV stgncd;, the four Convenons o! IV. Standing Committees and that B Osf Public Relations. These et were accepted on motion, col. ai lection taken, foilowed by the oJ rail cati whlch was the paying A o! ducs. Mns. Davis then took B, the chair for the election of Ti officers, which was held ITom the floor. On motion, with one o: exception, the same slate of IM officiers agneed toacmt for an. a] allier year; Mns. R. Farrow gr agreed ta act as Convenor of gr Citizenship and Education, ln place a! Mns. G. Stapietan. fr AUl officers were then called F' ta thec front. repeated the mot- ai ta In unison and agreed te w; aceept their remeonsibiities. Ti whule the other mnembens CI piedged their 3aupport for the ni Year ahead, atter which Mrs. tei Davis nesumed ber seat, hav- in lng been thanked for ber di- rection and assistance. Presi- ut dent Mns. Wade offered te be have the executive meeting at i hier home, to arrange for aI- ce. tenations ini the programs, we mensbership canda were given Gi out and with the nepcatlng o! ai the Mizpuh Beniediction, thse So kornSon was over. Total at- La wu 2&. Ch of rei hel 14 Te: Cac Si Cvi we del an, mi sh( stai aItE Wei ta u iL Fnlg OBITUARY F. A. MOORE The deatb o! Frank Arthur: Moore, 15 Ontaria St., occurned on Salurday. March 29, M hiii residence. He was ln bis 79tb ycan. 1 3 Son o! the laie Alber't and Sarah Moore, lie was bomn ai Enntskillen and attended school n Hampton. On Decembenl 24. 1913, lie marnied the form- er Mamie Lavemne Westlake vlia survives. Mn. Moore bad resldcd 1n* Bowmanviile for 16 ycans andi before moving bere lived inl vlalvern, Ont. He was erni ployed by the Depaniment of Hig'hways for a number 0f, 'eans, rellning elghl yeans M ago.m Survlvlng. hesides bis wife MTamie, arc thmee daughems, 'Tri. R. Cochrane (Ruby) af Bunketan, Mns. William Stephj ens (Kalliryn) o! Scanboroughf Rnd Mns. Ted Huniiey (Heie n) )f Newmarkeî, and lhree sons., A.rthur o! Whithy, Harold of' Bowmanville and William o!f aoronto.- A sister. Mns. Kaibryn Lee- )f Chicago, Ei., and a brother,iM Ur. Fred Moore o! Toronto, M ilia survive. as well as, 15 trandchildren and two, greai- rrandcbiidnen. The funenal service was lield j rom the Nortlicutt Eliiot ýunerai Home, Eowmanville,' in Monday, Mardi 31st, and' vas condueted by Bey. Harold' 7urner o! St. Paul's United la 'hurcli. Temporary entomh- M nent was ln Betheida Ceme-' nry Vault and buriai will be nHampton Cemnetery.M Numerous iovely floral tnib-, 'aes and donations ta the Dia- etic Association attested ta he estecm iln which the de-_ ased was held, among whichI ere those tram Duplat rands and Maintenance, Boy-I 1Canadian Legion. Duplatel ocimi Club, Whltby Minor~ acroffe Ladies' AuxWlary ansd homioel Equivmsn4LtC4 RUSHING RIVER HERE'S A 36' x 20" SUI WITH 3 BEDROOMS, SPACIOUS LIVING ROOJ BATHROOM AREA, PANORAMIC WINI DELIVERED WITHIN 100 MILE RADIUS PRICE INCLUDES SALES TAX COULRTICE III SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1611 L II 729-1617 NEW COURTICE SHOWROOM HOURS Mon. - Tums - Wed. - Il u.m.- 6 p.m. Frlday - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thuriday - 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday - 8 a.m. - 5 pn. Organize Miles for Millions Walk ,« MEETING' Sunday, Aprill 27 Dr. Powers Public School PORT HOPE CLI FF PILKEY>m'P. P, OSHAWA -~~ -M-S-" AFFORD- Ai COTTAGEI MMER COTTAGEI ýM, KITCHEN and DINING AREA, ýDOWS IN LIVING ROOM $3O82.24 roducts 'ALLONT-THE NAM TQ BIJILD'ON& T 1~ t c d to get out of contrai ut the IMern rial ospiali1 farm o! Mr. and Mns. Ernest VW eekIy Report Gr ayY o Line. saw a i quck mbiliatio ofthe Week o! April 14-20 nlsv Janletville Volunteer Fire Bni- Admssins gade with fire truck and Admissions--------7r newly acqu.lred tank truck Births-5 mnale. 2 female 7. both at the scene within Discharges - ----------8 minutes. It becomes more and Major Operations----------,.more apparent that there Is a Minor operations - .--------. need for a complete township 1;fire protection service and that Emergency treatments 90 it Is our nesponsibility ta see Visitng hours 3-8 p.m. daily that it is provided in as equit- able manner as possible. Mn. and Mns. Ray Robinsons YELV RTON attended the Carchidi - Steph- enson weddîng and reception (Intndedfor ast ~k) held in Lindsay on Saturday, (Intende foApril wl2th !Congratulations to Several relatives and friends the newlyweds. from this community attend-; ed the Smitb-Porter nuptials in Oshawa on Saturday. Apr1l! JOIHN F. 5tb. - Bçst wishes ta Mn. and! Mrs. Allan Smith. mnu arg ount wspresent on rLI Au large rewspresentonmT Easter Sunday at the joint D U I service of the charge held in! _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ H__ _ _ Janetville United Church. Al join in welcoming M. Stob- Inurac hart back ta the pulpit aften Gênerai nuac bis recent Indisposition. ALL CLASSES OF Mr. Terry Malcolm complet,-, PERSONAL and d is flst term at Guelph COlwIERCIAL LINES University this past week anai Contact: leaves this week for a few days JHNM IL N In Washington, having been JO NM ILA chosen as one of te fw 4H 623-3111 or 623-3950 Club members In this province 14 FRANK STREET, ta attend. BOWMANVILLE A grass fire than threaten- INEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY I CHOICE 0F 17 ALLONT COTTAGE PLANS COME IN AND PICK UP OUR ILLUSTRATED FOLDER 1~ -51, (Oshawa Times Photo) ý 2:00 P.M. 0 0 a PUBLIC a làqg Oshawa Wood Pl