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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1969, p. 19

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Manvers Council Manvers Township Council, diverted road and subjecit t met at Bethany on Tuesday,: any building being piaced or April 12,,1969, with ail mem-. the said lands being located al bers present. The Reeve and the discretion of the Building Deputy Reeve were unable toi Inspector of the Township ci attend until 2:30 p.m. as they~ Manvers (The County might had to meet the County Road i 1e building a road on the un- Commission who were Inspect-1 opened road allowance and Ing county roads ln the Mani- bouse should 13e 50 IL. frorn vers area. R. John Payne was. new fence line If the road ie elected to preside until the developed ln future»). Reeve was able ta join the A furt.her severance wa5 meeting. granted ta R.oy H. Strong to Communications r e c e i v e d. seil one lot 100 ft. by 210 fIt and deait with were as follow:; on No. 35 Highway ini the north Fromn Totten, Sims. Hubicki &i haîf of Lot 11. Con. 9, to Assoc. with information re 'V. & H. MacNaughton. proposed township garage;, Council agreed ta mnakea Department of Highways con- iblan te the Janetvilie Fire De- cerning deed for part of former! artment ta extend existing road allowance between the uIldin gs when fun ds requir- Townships of Cartwright and i ed. at prevailing bank rates. Manvers; Dept. of Transport! Followîng a discussion, In- re radios ln Township Road' Dept. vehicles; Burrows &: frainl o1escrdr garding hunting regulations ln Selbv cancerning 1968 audit- adonn1uiiaiis Ing; United Counties off North-' Permission was granted to lumberland and Durham, nat- th ehn thti soi Ing levy ln the amou.nt 0f!to amv hepeetsa $37,060.21; Oreer, Galloway &I'îng rink from the Athietie Assoc. Ltd. concerning a bridge1 Park to the land on the narth fnorth off the village of Janet- sie0 AHgwabsd h ville; Ganaraska River Conser-, creek ln Bethan y for the new vaLlon stating 1969 ievy in the' skating rink location. amount of $33400; Department î Reeve Wilson Heaslip and off Municipal Affairs advisingiCierk Ross Davidson were that Sandwood Estates ltd.iauthorized ta execute a cov- sub-division at Lake Scugog enant in a deed from the Dept. had received final approvall off Highways ta, the Township and could now be registered, of Manvers, whereby the Department off Municipal Af-i the Township off Manvers fairs advising that the 1rov- would use the lands being Ince wili 13e taking over the conveyed for road purposes for assessment as off January lst, ýali tme. 1970.1 The tender of R. E. Law~ A severance off land wasiCrushed Stone Ltd. was ac- granted ta Noral Marshall ta cepted aL 19c per gai. and $2.65 sell the south haif off Lot 8,1 per cu. yd. for sand, as per Concession 12, ta Mary Arlene, tender caîl. Heaslip.i The township will purchase A second severance of land a water pack for the Garbage was granted to Gardon Strang Dump Control Officer. to stîl ail lands ln the eastý Accounts ordered paid in- haif off Lot 9, Concession 5. cluded Road Voucher No. 4 ini south off the diverted road. be-1 the amount of $4,698.21, Trea- Ing 3 acres more of less, to surer off Ontario for over-pay- Winnifred C. Strong, subjectý ment off fines $47.20, Leonard to the Township off Manvers1 Trick, dump contractor, $53.25: retaining 66 ft. in width of Bernard Neals, olI. P.F.A. S39.44- .J. A. Willls. repairs tel (r o r L T u The canadlan Statesman, Eewmanville, Apr. 23, Iffl î ~e ffMrh_823 ue ~ uens.~aesa-r&%g in Trent U. is. Offering eZion (Hope Township)Yu m (Itede fo atwt)i'w.Summer French Course tg (neddfrls ek >fMr. and Mrs. Charlie Rabyfl - An Intensive six-week, non- 1 attended the 25th wedding9 ~ credit course ln French will KEDRON - 1anniversary off Mr. and Mrs. beoffered at Trent University ýd Alec Barrie Saturday evening, rn April 5th at tht Canton Com- Tht course wili enable stu- Mother and Danzhter naftue ,' ismunity Hall. dents ta improve their work- 2Mbh Guides and Brownien Mrs. Arthur Germond and' ing knowledge of French. bath Thbe 2 th Guides and Erow,z is Mrs. Fred Latondress. Oshawa, " pknadwitnt h nies held their Mother antti o er gesslat husayof à. university level, H. G. Hooke, Daughter Banquet ina the Low ~Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley. Director off Part-Time Studies er hall af Kedron- Unitedý ýh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Segar adtay Church an Saturday evenlng,1 ;o and famly, North Bay, spent : It will 13e held concurrent Guide Commissioner Mns. Ber~,~ Easter with Mr. and Mrs. with the University'& second Hîtchens replied te the toa4 - a, Elsworth Caswell. summer session, tram June 30 to the Guide Movement, pro., e1Mr, David Gerow, Waterloo,tauus12 posed by Martha àrsr was omeforthe eeknd.'~'Tht course will consist off 12 dy Neweil proposed a toast't 4Sympathy off this commun- haurs a week off Instruction the mothers to which Mrs. ý ity is extended aur minister, * and practice in written and Douglas Love replied. The' ,Rev. Ian Munro and family on .*1 4 oral French, including four toast to the Queen was pro-mr - ýtht passing away off bis fatheri or in tht language labora- posed by Terri Scott. non Friday, April 4th. tory. Provision will aiso be At the conclusion off th"-?' Mr. and Mrs. M. Irwin, Mrs.*. made. said Mr. Hooke. for ad- dinner the 25th Brownie Pack " oîElaine Caswell, Mrs. 'Chas.' ditional laboratory and con- entertained with a program oet.A -Rabey, Mra. Elsworth Caswell estoa ok oganancingm.Th' and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley at- vrainlwr.snsada cingm.Tt Extra - curricular activities Guides put on a skit humor.--.> c tended tht Re-alignment meet- are te 13e arranged te provide ously detailmng a day et campv. hing beld last week at Canton . ' ~ .Informal French conversation and a spoof off television con,,e e cburch. There was a good at-, adcnatwhte nggmrils vtendance. J.'4 througb tht use off "French The Mothers' Camnittee preý-'. îi Mr. and Mrs. J. Jacobs off '< tables" ln the dining hall and sented giffis te Guide Captais,- dlToronto have taken up resi-1 a French "house" in the reisi- Mrs.L TGd ~ dec ntht farm formerly Jdne through films, and borne Tregunna, Gusdî dence onLieutenant Mrs. Ray Gillhristt.ê > oTed MJc Parker.fml bsm - social activities. and Junior leaders Donne-o,ý ThtPakerfaiiyba moedTht course would 13e open Glover and Wendy HItchens;e1ý Pta Pickering. -~ te any person wisbing talmi- Brown Owl Mrs. Frank. Newell, prove their knowledge ofTwyOIMa ila a.- - :French tethe unversfty level. nak and White Owti Mrg.- ment wuld beThel10 Queen's Scouts tram n (Intended for last week) * standing in French, Mr. Hook edo' 1tToprcle dM~~ *~"'*'~~s * d Candidates who show Kdo' l Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron 1 camparabe noldge off the their parchments at a cere- 5accompanied by Mr. and rs.' ~"' agaewl3 ace tfol- mony at Eastdale Collegiate on Morley Flintaif, Bowmanville. aiga ntriwwt h Saturday evening. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack,- Instructors ln the course. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wood E Cameron and family, Church-1 Lasi. week these Grade 4 students fromn Central ated by the many machines that were in operation. The University, Mr. Hooke recently atttnded the 45th '111, on Sunday. !Public Sehool visited The Canadian Statesman's print- They are shown here with their teacher Mrs. P. Mantel saîd, will consider satlsffactory wedding anniversary celebra- ' Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, ing plant on King St. West and appeared quite fascin- and AdvertisingManagerGea. W. GÏ-aham. performance ln this course as tion off Mr. and Mrs. Herbert *was a supper guest at Keith~ fulfilling the requiremnents for Reid, Starkvifle, Ontaria. Stainton's on Sunday. William Smith, Whitby, orilvisited at Aubrey Hircock's,!Mrs. Retord Cameron, Bow-lilton, were visitors 'at Ray admission te tirst year French Mr. and Mne. James NesbItt Miss Karen Haass bad ber Saturday. :Oshawa, on Sutiday. manville, were Sunday even-ICameron's on Sunday. at Trent. Students wishing ta have moved ta Cobourg, where tansilis remaved on Tuesdav. Mrs. Ray Cameron and :Mr. and MVrs. Bud Mooein iiosa usl ti Mrs. Roy Eldridge, Mrs. Ivan avail themselves off this oppor- Mr. Nesbitt is the new man- Mr. and Mrs Fred CameroniDonna He nry visited at Timland Diane, Oshawa, were LSun- tans. ICochrane, Courtice. visited at tunity may 13e required ta ager off tht A & P meat depart- ;attended tht 451h wedding 1Brooks, Bowmanviile. day callers at Keith Stainton's.1 Mrs. Bristol, Mrs. IneziMes Camerarfs on Monday write an examination and un- ment. Their address la 242 anniversary off Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron Mr. Elgin Taylor. Solina;i1Henry, Mr. Allan Bristol, Ham- evening. -dertake special assigraments. D'Arcy St., Apt. 10. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE 1~ AUDITORS' REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for* the year ending December 31sf, 1968 Mayor, Members of Council and Ratepayers Corporation of the Town off Bowmanviile We have examined the accounts of the Corporation off the Town of Bowmanviâle for the year ended December 31, 1968 and report as follows: CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET Included in fixed assets is an amounit off $22,280 representing the portion of the cost of Saper Creek Bridge in excess of the subsidy received framn the Department of HIghways of Ontario which is In excess of the amount approved for debentures by the Ontario Municipal Board. Permanent financing bas not been provided for this portion off the cost. The Corporation purchased the overhead street ]ighting equipment fram the Public Utilities Commission for $11,598. During 1968 the Corporation paid $1,160 trom revenue f unds to reduce the outstanding debt ta the Public Utilities Commission ta $10,438. Permanent flnancing has not been provided for the balance of the cost. REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET The Corporation bas deposited, a subdivider's sceurity deposit in the revenue fund bank account. Such deposits should be placed in a trust account se that the deposit is available for refunding when required. Section 329(3) off the Municipal Act limits temporary Mans ta 70% of the uncoilected balance off revenues included in the budget. At December 31, 1968 the Corporation's temporary loans exceeded the approv'ed limit. RESERVE FUND STATEMENT 0F CONTINITITY RESERVE FOR PARKS FACILITIES Section 28(10) of the Planning Act âtipulates that parks reserve funds may only be used ta acquire park ]and unless approval is received from the Department off Municipal Aflairs. Durmng the year the Corporation purchased a tractor In the amount of $6.268 for park maintenance purposes. The Corporation intends ta applv for department approval in 1969 for the use of park reserve funds for this purpose. ~:4. t' (I c RESERVE FUND BALANCE SHEET Section 298(2) off the Muncipal Act stipulates that *Il reserve funds shal13e segregated in a separate reserve bank accounit. At December 31, 1968 $10.213 which should have been deposited in the reserve bank accaunt bas been deposited in the revenue fund accounit. GENERAL Our examination off tht accounts off the Public School Board, St. Joseph's Separate Scbooi Board and tht Public Utilities Commission have been reported upan separately. Auditors' Opinion Subject to tht qualifications concerning (a) expenditures made Io excess off arnounts approvtd for debentures by tht Ontario Municipal Board, (b) subdivider's security deposit not properly segregated, (c) temporary loans In excess off approved limits. (d) expenditures fromn reserve for parka .facilities and (e) reserve funds deposited In tht revenue ffund bank account, we hereby report that inoaur opinion (1) Tht financial transactions which have corne under aur notice have been within tht powers off the municipality. (2) Tht audit bas been conducted in accordante with the Instructions off the Department off Municipal Ail airs. (3) The financial staternents present fairly tht financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 1968 and the resuits off its operatians for the year ended on that date. THORNE, GUNN, H-ELLIWELL & CHRISTENSON ('harti*red Accountant3 License Number 3495 Toronto, March 12, 1969 LIABILITIES --.---- ~$ 12,à96 Local boards and other funds Due froni school boardsa - -- --- -- Cemietery board ......- --- Capital tund-- Other. after deducting allowance for doubttul accounts --- Taxes receivable, affter deducting aibowance for uncollectable taxes ---- Property acquired for taxes, affter deducting allowance for loss on sale Inventories, at cost Other assets Prepaid expenses and deferred charges 8,461 30,820> 1.211 674-92 26,422 3.311 38,839 Ï8,5-74 8,011 Ternporary lbanis ____ ~$145,000O Arcounts payable and' accrued liabilities Local board$ and other tunds Due te Museum board---- Public Utilities Commission Reserve funds __ Other Debentures and coupons due-______ Subdivider's deposit CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET as a.' Decemher 31, 1968 ASSETS Future recoveriAs from levies or rates Municipal enterprises -.- ---------15 School boards Nof--ceut-rin)g expenses ta, be levied in future years Hospital - 9.37,.577 1.0693,9.33à 1l42,200) Fixed assets_____ ,0,8 LIABILITIE8 Ternporary lbans --- -- Local boards and other funds Revenue tund Due ta Public Utillttes Commission~ Electric ------_----- Other Holdbacks payable Net long term liabilities General municipal activities - Municipal enterprises School boards ______ Equity ln fixed assets 734 1,395,889 156,356 937.577 2,489,822 495,088 $3,040,721 ANALVSIS 0F REVENUT and EXPENDITURE for tht Year ended Decemnber 31, 1968 EXPENDITURKC REVENUE Taxation Realty - Residential and farm-------$ 708,141 - Commercial and industrial 280,773 B3usiness- Special charges Con tribuistons from other governments Payments in lieu off taxes Canada Ontario enterprises Municipal enterprises Sl'BSIDIES Siibsîip,ç -Canada lJr ban renewa-l Centennial Ontar-io - General P er capita .. ----- ------.... Residential praperty tax reductIon Specific Roadways Conservation off health General weltare assistance ____ Recreation ------ ------- Centennial____ 1,576 10,213 10,581 7,999 5.000 23h.5806 92,509 5,038 4,378 2,133 Other liabiities Prepaid taxes and deferred revenue Reserves for workinft funda Surplus <deficit> 4-j8 65,000 7.144 $253,531 Municipali tics ____ 988.914 138.656 16.730 8,461 6,2ý)5 6 *2 681- 17,40>2 15,059 1,2 43 6,302 46,4:3 1 120,076 2, 70(Y 12 1,f)24 6,000 2, 1 f6 31,867 OTHER REVENUE Licenses and permits Rents, concessions and franchises F ines ------_-_-------- Service charges Penalties and mnterest on taxes lncome tram investments Property sales Miscellaneous Total revenue____________ 6,49i 245 1,843 64,662 13,886 32,552 17,742 137,428 General government Members of counicil General administration - Unclassified_______ Protection ta persans and property Fire.--------- Police . -- .-- .-------- Protective inspections Street lighting ---- - - -- Unelassiffled___-____ Public works Sidewalks . - . ------ . ..---- Roadways Roadway cleaning l'raffic contrai - .Drainage .- ~ - lJnclassified ____________ Sanitation and waste removal Sanitary sewer system -- - Garbage collection and disposai Conservation of bealth Grarîts ta public hospitals Unclassified - ------- Social and family services Generai assistance . --- Assista nce ta aged persons Unclassified ---------------- Reî-reation and community services Parks and recreation .. 1,ihrarles........- .. Unclassified Community planning and development Planning and zoning----- Urban renewal - -- Industrial development ----------- lJnclassified ---- - - _______ Financ'ral expenseg Interest on temporary horrowing Discount on taxes .._---- Provision- for aâHowances Unclassified ______ Couîîty - share off expenditure Education - local contributions Elementary - publice____ separate Secondary Retai'ded children ___________ Total expenditure Deficiency of Revenue over Expenditures for the year Surplus at beginning off the year - Surplus at end off year-_ ______ 48,937 19,535 76,354 16,881 100,429 6,832 13,021 8,084 145,047 8,492 66,068 4,236 3,657 9D,730 .93,929 146,112 57,341 58,523 115,864 22,519 7,303 100,578 45,153 7,419 101,345 19,890 3,.438 124,673 9,751 9,228 28,888 11,557 ">16,743 2,671 3,818 3,340 26,572 157,924 275,825 371,818 567 658,103 $1,6901,042 16,383 23,527 $7,144 - 1(5 'wf ASSETS REVENUE FIUND BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1968 Cash Accounti; Receivable Canada Ontario Municipalitles e É

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