f. Nimbie Male Can-Can Dancers Surprise Larg VOLUME 115 24 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23. 1969 151 Per Copy NUMBER 11 These two pictures show both the girls' chorus line in action at the top and at the bottomn a surprise feature this year, an all-male group of Can-Can danc- ers who had the audiences roaring with laughter. Al l9th Annual Performance of this and much more happened at the l9th annual presentation of Cornz-A-Poppin put on in the Town Hlli by the Jack and Jili Couples Club of Trinity *United Church last weekend. i larious Cornz A Pop pin' Produced by Jacks & Jîlîs Once More a Great Success The Jack and Jili Club's Ceremonies of thé well-paced Rundie, Jeannette Lynn and' 19th annual "Cornz-A-Poppin" productiýon. Rick DewelI was Betty Lobb, made a great bit. variety show played to ca- the leader of the excellent. "Tunes of Today" was the pacity audiences in the Towniorchestra and the other mem- opening chorus directed and Hall Auditorium on Thurs- ibers were Glen Hodgson. Lou accompariied by Marg and dlay, Friday, and Saturday'lDewell, Jerome Billett, Char- Jack Munday. The singing of evenings. Anna Strike, Junei les Cochrane and Monty Em- "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang" Brown, Charles Trim and * merson. and other attractive numbers Terry Black were the pro-ý The po p ulIar traditional was awa!rded much applause. dbpcers. 'The music directors song opened the program, and "The Dog Catcher", writtený were Marg and Jack Munday th, dancing of the eight love- and directed by ChreTim and Merrili Brown. ]y Jillettes, Pat Stocker, Doro-iwas a clever play-e iha ....r. Allan B. Sylvester was thy Kelly. Jean Hlarness, Bevi surprise denouement. Thosel, the able and witty Master of:Kearney, Joan Higgonson, Pat-in the cast were: Lucy, Shir-1 ley îrank; Peppermint Patti,l Bille Kemp; Sally, Phyliss' MN FIA 1i Barr; Dover Ann, Marilyn PortI-Io e iian vîn Trim; Charlie Brown, Berry PotHo e Ma'in ,Tate; Snoopy, JmFak i Pen, Bob Williams, and Linus, Harry Locke. Legion Canoe Draw DngWaCoeNtu- Winner of the "SPORTS-, PAL" Canoe Draw conducted, by' Branch 178, Royal Cana- chan Legion on April 191à waes Mr. Peter Deni Biesen of 5. Helm Street, Port Hope., (Mr. Den Biesen is empioyed in Bowmanville at the Mem- erial Hospital). I-aving re- cesived his ticket for tihe Canoe al Erv. Brooks' Supertest Station during the promotion, Mr. Den Biesen will receive a,, further prize of -25 gallons of gasoline, courtesy of Mr. Brooks. The winners of the Legion's mnonthly Building Fund Draw r were as follows: lst prize, A.lan Smith, 375 liolcan Ave- nue, Oshawa. who receivedi $1431; Bob Hayes rec'eix'ed the seller's prize of $143.: 2nd prize, $10)0 was won by Trs. Ethen Jones, Port Hope, with Mary Gray receiving $10 "~r selling her mother the tj:ket. -This seems to be a nice wa v tb get that extra spending uWocy. Last month Mike Weres'czynski %von $1285 in this Legion Building Fond Draw. Get your mnonth\' tic- kcet from a Legion member or 1IL the following stores, Br * - sons Smoke Shop. Goheen*.s ]Randy Shop. Hooper's Jewe- ery. Westbay Discount or erank Britton's Variety. -Wins Contraci for Post Office At Frankford Gerrits and WiVllems Con- m.#tructlon, R.R. 3, Bowman- 'ville, bas been a'wrded hy el ,Departmont of Public a 'he construction of 1w osit Office Building -af,àrank tord. Last year they >uithe Post Office at . ..... ........ ....e" ' ' ~ , « 4e C '~ 4 This week, Bowmanville's Chamber of Commerce marks the national Chamber of Commerce week by the completion of one of its major projects that has been in the planning stage for the p ast few mon ths, a painted van that will advertise Bowmanville. T1he design was submitted bv Paul Bridges of Bowmanville High School who won the C of C è5ntest. Artwork was carried out by Garry Hodgkins, R.R. 2, Whitby. Cost of the van transformation was t'nderwritten by seven Bowmanville establishments, W. Frank Real LEstate Limited, St.. Mary's Cene nt Ltd., R. M. Hollingshead Corpora- Resigns as President of University John E. Robbins, presi- dent of Brandon University, Manitoba, announced bis resignation thîs week. In a letter te the board of gov- ernors, the 65-year-old na- tive of Bowmanvilie, Ont., sald he would rather de- vote bis remaining worklng years "to a more pleasant prospect. "«The mood of the c. pus9, as expressed ln vol tary student and faci leadership durl.ng the1 year, repels me." According to Informal received from a first coi Miss Theima Robbins,S gog St., Dr. Robbins% born on a farm at the sou west corner of Taunton' and Scugot Road, just soi of Hampton. His pare were the late Mr. and Y John Robbins. He has: iived here for many yee am- 'lun- UILY Pass $11,90411020 tion of Canada Ltd., Hioneywell Controls Ltd., L. & L. Tools Ltd., Goodyear Industrial Rubber Products, and Specialty Paper Products Ltd. Arrangements have been made with Maurice Preston, President of Preston Transport Limited, who supplied the van, to ensure the widest possible use of the vehicle te convey the message that "'It's Happening ini Bowmanville". According te Malcolm MacKenzie, Chaxnber Publicity Chairman, the van will be on display this weekend in the Bank of Montreal parking lot. Budget $16 Increase on Home Assessed for $4000! While increasing tax burdens f or the current year are causing worry in many municipalities in the United Counties, Bowmanville residents will be littie af fected by the 1969 Budget of $1,904,020 passed by Town Council on Monday evening. The distribution of the tax dollar has changed slightly f rom that of a year ago. Instead of 52 cents required to finance the cost of education, this now requires 54 cents. The contribution of taxes to general municipal services has lowered to 34 cents out of every dollar raised by taxation. The remaining 12 cents meets the levy for county purposes. Turn Dow-n Runners-Up. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Council W'101 Present Trophies Honoring Pee Wee Team That Won AlIiOntarlo (hampionship BIG CAR SALE ON An advertisement en the back Page of this edition announces that Tirent Mo- tors, King St. East, will stage a, spectacular car %ale this weekend ini an en- deavour to clear their lot. What thé future is for this firm ls not known at this time; their doors have heen closed for the past few weeks, and this Is the first sign of activlty since then. On ia mionUj(JIy ..,unclorý Maurice Prout, seconded by Coundillor Keith Shackeltori, Town Couricil decided on Monday evening to have WeI- fare Administrator R. J. Welsh attend the Welfare Ad- ministrators' Training Semi- nar at the Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, on April 24th and 25th. His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs presided at thc council meeting and Reevel Amine Oke was the only ab-! sen tee. Mayor Hobbs and Council-,' * tor Robert jJykstri were ap-i 7pointed as a committee InI ,hear police complaints. 'Phisl 1was moved by Councillorý Prout, seconded by Deputy Reeve E. J. Rundie.i It was announced that the; Ontario Municipal B o a r d ý Hearing for appeals from the' iFarm Rebate wilI be field in Cobourg on Thursday, dune l9th. Deputy Reeve Rundie, sec-ý onded by Councillor Prout,l moved that the Clerk-Con-j TURN TO PAGE TWO> Robert McLaughlin Lose an Hlour Art Gffery toOpenThis Sunday Art Gller to O en iDaylight SavIng Tî1m e t ill become effective on ln Oshawa on Maylt This la iu accordance The Robert McLaughin Gallery, oneof a small num- ber in Canada originally de- signed and bulIt as art gal- leries, wil open May lst with an evening reception and viewing of the opening show "Oshawa". The Gallery willl open to the public the fol- lowing day at 10 a.m. The building, which was designed by Allward and Gouinlock, Architects, Tor- onto and supervised by Hugh Allward, Sr., demonstrates the use of the best in design and materiais to provide the qualities desired in an art gallery both now and in the future, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery contains approxi- mately 5,000 square feet on two levels. The main floor consists of foyer, reception area, an executive office and three galleries. The largest, 46' x 28', has a 151/2' ceiling from which heavy sculptures ean be hung. The two small- er galleries (24' x 31' and 18' x 27') have nine foot ceiings and ail three have sound sys- tems which are buit-in, flex- ible lighting systems and complete temperature and humiditv control. The walls' I TUNTO PAGE TWO) --. past FOILED - Couldn't help feeling sorry for those 1Boston Bruins last night; they just couldn't beat the tion jinx that seems to hover over them on Montreal ýsin icê. They outplayed Montreal but couldn't put those Scu- counters into the net. Must have been most frustrat- ýU]h ing. There's stili hope for Thursday for them,' but Rd. that following game in Montreal could finish them Outh off. Frankly, we'd like te see Boston take the cup -enta for no other reason than to watch those wild Bean- Mfrs. not town fans have a real celebration. They deserve it ars. after many years of disappointment ..... of the Raiiway Association of Canada te coincide wlth their sprlng and summer schedule. The officiai tune ln at 12:01 a.m., Sunday, April 27, and DST wIIl last until Sunday, October 26, 12:01 a.m. You'l lose one hour's sleep but remember te set your dlocks forward. rearure Larnival bkarer Miss Judy Williams Trhe members of Bowmanrville Yiure t 9g lub have been practisîng for long hours the past few weeks in preparation for their annual Carnival here this week, April 25th and 26th. Two talented guest artists will be featured in this year's show, Judy William. 1968 Junior Canadian Ladies Figure Skating Champion, and Toiler Cranston. These are two of Canada's most promising young skaters who have done well ini comn- petîtions and will be well worth seeing in action. Don't miss this colorful prsnainatteAea Ail Star Final Jamboree Draws Overflow Crowd The Bowmanville Departu mient of Recreation Countr BITSdnWeIECESn Jamboree on BITS e PIR E eyenng in the Town Ra children were treated to ah TYKES - Any boys 7 to 10 years oldi, interested AIl Star show. in playing in the Memorial Park Tyke Basebail This Jamboree was a par- League are requested te attend a practice at the ade of the guest artists durig park at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday nigbt, April 24th. the past season. Bernare T T Dolan of Toronto, win.ner 9 the under 18-year-old class i DUNKED - An anonymous informant advises that Shelbourne's Fiddle conte:.5 one of our local violinists who drives a yellow and thrilled the large audienç4 Otrowith bis excellent playing < black car took an unexpected swim in Lake nai down east hoedowns an4 on Sunday mornîng. Apparently, he was launching reels. his boat when the mishap occurred. Later, he was Leroy Glazier on lead guliw seen driving north on Scugog Road, dripping wet. tar, Mike Zrypan on the acê- Fotntey isfdlewsundamaged. cordion and Denis Elgie oa Fortuatel, hi fidle ws -.drums, kept the show at T T ~ .fast pace with polkas and fasJ LATE SPRING - The weather is stili wet, toe-tapping instrumentais., dampandcold. Golfers have been able to get Harold Allison, a big hià inasm acnd u h ore aesil ti here a few weeks back, drew in omeactonbutthecousesarestii nt 1 great applause as he sang '* their best condition, and gardeners have mainly variety of popular countsp' been sticking te cleaning up the winter debris. and western songs. It is hoped that with the end of April things(TNTOPGTW> . will change for the better. t ! 1t t Datigtn STUDENTS - Most of the universities and Com- ;4lII~~l munity colleges wiIl soon be closing -for the season.M a T'i.' At present the students are slavîng hard, trying to M arinIii j iIi get top marks on their final exams. We wish themn ail the Iuck in the world and hope they'11 be ableQfO n ,M ill Rate' to find worthwhile jobs for the summer months. after they've had a couple of weeks rest to recuperate Darlington's Town ahi04 Couneil la marklng tine oxi f rom their studi -es. this year's mili rate, walto .. t t t t ing for a boped for an«4 BUSY - This should be a busy weekend in the nouncement front the Ou. area. The Bowmanville Figure Skating Club will tar' goverOmentIlstW be presenting their annual carnival at the povMm rntpe rlit arena, an event that is always colorful and wfti a 16 mali nom spectacular. Both Courtice Secondary and Cat- educatlon. wright High Schools are planning dances for AJ I sée as Friday. t. t t t t té MEETING - This Sunday afternoon at 2.00 o'el<fek Ï the New Democratie Party will hold a meeting M Dr. Powers School in Port Hope when the g~ speaker will be Oshawa's MPP cliff ýPilkey. ID~ one is invited. t t t t t' CONGRATULATI ONS -Mr, .J,. Prospect St., was advWad'ýtldi won a transistor radio îxit contust. It look$ nately, ab is t Completion of Colorful Van Marks, Chamber of Commerce Week iý 1. Vwjr